Control officer's arrival in a military university. Contract service (where and how to do, requirements, etc., privileges)

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the number of contract soldiers in 2015 will be increased in the Russian army. The number of soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman who concluded a contract for the service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, by January 1, 2017 should be 425 thousand people on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation. For this, the authorities are planning to conduct a contribution service to the contract. Increase the number of mobile and stationary reception points of those who want to go to the service and even revise some conditions. So what is she - a contract service in 2016? Where it is necessary to contact to sign a contract, how to choose the optimal service place and what to count in its process. Let's try to figure out.

What is the contract for the contract?

Service under the contract in 2016 is not common work. The soldier of the Russian army, serving under the contract, is the most real professional defender of the Russian Federation. It is from the professionalism of contractuals that depends the combat capability of the whole army. That is why one of the most important activities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation remains improving the system of the recruitment of the Russian army under the contract by the ordinary and sergeant composition.

An important role in the attractiveness of the contract service in the army for citizens is played by the monetary content of the contractors. So for the ordinary composition of the Russian army when serving under the contract in 2016, monetary content is:

In the ground forces - from 18 thousand rubles;

In military air services - from 20 thousand rubles;

On the navy - from 22 thousand rubles;

On submarines of the Navy - from 40 thousand rubles.

But this does not mean that when choosing a contract service, you need to focus on monetary content. Of course, the contractor can express his preferences and wishes for the nature of the troops and the place of service. Moreover, he can write a report to a contract to a specific military unit, however, before signing the contract, its professional, physical and psychological suitability will be checked. It is on the basis of these tests and research that the final decision will be made for each candidate for the contract.

In addition to stable wages and the ability to choose a specific service place, some special guarantees are also sold to contract servicemen Compared to office or agricultural workers. In particular, the Russian state provides them with the following

Material and social benefits:

  • provision of service housing, and in the case of a rented apartment - payment of monetary compensation;
  • a special loan for the purchase of own housing is paid in which the state is a military mortgage (housing certificate);
  • free medical care;
  • the opportunity to enter higher educational institutions and profile schools in a preferential manner;
  • free travel (in some cases);
  • insurance of the life and health of the serviceman, in particular, payment of compensation in the event of his death or injury;
  • providing clothing and free power;
  • "Early" retirement - at the age of 45 at a length of 20 years;
  • payment of "lifting" - means provided for all family members of the serviceman in case of moving to a new place of service;
  • payment of a one-time benefit when dismissal in the amount of 7 salaries, if the length of service exceeds 20 years;
  • additional material support after retirement, including premiums for special merits, work in dangerous conditions and other features;
  • payment of pension for the loss of the breadwinner to members of the family of the deceased serviceman;
  • calculation of the experience for a spouse of a serviceman who cannot find work in the specialty at the place of residence;
  • provision of maternity benefits to the unemployed wife of a serviceman;
  • the maintenance of children of the person undergoing a contract service (child allowance).

In addition to the benefits guaranteed by federal law, the regions have the right to provide other measures of social and material support and military personnel, and their families. But to get it all, you must first sign a contract for the passage of the service.

It is a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in writing. For the contract there is a typical form developed on the basis of the Regulation on the procedure for the passage of military service in the Russian Federation. The contract requires the voluntaryness of the will to receive a citizen to the contract for the contract. In addition, the contract necessarily indicates how the contract is concluded and all the terms of the contract.

The entry into force of the contract on the passage of military service comes from the date of signing by its authorized officer, as determined by the Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by the Order of the Russian Federation. The end of the contract comes the day when the soldier concludes another contract for military service or is excluded from the lists of the military unit due to the expiration of the contract. In addition, in the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" and other federal laws establish a number of other circumstances for the end of the contract before its expiration.

What needs to be done to enroll in a contract?

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the item where to apply to conclude a contract. Who wishes to enter the military service under the contract must apply to the draft board , Specialized setting of a contract service or directly to the military unit, where he wants to serve. Be sure to take with you the original passport, military ticket and education documents. In addition, the applicant must write an autobiography. About what other documents will be needed to sign a contract will be able to tell in more detail in the Military Commissariat or Set Point.

After submitting documents, the applicant will have to go medical Commission , psychological testing and professional selection . Only after that it will be decided to accept on the contract service or a refusal of this.

The main reasons for refusing contract service Usually the inconsistency of the applicant for medical and professional requirements is becoming, as well as the lack of vacancies. Never take to contract service in the Russian army of persons who are even repaid, or under investigation.

In addition, there is age limit For the signing of the first contract - at least 18 years and no more than 40 years for all citizens of the Russian Federation and no more than 35 years for foreign citizens. Also, a citizen who has no secondary education will not be accepted. Of course, if there is any civil specialty, it will be an undoubted advantage for a applicant.

Of great importance is the level of physical training of the future contract service. He must be sure comply with regulations that are set by NFP-2014 . At the same time, such physical qualities of the applicant as power, endurance, and speed are estimated. To verify physical training, special tests are provided, including the implementation of one exercise for each of the necessary physical qualities.

After signing the contract, the service begins

A citizen who has successfully passed all the tests receives an entry into a military ID and a contract for passing service consists. After that, he does not go to serve immediately into the military unit, and goes to the military-study part to pass the course of intensive combination of intensive training, in other words, the course of a young fighter, familiar to all served by the urgent service. In the process of this preparation, the command examines the physical, personal and professional qualities of the new contractor, and its leadership qualities and the level of education. After the training course is graduated, the serviceman of the contract service is sent to the place where it will undergo a service.

As statistics says, near the fifth part of all who have entered into a contract of citizens, tear it at the very beginning of the service. Most often, in the first months. The reasons for this are different - too difficult conditions, the need to risk health and even life, lack of time for personal life, severe consumer conditions. However, contracts are also based on the initiative of the command. Many contract packages cannot undergo a trial period, as well as abuse alcoholic beverages. Therefore, before you decide on the service under the contract in 2016, it is necessary to carefully weigh your strength, the possibilities and readiness of "steady to endure all the burden and deprivation of military service."

Contract on the passage of military service

1. The contract for military service is concluded between a citizen (a foreign citizen) and on behalf of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or other federal executive authority, in which this Federal Law provides for military service, in writing in accordance with the procedure determined by the Regulations on The procedure for passing military service.

2. In a contract for the passage of military service, the voluntariness of the arrival of a citizen (a foreign citizen) for military service is enshrined, the period during which a citizen (a foreign citizen) undertakes to undergo military service, and the terms of the contract.

3. Terms of the contract on the passage of military service include the obligation of a citizen (a foreign citizen) to undergo military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations or bodies during the term established by a contract, conscientiously perform all the general, official and special duties of military personnel, established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the law of a citizen (a foreign citizen) to comply with his rights and the rights of members of his family, including obtaining social guarantees and compensations established by the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, which determine the status of military personnel and order Military service passing.

4. The contract on the passage of military service shall enter into force on the date of its signing by the corresponding official in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the passage of military service and terminates from the date of the conclusion of a military personnel on the passage of military service, the exclusion of a serviceman from the Military Parts Specified in paragraph 6 of this article, as well as in other cases established by federal laws.

5. Conclusion of the contract on the passage of military service, the termination of its action, as well as other relations related to it, are governed by this Federal Law, the Regulation on the procedure for the passage of military service, as well as legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, which determine the procedure for military service and status of servicemen.

6. Servicemen appointed to the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of federal executive bodies, in which this Federal Law provides for military service, undergo military service in the relevant position without concluding a contract for the passage of military service. The contract on the passage of military service, which was concluded by military personnel to appoints to the specified position, ceases to effect. The specified servicemen remains the status of military personnel undergoing military service under the contract.

After the release of the specified servicemen from office, they conclude a new contract for the passage of military service or dismissed from military service on the grounds and in the manner that are determined by this Federal Law and the Regulations on the procedure for passing military service.

Requirements for citizens (Foreign Citizens) entering the Military Service under the Contract

(Article 33 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service"):

1. A citizen, (a foreign citizen) entering the military service under the contract, should own the state language of the Russian Federation, as well as to comply with the medical and vocational and psychological requirements of military service to specific military-accounting specialties. To determine the conformity of a citizen, a medical examination and event on professional psychological selection are established established requirements.

2. Medical examination of citizens (foreign citizens) is held in accordance with the Regulations on Military-Medical Examination. According to the results of a medical examination, a conclusion is made on the suitability of a citizen (foreign citizen) to military service in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 30 of this Federal Law. A citizen (a foreign citizen) recognized as suitable for military service or a small restrictions can be adopted for military service under the contract.

3. Activities for professional psychological selection are carried out by specialists in professional psychological selection in the manner determined by the Regulations on the procedure for the passage of military service. According to the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions about the professional suitability of a citizen (a foreign citizen) for military service under a contract for specific military posts are made:

A citizen (foreign citizen) was not admitted to the military service under the contract, referred to the results of professional psychological selection to the fourth category of professional fitness.

4. A citizen (a foreign citizen) entering the military service under the contract, in addition to the requirements specified in paragraph 1 of this article, must also comply with the level requirements:


Vocational training;

Physical training.

5. The requirements provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article are established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or the head of the federal executive body, in which the military service is provided by this Federal Law.

Conclusion of a contract for the passage of military service

(Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service"):

1. Contract on the passage of military service is entitled to conclude:

Military personnel who have the previous contract for the passage of military service;

Servicemen undergoing military service upon calling before calling for military service state, municipal or government accreditation in relevant areas of training (specialties) non-governmental educational institutions of higher professional education and received higher vocational education institutions in these educational institutions, as well as military personnel undergoing military service service and we served at least 3 months;

Citizens who are in stock;

Men's citizens who are not in stock, graduated from state, municipal or government accreditation for relevant areas of training (specialties) Non-state educational institutions of higher professional education and received higher vocational education in these educational institutions;

Female citizens who are not in stock;

Other citizens in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

Citizens who entered the military educational institutions of vocational education are a contract for the passage of military service in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 35 of this Federal Law.

A contract for the passage of military service is also entitled to enter into foreign citizens, legally located in the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. The first contract for the passage of military service is entitled to conclude:

citizens aged 19 to 35 years.

3. The selection of candidates for military service under a contract from the number of citizens who are not in military service and foreign citizens is carried out by military commissariats, and from among military personnel - military units in the manner established by the Regulations on the procedure for military service, unless otherwise provided federal laws.

4. Determining the compliance of citizens (foreign citizens) with the requirements established for the military service under the contract shall be assigned to the Commission of the Military Commissariators for the selection of candidates entering the military service under the contract.

The definition of compliance with the requirements established for the military service under the contract is assigned to attestation commissions of military units.

In the work of the Commissions of the Military Commissariators for the selection of candidates entering the military service under the contract, representatives of military units for which the selection is carried out.

A copy of the decision of the Commission should be issued to a citizen (a foreign citizen) at his request for three days from the date of decision.

5. The grounds for refusing a candidate entering the military service under the contract, in conclusion with it the relevant contract are:

The absence in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies of vacancies, according to the profile of the preparation of the candidate or the military-accounting specialty obtained by him;

The decision of the attestation commission of the military unit, approved by the commander (chief) of the military unit, to conclude a contract for the passage of military service with another candidate on the results of the competitive selection;

The decision of the Commission of the Military Commissariat or the Attestation Commission of the military unit on the discrepancy of the candidate entering the military service under the contract, the requirements established by this Federal Law.

The contract for the passage of military service cannot be concluded with citizens in respect of whom conviction has been made and have been imposed by punishment for which inquiry, or a preliminary investigation, or a criminal case for whom transferred to court, citizens having a dismantling or outstanding conviction. For committing a crime, as well as with citizens who served a sentence in the form of imprisonment.

6. The commander (chief) of the military unit decides on a new contract for the passage of military service or refusal to enter into its conclusion with military personnel under the contract, no later than three months before the expiration of the current contract.

7. In case of refusal to a citizen (a foreign citizen) in concluding a contract for the passage of military service, he has the right to appeal this decision to a higher authority, a prosecutor's office or court.

Necessary documents for admission to the contract under the contract:

A citizen who has expressed a desire to enter the military service under the contract is applying to the Military Commissariat, where it consists of military registration (not consisting of military registration - in the military commissariat at the place of residence), or to the military unit.

The statement indicates:

a) surname, name and patronymic of a citizen, number, month and year of birth;

b) place of residence;

c) the name of the federal executive body, with whom a citizen wishes to conclude a contract;

d) the deadline for which the contract is assumed.

Together with the statement, a citizen places a document certifying his identity and citizenship And represents:

a) a track record based on a military ticket (in A3 format);

b) 4 photos 9x12 cm (in antfas);

c) autobiography written in arbitrary form;

d) questionnaire candidate for military service under the contract;

e) copies of documents, about professional or in other education;

e) a copy of the employment record;

g) the official characteristics of the candidate from the last place of work or study;

h) certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on the inspection on the existence of a criminal record, bringing to administrative responsibility and verification on the information center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

and) an extract from the house book at the place of residence;

k) a copy of the birth certificate of the candidate;

l) a copy of the military ticket;

m) copies of certificates of marriage and the birth of children (for married (married) candidates);

n) a card of medical examination of a citizen entering the military service under the contract;

o) the results of the socio-psychological study and psychological (psychophysiological) examination of the candidate;

n) the results of the inspection of physical training;

p) a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority of an individual at the place of residence (INN);

c) a copy of the insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);

t) Additional documents.

The list and content of additional documents submitted by a citizen to the Military Commissariat upon admission to the military service under the contract may be established by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (in military units - heads of federal executive bodies in accordance with the subordination of these military units).

P.S. Full information on the conditions of reception, the procedure for concluding a contract and military units in which soldiers and sergeants are required under the contract can be obtained in the military commissariat of their city or district.

To enter the military service under the contract can:

  • military personnel passing military service and received higher or secondary vocational education to military service;
  • servicemen passing military service on call and we have served at least three months;
  • citizens who are in stock;
  • male citizens who are not in stock and having a higher or secondary vocational education;
  • female citizens who are not in stock;
  • foreign citizens legally located on the territory of the Russian Federation (the right to conclude a contract can be used only once).

The following requirements are subject to candidates coming to military service under the contract:

  • age - from 18 to 40 years. For foreign citizens - from 18 to 30 years;
  • category of fitness to military service A (suitable) or b (suitable with minor restrictions);
  • the candidate must pass on physical training regulations;
  • candidate must pass professional psychological testing, during which the level of intelligence, psychological stability, information perception rate, memory quality, temperament and other personal characteristics are determined;
  • the candidate should not have a dismantling or outstanding conviction. With respect to him, the indictment should not be made, which were punished, inquiry, a preliminary investigation or an openly criminal case transmitted to the court.

2. What troops can you serve in a contract?

Picking for you the genus of the troops, employees of the selection point for contract service are focused on the results of the medical board and professional psychological testing.

For example, in the air-space forces of Russia and other elite troops, you can get, having only impeccable health and high tests for testing.

3. What to do to go serve under the contract?

If you decide to enter a contract for a contract before the expiration of military service, contact your military unit commander. To the report you need to attach:

  • copying certificates of marriage and child certificates certified in the prescribed manner.

To enroll in the contract after the end of the military service, refer to the selection point for the military service under the contract. In Moscow, the selection point is located at: Warsaw Highway, House 83, Corps 1. To the application you need to attach:

  • a document certifying his identity and citizenship;
  • questionnaire entering the military service under the contract;
  • autobiography written by hand in arbitrary form;
  • a copy of the employment record certified in the prescribed manner;
  • certified copies of documents confirming the level of education;
  • certified in the prescribed copy of the marriage certificates and the birth of children.

In both cases, you may be asked to submit additional documents.


Hello! I am a contractual serviceman (ensign), serve in border bodies. I have a secondary vocational education, "tower" is not. Contract serve for the second year, in February 2015 will be exactly 2 years. Age - Total 20. Can I go to Mo universities to serve as an officer? How is it carried out and in what order? My boss stated that it is necessary first for 3 years under the contract!

Ivan, Derbent, 20 years


Ivan, hello. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 35 of the Federal Law of 03/28/1998 No. 53-FZ (Ed. Dated July 21, 2014) "On Military Duty and Military Service" (hereinafter - the Law), in military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education have the right to do:

Servicemen undergoing military service under the contract - in the manner determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or the head of the federal executive body, in which the military service is provided by this Federal Law.

According to para. 4, 5 p. 5 tbsp. 34 of the Law, the Military Service Contract cannot be concluded with citizens in respect of whom convicted sentence was made and a sentence was made in respect of which inquiry or a preliminary investigation or a criminal case in respect of whom was transferred to the court, citizens having an incomprehensible or unknown The conviction for committing a crime, serving a sentence in the form of imprisonment. The contract cannot be concluded with citizens deprived of a certain period that entered into legal force by the decision of the court right to occupy military posts during the specified period.

Guided by the "Instruction on the Conditions and Procedure for Admission to Military Educational Institutions of Higher Professional Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" Approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 04.24.2010 No. 100 (ed. Dated July 24, 2012) "On approval of instructions on the conditions and procedure for admission to military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation ", as candidates for admission to military schools for training cadets for programs with full and secondary military-special training, citizens of the Russian Federation are considered by the State Sampling Documents on Middle (Full) General, Middle Professional Education or State Sampling Document on Initial Professional Education, if it has an entry on obtaining a medium (complete) general education, from among:

Servicemen undergoing military service under the contract (except for officers) entering universities for training on programs with full military-special training - until they reach the age of 25 years, and entering universities to study on programs with medium military-special training, - Before reaching the age of 30 years.

Cannot be considered as candidates for admission to universities Citizens specified in the fourth and fifth paragraphs of paragraph 5 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service", as well as not comply with the requirements defined in the fourth paragraph of paragraph 1 of Art. 35 of the specified law.

Servicemen who express a desire to enter military schools are filed with a report to the commander of the military unit until April 1, the admission of admission to the university, and entering universities, the selection to which is made after registration of admission to the information constituting the state secrecy, is submitted to the report on the name of the commander Military part before March 1, the admission of the university.

The candidate's statement indicates: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, education, address of the place of residence, the name of the military-school, the level of vocational education, the specialty for which he wants to learn. In the report of candidates from the number of military personnel, in addition to the above, is indicated: military rank and office position, and instead of the address of the place of residence - the name of the military unit.

To the application (report) attached: photocopies of the birth certificate and document certifying personality and citizenship, autobiography, characteristic from the place of work, study or service in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this Instruction, photocopy of the State Sample Document on the relevant level of education, three certified Photos of 4.5 x 6 cm in size, service card serviceman.

Ivan, your boss is mistaken. You have the right to enter military educational institutions of higher education in accordance with the specified conditions.

Alexander Tomenko, Military Lawyer

If you dream to tie your life with armed forces, it is worth thinking about a military university. There you can get a profession and knowledge that will enable career in the military sphere.

Today we will tell about who and under what conditions will be able to enter such a university.

You can choose a universal profession that will be in demand and on the "Citizer"

How to choose a university where to do?

First of all, decide on the direction of training and the native of troops in which you want to continue to serve: sea, land, air. When choosing a specialty, take into account your abilities and inclinations, in the army are needed both humanities and "techinari".

You can choose a universal direction that will be in demand and in a citizen. This can be attributed to: engineering, psychology, pedagogy, management, personnel management, journalism, medicine, etc. We bring several universities where you can get universal professions:

The name of the university

Enlarged direction, specialty

Official psychology

Economic security

Legal support of national security

Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior

Translation and translationography

Conditioning by the military brass orchestra

Military journalism

moscow, ul. B. Sadovaya, d. 14

Technique and construction technology

Military governance

Technique and ground transport technology

st. Petersburg, Nab. Makarova, d. 8

Application and operation of automated special systems

Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems

st. Petersburg, K-64, Tikhoretsky Prospekt, d. 3

Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov

Medical work



Medical and prophylactic

st. Petersburg, ul. Academician Lebedeva, 6, lit. E.

Military Institute of Physical Culture

Service and applied physical training

st. Petersburg, Large Sampsonievsky Avenue, 63

The list of other military educational institutions and the minimum thresholds is on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

Who can come

Rules for admission to military universities establishes the Ministry of Defense. Requirements for applicants are much higher than in civilian institutions. Mandatory conditions for admission after school:

  • the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • obtaining the first higher education;
  • age from 16 to 22 years;
  • fitness to military service for health;
  • the absence of unmanaged and outstanding criminal records and other problems with the law.

In addition, you need to have good physical training and a positive characteristic of school. Do not take a military university if you have health problems.

These include the following diseases and violations:

  • mental disorders;
  • tuberculosis in active form;
  • malignant and benign formations that violate the work of the organs;
  • anemia;
  • obesity of the 3-4th degree;
  • AIDS and HIV;
  • scoliosis of the 2nd degree;
  • flatfoot 3rd stage;
  • enuresis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases - ulcers, polyps, etc.;
  • pathology of the bodies of vision;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases;
  • food allergy.

The suitability for health state determines the draft commissariate

Who has special rights and benefits upon admission

  • Without entry tests on general educational subjects have the right to do Winners and winners The final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad, as well as prize-winners and winners of international and lugs to the Olympics approved by the Morobrom. This right can be used in the event of an admission to the specialty for the profile of the Olympiad. If the direction is different, you can get the maximum points on the subjects of the Olympiad.
  • At the advantage of admission and non-competitive enrollment, subject to the successful passage of professional selection, you can count if you belong to one of the categories:
    • orphans;
    • children who remained without parental care;
    • persons under 20 years having one parent-disabled parent team with income below the average subsistence minimum;
    • victims after a catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP;
    • children of military personnel, prosecutor's employees, as well as police officers, forensic executive system, drug traffic control bodies, fire and customs systems who died during service;
    • children of the victims of the Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as the cavaliers of the Order of Glory;
    • children of military personnel who served at least 20 years, including dismissed to achieve maximum age or health.
  • Another preferential category - servicemen who served as a call or contract.If you do not enter the university from the first time and serve in the army, after it you can take advantage of special rights. How to enroll in a military university after the army, read in our article.

What entrance tests need to go

Upon admission to military universities will have to take an exam. Most institutions are necessarily needed profile Mathematics and Russian. Third exam Depends on the profile of the direction. For example, physics requires for military-technical specialties, social studies - for legal and legal, chemistry and biology - for medical and so on.

In addition to the exam, you must pass internal physical training exam. It consists of the following standards:

  • running 100 m;
  • running 3 km (for girls - 1km);
  • pull-ups at the crossbar (for girls - press);
  • swimming 100 m (not in all universities).

Some universities are additionally held creative and professional tests. For example, creative exams are in the specialty - "conducting the brass orchestra", and professional - "service and applied physical training", "legal support of national security" and "Translation and translation".

For girls there is a slight indifference when surrendering physical standards

How to enroll in a military university: step-by-step instructions

We have prepared for you a complete algorithm of actions.

Step 1. Decide with the university

You need to choose a direction and. After that, go to the website of the institution, find out the rules of receipt and list of entrance tests. There you will find control numbers of reception and passing score last year.

Step 2. Under the exam

You need to pass compulsory and profile items. If you are not fully determined with the university, go through several profile exams. So you will have more opportunities to choose.

Step 3. Pass the preliminary selection

To do this, apply for a military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration no later than April 20th. If you enter the university, which requires registration of admission to the information that makes up the state secret is no later than April 1. In the statement, specify the basic information about yourself, as well as the university and the specialty where you plan to do.

In the military registration office you will pass medical and Psychological Examination. The decision on your suitability will take a draft board.

To the application you need to attach:

  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • autobiography;
  • characteristic from school with a letter of recommendation on admission to a military university;
  • certificate from school on current academic performance;
  • professional psychological selection card;
  • medical examination card and other medical documents;
  • three certified photos without a headdress of 4.5 x 6 cm;
  • a copy of the identity document;
  • copies of documents confirming special rights and individual achievements.

When making a positive decision, the Military Commissar sends your documents to a military university. Further, the adoptive commission of the educational institution makes a decision to allow you to a professional selection or not. The written decision comes to the address of the draft board. In case of refusal, reasons must be specified.

Step 4. Pass Professional Selection

  • determinity for health reality;
  • conducting psychological testing, on the basis of which the study of the socio-mental state is carried out;
  • entrance tests that consist of an assessment of general education training (EGE), leasing physical standards and conducting professional and creative exams (in some specialties).

Upon arrival at the university you need to provide a passport, a military ID, the originals of the certificate and documents confirming the special rights and individual achievements.

According to the results of professional selection, an enrollment competition is carried out.The first are candidates with special rights, the remaining places are distributed in accordance with points that are summarized in all tests.

The educational process in the military in the university is very different from civilian educational institutions. You are waiting for tough discipline, accommodation in barracks and heavy physical exertion. In addition to lectures and practical classes, you will undergo building, firing and tactical training. At the end of the university, you must work out in the military sphere on the distribution of at least 5 years (Soglasfully compulsory contract for budgetary military training).Getting into a military university is difficult, but perhaps. Start it is now hard to prepare for exams and tighten physical training.

Hello everyone. I often write servicemen under the contract, and the same type of issues related to the arrival of military schools. And most burning themes naturally:

Age of receipt, future money allowance, is it possible not to study at all in a military school, but to get the lieutenant epaulets and what documents need to be collected.

About entering the school from the army.

We will try to answer all these questions.

And far behind them you do not need to go. All this information, one way or another, can be found only in two laws that I have repeatedly referred to. But who reads them? I read it myself when I pressed, but everyone learned a lot of new things every time. I do not pinently write their names today:

  • Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" of 03.28.1998 N 53-FZ (current revision of 12/22/2014) - next, the first;
  • Federal Law "On the status of servicemen" of 27.05.1998 N 76-ФЗ (current revision of 24.11.2014) - next, the second.

And now in order.

Age of receipt

Age for admission to military schools in an explicit and not very form is listed in Article 35 of the First Law. And so that literally write there:

In military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education have the right to do:

  • citizens who did not pass military service - aged 16 to 22;

  • citizens who have passed military service, and servicemen passing military service - until they reach the age of 24 years;

  • servicemen undergoing military service under the contract - in the manner determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or the head of the federal executive body, in which the military service is provided by this Federal Law.

And everything is clear and not quite. The first two paragraphs are clear as a day and doubt do not cause. But what was determined by the Minister of Defense I do not know where to even look. But after conducting observations of about 10 leading military universities (non-branches) everywhere, the revenues of contract soldiers is 25 years per year. In some with the reservation until August 1, the year of receipt. And here you need to watch individuals individually.

Update on 06/28/15:

In accordance with Article 45 of the annex to the order of the Minister of Defense dated 7.04.2015 No. 185 "... of military personnel held by the military service under the contract (except for officers) entering universities to training on programs with full military-special training - before reaching They have the age of 27, "and Article 46" ... For programs with medium military-special training, citizens are considered, having a secondary general education, until they reach the age of 30 years. "

Money allowance

I agree, the topic is burning. Soldiers conscripts definitely won in money. And what contract agents?

The same 35 Article of the same Law No. 1 says:

Citizens enrolled in military professional educational organizations and military educational institutions of higher education are appointed for military positions of cadets, listeners or other military posts in the manner defined by this Federal Law, the Regulations on the procedure for military service and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

And then turn on the head and remember that each position corresponds to its salary for this very position. And the salary consists of salaries by rank, positions and allowances. Hence the unequivocal answer: contract services are losing money during training.

And how did you want? But they are provided with housing, all types of contentment and hope for a bright future.

Is it possible to get straps lieutenant having higher education

Coming to military service and signing a contract you agree to the replacement of some vacant posts. They correspond to some military accounting specialty (VUS). If your education is far from the profile of your specialty, you can be a whole life to be ordinary in this position having at least three education.

But if you have a "related" higher education vacant position on which an officer is appointed: Welcome.

Basins: paragraph 2 of Article 20 "Regulations on the procedure for military service", approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237

But not so simple. And the decisive word for the commander of the part and the convoy. Because to solve the relatives of your education and vacant VUS will be based on any ancient Soviet documents, where in principle there is no half of the most appropriate specializations. And without running on the ground where?

Grounds for learning

Well, in fact, with what joy you should go somewhere. My favorite article 19 of the second in the list of the law states:

  1. Citizens' servicemen have the right to study at military professional educational organizations, military educational organizations of higher education, other organizations under the jurisdiction of the federal executive bodies in which the Federal Law provides for military service and implementing additional professional education programs and (or) professional programs. training, as well as preparation and protection in the state of dissertations for a scientific degree, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Shah and mat commanders who will say that you are going to a non-core university, there is no discharge, not in this life, and if you did not fuck other wise words. And in the army of such words oh how much. Only that if it does not reach the request to answer so writing. Or give some kind of dubious order in writing. Especially if it comes to collecting funds on ... Furniture in the garrison club of officers (substitute your own).

You will get or not the question of another, but not to give you a chance to try to enter no one has the right. From that.

I am not a lawyer, any information in this article cannot be considered as truth in the last instance.

I only spend informing, which is carried out by the paper on the papers in part weekly, and for bringing these two laws and articles, you most likely signed. Formally. But I did not invent any of these laws, and all the time my service was taught to read them correctly.

I hope the article will come in handy.

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