Test for children's, adult intelligence, IQ level. How world celebrities passed IQ tests

I. Instructions: "Choose one of the words enclosed in brackets that will correctly end the sentence you have started."

a) A boot always has ... (lace, buckle, sole, straps, button).
b) In warm regions lives ... (bear, deer, wolf, camel, seal),
c) In a year ... (24, 3, 12, 4, 7) months.
d) The month of winter ... (September, October, February, November, March).
e) The largest bird ... (crow, ostrich, falcon, sparrow, eagle, owl).
c) Roses are ... (fruits, vegetables, flowers, wood).
g) The owl usually sleeps ... (at night, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening),
h) Water is always ... (clear, cold, liquid, white, tasty).

i) The tree always has ... (leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shadow).

j) City of Russia ... (Paris, Moscow, London, Warsaw, Sofia).

II. Instructions: “There are five words on each line. Four words can be combined into one group and given a name. One word does not apply to this group. This "superfluous" word must be excluded. "

a) Tulip, lily, beans, chamomile, violet.

b) River, lake, sea, bridge, swamp.

c) Doll, bear cub, sand, ball, shovel.

d) Kiev, Kharkov, Moscow, Donetsk, Odessa.

e) Poplar, birch, hazel, linden, aspen.

f) Circle, triangle, quadrilateral, pointer, square.

g) Ivan, Peter, Nesterov, Makar, Andrey.

h) Chicken, rooster, swan, goose, turkey.

i) Number, division, subtraction, addition, multiplication.

j) Cheerful, fast, sad, tasty, careful.

III. Instructions: “Read these examples carefully. In them on the left are written two words that are somehow related to each other. On the right is another group of words: one word above the line and five words below the line. You need to select one word at the bottom, which is related to the word at the top, in the same way as it is done in the words on the left.

For example:
forest / trees = library / garden, courtyard, city, theater, books
run / shout = stand / be silent, crawl, make noise, call, cry
Those. you need to establish what kind of relationship exists between the words on the left, and then establish the same relationship on the right side. "

a) cucumber / vegetable = dahlia / weed, dew, garden, flower, earth
b) teacher / student = doctor / bed, patients, ward, thermometer
c) vegetable garden / carrot = garden / fence, apple tree, well, bench, flowers
d) flower / vase = bird / beak, seagull, nest, egg, feathers
e) glove / hand = boot / stockings, sole, leather, leg, brush
f) dark / light = wet / sunny, slippery, dry, warm, cold
g) clock / time = thermometer / glass, temperature, bed, patient, doctor
h) car / motor = boat / river, sailor, swamp, sail, wave
i) chair / wooden = needle / sharp, thin, shiny, short, steel
j) table / tablecloth = floor / furniture, carpet, dust, board, nails

IV. Instruction: “These pairs of words can be called one definition, For example:
Trousers, dress - clothes. Come up with a name for each pair ":
a) Broom, shovel-
b) Perch, crucian
c) Summer, winter
d) Cucumber, tomato-
e) Lilac, rosehip-
f) Wardrobe, sofa
g) Day, night-
h) Elephant, ant-
i) June, July-
j) Tree, flower-

Right answers:

a) sole
b) camel
at 12
d) February
e) ostrich
f) flowers
g) in the afternoon
h) liquid
i) root

j) Moscow

a) beans

b) bridge

c) sand

Moscow city

e) hazel

f) pointer

g) Nesterov

h) swan
i) number
j) delicious

h) dahlia / flower
b) doctor / patient
c) garden / apple tree
d) bird / nest

e) boot / leg

f) wet / dry
g) thermometer / temperature
h) boat / sail
i) needle / steel
j) floor / carpet

a) working tools
b) fish
c) season
d) vegetable

e) bush

f) furniture
g) time of day
h) animal
i) months of summer

j) plants

Processing of results
For each correct answer, we give the child 1 point. Where the answers are incorrect, we give a second attempt and, if the answer is correct, we award 0.5 points.

1st level of success (intellectual level of development is high) - 32 points or more
2nd level (intellectual level of development is normal) - 31.5-26 points
3rd level (intellectual level of development is medium) - 25.5-20 points
4th level (intellectual level of development is below average. It is worth paying attention!) - 19.5 and less

Purpose: to study the level of mental development of younger children school age.

The test consists of four items.

1 task - the study of the ability to distinguish the essential features of objects and phenomena from the insignificant, as well as the assessment of the stock of knowledge of the subject;
2 task - the study of the abilities of generalization and distraction, as well as highlighting the essential features of objects and phenomena;
3 task - the study of the ability to establish logical connections and relationships between concepts;
4 task - identifying the ability to generalize.

Procedure: Tasks are read aloud by the experimenter, the child reads simultaneously to himself. It is best to conduct this test individually with your child. This makes it possible to find out the reasons for the child's mistakes and the course of his reasoning with the help of additional questions.

1) Instructions: "Choose one of the words enclosed in brackets that will correctly end the sentence you have started."

A) The boot has ... (lace, buckle, sole, straps, button).
b) In warm regions lives ... (bear, deer, wolf, camel, seal),
c) In a year ... (24, 3, 12, 4, 7) months.
d) The month of winter ... (September, October, February, November, March).
e) The largest bird ... (crow, ostrich, falcon, sparrow, eagle, owl).
c) Roses are ... (fruits, vegetables, flowers, wood).
g) The owl always sleeps ... (at night, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening),
h) Water is always ... (clear, cold, liquid, white, tasty).
i) The tree always has ... (leaves, flowers, fruits, root, t * en).
j) City of Russia ... (Paris, Moscow, London, Warsaw, Sofia).

2) Instruction: “There are five words on each line. Four words can be combined into one group and given a name. One word does not apply to this group. This "superfluous" word must be excluded. "

A) Tulip, lily, beans, chamomile, violet.
b) River, lake, sea, bridge, swamp.
c) Doll, bear cub, sand, ball, shovel.
d) Kiev, Kharkov, Moscow, Donetsk, Odessa.
e) Poplar, birch, hazel, linden, aspen.
f) Circle, triangle, quadrilateral, pointer, square.
g) Ivan, Peter, Nesterov, Makar, Andrey.
h) Chicken, rooster, swan, goose, turkey.
i) Number, division, subtraction, addition, multiplication.
j) Cheerful, fast, sad, tasty, careful.

3) Instruction: “Read these examples carefully. In them on the left are written two words that are somehow related to each other. On the right is another group of words: one word above the line and five words below the line. You need to choose one word at the bottom, which is related to the word at the top, in the same way as it is done in the words on the left.

For example:

Forest - trees

library- garden, courtyard, city, theater, books

For example:

run - scream

stand - be silent, crawl, make noise, call, cry

It means, firstly, what kind of connection exists between the words on the left, and then establish the same connection on the right side.
cucumber - vegetable
weed, dew, garden, flower, earth
teacher - student
bed, sick, ward, thermometer
vegetable garden - carrots
fence, apple tree, well, bench, flowers
flower - vase
beak, seagull, nest, egg, feathers
glove - hand
stockings, sole, leather, leg, brush
dark - light
sunny, slippery, dry, warm, cold
clock - time
glass, temperature, bed, patient, doctor
car - motor
river, sailor, swamp, sail, wave
chair - wooden
sharp, thin, shiny, short, steel
table - tablecloth
furniture, carpet, dust, board, nails

4) Instruction: “These pairs of words can be called in one word, for example:

Pants, dress, jacket ... - clothes.
Come up with a name for each pair ":
a) Broom, shovel ...
b) Perch, crucian ...
c) Summer, winter ...
d) Cucumber, tomato ...
e) Lilac, rose hips.
f) Wardrobe, sofa ...
g) Day, night ...
h) Elephant, ant ...
i) June, July ...
j) Tree, flower ...

Right answers:

1 task
a) sole
b) camel
at 12
d) February
e) ostrich
f) flowers
g) in the afternoon
h) liquid
i) root
j) Moscow

2 task
a) beans
b) bridge
c) sand
Moscow city
e) hazel
f) pointer
g) Nesterov
h) swan
i) number
j) delicious

3 task
h) dahlia / flower
b) doctor / patient
c) garden / apple tree
d) bird / nest
e) boot / leg
f) wet / dry
g) thermometer / temperature
h) boat / sail
i) needle / steel
j) floor / carpet

4 task
a) working tools
b) fish
c) season
d) vegetable
e) bush
f) furniture
g) time of day
h) animal
i) months of summer
j) plants

Test results
1 task

If the answer to the first task is correct, the question is asked "why not a lace?" With a correct explanation, the decision is estimated at 1 point, with an incorrect explanation - 0.5 point.
If the answer is wrong, the child is given help - he is invited to think and give another, correct answer (stimulating help). For the correct answer after the second attempt, 0.5 point is given. If the answer is again incorrect, the child's understanding of the word “always” is found out, which is important for solving 6 out of 10 tasks of the same subtest. When solving subsequent tasks of the I subtest, clarifying questions are not asked.

2 task

If the answer to the first task is correct, the question is asked: "Why?" With a correct explanation, 1 point is given, with an erroneous explanation - 0.5 point. If the answer is wrong, help is provided similar to the one described above. For the correct answer after the second attempt, 0.5 point is given. When answering 7, 9, 10 (g, u, j) tasks, additional questions are not asked, since children of primary school age cannot yet formulate the principle of generalization used to solve these tasks. When answering the 7th (g) task of the II subtest, an additional question is also not asked, since it was empirically found that if the child correctly solves this task, then he owns such concepts as "name" and "surname".

3 task

For the correct answer - 1 point, for the answer after the second attempt - 0.5 point.

4 task

If the answer is wrong, it is suggested to think more. The estimates are the same as above. When solving 3 and 4 tasks, clarifying questions are not asked.

When processing the research results for each child, the sum of the points received for completing each subtest and the total score for the four subtests as a whole are calculated. The maximum number of points that the examinee can score for solving all four subtests is 40 (100% of the success rate). In addition, it is advisable to separately calculate the total total score for completing tasks on the second attempt (after stimulating assistance).


An increase in the number of correct answers after the experimenter invites the child to think more may indicate an insufficient level of voluntary attention, impulsivity of answers. The total score for the second attempt is an additional indicator useful for solving the question of which of the groups of children with CRD the subject belongs to. The assessment of the success (OU) of the solution of verbal subtests is determined by the formula:
OU = x. 100% / 40
where x is the sum of points received by the subject. Based on the analysis of the distribution of individual data (taking into account standard deviations), the following levels of success of normally developing children and students with mental retardation were determined:
4th level of success - 32 points or more (80-100% OS),
3rd level - 31.5-26 points (79.0-65%),
2nd level - 25.5-20 points (64.9-50%),
1st level - 19.5 and less (49.9% and less).

Logic test

Attention test

Truth or lie

Test: do not believe your eyes


Before starting the test, make sure your child is not tired, hungry, and arrives in a good mood. If the kid does not want to answer the questions now, do not force him, wait for another moment. Try to ask questions in a playful way. Remember that test results are guidelines only.


1. The child must find an extra object in each row and clearly explain his choice.

We put "+" if the child correctly found the extra object

and explained what unites the rest (gave the concept: shoes, dishes, clothes).

2. Say the phrase: “Listen carefully and remember: honey, snow, pen, notebook, table, chalk, light, eagle, sofa, paint, repeat. "

We put "+" if the child correctly repeated 4 words out of ten.

3. The child needs to go through all the paths of the labyrinth with a glance, without touching.

Task: find the error.

We put "+" if the child correctly found the discrepancy.

4. Have the child finish the sentences:

People are healed (who?) ...

Building houses (who?) ...

The fire is extinguished (who?) ...

We put "+" if the child has completed all three sentences correctly.

5. The child must find inconsistencies in the pictures.

We put "+" if the child correctly found all the inconsistencies.

6. The child must find 5 absolutely identical figures.

We put "+" if the child has found all 5 squares correctly.

7. The child must correctly identify and name the mood.

We put "+" if the child correctly named all three moods.

8. Task: show public transport.

We put "+" if the child answered correctly (3 types of transport).


You have everything "+" - the development of the child corresponds to the age.

If there is one "-" - test the child software.

If there is no "-" - the child's development corresponds to the age. If there is at least one "-" - you should spend more time with your child in order to better prepare him for school. Perhaps there is a need to contact a child psychologist, he will help you choose a specific approach to teaching your child.

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Newspapers are in the stroller next to the child.
- Oh, what an amazing kid! - the old woman passing by is delighted. - He reads the newspapers already?
- What do you! He's not a child prodigy, says the child's mother. - So far he only solves crosswords.

From family stories

There is an opinion that if a child has a low intelligence quotient (IQ is the initial letters of the intelligence quotient, which literally translates as "intelligence quotient"), then he is mediocre and limited. But is it? Let's try to figure it out.

For the first time the IQ coefficient, the ratio of "mental" and actual age, was applied in 1916. It is believed that the IQ of a normally developing child is 100. If the IQ reaches 120-135, the child is considered gifted. If the coefficient exceeds 160, then this is already a child prodigy.

In the twenties, American scientists began an experiment. They identified nearly fifteen hundred highly gifted (according to IQ tests) children. We watched them all their lives, until old age. It turned out that over the years, the geeks stood out less and less among their peers. The conclusion from this was the following: the reliability of such tests is very doubtful, on their basis it is impossible to build long-term forecasts and make a final conclusion about the child's giftedness.

Psychologist-consultant Marina Yuryevna Medvedeva notes: “... IQ tests do not objectively show either the degree of giftedness or the potential for intellectual development of the individual. This is a set of average tasks for a certain age. But their selection largely depends on the personality of the test author himself, and the result is associated with all the previous life experience child, his social environment, with the family in which he grew up and with whom he communicated to this day. Such tests are criticized precisely because children from "simple" families, as a rule, have a lower coefficient - but not because of a lack of intellectual potential, but because the level of awareness in their families is obviously lower.

The tasks of the test, as a rule, reveal the child's ability to verbal-logical, abstract thinking, but some children have better practical intelligence. IQ tests do not take into account the fact that an extraordinary thinking child can give an answer that from a traditional point of view would be considered incorrect. Finally, the emotional stress that different children experience in different ways during testing is completely discounted.

Therefore, putting some kind of "black mark" on the basis of such testing is simply unproductive. The disadvantage is that the test takes only a few minutes. And here's the next in-depth analysis why the child did not answer this or that question does not happen. From the point of view of psychologists, it is generally wrong to give such tests in regular schools in the middle of the year. It is more correct to do this in lyceums, gymnasiums at introductory interviews, since there the goal is deliberately set by testing to select about one child social level and awareness ”.

However, many specialists also have doubts about the justification of testing when children enter school. So, Professor Maryana Bezrukikh, Director of the Institute of Developmental Physiology Russian Academy Education, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, the author of dozens of books on education and upbringing, treats them negatively, believing that: “There are few reliable tests. Peer review techniques are used more often, and one specialist is almost always subjective. To be honest, this testing is a way to select “comfortable” students. And the school must teach everyone. "

But back to the topic of gifted children. In my opinion, non-gifted children simply do not exist in nature, and the extent to which a child's giftedness is revealed depends primarily on upbringing.

Being a child prodigy isn't nearly as enjoyable as some might think. Outstripping the "average" children in many respects, the "gifted" develop very unevenly. Often mental development(especially speech) far exceeds the emotional and personal.

Per unique abilities children have to pay dearly. The fame of many geeks was very short-lived, they disappeared from sight, most often without justifying the high hopes placed on them. There are often cases when impatient parents, hoping to capitalize on the talents of their children, mercilessly overwhelmed them, leaving no time for the simple joys of childhood, which naturally led to both bodily and mental ailments.

Doctor psychological sciences, Professor Diana Bogoyavlenskaya believes: “Working with talented children today reminds me of a sports competition: whose pupil graduates from school before everyone else will receive a prestigious award, who will give such pupils out the most ... Other ambitious mothers and fathers bring their child to a nervous breakdown, sincerely believing that exhausting hours of work will help him and further develop his gift.

Forcing the child to live in a constant mode of increased loads and demands, exploiting only one side of his capabilities, they often, without knowing it, act as grand inquisitors not only for the development of the child's personality, but also for his talent. " There is an opinion that each person is given a certain resource of opportunities. Often, child prodigies squander their God-given talent in childhood, becoming ordinary people by the age of twenty. The disappearance of the usual halo of genius in the "former child prodigy" often leads to severe mental trauma.

Parents need to think - it is worth depriving the child of a happy childhood for the sake of the presumptive prospect of future achievements. Maybe it's better to love him for who he is, and rejoice in any, even the smallest, achievements?

The following test, compiled by psychologists for children 7-13 years old, will help determine the degree of your child's talent.

Do not be disappointed if the test result does not meet expectations, because the baby is changing, everything is still ahead of him. And all the more, you should not seriously consider it as something special if the results turn out to be excellent.

The authors of the test warn that this test is a half-game, half-joke.

Test "Who tells you dreams?"

Answer yes or no to the following questions, then calculate the points. Each “yes” answer is 1 point.
1. Does the child happen to find unusual use for any object?
2. Does he change his inclinations?
3.Does he like to draw abstract pictures?
4. Does he like to draw imaginary objects?
5. Does he love fantasy stories?
6. Does he write stories or poetry?
7.Does he like to cut intricate shapes?
8. Have you ever done something that you did not know, or something that does not exist?
9. Does he have a desire to alter something to his taste?
10. Is it afraid of the dark?
11.Have you ever invented a new word?
12. Did you consider this word understandable without explanation?
13. Have you tried rearranging furniture as you see fit?
14. Was this plan successful?
15.Have you ever misused an item?
16. Could your child, being very young, guess the purpose of different objects?
17. Is he independent in choosing clothes and hairstyles?
18. Does he have his own inner world inaccessible to others?
19. Is he looking for an explanation for what he does not yet understand?
20. Does he often ask to explain the phenomena around him?
21. Does he like to read books without illustrations?
22. Does he invent his own games or entertainment?
23. Does he remember and recount his dreams or experiences?


20 to 23 points: the child is very smart, able to have his own point of view on the environment.

15 to 19: the child does not always show his abilities. He is resourceful and quick-witted only when he is interested in something.

9 to 14: great intelligence, sufficient for many areas of knowledge, where your own view of things is not required. However, much is not enough for engaging in creative activity.

4 to 8: your child shows creative thinking only when achieving an important goal for him, he is more inclined to practical activities.

Less than 4 points: the child lacks inventiveness, but he can achieve success as a good performer even in difficult professions.

Mazurkevich S.A.

Encyclopedia of delusions. Children. - M .: Publishing house EKSMO - Press, 2002

Attempts to express human intelligence numerical value have been known since the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1912, the German scientist William Stern first introduced such a concept as the IQ. This idea turned out to be very timely and already in 1916 was used in more early system intellectual calculus known as the Stanford-Binet scale.

These days IQ tests have become very popular and relevant. The abbreviation IQ itself is correctly deciphered as intelligence quotient, which translated from English means intelligence quotient. Accordingly, the IQ test determines the level of intelligence of a person, based on the obtained coefficient, in the calculation of which his age is also taken into account. The most popular is the Hans Jurgen Eysenck test.

The mathematical formula for IQ is a fraction multiplied by 100, the numerator of which is the person's mental age, and the denominator is his chronological age. Currently, the fourth edition of the IQ measurement scale is used in psychodiagnostics.

Today, many companies are engaged in IQ testing, testing employees applying for a particular vacancy. Even children can take an intelligence test. Thus, the IQ test helps to determine the ability to perform certain tasks by people who have passed the test.

An interesting fact is that this test is not any kind of examination for erudition and does not require special knowledge, but rather reveals the ingenuity and ingenuity of a person, which is intelligence in essence.

The proposed test consists of forty questions, which must be answered in exactly thirty minutes. At the same time, there are no pauses, time-outs and breaks. Since the IQ test is an important indicator, for its purity, the conditions for all subjects are exactly the same. At the same time, more inattentive people will have less chances of high IQ, which, in fact, is quite fair.

When passing testing, it is best to skip questions that are not immediately resolved. It is not difficult to calculate that on average the program allocates 45 seconds for each question. This time is, of course, conditional, since rarely anyone succeeds in solving all forty problems correctly, however, if you linger too long on difficult questions, then the chances of the subjects not having time to reach the tasks that are potentially solved increases.

It so happens that a simpler problem takes longer to solve a complex one. This can occur as a result of the individual characteristics of the person being tested, and will be reflected subsequently by his IQ. Skipping intractable problems, the test taker returns to them again, but having already answered all the "easy" questions. This approach is more rational and, therefore, effective.

It is interesting! It turns out that intelligence tests and intelligence tests were first developed ... in the 7th century by Chinese employers. At that time, based on the results, officials were divided into three classes: a public service official (one of a hundred contestants), a mandarin (one of a hundred public service officials), and finally an inspector (one of a hundred mandarins).

Attention! Before passing the test, it is recommended to conduct an intellectual warm-up: count out loud from one hundred to one, backwards, or, as soon as possible, remember and name 20 exotic male and female names. After such a warm-up, you will feel that you are ready to tackle even more complex problems.

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