The technique is caught as name. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of mental development of children

Paint Sofia Davydovna - Candidate pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Oligophrenopedagogic Moskovsky Pedagogical State University, author of more than 120 works (including textbooks and tutorials) on the issues of studying, learning and education of children with developmental impairment. It is one of the leading specialists in the field of diagnosis and correction of violations of children's development.

Levchenko Irina Yurevna - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Special Psychology and the Clinical Foundations of the Defectology of the Moscow State University. Sholokhov. Author of textbooks, educational and methodical manuals, articles on the problems of abnormal development, organization and maintenance practical psychologist in special education.

S. D. Zabradena, I. Yu. Levchenko.

Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of development disorders (course of lectures). - M.: V. Sekchev, 2007. - 128 p.

ISBN 978-5-88923-132-5

The recent decades are characterized by the steady increase in the number of children with deviations in development (more than 70%); Most of them are in the future need correctional and pedagogical and psychological assistance.

The success of education, training, social adaptation of a child with developmental impairment depends on the correct assessment of its possibilities and features of development. This task is solved by complex psychodiagnostics of development disorders. It is the first and very important stage in the system of events providing special training, allows you to determine the optimal pedagogical route, to provide individual psychological and pedagogical support of the child, corresponding to its abilities and opportunities.

The course is addressed to psychologists and the flaws of mass and special educational institutions. Its goal is to form theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the study of children with various deviations in development.

The proposed lecture course contains material that is included in the contents of the program academic discipline "Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis", and can also be used in the study of the discipline "Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics and counseling" for students of all defectological specialties.

© S. D. Zabramenova, I. Yu. Levchenko, 2007

O V. Sekachev, Edition, 2007

Lecture 1.

The history of the development of psychologicopodaghological methods of diagnosis in special psychology

History of psychodiagnostic research abroad

The history of the development of psychological and pedagogical methods of research in special psychology is associated with the requirements of practice, primarily medical and pedagogical. The objects of study were children, adolescents, adults who had various violations mental Development, including mentally retarded.

Depending on how different researchers were understood by the essence of mental retardation, there were methods that they used to identify it. First, they began to engage in psychophysical underdevelopment of children psychiatrists. Their efforts were aimed at delighting mental retardation from mental illness, and they dealt with the deepest and most severe forms of underdevelopment. In the works of French doctors J. E.D. Escire (1772-1840),

E. Segene (1812-1880), which belongs to the merit of the first studies of mentally retarded, are given some differential diagnostic criteria. So, J.E.D. Esciret considered an indicator of intellectual development. The state of speech, and this was largely influenced by the language (verbal) nature of subsequent tests. E. Segene attached great importance to the state of sensory and volitional processes. They created a methodology for learning deeply mentally retarded children, which included tasks for sensory distinction and the development of arbitrary motor actions. Developed by E. Segene (1866) "Form Boards" are still popular with the survey of mentally retarded children, they are among the tests of action or non-verbal intellect tests. It should be noted that until the middle of the XIX century. The establishment of mental retardation remained mainly a medical problem.

With the introduction of universal primary training in some countries, a practical need for identifying children incapable of training in ordinary schools appears. In this regard, in the 60s of the XIX century. The first auxiliary classes are opened, as well as special schools for mentally retarded children. Now it became much more difficult to determine the mental retardation, as it had to deal with easier forms that are difficult to accommodate from similar states. Anxiety of progressive doctors, teachers caused the fact that children were often sent to auxiliary schools on the basis of only one indicator - failure to commemorate. At the same time, little, and sometimes they were not taken into account individual psychological peculiarities Child and the reasons that cause abuse.

There was a need to streamline the system of selection of children in auxiliary schools. The establishment of mental retardation turns into a psychological and pedagogical problem.

Psychologists have come to the aid of the doctors and teachers, who in their arsenal techniques had and appeared during these years (the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century) experimental methods. There are searches for the most objective, compact and universal ways to examine children, which should be considered as a positive phenomenon in the development of the psychology of this period. Experimental methods of research of children began to be used in order to diagnose abilities. Some psychologists misunderstood the essence of mental backwardness, considered it as a simple quantitative lag in the development of the intellect of children. They reduced the mental backwardness of violation only separate functions And the experimental tasks were seen in the study of only these functions. Their methodical approach was measured by the "amount of mind" at the surveyed, which led to significant errors in the diagnosis of mental retardation. This measurement was carried out using tests. A test is a test that includes a certain task identical to all subjects examined, using accurate equipment to evaluate success or failure or for a numeric recording of results (Pieron).

One of the first to be testing was English biologist F. Galton (1822-1911). He developed color tests for researching individual differences. At the same time, he considered the main indicator of mental abilities. The condition of human sensory functions: visual sharpness and hearing, the rate of mental reactions, the ability to distinguish heat, cold, pain, etc. F. Galton has not yet used the term "test" in the meaning that in It later invests A. Bina (1857-1911). But it was the first departure from the tests and inspections based on intuition.

The idea of \u200b\u200bstudying physical and mental abilities with the method of tests has found its development in the works of the American psychologist J. M. Kettela (1860-1944). With his name, the appearance in the psychological literature of the term "Intellectual Test" is connected. J. M. Kethel has created a series of test tests aimed at determining sensorotor reactions: the speed of leakage of mental processes, sensitivity, etc. To establish individual differences. Merit of Kettel was the idea of \u200b\u200bstandardizing tests in order to obtain more accurate information.

Measuring more complex mental processes (perception, memory, etc.) formed the basis of a series of test tests created by the German psychologist by E. Fantasy (1856-1926), which conducted a study of mentally ill. Describing the period before the beginning of the 20th century, scientists note that "it is a preparatory and at the same time transient stage on the way of creating actually psychological testing." The subsequent development of intellect tests is associated with the activities of the French psychologist A. Bina, who in 1897 expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping a "metric cliff of reason", such a system of studying a child, in which the measurement of its "mental age" is taken as the basis. At the same time, A. Bina put the task of creating tests that would explore the highest mental processes - thinking, memory, imagination. In 1904, A. Bina was invited to the Commission established by the Ministry of People's Enlightenment of France to develop events that ensure proper education mentally retarded children who cannot assimilate the program of the usual school. The task of determining the methods of selection of these children to special schools. A. Bina together with T. Simon for the first time lead tests into a certain system, which was called "metric rock mental abilities."

The first version of their "metric cliff" was published in 1905. It contained 30 tests located in the order of increasing difficulties. These tests were aimed at determining children's type of memory, an understanding of verbal instructions, etc. In this embodiment there were no age indicators.

In 1908, the second, revised, option "metric cliff", in which tests are grouped by age steps from 3 to 15 years. For each age from 3 to 8 tests.

The third option appeared in 1911. In it, A. Bina and T. Simon offer tests for surveying children from 3 to 16 years of age. Tests were redistributed with their difficulty. For each age, 5 tasks. But in this option, the choice of tests is not always psychologically justified. So, for one age, the tests for combination are offered for another to study the memory. This was pointed to A.M. Schubert in his preface to the Russian publication of tests. She noted such disadvantages of this system, as the fact that tests are not always in their difficulty are correctly attributed to any age, some are subjective in nature, the successful implementation of many tests depends mainly on life experience Child. So, children 9 years old in the fifth test offer questions: "What should I do if you are late for the train?", "What should I do if you are inadvertently hit by a friend (girlfriend)?" Requires two correct answers from three. Gives up to 20 seconds. Children of 10 years of age are offered five questions in the third test. Gives for 40 seconds. Among these questions, there is such: "In one of the first warm days, when the forests began to green and the fields, the babe took the sickle and went to harvest rye. What is wrong here? " However, not every ten-year-old child living in the city knows when and how to burn rye!

For 15 years of age, in the fifth test, it is required to answer two questions, but both of them are associated with life situations that may be unfamiliar to those examined, for example: "A doctor just came to my neighbor, and then a priest. What do you think, what happens to my neighbor? " Thus, although Bina and Simon sought to explore the "clean" mind, the ability of judgment, they have not reached it.

The disadvantage of the "Metric Rock" was also the fact that 80% of tests were verified. Predominance verbal tests Influenced the results of the examination of children of different social layers, the children of the poor were in the worst position. The unsatisfactory indicators were given and children with speech defects.

Of course, the point of view of the test authors was erroneous, that in determining the ability it should be fixed only that the child knows and knows how to at the moment. They did not experience dialectics of development, did not take into account the qualitative changes in the psyche, which appear at different stages of the child's development. L.S. Vygotsky, criticizing a similar approach, wrote: "The development of a child (...) is thinking as a purely quantitative process of increasing qualitatively homogeneous and different units, fundamentally replaced at any level of development. The year of development is always a year, whether it is about promoting a child from six-year-old to a seven or twelve to thirteen age. Such is the main concept of Bina, whose year of development is always measured by five indicators, taking into account as a completely equivalent value of the determined mental growth of the child, be it height of the twelfth or third year

life "I. . Fixing only the final results of working with the test, mechanically calculating the pros and cons, obtained for the answers, was not possible to trace the nature of the activities of children. All this led to difficulties and mistakes in the diagnosis of mental retardation, especially when the children of border guards were examined.

In the same period, Professor of the Psychology of the University of Rome S. De Sanctis (1862-1954), investigating the mentally retarded children, offers its series of tasks out of 6 experiments to determine the degree of mental underdevelopment. Experiments were aimed at studying attention, volitional efforts, immediate memory on colors, form, ability to rearrange specific items, visual determination of the size, distance. S. De Sanctis believed that experiments apply to children are not under 7 years old. If the subject can only fulfill the first two tasks, then it has a "sharp degree of weakness, if he performs the first four, then he has a" average degree ", if he copes with the fifth experience, then the" easy degree "lagging. Children who fulfill all 6 experiments, do not relate to mentally retarded. Analysis of the S. de Sanctis method shows its unsuitability for the diagnosis of mental development. Mental processes were arbitrarily chosen as a diagnostic criterion, the boundary of the degrees of mental lag behind the diagnostic criterion. Many researchers pointed to these disadvantages. The most reasonable criticism gave G. Ya. Troshin (1915). Wide distribution in practice, the S. de Sanctis method did not receive.

Bina and Simon tests used the greatest popularity abroad. Moreover, before the revision of the 1908 option, these tests began to use in many countries around the world.

About 60 authors were engaged in the modernization of the Bina-S. scale, adapting it to local conditions. Changes to the BINE system made O. Deghani (Belgium, 1910), Deader (Switzerland), V. Stern, Emeima (Germany, 1915, 1917), X. Goddard,Ji. Termen (USA, 1910, 1916). Bina Simona scales preparedJi. The Termen at the United States University in 1916, according to psychologists, was the most "viable". One of the trends that was discovered in the process of modernizing the system is to reduce the number of verbal tests and an increase in the test tests (non-verbal).

In the process of reconstruction of the Bina-Simon scaleJi. Thermman has introduced a new requirement to which the test adequate must be satisfied: the results of the test on a large sample of the studied should be distributed by the Gauss curve. Thus, the ranking of the subjects on their place on the curve was proposed. (Gauss curve, or a normal distribution curve, has the form of the bell; This distribution of the results means that the overwhelming majority of the subjects perform the task "moderately good", i.e. their answers create a high part of the bell; the minority performs the tasks very bad or very good, their Answers create peripheral parts of the bell). To interpret the results of the testJ 1. Thermman first began to use the concept of "intellectual coefficient" introduced by V. Stern(IQ), which was the ratio of mental age to chronological (passportable) age. Intelligence of the tested was estimated purely quantitatively by the amount of points scored by them.

V. Stern offered the following formula for determining the intellectual coefficient:

mental age

IQ \u003d - x Yuo

chronological age

Mental age is determined by the success of the relevant typical tasks. For each age, the tasks of a certain difficulty are envisaged. For each age typicalIQ. it is 100 ± 16. This value is determined by the fact that the mental age is equal to chronological age: for example, a five-year-old child performs tasks corresponding to its age. Hence,IQ. \u003d | X Yu, i.e. 100. The standard deviation from individual values \u200b\u200bdoes not exceed 16. Communicated, all individual indicators on the test that have fallen on this interval from 84 to 116 are considered normal, appropriate age. If the test is above 116, the child is considered gifted; If below 84, this means that intellectual development lags behind the norm.

In subsequent years, including the present, various psychodiagnostic technologies (tests, questionnaires, psycho-physiological methods, etc.) continue to be developed. Along with the tests of intelligence uses tests aimed at learning a person. Of particular interest among them are projective techniques - "spots" of Rorschah (1921), Tat Merreya and Morgan (1935), Frustration test of Rosenzweiga (1945).

As for the tests of intelligence, the test D. Waxler is quite widely used (the so-called Waxlera-Belvestium scale). It was developed in the 40-50s., And in addition to the scales for adults(WA 1 S), there are scales and children(Wisc). This test includes both verbal and non-verbal scales than differs from most mental development tests. In addition, it provides for the possibility of determining the nature of the lag in intellectual development (however, the critics of this test argue that the probability of erroneous qualifications of violations is very high). In our country, the test promissory is adapted by A. Yu. Panasyuk (1973). StandardIQ, calculated over the test, has an average of 100 and the standard deviation 15.

Another popular test is Test J. Equal (1936, 1949). It consists of 60 matrices or compositions with missed elements that the subject must fill.

It should be noted that the parameters of the intellectual test evaluation parameters affects how the authors determine the very concept of "mental retardation", which has undergone significant conceptual changes in the period 1960-1990.

Tests are being developed and for children of infant and early age. For example, the scale received widespread

N. Bailey to study children from 2 months to 2.5 years. It is estimated to be a mental development (perception, memory, ftifts of verbal communication, elements abstract thinking, learning), motor development (ability to sit, stand, walk, the development of small movements of the fingers), emotional and social behavior. Although the Bailey scales state only the level of the development of functions at the moment, do not make it goal to give a forecast, they are nevertheless very useful for the early detection of certain sensory, neurological, emotional disorders.

However, no changes and "improvements" of the Bina-Simon scales did not save it from such disadvantages, as an assessment of only the final result when performing a task, did not open the difficulties that met the subject. The role of help, as well as the influence of the medium, was completely unrecognized. J. Piaget criticized tests for "mosaic", the variety of tasks included in the test systems. Negatively affected the final result and restriction in time allotted to solve the test, as well as the absence of a truly scientific evaluation criterion. One of the reasons for this was in different understanding What is intelligence. There was no consensus between the textologists that intelligent tests should measure, so often the batteries of tests were based on contrary to friend Friend of intelligence models.

It is necessary to indicate that by the beginning of the XX century. The first attempts of a long study of children also include. Thus, in Belgium, on the proposal of O. Decreol (1871-1932), at support schools began to create special "observational" classes. These classes were organized to clarify the diagnosis of individual students, as well as the development of some basic recommendations for subsequent work with them. "Observation" classes were one of the elements in the structure of the auxiliary school. However, in the future they were not widespread. Obviously, it was associated with the development and increasing application in that period of standardized test methods of examination, which bribed researchers with their simplicity when used. Tests for tests caused a weakening of attention to the long ways to study the child.

It should be noted that in the process of developing and modernizing tests, the authors have improved the methodology for their use, seeking greater reliability and objectivity when evaluating the results. As KM Gurevich notes, for most modern foreign tests "... characterized by a high methodical level", high validity (validity, i.e. adequacy and effectiveness of the test - the characteristic of how much the test reflects what it should measure and How accurately he does it), as well as the representativeness of the samples, on which standard indicators were obtained.

The history of domestic psychodiagnostics of development disorders

In Russia, the development of psychological and pedagogical methods for diagnosing development disorders has its own history. The need to develop methods for identifying mental retardation in children originated at the beginning of the XX century. In connection with the opening of the first auxiliary schools and auxiliary classes (1908-1910). Group of teachers and enthusiast doctors (E. V. Gerie, V. P. Kashchenko, M. P. Postovskaya, N. P. Postovsky, G. I. Rossolimo, O. B. Fe- Ltzman, N. V. Chekhov and others,) conducted a mass examination of the poor students of Moscow schools in order to identify children, the unsuitability of which was due to intellectual failure.

The study was carried out by collecting personal data on children, studying pedagogical characteristics, conditions of home education and medical examination of children. During these years, researchers experienced great difficulties due to the insufficiency of scientific medical and psychological data on mental retardation. Nevertheless, to honor of domestic psychologists, teachers, doctors, their work on the study of children was distinguished by great care, the desire to exclude the possibility of errors in establishing mental retardation. Greater caution in determining the diagnosis was dictated mainly by humane considerations.

The issues of the methods of examination of children were the subject of discussion at the First All-Russian Congress on Experimental Pedagogy (December 26-31, 1910, St. Petersburg) and at the IV Section of the First All-Russian Congress on National Education (December 13, 1913 - January 3, 1914, St. Petersburg ). Although most of the participants in the congress were expressed for the use of the test method in psychological studies, the importance of the method of observation was also emphasized. Of great importance was attached to physiological and reflexological methods. The question of the dynamic unity of the methods of studying the child was raised. However, the congresses did not allow disputes arising around the question of research methods, which largely can be explained by the scientific position that many psychologists, teachers and doctors occupied in those years.

The method of studying children created by the largest Russian neuropathologist G. I. Rossolimo (1860-1928) is of interest. Being a supporter of experimental research in psychology, he defended the need to use test methods. G. I. Rossolimo made an attempt to create such a test system, with which it would be possible to investigate as many individual mental processes as possible. G.I. Rossolimo studied the attention and will, accuracy and strength of visual perceptions, associative processes. At the same time, non-verbal tasks prevailed. The result was drawn in the form of a graph-profile, hence the name of the method - "psychological profiles".

The full version of the work of G. I. Rossolimo (1909) contained 26 studies. Each study consisted of 10 tasks and lasted 2 hours, was carried out in 3 receptions. It is clear that such a system due to its bulkness was uncomfortable for use, so G.I. Rossolimo further simplified it by creating " Brief method Research of mental retardation. " This method was used regardless of the age of the subject. It included a study of 11 mental processes, which were estimated at 10 tasks (only 110 tasks). The result was depicted in the form of a curve - "Profile". Compared to the Bina-Simon technique in the G. I. Rossolimo method, an attempt was made to a qualitatively quantitative approach to the evaluation of the results of the child's work. According to the psychologist and the teacher P. P. Blonsky (1884-1941) "Profiles" G. I. Rossolimo most indicative for mental development. Unlike foreign tests, the trend of the multidimensional characteristic of the personality is manifested.

However, the Methodology of I. Rossolimo has a number of shortcomings. First of all, these shortcomings relate to the selection of the processes under study. G. I. Rossolimo did not investigate the verbal-logical thinking of children, did not give assignments to establish the trainee of children.

J 1. S. Vygotsky noted that, laying out the complex activity of the human person on "a number of separate simple functions and measuring each of them by purely quantitative indicators, G. I. Rossolimo tried to summarize completely incommensurable terms." In general, the defining development, the attention is calculated Along with memory units, just like in the head of a naive schoolchildren, kilometers folded with kilograms in one total amount " I. . Describing the general methods of tests, L. S. Vygotsky indicated that they only give a negative characteristic of the child and help to highlight it from mass schoolBut to open what the qualitative features of development are considerable, these methods are not able to.

It should be noted that, using tests, most domestic psychologists, as already noted, did not consider them the only universal means of studying the identity of children. So, for example, A. M. Schubert, who translated the Bina-Simon tests into Russian, wrote that the study of mental gifting according to the Bina-Simon method does not exclude psychologically correct systematic observation and testimony of school success: it only complements them. MUST Earlier, characterizing various test systems, she also pointed out that it was possible to find out the main defect of the psyche, only a long, systematic observation can be characterized, and only to help him repeated repeated and carefully delivered experimental and psychological studies of mental abilities can be taken.

Many researchers engaged in the problems of mental retardation (V. P. Kashchenko, O. V. Feltsman, G. Ya. Tross et al. Especially important materials of comparative psychological and clinical studies of normal and abnormal children G. Ya. Troin (1874-1938). The data they received enrich not only the special psychology of children with various defects of development, but also help in addressing differential psychodiagnostics issues. G. Ya. Troshin also emphasized the value of the observation of the behavior of children in vivo.

The first who created a special methodology for conducting targeted observations was A. F. Lazur (1874-1917) - author of a number of works on the study of the human person: "Essays of science of characters" (1908), "School characteristics" (1918 ), "Personality Research Program" (1915), "Personal Classification" (1922).

Although the method of A. F. Lazur also has drawbacks (he understood the activity of the child only as a manifestation of innate properties and offered to identify these properties to build already in accordance with them pedagogical process), However, in his writings there are many useful recommendations.

Great merit A. F. Lazur was that he studied a child in activities in vivo through objective observation, developed the so-called natural experiment, including elements and targeted observation, and special tasks.

The advantage of a natural experiment compared to laboratory observation is that the researcher through a special occupation system can cause the facts the facts necessary for him, and at the same time all this proceeds in the habitual environment for children, where there is no artificiality; The child does not even suspect that they are watching him.

Experimental lessons were a great scientific achievement in the study of schoolchildren. Describing them, A. F. Lazur wrote that an experimental lesson is called such a lesson in which, on the basis of preceding observations and analyzes, the most indicative elements of this educational subject are grouped, so that the individual characteristics of students are manifested at such a lesson very sharply.

A. F. Lazur has created a special program for the study of individual manifestations of children in the lessons, which indicated the manifestations to be observed, and their psychological significance. They also developed plans for experimental lessons, identifying personality qualities.

A special role in the development of scientific foundations of diagnosis of children with development deviations belongs to L. S. Vygotsky (1896-1934). L. S. Vygotsky considered the identity of the child in development, in an inseparable connection with the exposure that education, training and environment on it. Unlike testologists, which statically stated only the level of child development at the time of the examination, L. S. Vygotsky defended the dynamic approach to the study of children. He believed to take into account not only what he had already reached the preceding life cycles, but mainly to establish the nearest opportunities for children, "take into account not only to date the development process, not only completed cycles, not only the ripening processes have already done, but And those processes that are now in the state of formation, which only ripen, are only developing, "to identify the so-called" zone 6 of the nearest development ".

L. S. Vygotsky offered not to be limited to studying a child with one-time tests of what he can do himself, but to trace how it takes advantage of the help, what, therefore, a forecast for the future in his training and education. Especially acute, he raised the question of the need to establish qualitative characteristics of mental processes, identifying the prospects for the development of the individual.

Ji provisions. S. Vygotsky on the areas of the current and nearest development, the role of an adult in the formation of the child's psyche is of great importance. Later, in the 70s. XX century Based on these provisions, an extremely important method of studying children with development deviations was developed - training experiment (T. V. Egorova, 1973; A.I. Ivanova, 1976, etc.). This type of exhaust use allows you to assess the potential of the child, the prospects for its development. In addition, it is extremely useful in differential diagnosis.

Very important is the requirementJi. S. Vygotsky to study the intellectual and emotional and volitional development of children in their relationship.

In the work "Diagnostics of the Development and Pedological Clinic of Difficult Childhood" (1931), L. S. Vygotsky proposed a scheme for a pedology study of children, which includes the following items:

  1. Carefully collected complaints of parents, the child, educational institution.

  2. The history of the child's development.

  3. Symptomatology (scientific stating, description and definition of symptoms)

  4. Pedological diagnosis (opening the causes and mechanisms for the formation of this symptom complex).

  5. Forecast (prediction of the nature of child development).

  6. Pedagogical or medical and pedagogical purpose.
Revealing each of these stages of the study, L. S. Vygotsky pointed to the most important moments. So, he emphasized that it was necessary not to simply systematize the identified symptoms, but to penetrate the essence of the processes of development. An analysis of the history of the child's development, according to L. S. Vygotsky, implies the definition of internal relations between the parties to mental development, the establishment of a dependence of a particular line for the development of a child from the malicious effects of the medium. Differential diagnosis should be based on a comparative study and not limited to the measurement of intelligence, but take into account all manifestations and facts of maturation of the personality.

All these provisions L. S. Vygotsky are a great achievement of domestic science.

It should be noted that in a difficult socio-economic situation in the country in the 20-30s advanced teachers, psychologists, doctors paid a lot of attention to the problems of learning children. In (Petrograd) under the leadership of A. S. Griboyedov, in the medical and pedagogical experimental station (Moscow), led by V. P. Kashchenko (1870-1943), in a number of surveys and scientific and practical agencies among various Research in the field of defectology is a great place to develop diagnostic techniques. It was during this period that the active activities of pedologists were noted. With his first priority, they considered the help of school in the study of children. Tools in this work elected tests. However, their efforts led to the fact that mass testing began in schools. And since not all used test techniques were perfect and specialists did not always use them, the results turned out in many cases unreliable. Children of pedagogically and socially launched admitted mentally retarded and headed for auxiliary schools. On the inadmissibility of such practice and was indicated in the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) dated July 4, 1936 "On the pedology perversions in the system of drug addresses".

But this document was. Perceived as a complete ban on the use of any psychodiagnostic techniques, and especially tests, when examining children. As a result, for many years, psychologists have ceased research in this area, which caused great damage to development psychological science and practices.

It should be noted that in subsequent years, despite all the difficulties, enthusiasts-flaws, psychologists, doctors were looking for ways and methods of more accurate diagnosis of mental abnormalities. Only in cases of explicitly pronounced mental retardation, a survey in psychological and medical and pedagogical commissions (IPC) of children without trial training in school was allowed. Specialists of medical and pedagogical commissions sought to prevent erroneous conclusions about the state of the child and the type of institutions in which it must continue training. However, the lack of developing methods and criteria for differential psychodiagnostics, the low level of organization of work of medical and pedagogical commissions has adversely affected the quality of the examination of children.

The attention of scientists and practical workers to the problems of the acquisition of special institutions for mentally retarded, which means that the use of psychodiagnostic techniques intensified in the 50-70s.

During this period, there were intensive studies in the field of pathopsychology under the leadership of B. V. Zeigarnik (1900-1988), neuropsychological methods of research of children under the leadership of A. R. Luria (1902-1977) were developed. Studies of these scientists have significantly enriched the theory and practice of experimental-solicularly study the mentally retarded children. The big merit in the development of principles and methods of study belongs to psychologists and teachers M. Dulnev, S. D. Zabramenova, V. V. Lebedinsky, V. I. Lubovsky, S.I. Rubinstein et al.

In the 80-90s, the efforts of specialists in developing and improving organizational forms and methods for studying children with development deviations that need special training and education are becoming increasingly active. Early differential diagnosis is carried out. Psychological and diagnostic research methods are being developed. At the initiative of education bodies, the Council of Society of Psychologists is held conferences, congresses, seminars on psychodiagnostics (1971, 1974 ... 1998) and the acquisition of special institutions for abnormal children. The quality of training and retraining of frames is enhanced, which directly carry out this work. Research in this area continues to this day.

Unfortunately, according to V. I. Lubovsky, not all scientific advances and methodological approaches to the diagnosis of deviations in the development, developed by L. S. Vygotsky, S.I. Rubinstein, A. R. Luria and others, currently used and actually psychological diagnostics are carried out "on the intuitive-empirical level" (Lubovsky V.I., 1996, p.237) I.

After the tests ceased to be the main method of diagnosing deviations in the development due to the above their shortcomings, psychologists began to arbitrarily use individual fragments of test batteries, separate tasks (so, many pathopsychological techniques, firmly included in the diagnostic arsenal of special psychology, based on their tasks from the test of the ventilation test). However, often qualitative analysis, whose need they saidJi. S. Vygotsky,

FROM. I. Rubinstein, etc., is replaced by a purely empirical, subjective, and the accuracy of the conclusions entirely and fully becomes dependent on the experience and qualifications of the psychologist.

At the present stage, V.I. Lubovsky has great importance for the development of mental diagnosis of deviations in development. Back in the 70s of the XX century. He was engaged in the problems of diagnosing mental development and put forward a number of important provisions designed to make the diagnosis of more accurate and objective. Thus, noting the presence of common and specific children with disabilities in the development of violations, it indicates the prospects for the development of differential diagnosis. It offers a more versatile and objective approach to analyzing the results of the study, namely, a combination of a quantitative assessment of the level of development of mental functions with high-quality, structural analysis - with a predominance of high-quality. In this case, the level of development of a function or another is expressed not only in conditional points, but also has a meaningful characteristic. This approach seems very fruitful, although its real implementation will become possible after the painstaking work of scientists and critics in this direction.

Enrich the modern diagnosis of mental development neuropsychological methods that last years They became increasingly widely used. Neuropsychological techniques allow you to determine the level formed ™ cork functions, helps to identify the main radical violation of activity. In addition, modern neuropsychological techniques make it possible to use a qualitatively quantitative approach, objectifying the results, identifying the individual structure of violations.


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  1. Introduction to psychodiagnostics at ed. K. M. Gurevich, E. M. Boriso
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  1. Vygotsky L. S. Diagnostics of development and a pedology clinic
difficult childhood // COLD. So: at 6 t. - M., 1984. - T.5. - P. 257-321.

  1. Gurevich K.M. About individually psychological features
schoolchildren. - M., 1998.

  1. Pubrase S. D. Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnostics of Mental
development of children. - M., 1995. Ch. 2.

  1. Zamsky X. S. History of oligophrenopedagogy. - M., 1980. Part 3,4.

  2. Lubovsky V.I. Psychological problems Diagnostics anomalous
russian development.

  1. Nazarova N. M., Penin N. History of special pedagogy. - M.,
Academia, 2007.

  1. Psychological diagnostics / ed. K. M. Gurevich. - M., 1981.
GL 1.3. G.

  1. Elkonin D. B. Some questions of the diagnosis of mental development of children: the diagnosis of educational activities and intellectual development of children. - M., 1981.

Lecture 2.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of development disorders in children

The health of the children's population at the present stage of social development

The success of education, training, social adaptation of a child with developmental impairment depends on the correct assessment of its possibilities and features of development. This task is solved by complex psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. It is the first and very important stage in the system of events providing special training, correctional-pedagogical and psychological help. It is psychodiagnostics of developmental disorders that makes children with psychophysical disadvantages in the population, to determine the optimal pedagogical route, to provide individual psychological and pedagogical support of the child, corresponding to his psychophysical features.

Currently, the health of the children's population in the Russian Federation represents a serious social problem. The deterioration of the health of children is characterized by an increase in morbidity, a change in the structure and an increase in the frequency of chronic diseases. In 54% of Russian children who have been inspected by specialists in the framework of All-Russian children's clinical dispensarization, deviations are revealed in a state of health.

There was a persistent tendency to increase the number of children with the so-called third health group, i.e. with chronic diseases. So, today, in mass preschool institutions, children with the first group of health, i.e. Almost healthy, no more than 18% are, while the number of children with the third health team has increased from 3-5% to 12%.

With regard to the qualitative characteristics of the state of the health of modern preschoolers, it is characterized by a high prevalence of morphofunctional deviations - 96.5-75.5% (S. V. Konov). Leaders are disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, allergic manifestations. Specialist observations show that 12-19% of children preschool age Defined forms are diagnosed mental disordersAnd 30-40% make up a risk group for the development of mental disorders.

There is a negative dynamics in the state of the health of the children's population. In recent years, according to statistics, children of 4 years have up to three violations in health state, by 6 years of such violations up to 4-5 (so far functional).

The number of children in need of correctional assistance is growing (A. O. Drobinskaya, V. I. Seliverstov, O. N. Usanov, S. G. Shevchenko). In preschool age, 25% of children, and for some data, 30-45%, require the organization of special training and education conditions. Among students, 20-30% of children need special psychologicopodaghogical care, and over 60% refer to the so-called risk group. The number of children with border and combined developmental impairments increases, which cannot be attributed to one of the traditionally allocated species of mental disonatogenesis(Ji. V. Kuznetsova, I. Yu. Levchenko).

The increase in incidence among children causes the increase in the inflammation of the children's population. The contingent of disabled children under the age of 17 inclusively increasingly increases, and only over the past 3 years increased by 16.3%.

All of the above convincingly proves that modern Russia Negative trends are noted, characterized by an increase in the number of children with various problems and deviations in physical and mental development. These children experience significant difficulties in adapting to conditions in preschool and school institutions, do not absorb educational programs. All of them require close attention of doctors, teachers, psychologists, targeted assistance, taking into account the problems and needs of each child.

Thus, in mass kindergartens and secondary schools, a large number of children disadvantaged in psychophysical development are found. The severity of these deviations may be different. A significant group consists of children with non-expressed, and therefore difficult to detect disabilities in the development of a motor, sensory or intellectual sphere with hearing impairment, optical-spatial representations, musculoskeletal system, phonderatic perception, with emotional disorders, with deficiencies of speech development, with disorders of behavior, with a delay in mental development, somatic weakened children. However, children with similar problems have difficulty with the assimilation of all or some sections of the program preschool institutionSince the normally developing peers integrated on Wednesday is splashing without specially organized correctional pedagogical care. Despite the fact that for many of these children does not require special educational conditions, the lack of timely correctional developing assistance can lead to their deadaption.

Modern ideas about developing deviations in children

Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis is based on theoretical ideas about abnormal development. These ideas are reflected in the works of L. S. Vygotsky, V. I. Lubovsky, V. V. Lebedinsky and others. According to these ideas in children with deviations in the development of various causes (biological and social), the process of forming higher mental functions is violated. The process of forming higher mental functions in children is stretched for years. It is born in speech communication And ends with full-fledged symbolic activities. The mental development of the child, the formation of his personality is closely related to the processes of training and upbringing. Domestic psychologists (A. R. Luria,

A. N. Leontyev) indicated that the physiological basis of higher mental functions are the functional systems of joint working zones of the cerebral cortex. These functional systems are formed in the process of the life of the child, gradually acquiring the nature of strong interfunctional ties.

In studies of physiologists and psychologists, it was shown that the maturity of individual functional systems at certain stages of development is not the same: some systems have already formed, others - just begin to form. This is the principle of germochronism of non-use of the development of functional systems. Each functional system and even individual links have their own, special development program, but work as a whole. The integrative activity of the cerebral cortex defines the close interaction of various functional systems, their interdependence. Along with the heterochrony of maturation of individual functional systems, synchronicity is required in their interactions. In each age period, a certain functional system should be in a certain degree of maturity, otherwise their agreed activities will be carried out (L. O. Badalyan).

So, the mental processes and personal properties are not the result of the ripening of individual zones or parts of the brain. They add up in ontogenesis and depend on the social situation of the child's development.

In the 20s of the XX century L. S. Vygotsky summarized the work of its predecessors (P.I. Troshina, A. S. Griboyedova, E. Segene, M. Montessori, etc.) and developed the concept of abnormal development. This concept is based on the theory of mental development, which L. S. Vygotsky developed, studying the peculiarities of normal development ("cultural and historical theory"), the main provisions of the concept of abnormal development L. S. Vygotsky did not lose its significance until today. In the 50-90s, they were developed in the works of leading domestic scientists T. A. Vlasova, J. I. Shif, V. I.-Lubovsky, V. V. Lebedinsky, E. M. Mastyukova, etc.

According to modern ideas,
psychodiagnostic Systems -\u003e Haysenk, Wilson How to Measure Person
psychodiagnostic Systems -\u003e Svetlana Kolosov Tests Popular psychological tests
psychodiagnostic Systems -\u003e T. V. White Differential Psychology Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the study of integrated individuality Tutorial

In the manual presented practical material For psychological and pedagogical examination of children in order to determine their training opportunities and identification educational institution. The manual is intended for specialists of psychological and medical and pedagogical commissions and consultations, can be used in the preparation of students of the defectological faculties of pedagogical educational institutions.


Russia has a differentiated network of pre-school and school institutions for children with those or other development deviations. It is very important to identify children in need of the help that they can have in relevant institutions. To this end, children, the psyche and behavior of which have deviations from the norms adopted for this age, are sent to the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission (PMPC). It was the PMPC that solves the question of the form of a special (correctional) institution where the child should be trained and brought up. In the course of a comprehensive and complex psychological and medical and pedagogical examination, the type of violation is established, as well as the individual features of the psychophysical development of the child, its ability to teach. For the final decision, it is important to identify the formation of learning skills; general awareness and socially orientation; knowledge and ideas about the environment; formation of arbitrary activities; state of cognitive functions, emotional-volitional, motor sphere (especially small Motoriki hands); Adequacy of behavior. This information is equally important both for a psychologist and for a defectologist in determining the form of training and development of content. individual programs Correctional development of the child.

To help those who spend the psychological and pedagogical examination of children, the material is proposed that will allow the data to be supplemented about the child. The manual should not be considered as a guide on differential psychodiagnostics. The authors did not set the task of creating new technologies of psychological examination. Among the materials given in the manual, along with the author, there are sufficiently well-known psychological techniques, as well as borrowed from a number of literary sources, upgraded and tested by the authors large quantities Children.

S.D. Parameted






2nd edition recycled

Moscow "Education" "Vlados" 1995

Paint S. D.

Z-12 Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of mental development of children: studies. For students defectol. Fact pedavuses and un-tov. - 2nd ed., Pererab. - M.: Enlightenment: Vlados, 1995.- 112 S.- ISBN5-09-004905.

The textbook addresses the organization and content of the work of psychological and medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPC). The main attention is paid to the acquisition of special (correctional) educational institutions for children with intellectual impairment.

Designed to students of the defectological faculties of pedavuses, may be interesting to teachers of preschool and school institutions, as well as members of the PMPC.

The 2nd edition (the 1st edition was published in 1988, entitled "Selection of mentally retarded children in special institutions") supplemented with material reflecting changes in the system of recruiting special institutions in Russia.

A 4309000000-436

3 ---------- without ads BBK 74.3


Training edition

ParametedSofia Davydovna

Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of mental development of children

Head Editor T. S. Zalyalova. Editor M. A. Stepanova. Art editor L. F. Malysheva.Technical editors O. V. Prokofiev,N. V. Slavskaya.Correctors N. V. Burinin, L. S. Waitman

Rent in the set 09.12.93. LR No. 010001 from 10.10.91. Signed to print 08.03.94. Format 84x108 1/32. Paper type. # 2. Headset literary. Print high. Sl. Pechs. l. 5.88. Sl. Kr.-Ott. 6.09. Ud. l. 6.08. Circulation 30,000 copies.

Order No. 4659.

Order of the Labor Red Banner Publishing House "Enlightenment" of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Press. 127521. Moscow, 3rd passage of Marina Grove, 41.

Humanitarian Publishing Center "Vlados". 117571, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 88. Moscow Pedagogical State University, Comn. 452, tel. / Fax 437-99-98. 437-34-53.

Regional printing program for printing and information administration of the Ivanovo region. 153628, Ivanovo, ul. Typographic, 6.

ISBN. 5-09-004905-H.© Enlightenment Publishing House, 1995

From the author

Children with development deviations need special attention and care. In order to help these children, the early diagnosis of their condition is needed. It is important not to simply establish the presence of a defect, but also determine its character, structure, those qualitative and quantitative indicators that can serve as the basis for placing a child to the appropriate institution and subsequent correctional work.

Before the defectologists, the task of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis is faced, and above all the differentiation of different types of abnormal development.

In order to prepare highly qualified teachers at the departments of oligophrenopedagogic of the country's defectological faculties, a special academic discipline was introduced, the main tasks of which are to reveal theoretical foundations, the organization and content of the work on the recruitment of institutions for children with intelligence disorders, to arm students on the methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of children of preschool and school children The ages lagging behind in development, form practical skills to work on the selection of children with intellectual impairment into special (correctional) institutions, as well as to provide advisory assistance to parents of children with development deviations.

This textbook discusses one of the directions of psychodiagnostics - the diagnosis of mental development disorders, methods are revealed to establish the presence or absence of signs that deliberate the mental backwardness of the states similar to it. The history of the issue of the methods of identifying mental retardation in children, as well as the current state of the problem of recruiting institutions for them in our country and abroad. The textbook reflects the scientific achievements of domestic and foreign psychologists and defectologists. It should also be borne in mind that a new typical provision on psychological and medical and pedagogical consultations has been prepared.

Although the textbook is intended for students of the defectological faculties, it can also be used by employees of institutions for children with intelligence disorders, and members of psychological and medical and pedagogical consultations, components of these institutions. These knowledge is also needed to each teacher working with children.

  • Paint S.D., Borovik O.V. From diagnosis to development (document)
  • Visual Material for Children Survey (Document)
  • PI samples Methods and methodology of psychological and pedagogical research (document)
  • Zagognaminsky V.I., Athahanov R. Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research (document)
  • Strebelieva E.A. (ed) orphans: counseling and diagnostics of development (document)
  • Material for examination and formation of phonetic system of speech (document)
  • Paint S.D., Levchenko I.Yu. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders (course of lectures) (document)
  • PI samples Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research course lectures (document)
  • Zeeer E.F., Pavlova A.M., Sadovnikova N.O. Basics of vocationalityTology (Document)
  • Card Car Study For Senior Preschool Children (Document)
  • Methodology for the instrumental examination at energy audit (document)
  • n1.DOC.

    Padded S.D. Practical material for the psychological and pedagogical examination of children: a manual for psychol.-Med.-ped. Comm. - M.: Humanitar, ed. Vlados Center, 2005. - 32 s. (Correctional Pedagogy)

    One of the most effective means of removing the voltage caused by the unusual setting is free game. During such a game with the child, the contacts needed for further work. At the same time, members of the Commission receive the first ideas about the peculiarities of his psyche, behavior, motility. It is important to trace the nature of the emotional reaction to the toys offered to the child, taking into account the age of the subject. Some children show rapid joy at the sight of toys, others behave more restrained. Some children immediately begin to engage in the toys you like. Others are limited to the fact that they are randomly crossed by shifting from place to place.

    It is necessary to find out whether the child's interest is to toys and whether the actions produced with them are reasonable. It should also be considered, whether the child is accompanied by a speech, whether to adults with questions.

    To establish contact with the child and the possibilities for it, highly productive visual activity is mastered. The drawing process proceeds more naturally if the surveyers pretend that they are engaged in some kind of their own business. The child must be given the opportunity to feel that it is like alone with himself. A conversation with the child needs to be started only after he calms down or he will start asking questions. Starting a conversation, it can be asked that he draws at the moment what color pencils uses, etc. It should be noted whether the child can draw on an independently chosen topic and is a persistent interest in the work begun. Special studies show that the analysis of the child's drawing can give valuable additional material Both in the establishment of its intellectual capabilities and during the differential diagnosis of certain identity states (the originality of the figures for epilepsy, schizophrenia, etc.). Researchers note the different character of the drawings depending on the degree of intellectual decline in the child. So, for example, it was found that children with a slight degree of mental retardation are able to draw on their own selected topics, but they often have inadequate deviations in the process of drawing from the original selected fine task and supplement the pattern not related to it. In the figures of this category of mentally retarded children, violations of the image logic are noted. Sometimes during the drawing, these children use pencils of different colors. In other cases, the entire drawing is logically unnecessarily made by a pencil of one color. These children relate to their drawings more critical than those whose mental retardation is more pronounced. During the visual activity, children with a slight degree of mental retardation may experience positive emotions.

    Children with a severe degree of mental retardation draw on a very limited circle of topics. The theme chosen by them is substantially due to the fact that they painted before. Children are distracted during drawing. The objects depicted with them are not logically related to each other. When performing the pattern, they use one or two colors. The mentally retarded of this group is little critical to the results of their activities.

    These children cannot perform substantive images. During drawing, they switch their attention to foreign items, forget the instructions. As a rule, they use the pencil of the first color.

    The means of removing the voltage and the establishment of contact can be a conversation with a child. It should be remembered that during the conversation it is possible to obtain a number of valuable information regarding the causes of deviations in the development and behavior of the surveyed. Therefore, the conversation should be thought out, focused. During the conversation, it is recommended to identify: a) the accuracy of the child's ideas about oneself, their family, the nearest relatives, friends (surname, name, patronymic, age) and the ability to differentiate the concepts of "family", "neighbors", "relatives" and so on ; b) the nature of the ideas about the time (the ability to determine it on the clock, an understanding of the ratio of time measures, etc.), the ability to distinguish between the seasons by their main features (rain, snow, wind, etc.), on the phenomena of nature (thunderstorm, hurricane etc.); c) the ability to navigate in space (practical mastering the concepts of "on", "closer", "right", "left", "at the top", "below"); d) the supply of information about the environment (information about its country, outstanding events, known people).

    The order in which the child is asked questions may be arbitrary. The questions themselves, their sequence depend on the age and individual characteristics of the child.

    In some cases (in case of impairment of hearing, speech), oral questions may be replaced by a picture that allows you to identify the same information. For example, a picture with the image of ridiculous situations causes laughter in children, an involuntary statement about the absurdity of depicted, which is already an indicator of understanding by them.

    After establishing the necessary contact with the child surveyed with the help of the above-mentioned funds (free game, visual activities, conversation) can begin to study the features of its perception, memory, attention, mental activity, speech of imagination, motility, emotional-volitional sphere, personality in general and State school Knowledge. All this can be revealed using various diagnostic equipment (toys, tables), and psychological techniques. In the process of conducting research, attention should be paid to the number of the following points.

    Understanding the instructions and purpose of the task. Before presenting a child, any task is given by one or another instruction. Whether it is important to establish whether the child perceives the instruction and whether attempts to understand it. Intellectually saved children carefully listened to the instructions and, in case of misunderstanding, they ask her to repeat it. Children mentally retarded, as well as children with violations of attention or simply insufficiently workable not recorded on the instructions for due attention and, without hearing it to the end, they are taken to perform the task of at random.

    It is important to identify what type of instruction is clear to children: speech; Speech, accompanied by a visual show; Cute.

    Children with normal intelligence and stored hearing perform their age as an oral instruction. In some cases, they have a sufficiently visual presentation of the task without any oral instructions. Let us give an example. The child shows a picture with inserts inserted into it (see Table 26, 27), then remove the liners and put them in front of the child next to the picture. Usually, children understand that you need to insert inserts to the appropriate place. In another case, the child is put on the child (see Table. 43, 44), which shows several ridiculous situations. Intelligently saved child usually understands that you need to call the depicted absurdity. Mentally backward children usually need to be given instructions and ask leading questions. In the first case: "put in place", and in the second - "What is wrong with?". Children with a significant reduction in intelligence begin to understand the instructions only after the adult will show how to perform the task. It is important to establish whether the child is able to keep the instructions offered to him. Children mentally retarded often do not remember the instructions and therefore cannot finish the work done. This can also be said about children with impaired efficiency, disadvantages of memory and attention.

    The nature of the activities when performing tasks. In all cases it is important to establish whether the child offers a task proposed with interest or formally. In addition, you need to pay attention to the degree of persistence of an interesting interest.

    It is important to find out how thoughtfully the work proposed by the child is performed. Best results Reach purposefully working children. Disadvantages can be expressed in impossibility, chaoticness of all activities or "slipping" with a proper decision. Such disadvantages are found in intellectually saved children, as well as children with a delay in psychophysical development. However, the mentally retarded these manifestations are much more common and they are more pronounced.

    It is necessary to pay attention to the way the child solves the tasks offered to him. Children with normal intelligence try to find original and economical ways of action. The mentally retarded usually act patterns or even inappropriate, inadequate.

    It is important to find out how focusing the child works and what is its performance. Some children are attentive all the time, others are constantly distracted and quickly depleted. In the second case, it is necessary to determine what more affects the nature of the activity: the inability to focus or fast depletion.

    You should also install whether the child can use the help suggested by it. The more pronounced this ability, the higher the child's teachability. The degree and nature of the help can be quite different. Let us give an example. The child read the text and ask to convey his meaning in their own words. Sometimes re-reading is required, in other cases it is necessary to specify the clarifying issues, to present a picture, and so on.

    Intellectually saved children perceive help and turn out to be able to use the method shown by it when performing similar tasks. Mentally retarded need much greater assistance. However, it does not give any tangible effect. These are children with low learning.

    An important quality of activity is the ability of the child to control at each stage of the task, as well as the volitional efforts that are required from it when solving the task.

    The reaction of the child to the results of the work. As a rule, children with normal intelligence are able to evaluate the work done by them. They rejoice in their successes and are upset about failures.

    Some children with behavioral difficulties pretend that they do not care if the absence of necessary achievements.

    The mentally retarded children are not always able to correctly appreciate the results of their work. However, they are not indifferent to the assessment of their activities from others.

    With a severe form of mental retardation, children cannot appreciate their work and indifferent to the opinion of it around it.

    General emotional reaction to the fact of examination. Mentally full-fledged children are discovered during a survey known impairment and alertness.

    An indifferent attitude towards the fact of the examination, and sometimes the familiar attitude towards members of the Commission is most often found in mentally retarded children.

    Some children exhibit an increased euphoria (excessive unreasonable freight). Such behavior may be a symptom of mental illness and should be alarming. Such children should be the object of special attention from the Psychiatrist.

    In all cases, it is necessary to take care of creating a relaxing situation. The examinations of the child members of the PMPC must talk with him in a friendly, even tone, so that the child felt confidently from the very beginning. It is necessary to start with the tasks of the lungs that are obviously planned to the child. Only after he managed to perform the task, it is possible to start proposing tasks more complex corresponding to its age. This condition is desirable to observe in the process of the entire survey. As soon as the child cannot solve the task and begins to worry, worrying, the easier task must be proposed, after which it should be returned to unresolved. It is necessary to encourage the child in the process of work.

    An important methodological principle of psychological and pedagogical examination is the alternation of verbal and non-verbal tasks: children are less tired with such a work technique. At the same time, it is advisable to give the whole process of surveying a gaming character, and the tasks to select such that are of interest and the desire to do.

    Part II. Practical material and methods for its use in the process of psychological and pedagogical examination

    For the psychological and pedagogical examination of children, we recommend approximate list Materials that can be used depending on the objectives of the study, individual characteristics of children and their age. It should be noted that experimental psychological techniques and test material are usually used by a psychologist. Tasks that are given on tables in the appendix, as well as gaming material applied by a defectologist in a psychological and pedagogical examination.

    To study attention.

    1. Forms of "Correctrial Samples" (Bourdona Methods, Pieron Ruzer, Waxer Coding).

    2. Tables for calculating multi-colored circles in the sectors of the circle (technique of fishing).

    3. Tables for the simultaneous counting of the figures of two species (00 + 0 ++ 0 ...) (Fish technique).

    4. Tables Schulte (5 tables with arbitrarily located numbers from 1 to 25).

    5. Tables that show items with missing parts (from the method of the ventilation).

    6. Forms to the "Account Account" technique.

    7. Forms to Münsterberg Methods.

    8. Materials from this manual (applications).

    To study perception.

    1. Tables with an image of contour, silhouette, parts of familiar items. The "roaring" images (objects are drawn, superimposed one on the other - the figure of the pop diller).

    2. "Mailbox" (forms box).

    3. Segen boards of different difficulty options.

    4. Course cubes.

    5. Tables with the image of items that should be drawn (T.N. technique).

    6. A set of substantive patterns cut on 2-3-4 parts.

    7. Pictures for determining the right, left side, the concepts "top", "bottom", "in the middle".

    8. Methods "Standards".

    9. Methods "Progressive Matrix Ra-Vienna".

    For thinking.

    1. Tables with images of objects, one of which is not suitable for one or another signs (magnitude, form, color, generic category).

    2. Tables with tasks to exclude the concept that is not suitable for the rest.

    3. Tables with logical tasks and foundation of patterns.

    4. Forms to the "Allocation of essential signs" methodology.

    5. Forms to "simple analogies" methods, "complex analogies".

    6. Tables with proverbs and sayings.

    7. Scene pictures for comparison; Tables with a task to compare words-concepts.

    8. A set of plot pictures of different degrees of complexity (simple, with hidden meaning, ridiculous content, series with an image of a sequence of events).

    9. Tables with texts of different complexity (simple descriptive, complex, with conflict content).

    10. A set of cards with the image of the objects of different generic categories for studying the classification operation.

    11. Tables with riddles.

    12. Forms with words for the study of associations (one of the options is the selection of words opposed to meaning).

    13. Tables and cards for the "Educational Experiment" (Methodology A. Ya. Ivanova).

    14. Tables with tasks for "schematization" (Methods of the Hungarian).

    15. Materials from this manual (applications).

    For memory research.

    1. Tables depicting familiar subjects for memorization (possible different variants: memorization of numbers, letters, words, geometric figures, subject images, etc.).

    2. Blanches for the method for memorizing 10 words.

    3. Pictures for indirect memorization of words with the image of items (Methods A. N. Leontiev).

    4. Pictogram (technique A. R. Luria).

    5. Blanches with texts for playback.

    6. Materials from this manual (applications).

    To study the emotional-volitional sphere, the qualities of the person.

    1. Tables with set of tasks to the method of studying the level of claims.

    2. Forms for the study of self-assessment according to the Method of Demo-Rubinstein.

    3. Tables with task options for research of volitional effort.

    4. Sets of plot paintings with the image different situationsto be estimated (moral, aesthetic, etc.).

    5. Methods of studying frustration reactions ("Methods of Picturesque Frustration" of Rosenzweig).

    6. Forms with the method of unfinished proposals.

    7. Tables to the Rena-Gill method.

    8. A series of paintings (from TAT methods) for the study of personality, interests, internal experiences, etc.

    9. Drawings with stimulus of Rorschah dough.

    10. Materials from this manual (applications).

    Padded S.D. Practical material for the psychological and pedagogical examination of children: a manual for psychol.-Med.-ped. Comm. - M.: Humanitar, ed. Vlados Center, 2005. - 32 s. (Correctional Pedagogy)

    the manual presents practical material for the psychological and pedagogical examination of children in order to determine their opportunities in teaching and establishing the type of educational institution. The manual is intended for specialists of psychological and medical and pedagogical commissions and consultations, can be used in the preparation of students of the defectological faculties of pedagogical educational institutions.


    Russia has a differentiated network of pre-school and school institutions for children with those or other development deviations. It is very important to identify children in need of the help that they can have in relevant institutions. To this end, children, the psyche and behavior of which have deviations from the norms adopted for this age, are sent to the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission (PMPC). It was the PMPC that solves the question of the form of a special (correctional) institution where the child should be trained and brought up. In the course of a comprehensive and complex psychological and medical and pedagogical examination, the type of violation is established, as well as the individual features of the psychophysical development of the child, its ability to teach. For the final decision, it is important to identify the formation of learning skills; general awareness and socially orientation; knowledge and ideas about the environment; formation of arbitrary activities; the state of cognitive functions, emotional-volitional, motor sphere (especially small hand motors); Adequacy of behavior. This information is equally important both for a psychologist and for a defectologist in determining the form of training and the development of the content of individual corrective development programs for the child.

    To help those who spend the psychological and pedagogical examination of children, the material is proposed that will allow the data to be supplemented about the child. The manual should not be considered as a guide on differential psychodiagnostics. The authors did not set the task of creating new technologies of psychological examination. Among the materials given in the manual, along with the copyright, there are sufficiently well-known psychological techniques, as well as borrowed from a number of literary sources, modernized and tested by the authors on a large number of children.

    The manual consists of two parts and applications.

    In the first part are given general instructions To carry out a psychological and pedagogical examination.

    In the second part and the appendix presents practical material and the method of its use in the process of psychological and pedagogical examination.

    The application includes 115 tables that will help identify the features of the main mental processes and individuals in general. In addition, they make it possible to determine the state of knowledge gained at school, kindergarten.

    This manual may have substantial assistance to members of psychological and medical and pedagogical commissions and consultations, as well as teachers and educators of special (corrective) institutions for children with development deviations.

    It can be used psychologists when conducting differential diagnosis.

    Part I. General Guidelines for Psychological and Pedagogical Survey

    When examining children in the conditions of psychological and medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC), it is necessary first to carefully familiarize themselves with the relevant medical and pedagogical documentation. It includes data from medical professionals about the physical and mental health of the child; state of his analyzers; type of nervous system, behavioral features; Characteristic from school or kindergarten (skills to communicate a child with peers, adults, etc.); The products of the child's activity (school notebooks, drawings, crafts, etc.).

    Analysis of the data obtained allows for a child survey, taking into account its individual capabilities and features. For example, children with pronounced lag in development and small-contacts are advisable to examine with the help of gaming material. The same material should be widely involved in examining children with speech impairment and recreation hearing. It is important that the proposed tasks be perceived and made them without significant participation of speech and possible tension.

    Schoolchildren who negatively belong to individual educational subjects due to constant failure, it is advisable to propose tasks in entertaining, gaming form. When examining children with increased fattyness, it is necessary to use those assignments with which the researchers you are interested in the features of the psyche can be disclosed as soon as possible.

    The direct study of the child begins from the moment it enters the room where the examination occurs. His reaction to a new environment (interest, indifference, fear, etc.), the desire or reluctance to enter into contact, adequacy of behavior, etc. is subject to analysis in the preparation of the conclusion of members of the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission.

    One of the most effective means of removing the voltage caused by the unusual setting is free game. During such a game with the child, the contacts needed for further work. At the same time, members of the Commission receive the first ideas about the peculiarities of his psyche, behavior, motility. It is important to trace the nature of the emotional reaction to the toys offered to the child, taking into account the age of the subject. Some children show rapid joy at the sight of toys, others behave more restrained. Some children immediately begin to engage in the toys you like. Others are limited to the fact that they are randomly crossed by shifting from place to place.

    It is necessary to find out whether the child's interest is to toys and whether the actions produced with them are reasonable. It should also be considered, whether the child is accompanied by a speech, whether to adults with questions.

    To establish contact with the child and the possibilities for it, highly productive visual activity is mastered. The drawing process proceeds more naturally if the surveyers pretend that they are engaged in some kind of their own business. The child must be given the opportunity to feel that it is like alone with himself. A conversation with the child needs to be started only after he calms down or he will start asking questions. Starting a conversation, it can be asked that he draws at the moment what color pencils uses, etc. It should be noted whether the child can draw on an independently chosen topic and is a persistent interest in the work begun. Special studies show that the analysis of the picture of the child can give a valuable additional material both in the establishment of its intellectual possibilities and in the differential diagnosis of certain identity states (the originality of the drawings during epilepsy, schizophrenia, etc.). Researchers note the different character of the drawings depending on the degree of intellectual decline in the child. So, for example, it was found that children with a slight degree of mental retardation are able to draw on their own selected topics, but they often have inadequate deviations in the process of drawing from the original selected fine task and supplement the pattern not related to it. In the figures of this category of mentally retarded children, violations of the image logic are noted. Sometimes during the drawing, these children use pencils of different colors. In other cases, the entire drawing is logically unnecessarily made by a pencil of one color. These children relate to their drawings more critical than those whose mental retardation is more pronounced. During the visual activity, children with a slight degree of mental retardation may experience positive emotions.

    Children with a severe degree of mental retardation draw on a very limited circle of topics. The theme chosen by them is substantially due to the fact that they painted before. Children are distracted during drawing. The objects depicted with them are not logically related to each other. When performing the pattern, they use one or two colors. The mentally retarded of this group is little critical to the results of their activities.

    These children cannot perform substantive images. During drawing, they switch their attention to foreign items, forget the instructions. As a rule, they use the pencil of the first color.

    The means of removing the voltage and the establishment of contact can be a conversation with a child. It should be remembered that during the conversation it is possible to obtain a number of valuable information regarding the causes of deviations in the development and behavior of the surveyed. Therefore, the conversation should be thought out, focused. During the conversation, it is recommended to identify: a) the accuracy of the child's ideas about oneself, their family, the nearest relatives, friends (surname, name, patronymic, age) and the ability to differentiate the concepts of "family", "neighbors", "relatives" and so on ; b) the nature of the ideas about the time (the ability to determine it on the clock, an understanding of the ratio of time measures, etc.), the ability to distinguish between the seasons by their main features (rain, snow, wind, etc.), on the phenomena of nature (thunderstorm, hurricane etc.); c) the ability to navigate in space (practical mastering the concepts of "on", "closer", "right", "left", "at the top", "below"); d) the supply of information about the environment (information about its country, outstanding events, known people).

    The order in which the child is asked questions may be arbitrary. The questions themselves, their sequence depend on the age and individual characteristics of the child.

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