Physical workout workout in English for children presentation. Methodical piggy bank teacher English

Music charging in English is a cheerful and effective way of learning. Such workouts are needed not only to change the type of activity, they help in learning English with children, because, as you know, the kids easier remember the words and phrases in a foreign language, if they are accompanied by actions. In addition musical charging in English easily turns into a game.

Clap Your Hands, Clap Your Hands

The roller is perfect for a small workout. The child does not even need to translate the text of the song - the heroes of the song show that you need to do at the moment. All phrases of the song are repeated several times, and therefore it is easy to remember.

Clap Your Hands, Clap Your Hands

Clap Your hands, Clap Your hands,
Listen To The Music and Clap Your hands.

Stamp Your Feet, Stamp Your Feet,
Listen to the Music and Stamp Your Feet.

Turn Around, Turn Around,
Listen to The Music and Turn Around.

Listen to the Music and Jump Up High.

IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT

"If you are happy, slabs in your hands" - one of the traditional English children's poems (Nursery Rhyme). You can perform this charging several times in a row - first slowly, and then in a faster pace.

Song text in English:

IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT

IF You "Re Harra and You know it
Clap your hands!
Clap your hands!
IF You "Re Harra and You know it
IF You "Re Harra and You know it
Clap your hands!

IF You "Re Harra and You know it
Stamp Your Feet!
IF You "Re Harra and You know it
Stamp Your Feet!
IF You "Re Harra and You know it
And You Really Want To Show It,
Stamp Your Feet!

IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT
Nod Your Head!
IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT
Nod Your Head!
IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT
And You Really Want To Show It,
IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT
Nod Your Head!

IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT
Say "WE ARE"!
IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT
Say "WE ARE"!
IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT
And You Really Want To Show It,
IF You "Re Happy and You Know IT
Say "WE ARE"

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

The poem about the teddy bear (Teddy Bear) is easy to understand even for children for 3 years. Perform uncomplicated movements with your baby and it will surely like this charging.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Turn Around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Touch The Ground.

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Polish Your Shoes.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
Off to school.

Another option of this video can be viewed (I like this option much more)

There are many options for this poem, so you can change the text as needed. For example, you can use this option:

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Touch Your Toes;
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Show Your Shoe.

You can spend this charge and for toys - the child will perform all actions with a plush teddy bear. The main thing is that English for children for 3 years has come fun.

Fizkultminthki in English lessons

Fizkultminutki in English lessons will help not only entertain children, but also to consolidate vocabulary various topics:

  • body parts
  • parts of the face
  • colors
  • verbs movement
  • items in the class
  • food

During physical attacks, pronounce and demonstrate what you say.
Children must repeat all actions for you. Do not make them repeat the words for you - the first time it will be very difficult. Enough so that the children caught the meaning of action.
When this task will be repeated on future lessons, the children will gradually begin to repeat the words and memorization will pass naturally.

Fizkultminutki is needed in class on which you do not plan more than one mobile game.

Fizkultminutki to study body parts

Let's become in the circle. Let's Stand in A Circle
- Listen carefully and repeat after me.Listen Carefully and Repeat After Me

Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands AS Slowly As You Can
( performandproclaimthis isacthighlyslow)
Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands As Quickly As You Can
( butthis isactperformedandit is pronouncedhighlyfast)

After children remember these words, increase the number of actions performed:

Tap, Tap, Tap Your Knees AS Slowly as You Can
Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands AS Slowly As You Can
Tap, Tap, Tap Your Knees As Quickly As You Can
Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands As Quickly As You Can
Shake, Shake, Shake Your Hands AS Slowly As You Can
Shake, Shake, Shake Your Hands AS Quickly As You Can
Shake, Shake, Shake Your Hips As Slowly As You Can
Shake, Shake, Shake Your Hips As Quickly As You Can
RUB, RUB, RUB Your Hands As Slowly as You Can,
RUB, RUB, RUB Your hands as quickly as you can.
Stamp, Stamp, Stamp Your Feet AS Slowly As You Can
Stamp, Stamp, Stamp Your Feet AS Quickly As You Can

This physical attachment can be carried out for any vigorous music, pronouncing words.

Clap Your hands
Clap Your Hands - One, Two, Three
RUB Your Hands - One, Two, Three.

(Actions described in the poem) are performed
RUB Your Hands Just Like Me.
Clap Your Hands Just Like Me.
Tap Your Knees - One, Two, Three.
Roll Your Hands - One, Two, Three.
Tap Your Knees Just Like Me.
Roll Your Hands Just Like Me.
Shake Your Hips - One, Two, Three.
Shake Your Hands - One, Two, Three.
Shake Your Hips Just Like Me.
Shake Your Hands Just Like Me.
Stamp Your Feet - One, Two, Three.

Stamp Your Feet Just Like Me.

Workout game workout

Give children such instructions:
"Now check how you are attentive.
I will call parts of the body, heads and faces, and you must touch it on your face, head or body. Be careful: sometimes I will say one thing, but show another!
But you must clearly fulfill my instructions. For example, I can say: "touch the nose", and the mouth itself itself. To play this game, we need to remember the new word: Touch - touch. "

The first time the leader's role is fulfilled by the teacher, then someone from children can be appointed to the role of the host.

Touch Your Nose.
Touch Your Knees.
Touch Your Ears.
Touch Your Toes.
Touch Your Mouth.
Touch Your Eyes.
Touch Your Hair.
Touch Your Head.
Touch Your Shoulders.

Fizkultminthork for repetition of colors (Touch Something Blue)

Teacher tells children: Touch Something Blue.
Children should touch any blue item in the room (you can touch something blue on the clothes of another child or teacher).
Then call the following color, etc. Next, the role of the host can be performed by children.

Note: So that physical attachment passed more interesting, you can distribute a soft hammer or a long inflatable ball. which they can concern colored items.
It is much more exciting than to do action by hand.

Fizkultminutka for learning the verbs of movement

First, demonstrate the actions yourself, then say the commands and follow them together with children.

Jump! (jump on both legs)

Run! (run)

Hop!(jump on one leg)

Walk!(walk around the room)

Squat! (squatted)

First, the actions are made in the normal pace, then the teacher commands:
QUICKLY! - And all actions are made quickly.
Then the command is served:
Slowly! - And the actions are made slowly.

Warming game for repetition of the name of relatives

Put the children in the face face out.
Each of them gets a new role - they become a mother, or dad, or sister, or brother.

The teacher calls one of the relatives, for examplefather. The one who received this role should quickly run a circle and take again in his place.

In principle, this warm-up game can be used with any set of vocabulary.

Simon Says.
repetition / consolidation of verbs of motion, as well as verbs Look, Touch, Give, Take, etc.

This game is a kind of popular in the USA and the UK Children's GamesSimon Says.
In it, the child must perform actions only if the presenter adds to his teamsSimon Says..

In our case, we replace these words onplease.(Explain to children what it means).
Children who have completed a team that does not contain this word is dropped out of the game.
Leave 2-3 winners and reward them. One of the winners becomes leading for the next game.
Repeat this game several times. In the future, such a game can be used with new actions that children will learn:
jump, rUN., fly, hop, swim, touch ( something.) etc.

Instead of the word "Please" you can use other words or combinations, for example, I Say, I ORDER etc.
Thus, gradually, children will be able to master some new verbs for them who introduce requests or orders.

Warming game on repeating verbs and expressions "I CAN"

Tell the children that you will call the actions that you know how to do, and they have to portray these actions.

For example, you say:I CAN FLY!- Children depict what they fly, pronouncing the wordfly.

At first, you may need to demonstrate actions to children.

When you see that children can do everything correctly without your help, it will be possible to conclude that they already recognize these words.

The poem to the music that replaces the physical attachment (fix the bill)

This workout can be performed under any actively active music.
By saying the poem, perform the appropriate actions with children.

Teddy.Bear., Teddy.Bear., turnaround.
(children turn around them)

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Touch The Ground
( childrentouchfloor)

(Children pretend that the laces are tied on shoes)

Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, how old are you?
(After this issue, show children any number up to 10.
They must be counted in English before this number)

Repeat the exercise several times, each time showing different numbers.

Warming game for repetition of the theme "Animals"

Call one child, whisper into his ear name of any familiar kids animal.

The child must "show" this is an animal with gestures and faithful, but no sounds are not allowed to pronounce.

That child who correctly guessed the animal and called him in English, will now "depict" the next animal.

Warming game "Direction of Movement"

For this game you will need a small free platform.
If there is no partner in your class, wonderful. If you are engaged in traditional class with parties, you can use for the game free space Before the board.

Call one child. Tie his eyes. Establish on the platform for the game obstacles, such as chairs. If the chairs can not be moved, the obstacles can be designated with handles or pencils on the floor.

The meaning of the game is to ensure that the children give instructions for moving the child, whose eyes are tied:



Turn Left!


The child with tied eyes should circumvent all the obstacles, following the instructions, and get from one end of the class to another.
Children can also give negative teams if they see that the child blindfolded is going to turn it out there:

No, Don't Turn Right!

No, Don't Turn Left!

The game can be repeated several times.

Fizkultminutka, which will help children remember the names of musical instruments

Giving the phrase "This Is The Way We Do It", children pretend that they play on the appropriate musical instrument.

This Is The Way We Do It.

This Is The Way We Do It.

This Is The Way We Do It.

This Is The Way We Do It.

This Is The Way We Do It.

Similar physical attachment can be usedto explore sports . For example:

This Is The Way WE Do It

Fizkultminutka helps to remember words LOW - HIGH, FAST - SLOW , as well as several verbs of motion

(jump through the rope)

Jump It High, and Jump IT Low. Jump, jump, jump.
(jump above and below)

Jump IT Fast, and Jump IT Slow. Jump, jump, jump.
(jump quickly and slow)

Walk Tiptoe, walk Tiptoe
(go on tiptoe)

Very Slow, Very Slow.JUMP, JUMP, JUMP.
(jump through the rope on tiptoe)

Clap Your hands,
(slam in your hands)

And Stamp Your Feet.
(kick your feet)

Jump, jump, jump.

Jumping with a rope can be messed. You can even give the prize to what it will be better than all.

Each person during mental tension wants to relax. The lesson is not only the work of the brain, but also emotional activities. To make information not overload a child, both in junior grades and in the elders it is necessary to use physical attacks in the lessons of the English language.

Unfortunately, many teachers neglect this element. Thus, they are trying to give children more material. And they do it in vain. When the baby's brain is overloaded, he will not knock anything in his head. " In addition, you can harm health. But it is necessary not to worsen it, but to save. Therefore, it is imperative to include fizminutki in English lessons.

When to spend?

Children simply need to move. You all sometimes noticed that after a while, anyone, even the most diligent student begins to spin, distract, yawning. So it's time to change the activity. Give your head to relax. For each age stage, certain workouts should be selected. For babies in younger, more animated, poetic fizminuts are suitable. For the elders, you can also use poems, you can jokes, jokes, patterings or something that simultaneously connects with the language, and relaxes. Communication with English is one of the basic requirements. Thus, you can consolidate some material, both by vocabulary and grammar. And sometimes expand the vocabulary.

We all know well that the standard lesson at school lasts 45 minutes. FROM initial classes Two warm-ups can be carried out. For example, after the first 15 minutes of the lesson, and after 35 minutes. It is not necessary to use the same. Even on the contrary, take different poems and songs. It will be more interesting. With an average and older link, you can carry out a fideline after 20 - 25 minutes of the lesson. It is best to look at the situation, to the attention of children, according to their activity. The duration of the warm-up is 1-2 minutes.

Workout in English lesson

How to spend? Relaxing minutes are different. It can be a song, and poem, and humor. If you have the ability to use audio or video material, you will certainly use. It will shoot children, give ease and energetic. If not, with children repeat all movements. When children will already know, for example, a poem, you can choose one child from class, and it will hold. What workouts are the most interesting?

Dynamic exercises built on movements. For example, you can use such Poem:

Hands Up! Hands Down!
Hands on Hips! SIT DOWN!
Hands Up! To the sides!
Stand Still!

Hands Up, Clap, Clap!
Hands Down, Clap, Clap!

Bend Left, Clap, Clap!
Bend Right, Clap, Clap!
Turn Yourself Around and Then You Clap, Clap!

Hands on Your Hips, Hands on Your Knees,
Put Them Behind You If You please.
Touch Your Shoulders, Touch Your Nose,
Touch Your Ears, Touch Your Toes.

Hands Up and Show Me Blue!
CLAP! CLAP! Show Me Yellow!
Sit Down. Nice of You!
Hop! Hop! Show Me Red!
Sit Down. Nice of You!
Sit Down and Point To the Green.
CLAP! CLAP! Show Me Pink.
Stop! Very Nice of You.

Songs also often used in the lessons. You can listen and watch video materials at the following links:

Hokey Poker.

If you are happy

Clap Your hands


One Little Finger

Eye Exercises:

1. Draw on a board or other way the letter S. Then ask the children with the eyes of the outline of it first in one direction, then you need to change. At the same time, you can sign the patter or rhyme. It can be associated with the topic studied ("Wealth IS NOTIN WITHOUT HEALTH).

2. A good exercise for the eyes will be a "letter". For example, you can first write some big letters on the board. Then transfer the look at your desk and there through the eyes "Write the same letters." Then on any small subject. Alternatively, you can write your name or any word.

3. You can use a poetic way to relax an eye.

Look Up, Look Down
Look Around.
Look At Your Nose
Look At That Rose
Close Your Eyes.
Open, Wink and Smile.
Your Eyes Are Happy Again.

Respiratory Fisminus:

Children, imagine that we air balloons WE ARE BALLOONS). Now I will consider, and you take a deep breath on each digit: One, Two, Three, Four- children make 4 deep breaths. According to the team "Breath in!" It is necessary to hold the breath. Then, I will count from 4 to 8, and you make a deep exhale "Breath Out!" - FOUR, FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT.

On the formation of correct posture:

Starting position: Put Your Legs Aside, Put Your Hands Over The Head.
1-5 - Make Circular Motions With Your Body To the Right;
5-6 - Make Circular Motions To the Left;
7-8 - Put Your Hands Down and Shake Them.
Repeat 4-6 Times. THE PACE IS MEDIUM.

Dear teachers! Do not forget about physical attacks in English lessons. This is not an extra element overloading your plan. This is a way to relax children, remove the load, attract attention to the subject, interest. Rhythmic rhymes are quickly remembered, and accompanied with audio or video recordings, they make a lesson even more entertaining.

Trust in God But Lock Your Car.

You can learn the language without scoring the head with tables of the times of the verb, as he was taught the ancient Phoenician navigators!

Organizing time or "Setup"

I begin the lessons in 2 - 6 classes with greetings:


Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning -To You - Sounds

GOOD MORNING, GOOD MORNING WE ARE GLAD TO SEE You - the sound is added [w]


And I Am Glad to See You. How Are you you?


WE ARE FINE (Good, Ok), Thank You, and You? - Sound is added [T.] ,


I "M Very Well (if only not as pupils answered).


First we knew your Russian language:


Kettle with a cup

cup with a cap

cap with a punch

punch with hole.


It was Frol, in Lavra Frolu livhed.
I will go to Lavra, on Frol Lavra Navru.

2 1/2

Osip yells, the archup does not lag behind - who will shift.
Osip Oshrip, Archka Osip.


Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.

Then wear "English gentleman mask" And continue:

4. English bee:

th-th-th-th-th- (ringing - [ D. ]) hand,

the depicting bee is approaching

to the other hand with revealedpalm

depicting an obstacle hits

about obstacleand falls down

with sound:

th-th-th-th-th- (deaf - [ T. ] )

5 .

[T.] howl [T.] toite [T.] tog. [T.] eNA?


To do this, the poem is nice to prepare the appropriate pictures or objects

This Is a Bear, This Is a Hare,
This is a dog and this is a froog.
This Is A Car, This Is A Star,
This is a ball and this is a doll.

6 .

English dog [ r-R-R-R-R-R ]


P [R] OG [R] Ammist P [R] OG [R] AMMI [R] Oval, P [R] OG [R] AMMI [R] oval,

yes, IHODA [R] IVL: "So Zap [R] OG [R] AMMI [R] uu, not [r] ASP [R] OG [R] Ammi [R]

not ne [R] Ep [R] OG [R] AMMI [R]

8. Sounds:combine letters GHT, IGHT,that is almost all sounds "on the alveoli", nasal " n. "And" interdental ".

One, Two, Three, Four, Five,

Once I Caught a Fish Alive,


Then I Let It Go Again.

Why Did You Let It Go?


Which Finger Did IT Bite?

The Litle Finger on The Right.

9. Sound [W]:

Why do you Cry Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why Willy? Why Willy?

Why, Willy, Why?

10. Sounds [S] and [Interdental]

A Skunk Sat On A Stump and Thunk - A Stamp Stank!

But a Stump Thunk - A Skunk Stank.

11. Sounds [S] and

She Sells Sea Shells AT The Sea Shore.

The Shells She Sells Are Surely Sea Shells.

SO If She Sells Shells On the Seashor,

I "M Sure She Sells Seashor Shells.

12. Just cool Limerick

A Fly and A Flea



"What Shall WE Do?"

"Let US Fly" Said The Flea. SAID THE FLY "SHALL WE FLEE"


13. Another

My name is Yon Yonson,

I Work in Wisconsin,

I Work in a Lumbermill There.

The People I Meet WHEN I Walk Down The Street

They Say, "What" s Your Name?

And i Say.

"My Name Is Yon Yonson,

I Work in Wisconsin

14. Interdental - deaf and ringing, days of the week

Monday for Health

Tuesday for Wealth


Thursday for crosses.

Friday for losses.

Saturday NOT Luck AT All

15. Alveolar, "P, B, H, W"

This video is rather for the teacher.

See A Pin and Pick It Up


See a Pin and Let I Lay

You "LL Have Bad Luck All That Day

16. Funny

A Bear and a Bunny Had Plenty of Money

Thay Went To the Store for Carrots and Honey.


The MAN of the Store Cried: "Where Is Your Money?".


And That "S How They Bought their Carrots and Honey. 03/21/09

17. "B, T,"

Betty Botta Bought Some Butter,

Butter "S Bitter.

If I Put It in My Batter,

IT Will Make My Batter Bitter.

But a Bit of Better Butter

Will Make My Batter Better.


Better than Her Bitter Butter.

Children are difficult while sitting in one place. Therefore, in order not to disappear from the study of English, you can spend physical attacks or playing different mobile games in English.

Here are the options of "English charging" for babies and older children.


One, One, One (Show the index finger)

I CAN RUN! (running on the spot)

TWO, \u200b\u200bTWO, TWO (Show 2 fingers)

I CAN JUMP TOO! (jumping in place)

Three, Three, Three (Show 3 fingers)

Look At Me! (the child freezes in a funny pose)

Children this countie very much like, they ask repeat even even.


Stand Up, Sit Down (get up, sit down)

Clap, Clap, Clap. (slam in your hands)

Point to the window (Show your finger on the window)

Point to the door (Show your finger on the door)

Point to the Board (Show your finger on the board)

Point to the Floor. (Show your finger onoL)

Stand Up, Sit Down (get up, sit down)

Clap, Clap, Clap. (slam in your hands)

You can leave this workout on theme "House", eg.


Make Your Right Hand Clap, Clap, Clap. (slamming right palm on the left)

Make Your Left Hand Clap, Clap, Clap. (slapping left palm right)

Turn Around 1,2,3. (turn around yourself)

IT IS Easy, You Can See!

Make Your Right Foot Tap, Tap, Tap. (to the right leg)

Make Your Left Foot Tap, Tap, Tap. (to the left leg)

Turn Around 1,2,3. (turn around yourself)

IT IS Easy, You Can See!


Before charging, you need to agree that the children will raise (pears, bananas - if theme "Food"; cubes, dolls - if; plastic animals - if Theme "Animals" etc.). It can be both real objects and imaginary.

Pick Up, Put Down, Stand Up, Turn Around.

Clap Left, Clap Right, Clap Up, Clap Down.

Look Left, Look Right, Look Up, Look Down.

Turn Around, Sit Down, Touch Something brown..

The last word can be changed every time, thereby fixing the colors.


We Are Running, (running on the spot)

We Are Jumping, (jumping in place)

Trying Sky to Get.

We Are Skipping, (jump from foot to foot on site)

Trying Sky to Get. (Climb on socks, hands up)

We Are Flying Like A Real Jet. (hands on the part, showing the aircraft)

We are hopping, (jumping on the spot on one foot later on another)

We Are Climbing. (as we climb up)

Like a Funny Cat. (draw in the air mustache like a cat)

Mew. (sit down in place)


Jump, Jump, Jump to the Party Music. (jumping in place)

Dance, Dance, Dance To The Party Music. (dancing on the spot)

Shake, Shake, Shake To the Party Music. (Swing your head)

CLAP, CLAP, CLAP AND STAMP YOUR FEET. (clap in your hands, put your feet)

BUT WHEN THE MUSIC STOPS, (index finger up)



FREEZE! (freeze in a funny pose)

The song is taken from HAPPY HOUSE CMD 1. Of course, you can perform movements and without a song, but still the words of the poem themselves suggest music.


Up, Down, Up, Down. (hands up, down)

Which Is the Way to London Town? (Step on the spot)

Where? Where? (hand to the eyes, turns left, right)

Up in the air, (look up)

Close Your Eyes. (Close your eyes)

And You Are there! (Drag your hands to the sides)

8. The game "Wolf and Hares"

The wolf stands as far as possible from the hares. Hares are asked: "What time is it now?". The wolf answers: "IT's 5 O'Clock." Hares make 5 jumps towards the wolf, and again ask his time. So now the hares will not be close to the wolf. Then the wolf shouts "IT's Dinner Time," and runs to catch up with hares.

For children, you can just simplify the game Replacing phrases, separate words (For example: Five, Dinner).


Show Me Your Shoulders, (hands on shoulders)

Show Me Your Neck, (hands on the neck)

Clap, Clap Your Hands (slam in your hands)

And Show Me Your Back. (turn the back, and turn again)

Show Me Your. head., (Hands on the head)

Show Me Your Neck,

Clap, Clap Your Hands

And Show Me Your Back.

As you can see, the last word in the first line can be replaced by any part of the body. And this warm-up is wonderful when studying the topic. "Parts of the Body" (Body).


Hands on shoulders, (palm on shoulders)

Hands on Knees. (palm knees)

Hands Behind You, (hands behind the back)

Touch Your Shoulders (Palm on the shoulders again)

NOW Your Nose, (Touch your finger to the nose)

NOW Your Hair and Now Your Toes; (touch the hair, then to the fingers on the legs)

Hands Up High In The Air (hands up)

DOWN At Your Sides, and Touch Your Hair; (Hands on the seam, touch the hair)

Hands Up High As Before (again hands up)

Now Clap Your Hands, One-Two-Three-Four! (clap in your hands 4 times)


Hands Up, (hands up)

Hands Down, (hands down)

Hands on Knees, (Hands on your knees)

Sit Down. (Sit down)

Clap Your hands (slam in your hands)

Stand Up, (get up)

Stomp your Feet (kick your feet)

Hands up. (hands up)

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