Clarence Bass training. Better shorter: abbreviated training for older athletes

Clarence Bass.



Early Career.


In 1976, Bass Began Planning His Entry Into Bodybuilding Competition. To Help Keep His Body Fat Percentage As Low As Possible, He Started A Diet High in Whole Foods and Low in Concentrated Calories. On August 24, 1977 His Body Fat Was Measured AT 2.4% At Lovelace Medical Center using Hydrostatic Weighting.

His First Success Was At The 1978 New Mexico Bodybuilding Championship, Where He Won Best Legs and Most Muscular. HE THEN TURNED HIS AtTENTION TO PAST-40 COMPETTION. In 1978, He Won The Aau Past 40 Mr. America, Short Class. In 1979, He Won The Aau Past 40 Mr. USA, Short Class. In The USA Contest, He Also Won The Operall Awards for Best Legs, Best Abdominals, And Most Muscular Man. In HIS Final Year of Bodybuilding Competition, He Placed 2nd in the 1980 Past 40 Mr. America. WHEN ASKED by Second Wind Author Lee Bergquist Why He Retired From Competition in The Best Condition of His Life, Bass Replied, "I Had Nothing to Gain and Everything to Lose." He Added, "I Developed My Reputation With New Photos and These Contesss Aren't A Lot of Fun."

Fitness Writing Career

In 1980, Bass Wrote His First Book, , Which Detailed How He Reduced His Body Fat To 2.4% and Won His Class in the Past-40 Mr. America and Mr. USA Contesss. In His Book, He Described What He Did Wrong AS Well As What He Did Right. For example, He Described Both The Ups And The Downs of His Experience with Steroids. He Sent The Manuscript to Bill Reynolds, then editor-in-chief of Muscle & Fitness. Reynolds Liked The Book and Showed It to Joe Weider, Who Invited Bass to Write A Monhly Column Called "The Ripped Department." The Column Ran For Sixteen Years, Making It The History of the Magazine. The Same Year, He and His Wife Carol Formed Ripped Enterprises, Through Which The Sold His Books and Related Items.

Encouraged By The Success of His First Book and His Monthly Column, Bass Published a Second Book, Ripped 2.. Ripped 2. IS A TRAINING MANUAL DEVOTED TO BUILDING AND MAINTAINING LEAN MUSCLE MASS. IT ALSO DEALS WITH THE SUBJECT OF TRAINING PSYCHOLOGY. (Bass' undergraduate degree is in psychology). AS BASS 'TRAINING REGIMEN AND DIET EVOLVED, SO DID HIS BOOKS. In 1986, He Wrote . Ripped 3. INCLUDES 22 Meal Variations and Introduced A New Training Concept: Periodization, A Training Concept First Developed in the Former Soviet Union.

From 1984 to 1994, Bass Published The LEAN ADVANTAGE Series. The Three Books Are A Compilation Of Bass's Question and Answer Column In Muscle & Fitness. In 1989, Bass Published LEAN FOR LIFE.Which Describes a Balanced Training Regimen That Places Equal Emphasis on Cardiovascular Training and Resistance Training. The Book Also Emphasizes Motivational Techniques.

BASS AND HIS WIFE STARTED THEIR BODYBUILDING, HEALTH, AND FITNESS Website,, In 1996. Bass Uses The Website As a Vehicle from Which to Write Monthly Articles In Ten Categories As Well As to Sell Books and Fitness Related Products.

BASS "1996 Book Challenge Yourself. Describes The Evolution of His Diet and Training. At that Point in Time, His Training Included Two Workouts a Week, One Weight Workout and One High Intensity Interval Workout. He Also Began Adding Healthy Fats, Such As Fatty Fish and Ground Flaxseed, To His Diet. The Book Also Includes a Series of photographs of His Physique.

In 2002, Bass Collaborated with Wayne and Tina Gallasch of GMV Productions to Produce Ripped, The DVDWhich Complemented His Books. Encouraged by The Success of the First DVD, Bass and Gallasch Produced The Second Ripped DVD IN 2003. IN 2004, HE AND GALLASCH PRODUCED The Third Ripped DVDWhich Focused Entirely On Motivation.

Bass Published His Latest Book, Great EXpectations., in 2007. In Great EXpectations., Bass Tells How He Combated Expectations of Age-Related Physical Decline. HE TALKS ABOUT OVEROMING TWO MEDICAL PROBLEMS, HIP REPLACEMENT AND A BLADDER MALFUNCTION AND EXPLAINS THE SCIENTFIC BASIS FOR THE FUTURE. The Book Also Describes a "BluePrint" for Physical Excellence at Any Age. Illustrating The Success of His Approach, Bass Reveals What Dr. Waneen Spirduso, Co-Author of Physical Dimensions of Aging, Called "One of the Most Remarkable 70-Year-Old Bodies in the World."


  • Bass, Clarence (1980). Ripped: The Sensible Way to Achieve Ultimate Muscularity ISBN 9780960971404.
  •    (1982). Ripped 2.. CLARENCE BASS "RIPPED ENTERPRISES. ISBN 9780960971411.
  •    (1984). THE LEAN ADVANTAGE. Clarence Bass "Ripped Enterprises. ISBN 9780960971428.
  •    (1986). Ripped 3: The ReaSons, The Routines and The Reasons. Clarence Bass "Ripped Enterprises. ISBN 9780960971435.
  •    (1989). The LEAN ADVANTAGE 2: The Second Four Years. Clarence Bass "Ripped Enterprises. ISBN 9780960971442.
  •    (1992). LEAN FOR LIFE: STAY MOTVATED AND LEAN FOREVER. Clarenece Bass "Ripped Enterprises. ISBN 9780960971459.
  •    (1994). The LEAN ADVANTAGE 3: Four More Years. Clarence Bass "Ripped Enterprises. ISBN 9780960971466.
  •    (1999). Challenge Yourself: Leanness, Fitness & Health at Any Age. Clarence Bass "Ripped Enterprises. ISBN 9780960971473.
  •    (2007). Great EXpectations: Health, Fitness, Leanness Wort Suffering. Clarence Bass "Ripped Enterprises. ISBN 0974768243.


  • Clarence Bass (2002). Ripped, The DVD
  • Clarence Bass (2003). The Second Ripped DVD (DVD). GMV Production and Clarence Bass Ripped Enterprises.
  • Clarence Bass (2003). The Third Ripped DVD (DVD). GMV Production and Clarence Bass Ripped Enterprises.


  1. HOLMAN, STEVE (10 January 2009). "Clarence Bass Interview". Iron Man Magazine. . RETRIEVED 2010-08-23.
  2. ^ "Clarence Bass: Bodybuilding & Fitness." . RETRIEVED 2010-08-23.
  3. "Association of Oldtime Barbell and Strongmen". 2009-05-22 . RETRIEVED 2010-08-23.
  4. Bass, Clarence; Bass, Carol (1996). "Clarence Bass: Personal Information" . Retrieved 27 August 2010.
  5. BERGQUIST, LEE (2009), Second Wind: The Rise of the Ageless Athlete, Human Kinetics, p. 71, ISBN 0736074910
  6. Clarence Bass (2003). The Second Ripped DVD (DVD). GMV Production and Clarence Bass Ripped Enterprises.
  7. Bass, Clarence (1982). Ripped 2.. CLARENCE BASS "RIPPED ENTERPRISES. ISBN 9780960971411.
  8. Bass, Clarence (1999). Challenge Yourself: Leanness, Fitness & Health at Any Age. Clarence Bass "Ripped Enterprises. ISBN 9780960971473.
  10. Clarence Bass (2002). Ripped, The DVD (DVD). GMV Production and Clarence Bass Ripped Enterprises.
  11. Bass, Clarence (2007). Great EXpectations: Health, Fitness, Leanness Wort Suffering. Clarence Bass "Ripped Enterprises.

Peak TestoSterone

Clarence BASS: Senior Bodybuilding

Q. My Impression Is That Very Few of The Professional Bodybuilders Made Into Their 60 "S and 70" S in Good Shape. The Exceptions Are, I Believe, Yourself, The Names Above, Steve Reeves and Bill Pearl. So What Is the Reason That So Few Last Into The Senior Decades? All the Chemicals? Past Injuries? Chronic Disease?

A: IT VARIES From Case to Case. Those That Keep Training and Take Care Of Themselves Do Pretty Well. The More Consistent You Are with Training and Healthy Eating The Better You Do.

Q. So What is Your Take On Protein Requirements for Senior Lifters? Do You Believe That The Standard 1 Gram Per Pound of Body Weight Is Ideal Or Is That Too Much or Too Little Protein?

A: Your Body Can Only Use So Much Protein AT Each Meal. The Important Thing Is To Include Some High Quality Protein (Eggs, Milk and Fish, For Example) in Each Meal. Excess Calories from Any Source, Including Protein, Are Deposited AS Fat. I Focus on Eating A Balanced Diet Of Whole Foods and Don T Count Calories or Macronutrients.


A: I Take Creatine Before and After Workouts, But Don T Take Bodybuilding Supplements OtherWise. Again, I RELY ON Eating A Balanced Diet Of Whole Foods.

Q. I know You Try to Stay As Natural As Possible, But You Eventually Went On a Statin. Did You Struggle WITH ANY MYOPATHY-RELATED ISSUES WHILE ON STATIN AND DO YOU TAKE SUPPLEMENTAL COQ10?

A: I Take a Low Dose Statin and Haven T Had Any Trouble. I do Take Coq10 Along with the Statin, as recommended by My Doctor.

Q. I Know Than Many Men Would Benefit and Enjoy Reading Your Articles and Books. CAN YOU POINT US ALL TO THE BEST LOCATION TO FIND THESE?

A: I Write One Or More Articles Each Month for Our Free WebSite, 396 in 10 Different Categories to date. OUR BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE DIRECTLY FROM US OR ON AMAZON; They Can Also Be Ordered at Your Local Bookstore. You LL Find Details on Each of Our Books and Dvds on Our Website:

If You've Been Around Bodybuilding Since The '80s, You Know The Name Clarence Bass. Did He Win The Mr. Olympia? No, But He Brought to The Forefront The Principles of Eating and Training Properly to Get That Extreme-Lean Look Mr. OLYMPIAS STRIVE FOR. A Self-Confessed Musclehead and Attorney, He Got Down to 2.4 Percent Bodyfat, Something Unheard of Even Today, and He Did It With Clean Eating, Sensible Training and No Drugs-and He Was Over 40 When HE ACHIEVED THAT MILESTINE.

Today He's 70, and He Looks Incredible-not Just for His Age But for Any Age. If you're intended in how he does it, read on.

IM: You Appear Almost As Ripped and Muscular On The Cover of Your New Book, Great EXpectations. , AS You Did in Your Earlier Books, Like LEAN FOR LIFE. And. Challenge Yourself. , WHEN YOU WERE 50 AND 60. What's Been The Most Difficult Adjustments You've Had to Make As You Got Older to Stay in That Condition?

CB: Thanks for the compliment. People Need to Know That It Doesn't Have To Be Downhill After 50. That's The Main Message in My New Book; That's Why I Wrote It. I've Basically Kept On Doing What I'Ve Always Done. I HAD MY HIP REPLACED IN JANUARY OF 2006, BUT I CONTINUED TRAINING RIGHT UP TO THE SURGERY AND LOST LITTLE IF ANY SIZE OR STRENGTH. I Had a New Surgical Procedure Where They Go Between Rather Than Cut Any Major Muscles. I Was Back in the Gym in a Few Weeks and Back Up to Speed \u200b\u200bin A FEW MONTHS. The Body Keeps Reponding to the Demands of Sensible Training Far Longer Than Most People Think. To Accomplish Something You Must Believe That It's Possible-and That You Can Do It. My New Book Gives Readers Reason to Have Great Expectations.

Im: Do You Think Your Years of Weight Training Were The Reason You Needed Hip-Replacement Surgery?

CB: IT's Impossible to Know for Sure. I Trained Steadily for More Than 50 Years Before Having My Hip Replaced. IT MAY Have Just Worn Out. It's Also Possible That My Hip Would've Given Out Earlier Wort Training. I Have a Congenital Curvature in My Spine, Which May Have Played A Part As WELL. MOST DOCTORS WOULD AGREE THAT JOINTS DO BEST WHEN THEY ARE USED REGULARLY (Not overused). One of the Chapters in My Book Gives The Details of My Hip Replacement, Including The Role of Weight Training Before and After.

IM: IN. Ripped. You Said Your Bodyfat Was Measured in a Hydrostatic-Weighting Device AT 2.4 percent. Have You Had Your Bodyfat Measured Lately?

CB: I Monitor My Bodyfat Every Week using a Tanita Body Composition Scale, Which Is Quite Accurate IF Used Consistently. That's Been a Boon to My Training Because I No Longer Have the Expense and Hassle of Having Myself Weighed Under Water. According to the Tanita Scale, My Bodyfat Was About 5 Percent Were The Book Photos Were Taken; IT VARIES, Plus or Minus, Based on Time Of Day and Hydration Level.

Im: do you feel you're Still Improving, or is it it's Maintenance Game Now?

CB: I ALWAYS TRY TO IMPROVE. Training to Maintain Is No Fun and A Motivation Killer, And I Avoid It Like The Plague. I Can Almost Always Find Ways to Improve. I Set Goals in Every Workout. That Doesn't Mean That I Improving In A Linear Way-i'm Obviously Not. But That's My Mind-Set, And I Believe It Has a Lot to Do with My Continuing Success.

IM: In The Past You Were A Staunch High-Intensity Advocate, Training All Out to Failure Along The Lines of Mike Mentzer's Recommendations. Do You Still Believe In That Approach, and Is It The Best Way to Train for Someone Past Middle Age?

CB: I'm a Strong Believer in the "Less Is more" Philosophy. I Don't Train To All-Out Failure. I Know When I Can't do Another Rep and Stop. Where I Differ with Mike's Approach Is That I Train In Up-and-Down Cycles and Always Include Aerobics. I Think It's Important for Older Lifters to Continue Challenging Themselves and Take Care to Allow Time for Recovery Between Time for Recovery Between Time For Recovery Between Workouts.

Im: What Weight-Training and Cardio Programs Do You Follow Now, and How Have That Changed Over The Past Decade-or Has IT?

CB: My Workouts Are Equally Balanced Between Weights and Aerobics. I Approach Aerobics The Same Way I Do Weights: Hard and Infrequent. I Prefer to Do Weights and Aerobics on Separate Days, So I Can Give Equal Attention to Both. I Train Two Or Three Times a Week and Walk On Off Days. ON WEIGHTS, I DO One Hard Set After Warmup. ON AEROBICS, I FOCUS ON HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVALS. My Weight Workouts Last a Little Over An Hour And My Aerobics Sessions about 25 Minutes.

Im: Are there exercises you Think Older Bodybuilders Should Steer Clear of? How about Squats and Deadlifts?

CB: I Believe Both Old And Young Trainers Should Avoid Movements That Hurt. If it hurts, don't do it. Squats and Deadlifts Are Fine As Long As the Don't Cause Joint Pain. Allowing Time for Recovery Is Especially Important for the Squat and Deadlift. Doing Squats ONE WEEK AND DEADLIFTS THE NEXT WELL FOR MOST PEOPLE.

Im: Do You Do A Lot of Warmup Sets Before Your One Work Set For Each Exercise?

CB: IT Depends on the exercise. For Multijoint Exercises Such As Squats, Deadlifts or Bench Presses, I Generally Do Two Or Three Warmup Sets. For Curls and Other Single-Joint Movements, One or Two. Reps for Warmup Sets Are Usually Eight To Four, with Progressively Heavier Weights. My Theory Is That Warmup Sets Are to Prepare The Body for The Work Set and Shouldn't Wear You Out.


CB: YES. I Explain The Changes I'Ve Made Recently, Including Those Made After My Hip Replacement.

IM: Early in Your Weight-Training Career You Were An Olympic Lifter. Do You Think Those Lifts-the Clean and Jerk and The Snatch-Are Safe? What Were Some Of Your Best Poundages?

CB: The Olympic Lifts Put A Lot of Stress On The Joints and Must Be Approached with Care. Power Cleans and Power Snatches Are Much Easier to Learn and Are Probably Best for Most People. I Do Have Some Joint Problems That I Trace Back to My Olympic Lifting Days-I Have a Weakness In My Left Shoulder and Arthritis in My Lower Back. I Avoid Movements That Aggravate Either Condition. TRAINING THROUGH PAIN OR INJURY IS A BAD IDEA. My Best Lifts Were 275 Press, 245 Snatch and 325 Clean and Jerk.

IM: What's your Favorite Cardio Exercise, and how do you attack it for best results?

CB: My Favorite Cardio Machine Is The Schwinn Airdyne, An Exercise Bike with A Push-Pull Arm Action. I Believe in Training The Whole Body Aerobically, and The Airdyne Does That Very Well. What Many Forget Is That 50 Percent Or More of the Benefit of Aerobic Exercise Takes Place in The Muscles and That Only The Muscles That Are Used Benefit. A Good Performance Monitor, Like The One On The Airdyne, Is Important So You Can Train Progressively. AS I Said Earlier, I Always Try to Improve.

IM: In The Days of Ripped. Your Diet Was Higher Carb, Medium Protein and Low Fat, with Reduced Calories When You Wanted to Get Ripped. How do you eat now?

CB: The Main Change That I'Ve Made in Recent Years Is The Addition of "Good" Fat, Usally Salmon. Good Fat Slows The Absorption of Food and Is Good for the Heart and Circulatory System. I Eat a Balanced Diet Of Mostly Whole Foods. I Eat Three Main Meals and Three Snacks A Day and Never Miss a Meal. The Bulk of My Diet Is Vegetables, Fruits and Whole Grains. In addition, I Make a Point of Having Some Fat and High-Quality Protein with Each Meal or Snack. I NEVER ALLOW MYSELF TO GET OVERLY HUNGRY. I don't Starve MySelf.

Im: Does Being A Semi-Vegetarian Hamper Your TestoSterone Production? Doesn't that Type of Diet Make It Harder to Build Muscle, EsceciLY AS You Age?

CB: I HAD MY TestoSterone Checked During My Last Health and Fitness Exam At The Cooper Clinic in Dallas. The Blood Test Showed That My Testosterone Is In The Mid-Range of Normal; YOU CAN READ THE DETAILS ON OUR WEB SITE ( I Believe That Regular Exercise-Weights and Aerobics-and a Balanced Diet Are All That Most People Need to Maintain TestoSterone At Normal Levels.

Im: What's Your Favorite Supplement for Aging Bodybuilders?

CB: I Like Creatine, Which Works Especially WELL for People Who Don't Eat Much Meat. I'Ve Taken It for Years.

Im: What Keeps You Motivated to Stay in Such Solid, Lean Shape? Who's Your Inspiration?

CB: I Enjoy My Training, A Key Element in Staying Motivated. Realistic and Challenging Goals Are Also Important. Positive Feedback SHOWING PROGRESS TOWARD A Meaningful Goal Is The Ultimate Motivator. I ALWAYS HAVE A GOAL. WHEN I ACHIEVE IT, I SET ANOTHER ONE. Training Becomes More Important With Each Passing Year. I Never Miss a Scheduled Workout. BILL PEARL HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY FAVORITE ROLE MODEL. My Dad and I Were in The '53 Mr. America. I Love The Fact That He Still Gets Up At ABO 4 A.M. To Train Six Days a Week.

Im: What's Your Training and Diet Advice To Bodybuilders WHO ARE MOVING PAST MIDDLE AGE?

CB: I'd Tell Them That Regularity in Training and Diet Is The Most Important Thing. The Only Diet Or Training Regimen That Will Work Is One You are Willing and Able to Continue Indefinitely. Don't Bite Off More Than''re Really Willing To Chew.

Im: Do You Keep Up With The Current Bodybuilding Scene?

CB: I don't Follow Competitive Bodybuilding AS Closely As I Once Did. My Impression Is That The Top Guys and Gals Are SO Good That Normal People Can't Relate To Them. Bodybuilding for Health and Fitness, However, Has Never Been More Popular. Carol and I Just Heard That Gold's Gym Is Planning to Open Several New Gyms in Our Hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico, Which Alady Has a Ton of Fitness Centers. My Sense Is That The Over-40 Market May Be The Fastest Growing Segment. For Those Who Want to Stay Young and Strong, Bodybuilding Is The Key.

IS: OBESITY IS RAMPANT IN THE UNITED STATES, AND CHILDREN ARE MORE SEDENTARY THAN EVER BEFORE, Which is Adding to the Epidemic and Creating a Health Crisis. Any Ideas on How WE AS A Society Can Reverse That Trend?

CB: I Wish I Knew The Answer. I'm Pretty Sure That Treating The Overweight As Victims Isn't IT, However. Whether We Are Fit And Lean Or Sedentäntary and Fat Is a Choice. Our Web Site, Books and Dvds Are Aimed At Helping People Who Want to Help ThemSelves.


A PROLIFIC AUTHOR AND DESIGNER OF THE UNIQUE RIPPED SYSTEM OF TRAINING AND NUTRITION, CLARENCE IS ONE MAN WHO TRULY PRACTICES WHAT HE Preaches, AS Exemplified by Height Class Wins At Both The 1978 PAST-40 Mr. America and 1979 PAST-40 MR U.S.A. And The Ripped-to-the-Bone Appearance He Maintains Year in and Out.

While Many Argue That Optimal Conditioning and Adherence To the Kinds of Training and Nutrition Strategies That Create Such A State Are Next to Impossible to Maintain, Clarence Shows That This Path Is Not Only Achievable But Also Desirable.

Born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Clarence, A Trained Lawyer Who Retired from Legal Practice in 1994, Has for the past 13 Years Devated His Life to Studying and Writing About The Fitness Lifestyle, An Interest He Has Had Since He Began Lifting Weights At Age 13. Clarence First Gained Notoriety AS An Athlete After Winning His First Ashletic Award in 1954, When As A Junior He Won The State High School Pentathlon Championship.

Ripped Enterprises
PO BOX 51236.
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87181-1236

Ripped Enterprises
528 Chama, NE

F Or Decades, Clarence Bass (Born 1937) Has Been Photographed in Bodybuilding Poses That Trace His Transformation from An Embryonic Weightlifter of 15 To a Ripped Septuagenarian. The Pictures Represent A BioLogical Time Line of How Little The Human Body Declines with Proper Care and Feeding. His Latest Photographs, Taken a Little Shy Of His 70th Birthday, Reveal A Man Virtually Bereft of Body Fat. He is not So Much a Portrait of Strength, Though He Is That; He is a model of Muscle Definition. Everything Sems To. pop. TENDONS AND VEINS RISE UP OUT OF HIS SKIN LIKE TIGHTLY Drawn Cables. HE HAS ABS TO DIE FOR.

"For all the Softies of the world," SAID Photographer Laszlo Bencze, Who Photographed Bass, "The Only Thing The Desire Is Defined ABS. And Clarence Has Got That in Spades."

Outside the hypercritical eye of the bodybuilding establishment, where no imperfection goes unnoticed, Bass "s physique has changed little since 1978 when he won his height class at the Past-40 Mr. America competition. The similarity between age 40 and 70 is ll the More Remarkable Because Bass Than Was Using Anabolic Steroids.

NOW, INSTEAD OF DRUGS, HE Uses a Few Over0the-Counter Nutritional Supplements. He Lifts Weights Twice A Week, Mixes in Another Two Days of Short Bouts of Heart-Pounding Aerobics, Takes Lots of Walks, And Eats a Near-Vegetarian Diet. He is not a slave to the gym. AND WHEN I SPENT A DAY WITH HIM IN DECEMBER 2007, WE ATE ALL DAY LONG.

America "S Health Clubs Are Filled with Barbell-Lifting Baby Boomers Intent On Staying Young Forever. But the Discipline, Over Decades, Have the Discipline, Diet, and Passion for Weight Training That Bass Had Demonstrated? Will Any of Them Ever Look AS Lean And Strong?

"I DON" T Think That You Will Ever See Many People Like Clarence Bass, "Said Terry Todd, A Professor of Exercise History At The University of Texas." Clarence Is Very Unique. "

I Learned About Bass When I Came Across His Photographs in PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS OF AGING (1995),by Waneen W. Spirduso, A Professor of Kinesiology and Public Health, Also At The University of Texas.

Spirduso Used Pictures of Bass to Make A Point: Strength and Muscular Endurance Decline Mostly Because of A Lack of Exercise - Not Because of Factors Associated with Getting Old. "One of the Clearest Findings in the Literature on Strength and Aging Is That Disuse Accelerates Aging," She Wrote.

For Many Years, Much of the Medical Community Failed to See The Benefits of Resistance Training. "You Really Had to Be There to See How People Felt," Said Todd, a former National Champion Powerlifter Who Weighed More Than 300 Pounds. He Remembers Meeting Kenneth Cooper, The Physician and Author of the 1968 Book Aerobics.At the Time, Cooper Saw Little Benefit in Strenuous Weight Training. But with New Research, Attitudes Began to Change. A 1998 Study by The American College of Medicine Analyzed 250 Research Projects; AMONG THE FINDINGS, IT FOUND THAT STRENGTH TRAINING CAN MAKE MEN AND WOMEN STRONGER AS THEY GROW OLDER, IMPROVE BONE HEALTH, AND HELP CONTROL WEIGHT. In One Of The Studies, Older Men and Women Were Found to Achieve Greater Gains in Strength Than Young People. Spirduso Described Elite Elderly Athletes As Having A Psyche in Which The "Body and Functioning Are Very Important Components of Self-Awareness and Self-esteem."

WHEN I FIRST SAW THE PHOTOGRAKS OF BASS, I WAS IMPRESED WITH HOW STRONG HE LOOKED. But His Muscularity, At His Age, Seeemed Excessive. I Thought About TV Muscleman Jack Lalanne and The InfoMercials Featuring Impossibly Strong Men and Women Hawking The Latest Exercise Device. Mind You, This Was Early In My Research, and I Hadn "T Yet Studied Anyone As Muscular AS Bass. I Didn" T Fully Understand The Passion, Pride, and Ambition That Drove The Older Athlete; I HADN "T Come Around to the Notion That If A 70-Year Old Man Can Spring 100 Meters or Run A Marathon, Why Couldn" T He Try Seeking Physical Perfection?

"I Think The Primary Reason People Are Uncomfortable ABout These Sorts of Muscle Poses, and to some of the Muscle Is True, Is That Vanity and Ego Are on Such Public Display," Todd Told Me. He Is Co-Director of Texas "S Todd-Mclean Physical Culture Collection, The Largest Archive in the World Devoted to Fitness, Weightlifting, and Exercise.

Todd Described Bass AS "Sort of a Poster Child" For the Older Superfit and He Planned On Using Photos Depicting "The Changelessness of Clarence" S Body "WHEN THE COLLECTION BECAME THE CENTERPIECE OF THE UNIVERSITY" S NEW 27,000-SQUARE-FOOT LUTICHER STARK Center for Physical Culture and Sports.

Muscularity CAN BE Intimidating, Even WHEN IT "S Someone Who Qualifies for Social Security." IT "S Sort Of Like," What Have You Sport The Last 30 Years of Your Life Doing? WELL, NOT MUCH, "BENCZE SAID." AND SO THAT MAKES THEEL GUILTY. And If You Feel Guilty, You are Going to Be Angry. "

His Body of Work

In Street Clothes, Bass Is Lean and Wiry. HE is not tall - 5 "6". HIS Skin Is Remarkably Smooth, and in Certain Light He Appears 20 Years Young. Bass Is Fond of Sharing His Views and In Fact, Much of His Time Is Now Sport Communicating His Ideas On Fitness. But It Is With Restraint - And Not Gimmicks. "He Talks Very Softly But Very Strongly," Said His Old Friend, Carl Miller, a former U.S. Olympic Weightlifting Coach.

The Sport of Olympic-Style Weightlifting, Training for the Connoisseur -

Carl Miller, 2011:

"How i Look Is Very Important to Me," Bass Said WHEN WE First Met At His Home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. "That" s My Proof, So to Speak. "Photographs Are The" Most Visible Way I Can Show That I Have Maintained This Level of Fitness, "He Said." I Realize That It Is A Turnoff for Some People Who Are Not Into Bodybuilding. But One of the Things That Distinguishes Me From Almost Any Other Bodybuilder Is This Continuing Documentation. "

Muscle Definition Is Influenced Chiefly by Muscle Size and Level Of Body Fat. Every Saturday Morning Before Breakfast, Bass Goes Into The Bathroom and Steps on a Scale That Measures His Weight and Body Bar. He Records The Changes in His Neat Handwriting On a Legal Pad, The Numbers Fluctuating BY A POUND AND A TENTH OF A PERCENTAGE POINT, RESPECTIVELY. HE HAS TESTED HIS BODY THIS WAY SINCE 1977. IN THE DAYS BEFORE HIGH-TECH SCALES, BASS WAS DUNKED UNDERWATER IN A LABORATORY BY RESEARCHERS AT THE LOVELACE FOUDATION FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION AND RESERCH IN ALBUQUERQUE.

In His Most Recent photographs, Bass Weighed 150 Pounds. His Body Fat Registered 3.5% ON HIS AT-HOME SCALE - Lower Than Town Of Most Elite Marathon Runners. A More Qualitative Analysis Occurs Every Morning When He Gets Out of Bed and Looks in The Mirror At His Nude Body. "In Terms of Overall Muscle Mass, There Are Some Posies That I CAN" T NOW TO DO THAT I CAN "T NOW," HE SAID. "But I am Pretty Proud of How I Look."

Bass Began Lifting Weights AT 13, Turning An Old Shed At Home Into His Personal Gym. AS A Junior in High School, He Was New Mexico "S State Pentathlon Champion - An Event That Combined Push-Ups, Chin-Ups, Vertical Jump, A 300-Yard Shuttle Run, And An Event Called The Bar Vault, in Which Competitors Pulled ThemSelves Over a High Bar. As A Senior, He Finished Second in the State Wrestling Tournament. In College, He Began Competing in Olympic-Style Lifts, Which Require Great Quickness and Strength. Then He Took Up Bodybuilding.

The Year After He Won His Weight Class in the Past-40 Mr. America, Bass, AT 41, Took First Place in His Class in Another Competition - The Past-40 Mr. USA. Overall, He Won Best Abdominals, Best Legs, And Most Muscular. HE WAS IN THE BEST CONDITION OF HIS LIFE.

Then He Stopped Competing and I Wondered Why He Suddenly Quit. "I MIGHT LOSE," HE TOLD ME AS WE SAT IN HIS KITCHEN. "I Really Had Nothing to Gain and Everything to Lose. I Developed My Reputation With These Photos, And These Contests Aren" T a Lot of Fun. "

Bass Was Practicing Law Full Time. HE WAS ALSO WRITING A COLUMN FOR Muscle and Fitnessmagazine. The Next Goal Was To Leverage His Credentials and Write More Expansively ABOUT WEIGHT TRAINING AND BODYBUILDING. A Year After Leaving The Posing Stage, Bass Wrote His First Book, Ripped: The Sensible Way to Achieve Ultimate Muscularity, Which He Self-Published in 1980. The Book Delved Not Only Into His Diet and Training Philosophies But Also Discussed His Use of Steroids. RIPPED HAS SOLD ABOUT 55,000 COPIES.

Bass "s experimentation with steroids must be viewed in the context of the times. The International Olympic Committee added steroids to its list of banned substances for the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, but there was no testing for the presence of the drugs at bodybuilding competitions. IT WAS CERTAINLY OFF THE RADAR SCREEN OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTS AND THE PUBLIC MINDSET. IN Ripped,Bass Laid It Out in the Open. WHILE HE DID NOT CONDEMN THOSE WHO Used Steroids, He Concluded That Even Though He Used Them for a short Time, The Were a Disaster on His Body.

There Are No Known Long-Term Effects of Steroids Because No Studies Have Been Done, According to Charles Yesalis, Professor Emeritus of Health Policy and Administration At Pennsylvania University and A Leading Expert on Drug Use in Sports. "There Has Always Been A Vanity to Man, But It Clearly Accelerating," Yesalis Said. "I Think That Performance-Enhancing Drugs Are Just One Piece of the Puzzle." Athletes Use Them to Gain An Edge, But There Is Also The Human Desire to Look Better. The Use of Makeup, Tanning Beds, Cosmetic Surgery, Even Exercise, All Figure Into This Yearning for Achievement, He Said.

In 1978 for The Past-40 Mr. America, Bass Had Subsisted on a Low-Carbohydrate Diet; In The Weeks Before The Competition, He Was Eating 18 Eggs a day. HIS Hands Trembled from Overtraining. The Diet, His Training, and Probably The Steroids Produced Emotional Highs and Lows Tat He Called His Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Personality. With Steroids, "In Short, Your Body" S Hormone-Producing Mechanism Gets Lazy, "He Wrote." Thus A Real Problem Arises WHEN YOU STOP TAKING STOPIDS. "

AS Bass Was Getting Ready for His Second Over-40 Competition Without The Aid of Steroids, His Bodyfat Had Zoomed From 2.4 to 9.1 Percent. While Still Far Leaner Thanh The Average Man His Age, He Had Six Monhs to Rid His Body of Unwanted Fat.

Bass Changed His Exercise Routine from Mega-Lifting Sessions To Shorter, High-Intensity Workouts That Trained Different Muscles on Different Days. Each Muscle Group Got Four Days of Rest. HE ALSO REVERTED TO A Diet That Leured Heavily On Low-Fat Protein Whole Grains, Fruits, and Vegetables. Without using STEROIDS, HE WAS ABLE TO INCREASE HIS STRENGTH AND REDUCE BODY FAT. BASS HAS ESSENIALLY STAYED WITH THE SAME WHOLE-FOODS DIET AND WORKOUT REGIMEN EVER SINCE.

"IF You are Going to Be a Lifetime Trainer," He Told Me, "Steroids Are Absolutely The Wrong Thing to Do. You" Re Just Jerking Yourself Around. "Bass Also Is Not A Proponent of Two Other Potential Aids for Older Athletes: Supplements for Alleviating Declining TestoSterone Levels or Hormone-Replacement Therapy. He Believes a Good Diet And Exercise Trump Supplements "Purported Benefits without Risking Potential Consequences.

Bass Pacticed Law Until He Was 57. But As His Interest in Health Grew, He Went Into The Fitness Business Full Time With His Wife, Carol. HE HAS WRITTEN TEN AND SELF-PUBLISHED NINE BOOKS; His Latest Is. Great Expectations: Health, Fitness, Leanness Without Suffering,which Was Released in 2007.

The Couple Has Also Produced Five Audiotapes and Three DVDS. Their Business, Ripped Enterprises, Sells Other Produces, Including Nut Teritional Supplements. But Unlike Many Fitness Gurus, Bass Does Not Tout Supplements AS The Cornerstone of Good Health.

"The Only Defect With Clarence Is That What He Recommends ISN" T Exotic Enough, "Said Bencze, Who in Six Monhs Lost 20 Pounds using Bass" S WHOLE-FOODS Approach. With a Good Diet And Exercise, Bass Believes A Person Who Wants To Lose Weight Should Try Dropping No More Than A Half-Pound (0.2 kg) Per Week. "IT" S SO Normal, SO Un-Weird That Many People Think It Can "T Work," Bencze Said.

Eating To. Stay. Lean.

I HAD BEEN DRIVEN FROM MY HOTEL TO COUNT "S Home by Carol, Who Was Then 64 and Whom He Calls" The Enabler. "Warm and Outgoing, She Works from Home In The Afternoon Mailing Out Products and Handling Administrative Matters. She Went Back to College in Her 60s, Changed Her Major From Biology to English, And Edits Her Husband "S Writing. The Couple Has A Son, Matt, In His MID-30S.

Said Terry Todd, "He Would Have Probably Made An Ideal Monk in The Middle Ages, Up in A Monastery On The Hills of Greece, If He Could Have Sneaked Carol in the Back Door."

Staying Close to Home Also Allows Bass to Better Control The Foods He Eats. He is not a Calorie Counter, Per SE, But He Has Followed The Caloric Value of Nearly Everything That Goes Into His Mouth. HE Avoids Food That Contains Concentrated Calories, Such As Sugar and Butter. HE Rarely Eats Red Meat But Also Believees That A Good Diet Is One That Never Calls for Going Hungry and Allows for an Occasional Indulgence.

For Breakfast, He Scooped One Cup of a Mix of Cooked Oat Groats, Hulled Barley, Rye, Spelt, Kamut, And Amaranth Into a Bowl and Added Two Tablespoons of Ground Flax and a Handful of Frozen Fruit. Then He Poured in Another Handful of Frozen Corn, Peas, And Green Beans and A Cup of Plain Soy Milk. Bass Drinks Both Nonfat Cow "S Milk and Soy Milk. But He Likes Soy Milk Because It Has The Fattier" Mouth Feel "Of Whole Milk with Fewer Calories. He Also Prefers to Use The Sweetener Splenda, Or Sucralose, Which Cuts Calories by Reformulating The Properties of Cane Sugar. He Cooked The Contents in the Microwave.

HE PLACED A HUGE BOWL OF FOOD IN FRONT OF ME THAT LOOKED ABSOLUTELY AWful. I Love Vegetables, But Not In My Cereal, And I Am Not Sure I Had Ever Tasted Soy Milk. ON THE TABLE IN FRONT OF ME WAS A TEASPOON. I Was To Eat This Prodigious Concilities Not With A Tablespoon But With a Teaspoon. The Idea Was To Slow Down My Consumption SO I Didn "T Eat Past the Point of Feeling Full. There Was, However Finish The Whole Bowl. The Breakfast Turned Out to Be Surprisingly Good - Nutty, Sweet, And Almost Buttery. The Grains Gave It Some Heft and The Fruit and Vegetables Went Well Together.

Later in The Morning He Offered Me An Apple. Bass Often Has An Apple and A Quarter-Cup of Salmon As A Mid-Morning Snack to Keep His Blood Sugar at a High Level.

Before Lunch We Walked on a Patchwork of Trails on the Eastern Edge of Albuquerque That Threaded Through Public Land a Few Blocks from His Home. Sometimes He and Carol Will Walk Farther Into The Sandia Mountains. Bass Has Timed Himself Getting To The Top. HE TOLD ME THAT HE KNOCKED 10 MINUTS OFF THE CLIMB WHEN HE BEGAN TAKING THE SUPPLEMENT CREATINE, Which Supplies Energy to Muscles. He Also Takes A Multivitamin and Vitamins C and E. But This Was a Recovery Day and We Walked Leisurely Through A Moonscape Flecked with Withering Grasses and Cacti. ON OUR RETURN, THE TRAIL PROVIDED A SWEEPING VISTA OF THE CITY AND THE RIO GRANDE VALLEY.

"MOST People Think That Aerobic Exercise Is Boring," He Said. "Well, The Way Most People Do it, It is Boring - Going to Gyms and Reading Newspapers. If you do it right, if you have a nice place to walk, you get Revitalized."

WHEN WE CAME BACK, BASS SERVED LUNCH: Special Peanut Butter Formulated With Eggs and Flax-Seed Oon On Toasted Whole Grain Break, A Handful Of Carrots, and a Large Mug With Equal Portions of Plain Low-Fat Yogurt and Plain Soy Milk. I Was Again Handed A Teaspoon. Bass Quartered The Sandwich for the Same Reason. "These Are Kind of Mechanical Ways to Slow You Down," He Said.

By Mid-Afternoon, We Were Driving to His Office in His Mercedes E55, And As I Was Eating A Tiger "S Milk Nutrition Bar He Had Handed Me, He Gently Admonished," Eat Slow. "

Clarence and Carol Often Eat Large Salads, Bread, And Fish, Chicken or Eggs for Dinner. But That Night We Went To A Restaurant That Served Traditional New Mexican Cuisine. Carol, Who is As Lean As Clarence, Ordered A Large Burrito, Without Cheese, And Ate IT All. Bass Slowly Polished Off A Plate of Huevos Rancheros, Sunny Side Up, and He Shared A Plate of Navajo Fry Bread with US. The Two of Them Shared A Mexican Flan (Custom to Is Drizzled with Caramel Sauce). Bass Did Not Have Any Alcohol, Althought He Occasionally Will Have A Glass of Wine. HE IS ABSTEMIOUS BECAUSE "ALCOHOL WEAKENS THE CONTROL I USUALLY WEAKENS THE CONTROL I APPETITE" HE WROTE IN ONE OF HIS BOOKS, The Lean Advantage."IT Sems to Anesthetize My Stomach and Encourage Me to Go On Eating Beyond The Point Where I Would Normally Be Full and Satisfied."

The Lean Advantage, Volumes 1, 2 and 3:

For a Snack At Night, Bass Has a Slice of Toast with Almond Butter, Honey, And Benecol, A Product Intended to Lower Dietary Cholesterol. He Quarters The Toast And Eats a Section Every 15 Minutes.

Bass Felt He Needed to Drop 4 OR 5 Pounds and Knock Down His Body Fat by A Few Percentage Points Before He Posed for His Photos At 70. Six Monhs Before Shoot, He Hood Preliminary Photos Taken. "I Didn" T Like Them, "He Said." I HAD Some Extra Weight Around My Love Handles and Lower Back - Pretty Much Everybody Has It. "He Cut Down by Backing Off Slightly AT Every Meal: A Little Less Cooked Grain and Flax Seed At Breakfast, Smaller Amounts of Peanut Butter, And One Fewer Slice of Bread At Dinner.

Ripped Enterprises IS Located in a One-Story Office Building That Housed His Legal Practice Before Bass Went Into The Health Business Full Tie. Two of the Rooms Are Jammed With An Array of Weight Machines, Free Weights, And Oter Equipment Positioned Atop Aging Gold Carpeting. The Walls Are Covered with Mirrors and Pictures of Bodybuilders. One Room is Devated to Lower-Body Exercises; The Other, IS for the Upper Body. There Are Plates, Benches, Cables, Dumbbells, Barbells, and a Pair of Weightlifting Shoes. Each Room Contains Impeccably Maintained Metallic Blue Nautilus Equipment from the 1970s That Bass Bought from The Company, The Founder of The Company. Bass Was So Jazzed by The Technology of Pulleys and Cams When I first Came Out That He And Carol Flew to Florida to Meet Jones.

He Keeps Additional Equipment At Home: In A Room Next To the Garage, He Has a Concept 2 Rowing Machine, A Stair Stepper, A Schwinn AirDyne, and a Lifecycle. In His Garage An Entire Bay Is Outfitted with a Squat Rack, Old-Fashioned Kettlebells, Weight-Resistance Machines Powered by An Air Compressor, and a Contraption Called A Glute-Ham Developer.

Bass Had A Heavy Weight-Training Session The Day Before, His Biggest of the Week, So i Didn "T Expect a Big Demonstration WHEN WE Arrived AT HIS Office. But When I Asked About His Favorite Lifts To Keep His ABS SO Buff, He KNELT DOWN IN FRONT OF A MACHINE WITH A CABLE AND PULLEY. HE PULLED DOWN ON THE WEIGHT AND LET HIS OBLIQUE MUSCLES DO THE WORK. AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PULL, HE SLOWLY RAISED THE WEIGHT - AGAIN RELYING ON HIS ABDOMINAL MUSCLES. THE EXERCISE Is Often Practiced With The Subtlety of a Pile Driver. With Bass, IT Was Almost Sensual - An Embrace Between man and. Machine.


Bass Has Picked Up and Discarded An Array of Exercises and Lifts Over the Years. AT 60, For example, After More Than A 30-Year Absence, He Began Incorporating Technically more DiffiCult Lifts such as The Power Clean, Power Snatch, And Squat Snatch, Which Require Quickness, Strength, and Good Balance.

Bass Exercises Six or Seven Days a Week, But He Lifts Weight Only Two Of Those Days. HE SITS DOWN WITH HIS WORKOUT DIARY BEFORE EACH SESSION AND PLANS WHAT HE WILL DO. HIS DIARIES ARE 500 PAGES APIEECE AND HE "S Accumulated Dozens of Them Over The Years. Over Time He His Added More Aerobic Training for His Cardio-Respiratory System As Well. On Periodic Visits To the Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas, His Fitness Was Judged By Tests on a Treadmill or Stationary Bicycle Consistently Put Him In The Top Category for His Age.

Bass Is a Disciple of the Hit (High-Intensity Training) School of Weight Training. Early Proponents Included Arthur Jones (The Nautilus Founder) And Former World-Champion Bodybuilder Mike Mentzer. Advocates of Hit Believe The Best Way to Build Mass Mass Is with Short, Infrequent, But Very Hard Workout Sessions Rather Than Hours of Exercise Almost Every Day.

TYPICALLY ON SUNDAYS, HE WILL WORK HIS ENTIRE BODY WITH WEIGHTS, MAKING MORE THAN A DOZEN LIFTS THAT PUSH HIM TO THE UPPER END OF HIS CAPABILITIES. After Warming Up, He Will Do Only One Heavy Set or Each Lift - 8 to 15 Repetitions. "The Key Point Is That I Do Not Wear Myself Out Before Not Wear MySelf Out Before Really Counts," He Told Me.

Three Days Later, He Lifts Weights with His Upper Body and Then Climbs on a Lifecycle, A Computerized Stationary Bike for 20 Minutes and Pedals Hard At Various Resistance Levels. By Constantly Changing The Intervals and Intensity, He Is Mimicking What He Believe Is Humans "Ancient Need to Exert Short Bursts of Energy.

Three Days Later He Does Crunches and Works Sundry Core Muscles. He Also Does About 20 Minutes of Hard Pedaling on His Aerodyne, Which Requires Pedaling and Back-and-Forth Arm Action. Other Days He Goes on Walks for 30 or 40 minutes.

Bass Has Pushed Back The Hands of the Aging Clock Because of His Triad of Diet, Aerobic Exercise, And Weightlifting. His Metabolism Burns Calories AS If He Were A Youngster Because He Continues to Stay Almost AS Active As One. Strong, Exercised Muscles, Even When the Are Resting, Burn More Calories Than Less-Trained Muscles. "Anyone Wanting to Lose Or Control Weight Should, in Addition to Eating Less And Exercising More, Try to Increase LEAN Muscle Mass," Writes Physician Andrew Weil in His Book, Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Well-Being.Weight Training, He Said, Will "Keep The Metabolic Furnace Burning Bright."

I ASKED BASS ABOUT WHETHER HE EVER THOUGHT OF Cutting Back. What Is the Difference, I Asked, Between Him and A 70-Year Old Man in Excellent Health Who Walks A Little and Putters in the Yard?

"One Thing He ISN" T Trying To Do Is Challenge Or Improve Himself, "Bass Said." IT Sounds Like He "S An Old Man, and That DOESN" T Excite Me. I Think You Have to Find Something That Excites You, That Motivates You, So You Want To Get Out of the Gym. "

Aging is inevitable

But Bass Isn "T Bulletproof. There Is The OsteoArthritis in His Lower Back That His Forced Him to Give Up The Use Of His Concept2 Rowing Machine and Traditional Squats. He Also Has a Weakness In His Left Shoulder and Mild Atrophy in His Left Triceps. ON VISIT TO COOPER CLINIC, DOCTORS DISCOVERED A Buildup of Calcium in His Left Anterior Descending ARTERY THAT REQUIRES THE USE OF A STATIN DRUG TO REDUCE CHOLESTEROL.

AT 67, BASS ALSO FOUND THAT HE WAS RETAINING EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF URINE IN HIS Bladder. After Several Tests, He Had Surgery to Remove Abnormal Lobes Where Urine Drains from The Bladder Through The Prostate.

"The Whole Situation Went Against My Experience So Far and My Optimistic View of the Future," He Wrote in Great Expectations."I EXPECTED A FEW PROBLEMS TO COME WITH AGING, BUT FRANKLY I DIDN" T Expect This So Soon. I Went To the Doctor with What I Considered A Minor Problem - and I Ended Up in Surgery. "

WHEN HE FIRST MET HIS UROLOGIST, THE DOCTOR HAD CONCLUDED THAT BASS Would Have To Insert A Device Into His Penis Three or Four Times a Day to Keep The Urinary Pathway Open. IT Seeemed Barbaric. Bass Respondd with Understandable Reluctance; Later, Aftert It Was Clear He Would Have To Do Something, Bass Coantered With Using The Device Less. HE HAS BEEN ABLE TO PARE DOWN THE NUMBER OF SESSIONS TO ONCE A WEEK, WITH HIS DOCTOR "S BESSING.

Then, AT 68, Bass Had His Right Hip Replaced. Neither Bass nor his doctors know why he needed the surgery, although hip replacements are the second-most common orthopedic surgery after knee replacements for people 65 to 84, according to a 2007 study by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Fifty Years of Weight Training Might Have Been The Cause. BASS KNOWS HIS SHARE OF OLD WEIGHTLIFTS WHE HAD A HIP REPLACEMENT AND WHO USUALLY TRACE IT Back to An Injury. "But i don" T Think That I Would Have Gotten This Far Had I Not Been Exercising, "He Said.

Rather Than Undergo a Traditional Hip Replacement, He Learned About An Alternative Procedure That Causes Less Tissue Damage Because The Hip Is Replaced Through Natural Breaks in The Muscle. His Recovery Was Faster, Although IT Left Him With Weakness In His Hip Flexor and Numbness in His Upper Thigh. I Noticed Went For A Walk, He Moved Stiffly at the Beginning.

Bass Talked to Me Matter-of-Factly About His Ritual of Keeping His Urinary Pathway Open. The Practice Changed From Dread to Just Another Regimen In His Life. HE Checked with Knowledgeable Friends and Did His Own Research to Find A Better Procedure for His Hip Replacement That Was More Fitting for His Active Lifestyle - Even Though It Meant a Trip to Houston for Surgery. HE HAS DROPPED SOME EXERCISES THAT CAUSE PROBLEMS FOR HIS BODY AND ADDED NEW ONES. To Get Around Weaknesses Such As His Osteoarthritis, He Showed Me How He Clasped a Belt Around His Waist That Was Attached to a Biceps Curl Bar With Weights (Hip Belt Squat). This Way He Could Still Do a Squat and Work His Leg Muscles While Keeping Pressure Off His Spine.

"ONE OF THE RAPS AGAINST OLDER BODYBUILDERS IS THAT THEY ARE LEAN BUT THEY DON" T HAVE ANY MUSCLE - THEY DON "T Have A Butt," He Said. "Believe Me, I Got A Butt! I DON" T Think That I Am Losing Anything. I Think That My Butt Is Bigger Than It Was Beore. "

For Bass, The Hip Replacement Has Become, In A Sense, A Badge of Honor: The photo He Used for His Latest book IS a Softly Lit Nude That Accentuated His Signature ABS And The Surgical Scar On The Right Hip.

TERRY TODD HAS SAID THAT BASS Understands That His Physique Is More Thanly Sculpted Collection of Muscle and Bone. HE AND HIS Photographs Are Playing a Historic Role, He Said, In The Fields of Aging and Popular Culture. "I Think That He Has Understood His Role More Clearly As The Years Have Gone By," Todd Said.

Bass "Approach to Aging Underscores a Trait I" Ve Seen in Older Superfit Persons:

They Use Knowledge, Experience, and Sometimes a Healthy Dose of Independence to Find A Way To

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