With changes and additions from. On the right of servicemen for education in civilian educational organizations Second higher military education by a military university

In order to enroll in a military training institution, it is necessary to be a military service. Very good will affect the arrival of the service in the army. You can enroll in a military educational institution, directly in service. Military higher education in absentia is prestigious and accessible. divided into:

1. Universities Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

2. Universities of the FSB of Russia.

3. Universities of the border troops of Russia.

4. Universities of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

5. Universities FSIN Russia.

6. Universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

7. Universities of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

8 Suvorov, Nakhimov, Cadet Schools and Corps.

Military Higher Education has always been valued very high. It is not easy to enter the military higher education institution. In addition to knowledge and intelligence, it is necessary to possess truly Bogatlish Health. But you can get a higher military education in absentia. When entering the correspondence faculty of the highest military school is slightly simpler, and the quality of education remains consistently high.

Rating of military universities of Russia 2014

First place in the list of higher military training institutions, where you can get a correspondence education is the Community Academy of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This university has 2 training profiles at the faculties of absentee training: engineering and team. The Academy is rich in its historical heritage. It prepared the best officer's staff of our country. Among students who graduated from her many well-known and outstanding personalities.

In third place, the Military Academy of Aircraft Defense, located in the city of Tver. The name of the university speaks for itself. There are 2 faculty of absentee education: team and engineering.

Next, the Ranking follows the Military Academy of Logistics. The board of honor of this educational institution is constantly updated with new excellent students who later become proud of the Armed Forces of Russia.

The Air Force Academy also prepares the team composition at the correspondence faculty.

The Naval Academy in St. Petersburg is also among the top ten of the highest military institutions. At the absentee faculty 2 profile: team and engineering.

All of these higher military facilities have an excellent material base. The pedagogical team makes up well-trained generals and officers. In the process of learning, advanced technologies are involved, there is also the possibility of learning through the Internet.

  1. If the cause of dismissal was the age, health or orcading events, then:
    • A person is provided with accommodation in any terrain by his choice.
    • A citizen is obliged to give out of turn of the land in order to build their own home.
    • If the housing was not given, then the storeroom remains in line until his right is implemented.
  2. The military pensioner is provided by means or certificate from the federal budget for the purchase of an apartment when moving.

Important: a military person who did not provide an apartment, dismissing from the armed forces prohibited without his consent.

Benefits to a serviceman under the contract: as a state helps the military

  1. Payment of cash compensation for service on weekends in the preparation of any events or other necessary. In this case, the military paid money instead of additional free days.
  2. An increase in the duration of the vacation in accordance with the term of service. Every 5 years are added to 5 days, and when servicing in conditions of the Far North, 15 days is added.
  3. The right to receive free medical devices in special departmental health care facilities.
  4. Payment of lifting aids upon arrival at a new service place, money is paid to the servicemen and their families themselves. In addition, the officer himself and his family members are guaranteed to pay for the service to the place of service or to the venue site.
  5. The military three years after admission to the contract under the contract is given to the free receipt of higher and secondary special education, it is possible to study in any state university whether the technical school. As a rule, officers who want to master useful for service are directed to training.
  6. A short rate of retirement. With a contract service, it is only 20 years old. If the military is dismissed after a 20-year service or longer, it receives a day off, whose size is 7 salary. If the term is less than 20 years, then the output allowance is 2 salary.

Benefits for military pensioners and their families

In connection with the changes since 2012, monetary compensation is canceled in the amount of 600 rubles on the military itself and in the amount of 300 rubles on the spouse of the military pensioner and each of its minor child. Also canceled and payment of monetary compensation to pay for the cost of children's vouchers between the ages of 6.5 to 15 years inclusive to sanatorium resort institutions.

What are tax benefits for military pensioners

Benefits of military pensioners for the payment of utility services, unfortunately, are not provided for at least at the country level. But regional authorities often provide former soldiers some preferences in this area. For example, in the capital of military service veterans who have reached a common retirement age, pay utility services at 50% discount. This warranty was established by the law of Moscow "On measures of social support for certain categories of Moscow residents" No. 70 of 03.11.2004.

Benefits of military pensioners in 2020 - a list of laid material assistance and subsidy size

The fare on urban and suburban passenger transport is constantly becoming more expensive, so for many categories of beneficiaries, the purchase of tickets becomes a tangible expenditure. Regional and federal authorities are trying to do everything possible so that unprotected citizens can if you do not fully use public transport, then pay for passing a minimum fee. In Moscow, all citizens who receive a military retirement and living in the capital or Moscow region are enjoyed in Moscow. Exception is only a taxi.

On the right of military personnel to receive education in civil educational organizations

Due to the fact that the overwhelming majority of officers undergoing military service already have a higher education obtained in most cases in military educational organizations before establishing the current structure of vocational education * (2), when implementing their right to education in civil Educational organizations in practice may arise serious problems. It is often situations when the commanders (chiefs) refuse to the officers subordinate to them in providing guarantees (in particular, educational leaves) related to training in civilian educational organizations, referring to the fact that they receive higher education for the first time.

What are the benefits of military pensioners in 2020

When admission to the service in any department, the soldier is attached to the medical institution that serves it. Having retired on the length of service, either for another reason he has the right to receive the necessary advice and medical care in full in the same place. And after him, the possibility is fixed:

Benefits, rights and privileges of military pensioners and their families in 2020-2020: social and material assistance to the military, dismissed to the stock

  1. For a ticket to a sanatorium establishment for free (once a year).
  2. Family members can also take advantage of this benefit. But for them will have to pay half of the trips to the sanatorium or the children's camp of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  3. Tickets without payment to the location of the recreation institution (also once a year).
  4. Services in institutions of military medicine. Preferences applies to all family members of retirees and other dependents.
  5. In addition, they have reimbursement of property taxes and land.

Benefits for military pensioners

What fares benefits have military pensioners in 2020? The question that worries many. Indeed, the right to travel (free) military retirees in public transport of urban type is available. It is only necessary before landing to make a certificate to the driver of the vehicle.

Dismissal from military service: base, lump-sum, provision of military pensioners

The main tax benefits that the reserve officer is entitled to claim is compensation for the state of land and property tax. Both types of payments in the budget can be calculated in a significant amount. In particular, the property tax is now determined on the basis of its cadastral value, which is usually much higher inventory on which this payment was previously calculated. Therefore, this state assistance can be very appropriate for the family of a soldier's family budget.

List and procedure for providing benefits to military personnel and their families

  1. Payment of utilities is made taking into account 30% painted in the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which apply to: water, sewage, electricity and gas. If the house is not equipped with centralized heating, then this benefit can be used when buying fuel.
  2. Free medicines for children under 6 years old.
  3. Free travel in any form of public transport.
  4. Free food for children in any general educational organization.
  5. Free school and sports form.
  6. Free visit to the museum, exhibition or culture park, but not more than 1 time per month.

How to become a military

Social package. Payment of training and residence, public benefits, military mortgage and many other privileges are available to military personnel. The state fully provides the military since entering the institution. The monetary allowance of the student of the university is much higher than the student scholarship in civil university.

Who pays the second higher education by military pensioners

The answer to this question lies in the comments to the law, where it is indicated that: "Officers who received higher education in military universities of the Ministry of Defense, but not having a civil secondary or higher special education, are considered in terms of training in civil universities as receiving an appropriate education for the first time" ( paragraph 6 of paragraph 5 of Art. 19 of the law "On the status of servicemen."

Benefits for military pensioners - payment of housing and communal services, spa treatment and other

Resolved servicemen can take advantage of the benefits of paying services for management companies. Benefits on the payment of utilities of military pensioners provide for the provision of discounts or compensation. Its size varies within 30-50% of the cost of these services and is established at the regional level.

Terms of granting a second pension to military personnel

  • up to 10 years for participation in the elimination of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP;
  • up to 10 years old for the service in hot spots or on land facilities;
  • up to 5 years for the service in the conditions of the Far North and in the territories equated to it;
  • up to 5 years for the service in radiation dangerous places.

Hello, Alexey!

Yes, you can enroll in a military university with already civilian higher education, in the Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" there are no restrictions in this regard.

Article 35. Admission of citizens to military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education. Conclusion Contracts on the passage of military service with citizens studying in military professional educational organizations and military educational institutions of higher education
[Law "On Military Duty and Military Service"] [Article 35]

1. In military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education have the right to do:
citizens who did not pass military service - aged 16 to 22;

citizens who have passed military service, and servicemen passing military service - until they reach the age of 24 years;
servicemen undergoing military service under the contract - in the manner determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or the head of the federal executive body, in which the military service is provided by this Federal Law.

Citizens entering military professional educational organizations and military educational institutions of higher education should comply with the requirements established for citizens entering the military service under the contract.
Citizens enrolled in military professional educational organizations and military educational institutions of higher education are appointed for military positions of cadets, listeners or other military posts in the manner defined by this Federal Law, the Regulations on the procedure for military service and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
2. Citizens who have not held military service, when enrolling in military professional educational organizations and military educational institutions of higher education, acquire the status of military personnel overlooking military service, and conclude a contract for the passage of military service upon reaching the age of 18 years, but not earlier than the end by their first courses in these educational organizations.
Servicemen undergoing military service under the contract, when enrolling in military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education enter into a new contract for the passage of military service.
Citizens who have passed military service under the contract, as well as passing or past military service, when enrolling in these educational organizations, enter into a contract for the passage of military service prior to the start of training.
Servicemen who refused to conclude a contract for military service in the manner prescribed by this Federal Law are subject to deductions from military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education.
3. Servicemen undergoing military service for call, not enrolled in military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education, are sent to the further passage of military service in the manner defined by the Regulations on the procedure for the passage of military service.

Among the higher educational institutions are military universities in a special position. Exceptional status is manifested in everything: starting with the conditions of receipt in them, which are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 185, and ending with the cadets and listeners, and not just learn how to students of civil universities, academies and institutions.

Features of arrival

The second higher military education is a difficult goal, but achieving. Training in universities of the Ministry of Defense is funded from the budget, that is, it is free for citizens, therefore, it can be either first or being considered as an increase in the level of education officers earlier.

For those who already have a diploma of any civil university or institute, the only opportunity to enroll in a military university is to remain after the urgent service in the army to the contract and apply for a competitive selection for enrollment to the selected institution - the Academy or Military School.

The lists of candidates for training are submitted by the military registration and enlistment office and the army command. The age of applicants is considered to be the 1st of August of the year of receipt. Most graduates of civil universities at the time of obtaining a diploma are already on 22-23 years, so even with a huge desire to assist the commission of the military commissariat will not be able to do anything.

The rules for admission to all military universities can be studied in the section "Education" of the official website of the Ministry of Defense.

Specialty of higher military education

The number and types of specialties in the university depend on how the kind and type of troops the educational institution prepares officers:

  1. Rocket troops of strategic appointment.
  2. Ground troops.
  3. Engineering troops.
  4. Space troops.

For example, in the Mikhailovsk Military Artillery Academy among the specialties there are radio-electronic systems, ACS and information processing. But in the Scientific Center of the Navy. Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov, you can master the management of the Navy's Navy or the development, operation and provision of nuclear safety of Navy nuclear energy facilities and other narrow-profile specialization.

In the largest army university of the Russian Federation - the Military University - at the 11 faculties with 53 departments are prepared in 13 areas: from humanitarian and philological to financial and economic, conducting and team profiles. A total of 2,000 disciplines are taught, including 22 foreign languages.

The content of graduate and undergraduate training programs

Educational programs of military universities are not only unique in each individual educational institution, but for the most part are classified or at least not publicly available. But the main tasks of each of these programs are:

  1. To prepare sergeants with secondary vocational education, officers with higher education and scientific and pedagogical staff for the needs of the Russian Armed Forces and the executive authorities of the federal significance.
  2. Satisfy the needs of students in moral, intellectual and cultural development through the provision of fully all necessary knowledge and skills in the levels of medium, higher, postgraduate education.

Graduates of military universities in addition to higher military special education receive diplomas of state sample and civil specialties corresponding to GEF VPOs.

Top 5 universities

Each of the 27 military universities of the Russian Federation is worthy of taking place in the list of the best.

Among higher educational institutions that do not subordinate to the military department are popular:

  1. MPI FSB RF (former MV FPS RF) - Moscow Border Institute of the FSB of the Russian Federation.
  2. ACB RF - FSB Academy (Moscow).

The conditions of receipt in them are mainly not different from the regulations of admission to military universities, except that candidates are still stricter.

Forms of education

Learn in military universities can only be in full-time. Cadets are at a bargainable position and obey the Army Charter. In a sense, training in the highest educational institution of the Ministry of Defense or another power department is, if you can express it, the Light version of the military service. At the end of the graduates are assigned the officer's rank of lieutenant.

Citizens of the Russian Federation with a full secondary education can receive in to receive the first top. Terms of study depend on the specialty and amount to 5 to 6 years. For officers-listeners who increase qualifications or educational level - 2 years.

Quality of military education in Russia

The Army of the Russian Federation is one of the most combat-ready in the world. This is not surprising, because many personnel officers of the Russian armed forces participated in various military conflicts. Experts argue that the defense complex is the largest expenditure article of the state budget, and the training of team composition, army officers and specialists qualitatively exceeds the preparation of students in the remaining sectors of the educational system of the Russian Federation.

The Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2012 received the title of the best educational institution of Europe.

Higher military schools implement the main professional educational programs - educational programs of higher education (Specialist Program, Magistracy Program, Adjuncture Programs and Programs) and Educational Programs of secondary vocational education (Middle Service Specialists Training Program) in the areas and specialties of preparation established by the Ministry of Education and science of the Russian Federation.

The preparation of officers in higher military schools is organized by military specialties whose lists are determined by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation free of charge. Higher military schools are preparing for specialist programs with a learning date for at least 5 years.

Advantages of training in the highest military educational institution before studying in the federal state educational organization of higher education?

Training in military schools and in federal state educational institutions of higher education is being implemented in a single legal field, but at the same time, training in military schools has its own characteristics.

These features are due to the fact that training in military schools aims not only to satisfy the educational needs of citizens, it is the training of personnel in the interests of defense and state security.

In this regard, careful, multi-stage selection of candidates when receiving military schools

  • At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of Russia guarantees the mandatory employment of graduates, since training in military schools is initially organized under specific "jobs" - military positions.
  • The cadets of military schools are on full material and social security in accordance with the norms provided for for military personnel of the relevant category - accommodation, food, uniform, monetary content, etc.
  • High military school cadets provide for a driver's license on the basis of qualifying requirements for military training graduates.
  • Persons who completed training on major professional educational programs and past state final certification issued a diploma confirming the receipt of vocational education of the appropriate level and qualifications in the specialty or direction of training.
  • Graduates of higher military schools become highly qualified specialists within their military specialty, subsequently, after dismissal from the Rows of the Armed Forces in demand in various state authorities, other areas of life and the activities of the state as part of a civil specialty.
  • In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-ФЗ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the cadet can receive a second higher education with the permission of the immediate chief, subject to the successful development of the main educational program.

Features of the passage of military service when studying in the highest military educational institution

Training in a military school undergo cadets.

The cadet is a citizen military, adopted in the military school, future officer.

The main responsibility of the cadets is to master the relevant specialty and preparation for the implementation after the end of the military education institution of duties in the frames of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Each cadet is required to be successful, disciplined and exemplary during training activities.

The cadet is the position of students in the military school. By military rank, the cadet can be:

  • ordinary
  • efreitor,
  • sergeant
  • elder.

Cadets undergo military service in accordance with the requirements of federal laws "On military duty and military service" and "On the status of servicemen", provisions on the procedure for the passage of military service, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237, the Principal Statutes of the Armed Forces Russian Federation and other legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

* Citizens who have not held military service, when enrolling in military educational institutions of vocational education, acquire the status of servicemen undergoing military service, and conclude a contract for the passage of military service upon reaching the age of 18 years, but no earlier than the end of the first year of study in these educational institutions. Servicemen undergoing military service under the contract, when enrolling in military educational institutions of vocational education, a new contract for the passage of military service is concluded.

Citizens who have passed military service under the contract, as well as passing or past military service, when enrolling in these educational institutions, enter into a contract for the passage of military service before learning.

The first contract for the time of training in the military school and 5 years of military service is held with the cadet of the Higher Military and Educational Institution.

Foundation: Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service".

Source: http://obrmos.ru/go/go_vys/gos/art/go_vys_gos_art_study.html

How to become an officer after a civil university?

The profession of an officer in the Russian Federation is considered one of the most prestigious. She embodied such moral ideals as devotion to the homeland, courage, courage, honor and responsibility.

Military events of recent years testify to the high professionalism of personnel officers. They contributed to the fact that among young people, including those who graduated from civil universities, increased interest in this craft.

Young people are increasingly wondering how to become an officer of the Russian army.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. First acquaintance with the profession

The formation of interest in the military craft begins at school during the study of the object "Protection of life safety". The school program provides for hours to educate the younger generation in the spirit of high patriotism.

In the lessons, children get acquainted with the profession of Defender of the Fatherland, with examples from life. Teachers attract the attention of schoolchildren to the importance and importance of the military for the country.

What is the officer?

In the army of any state, the presence of persons of the administrative and legal category are provided.

These people are organizers, as well as direct performers for the defense and security of the country.

Before becoming an army officer and begin to fulfill its duties, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate education and title. The officer composition at all times was a ridge of the army.

Resistance, professionalism, dedication and dedication to the Fatherland personnel officers supported the armed forces in constant combat readiness.

The formation of the right moral obscures from officers is carried out in special military-educational institutions.

How is the training of the officer in our days?

In the Russian Federation there is a sufficient number of military universities engaged in the preparation of future officers. Each institution has the right to make its requirements for candidates. All the necessary information on how to become a military officer can be obtained in commissariats. By choosing a future military profession, a young man to the target target can go in two ways.

This option is considered the most time consuming, as it can take a long time interval. The learning process is not easy. It happens in the highest specialized military institutions. Before becoming an officer and get a title, the young man should adopt a few years and successfully end up a military university.

This option elects all future personnel officers. For those who are interested in how to become an officer of the Russian army, and wishes to undergo special training in the territory of the Russian Federation, there are 55 military universities: institutions, universities and academies, providing their graduates of more than 250 specialties.

Way of the second

Many future applicants are interested in how to become an officer after a civilian university. Is it possible?

The officer ranking can also be obtained on a "citizen". For this you need:

  • choose a university with a military department;
  • successfully graduate from it;
  • complete field fees (they last 80 days).

Citizens who graduated from a civilian university with a military department before reaching 24-year-old age, officer's rank for pre-selection and special training. Working with graduates is carried out by a military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration.

What is the better way?

Each wishes to become an officer is given the opportunity to choose one or another way. Military educational institutions are called upon to help everyone who wants to find out how to become an officer of the Russian Federation, and in the future fully associate its life with the army.

In this case, the age of applicants is limited by the framework: from 16 to 27 years. When admission there is an informal requirement: it is desirable that the Candidate passes the urgent service.

For persons under the age of 18, legislation provides for deferred and academic leave for the period of their service.

When choosing a civilian educational institution, the military department has a particular importance in it. The successful end of such a civilian university gives a graduate the opportunity to become an urgent officer (get a rank of lieutenant), and to go into the reserve and not to associate his future with the army.

If desired, the person who graduated from civil universities can recover to pass the service as officers. To do this, contact the local military enlistment office with a statement about the desire to serve under the contract and pass the medical examination.

For applicants who graduated from civil universities without a military department, special commander courses are envisaged, which allow you to quickly become an officer.

At the end of the civil university with a military department

After a civilian university, the graduate receives the title of Lieutenant. Often there is a recruitment of people from citizen and with higher education into state protection. The title can also be assigned to persons with a good track record or proven successful employees. Management These steps are sometimes taken to encourage the most conscientious subordinates.

Most graduates of civilian educational institutions, having a lieutenant title, go to the reserve and are not called upon service. The same who fell on urgent, in the army often receive sergean positions.

This is due to the lack of officer vacancies.

Those who found out how to become an officer, finally decided on his choice and decided to make a military career, it is recommended to start with specialized military educational institutions.

How to be who graduated from civil universities without a military department?

Often the question of how to become a Russian officer is interested in young people who have graduated from a civilian university who has no military departments. In this case, documents should be submitted to a military university. For admission, applicant must have good physical training, knowledge of specific subjects and the necessary socio-psychological qualities.

These three items take into account the admission committee. For psychological examination, testing and interviews are provided, the results of which make it possible to draw conclusions about the psychological sustainability, the reliability of applicants, as well as their ability to resist all the services.

To verify general education training, the applicants are used.

Often young people who wish to learn how after a civilian university to become an officer, consult on this issue with lawyers. Social networks in which they are divided by their problem reveal it in all the diversity of aspects:

  • Is there a chance to get an officer title after served urgent, graduated from a civil university and became a contract service? (Answer: At the end of training in a civilian university and subsequent military fees, an order of the Minister of Defense is assigned an officer's rank. If the military department was the military department, then the assignment does not depend on whether the applicant is the applicant by the military or in the reserve. Sergeant is assigned by order of the regiment commander.)
  • Is it possible, having a diploma of higher education, get the title of an officer in the army? (Answer: While the applicant is appointed to the officer's position, even with several higher education, he will not be able to get an officer's title. When appropriate to such a position, the assignment of title is possible even if there are general secondary education. But in this case, if there is no higher education - this is There will be a junior lieutenant. If there is a diploma of higher education, the first title will be a lieutenant. A conscript service can only get a sergeant rank - subject to his appointment to the sergeant position).
  • What the title is assigned after the civil university? (Answer: After graduating from the University or Institute with the military department, the newly minted young specialist becomes a lieutenant of the stock. The same title is assigned at the end of the Military School.
  • Is it possible to get the title of lieutenant at the end of the civil university without a military department? (Answer: In the absence of training at the military department, the title of lieutenant is not assigned. It is necessary to undergo an urgent service or enroll in a military university (up to 24 years).
  • Is it possible after passing the urgent service a graduate of a civil university ("store") to get the title of younger lieutenant? (Answer: A citizen who is in stock may receive the first and next military title not higher than the captain of the 1st rank or colonel. At the same time, he must be assigned to the military unit. In case of mobilization, it is called in office providing for equal or higher Military title. This person must necessarily go through military fees and hand over the necessary standings).
  • What specialty of a civil university should do the contract service to get more chances to continue the military career as an officer? (Answer: Until the achievement of 24 years can be entered into a military university. At an older age, it is possible to act in any civil university, but only after passing 3 years of service. After graduating from the university to assign the title of the officer, it is necessary that the employee has been appointed to the officer's office.)
  • Where is it better to serve a graduate of a civil university, so that after the army to continue the military career? (Answer: To continue the military service, the genus of troops, in which a former student of "Citizens" will undergo urgent service, does not play a special role).
  • Is it possible after signing the contract to learn from the officer in absentia? (Answer No correspondence military training in the Russian Federation. If you wish to become an officer, you can enter a military university. There, after the first year of study, a contract is signed for the entire period of study, as well as for 5 years of service upon completion).
  • Is it possible to serve under a contract in the army and study in absentia in a civil university? (Answer: This is possible. The law provides that contracting servicemen, except officers who continuously serve at least three years can be trained in higher and secondary institutions with state accreditation, as well as on preparatory courses of federal universities at the expense of budgetary funds for training forms : full-time, by part or evening. They are eligible outside the contest to enter these institutions).
  • Is it entitled to refuse a graduate of a civil university in the military registration office (he received a specialty "Manager Manager"), who did not serve "urgent", in his desire to sign a contract as an officer, motivating the fact that his civil specialty there is no military position? (Answer: It is entitled. The officer of a young man will not take. In the army, indeed, there are no managers. He can be called upon by an ordinary or sailor, and after passing through the term service (or during the passage), you can sign a contract. Since it has a higher education, he will need Touch the GDK, tests and pass physical standards).
  • At this time, a man serves as an elder (contractor). In the summer he finishes his studies at the university (Spec. "Finance and Credit"). Is it possible to qualify for a higher title? (Answer: Military will be able to get the title of an officer (in this case, Lieutenant), only if it is appointed to the officer's office. This is possible and without the presence of higher education. In the absence of such a post, it will not be able to get the title).

How to become a police officer?

Police officers may be faces from 18 to 35 years. The candidate's floor does not matter. The admission committee is estimated by individual qualities and data obtained as a result of a serious medical, psychological and professional survey. The officer composition of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation special education receives in universities and academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In persons who graduated from a civil university, the subordinate Ministry of Internal Affairs, and having a legal education, chances to become a police officer more. This also applies to those who graduated from the police school (it takes applicants from the ninth grade), the Cadet Corps or College on a legal specialty.

Applicants of other universities with diplomas of other specialties can also get the rank of officer. For this, the candidate needs to submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It will then be directed to the passage of accelerated courses, upon completion of which he has the right to submit documents for receiving work in the police.

What needs to provide documents?

  • Personal passport (Russian and overseas).
  • Diploma of education.
  • Labor book.
  • Application for a job.
  • Filled questionnaire.
  • Written autobiography.

How to get the title of Officer of the FSB?

The activities of the FSB engaged in the protection of the national interests of the Russian Federation differs from other powerful departments with special complexity and responsibility. In this case, very high demands are presented to applicants.

In the service of the state found their use of intellectuals for which the army and the police are not considered the limit. Such people are replenished by the officer of the FSB. You can become one of its members by passing the training course at the FSB Academy.

The end of this highest educational institution gives a graduate the opportunity to become an officer of the state security, and successfully make a career in any other power department of the Russian Federation.

All requirements for candidates who decide to associate their lives with the army, police and other power structures, rather high.

The work of the officer suggests the absence of free time and often exposes his risk health, and sometimes the life of the employee.

If you wish to be not just an officer, but to move and take high ranks, daily duty, urgent challenges and other service difficulties will not be in a burden. Good result and success can come with love for your work.

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