What is the distinguishing feature of the new Standard? This is the main feature of the new standard.

First write down the task number (26, 27, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete assignments 26-31.

Law as a social regulator is, first of all, an instrumental value, that is, a value that acts as a tool, a tool, a means of ensuring the functioning of other social institutions. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the law also has its own value. In the most general way, the self-value of law can be defined as the expression and personification of social freedom and the activity of people on the basis of orderly relations and in accordance with justice, the need to harmonize the will and interests of various segments of the population, social groups.

Even when the law acts as the right of the strong or the right of power, when its content by its main characteristics often does not correspond to the needs of progress, it still represents a socially valuable, albeit extremely limited, phenomenon in comparison with what is opposed to it. - with arbitrariness, with self-will, with the subjectivism of individuals and groups. After all, social freedom and activity of people can be of a different nature. Not bound by law, outside the law, they can grow into arbitrariness without barriers. In law, social freedom and activity to one degree or another reflect the unity of freedom and responsibility, exist within the framework outlined by law in combination with legal obligations. The intrinsic value of law is directly determined by its social nature and very significantly depends on the stage of development of society, the stage of civilization, the nature of the political regime.

(S. Alekseev)

Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give a title for each of them (make an outline of the text).

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The following semantic fragments can be distinguished:

1. Values ​​of law as a social regulator (instrumental and personal).

2. Disclosure of the role of law in society.

3. Dependence of self-value of law.

Other formulations of the points of the plan are possible, which do not distort the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and the allocation of additional semantic blocks.

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The correct answer should contain two sentences that reveal the meaning of the concept, for example:

1) law as a social regulator is a system of generally binding social norms protected by the power of the state;

2) with the help of law, the state power regulates the behavior of people and their collectives, provides legal, i.e. stipulated by the norms of law, the impact on the development of social (social) relations throughout society.

Other correct definitions and proposals may be given.

Based on the text, name two values ​​that, according to the author, the right possesses.

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The response should include the following values:

1) instrumental;

2) own.

The author argues that "even when the law acts as the right of the strong or the right of power ... it is still a socially valuable phenomenon." Based on the text and knowledge of the social studies course, provide three arguments to support the author's point of view.

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The answer may contain arguments:

1) limiting the social freedom and activity of people, the law does not allow them to grow into arbitrariness;

2) legal social freedom and activity reflect the unity of rights and obligations;

3) contributes to the coordination of the will and interests of various segments of the population, social groups;

4) in law, social freedom and activity exist within the framework outlined by law, in combination with legal obligations.

Based on the text, formulate three properties of law that express its role in society.

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The following properties of the right can be named in the response:

1) ensures the functioning of other social institutions;

2) promotes social freedom;

3) is able to ensure the activity of people;

4) contributes to the coordination of the will and interests of various segments of the population, social groups.

Other formulations of the answer are allowed without distorting its meaning.

The author argues that the intrinsic value of law "depends on the stage of development of society, the stage of civilization, the nature of the political regime." Based on knowledge of the social studies course, other academic disciplines, and social experience, provide three arguments to support the author's point of view.

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The answer may include the following arguments:

1) the level of economic development of the country, the degree of development of the market for goods and services requires the establishment in legal norms of the necessary degree of freedom for vigorous activity, protection of private property;

2) the level of civilization determines the degree of development of culture, ideas about a person, his place in the world and, thereby, determines the nature of values, which is also reflected in legal norms;

3) since the laws are issued by the state, the level of rights and freedoms provided to citizens, the degree of their participation in governing the state depends on the nature of the political regime.

Other arguments could also be given.

Parent-teacher meeting

Topic: "The role of parents in the formation of the UUD of a junior schoolchild."

assisting parents in the formation of the UUD of a younger student


Expand the amount of parents' knowledge about the Federal State Educational Standard, about the forms and methods of solving problems with children;
develop a joint program of action to stimulate the cognitive activity of students;
identify the problems of interaction between parents and children to overcome learning difficulties.

Preliminary preparation: Prepared questions of the test and the method of its analysis for each parent. The survey is individual, its results have not been publicly discussed. The test remained with the parents as a reminder of a productive strategy for raising a child in a family. Aids for parents have been prepared: “Let's help children learn”, “Preparing homework”, “Ten Commandments for parents”, “Advice to parents”, “Punishing your child, remember ...”, “What you need to teach your child”.

The true purpose of enlightenment is not
to tell people a certain

the sum of information on various sciences, and in that,
to awaken a creator in every person,
spiritually active person - and this is happiness.
M. V. Lomonosov

I will begin our meeting by asking, "Why do parents and children often quarrel?"

Probably because they do not understand each other. Children do not understand that their parents are tired at work, that they are annoyed with their hard worries and problems, and do not think to help them, to calm them down. Parents have no time to understand the problems and interests of the child, they do not understand that play is serious and important for him. And parents begin to "educate", demand, order, but children do not want to listen to lectures. And there are parents with children on opposite sides of the barricades.

Isn't it better to unite, understand each other and live in kindness and harmony.

Since September 1, 2011, all educational institutions in Russia have switched to the new Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education (FSES NOE).

What is the Federal State Standard for Primary General Education?

Federal state standards are established in the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirement of Article 7 of the "Law on Education" and represent "a set of requirements that are mandatory in the implementation of basic educational programs of primary general education (PLNEE) by educational institutions that have state accreditation."

What are the requirements put forward by the new GEF LEO?

The standard puts forward three groups of requirements:

  • Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education;
  • Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of primary general education;
  • Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education.

What is the distinguishing feature of the new Standard?

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its active character, which sets as the main goal the development of the student's personality. The education system rejects the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities, the formulations of the standard indicate the real types of activities that the student must master by the end of primary education. Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, metasubject and subject outcomes.

An integral part of the core of the new standard are universal learning activities (ULE). UUD is understood as "general educational skills", "general methods of activity", "over-subject actions", etc. A separate program is provided for the UUD - the program for the formation of universal educational actions (UUD). All types of UUD are considered in the context of the content of specific academic subjects. The presence of this program in the complex of the Basic educational program of primary general education sets an activity-based approach in the educational process of primary school.

Personal development in the education system is ensured, first of all, through the formation of UUD, which are the basis of the educational and upbringing process. The mastery of universal educational actions by students acts as the ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The mastery of UUD by students takes place in the context of different academic subjects and, ultimately, leads to the formation of the ability to independently successfully assimilate new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the organization of assimilation, that is, the ability to learn.

Implementation of the program for the formation of UUD in primary school - key task introduction of a new educational standard.

In a broad sense, the term " "Means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

In a narrower sense, the term " universal learning activities»Can be defined as a set of student's methods of action (as well as related learning skills) that ensure his ability to independently assimilate new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Functions of universal learning activities:

- providing opportunities a student to independently carry out educational activities, set educational goals, look for and use the necessary means and ways to achieve them, control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

- creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the personality and its self-realization based on readiness for continuous education; ensuring the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, skills and competencies in any subject area.

1. Extensive use of survey methods

2. Formation of multistage sampling

3. Sociological work by type of included research

4. Orientation to inquiries and work in close contact with the representative of the client organization

21. A dichotomous question in a sociological questionnaire suggests:

1. The presence of at least 5 positions in the answer scale

2. The respondent enters his opinion in the space provided for this in the questionnaire

3. Possibility for the respondent to agree or deny what is proposed in the question

4. Checking the honesty of a previously given answer

22. Methods for conducting an expert survey have a distinctive feature:

1. They are held in person

2. These are, as a rule, correspondence methods due to the employment of experts

3. A preliminary stage is expected (selection of experts)

4. The role of the sociologist is important only at the stage of starting and summing up the results of the research.

23. Sociometric test measures:

1. Respondents' sympathies

2. Degree of dedication to the team

3. Group anxiety level

4. Structure of contacts in the group


Document analysis- a method of systematic analysis of documentary sources, aimed at obtaining information that is significant for research purposes.

Anomie(from gr . a negative particle , nomos - law) - the state of society, due to its crisis and characterized by weakening of action or decomposition of the system of values, the contradiction between the proclaimed goals and the possibility of their implementation by legal means. The concept was introduced by E. Durkheim.

Outsider- an individual or a group that, either by virtue of their own choice or as a result of social pressure, is forced out of the framework of social institutions characteristic of a given society. In sociometry, an individual with zero choices.

Marriage- a historically conditioned, sanctioned and regulated by society form of relations between a woman and a man, establishing their rights and obligations in relation to each other, to children, to joint property, to society.

Weber, Max(1864-1920) - German philosopher, sociologist, historian, economist, founder of the anti-positivist trend in sociology ("understanding sociology") and the theory of social action. Main works: "Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism", "Economic ethics of world religions", "Economy and society", etc.

Sample population (sample)- part of the elements of the general population, selected using special methods (sampling procedures). The sample design should be appropriate to the nature of the research objectives and hypotheses.

Gender- a set of ideas about the personal and behavioral characteristics of men and women; it is a social status that determines individual opportunities for education, professional activity, access to power, sexuality, family role, and reproductive behavior.

Gender contract- patterns of interaction between the sexes (rules of interaction, rights and obligations that determine the division of labor by sex) in specific historical contexts.

Gender stereotype- internal attitude towards the place of men and women in society, their functions and tasks.

General population- all units of an object structured and outlined by spatio-temporal boundaries, defined in the research program.

Globalization- the process of interaction and interdependence of various states, cultures and civilizations, which is gradually growing on a historical scale.

Town- a territorially concentrated form of settlement of people engaged mainly in non-agricultural labor.

Government- a form of political power that has a monopoly right to issue laws binding on the entire population and based on a special coercive apparatus, as one of the means to comply with laws and orders.

Civil society- a set of independent and independent from the state social relations, institutions, organizations that develop in the field of economy, culture, national problems, religion, etc. The concept of civil society determines the way of existence and self-organization of all types of human activity (within the legal framework), autonomous from power and is the source of social development. environment, including other groups; 2) a discipline that studies the problems of leadership, communications, and decision-making processes in a group.

Deviation (deviant behavior)(from lat ... deviation) - behavior that deviates from the values, norms, attitudes and expectations of society or social group.

Denomination- an intermediate type of religious organization that combines the features of the church and sect.

Dyad- 1. A group consisting of two interacting members. 2. According to T. Parsons - the simplest system of social action.

Disposition- motivation consistent with the circumstances of the external environment.

Reliability of sociological information- characteristics of the quality of information; is ensured by the observance of three conditions: 1) the reliability of the instrument for measuring social characteristics; 2) the validity of the sample (i.e. the eligibility of extending the conclusions from the sample to the entire population); 3) the legitimacy of using the statistical apparatus in relation to qualitative indicators in the analysis of empirical information (not all obtained data can be translated into indicators, percentages, distributions, etc.).

Durkheim, Emile(1858-1917) - French positivist sociologist, founder of the methodology of sociologism. Major works: "Method of Sociology", "Suicide. Sociological study "," On the division of social labor ", etc.

Interested groups- various kinds of organizations or associations, whose members are united by the same interests; provide an individual with the necessary field for the realization of his capabilities and needs.

Identification- the process of identifying an individual with a particular group, which occurs on the basis of the assimilation of the properties, standards, values, social properties inherent in the group. installations and roles.

Measurement- a way to study social phenomena, processes, systems, their properties, relationships using quantitative characteristics.

Individual- an isolated member of a social community or group.

Individuality- a complex of peculiar and unique qualities and actions of a given personality.

Indicator- the characteristic of the studied object accessible to observation and measurement. From a number of indicators, select the one that is more sensitive and more accurately reflects the properties of the object. The indicator value is an indicator.

History of Sociology- the process of the formation and development of sociological knowledge, which was formed in the course of the struggle between the main sociological orientations, directions and schools.

Caste- a separate social group whose members are related by origin or legal status, belonging to which is hereditary.

Class- a large group of people with the same socio-economic status in the systems of division of labor and social stratification.

Comte, Auguste(1798-1957) - French philosopher and sociologist, founder of sociology as a science and positivist direction in sociological theory. Major works: "Course of Positive Philosophy" (in 6 volumes); "Spirit of Positive Philosophy", etc.

Counterculture- a type of subculture that rejects the values ​​and norms of the prevailing culture in a given society and defends its alternative culture.

Content analysis- a strictly formalized analysis of the content of the document, providing for the selection of semantic units (categories of analysis) in the text, counting the frequency of their use, establishing correlations with the general meaning, purpose, and volume of the text.

The culture- (from lat ... cultura - cultivation , upbringing , education , development , reverence) - 1) a set of material and spiritual values, expressing a certain level of development of an individual, a group of society; 2) the sphere of the spiritual life of society, including the system of upbringing, education and creativity; 3) the level of mastery of abilities, skills and knowledge in any kind of activity; 4) forms of social behavior of the individual.

Cultural relativism- a concept that emphasizes the historical identity of each culture, which can be judged on the basis of its own principles, and not universal criteria.

Culturing- the process of assimilation by an individual of the values ​​and experience of other societies and ethnic groups.

Culture is sensitive- according to P. Sorokin, a type of culture whose values ​​are focused on improving the material conditions of life.

Ideational culture- according to P. Sorokin, a type of culture where non-material, transcendental, supernatural values ​​prevail.

Mass culture- 1) a type of culture of a modern industrial society, characterized by the production of cultural values ​​designed for mass consumption; 2) a type of culture, characterized by an orientation towards an average mass taste and commercial success.

Cultural pattern- the prevailing values ​​and beliefs that characterize this culture and distinguish it from other cultures.

Nominal leader- an individual who officially has the status of a leader, but actually does not perform his functions.

Sociometric leader- in a sociometric test, a group member who is most often chosen by others according to all criteria.

Personality- a set of socially significant human qualities.

Small group- a relatively stable, small in number social group, whose members are in direct interaction with each other, which leads to the emergence of emotional ties, as well as specific interpersonal values ​​and norms.

Manipulation- influencing public opinion with the help of controlled effects to achieve certain goals of the communicator.

Manipulation- technological, applied side of manipulation; a system of psychological influence focused on the introduction of illusory ideas.

Matriarchal family - a family in which the economic and economic domination of a woman is recorded.

Mentality- a relatively holistic set of thoughts and beliefs that create a picture of the world and cement the unity of a cultural tradition or any community.

Merton, Robert King(1910-2003) - American sociologist, representative of structural functionalism. Main works: "Social theory and social structure", "Social structure and anomie", "Focused interview", "Sociology of science", etc.

Method- a method of constructing and substantiating a system of scientific knowledge, a set of techniques and operations of practical and theoretical development of reality. In sociology, it is the main way of collecting, processing or analyzing data.

Methodology- concretization of the method for specific research tasks, a set of technical varieties of the method, indicating the rules for their application in specific conditions.

Monogamy- the marriage union of one man with one woman.

Motivation- internal incentives for action.

Observation- directed, systematic, direct visual perception and registration of social phenomena, situations and processes that are significant from the point of view of research objectives.

National policy- actions of the state authorities in relation to various nations and nationalities inhabiting the country.

Survey- a method of obtaining information in the course of communication between a sociologist and a participant in events by registering the respondent's answers to the questions asked by the sociologist.

Paradigm- scientific achievements recognized by all, which for a certain time provide the scientific community with a model for posing problems and their solutions (T. Kuhn).

Ethnos- a historically formed in a certain territory, a stable set of people with common features, cultural characteristics and psychological makeup, the consciousness of their belonging to a given nation and an understanding of the difference from other similar formations.

Ethnogenesis- change of different phases of the life cycle of an ethnic group.

Ethnomethodology- a trend in sociology of the 20th century, whose representatives are focused on the study of interpretation procedures, as well as hidden, unconscious, unreflected mechanisms of social communication between people. The founder is G. Garfinkel.

Features of FGOS-2

Methodology and logic of practical pedagogical activity.

Methods of pedagogical research - methods (techniques, operations) of studying pedagogical phenomena, obtaining new information about them in order to establish regular connections, relationships and build scientific theories.

Classification of methods of educational research

There are several classifications of methods of pedagogical research. Depending on the basis of the classification, research methods in pedagogy are divided into:

  • empirical and theoretical;
  • ascertaining and transforming;
  • qualitative and quantitative;
  • private and general;
  • meaningful and formal;
  • methods of collecting empirical data, testing and refuting hypotheses and theories;
  • methods of description, explanation and forecast;
  • special methods used in certain pedagogical sciences;
  • methods of processing research results, etc.

TO general scientific methods(used by different sciences) include:

  • general theoretical(abstraction and concretization, analysis and synthesis, comparison, opposition, induction and deduction, that is, logical methods);
  • sociological(questioning, interviewing, expert polls, rating);
  • socio-psychological(sociometry, testing, training);
  • mathematical(ranking, scaling, indexing, correlation).

Specific scientific (specific pedagogical) methods include methods, which in turn are subdivided into theoretical and empirical (practical).

Theoretical methods serve for the interpretation, analysis and generalization of theoretical positions and empirical data. This is a theoretical analysis of literature, archival materials and documents; analysis of the basic concepts and terms of research; method of analogies, building hypotheses and thought experiment, forecasting, modeling, etc.

Empirical Methods are intended for the creation, collection and organization of empirical material - facts of pedagogical content, products of educational activity.

Empirical methods include, for example, observation, conversation, interviewing, questioning, methods of studying the products of students' activities, school documentation, assessment methods (rating, pedagogical council, self-assessment, etc.), methods of measurement and control (scaling, slicing, testing, etc.), as well as a pedagogical experiment and experimental verification of the research findings in the context of a mass school. Both theoretical and empirical methods are usually used in conjunction with mathematical and statistical methods, which are used to process data obtained in the course of the study, as well as to establish quantitative relationships between the studied phenomena.

Planning the educational process of the school, class.

Educational work in school, in the classroom is carried out through the content of education, but extracurricular and extracurricular pedagogical work is no less important. An analysis of pedagogical practice shows that in many schools, leaders and teachers experience difficulties in planning educational work.

The planning of the educational process can be carried out in approximately the following order:

  • Analysis of the available educational results of the school and determination of the prospects for the educational process, the choice of priorities for the next academic year. The analysis should be carried out at the end of the academic year (May) in the form of a teachers' council, organizational-activity game, "round table", etc.
  • Community pedagogical goal setting and planning (August, September).
  • .Collective pedagogical planning in primary collectives and children's associations for the academic year
  • Individual planning of the work of the class teacher, organizer, deputy director for VR (September).
  • Drawing up a plan for the educational work of the school for the year (end of September).

Pedagogical (in quarters) individual and collective planning of educational work and the activities of children's groups, where the following principles should be taken into account:

  • voluntary participation of children in accordance with their interests and abilities;
  • consistency in the organization;
  • personality-oriented approach to the development and formation of the child's personality; creation of conditions for the manifestation of creative possibilities, views, opinions, freedom of thought;
  • combination of mass, group and individual forms of work;
  • a combination of romance and play based on spiritual values: goodness, truth, beauty; diagnostics of the well-mannered personality, collective.

Sample working papers:

  1. Class teacher:

The program of educational work in the classroom for a year;

Promising class work class;

The class teacher's work plan for a quarter;

Children's team work plan for a quarter.

  1. Deputy Director for BP:

School educational work plan for the year;

Work plan of the Deputy Director for BP for the year;

Work plan of the deputy director for a quarter;

Work plan of the children's association services (annual and quarterly);

School educational work plan for a quarter.

Classroom educational work program:

(sample structure)

  1. Explanatory note:

Features of the class and pupils;

Features of the closest social environment of each child and his interaction with the environment; principles of content selection and organization of the educational process.

Educational purposes.

1. Organization of the children's collective life:

Ways to implement tasks.

2. Organization of activities of student government bodies:

3. Cooperation in achieving educational results:

External control

In the process of monitoring the knowledge and skills of students by the teacher, the following components are distinguished:

1. Clarification of the objectives of the study of this segment of educational material and the establishment of the specific content of control.

2. Evaluation of the results of educational activities of students.

3. The choice of types, forms, methods and means of control corresponding to the set goals.

Establishing the content of control depends on the goals of studying this piece of educational material. There are different approaches to describing goals and content so that they serve as a basis for developing tools for monitoring student knowledge and skills.

Let's consider two of them:

The first approach is associated with an indication of those qualities that should be inherent in the knowledge and skills of students formed as a result of teaching: completeness, depth, generalization, awareness.

The second approach is associated with indicating the levels of assimilation of knowledge and the corresponding types of activities.

The following levels of assimilation of the material are distinguished: recognition, memorization, reproduction.

Forms of control

The curricula and programs of secondary specialized educational institutions provide for the following forms of organizing control of students' knowledge and skills: compulsory tests, tests, qualification tests, defense of term and diploma projects (works), semester and state exams.

The check is carried out in various forms of final control, the nature of the control tasks and the information contained in them are largely determined. All of this requires careful, informed selection of assignments.

The assignment should always reflect the goals of studying a particular subject in the preparation of a specialist, meet the requirements of the curriculum. Test papers are carried out, as a rule, after the completion of the study of topics or key issues that are especially significant for the assimilation of other academic subjects that are important for mastering the acquired specialty, the most difficult for students to understand.

The following types of tests are used in educational institutions: theoretical ones, which make it possible to check the assimilation by students of basic theoretical concepts, patterns, the ability to highlight characteristic features, features of processes and phenomena; practical, with the help of which they test the ability to apply the knowledge gained to solve specific problems; complex, containing tasks of both theoretical and practical nature.

Offset as the final form of control, it is used mainly during the period of industrial practice. Based on the results of educational, industrial, technological and industrial pre-diploma practice, students receive a credit with a differentiated assessment.

The test also serves as one of the forms of control over the implementation of laboratory and practical work provided for by the curriculum and programs.

Qualification tests provided only by curricula for technical and agricultural specialties. The main direction of qualification tests is to check the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in one of the blue-collar occupations established by the curriculum of the specialty. Qualification tests are carried out after the completion of educational practice for obtaining a working profession.

Course and diploma design Along with the teaching function, it also performs the function of control in the educational process, it is the most important form of testing students' mastery of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities.

Diploma design, being the final stage of training and the final form of control, provides the most profound and systematic test of students' readiness for professional activity.

Semester exams are the leading, most significant forms of control. In the course of them, the final check of the results of the educational activities of students in the study of a particular discipline is carried out, the level of formation of knowledge and skills is revealed.

State exams- the final form of control, aimed at a comprehensive check of the preparation of a future specialist for work, to determine the degree of mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the nature

Types of control

There are the following types of control: preliminary, current, midterm, (periodic) and final.

The basis for identifying these types of control is the specificity of didactic tasks at different stages of training: current control is carried out in the process of mastering new educational material, mid-term is used to check the assimilation of a significant amount of the studied material (topic, section); with the help of the final control, they reveal the degree of mastery of the educational material in the subject, a number of disciplines (at exams, admission of a course project, defense of a diploma project). Thus, all these types to some extent repeat the logic of the educational process.

Preliminary control serves as a prerequisite for the successful planning and management of the educational process. It allows you to determine the current (initial) level of knowledge and skills of students in order to use it as a foundation, to be guided by the permissible complexity of the educational material. Based on the data of the preliminary control carried out at the beginning of the year, the teacher makes adjustments to the calendar-thematic plan, determines which sections of the curriculum should be paid more attention to in the classroom with a specific group, outlines ways to eliminate the identified problems in the students' knowledge.

Current control is one of the main types of testing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. The leading task of current control is the regular management of the educational activities of students and their adjustment. It allows you to receive continuous information about the progress and quality of the assimilation of educational material and, on the basis of this, promptly make changes in the educational process. Other important tasks of monitoring are the stimulation of regular, strenuous activity; determining the level of mastering by students the skills of independent work, creating conditions for their formation.

Control methods

Control methods are the methods of the teacher and students' activities, during which the assimilation of the educational material and the mastery of the required knowledge, skills, and abilities are revealed.

In secondary specialized institutions, the main methods of controlling the knowledge, skills and abilities of students are: oral questioning, written and practical tests, standardized control, etc.

Planning educational work in education.


The fundamental difference between the 2nd generation FSES is its new structure. The first generation standard had a structure consisting of two components: a minimum content and requirements for the level of training of graduates.

Federal Law No. 309-FZ of December 1, 2007 approved a new structure of the state educational standard. Now the FSES includes three types of requirements:

1) requirements for the structure of basic educational programs, including requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as for the ratio of the compulsory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;

2) requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, material and technical and other conditions;

3) requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs.

The main educational program of primary general education should contain the following sections:

1) explanatory note;

2) the planned results of the mastering by students of the basic educational program of primary general education;

3) the basic curriculum of primary general education;

4) an approximate program for the formation of universal educational actions among students at the level of primary general education;

5) approximate programs of individual academic subjects;

6) an approximate program of spiritual and moral development and education of students at the level of primary general education;

7) an approximate program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle;

8) an approximate program of correctional work;

9) a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

The basic curriculum of primary general education is the most important regulatory document for the introduction and implementation of the Standard, determines the maximum amount of study load of students, the composition of academic subjects and areas of extracurricular activities, distributes the teaching time allotted for mastering the content of education by grade and subject. In order to meet the individual needs of students, the curriculum provides for time:

To increase the teaching hours allocated for the study of certain compulsory academic subjects;

On the introduction of training courses that provide various interests of students, including ethnocultural;

For extracurricular activities.

For the first time, extracurricular activities were introduced into the Basic Plan as an important component of the content of education, increasing its variability and adaptability to the interests, needs and abilities of schoolchildren. Each grade of primary school is expected to have an average of 10 hours per week.

Extracurricular activities are organized according to the areas of personality development (sports and recreation, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural) in forms such as excursions, circles, sections, round tables, conferences, disputes, school scientific societies, Olympiads, competitions, search and scientific research, socially beneficial practices, etc. The time allotted for extracurricular activities is up to 1350 hours There are three important points to note. The first is the introduction of extracurricular activities into the Basic Plan - this is an opportunity to test the effectiveness of other, in addition to classroom and lesson, forms of organizing educational activities, and not in a local experiment, but in mass school practice. The second is overcoming long-term contradictions regarding the importance of factors that determine the academic load of schoolchildren. Third, in the Basic Plan (in accordance with the amendments made by the State Duma to the Federal Law "On Education"), there is no longer a national-regional component and a component of an educational institution. Instead, the Basic Plan is divided into two components: a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in the educational process.

The sample programs of individual academic subjects serve as a guide for the developers of the corresponding working and copyright programs, allow, on their basis, to determine the accents in the implementation of specific priority content lines, to implement ethnocultural traditions, to include additional technical and technological methods available to students, types of work based on one of the proposed content lines. options (thematic planning) or compiling your own.

Teaching technologies. And their types

Traditional technologies training is used in the following cases:

- explanatory and illustrative teaching method, i.e. the teacher explains, visually illustrating the educational material. This method is carried out using lectures, stories, conversations, demonstration experiments, labor operations, excursions and many others. With this method, the student's activity is aimed at obtaining information and instructions, as a result of this method, "knowledge-acquaintances" are formed;

- the reproductive method is carried out when the teacher draws up tasks for students, which are aimed at reproducing knowledge, methods of activity, solving problems, reproducing experiences, and, thus, the student himself actively uses his knowledge, while answering questions , solving problems, etc. As a result of using this method, students form “knowledge-copies”.

Personality-oriented technologies put the personality of the student at the center of the entire educational system. Providing comfortable, conflict-free conditions for its development, realizing its natural potentials.

Features of a personality-oriented lesson.

1. Designing didactic material of various types, types and forms, determining the purpose, place and time of its use in the lesson.

2. The teacher's thought of the possibilities for the independent manifestation of students. Giving them the opportunity to ask questions, express original ideas and hypotheses.

3. Organization of the exchange of thoughts, opinions, assessments. Encouraging students to complement and analyze the answers of their peers.

4. Using subjective experience and relying on the intuition of each student. The use of difficult situations that arise during the lesson as a field of application of knowledge.

5. The desire to create a situation of success for each student.


Pedagogical and social and humanitarian functions: education of students; social protection of the child; integration of the efforts of all teachers to achieve the set educational tasks.

The organizational function is to support a positive children's initiative related to improving the life of the region, the microenvironment, the school and the schoolchildren themselves.

Management functions: diagnostic, goal setting, planning, control and correction.

Planning- this is the help of the class teacher to himself and the class team in the rational organization of activities.

Work plan- a concrete display of the upcoming course of educational work in its general strategic directions and the smallest details.

Purpose of the plan- streamlining of pedagogical activity, ensuring the fulfillment of such requirements for the pedagogical process as planning and systematicity, controllability and continuity of results

Plans can be strategic, or promising, tactical, or working.

The rights and obligations of the class teacher. Rights:

receive information about the mental and physical health of children;

monitor the progress of each student;

monitor the attendance of classes by children;

coordinate and direct the work of the teachers in the class;

organize educational work with class students;

to submit for consideration by the administration, the school council, proposals agreed with the class staff;

invite parents (or their substitutes) to school; in agreement with the administration, contact the commission on minors' affairs, the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the commission and councils for promoting the family and school at enterprises, solving issues related to the education and training of students;

receive help from the teaching staff of the school;

determine an individual mode of work with children;

to refuse orders lying outside the boundaries of the content of his work.

conduct experimental work on the problems of didactic and educational activities.


organization in the classroom of an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students within the framework of the activities of the general school collective;

assisting the student in solving acute problems (preferably personally, you can involve a psychologist);

establishing contacts with parents and helping them in raising children

Forms of work:

by type of activity - educational, labor, sports, art, etc .;

by the way of influence of the teacher - direct and mediated;

by timing - short-term (from several minutes to several hours), long-term (from several days to several weeks), traditional (regularly repeated);

in terms of preparation time - forms of work carried out with students without including them in preliminary training, and forms that provide for preliminary work, training of students;

according to the subject of the organization - teachers, parents and other adults act as organizers of children; children's activities are organized on the basis of cooperation; the initiative and its implementation belongs to children;

by the result - the forms, the result of which can be information exchange, the development of a common decision (opinion), a socially significant product;


The methodical constructor "Preferential forms of achieving educational results in extracurricular activities" is intended for use in the practical activities of primary and secondary school teachers in the context of the introduction of federal state educational standards of general education. Authors-compilers: D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov, Center for Theory of Education, ITIP RAO. The material is presented by the department of upbringing and additional education.

Methodological recommendations for the organization of extracurricular activities of primary and secondary school students are offered, which consider the concept, types, forms, results and effects of extracurricular activities. The methodical constructor "Preferred forms of achieving educational results in extracurricular activities" is based on the relationship between results and forms of extracurricular activities. It can be used by teachers to develop educational programs for extracurricular activities, taking into account the resources at their disposal, the desired results, the specifics of the educational institution. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren combine all types of activities of schoolchildren (except for educational activities in the lesson), in which it is possible and expedient to solve the problems of their education and socialization.

According to the new Basic Curriculum of educational institutions of the Russian Federation, the organization of classes in the areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school. The time allotted for extracurricular activities is used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson system of teaching.


The fundamental core of the content of general education is the basic document required to create basic curricula, programs, teaching materials and manuals. The main purpose of the Fundamental Core in the system of regulatory support of standards is to determine:

1) the system of basic national values ​​that determine the self-awareness of the Russian people, the priorities of social and personal development, the nature of a person's relationship to family, society, state, work, the meaning of human life;

2) a system of basic concepts related to the areas of knowledge presented in secondary school;

3) a system of key tasks that ensure the formation of universal types of educational activities that are adequate to the requirements of the standard for educational results.

Features of FGOS-2

1. The federal state educational standard of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as the Standard) is a set of requirements that are mandatory in the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education by educational institutions that have state accreditation. The standard includes requirements: to the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education; to the structure of the main educational program of primary general education, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as for the ratio of the compulsory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in the educational process; to the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education, including personnel, financial, material and technical and other conditions. Requirements for the results, structure and conditions of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education take into account the age and individual characteristics of students at the stage of primary general education, the intrinsic value of the stage of primary general education as the foundation of all subsequent education.

What are the requirements put forward by the new GEF LEO?

The standard puts forward three groups of requirements: Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education; Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program of primary general education; Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education.

What is the distinguishing feature of the new Standard?

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its activity-oriented nature, which sets the main goal of the development of the student's personality. The education system rejects the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities, the formulations of the standard indicate the real types of activities that the student must master by the end of primary education. Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, metasubject and subject outcomes.

An integral part of the core of the new standard is universal learning activities (ULE). UUD is understood as "general educational skills", "general methods of activity", "over-subject actions", etc. A separate program is provided for the UUD - the program for the formation of universal educational actions (UUD). All types of UUD are considered in the context of the content of specific academic subjects. The presence of this program in the complex of the Basic educational program of primary general education sets an activity-based approach in the educational process of primary school.

An important element of the formation of universal educational actions of students at the stage of primary general education, ensuring its effectiveness, is the orientation of younger students in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to correctly apply them (ICT competence). The use of modern digital tools and communication environments is indicated as the most natural way to form UUD, the subprogram "Formation of ICT Competence of Students" is included.

Implementation of the program for the formation of UUD in primary school is a key task

A distinctive feature of the new standard is its activity-oriented nature, which sets the main goal of the development of the student's personality. The education system rejects the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities, the formulations of the standard indicate the real types of activities that the student must master by the end of primary education. Requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, metasubject and subject outcomes.

An integral part of the core of the new standard is universal learning activities (ULE). UUD is understood as "general educational skills", "general methods of activity", "over-subject actions", etc. A separate program is provided for the UUD - the program for the formation of universal educational actions (UUD). All types of UUD are considered in the context of the content of specific academic subjects. The presence of this program in the complex of the Basic educational program of primary general education sets an activity-based approach in the educational process of primary school.

An important element of the formation of universal educational actions of students at the stage of primary general education, ensuring its effectiveness, is the orientation of younger students in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the formation of the ability to correctly apply them (ICT competence). The use of modern digital tools and communication environments is indicated as the most natural way to form UUD, the subprogram "Formation of ICT Competence of Students" is included.

The implementation of the program for the formation of UUD in primary school is the key task of introducing a new educational standard.

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