Promotional side of the speech article in English. Mastering the interconnection components of speech in ontogenesis

A. and aN.the name of an uncertain article (indefinite article). Their Wears the name of a specific article (Definite Article).

Uncertain article a. It is used before words starting with the consonant sound: a. FACE a. Camera. a. Used before u. and eUwhen they are pronounced as y (/ j /): a. University a. EURO.

Indefinite article aN. It is used before words starting with vowel sound: aN. arm aN. Onion. Also indefinite artikl aN. Used before words starting with h.when h. Not read: aN. HOUR, aN. Honour.

Soon a number of articles will appear on the blog, in which the use of articles will be considered in detail. This article discusses only the highlights.

A / AN.

Indefinite article a / AN. originated from numeral one., and is used only with the calculated nouns in the singular.

Uncertain article is used in the following cases:

  • When we talk about the face and subject that mentioned for the first time, and unknown to the interlocutor or reader.

I "VE Been To a. CONCERT RECENTLY. - I recently went to the concert.

I Live In. a. Small Town. - I live in a small town.

  • When we talk about anyone Face or subject from some class.

A. Triangle Has Three Sides. - The triangle has three sides.

  • With names professions or kind of activity.

My Brother Is. a. Pilot, and I am a. Student. - My brother is a pilot, and I am a student.


their originated from the index pronouction that.and consumed with the calculated nouns both in the only and in multiple number.

Certain articles are used in the following cases:

  • When we talk about a face or subject that previously mentioned In a conversation or text.

I Went Outside and Saw a Car Parked In Front Of My House. Their Car Seeemed Familiar. - I went out on the street, and saw a car parked in front of my house. The car seemed familiar to me.

  • When from the context or the situation is understandable, about What exactly Man or subject we speak.

I "M GOING TO their Supermarket. - I'm going to the supermarket (in where I usually go).

Could You Open. their Window? - Open, please window (window in this room).

  • When we talk about your face or subject, the only one of a kind.

Their Moon Revolves Around their Earth in An Elliptical Orbit. - The moon rotates around the Earth on an elliptical orbit.

  • With adjective B. Excellent degree.

You are their Best Mom Ever! - You are the best mom.

5. With many expressions with of..

IN. their Middle of. The Night

AT. their End. of. My Holiday

The lack of articles

The following are used in the following cases:

  • In the name of countries that are formed using a plural, or in which there are words Kingdom. or REPUBLIC.

their United Arab Emirates, their NETHERLANDS, their United Kingdom.

  • With names of everything that is associated with water: oceans, rivers, seas, bays, straits (except the name of individual lakes that are used without articles)

their Baltic SEA, their British Channel, their Pacific Ocean their Persian Gulf.

  • With the names of the mountain ranges (the names of individual mountain peaks is used without article).

their ALPS, their APENNINES.

  • With names of parts of the day.

iN. their Morning, In. their Afternoon, In. their Evening.

  • With many pretexts of the place and time.

oN. their Right, AT. their Bottom

Article is not used in the following cases:

  • With the names of most countries, cities and continents

Asia, Saudi Arabia, Beijing

  • With the names of individual mountain peaks and lakes

Mountblanc, Lake Titicaca

  • With accurate points of day, month and time


  • With some sprouts

at Work, At Home, In Bed

School, University, Hospital, Prison, Church, etc.


1. Tim Is Studying Maths at university. - Tim studies mathematics at the university.

There Is A Large Park Not Far From tHE UNIVERSITY. . - Not far from the university there is a big park.

2. He Will Be in hospital. For Two Weeks. - Two weeks he will lie in the hospital.

Is there a chemist "s shop in the hospital.? - Is there a pharmacy in the hospital?

3. THE KIDS GO to School by bus. - Children go to school by bus.

There Was a Fire at the school Last Year. - Last year there was a fire at school.

If someone is in school / hospital / prison, and so on, because it is a student / patient / prisoner, then Article not used.

If someone is in school / hospital / prison for another reason, or if we mean the building, then used their.

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Uncertain Artict B. english language It is equivalent to a numerical "one." This particle acquires the subject or the concept of questioning to the class of similar.

Rules for the use of an indefinite article

"A / AN" put only in front of nouns in the singular. In this case, the subject of the conversation should give in to the account. "A" add to the words where the first sound is consonant, "AN" is vowel. Allocate highlights when the article "A / AN" is required:

  • If you report that it is still unknown to the interlocutor, as mentioned for the first time. In such cases, when A / AN is transferred to "one, some kind of".

Jane Has Got A Child. - Jane has (one) child.

During the translation of Russian proposals to English, the numeral "one (one)" instead of "A / AN" cannot be used if this word was "some, some" in Russian.

One woman told me this story. - A Woman Has Told Me This Story.

  • After the design of There IS, used to familiarize the interlocutor with a new item.
  • When they mean any item belonging to a specific class without highlighting it.

A Dog Was Running Along The Road. - The dog (some) fled along the road.

  • If the noun is part of the composite name of the fag.

Helen Is a Teacher at The Local School. - Lena works as a teacher at a local school.

  • When the noun acts as an application.

Alice, A Very Beautiful Girl, Like to Take Photos. - Alice, very beautiful girl, loves to be photographed.

In the case of a nominal pronouncement and the application, a certain article is used, if the face or subject, pronounced by the noun, is well known or stand out from common group. Examples of such proposals:

He Is The Doctor, Who Saved My Life. - This is the same doctor who saved my life.

Esenin, The Famous Russian Poet, Died Young. - Yesenin, famous Russian poet, died young.

  • When comparing objects belonging to different classes.

I Would Like To Have A Cat, Not a Dog. - I would like to make a cat, not a dog.

  • Sometimes Article A / AN is used in the direct value of "one" with the following words: An Hour (hour), a kilogram (kilogram), a dozen (dozen), a score (twenty), a Million (Million), a thousand (thousand ), a Hundred (hundred), etc.

This Dress Cost A Hundred Dollars. - This dress is a hundred dollars.

  • Undefined article is part of the stable expressions with the words What, Such, Quite, Rather.

What a beatiful portrait. - What a beautiful portrait!

  • "A / AN" add to the names of the noun in the singular, in front of which there is such (such), Rather (pretty) or quite (at all).

Sean Is Such A Talented Musician! - Sean such a talented musician!

  • If the noun is a combination: SO + adjective, TOO + adjective.

IN this lesson We will consider the topic "Artikli in English". Let us explore which articles and basic rules of use in structures exist. The analysis is at the level of children and adults.

The use of articles together with noucent names in English The topic is pleased with the volume, so you should be patient.

In English Article (The Article) - the main definition of nouns names. When a proposal is built, the first to begin - think about articles, speaking determines a certain or indefinite name noun and then put artikli. In other words, we are talking about something concrete or generalized. In Russian, there are no articles, which is why many this topic causes certain difficulties.

When drawing up a design in English, an article is used in almost all cases. Distinguish:

  • The Definite Article or a specific article to which Their;
  • The Indefinite Article or an indefinite article to which AN. and a..

We studied 3 cases of the use of articles - the use of uncertain, certain articles and cases when the article is not used at all in the design.

Certain articles in English (The Definite Article)

This part of speech has only one form. From the point of view of grammar, it originated from the index pronouns "that - that".

  1. A certain article The Definite Article is used in a sentence when it comes to the object that has already been talked or in cases where the interlocutor understands what the conversation is going on.
    For example, Please Show Me The Book. - Show me this book, please.
  2. Also, this part of speech is used in the proposal, when the interlocutors talk about the object, which is the only one in its kind.
    For example, The Sun Is In The Sky. - The sun is in the sky.
  3. It is applied in all cases where the interlocutors talk about the music group, a newspaper, a cinema, a restaurant.
    For example, The Beatles - Beatles.
  4. The name of the nationality, when not about someone, they say specific, but all representatives of the kind are generalized, used with the considered part of speech.
    For example, The Americans. - Americans.
  5. Certain articles are used in some phrases.
    For example, at the cinema / Thetere - in the movie / Theater. Here used a steady design.
  6. If the name is the words Kingdom (Kingdom), Union (Union), Republic (Republic), together with them this article is used.
    For example, The United Kingdom - United Kingdom.
  7. This part of the speech is used in sentences after the premises of the place.
  8. If there is a design "Next, Last + some time period", in front of the whole design we put this article.
    For example, The Next Day - the next day.
    For example, there is a Cat in Front of the Monitor. - Before the screen is a cat.
  9. If we are talking about the whole family, then the name of the article is also placed before the surname.
    For example, The Petrovs Are At Home. - Petrov houses.
  10. Objects are also used in the design with the speech part in question.
    For example, The Arctic - Arctic and The Alps - Alps.

    Attention, in the names of countries, streets, airports, articles islands is not applicable.

  11. If the title is pronounced in the name of the title and after it there is such a value of it, the article is used.
    Example, The Prince of Wales - Prince Wales.
  12. In English, as in Russian, there is an adjective, used without a noun, but denoting a group of people. Before such a form should also put this part of speech .
    For example, The Old. - old men.
  13. If the design is adjective to an excellent degree, Articles Definite is also used before it.
    Example, The Quickest is the fastest.
  14. The is used in all cases when there is "of" before the noun.
    For example, The Tower of London - Tower in London.
  15. With the parties of the world, this article is always used in the design.
    For example, The Northern Part of Our Country is the north of our country.
  16. If the proposal is on ONLY (in the only one), here we also use the article in question.
    For example, She Was The Only Beautiful Woman in His Life. - She was the only beautiful woman in his life.
  17. AND last case Separation of articles - in front of the sequence numeral.
    Example: We are on the Fourth Floor. - We are on the fifth floor.

This article in question is used with noun, used in the only and multiple numbers.

Indefinite article

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In Russian, there is no such phenomenon as "Article", so it is difficult for us to understand why he is needed. Let's open the secret: in all the world's languages, the main function of the article - to show that after it there is a noun. Article as if he says: " Note, after me there will be some subject, phenomenon or person!". In last article, we considered a certain article in detail, and in this article Olga Viktorovna will talk about cases of consuming an uncertain A / AN articles. Let's go!

What is an indefinite article?The indefinite article usually indicates the subject or a phenomenon with which you encounter for the first time, in contrast to the article defined.

At indefinite articles in English (The Indefinite Article) two forms:

  1. a - before consonant sounds ( a B.oy a P.lane a chaIR).
  2. an - in front of voice sounds ( an O.fficer aN I.ncident aN I.dEA).

These are two forms of one phenomenon and indicate the same thing. Why do you need two forms of an indefinite article? For self-confidence. After all, it is difficult to pronounce words in which there are several consonants or vowels in a row, more convenient to "link" words on the principle of "consonant + vice + consonants".

We describe the main cases of consumption of a certain article

  • Undefined article is used when it comes to something in general (some, some, one of the group of the same people or objects), and not about the specific one.

I'd Like to Buy A Dress - I would like to buy a dress (some, not a certain dress)

  • We use A / AN, when the noun acts as a representative of a group of objects, persons, phenomena, that is, a kind of generalizing concept for the whole group. In this case, instead of artikl, you can substitute the words "any", "every", "all sorts" (every, any) a representative of this group.

If you Want to Be a Teacher, You Should Study A Lot - If you want to become a teacher, you have to learn a lot (the teacher as a representative of this profession).

  • We use A / AN when for the first timewe are talking about some subject, face, phenomenon. But the repeated and further multiple mention of the same subject will be represented by a certain article The.

Yesterday I Saw A Cat In The Street. The Cat Was Hungry - Yesterday I saw a cat on the street. This cat was hungry (the first time we talk about the "some kind of" cat, and the second time already about a certain "this" cat).

  • Use the A / AN article in such phrases as "once a month (every month)", "twice a year (every year)", "three times a week (every week)", because here we are talking about the repetition of action for one Unit of time - month, year, week.

I Buy Newspapers Once A Week - I buy newspapers once a week.

  • Uncertain article in English has a meaning of unity. The value of unity is especially obvious when expressing time, distance, weight, quantity.

I'D Like A Cup of Coffee, Please - I would like a cup of coffee (one cup).

The unitness of an indefinite article we find in stable phrases that transmit a variety of action:

  • To have a rest- relax.
  • To have a snack- to eat.
  • To make a Mistake- error.
  • To give a lift- liteentate.
  • To play a trick- swing.
  • AS A Result Of- as a result.

Note!An indefinite A / AN article is never used with words in the plural, unlike a certain article The.

We hope our tips will help you blow up in this topic, and you will never confuse a certain and indefinite articture. We wish you success!

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Hello again! The article is the main determinant of the word in the proposal of the English language. Before applying any noun, you need to decide what subject to say: anyone or concrete. In English, it is almost always an articture before noun, depending on the type of word (specific / generalized) - a certain (definite) or indefinite (indefinite).

Uncertain article in English

In this article we will look at what is the Indefinite Article. And cases when an indefinite article is used in English.

Let me remind you that uncertain article "A / AN" originated from the Staroangalian evolutionary numerical " one." This service part Speech highlights from a variety of similar one subject, which is no different from its analogues and you know about it with a minimum of information: I HAD. a. Sandwich.

Word with uncertainty. Article is the name of the subject in general, and not a pointer to a specific object. For example, speaking the word " a. Book"We present books at all, and not some specific book. In Russian, its meaning can be expressed in the following words: some, one of, any, one, any, some, everyone, some. Sometimes can be replaced by pronouns any. (everyone) and some (some).

The fact that Indefinite Article occurred from numeral, determines basic rules His consumption:

  • "A / AN" is used only with calculated persons or objects that we can count: a. LAMP a. CAR aN. Apple, a. CUP - Have a. DRINK.
  • Since this is a numerical "one", then "A / AN" applies only with the words in the singular, and in the multiple article it is descended: LAMPS, CARS - THERE ARE BOTTLES
Eating an indefinite article

Other cases of using indefinite article:

  • If an object is assigned to any classification group: A. Horse Is. aN. Animal. - The horse is an animal.
  • When characterizing the subject, face or phenomena: Bill Is. aN. IDIOT! - Bill - Idiot! My Mother Is. a. DOCTOR. - My mother is a doctor.
  • When a person or phenomenon is first mentioned: That's. a. Pretty Woman. - Beautiful woman
  • In the value of the portion with the incumbered: BUY. a. Milk. - Buy milk. Or in the meaning of a particular number of a whole: Pass Me. a. Piece of and Pie. Pass me a piece of cake
  • Before the title of position or profession: She's aN. Architect. She is an architect. He is A. Seller.
  • In generalizing meaning : A. Sheep Gives A Wool - Sheep (any) gives wool
  • Before calculating, denoting the time, in the value "one": Will You Arrive In aN. HOUR? - Will you arrive in an hour?
  • With some turns of quantity: a. Little - a little a. Pair - Couple A. FEW - several
  • Together with the noun only number that can be counted, and the defined words of MOST (very), Quite, Such, Rather - He is Quite. A. YOUNG MAN. - He is completely another young man.
  • In exclamation deals, after the word "What": What a. Beautiful Dream! - What a wonderful dream!

That's all you need to know!

What is different from "AN"?

In English, two types of neopre. Article: "A" and " aN ». What is the difference between them? Carefully look into the examples presented and you will see a certain pattern: "A" is used in the case when the subsequent word begins on a consonant letter or sound ( a H.oUSE a C.aT, a Y.aRD), and "AN" - in front of a vicin sound or letter ( an H.oUR, an O.lD Woman, aN A.pPLE).

See you later!

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