Analysis of the poem of Ivan Nikitin in the blue sky is floating over the fields. Technological card lesson reading and

Moscow Department of Education

GBOU SPO Pedagogical College №15

Information card lesson of literary reading,

conducted by a student group sh-42

Dzubenko Anna Anatolevna

in 4 "A" Class of GBOU SOSH No. 508

Lesson date: 11/13/2014

Marker for carrying out:

Teacher's signature:

Methodist signature:

Moscow 2014.

Lesson in the program

Section "Poetic Notebook"


building speech statements in oral and written forms; Analysis of objects in order to highlight features;


Plan the necessary actions, operations, act according to plan;


Ability with sufficient completeness and accuracy to express their thoughts; Monologic statements are building, own a dialogical form of speech.


positive attitude to the teaching, to cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills


concepts, terms


concepts, terms

Poem, epithette, comparison

Interdimensional connections

Work forms


The world

Russian language

Frontal, group, individual

Textbook literary reading 4th grade, part 1, L.F. Climanova School of Russia. ICT resources. Internet resources.

II.. Main part

1) Introduction to the topic

Guys, look at the pictures on the slide. What do they have in common?

What do you think what time of year is depicted? How did you guess?

And who of you loves to observe the sunset in the summer, raise the handles.

Ivan Savvich Nikitin also loved to watch this time of day and he dedicated to many of his works.

Evening, Sunset

Summer, because grass, flowers, sun bright

Evening time illustration on slide

2) landscape lyrics I. S. Nikitina

Ivan Savvich Nikitin also loved to describe in his poems"Forest":

Shu mi, noise, green forest!

Familiar to me your magnificent noise

And your peace and gloss heaven

Above your kudrya's head.

"Winter meeting":

On the courtyards and houses

Snow is mounted

And shines from the sun

Multicolored fire.

Steppe in poem "Fully, the steppe is mine, sleeping dusty":

Full, the steppe is my sleep, sleep without

Winter Mother Kingdom passed,

Dries the tank tablecloth desertless

Snow disappeared - and warm, and light.

Guys, how do you think, why did you take these poems for our lesson? Maybe something like some poems seemed familiar to you?

So what did you like to describe Nikitin in your poems? How do we call all this in one word?

Right, Ivan Savvich loved to describe his native nature in his works.

We studied the poem "Winter Meeting" and "Full, Steppe My, Sleep Doggy

Forest, steppe


Each product illustration on a slide.

3) primary perception

Today, at the lesson, we will meet with one of the works of Ivan Savvich Nikitin, which is called "in the blue sky floats over the fields."

Listen carefully to the poem, look at the screen.

In blue sky float over the fields /
Clouds with gold edges; /

Slightly noticeable over the forest fog ,/

Warm evening Transparent-Rumba. //
Here Vehet
cOOL night; /

Grezitis ear over a narrow interlineo; /

Month Fireball gets up, /

Red glow The forest lies. //

stars golden shine, /

In a pure field peace and silence ;/

For sure in the temple , I stand in silence /
excited/ i pray / From the soul. //

What pictures did you see?

What associations have you have after listening to this poem?

What do you think the mood was at the poet when he wrote this poem?

Field, forest, evening, sunset

End of summer, farewell with summer

Sadness, calm


4) reading poem

Okay. And now we will proceed to read the poem. Open tutorials on page 146.

Did you all understand? What words did you fail?

Guys, what do you think, what does the word dreams?Dream - It means to dream.

And what do you think, what does the word of meza mean?Mezha - a narrow strip of land, the boundaries of land.

What is glow?Glow - It is a gleam in the sky of red, yellow or orange flowers.

Read the third quarters. Did you want all the words? What does Krotko mean?Krotko - So calmly, peacefully.

What is the temple?Temple - this is a building in which religious rituals pass; Place for prayers.

And now let's read it again, but more expressive.

Read the first quarters.

Read the second quit.

Read the third quarters.

And now find and read the line:

    Where are the clouds float?

    What clouds float?

    What is a little noticeable above the forest?

    What evening at this moment?

    What suddenly he has reached?

    What is said about the colosue?

    What does the month say?

    How does a month illuminate the forest?

    What is said about the stars?

    How does the poet describe the field?

No, dreams, meza, glow

Answers children

Answers children

Answers children

Answers children

Answers children

Children answer questions to the lines of poem

Illustration of vocabulary words

5) Fizminutka

Now I will check how attentive you are. When I slammer 1 time you have to start reading the poem, when I slapped 2 times, you must continue to read it mentally.

6) Analysis of the work

We rested a little and now continue working with our poem. As you know, in the works of literature, especially in poems, images are disclosed using expressive means. Who will say to me, what are the means of expressiveness you already know?

Whatcomparison ? This is a characteristic of one subject, which is given through comparison of it with another subject by their similarity, which can be explicit or remote and unexpected, for example:blue eyes like heaven;

Whatelimination ? This is the transfer of human properties to inanimate objects, for example:nature fell asleep;

Whatepithet ? This is a definition that characterizes the subject, i.e. Colorful description of the word, for example:golden autumn;

So, read, please, the first two lines of the first quatrain. Why "clouds with gold edges"? What means expressive uses the author?

What does it mean a line "Warm Evening Transparent-Rumen"?

What do you think this time is the day?

Read the first line of the second quatrain. Look, guys, how interesting it turns out. Just was the "warm evening", and after a while already "blows a cool night"? Why does this happen?

And how do you understand the second line of this poem? What means expressive used the author here? What other means of expressiveness do you see in the first two lines of the second quatrain?

Read the third and fourth line of the second quatrain. Why does the author compare a month with a fiery ball? The thing is that when changing the weather, the moon is painted in red and the forest floods with this red light.

What else means expressive here?

And what time of day is described in the second quatrain?

Read the first line of the third quatrain. What means of expressiveness used the author?

Now look at the third line. What is there a comparison?

Now find the epithet in the second line.

Guys, who of you was someday was in the temple, church? What feelings did you experience, what sounds did you hear?

Find words in this quatrain that describe the condition of nature.

What time of day is described in this quatrain?

Metaphor, comparison, personification, epithet

Answers children

Answers children

Answers children

The sun is hidden behind the clouds and illuminates them


Sunset pinkish color as light blush

Early evening

At the end of the summer, the temperature changes, during the day is still warm, and at night the cold

Colosus as if drill


Cool night - epithet

Answers children

Personification - the month gets up, lies

Late evening

Golden Shine - Epithet

Quiet compares with silence in the temple

Pure field

Calm, silence

Because and there, and there felt calm, silence

Krotko (quietly) shine, peace, silence, quiet.

He really likes this moment of calm, I enjoys this, admires.


Definitions appear on the slide

7) Creative work in the footsteps of the read

And now we have a very interesting job. We have 3 groups. I suggest you draw a picture to the poem. Each group has a sheet A3 is a billet, background for our painting. Also, each group has pictures in the envelope. Stick these parts on the A3 sheet so that you have a ready picture of our poem.

Well done! And now the captain of each group will come to the board and attract your picture on the board.

Guys, look at the same paintings? What do we do? The work was one thing, all the same material, but the paintings turned out different. I will ask each team to protect my picture, how accurately you reflected everything in a poem in your picture.

The first command is responsible.

So your picture is not finished. And who has a continuation? Maybe you have a full picture? Replies the second team.

Let's learn from the third team.

What conclusion we can do? That's right, only all 3 paintings in the aggregate create a single work.


Our painting has a blue sky, clouds with gold edges, fog on the forest. But we do not have a column, which is referred to in 2 quatrasions.

We have a colossos, a month, but there is no what was at the first team and there are no stars referred to in the third quatrain.

We have stars, a field and a person - the author who watches the nature at this moment, but there is no one that has the first and second team.

Each group has a sheet of A3 with the background and details of the picture

8) consolidation of knowledge gained

Guys, each of you have a test.

You need to choose the right answer option in each question.

Test postcard

III. Final part

What product did we meet today?

Who wrote this work?

Raise the handles those who today everything was understandable. Raise the handles of those who have had difficulty.

Raise the knobs of those who did nothing today.

Thank you for the lesson. Bye!

Yuri copper

Worder (end)


In the sky blue floats over the fields

Clouds with gold edges:

Slightly noticeable over the forest fog,

Warm evening transparent-Rumba.

The passage was written by 3-stop anapest, with adjacent rhyme, feminine and muzo: Women's shock syllable of the penultimate: the fields, the edges, the male - the shock syllable last: fog-bluzyn.

In the passage used artistic techniques (trails):

"In the blue sky" - established epithet, talking about the purity of the sky.

"Clouds float" - established metaphor, talking about windy weather.

"With the gold edges" - epithet-metaphor, speaking the lighting of the clouds by the Sun.

A little noticeable over the forest fog, "the detail of the fine sketch of the landscape and the state of the weather.

"Warm Evening" - epithet transmitting the time of day.

"Transparent Rumen" - epithet-metaphor, finely transmitting dawn color.

A.K. Tolstoy

Clone to laziness noon burning,

Froze in the leaves each sound

In rose lush and smell

Had, sleeps a brilliant beetle,

And from the stones to emerge,

Singling and Gremund,

Says not silent

And sings the Nagorny key.

The poem is written by a 4xstop choree, a row of storm as follows: the first four lines

Rhyme Cross: 1-3: burning - odorous, 2-4: sound - beetle. The second quantity is riveted in the same way: 5-7: Flowing, 6-8: Radi-key. But this is not Octave - in Oktave, a different rhyme. Rhymes in the poem alternate: Women's - the penultimate syllable impact and men's - the last syllable shock.

The poem applies the following artistic techniques (trails):

"Clonit to laziness" is a metaphor, talking about the location of rest, to relaxation. "The floor is hot" - epithet, reporting on a good day.

"Measure" is a metaphor, speaking full silence.

"In Rose magnificent" - epithet, talking about the shape of a rose, about her beauty.

"In Rose Pakhchuchi" - epithet, talking about the aroma of roses.

"Had, sleeps" - a detail transmitting the state of the beetle.

"Brilliant beetle" - epithet, talking about the appearance of the beetle. "Single and Gremund" - epithets reporting on the sound of the flowing key

- The sound does not change, loud; "Says, not clever" - metaphor and epithet, complementing the key characteristic and give it human quality.

"And sings the Nagorny Key" - the metaphor and epithet develop the characteristic of the behavior of the key, fully comparing it with a human man.

The poem transmits the state of a hot summer day when everything breaks down to sleep or sleeps, but at the same time Bodr key is alive. He is not just alive, but thundering and sings about his condition. Himself gives life to the surrounding.

S.A. Jenin

Dark nights, not sleep,

I will go to the river on the meadow.

Disabled Zarnaya

In foam jets of the belt.

The passage was written by the 4-stop choree. Rows are connected by cross-rhythm. 1-3 Straits: Do not sleep Zarrya - Women's rhyme, emphasis on the penultimate syllable. 2-4 lines: a meadow-cock, male rhyme - an emphasis on the last syllable.

In the passage, artistic techniques are observed - trails:

"Dark night" - epithet combined with "night" instead of "night" speaks about the state of the night and the soul of the author.

"Spreading the Zarrynaya Rock" - the personification of nature - the metaphor transmits the action of stripming for swimming.

"In foam jets" - epithet says about the state of water.

The passage speaks of a restless soul, which rests in communicating with nature. And nature is observed by the author.


My dear friend, not regretting old

After all, in a thousand-year depth

Ripe what a thunderstorm fire

These days passes through the country.

The passage was written by 5 stop choree. Rows are derived crosswise. 1-3: old - fire - female rhyme, emphasis on the penultimate syllable. 2-4: Depth - country - men's rhyme, emphasis on the last syllable.

In the passage, the following artistic techniques - trails:

"My friend's dear friend" - the epithet designates the relative proximity to the author to the reader.

"In a thousand-year depth" - a hyperbolic metaphor that determines the natural long-term development of events.

"Ruthfully" - the metaphor indicates a long-term preparation of events.

"The thunderstorm fire" is epithet and metaphor, talking about what is happening currently.

"It takes through the country" - the metaphor says that something is naturally, it is terrible, slowly, in the scale of the country.

Thunder flew in spring -

Poshalla over the call pine.

Winds long pine cribli

The roots tear off the ground

And of course dropped,

But she was their stubborn. (:)

Tears she approached the throat

But, suicide tomorrow,

Branches to pine other shifts

And held, almost straight. (;)

Between friends died standing

Non-alien look ...

Maybe it stands so

Maybe it is so necessary. (!)

Only Woodpecker - Forest Bird -

He knew that in the dead heart he was knocking.

The poem is written by a three-rescue anapest, with female rhymes. The first two and two recent lines give an artistic ornament of the poem roundland; One symmetry (share) from the first and fifteenth string is symmetrically removed, creating expressive rows musicality. In the poem through the image of the deceased pine showed fate of a woman with a stalk, fastened to help friends in the fight against the winds of life. Even the woodpecker did not give out the winds that she was dead.

1. Long winds ... Crane - image of the fight with the elements.

2. But she (winds) persistent - the image of the strength of opposition.

3. Tears approached the throat - the personification of the flour.

4. In a suicon tomtretan, all this is a series of images - personification - metaphors.

5. The second katrer is a solid metaphorical image.

6. It may also stand, so it is necessary - the anthem of the struggle for dignity.

7. But the weaknesses: Let's start with the signs of punctuation - they are a full part of our grammar.

8. Call suny - speaks of a healthy, young pine.

Spring thunderstorm prevented over the call of Sine, without causing her harm, info. It is asked: why is it, if it follows the death of pine is not from thunderstorm, but from frequent winds?

9. Winds for a long pine shabnil. It is necessary to almost drop to tear the roots, and it is almost direct - alogure in creating an image.

11. But she was stubborn them. She - the emphasis is shifted, so "them" stands under the emphasis, and not "she", as it should be in meaning.

12. In the poem in two places, there are no separations of the publishing house.

13. A wonderful poem of a wonderful Siberian poetess for some reason the author is not polished.

L. Yusupova

"Echo of Life" - (name of the book).

Happiness to me from the height did not fall

Strip of golden rain. (-)

I myself my own koval happiness

"Echo of life" on rhymes laying. (;)

Yes, and God from unkind Yudoli

On a dangerous path to the remuneration

And his high will

To the top to rise helped. (:)

Know my songs in Altai,

They are singing in Ufa and Kazan. (-)

Seen, Volga winds, playing,

They are like a sailboat lightly carry.

Volga, Volga ... I became relatives

Dali bright your shores. (-)

These are your waters

Calling the strength line of poems. (;)

"Echo of Life" - in the ringing name

Wave splash and soul chime. (;)

This book is my visa

Bookmags of coming times.

The poem is written by a triple anaper, with cross rhyme, g. them.

The poem is richly like a low-speed, but accurate and therefore strong epithets and metaphors (trails) are already handwriting skill.

1 from the height did not fall (not more filed, but it was extremely difficult).

2 stripes (golden rain) - the "Golden Rain" stamp with the word "strip" turned into an image.

3 Kowan itself (forging - very difficult work, especially for a woman).

4 on rhymes laying (creating images and slot lines).

5 Bind Yudol (fate) High Word - very to the place.

7 God - Uvergeg (double image - assistance of fate; and internal rhyme.

8 To the top helped helped (achieve skill, and through it - fame).

9 Unity with the Volga - with Russia, which gives strength to work.

10 testament to booklers (communication times).

A wonderful poem is an analysis of the need and recognition by the reader and literary society of its book.


1 Some punctuation marks do not match the logic, breaking the syntactic connection of the katrenoes.

2 Kovala's happiness - in the word "his" shifted emphasis, broken rhythm.

3 of them, like a sailboat light, carry. Caverznoy sounding: sailboat what? - (as). Would be careful with these "how." Let's try the option: Sailboat's songs are easy to carry - sound and no "how."

Third and fourth katro can, if desired, you can combine, amplifying this image of the poem.

About inaccuracies in the application of language:

Bed at a distance - distance - 2 SKL. - Pred. - e.

Distance - Slach (3Cl) - SP. - and. Write: Dismounts for distance.

Work on the word, string and manuscript.

"Many authors firmly confident in their genius are only carriers of talent. It gives them one imperceptible, but irrefutable sign: they feel their creative process not by the manifestation of any ultra-sufficient beginning, but it is yours, only by their prerogative, even merit, just as the athlete feels the power of his muscles belonging to him only and only his velaria Performed. Such applicants for genius are boastful and tend to glorify themselves. At the beginning of the 20th century, for example, in Russian poetry, this and the case could be found high-tech declarations of their own genius.

I am the sophistication of the Russian slow speech,

Previously, all other poets are the forerunners ...

I am a genius Igor Northerner,

His victory skued ...

My verse step through the ridges of the centuries

And through the heads of poets and governments.

Like adolescents that feel stronger than their peers, they tearfully strain their poetic biceps. All this is the talents blinded by themselves, the masters, creating their name, the slaves of the self - the impostors of genius. The day of time has subjected them every time a merciless debunking. " - He says D. Anrayev in the "Rose of the World".

Many wizards say that it should be written only when not to write is impossible. And if not written, it is the same great benefit for the reader. Everyone happens in its own way, but the essence is one. Thought flashes (illumination, mood, inspiration ...). The thought is a cosmic phenomenon, now many know it. So the author tuned to the frequency of this thought, and she became accessible to him. Now it needs to be recorded, then process: develop, strengthen, improve and arrange with words. There should be no empty beams in the poem (for running through thoughts) - only the development of the plot, as in the mechanism - not one excess details. It should be very thoughtful in the meaning of words by applying them.

Lick - will consult a high portrait, the icon and at the same time resembles a "blike". To join - rejoice (admiring the face). Compare - (ov) - drifting, savor. Licacy - already a noun - to build a face in a celebration, framing the face with a celebration is the same action as to join. Action - action, act. - One root, and the layers of meanings are different. Compare Solzhenitsyn: Ostrog - acute, strictly, horn, build ...

The amateur writes, as it occurred, i.e., as can (can not). And the experienced author begins to compare the came to his head with the already familiar, famous, bright, so that the idea is to submit in her radiance. This is an artistic design of thought. To help the author - traded methods (trails) and forms: genres, sizes, stanza ...

But the thought hurries, eludes, changes; New come. Perhaps it is necessary to put it all on paper, as is - Paper elarbs. And life distracts other affairs. Let the written cooled.

The manuscript again called for her. Now the main idea is much clearer. It is necessary to find her like shape if it is not found immediately, by virtue of skill. Each thought I need to find an image - the way to feed it to the reader. If Yesenin said he had lived life, as if she had slipped in the morning on horseback. It would have already been an image - a strong comparison. But by the author: "Ile you dreamed," "Spring, Rulka R'ani" "on a pink horse - on the horse's horse.

Spear looked into a tree - information. But the spear of jealousy looked into the tree of his undertakings - an image. And in this case you will not say "in the tree" - it does not fit the style - "in the tree."

It is not necessary to look for special words for the image; The closer they are to the subject, the better. But from the unexpected side, look at the subject - it's great. The "brick vest" Yesenin called the oven.

There is a picture bright, striking:

yesenin, in Tsvetaeva, Pasternak, Mayakovsky. And there is a thin and very exact image - Pushkin.

Frost and sun; Wonderful day!

The string is divided by a semicolon - in the line two parallel thoughts, and not one-on. Do not frost and sun are a wonderful day, it goes by itself. And in the frosty day you can expect miracles, and Pushkin reveals them in everyday things.

Are you sleeping, a loved one?

Relationship with the interlocutor friendly. But what is this friend? Adorable: Full charms; And in the same word hears "flattery" and "indifference". This is already female features. And the author did not say a word about it.

Open a bonor closer

The beauty does not sleep, she sleeps, it is not enough: she does not want to part with the world of sleepy dreams, but they have almost left her. And not the eyes open, but "gazes" - recover to the wakeful world, looking forward to your attention to him.

Star of the North, come!

Very subtle and accurately selected epithets and metaphors (trails). On this road, we must follow - we created it and presented Pushkin himself.

But, about the manuscript. Found decent images, the necessary words. About the illiteracy of the linguistic and artistic no longer say. Let the manuscript "dry". After some time, I will again see flaws in it. Tips and praise injecting friends and familiar do not count. After an enno finalization of the text, making sure to make it better to make it better, you can show it to the court reader. Again, criticism - in the heart! Again rethinking and work - to perfection.

Lesson 43. I. S. Nikitin "In the blue sky floats over the fields ..."

Pedagogical tasks: continue to acquaint students with creativity I. S. Nikitin; To form a readiness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, express your opinion and argue its point of view; develop thinking of students, speech; educate love for your homeland

Planned results


get to know with the work of I. S. Nikitin and the content of his work "in the blue sky floats above the fields ...";

learn: expressively read the poem, find in the text artistic instruments of the language, understand the learning task of the lesson and strive to perform it, to extract the necessary information from the text, read out loud, consciously, without distortion, expressively, transmitting its attitude to the read; answer questions and evaluate your knowledge; will be able to consider and analyze illustration


Cognitive: comprehend reading lyrical texts; understand the mood of the poem; determine their own attitude; Search for the necessary information on photography, reproduction of the picture; comprehend objects; To understand the meaning.

Regulatory: formulate the learning task of the lesson in the mini-group, take it, to maintain throughout the lesson, periodically checking its academic actions with a given task.

Communicative: comprehend the rules of interaction in the pair and the group (distribution of responsibilities, drawing up a plan of joint actions, the ability to agree on joint actions)

Personal: demonstrate respectful attitude to other opinions; taking a social role

Organizational structure of the lesson

The content of the activity of the teacher

Content of learning activities
(actions carried out)

Food Methods of Participation

I. Actualization of reference knowledge.

Checking homework

Checks your homework. Conducts a conversation about the work done

Answer teacher's questions. Talk about the work done by the house. Personally read by the roles of the poem A. N. Pleshcheev "Children and a bird" celebrate the best performer of each role, correct errors

Implement the actualization of personal life experience

II. Message Topics lesson. Defining goals

Asking questions. Comments the answers, it proposes to formulate the purpose of the lesson.

What is the name of the textbook section that we read?

With the work of which poet got acquainted in the past lesson? With the work of which poet will we get acquainted today?

Read the topic lesson.

Determine the objectives of the lesson using the supporting words.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of the poet, many verses of which are familiar to you. Listen to the poem.

Learned a poem?

Who owns these lines?

Do you know other verses I. S. Nikitina?

Discuss the subject of the lesson. They answer the questions of the teacher, formulate the purpose of the lesson. By the name of the work, they determine the thematic and emotional orientation of the text, allocate the main characters. Under the guidance of the teacher, determine the tasks of reading and make up the reading plan.

A pre-prepared student reads the poem of I. Nikitin.

Meeting of winter

Hello, Guest Winter!

We ask mercy to us

Songs of the North sing

In the forests and steppes.

There are some reason with us, -


STROY Bridges on rivers

And pallium carpets ...

Take and maintain a training goal and the task. Analyze, find the general and differences, draw conclusions. Consciously and arbitrarily building a speech statement orally

III. Acquaintance with the work of the poet

Talks about the work of the poet (see Resource Material)

Listen to the teacher. Ask questions

Analysis of the listened message about the work of the writer

IV. Analysis of the poem "In the blue sky floats over the fields ..."

He reads the poem "in the blue sky floats over the fields ...".

Listen to the poem I. S. Nikitin.

What paintings presented, listening to the poem?

What mood caused a poem to you?

What did you think, remembered, listening to the poem?

What are synonyms? Select the synonyms for the words recorded on the board.

What is Antonyms? Pick up antonyms to words.

Remember what epithet is.

Spend a linguistic experiment. Name the names of adjectives in phrases: "Blue Butterfly", "Golden Watch", "Crystal shoes".

Can we call them epithets?

I suggest you become wizards

Re-read the text of the work. Answer teacher's questions. Expose assumptions.

Explain the meaning of words:

Grezitis - Dreams.

Mezha - Land border.

Glow - Fire light or gleam in heaven from heavenly phenomena.

Temple - The building for the commission of worship and religious rites.

Selected synonyms for the words:

Dreams - dreams.

Delight - admiration.

Golden - yellow, orange.

Shine - flicker, overflow.

Pick antonyms to say:

Cool - hot, sultry, warm.

Delight - chagrin, sadness, longing.

Epithet - Most often the adjective name.

Not any adjective will be epithet.

The epithetics draws an expressive picture, and also helps convey the thoughts and feelings of the author.

Make up epithets with these adjectives.


Blue butterfly

Blue sky

Gold watch

"Golden Edges" (clouds)

Adequately use speech tool for solving various communicative tasks. Draw conclusions, extract information from various sources. Argue your position. Plan your action in accordance with the task and conditions of its implementation

V. Homework

Explains homework.

Prepare an expressive reading of the poem I. S. Nikitina "In the blue sky floats over the fields ...". Make a drawing to a poem, if you wish to learn. Make a task in the working notebook (p. 42)

Listen carefully, ask clarifying questions

Realize, take, keep learning

Vi. The outcome of the lesson. Reflection

Assessment of the results of the tasks in the lesson, including reading. Organization of summing up lessons learning. The teacher proposes to evaluate the work in the lesson. Conducts a conversation on questions:

What particularly interested you during the lesson?

What new learned in the lesson?

Did you like the poem? Than? What did the poet be expressed?

Do you have a desire to read other poetic poems? What interests you?

Answer questions. Determine its emotional state in the lesson. Conduct self-esteem,

In the poem, we see not only the image of the poet painting of nature, but also the poet itself. Such poems could write a man who loved his native land, its unbarrible expanses. We admire this beauty with him. The poet can only be understood by good, real verses. When you read them, if you hear the voice of the poet itself.

At the lesson:

I liked it ... I realized that ...

I learned ... I worked today ...

self-control of training activities

Resource material for lesson

Biography I. S. Nikitina

Ivan Savvich Nikitin was born in a wealthy family. His father owned him a candle plant and a bench and heard not only an enterprising trader, but also the first fist fuel fighter. He was harsh and despotic, unlike his wife, had a meek temper.

From 9 years, Ivan Nikitin is studying in the spiritual school, and then in the spiritual seminary. It was the seminary literary environment that had a beneficial effect on the poetic development of the future poet. Already in the seminary, he began writing poems, imitating the Things and songs of Alexey Koltsov. At that time he read a lot, dreamed of entering the university, but life circumstances were prevented.

For a long time I. S. Nikitin hid written by him from others, fearing to become the subject of ridicule. Insecurity prevented him from immediately publish his poems. Only in 1853, in almost 30 years old, the poet decided to send them to the editorial office of the local newspaper Voronezh provincial statements. A year later (1854), Nikitin verses appear on the pages of major magazines of the time. And after another 2 years, in 1856, the Count Tolstoy puts the patronage to Nikitin and publishes its poems with his own preface in a separate book.

Most of the poems of Nikitin - about nature, which the poet considered the only consolation in his life, speaking of her: "She is my mother, comforting me in the moments of longing and doubt. Amazing me, his silence and greatness, she makes me cast a thoughtful song and shed sweet tears "; Many poete poems are permeated with a high feeling of their homeland. He speaks of the signs of the native land, close to his soul of folk songs, about the strength, the beauty of the labor nation.

I. A. Bunin referred Nikitina to the number of "those great, who created the whole peculiar warehouse of Russian literature, her freshness, her great in simplicity of artistic, her strong, simple language ...".

Moscow Department of Education
GBOU SPO Pedagogical College №15
Information card lesson of literary reading,
conducted by a student group sh-42
Dzubenko Anna Anatolevna
In 4 "A" Class of GBOU SOSH No. 508
Lesson date: 11/13/2014
Marker for carrying out:
Teacher's signature:
Methodist signature:
Moscow 2014.
Lesson in the program
Section "Poetic Notebook"
The topic of the lesson I. S. Nikitin "In the blue sky floats over the fields ..."
Subsection UUD
To acquaint students with the poet I. S. Nikitin and his work "in the blue sky floats over the fields ..." Cognitive
Building speech statements in oral and written forms; Analysis of objects in order to highlight features;
Plan the necessary actions, operations, act according to plan;
Ability with sufficient completeness and accuracy to express their thoughts; Monologic statements are building, own a dialogical form of speech.
Positive attitude to the teaching, to cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills
Concepts, the terms are new
Concepts, terms
Poem, epithette, comparison of interprecotement of work form resources
The world
Russian language
Frontal, group, individual textbook Literary reading 4th grade, part 1, L.F. Climanova School of Russia. ICT resources. Internet resources.
Stages Stroke lesson activity of students Notes
I. Organizational moment Hello guys! My name is Anna Anatolyevna and today's lesson of literary reading I will have. II. Main part
1) Introduction to the topic of the guys, look at the pictures on the slide. What do they have in common?
What do you think what time of year is depicted? How did you guess?
And who of you loves to observe the sunset in the summer, raise the handles.
Ivan Savvich Nikitin also loved to watch this time of day and he dedicated to many of his works. Evening, Sunset
Summer, because Grass, Flowers, Sun Bright evening time illustration of the day on the slide
2) landscape lyrics I. S. Nikitina Ivan Savvich Nikitin also loved to describe the "forest" in his poems:
Shumi, Shumi, Green Forest!
Familiar to me your magnificent noise
And your peace and gloss heaven
Above your kudrya's head.
"Winter meeting":
On the courtyards and houses
Snow is mounted
And shines from the sun
Multicolored fire.
The steppe in the poem "Fully, the steppe is mine, sleeping dust":
Full, the steppe is my sleep, sleep without
Winter Mother Kingdom passed,
Dries the tank tablecloth desertless
Snow disappeared - and warm, and light.
Guys, how do you think, why did you take these poems for our lesson? Maybe something like some poems seemed familiar to you?
So what did you like to describe Nikitin in your poems? How do we call all this in one word?
Right, Ivan Savvich loved to describe his native nature in his works. We studied the poem "Winter Meeting" and "Full, Steppe My, Sleep Doggy
Forest, steppe
Nature to each product illustration on the slide.
3) Primary perception Today at the lesson, we will meet with one of the works of Ivan Savvich Nikitina, which is called "in the blue sky flooded over the fields."
Listen carefully to the poem, look at the screen.
In the blue sky floats over the fields / clouds with gold edges; /
A little noticeable over the forest fog, /
Warm Evening transparent-Rumba. // That really blows a cool night; /
Grezing spikes over a narrow interlineo; /
A month with a fiery ball gets up, /
Red glow forest lifts. //
Crotko stars Golden shine, /
In the pure field, peace and silence; /
Exactly in the temple, I stand in silence / and delighted / pray / from the soul. //
What pictures did you see?
What associations have you have after listening to this poem?
What do you think the mood was at the poet when he wrote this poem? Field, forest, evening, sunset
End of summer, farewell with summer
Sadness, calm video
4) reading poem well. And now we will proceed to read the poem. Open tutorials on page 146.

Did you all understand? What words did you fail?
Guys, what do you think, what does the word dreams? Dream - it means to dream.
And what do you think, what does the word of meza mean? Mezha is a narrow strip of land, the boundaries of land plots.
What is glow? Glaso is a glow in the sky of red, yellow or orange flowers.
Read the third quarters. Did you want all the words? What does Krotko mean? Krotko means calmly, peacefully.
What is the temple? The temple is a building in which religious rituals pass; Place for prayers.
And now let's read it again, but more expressive.
Read the first quarters.
Read the second quit.
Read the third quarters.
And now find and read the line:
Where are the clouds float?
What clouds float?
What is a little noticeable above the forest?
What evening at this moment?
What suddenly he has reached?
What is said about the colosue?
What does the month say?
How does a month illuminate the forest?
What is said about the stars?
How does the poet describe the field?
What point the author compares the silence of the field?
What is the author at this moment? No, dreams, meza, glow
Answers children
Answers children
Answers children
Answers children
Answers children
Children answer questions to the questions of the poem of the illustration of vocabulary
5) Fizminutka now I will check how attentive you are. When I slammer 1 time you have to start reading the poem, when I slapped 2 times, you must continue to read it mentally. 6) The analysis of the work we have rested a little and will now continue working with our poem. As you know, in the works of literature, especially in poems, images are disclosed using expressive means. Who will say to me, what are the means of expressiveness you already know?
What is a comparison? This is the characteristic of one subject, which is given through the comparison of it with another subject by their similarity, which can be explicit or remote and unexpected, for example: blue eyes like heaven;
What is an impersonation? This is the transfer of human properties to inanimate objects, for example: Nature fell asleep;
What is epithet? This is a definition that characterizes the subject, i.e. Colorful description of the word, for example: Golden autumn;
So, read, please, the first two lines of the first quatrain. Why "clouds with gold edges"? What means expressive uses the author?
What does it mean a line "Warm Evening Transparent-Rumen"?
What do you think this time is the day?
Read the first line of the second quatrain. Look, guys, how interesting it turns out. Just was the "warm evening", and after a while already "blows a cool night"? Why does this happen?
And how do you understand the second line of this poem? What means expressive used the author here? What other means of expressiveness do you see in the first two lines of the second quatrain?
Read the third and fourth line of the second quatrain. Why does the author compare a month with a fiery ball? The thing is that when changing the weather, the moon is painted in red and the forest floods with this red light.
What else means expressive here?
And what time of day is described in the second quatrain?
Read the first line of the third quatrain. What means of expressiveness used the author?
Now look at the third line. What is there a comparison?
Now find the epithet in the second line.
Guys, who of you was someday was in the temple, church? What feelings did you experience, what sounds did you hear?
So why did the author compare his condition when he was in the field at night with a fortune when he was in the temple?
Find words in this quatrain that describe the condition of nature.
Why is the author delighted praying?
What time of day is described in this quatrain? Metaphor, comparison, personification, epithet
Answers children
Answers children
Answers children
The sun is hidden behind the clouds and illuminates them
Sunset pinkish color as light blush
Early evening
At the end of the summer, the temperature changes, during the day is still warm, and at night the cold
Colosus as if drill
Cool night - epithet
Answers children
Personification - the month gets up, lies
Late evening
Golden Shine - Epithet
Quiet compares with silence in the temple
Pure field
Calm, silence
Because and there, and there felt calm, silence
Krotko (quietly) shine, peace, silence, quiet.
He really likes this moment of calm, I enjoys this, admires.
Night definition appear on the slide
7) Creative work in the footsteps read and now we have a very interesting job. We have 3 groups. I suggest you draw a picture to the poem. Each group has a sheet A3 is a billet, background for our painting. Also, each group has pictures in the envelope. Stick these parts on the A3 sheet so that you have a ready picture of our poem.
Well done! And now the captain of each group will come to the board and attract your picture on the board.
Guys, look at the same paintings? What do we do? The work was one thing, all the same material, but the paintings turned out different. I will ask each team to protect my picture, how accurately you reflected everything in a poem in your picture.
The first command is responsible.
So your picture is not finished. And who has a continuation? Maybe you have a full picture? Replies the second team.
Let's learn from the third team.
What conclusion we can do? That's right, only all 3 paintings in the aggregate create a single work.
Our painting has a blue sky, clouds with gold edges, fog on the forest. But we do not have a column, which is referred to in 2 quatrasions.
We have a colossos, a month, but there is no what was at the first team and there are no stars referred to in the third quatrain.
We have stars, a field and a person - the author who watches the nature at this moment, but there is no one that has the first and second team. Each group has a sheet of A3 with the background and details of the picture
8) consolidating the knowledge gained guys, each of you have a test.
You need to choose the right answer option in each question. Test postcard
III. The final part with what product did we meet today?
Who wrote this work?
Raise the handles those who today everything was understandable. Raise the handles of those who have had difficulty.
Raise the knobs of those who did nothing today.
Thank you for the lesson. Bye!

Ivan Nikitin was a very talented and successful person. In Russian literature, he became famous as "master landscape lyrics." His poems have always born in the heart of a person contradictory feelings. They were at the same time rejoiced by the beauty of their homeland, but at the same time came to the despondency from fear to spoil or lose it.

He saw in his childhood, again reappear in his poems.

It starts to write quite late, in 30 years he has the first collection of poems, which readers meet with great pleasure. At the beginning, his work was only natural, he described her beauty and greatness. After the poet is ill, an important topic appears in his lyrics, the topic of faith.

The poem "in the blue sky floats over the fields" wears simultaneously two meanings. The theme of nature is closely intertwined with the theme of faith. He describes nature as a beautiful divine phenomenon. At the same time, Nikitin does not miss the opportunity

Use epithets that brighter to transmit its beauty - "clouds with gold edges", "warm evening", "fireball".

The poem describes the evening when all nature goes on peace. He speaks very beautifully about this transition, from light to darkness. The mood ending the poem allows us to feel the Divine Presence.

His love for nature is huge. If only because he sees divine participation in it. From this line we see "exactly in the temple, I stand in the silence" that he compares nature with the temple. The temple means for people the place of worship, silence, peace and protection. All this he feels in the fresh air, near the native forest.

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