Biography of Aman Tuleev: What is the memory of the governor of the Kemerovo region. Aman Tuleev - biography, nationality Tuleev party

- Russian politician and statesman. Governor of the Kemerovo region since July 1, 1997.

Member of the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the Party "United Russia".

Founder of the regional public charitable foundation "Help" and public charitable foundation "Semipalatinsk trail".


  • Father - Tuleev Moldagazy Koldybaevich(died at the front);
  • Mother - Vlasova Munira Faizovna;
  • stepfather - Vlasov Innokenty Ivanovich(he raised and raised Aman Gumirovich).


  1. Tikhoretsk College of Railway Transport (graduated in 1964)
  2. Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (graduated in 1973 in absentia with a specialty - "Engineer of Railways for the Operation of Railways");
  3. Academy of Social Sciences (graduated in 1989 in absentia).

Labor activity

He began his career as a station attendant at the Mundybash railway station of the Novokuznetsk branch West Siberian railway in 1964. After serving in the Soviet Army, he returned to his former place of work, where he worked as a station attendant, senior assistant to the head of the station and head of the Mundybash station of the Novokuznetsk branch West Siberian railroad.

In 1973 he became the head of the Mezhdurechensk station of the Novokuznetsk branch West Siberian railroad. In 1983 he was appointed head of the Novokuznetsk branch of the Kemerovo railway. In 1985, he was appointed head of the transport and communications department of the Kemerovo regional committee of the CPSU. From 1988 to 1990, he held the position of head of the Kemerovo railway.

Political activity

1990-93 - People's Deputy of the RSFSR.

1990−93 - Chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies.

1990-91 - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Regional Council of People's Deputies.

1994−96 - Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

August 22, 1996 - appointed Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with participating States Commonwealth of Independent States.

July 1, 1997 - appointed head of the Kemerovo Region Administration. This appointment was accepted by Yeltsin in a situation of increased social tension in the Kuzbass.

October 19, 1997 - wins the election of the governor of the Kemerovo region, receiving 94.5% of the vote and huge support from the Kuzbass.

On January 25, 2001, he resigned from the post of governor of the Kemerovo region. Again he put forward his candidacy in the early elections on April 22, 2001 and won, receiving 93.5% of the vote. On May 4, 2001, he again assumed the post of Governor of the Kemerovo Region.

Three times - in 1991, 1996 and 2000 - he ran for the presidency of Russia. During the presidential elections of the RSFSR on June 12, 1991, he received 6.81% of the votes (the fourth result out of six). In the 1996 presidential election, he withdrew his candidacy on the eve of the first round of elections and called on his voters to cast their votes in support of the candidate from popular patriotic block of Gennady Zyuganov. Nevertheless, during the early voting period (before the candidacy was withdrawn), 308 votes were cast for Tuleev, which were credited as valid. In the 2000 elections, he scored 2.95% of the vote, almost all the votes were cast in the Kemerovo region, where the level of support exceeded 50% and even the final Russian result of V.V. Putin.

In the 1999 State Duma elections, Tuleev was still on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but in Kuzbass he already supported Unity. In 2000 he was expelled from the NPSR. And in December 2003, the governor headed the regional list of United Russia, which, thanks to this, gained 52% of the vote in the Kemerovo region. All 35 deputies of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region were elected from the "Serving Kuzbass" bloc, formed with the support of Tuleyev.

In July 1999, he refused to accept the Order of Honor from B. N. Yeltsin, explaining this as follows:

“I just can’t fundamentally accept rewards from a government that plunged the country into poverty.”

However, in September 2000, he accepted this award from V.V. Putin.

In 2005 President R. F. Vladimir Putin extended Tuleev's term of office until 2010.

In the same year, Aman Tuleev joined the United Russia party.

April 20, 2010 — President R.F. Dmitry Medvedev extended Tuleyev's term of office until 2015.

In 2013-2014 appears in the top ten most effective governors of the Russian Federation according to the Civil Society Development Fund.

In 2014, he became a member of the advisory commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

On April 16, 2015, due to the expiration of his term of office, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Tuleyev as the acting Governor of the Kemerovo Region until the person elected as the Governor of the Kemerovo Region takes office.

On May 26, 2015, at the primaries of United Russia for the post of candidate for governor of the Kemerovo region in the Novokuznetsk Drama Theater, he won the majority of votes.

In the parliamentary elections in the fall of 2016, he headed the party list of United Russia in the Altai Republic, Altai Territory, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.



Tuleeva Elvira Fedorovna



  1. Dmitry (b. 1968);
  2. Andrei (1972-1998, died in a car accident in Tashkent).


  1. Stanislav Andreevich Tuleev (b. 1992);
  2. Andrey Dmitrievich Tuleev (b. 1999);
  3. Tatyana Dmitrievna Tuleeva (born in 2005).


State awards of the Russian Federation

  1. Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2012);
  2. Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (January 17, 2008) - for a great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and socio-economic development of the region;
  3. Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (March 28, 2003) - for a great contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood and many years of conscientious work;
  4. Order of Alexander Nevsky (May 16, 2014) - for special personal services to the state and many years of conscientious work;
  5. Order of Honor (July 5, 1999) - for a great personal contribution into socio-economic development of the region;
  6. Jubilee medal "300 years of the Russian fleet" (1996);
  7. Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" (1997).

Encouragement of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation

  1. Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (May 12, 2004) - for a great contribution into socio-economic development of the region and many years of conscientious work;
  2. Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation (May 12, 2004) - for a great personal contribution into socio-economic
  3. Certificate of Honor of the Government of the Russian Federation (April 25, 2005) - for a great personal contribution into socio-economic development of the Kemerovo region and many years of fruitful work;
  4. Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (August 25, 2005) - for active participation in the work of the State Council of the Russian Federation;
  5. Certificate of Honor of the President of the Russian Federation (December 12, 2008) - for active participation in the preparation of the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation and a great contribution to the development of the democratic foundations of the Russian Federation;
  6. Medal of Stolypin P. A. II degree (April 24, 2014) - for merits in solving strategic problems socio-economic development of the country and many years of conscientious work.

Foreign awards

  1. Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, V degree (Ukraine, 2004) - for a significant personal contribution to the development Ukrainian-Russian economic relations and on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his birth;
  2. Order "Friendship" (Azerbaijan, May 12, 2014) - for special merits in the development of friendly relations and cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation;
  3. Order of Dostyk II degree (Kazakhstan);
  4. Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus), (2002);
  5. Order of the Polar Star (Mongolia);
  6. Commemorative medal "Astana" (Kazakhstan).

Confessional awards

  1. Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (ROC);
  2. Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, I degree (ROC);
  3. Order of the Holy Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree (ROC).

Other awards

  1. Order "Valour of Kuzbass" (2001);
  2. Medal of Alexei Leonov (2015);
  3. Medal "15 years of the Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk diocese" (Kemerovo region);
  4. Honorary Railwayman;
  5. Medal "For a significant contribution to the development of the city of Sevastopol";
  6. Honorary citizen of the Kemerovo region;
  7. Badge of distinction "For Merit to the Tomsk Region" (May 11, 2004) - for many years of good neighborly relations, a great contribution into socio-economic development of the Tomsk region and in connection with the 60th anniversary of the birth;
  8. Honorary Citizen of Novokuznetsk;
  9. Honorary citizen of Mezhdurechensk;
  10. Honorary citizen of Tashtagol;
  11. Honorary Citizen of Kemerovo;
  12. Honorary citizen p.g.t. Mundybash.

The famous and long-term permanent governor of Kuzbass, Aman Tuleev, whose biography has been on the rise for more than seventy years, was born in the city of Krasnovodsk (Turkmenistan) in May 1944. This wonderful governor and a man of great soul deserves the best words and the highest appreciation of his work. The country is unlikely to find a governor with such authority as Tuleev Aman Gumirovich has.


Children born during the war are very different from other generations. And always - for the better. Such is the hero of this article. His parents were employees. After the death of his father in the war, who was not lucky enough to hold his only son in his arms, Aman-Geldy was brought up by his stepfather, with whom relations improved immediately and forever. Innokenty Ivanovich Vlasov was a wonderful person and was next to his beloved son all his life - until 1984.

Governor Aman Tuleev took a lot from his mother, Munira Fayzovna - his biography is filled with deeds of true, high kindness. He buried his mother in 2001. Like all people, it was hard to get used to life without parents, thanks to whom it was possible to learn, make a career and live filled with happiness, despite a very hectic position.


Aman Tuleev, whose biography began at the Krasnodar railway station as a simple switchman, was consistent, entering the railway technical school and graduating with honors. As a young specialist, he came to Kuzbass in the direction and got a job as a duty officer at the Mundybash station. From there he was drafted into the army for three years, where he acquired a second profession - a military one - a sapper. Service in Transbaikalia and now he remembers often and brightly.

Returning to Kuzbass, which became his native, Tuleev Aman Gumirovich, whose biography remained connected with this region, got a job, entered the Novosibirsk Engineering Institute of Railway Transport in absentia, and in 1969 became the head of the Mundybash station. Things were going well, and the career was also advancing. In 1973, the rightly chosen university was graduated, and a new appointment was not long in coming.


For the next five years, Tuleev Aman Gumirovich became the head of the Mezhdurechensk railway station. The biography developed in a career plan clearly in stages: Mezhdurechensk is a small town, but the station there is a key and important one: it is the land of mines with excellent ferroalloys and heavy metallurgy. For the next seven years, Aman Gumirovich was fascinated by the very garden city of Mayakovsky - Novokuznetsk, where he was first deputy, then head of the Kemerovo railway department.

This economy was simply huge, since the city is entirely industrial, and transport is the most important thing. There it became especially noticeable how good and literate he was as a leader, and the biography of Aman Gumirovich Tuleev went further along the party-administrative line. In 1985, a skilled business executive was promoted to the head of the transport and communications department in the Kemerovo regional party committee. Tuleev did not want and could not dwell on the existing knowledge and experience, therefore in 1988 he successfully graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences.

road up

In the same 1988, Aman Tuleev was appointed head of one of the largest railways in the Soviet Union - Kemerovo. And in 1990, he already sat in the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, where he was elected by the inhabitants of the Gorno-Shorsky national-territorial district. Then he had to take on his own shoulders two more difficult duties - a deputy in the Kemerovo Regional Council (almost immediately - the chairman of this Council) and the position of chairman of the regional executive committee.

Tuleev was engaged in this huge work for almost three years - probably the most difficult years that the country was going through. And he managed to keep Kuzbass from that horrendous fall that befell almost all industrial regions of Russia.


In 1991, unfortunately, the biography did not acquire a new mark (although Aman Tuleev was desperately striving for it). The family, which all the inhabitants of Kuzbass became for him, demanded that a globally thinking person save his native country. And he was forced to run for president of Russia. However, he managed to take only the fourth place out of six. And what a wonderful program it was! Criticism of the course of Boris Yeltsin's reforms, recognizing them as criminal, because the state was collapsing and the people were almost completely impoverished. And Tuleev had something to offer in return.

Since 1993 he has been working in the Federation Council from Kuzbass, since 1994 he has been the head of the Legislative Assembly of the region. In 1996, he repeats the attempt of 1991, that is, he participates in the presidential elections in the country. However, he withdraws his candidacy in favor of G. A. Zyuganov, the leader of the Communist Party. In 2000, they brought Tuleev fourth place out of eleven. And it is always filled with struggle from such purposeful people, as the family gave him such a mixed one that it is difficult to understand where he got such perseverance in achieving the goal. He did not give up: since 1996 he worked in the government of the Russian Federation, at the same time being the minister for cooperation with the CIS member countries.


By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, in 1997 Aman Tuleev was appointed head of the regional administration, at the same time he was elected governor, receiving ninety-five percent of the vote. In 2001, he was re-elected to this position again, with almost the same election result.

In 2005, he received gubernatorial powers from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin for five years. In 2010, D. A. Medvedev repeated the same thing. In 2015, he was re-elected to the same position with an exceptional result again: ninety-seven percent of voters voted for Tuleev.

Awards from the Fatherland

"For Services to the Fatherland" - this order of the fourth and third degrees Aman Tuleev was awarded twice. In 2008, for a huge personal contribution to the development of civil society and the formation of a democratic rule of law in Russia, for his fruitful social and educational activities, the governor of Kuzbass was awarded the diamond honorary order "Public Recognition". At the same time, President V.V. Putin awarded him. And he also presents us with more than twenty medals that Aman Tuleev managed to earn, a biography.

His family is humanity. Otherwise, he could not have become a laureate of the Prize. Peter the Great, which is given for the most outstanding contribution to cooperation with foreign countries. And the annual competition of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" has repeatedly recognized him as the most popular - "Person of the Year" Tuleev became twice, as well as the best governor of Russia, the winner of "For Faith and Loyalty" - the international award of St. Andrew the First-Called. The revival of spirituality, integration, strengthening of the economy - this is his daily work, marked by the laureate of the international program "Leaders of the Twenty-First Century", "National Pride of Russia". Many times he received diplomas of the "Best Leader of the Year" from various public organizations.

Awards from the Russian Orthodox Church

The Russian Orthodox Church rewarded Aman Tuleev very much, since few leaders of this rank responded to all kinds of confessional problems. Many people think that this is not enough, the Lord has prepared much more for this wonderful person. And here, on the earthly path, Aman Tuleev was awarded the orders of Sergius of Radonezh of the second degree, two orders of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow - the second and first degrees.

Absolutely rightly, Aman Tuleev was given the Golden Order for Sacrificial Service (in the name of Boris and Gleb, noble princes). For attention to the Russian Orthodox Church, for a huge personal contribution to the revival of Orthodoxy in the country, Alexy II presented Aman Tuleev with the Order of St. Innocent.

International awards

The governor of Kuzbass Tuleev Aman Gumirovich was awarded many times with insignia of different countries. Biography defines nationality as a Kazakh, but in fact it is much richer. Tuleev truly thoroughly understands every nation in all manifestations of its identity, delves into its problems, tries to help everyone. So, he was awarded the highest award of Mongolia - the Order of the Polar Star, the Belarusian Order of Friendship, the highest order of Ukraine - Yaroslav the Wise, the order of Kazakhstan - "Dostyk" ("Friendship"). And the UN quite rightly marked his activities with the Order "For Justice". In 2005, Aman Tuleev received an award "For respect for the people" from the International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms.

From a grateful people

For personal courage in preventing terrorist acts, the governor was twice awarded personalized firearms - two pistols of the Makarov system were awarded to Aman Tuleev by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - in 1997 and 2003. In the first case, thanks to the efforts of the governor, the hostages survived and the hostages were released, and in the second, the anti-terrorist operation was competently organized with his great help. From the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tuleev received badges, nominal watches and all kinds of gratitude, since he always acted very competently in extreme situations.

And the enterprises of Kuzbass, which survived in these troubled and bad years only thanks to the intelligence, tact and the greatest efficiency of the governor, also expressed their deepest respect and gratitude to this man. He was awarded various honorary titles, he is an honorary citizen of almost every city in his native land, to which he gave so much strength. And he is also an "Honorary Miner", "Honorary Railwayman". And this is not only in Kuzbass, where outsiders can consider such an attitude towards the governor as sycophancy. Although the whole Kemerovo region really loves Tuleev! He has diplomas of love from different cities and towns. Moreover, he is a laureate of the "Book of Honor and Honor of Russia", and at the same time he received a golden order and a golden weapon.

Personal life

Aman Tuleev, whose biography speaks of the height of the personal qualities of the leader of the richest industrial area, can serve as an example for younger generations in his personal life. He is married only once, raised two wonderful sons. According to his father - a Kazakh, which was recorded in his birth certificate, according to his mother - with Tatar and Bashkir blood, according to his upbringing (stepfather) - Russian, according to his preferences - a Siberian, Aman Tuleev, in principle, is close to absolutely any citizen of the world. The governor's wife, Elvira Fedorovna Solovyova, chose this man as her husband in the years when it was not yet clear that he would make a world-class leader. They were very young and worked together on the railroad. And until now, they still love to read books, go to nature, skiing.

The eldest son of Aman Tuleev, Dmitry, was a specialist in highways - he worked in the Federal Directorate "Siberia", which dealt with them. With the youngest, Andrei, a misfortune happened, in 1998 he died in an accident. It was during this period that the most difficult time for the country began, which, together with personal grief, Tuleev Aman Gumirovich tried to overcome. The biography of any leader may contain compromising evidence, especially with a certain desire on the part of the media, but in this case such attacks are simply inappropriate. The Governor of Kuzbass is an excellent person and leader.

In the city of Krasnovodsk (now - Turkmenbashi) of the Turkmen SSR in the family of an employee.

In 1964 he graduated with honors from the Tikhoretsk Railway College. In 1973 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in railway engineering for the operation of railways, in 1988 - from the Academy of Social Sciences.

He began his career as a switchman at the Krasnodar-1 railway station.

After graduating from a technical school, he came to Siberia, to the railway village of Mundybash, Kemerovo Region, where he worked as a station attendant.

He served in the engineering and sapper troops of the Trans-Baikal Military District. Military profession - sapper.

After the service, he returned to Mundybash to his former place of work. In 1969 he became the head of the Mundybash railway station of the West Siberian Railway.

From 1973 to 1978 - head of the railway station in the city of Mezhdurechensk.

From 1978 to 1985 he worked in Novokuznetsk: first as a deputy, and then as head of the Novokuznetsk branch of the Kemerovo railway.

In 1985, he was appointed head of the transport and communications department of the Kemerovo regional party committee.

In 1988 he was appointed head of the Kemerovo railway, one of the largest in the Soviet Union.

In 1990, Aman Tuleev was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR for the Gorno-Shorsky national-territorial district. In March 1990, he was elected a deputy of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies, then its chairman. At the same time he was appointed chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Executive Committee. He worked as chairman of the regional Council of People's Deputies until October 1993.

In April 1991, Tuleyev ran for the presidency of Russia and finished fourth out of six.

In 1993 he was elected to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Kuzbass.

From March 1994 to July 1996 he headed the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region.

Participated in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation in 1996. Before the first round, he withdrew his candidacy in favor of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov.

In 2000, he became the fourth of 11 contenders in the presidential elections.

From August 22, 1996 to June 30, 1997, Aman Tuleev was a member of the Government of the Russian Federation, Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with the States Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

In July 1997, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed head of the administration of the Kemerovo region.

In October 1997, Aman Tuleev was elected governor of the Kemerovo region, receiving 95% of the vote. In April 2001, he was re-elected governor of the Kemerovo region, receiving 93.5% of the vote.

On April 20, 2005, on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, he was vested with the powers of the Governor of the Kemerovo Region for a period of five years.

On March 18, 2010, the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region, on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, unanimously approved the candidacy of the current governor Aman Tuleev for the post of head of the region for the next term. He took office April 20.

In connection with the expiration of the term of office of the governor of the Kemerovo region, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Aman Tuleev was appointed acting governor of the Kemerovo region.

Aman Tuleev is actively engaged in scientific work, is the author of more than two dozen books and brochures, hundreds of publications and speeches in foreign, Russian, Kuzbass electronic and print media. He has two invention patents.

Doctor of Political Science (2000), professor; Honorary Professor of the Ulaanbaatar University of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences.

Active member of the International Informatization Academy and the International Academy of Engineering.

Awarded with the Orders of Honor (1999), "For Services to the Fatherland" IV (2003) and III (2008) degrees, the Order of Alexander Nevsky (2014).

Awarded with awards from foreign countries - the highest award of the Mongolian Republic, the Order of the Polar Star, the Order of Friendship (Belarus), the highest award of Ukraine - the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of the fifth degree, the Order of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Dostyk" ("Friendship"). He has more than 20 medals: "For Labor Valor", "For Valiant Labor", the badge "Miner's Glory" III, II, I degrees, the medal "For Special Contribution to the Development of Kuzbass" II, I degrees, etc.

He has departmental awards, including three nominal pistols of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2008 he was awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church - St. Innocent Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, I degree.

Tuleev was awarded the titles "Honorary Miner", "Honorary Railway Worker".

He is an honorary citizen of the Kemerovo region, the cities of Novokuznetsk, Mezhdurechensk, Tashtagol.

Aman Tuleev is married and has a son Dmitry. Tuleev's youngest son Andrei tragically died in May 1998.

The income of the Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev for 2014 amounted to 4.75 million rubles, including wages, state pension, income from bank deposits and payments for honorary titles.

The governor directs his personal funds to charitable purposes and to those who need help. All Tuleyev's funds received for honorary titles are monthly transferred to orphans studying in vocational education institutions with "good" and "excellent" marks and to low-income families with many children.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Aman Gumirovich Tuleev, whose real name is Amangeldy Moldagazyevich Tuleev, is a political and statesman of Russia. At one time he was the minister for cooperation with the CIS countries, and from the summer of 1997 to 2018 he served as the governor of the Kemerovo region.

Aman was born in Turkmenistan, in the city of Krasnovodsk, which today is called Turkmenbashi. The father of Moldagaza Tuleev, a Kazakh by nationality, went to war and died without seeing the birth of his son. Munira Fayzovna's mother, in whom Tatar and Bashkir blood flowed, remarried after some time, so the stepfather Innokenty Vlasov was involved in raising the boy.

After school, Tuleev entered the Tikhoretsky College of Railway Transport, and then to the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers, where he studied at the correspondence department as a railway engineer. Already at this time, the young man began to use a new name and patronymic - Aman Gumirovich, since they are more convenient for pronunciation in Russian.

Later, another higher education will appear in the biography of Aman Tuleev, which he will receive in 1988 at the correspondence department of the Academy of Social Sciences. In 2000, Aman Tuleev will rise one more step, becoming a doctor of political sciences after defending his dissertation at the RSSU.


The future governor Aman Tuleev began his career as a simple worker on the West Siberian Railway. Gradually, the young man rose to the rank of head of the Mundybash station near Novokuznetsk, and then to the head of the Kemerovo railway. Tuleev performed these duties until the very collapse of the Soviet Union.

Aman Gumirovich Tuleev planned to enter politics back in 1989, but then he did not get the required number of votes in the elections to deputies. Later, this attempt was crowned with success, and Aman Gumirovich became the chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Council.

During the August putsch in 1991, Tuleyev showed confidence in the putschists, so the one who came to power did not allow Aman to head the Kuzbass. Nevertheless, in 1996, Tuleev was appointed to the post of Minister of the Russian Federation for cooperation with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where he stayed for exactly a year.

Already in the summer of 1997, social tensions were growing in Kuzbass, and Yeltsin was forced to allow Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev to head the region he knew well, and a few months later the politician was already winning the gubernatorial elections. Since then, apart from the short-term resignation of Aman Tuleev in January 2001, he has been invariably in charge of the Kemerovo region.

Nevertheless, the relationship between Yeltsin and Tuleyev remained forever tense, to put it mildly. The governor of Kuzbass even refused to accept the Order of Honor from the president. The politician explained this decision by the fact that he could not go against his conscience and receive an award from the hands of the authorities, according to Tuleev, who destroyed the country. But a year later, Tuleev received the same order from.

Three times Aman Gumirovich Tuleev tried to become the president of Russia and put forward a candidacy in the elections, but the percentage of those who voted for the politician was small, although if we consider only the Kemerovo region, then Tuleev's rating in the presidential elections exceeded even the winning candidates - Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin. It is worth adding that Aman Gumirovich successfully negotiated with terrorists several times, including freeing a little girl from hostage, offering himself in her place.

Over the years of his work as governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleev has made a significant contribution to the development of the industrial sector. Thus, by 2011, the trade turnover with Kazakhstan increased by 4 times and approached $ 600 million. According to the agreement, metal and metal products went to Kazakhstan, and ferroalloys and raw materials for the aluminum industry were supplied to Kuzbass.

For long-term successful cooperation, the President of Kazakhstan presented Aman Tuleyev with the anniversary medal "20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan."

In the last elections, Governor Aman Tuleev retained the post of head of the Kemerovo region, gaining almost 97% of the vote. In the fall of 2016, Aman Gumirovich Tuleev headed the party list of United Russia in the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, as well as in the Altai Territory.

Personal life

The family and personal life of Aman Tuleev is inextricably linked with his wife Elvira Fedorovna Solovieva, who, after the wedding, took her husband's surname. The family brought up two children. In 1968, the son Dmitry was born, and four years later the second child, Andrei. The eldest son became a highway specialist and collaborated with the Federal Directorate "Siberia". But Andrei at a young age was caught in a tragedy. He was only 26 years old when he crashed his car in the city of Tashkent.

By the way, his brother in his honor named Andrei the second son, who was born a year after the death of his uncle. Aman and Elvira Tuleyev also have a grandson, Stanislav, and a granddaughter, Tatyana.

As a public figure, Tuleev founded the charitable foundations "Help" and "Semipalatinsk trace". In his free time, the governor of Kuzbass prefers to relax with family and friends in nature or read a book. For his contribution to the development of the region, Tuleev was named an Honorary Citizen of the Kemerovo Region, as well as specifically the cities of Novokuznetsk, Mezhdurechensk and Tashtagol.

With age, Aman Tuleev began to have health problems. In 2011, the politician went to Germany for a planned operation on the spine. Five years later, the need for surgical intervention arose again, but the next operation took place only in May 2017. The governor was temporarily absent from his post, taking a vacation.

After the surgical intervention, Aman Tuleyev from Germany immediately went to Moscow, where he went to the Regional Emergency Hospital for rehabilitation, and then was transferred to the hospital of the Presidential Administration. The politician returned to his homeland on a stretcher and held the first meetings while sitting in a wheelchair. Subordinates noted that Tuleev had lost a lot of weight. This was confirmed by the photos taken during that period.

Aman Tuleev now

On March 25, 2018, a goal occurred in Kemerovo. For some unknown reason, a fire broke out in the Zimnyaya Cherry shopping center, which began to spread at a high speed. At the time of the fire, there were visitors in the building, most of whom were children. Fire and acrid smoke from cheap finishing materials spread rapidly and carried away, including 41 children.

Fire in the shopping center "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo

The tragic outcome of the events was influenced by a number of other factors, such as a malfunction of the fire alarm, the closed doors of the halls of the cinema, located on the 4th floor of the center. The evacuation doors were also blocked, and the guards, according to eyewitnesses, did not let parents go to the cinema halls, where the bulk of the children were concentrated. The testimonies of the parents testify that the schoolchildren called them and said the last words, saying goodbye to their relatives.

Eyewitnesses were also discouraged by the unwillingness of the fire service to provide all possible assistance. Specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived at the scene of a fire in Kemerovo without inflatable trampolines. As a result, people jumping out of smoky windows were injured. Extinguishing the fire continued for days. Today, many surviving victims are being treated at the regional clinical hospital.

Aman Tuleev did not arrive at the scene of the fire in the Zimnyaya Cherry shopping center, not wanting to interfere with the rescuers to carry out the necessary work. It became known that the governor also became a victim of a fire, the politician's niece died in a shopping center.

On March 27, a spontaneous rally was held in Kemerovo, attended by 4,000 citizens. People demanded a meeting with Aman Tuleev, but the governor did not attend the rally. The politician called the protesters "boozers". At the meeting, a demand was put forward to the authorities that the real number of the dead be heard, as people fear that they turned out to be much more than in the official version.

According to unofficial information that hit the Web in the first hours after the start of the fire, the number of victims was 300 or more people. As the Investigative Committee established, a Ukrainian prankster launched a wave of disinformation, against whom a criminal case has already been initiated.

But an independent committee, created spontaneously during the rally, began to collect information about the missing, and their number reached 84 people. The Ministry of Emergency Situations stated that they did not have information on those missing people who were declared on an independent list.

The newly elected head of state Vladimir Putin arrived in Kemerovo on his own plane. He laid flowers on the spontaneous memorial, met with the leadership of Kuzbass. The meeting was attended by the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the region, the Minister of Health, the chairman of the IC and the governor.

The President promised the victims to look into the situation and punish those responsible. Putin called negligence and sloppiness. Aman Tuleyev asked the head of state for forgiveness for what had happened, expressing gratitude with the phrase "Thank you very much."

Aman Tuleev complied with one of the protesters' demands for the dismissal of the government elite of Kuzbass and removed his deputy Alexei Zelenin and Nina Lopatina, head of the region's internal policy department, from their positions. Instead, the governor appointed Olga Turbaba and Valentina Nazimok.

The manager of the shopping center Nadezhda Suddenok, Alexander Nikitin, who was in charge of security in the shopping center, Igor Polozinenko, general director of System Integrator LLC, and one employee of the private security company, were taken into custody. The owner of part of the Winter Cherry trading premises, an entrepreneur, is now in Australia.

At the meeting, the video of which appeared on YouTube, Aman Tuleyev addressed his compatriots. The governor thanked those who help the residents of Kemerovo not to lose heart in terrible moments. Tuleyev also said that there is persecution from all sides, speculation on someone else's grief. In particular, on March 27 and earlier, a number of anonymous calls about mining were observed at several mines in Kuzbass - Polosukhinskaya, Yubileinaya, Antonovskaya. Tuleyev promised the victims lump-sum payments and constant assistance, especially in those families where minor children remained.

April 1, 2018 Aman Tuleev. The head of the region filed a petition for early resignation and addressed the residents of the region, saying that in the current situation this is the only right decision.

“Aman Gumirovich made a statement about his resignation, this is not an April Fool's joke. The decision was made by the governor, it is his right, ”commented the act of Aman Tuleev, the envoy of the President of the Russian Federation in the Siberian Federal District Sergey Menyailo

Soviet and Russian political and statesman. Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region of the fourth convocation. Rector of the Kuzbass Regional Institute for the Development of Vocational Education (KRIRPO). Governor of the Kemerovo region (1997 - 2018). Member of the bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.

He served as governor for more than 20 years, according to this indicator among governors he ranked second in Russia after Evgeny Savchenko. On April 1, 2018, he resigned of his own free will, explaining that it was morally impossible to work with the cargo after the fire in the Winter Cherry shopping center as a governor


Born on May 13, 1944 in the city of Krasnovodsk, Turkmen SSR (now the city of Turkmenbashi, Balkan province of Turkmenistan).

Father - Tuleev Moldagazy Koldybaevich (1914-1943), Kazakh by nationality, died at the front. Mother - Vlasova (nee Nasyrova) Munira Fayzovna (1921-2001), half Tatar, half Bashkir. Raised and raised by his stepfather - Vlasov Innokenty Ivanovich (1923-1984). After 1964, for reasons of euphony, Tuleev began to use the name and patronymic "Aman Gumirovich".


Graduated from the Tikhoretsky College of Railway Transport (1964), the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (1973; in absentia) with a degree in railway engineering for the operation of railways, and the Academy of Social Sciences (1989; in absentia).


Tuleev became the rector of the Kemerovo Institute

The ex-governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev has been appointed rector of the Kuzbass Regional Institute for the Development of Vocational Education (KRIRPO). This was reported on the website of the regional administration.

The prosecutor's office threatened Navalny with a case because of the video about Tuleyev's dacha

The prosecutor's office of the Kemerovo region considered the appeal of the head of the regional council, Aman Tuleyev, to check the real estate he owns. The information that appeared in the media about the land plots and the lake belonging to him was not confirmed. This was reported on the website of the Regional Council of People's Deputies.

Tuleev announced the appointment of Tsivilev to Kuzbass "from above"

The former governor of the Kemerovo region denied rumors that it was he who invited the current head of the region to power. Tuleev assured that he had his own candidates for successors, and he had no personal relations with Tsivilev

"United Russia" banned Tuleev to pass the primaries behind closed doors

The Presidium of the General Council of United Russia on Thursday rejected the request of the Kemerovo branch of the party to hold primaries on a closed model. Kemerovo United Russia say that the tragedy in the "Winter Cherry" will affect the course of the primaries

Aman Tuleev was elected in haste

Kemerovo deputies made the ex-head of Kuzbass their chairman

The ex-governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev was elected speaker of the parliament of the Kemerovo region yesterday. For him, this post may be a temporary option. In order to be elected to the new parliament (elections will be held simultaneously with the gubernatorial elections on September 9), Mr. Tuleev needs to get on the United Russia list. The situation in the Kemerovo region, according to Kommersant's information, the party can discuss on April 12 at a meeting of the Presidium of the General Council. The political scientist believes that the participation of the ex-head in the primaries is "unlikely" and "an agreement on his gradual departure may work."

The Kremlin called Tuleev's new place of work an "honorary exile"

The Kremlin proceeds from the fact that Aman Tuleyev, who heads the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo region, will not take any part in the management of the region. This position for him is an "honorary link", RBC sources say.

Tuleev, who retired after the fire, became the speaker of the Kuzbass parliament

The ex-governor of the Kemerovo region was elected to the post of chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the region. Amana Tuleeva was nominated for this position by United Russia, which represents the majority in the regional parliament.

Tuleev did not plan to head the parliament of the Kemerovo region

The ex-governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev, who previously received the mandate of the regional deputy, is not going to become the speaker of the regional council of people's deputies. This was reported to RBC by a source close to Tuleyev.

Tuleev received the mandate of the regional deputy

Ex-governor Aman Tuleev, after his resignation, became a people's deputy of the Kemerovo region - the local election commission handed over the vacant mandate to him. The Council of People's Deputies did not confirm or deny the information

The presidential envoy recalled the preservation of Tuleyev's benefits after his resignation

The presidential envoy to the Siberian Federal District, Sergei Menyailo, said that the former head of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, would retain his residence, office space, assistant, and monthly payment. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

Putin appointed Tsivilev, who knelt at the rally, instead of Tuleyev

Aman Tuleyev's deputy, Sergei Tsivilev, has been appointed acting governor of Kuzbass, according to the Kremlin's website.

Outside the region, Tsivilev gained notoriety during spontaneous rallies after a fire in the Zimnyaya Cherry shopping center, which killed 64 people.

Tsivilev spoke about taking office at a “difficult moment”

Sergei Tsivilev promised that those responsible for the fire in the Winter Cherry would not be "fenced off or hidden." Earlier, Vladimir Putin appointed him Acting Governor of the Kemerovo Region

Sergei Tsivilev will start meeting with relatives of victims of a fire in a shopping center tomorrow

Sergey Tsivilev, Acting Governor of the Kemerovo Region, will start meeting tomorrow with relatives of victims of a fire in the Zimnyaya Cherry shopping center. The assistance program is designed for many years, especially for children who were left without parents, - said Tsivilev.

Tuleev and deputies transferred one-day earnings to help the victims of the fire

The Governor of the Kemerovo Region, Aman Tuleev, and his deputies transferred their one-day earnings to the fund to help the families of those killed in the fire in the Zimnyaya Cherry shopping center. This was reported by the press service of the regional administration.

The Kremlin will not dismiss Tuleyev until the end of spring

The demonstrative resignation of the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev after the tragedy in the Zimnyaya Cherry shopping center is not planned, sources close to the Kremlin told RBC. The head of Kuzbass will leave his post, but later

Tuleev in a video message announced attempts to "pit people" after the fire

The governor thanked all the supporting Kemerovo residents, but noted that in the days of the tragedy, "certain forces are trying to play off people." He called a Ukrainian prankster involved in this, who called with news of “300 dead”

Vice Governor supported Tuleev's decision not to attend the rally in Kemerovo

The first vice-governor of the Kemerovo region, Vladimir Chernov, supported the decision of the head of the region, Aman Tuleev, not to come to a spontaneous rally on March 27 in memory of the victims of the fire in the Winter Cherry shopping center. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

Tuleev spoke about the appearance of "buzoters" after a fire in Kemerovo

The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the fire in a shopping center, said that an opposition group has become more active in Kemerovo, which is “always buzzing” and trying to speculate on the tragedy. A video recording of Tuleyev's speech has been posted on the Kremlin's website.

Tuleev apologized personally to Putin for what happened in Kemerovo

Governor Aman Tuleev apologized to President Vladimir Putin for the fire at the Kemerovo shopping center Zimnyaya Cherry, where 64 people died. Participants of the action taking place in Kemerovo support the resignation of the head of the region

Tuleev promised to meet with relatives of the victims of the fire in the shopping center

The Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleev decided to hold a personal reception for the relatives of all the victims of a major fire in the Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo, as well as deal with all the problems that they would tell him about, RIA Novosti reports.

Tuleev spoke about personal experiences due to a fire in a shopping center in Kemerovo

The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleev, whose relative died during a fire in a shopping center in Kemerovo, said that he let the tragedy through himself. He stated this on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel.

An 11-year-old relative of the head of Kuzbass died in a fire in a shopping center in Kemerovo

An 11-year-old relative of the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleeva, died in a fire in a shopping center in Kemerovo. According to the latest data, 37 people died as a result of the tragedy. Authorities reported 69 missing

Tuleev confirmed the death of his relative in a fire in a shopping center in Kemerovo

The Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev confirmed that his underage relative died in a fire in the Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo. He said this at a briefing, Interfax reports.

Tuleev called the high percentage of Putin's support in Kuzbass natural

The governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev considers it natural that more than 85% of voters voted for Vladimir Putin in Kuzbass. This was reported to RIA Novosti by the press service of the regional administration.

The CEC demanded that Tuleev exclude administrative resources in the elections

The head of the Central Election Commission at a meeting with representatives of Alexei Navalny said that a warning was sent to the head of the Kemerovo region about the inadmissibility of administrative resources in the presidential elections in Russia

Timchenko's partner in Kolmar became Tuleev's deputy

The authorities of the Kemerovo region have officially confirmed the appointment of the ex-general of "Kolmar" Sergey Tsivilev as vice-governor. It is planned that after the elections, Tsivilev will replace Aman Tuleev as head of the region

Timchenko's partner in Kolmar will replace Tuleyev as governor

The general director of the Kolmar coal company, Sergei Tsivilev, became the vice-governor of the Kemerovo region. After the March 18 elections, he should become governor, replacing Aman Tuleyev, who has been in charge of Kuzbass since 1997.

Varyag for Kuzbass

The head and co-owner of the Kolmar coal company, Sergei Tsivilev, became the vice-governor of the Kemerovo region, sources in the regional administration told TASS. This information was confirmed by RBC sources in the leadership of the region. According to TASS, Tsivilev became the deputy governor for industry, transport and entrepreneurship.

According to RBC's source in the Federation Council, after the presidential election, he should replace Tuleev as head of the region. Tsivilev "100%" will be appointed acting. Tuleev after March 18, the source said. The future appointment of Tsivilev to the post of head of the region is also confirmed by the sources of Vedomosti.

Sergey Tsivilev goes to power, but not in Yakutia

IA SakhaNews. General Director of the Yakut coal mining company Kolmar Sergey Tsivilev has been appointed to the position of Deputy Governor of the Kemerovo Region for Industry, Transport and Entrepreneurship, which has been vacant since March last year, Interfax-Siberia reports, citing sources in the regional administration and business circles.

Sources suggest that shortly after the presidential election, "he will be named acting governor."

Tuleev will remain the head of Kuzbass until the presidential election

The Kremlin has decided to keep Governor Aman Tuleev in charge of the Kemerovo region until March 2018. This is a condition for the political and intra-elite balance in the region, sources told RBC

Moscow doctors who treated Tuleev received awards from the Kemerovo region

Employees of the Central Clinical Hospital with a polyclinic of the Administration of the President of Russia (TsKB) in Moscow, where the head of Kuzbass Aman Tuleev underwent rehabilitation, were awarded awards from the Kemerovo region. It is reported by TASS.

Tuleyev missed the Miner's Day celebration for the first time in 17 years

For the first time in 17 years, the Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev did not take part in the festive events dedicated to the Miner's Day, TASS reports.

Tuleev returned to work in a wheelchair and accused his subordinates of meanness

The head of the Kemerovo region assured that a clear head is more important than the ability to walk independently and forbade his subordinates to solve issues related to big money without him

The Kremlin denied the departure of Tuleev from the post of governor

The Kremlin does not plan to replace Aman Tuleyev as governor of the Kemerovo region. According to Interfax, this was announced by the first deputy head of the presidential administration, Sergei Kiriyenko.

In the Kemerovo region, they talked about the further treatment of Tuleev

The Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleev will continue his outpatient rehabilitation. This was reported in the press service of the regional administration, reports TASS.

Kommersant spoke about the plans of investigators to interrogate Tuleev

The investigation is going to interrogate the governor of Kuzbass, Aman Tuleev, in an extortion case involving his former deputies and the ex-head of the Kemerovo department of the TFR, Kommersant writes.

Another deputy Tuleev left his post

The deputy governor of the Kemerovo region for construction, Evgeny Bukhman, left his post of his own free will. This is stated on the website of the regional administration.

The media spoke about the state of Tuleev after hospitalization

The governor of Kuzbass, Aman Tuleev, is "conscious", and doctors assess his condition as stable. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a source in medical circles.

The authorities announced the transfer of Tuleev to Moscow at the initiative of the head of the Ministry of Health

The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, was transferred to a Moscow clinic for rehabilitation on the personal initiative of the head of the Ministry of Health, Veronika Skvortsova. Earlier it became known about its delivery from Kemerovo on a stretcher by the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Tuleev underwent spinal surgery

The governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev, who has been on vacation since May 22, underwent surgery on his spine. Regional authorities will provide detailed information about Tuleev's health at a press conference.

The Kremlin announced the absence of information about the resignation of Tuleyev

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that he had no information about the resignation of the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev. It is reported by Interfax.

The governor of the Kemerovo region Tuleev again extended his vacation

Aman Tuleev went on a ten-day vacation on May 22, but has not returned to work since. The press service of Tuleyev emphasized that nothing threatens the health of the governor

Aman Tuleev commented on the detention of his deputies

Last night, a report appeared that the head of the Investigative Committee, two of his deputies and two deputy governors were allegedly engaged in a raider seizure, forcing documents to be redone in favor of another owner. Aman Tuleev commented on the situation around his subordinates.

A little background: in 2015, a geological disturbance was found at the Inskom open pit - a rupture of the formation, which was 35 meters between the lower and upper layers. Then the decision was made: as we went, so we will go. However, in this area there were such soils and rocks that the mechanisms used by the miners constantly broke down.

Aman Tuleev called the detention of his deputies an attempt to put pressure on him

The governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev called the detention of two of his deputies on charges of corruption an attempt to pressure. He spoke about this at a press conference on Tuesday, TASS reports.

According to him, the deputies suspected of corruption - Alexandra Danilchenko and Alexei Ivanov, as well as the head of the department of administrative bodies of the regional administration Elena Troitskaya, "are not needed by anyone."

The accusations against my deputies are absurd - Aman Tuleev

"Both deputies will remain in their positions, as there are no grounds for their resignation now," the governor explained. Earlier it was said that two deputy governors of the region were detained. “Where are the mountains of gold? Why didn’t they show them?”, - quotes the words of Aman Tuleev. 2nd resolution - materials to transfer to law enforcement agencies. They discussed further actions (with vice-governors A. Danilchenko and A. Ivanov). The market value of these shares is at least a billion rubles.

Criminal case initiated against two deputies of Aman Tuleyev

The Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) announced the initiation of a criminal case against a group of investigators and officials of the Kemerovo region - they are suspected of extorting (Art. 163 part 3) 51% of the shares of the Inskoy mine from its owner Anton Tsygankov. The shares are worth, according to the TFR, at least 1 billion rubles, so we are talking about extortion by a group of people on an especially large scale.

Governor Aman Tuleev instructed the heads of the territories, the head of the Kuzbass police and the head of the traffic police to thoroughly and carefully analyze each case of an accident with dead and wounded. The head of the region also warned them about their personal responsibility for road safety.

- The Governor sent telegrams to the heads of cities and districts, the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kemerovo Region, Yuri Larionov, the head of the UGIBDD of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kemerovo Region, Alexander Revetnev, the heads of the territorial divisions of the UGIBDD of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kemerovo Region, in which he instructed to deeply and carefully analyze each case An accident with dead and wounded warned them of their personal responsibility for ensuring safety on the roads of Kuzbass, the press service of the regional administration reported.

Aman Tuleev demands to revoke the license for subsoil use from Itatugol

Governor Aman Tuleev appealed to the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology, Sergei Donskoy, to revoke the license for subsoil use from LLC Itatugol, which does not comply with its requirements and does not actually work.

Thus, the head of the region once again outlined his tough position in relation to inefficient subsoil users, the press service of the regional administration reports.

Aman Tuleev and the head of Polysaev Valery Zykov discussed plans for the social and economic development of the urban district

A number of meetings with the heads of the territories, whose term of office ends this year, the governor opened with a conversation with Valery Zykov, who reported on the development of Polysaev over the past five years.

The head of the city district said that the volume of investments in fixed assets of enterprises in 2015 approached 3.5 billion rubles, and this is the best regional indicator for this period.

For five years in Polysaevo more than 60 thousand square meters have been commissioned. m of housing. 500 families received new housing. Special attention is paid to the education sector in the Okrug - the network of educational institutions has been optimized, secondary school No. 44 and the house of children's creativity have been reconstructed. In addition, Polysaevo is one of the first territories in the region where the queue for kindergartens has been eliminated.

For five years, a new multifunctional center, a kindergarten for 210 children, a gymnasium in the house of children's creativity, a children's and youth sports school, the chapel of Peter and Fevronia of Murom have been opened in the district.

Miners are evacuated from a mine in the Kemerovo region due to a fire

RBC 06/21/2014, Moscow 11:05:23 Miners are being evacuated at the Osinnikovskaya mine in the Kemerovo region. There was a fire, according to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region.

“There are 199 people in the mine, people are coming out. There were no injuries or deaths,” the statement said. Signs of burning were discovered while drilling the well.

The Japanese delegation presented the head of Kuzbass with a nominal black belt

Professor of Budo International University (Japan), curator of the judo faculty Ishi Kensuke and one of the most respected experts in the field of martial arts in the world Mazami Matsushita presented the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev with a nominal black belt in judo, the regional administration reports on Monday.

The governor of Kuzbass sued V. Zhirinovsky

Earlier today, at a plenary meeting in the State Duma, V. Zhirinovsky spoke about "arbitrariness that continues in the Kemerovo region." He accused A. Tuleev of having removed the asphalt at the Novokuznetsk railway station, where the LDPR propaganda train had arrived, and sent the train to sidings. The liberal democrat asks the Prosecutor General's Office to initiate proceedings against the head of Kuzbass for obstructing party agitation.

The head of Kuzbass asked D. Medvedev to intervene in the situation on the region's fuel market.

09/10/2013, Kemerovo 18:10:33 Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev asked the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev to deal with the situation on the fuel market in the region. The request was made in a telegram that A. Tuleev sent today to D. Medvedev, Vesti-Kuzbass reports.

In the Kemerovo region all 13 miners are brought to the surface.

04/21/2013, Kemerovo 20:04:07 In the Kemerovo region, search and rescue operations have been completed at the Zarechnaya mine in the city of Polysaevo, where 13 people were blocked due to the collapse of the chamber vault. According to the press service of the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the region, all of them were found. Mine workers are released and brought to the surface. There were no casualties.

In the Kemerovo region found the body of a worker who died in a mine accident.

03/28/2013, Kemerovo 06:53:10 The body of a worker who died in a mine accident was found in the Kemerovo region. According to the press service of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the region, a criminal case has been initiated on this fact on the grounds of a crime under Part 2 of Article 216 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of safety rules during mining operations that resulted in the death of a person).

In the Kemerovo region, miners are evacuated from a burning mine

In the Kemerovo region, a fire broke out at the Alardinskaya mine in the village of Kaltan, according to the Ministry of Emergencies.

The accident at Osinnikovskaya will lead to inspections at other mines in Kuzbass

Industrial safety checks will be held at the mines of Kuzbass in connection with the accident at the Osinnikovskaya mine, the regional administration said in a statement.

The accident at the Osinnikovskaya mine could have occurred due to violations.

RBC 03/27/2013, Kemerovo 12:06:01 According to preliminary data, the cause of the accident at the Osinnikovskaya mine in the Kemerovo region was a violation of design decisions on work in the hazardous area. This was reported in the press service of the administration of Kuzbass.

4 miners missing in flooded mine in Kuzbass

In the city of Osinniki, Kemerovo Region, four miners disappeared from the Osinnikovskaya mine, where flooding occurred. This was reported in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

Media: The kidnappers of the deputy from Vladivostok surrendered to the police

Primorsky police detained three suspects in the kidnapping of United Russia deputy Dmitry Suleev in Vladivostok. Three local residents turned themselves in, investigators are currently working with them, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes, citing a law enforcement source.

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