From what Arkady Kobyakov died: the difficult life of a singer. Why did Kobyakov sit Biography of Arkady Kobyakov personal life and death

Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich- a unique author and performer of his songs, who really knows what a zone is, as he spent most of his life behind barbed wire. That is why all his songs are pure truth. For the authenticity of his work, he received national recognition and love. His songs are distinguished not only by their unique melody, but also by the author's real signature style that has developed over the years. They are riddled with pain and bitterness of the state of mind. This is especially noticeable in the songs from the cycle "Prisoner's Soul".

Arkady was born on June 2, 1976 in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) into a family of ordinary workers. At the age of 6, he entered the Nizhny Novgorod Boys' Choir (Nizhny Novgorod Choir College named after L.K. Sivukhin). He continued his musical education at the Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Philharmonic. M. Rostropovich, but did not have time to complete his studies - because of his ardor and hooligan character, he received a term and went to serve his sentence in places of deprivation of liberty.

Arkady began his musical career in the zone, where he recorded more than 80 songs, and also shot several clips. His songs “And above the camp is night”, “Never”, “Farewell my friend” and many others are included in numerous chanson collections.

In 1993, a terrible tragedy separated Arkady from his closest and dearest people - his parents. They died in a car accident on his birthday. The tragic event in the life of Arkady, at the moment of which the song “Hello Mom” appeared, clearly emphasizes the fact that further, not a single song written by him has a fictitious plot. In each song, someone's really experienced fate. For many, Arkady's songs remain just a beautiful composition, but only until pain and sadness put the deepest meaning into these heartfelt words and music. An open soul and true reality are the hallmarks of his songs.

Official website:

On September 19, 2015 at 5:30 am, the author and performer Arkady Kobyakov died suddenly in his apartment in Podolsk. He was 39 years old.

This message appeared on the page of Arkady Kobyakov's official group "VKontakte" and on the page in "Odnoklassniki" director Arkady Kobyakov S.A. Lekomtsev:
"Friends, family, thank you for your support and kind words to our beloved and dear artist Arkady Kobyakov. His songs will live in our hearts and our souls. I inform you that the funeral will be held in Arkady's homeland in Nizhny Novgorod. I officially announce who wants to help only Yury Chekhov, Lyubov Golovkina and Margarita Zaginaylo-Baturina are the only ones who collect funds on the last journey of our dear and beloved artist.
Sergey Lekomtsev.

Farewell to Arkady Kobyakov will take place on September 22 from 10.00 to 12.00 at the address: Podolsk, st. Kirov, 38, building. 6 (1st city hospital in Podolsk).

The Chanson Information Portal expresses its condolences to the relatives and friends of Arkady. Bright memory.

Arkady Kobyakov is a Russian singer, poet and composer. Most of his repertoire is dedicated to the "zonal theme", as the singer spent a long time behind bars.

The life of Arkady Kobyakov passed in constant dynamics, since his character did not allow him to stand still or be inactive. We will consider the features of the singer in this article.

So in front of you biography of Kobyakov.

Biography of Arkady Kobyakov

Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov was born on June 2, 1976 in. He grew up in a simple family with an average income. His father, Oleg Glebovich, was a car mechanic, and his mother, Tatyana Yurievna, worked at a toy factory.

In the biography of Arkady Kobyakov, his grandmother played a big role, who from an early age instilled in him a love of art.

Childhood and youth

When Arkady was 6 years old, his parents sent him to the local choir for boys in the piano class. At the same time, Kobyakov liked to communicate with peers.

Soon the street had a negative impact on the future singer, which led to the first prison sentence in his biography.

The young man was sent to a juvenile colony in the city of Ardatovsk for 3.5 years.

Creative biography of Kobyakov

During his stay in the colony, Arkady Kobyakov was informed of the death of his parents. In this regard, he wrote the song "Hello Mom", in which he expressed his feelings.

When he becomes famous, he will repeatedly perform this composition on stage in front of the audience.

Once free, Kobyakov decided to enter the Philharmonic in order to get a higher musical education. He began his studies with interest, but he could not finish the Philharmonic.

In 1996, Arkady, together with his comrades, committed a robbery, after which he was again sent to prison for 6.5 years.

Musical career and recognition

After his release, Kobyakov went back to his old ways. In 2002, he was once again imprisoned for 4 years for fraudulent transactions.

After serving his term, Kobyakov again ended up in prison. This time he was sentenced to 5 years.

In this regard, most of his compositions were composed in the zone. Arkady composed the greatest number of songs while serving his 3rd term in the Yuzhny camp.

An interesting fact is that during this period of his biography, Kobyakov even managed to shoot 7 clips.

Soon he gained popularity not only in his zone, but also far beyond its borders. His songs were heard from the windows of different cities.

After his release in 2006, Kobyakov worked as a chansonnier in various restaurants, performing his own and other people's compositions.

It would seem that some gaps began in his biography, but he did not stay at liberty for long, and again ended up in prison for committing another crime.

Arkady still continued to compose songs. During this period, he recorded such albums as "The Prisoner's Soul", "My Soul" and "Convoy".

Work after release

In 2013, Arkady Kobyakov was released as an already popular artist, whose compositions were listened to and sung by chanson fans with pleasure, and journalists were interested in his biography.

The songs “Frog”, “Nowhere to Run”, “Violinist”, “Out of Fate” and others brought the greatest fame to Kobyakov.

In the spring of the same 2013, Arkady gave a concert at the famous Butyrka club in Moscow. Many people came to his performance who wanted to see their favorite artist live.

After that, Kobyakov gave a number of concerts in various Russian cities.

Personal life

Despite the fact that Arkady Kobyakov spent half his life in places of detention, this did not prevent him from meeting girls. Official marital relations in his biography were with only one woman.

In 2006, in one of the clubs, he met Irina Tukhbaeva. They started dating and soon got married. In 2008, their boy Arseniy was born.

An interesting fact is that Kobyakov always put his family first in life. During the period of serving the 4th term, he greatly missed his wife and child.

In prison, the singer wrote more than one song dedicated to his wife and son.

Death of Arkady Kobyakov

Shortly before his death, Kobyakov continued to actively engage in creativity and perform on stage. It seemed that now he was waiting for a brilliant career as a chansonnier, but everything turned out differently.

Cause of Kobyakov's death

There were many rumors around Kobyakov's death, especially immediately after the tragedy. Some said that “his own brothers” killed him, someone assured that he had crossed the path of some “serious” people, etc. and so on.

What is the real cause of his death?

The official cause of Kobyakov's death is internal bleeding caused by a stomach ulcer. And I must say that this is the most natural and reasonable version.

The talented singer was buried in Nizhny Novgorod.

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The biography and personal life of this early deceased chanson performer are shrouded in mystery - it is not known for certain whether the wife of Arkady Kobyakov actually existed, or whether she, like some facts of his life, was only a fiction composed by those who tried to create a certain image of the singer. And the children of Arkady Kobyakov, most likely, are not present, at least no information is given anywhere about their existence.

Arkady was born in Nizhny Novgorod, then still the city of Gorky, in June 1976 in the family of a car depot worker. His mother also worked in production, and the grandmother was mainly involved in raising the boy.

Arkady's vocal abilities manifested themselves early - in the kindergarten, the teachers immediately drew attention to this and included Arkasha Kobyakov's performances in matinees and concerts.

According to one version, at the age of six he began to learn to play the piano, but it is not known how long this training lasted.

At school, Arkady did not show much interest in studying, he was more interested in having fun with friends. According to one of the legends about the early biography of the chanson performer, Kobyakov's mother left the family, leaving her son to his father and grandmother, and according to another, his parents died in a car accident, but what actually happened in Arkady's personal life at that time to say difficult.

The lack of parental attention and proper education, as well as the influence of the street, led to the fact that at the age of fourteen Arkady Kobyakov ended up in a children's colony near Ardatov, where he spent three and a half years.

He began to compose songs in his school years, he did not give up this lesson in the colony, where he wrote one of his most poignant songs, “Hello, Mom.” The song turned out to be so soulful and melodic that it was immediately liked by its first listeners.

They say that, having been released, Arkady Kobyakov decided to start his biography anew, and entered the Academy. Rostropovich, but whether this was actually, again, is not known for certain.

Kobyakov stayed at large for only two and a half years and again ended up in prison, now not for theft, as the first time, but for robbery, having already received a longer sentence - six and a half years.

But this was not the last term received by the chanson performer - he went to prison twice more, where he spent another nine years, and all this time he continued to compose songs. For the third time, Kobyakov served his sentence in the Yuzhny camp, and during his four years there he recorded more than a dozen songs.

The work of the prison musician attracted the attention of not only his cellmates, but also other music lovers in the chanson genre. After his release in 2006, Arkady continued his creative activity, began performing in restaurants, at corporate parties, and everywhere his performances were a constant success.

In 2011, the first album with Arkady's songs "The Prisoner's Soul" was released, followed by four more. After his last term, which ended in 2013, and from the prison dungeons, Kobyakov was already a well-known performer of thieves and prison songs.

He continued to work in restaurants, gave a solo concert in the capital's Butyrka club. In addition, Arkady went on tour, and his songs were played on the radio.

Given that Kobyakov spent most of his life behind bars, he failed to arrange his personal life. In some online publications, you can find information that the singer got married, and a certain Irina Tukhbaeva was the wife of Arkady Kobyakov. However, the concert director of the performer claims that no wife, and even more so the children of Arkady Kobyakov, never existed.

During his short life, this famous chanson performer managed to record over eighty compositions. In 2014, Arkady Kobyakov began cooperation with the Shanson Gold company, which helped him re-release his already known songs, record new ones, and shoot several clips.

With his concerts, the singer visited more than a hundred Russian cities, performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Kobyakov died on September 19, 2015 due to bleeding caused by an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer - this was the official conclusion of the doctors. In recent years, Arkady lived in his apartment in Podolsk, where his body was found. The police launched an investigation into the causes of this tragic incident, but no crime was found in the death of the singer.

After the death of Kobyakov, rumors appeared that he was alive, and death was just a staged staged by Arkady himself in order to disappear from the field of view of certain people. They buried Arkady Kobyakov in his small homeland, in Nizhny Novgorod.

Irina Tukhbaeva, known as chanson performer's wife Arkady Kobyakov. The singer died on September 19, 2015, presumably from a disease of the gastrointestinal tract at the age of 39.

Little is known about his wife, now a widow.

Arkady Olegovich in every possible way protected his personal life and family from the attention of journalists.

It is known that Irina was born in February. There is a video from the family archive, where the performer congratulates his wife on Valentine's Day on her birthday.

It is assumed that the birthday has already passed in the near future. Most likely, according to the sign of the zodiac Tukhbaev Aquarius. People of this sign are sensitive, trusting and friendly. Close people are chosen for life. There are many creative and sometimes not quite balanced people next to them.

Aquarians are overly curious and can be intrusive. They do not change their minds, and if they decide to take revenge, they will stop at nothing.

An Aquarius woman is characterized by an unusual manner of dressing. You won't get bored with her. She always knows how to cheer up and get out of depression and sadness. This is a hardworking and independent nature.

Irina Tukhbaeva was only wife Arkady Kobyakov. The singer met his future wife in 2006. He had just left the places of detention and, at the invitation of the organizers of one of the parties in the city, agreed to perform with his compositions.

At that time, the singer was just beginning to gain popularity. But he was already known in narrow circles. At that legendary party for a couple, Irina and Arkady met.

As they themselves have repeatedly confirmed - it was mutual love at first sight.

Young people began to meet, and a few months after they met, Arkady made an offer to Irina - to become his wife. The girl was not afraid of the criminal past of her lover, and she agreed.

It is not known where Irina is from, except for the fact that she citizen of the Russian Federation. Whether relatives from the bride's side were present at the wedding, and who specifically, is also not known.

Relatives and friends of the family did not talk about the life of the performer and his wife, but they saw them together quite often.

After some time, the couple thought about procreation. And after a very short period after the wedding, the couple has their first child. Unfortunately, this is the only child of Arkady Kobyakov. The son was born in 2008 and he was named Arseniy. Nowadays child about 10 years old and he attends school.

Presumably, after the funeral, the Kobyakov family, a widow and a child, live either in Podolsk (the performer lived with his relatives for a short time before his death) or in Nizhny Novgorod, where the singer is buried (this city is the historical homeland where Arkady spent his childhood and adolescence) .

Friends and acquaintances spoke warmly about Irina, saying that the couple was happy together. Irina supported her husband in everything, and, despite the last imprisonment, she remained faithful to her husband. There are many songs dedicated to this woman, which confirm Irina's devotion, including in correspondence.

The available photographs from the boarding school confirm how much Arkady Kobyakov loved his wife. In almost all the photos, he looks at Irina with an enthusiastic, loving look and hugs her.

As the performer repeatedly said, the heaviest in prison it was not the lack of freedom, but the inability to communicate with the family and raise a son. Although, neither his wife, nor Arseniy did not keep the singer from the next step, which led to the zone.

After the death of Arkady Kobyakov, Irina Tukhbaeva, along with her son, finally disappeared. The last public appearance of a woman was at the funeral of her husband. But even during this period, Irina was so heartbroken that she could not communicate with anyone.

Perhaps the fact that the wife did not make an official declaration of death Arcadia, and caused numerous versions of the death of the singer.

One of which stated that criminal past the performer did not leave him alone, and in order to protect himself and his family, he staged his death and changed his place of residence, leaving for another country. In support of this version, they cited the fact that Irina did not disclose the details of not only death, but also the funeral procession.

For a long time it was not known where the body of the singer will rest And how can you say goodbye to his fans.

What the wife of a famous singer is currently doing is not known. But perhaps as the son grows older, Kobyakov's talent will be transferred to him, and then the fans will hear a well-known surname more than once. And perhaps then the fans will learn more about the artist's beloved woman, to whom a huge number of Arkady Kobyakov's songs were dedicated.

Biography, life story of Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov .. Childhood and youth Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov was born on 06/02/1976. It happened in Nizhny Novgorod in a family of ordinary Soviet workers. Ros Arkady, like all his Nizhny Novgorod peers, studied at an ordinary secondary city school. The boy loved music from early childhood, so the parents gave the child at the age of six to sing in the Nizhny Novgorod Boys' Choir, which had long existed in this big city on the Volga. The boy grew up very hooligan, subject to the influence of the street, so at the age of 14 Arkady was behind bars for the first time. He was convicted of theft and sentenced to three and a half years in a children's colony. In 1993, the parents got into an accident on the highway leading to Arzamas and died. It was then that Arkady wrote his poignant song, calling it "Hello, Mom." Having been released in 1995, Arkady entered the Academic State Philharmonic Society, which bore the name of Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich, but the young man did not finish his studies there. The commission of a robbery in a group led to the receipt of the next term. In 1996, Kobyakov went to prison for six and a half years. Having been released from prison in 2002, but not having had time to resemble freedom even for a year, Arkady Kobyakov was again sentenced to four years, this time for fraud. The beginning of musical creativity While serving his sentence in the Yuzhny camp, Arkady Kobyakov became interested in musical creativity quite seriously. The young man recorded, sitting in the zone, about eighty songs in the chanson genre. As many as seven video clips were filmed in the camp. The name of Arkady Kobyakov became known not only to guards and convicts, but also to the general Russian public. Having been released from prison in 2006, Arkady began working as a chansonnier, performing in various restaurants, the singer was often invited to corporate parties as well. He also sang at gatherings of criminals, which were often attended by major authorities of the Russian mafia. Creative maturity Kobyakov seemed to have done away with the past, in 2006 he got married, and two years later this young couple had a son. The boy was named Arseny. However, already at the end of 2008, the young father was convicted of fraud, he received five years in prison. While in the camp, Kobyakov still wrote songs, in 2011 he even gave a concert there for prisoners together with the famous Tyumen chansonnier Yuri Ivanovich Kost. In the same place, in conclusion, Arkady prepared his first official album, he called this disc "The Prisoner's Soul". In the spring of 2013, Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov was released again and on May 24, in a Moscow club called Butyrka, he gave a solo concert. Having moved to the city of Podolsk, Arkady Olegovich continued to engage in musical creativity, relying on his biography and the talent of a unique performer, which allowed this singer to become a popular Russian chansonnier. However, at 5:30 am on September 19, 2015, Kobyakov died suddenly in his apartment in Podolsk. He was only 39 years old.

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