From what Arkady Kobyakov died: the difficult life of a singer. Biography of the wife of Arkady Kobyakov - Irina Tukhbaeva Where did Arkady Kobyakov sit and why

The biography and personal life of this early deceased chanson performer are shrouded in mystery - it is not known for certain whether the wife of Arkady Kobyakov actually existed, or whether she, like some facts of his life, was only a fiction composed by those who tried to create a certain image of the singer. And the children of Arkady Kobyakov, most likely, are not present, at least no information is given anywhere about their existence.

Arkady was born in Nizhny Novgorod, then still the city of Gorky, in June 1976 in the family of a car depot worker. His mother also worked in production, and the grandmother was mainly involved in raising the boy.

Arkady's vocal abilities manifested themselves early - in the kindergarten, the teachers immediately drew attention to this and included Arkasha Kobyakov's performances in matinees and concerts.

According to one version, at the age of six he began to learn to play the piano, but it is not known how long this training lasted.

At school, Arkady did not show much interest in studying, he was more interested in having fun with friends. According to one of the legends about the early biography of the chanson performer, Kobyakov's mother left the family, leaving her son to his father and grandmother, and according to another, his parents died in a car accident, but what actually happened in Arkady's personal life at that time to say difficult.

The lack of parental attention and proper education, as well as the influence of the street, led to the fact that at the age of fourteen Arkady Kobyakov ended up in a children's colony near Ardatov, where he spent three and a half years.

He began to compose songs in his school years, he did not give up this lesson in the colony, where he wrote one of his most poignant songs, “Hello, Mom.” The song turned out to be so soulful and melodic that it was immediately liked by its first listeners.

They say that, having been released, Arkady Kobyakov decided to start his biography anew, and entered the Academy. Rostropovich, but whether this was actually, again, is not known for certain.

Kobyakov stayed at large for only two and a half years and again ended up in prison, now not for theft, as the first time, but for robbery, having already received a longer sentence - six and a half years.

But this was not the last term received by the chanson performer - he went to prison twice more, where he spent another nine years, and all this time he continued to compose songs. For the third time, Kobyakov served his sentence in the Yuzhny camp, and during his four years there he recorded more than a dozen songs.

The work of the prison musician attracted the attention of not only his cellmates, but also other music lovers in the chanson genre. After his release in 2006, Arkady continued his creative activity, began performing in restaurants, at corporate parties, and everywhere his performances were a constant success.

In 2011, the first album with Arkady's songs "The Prisoner's Soul" was released, followed by four more. After his last term, which ended in 2013, and from the prison dungeons, Kobyakov was already a well-known performer of thieves and prison songs.

He continued to work in restaurants, gave a solo concert in the capital's Butyrka club. In addition, Arkady went on tour, and his songs were played on the radio.

Given that Kobyakov spent most of his life behind bars, he failed to arrange his personal life. In some online publications, you can find information that the singer got married, and a certain Irina Tukhbaeva was the wife of Arkady Kobyakov. However, the concert director of the performer claims that no wife, and even more so the children of Arkady Kobyakov, never existed.

During his short life, this famous chanson performer managed to record over eighty compositions. In 2014, Arkady Kobyakov began cooperation with the Shanson Gold company, which helped him re-release his already known songs, record new ones, and shoot several clips.

With his concerts, the singer visited more than a hundred Russian cities, performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Kobyakov died on September 19, 2015 due to bleeding caused by an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer - this was the official conclusion of the doctors. In recent years, Arkady lived in his apartment in Podolsk, where his body was found. The police launched an investigation into the causes of this tragic incident, but no crime was found in the death of the singer.

After the death of Kobyakov, rumors appeared that he was alive, and death was just a staged staged by Arkady himself in order to disappear from the field of view of certain people. They buried Arkady Kobyakov in his small homeland, in Nizhny Novgorod.

The sudden death of Arkady Kobyakov aroused the interest of many of his fans not only in creativity, but also in the biography and personal life of the famous chanson singer. In September 2015, he was found dead in his apartment. Doctors declared death from internal bleeding caused by an ulcer. The passing of this talented songwriter and wonderful performer was an unexpected and painful loss.

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Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich was born on June 2, 1976 in Nizhny Novgorod (at the time of birth the city was called Gorky). His father, Oleg Glebovich, and his mother, Tatyana Yuryevna, were ordinary people, as “workers” would then say. My father worked at a car depot as a senior mechanic, and my mother worked at a children's toy factory. There was only one child in the family - Arkady. There was also a grandmother who instilled in the boy a love of music.

The boy studied at the usual Nizhny Novgorod secondary school. Unusual were musical abilities, which else in kindergarten teachers paid attention to. And at the age of 6 he was given to the Nizhny Novgorod boys' choir where he learned to play the piano. But I haven't been able to finish my studies. Arkady grew up, although a sociable child, but rather hot, “hooligan” is the most common description of a teenager. In 1990 (at the age of 14), he was sentenced to 3.5 years because of his hot temper. This was his first prison term, which the guy was serving in a children's colony.

Shortly before his release in 1993, his father died in a completely ridiculous and tragic way, having got into a terrible accident while going on a date with his son. This incident left a deep imprint in the soul, and most likely in the work, Arkady Kobyakov.

In 1995, Arkady is serving his sentence and is released from prison. In the same year he enters the Academic State Philharmonic named after M.L. Rostropovich, but he will not have time to finish it either. In 1996, he was sent to prison for the second time. Having been released in 2002, not having time to really enjoy his freedom, he goes to prison for the third time in four years.

In 2006, immediately after his release, Arkady chansonnier starts to work, he sings at corporate parties and in restaurants. But this does not last long, in 2008 he receives a fourth term for five years already. Arkady spent most of his already short life in prison:

  • 1993 - 3.5 years (theft),
  • 1996 - 6.5 years (robbery),
  • 2002 - 4 years (fraud)
  • 2008 - 5 years (fraud).

In the spring of 2013, he receives the long-awaited freedom and fully immersed in creativity. Until his death, on September 19, 2015 at 5:30 am, the life of Arkady Kobyakov will end. Since Arkady lived in the city of Podolsk in recent years, there was a farewell to the artist, but he was buried next to his parents in Nizhny Novgorod.

Personal life

Arkady all his life was an open person, a sort of "shirt guy" who could win over anyone. So, in 2006 (after three prison terms!), Speaking at corporate parties, he met a charming girl - Irina Tukhbaeva. Not afraid "dark" past chansonnier, Irina marries him. In 2008, their son, Artemy, is born.

Arkady never hid his personal life, and everyone can find numerous photos of his family on the net, many of which he tenderly and enthusiastically looks at his wife. Perhaps the separation from his family in 2008 (fourth prison term) was such a severe ordeal that Arkady will no longer break the law, the fourth term will be his last.


It is written in various sources that the artist became interested in creativity while still in a juvenile colony. But it would be more accurate to say that there he did not forget his love for music and continued to engage in it. Of course, life circumstances left their mark, and the style of his songs is chanson. His brightest song of those first years of imprisonment was the song "Hello, Mom." Piercing and sad, written immediately after the death of his father, it seemed to determine the subsequent style of all his songs: sincerity, melody, personal life sad experience.

But the formation of Arkady as a chanson artist began in his third term in the Yuzhny camp. During these years (2002 - 2006) he wrote about 80 songs, video clips were shot for the most famous ones. Arkady becomes a famous performer not only among the specific audience of the prison (prisoners and guards), but also outside it, among ordinary people, chanson lovers.

From 2006 to 2008, the chansonnier successfully worked. He sang not only at parties with "criminal authorities", but also at ordinary corporate parties.

Arkady does not stop writing songs even in his last fourth conclusion. And in 2011 he performed for the convicts with a concert, together with the famous chansonnier Yu.I. Bone. Around the same time (while incarcerated) he released his first official album, The Prisoner's Soul. When Arkady was released in 2013, on May 25 he gave his first solo concert at the Butyrka Club in Moscow.

Since the summer of 2014, he has been cooperating, quite actively and successfully, with the Shanson Gold company. As part of this collaboration, not only were his old songs re-released, but new ones were also written. In 2014, music videos were shot for the songs “If you love”, “Flickering stars”, “I'm just a passerby”, “I won't forget”, “Nowhere to run”, “Everything is behind”, “On the chanson”, “Thousands planets" and "Veterok". In the same 2014, Kobyakov's second album "Veterok" was released.

In 2015 (in just six months), Arkady traveled with concerts to more than 100 cities in Russia. In September, shortly before his death, another video was filmed for the song “Leave at Dawn”. So Arkady left, as he “promised” in the song at dawn, at half past five in the morning.

Already after his death in 2016, his works were published:

  • Album Hello Mom
  • new album "I will throw the world at your feet",
  • video clips for the songs “Leave at Dawn”, “Such as Ice” and “Girl by the River”.

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Arkady Kobyakov was born in Nizhny Novgorod on June 2, 1976 (then this city was called Gorky). The parents of the future chansonnier were simple people: mother, Tatyana Yuryevna, was a worker at an enterprise for the manufacture of children's toys, and her father, Oleg Glebovich, worked as a senior mechanic at a car depot. The artist's family included not only his parents, but also his grandmother, who, judging by the interview, from childhood instilled in her grandson a love of music and taught him a philosophical attitude to life.

VK group

When Arkady Olegovich was still a little boy Arkasha, the kindergarten teacher, to which his parents took him, drew attention to the musical abilities of the future artist. She urged Tatyana and Oleg to place the child in a school with a musical bias. This idea was supported by Arkady's grandmother, and, ultimately, at the age of six, he became a student of the Nizhny Novgorod Choir for Boys in the piano class.

VK group

Kobyakov grew up as a sociable and, alas, rather hooligan “shirt-guy”, who was quite easily influenced by the street. Which led him, because of his ardor and hooligan character, to the first criminal term.

VK group

For three and a half years, the "roof over his head" for Kobyakov was the Ardatovskaya educational and labor colony for minors. But even after that, the life story of a famous artist did not stop presenting him with unpleasant "surprises". Shortly before his release, in December 1993, Arkady's father dies under ridiculous circumstances.

The beginning of the creative path

Even during his term in a children's colony, Arkady Kobyakov began to compose songs. The most striking example of his work of that period was the song "Hello, Mom", written shortly after the death of the singer's parents. Piercing and sad, she absorbed everything for which the fans later fell in love with the artist: heartache, the melodiousness of the musical component and the basis of Kobyakov's own sad experience.

Upon his release, Arkady decided to continue his musical education. He successfully entered the Academic State Philharmonic. Mstislav Rostropovich, but, alas, he never completed his studies at this educational institution. The prison past made itself felt, and the parents who would have saved the grown-up son from the final transition to the crooked criminal path were no longer around. And in 1996, Kobyakov again went to places not so remote - this time for robbery, for six and a half years.

Musical career and recognition

Alas, and subsequently Arkady Kobyakov spent a significant part of his life in prison. So, in 2002, he was sentenced to four years for fraudulent fraud, and in 2008, under the same article, Arkady went to prison for five years. Therefore, it is not surprising that a significant part of his work was created in places of detention.

Most seriously, the artist became interested in musical creativity during his third term, in the Yuzhny camp. During the four years spent in this camp, Kobyakov recorded several dozen songs and even shot seven video clips for the most popular of them. Not only cellmates and guards, but also chanson lovers from all over Russia learned about the young singer and composer with a difficult fate. Released in 2006, the artist worked as a chansonnier in restaurants and at corporate parties, as well as at gatherings of domestic crime bosses.

Once again behind bars, Arkady continued to write music. Moreover, in 2011, together with the famous chansonnier from Tyumen, Yuri Ivanovich Kost, Kobyakov gave a concert for the prisoners of the camp. Around the same period, the artist's first official album was released, called "The Prisoner's Soul". Subsequently, the artist released several more records: "My Soul", "Convoy", "Best", "Favorites".

Work after release

Arkady Kobyakov was released from his last imprisonment in the spring of 2013. By that time, the artist was already very famous and popular among chanson fans. His compositions "Everything is behind", "I'm just a passerby", "Breeze", "I'll leave at dawn", "And over the camp it's night", "I'll become the wind", "Don't call me", "It's time to say goodbye", "Frog" and many others were in high demand.

On May 24, 2013, the performer gave a solo concert in the Butyrka club in Moscow, which was literally overflowing with fans of Kobyakov's work. Also, the artist has repeatedly performed in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Tyumen, Irkutsk and other Russian cities.

His creative career also included duets with such chansonniers as Alexander Kurgan ("Ah, if you only knew") and Grigory Gerasimov ("Look into my soul").

Personal life

Despite the fact that Arkady Kobyakov was behind bars four times in his short life for periods ranging from three and a half to six and a half years, the singer was not alone in his personal life. In 2006, after leaving prison and starting to perform at parties and corporate parties, he met a charming girl, Irina Tukhbaeva. Irina was not afraid of her lover's difficult past and answered "yes" to his marriage proposal.

In 2008, his wife gave Kobyakov the main gift that a loving and beloved man can only dream of: the couple had a son, Arseniy. Family and children have always been the main priority of the chansonnier, as eloquently evidenced by photographs in which Kobyakov gently hugs his wife and looks at her with an invariably enthusiastic look. Perhaps it was the separation from the family that was the greatest test for the artist during the last conclusion. Perhaps that is why the fourth term really became the last for the chansonnier.

Arkady Kobyakov |

Arkady Kobyakov is a Russian singer, poet and composer. Most of his repertoire is dedicated to the "zonal theme", as the singer spent a long time behind bars.

The life of Arkady Kobyakov passed in constant dynamics, since his character did not allow him to stand still or be inactive. We will consider the features of the singer in this article.

So in front of you biography of Kobyakov.

Biography of Arkady Kobyakov

Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov was born on June 2, 1976 in. He grew up in a simple family with an average income. His father, Oleg Glebovich, was a car mechanic, and his mother, Tatyana Yurievna, worked at a toy factory.

In the biography of Arkady Kobyakov, his grandmother played a big role, who from an early age instilled in him a love of art.

Childhood and youth

When Arkady was 6 years old, his parents sent him to the local choir for boys in the piano class. At the same time, Kobyakov liked to communicate with peers.

Soon the street had a negative impact on the future singer, which led to the first prison sentence in his biography.

The young man was sent to a juvenile colony in the city of Ardatovsk for 3.5 years.

Creative biography of Kobyakov

During his stay in the colony, Arkady Kobyakov was informed of the death of his parents. In this regard, he wrote the song "Hello Mom", in which he expressed his feelings.

When he becomes famous, he will repeatedly perform this composition on stage in front of the audience.

Once free, Kobyakov decided to enter the Philharmonic in order to get a higher musical education. He began his studies with interest, but he could not finish the Philharmonic.

In 1996, Arkady, together with his comrades, committed a robbery, after which he was again sent to prison for 6.5 years.

Musical career and recognition

After his release, Kobyakov went back to his old ways. In 2002, he was once again imprisoned for 4 years for fraudulent transactions.

After serving his term, Kobyakov again ended up in prison. This time he was sentenced to 5 years.

In this regard, most of his compositions were composed in the zone. Arkady composed the greatest number of songs while serving his 3rd term in the Yuzhny camp.

An interesting fact is that during this period of his biography, Kobyakov even managed to shoot 7 clips.

Soon he gained popularity not only in his zone, but also far beyond its borders. His songs were heard from the windows of different cities.

After his release in 2006, Kobyakov worked as a chansonnier in various restaurants, performing his own and other people's compositions.

It would seem that some gaps began in his biography, but he did not stay at liberty for long, and again ended up in prison for committing another crime.

Arkady still continued to compose songs. During this period, he recorded such albums as "The Prisoner's Soul", "My Soul" and "Convoy".

Work after release

In 2013, Arkady Kobyakov was released as an already popular artist, whose compositions were listened to and sung by chanson fans with pleasure, and journalists were interested in his biography.

The songs “Frog”, “Nowhere to Run”, “Violinist”, “Out of Fate” and others brought the greatest fame to Kobyakov.

In the spring of the same 2013, Arkady gave a concert at the famous Butyrka club in Moscow. Many people came to his performance who wanted to see their favorite artist live.

After that, Kobyakov gave a number of concerts in various Russian cities.

Personal life

Despite the fact that Arkady Kobyakov spent half his life in places of detention, this did not prevent him from meeting girls. Official marital relations in his biography were with only one woman.

In 2006, in one of the clubs, he met Irina Tukhbaeva. They started dating and soon got married. In 2008, their boy Arseniy was born.

An interesting fact is that Kobyakov always put his family first in life. During the period of serving the 4th term, he greatly missed his wife and child.

In prison, the singer wrote more than one song dedicated to his wife and son.

Death of Arkady Kobyakov

Shortly before his death, Kobyakov continued to actively engage in creativity and perform on stage. It seemed that now he was waiting for a brilliant career as a chansonnier, but everything turned out differently.

Cause of Kobyakov's death

There were many rumors around Kobyakov's death, especially immediately after the tragedy. Some said that “his own brothers” killed him, someone assured that he had crossed the path of some “serious” people, etc. and so on.

What is the real cause of his death?

The official cause of Kobyakov's death is internal bleeding caused by a stomach ulcer. And I must say that this is the most natural and reasonable version.

The talented singer was buried in Nizhny Novgorod.

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Answer from I wish you all happiness![guru]
Chanson is a great and powerful school of talent that accepts people with different worldviews and destinies. Do not humiliate with indifference and neglect - this is what drives all the performers of this genre. To believe in your talent, to show humanity and to lend a helping hand - this is the credo of the authors of the chanson. Arkady Kobyakov also clung to this circle thanks to his faithful and disinterested friends. He wrote a lot of life songs, listeners and fans admire his beautiful and powerful timbre of voice. Deep knowledge about life and freedom has Arkady Kobyakov. The biography of the author is complex and dramatic. He spent most of his life in harsh and cruel places, it was there that he matured and acquired invaluable knowledge. He also realized for himself that the world consists of black and white stripes. Arkady realized that the environment is multicolored: sometimes even relatives betray, friends condemn and turn away. The life and outlook of the young singer instantly changed - the world "sounded" with unusual and bright melodies. The first album under the poetic title "My Soul" was written in prison. Following him, he released no less exciting songs: “Convoy”, “Get Out”, “And Over the Camp is Night”, “White Snow”. Arkady Kobyakov tells the audience about his difficult fate. The biography of the young author is revealed in his compositions. The song titles themselves make fans empathize with him. The melodies of life instill in the author the hope that he will be understood and heard by sympathetic listeners and fans of chanson. An excursion into the biography of the performer A look into the future gave the singer exactly the chanson. Arkady Kobyakov is from Nizhny Novgorod. He was born on June 2, 1976. As a child, he was no different from ordinary peers. He was a shirt guy - an active and versatile boy from a simple family. After school he entered the Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic. At the age of 14, he was convicted of fraud and given three years in prison. He served his sentence in the Ardatovskaya VTK. On the next birthday, his parents hurried to see him on a date and got into a car accident - they died in it. Fate again dealt the boy a terrible blow, separating him not only from freedom, but also from his relatives and closest people. This bitter event left a deep mark on his soul for life. In dedication to the family, another song “Hello, Mom” appeared. Listening to the composition, you begin to appreciate what you have. To be continued ... After his release - in 1995 - the young guy again went down the "slippery path" and in 1996 returned to places not so remote. Only now the term received twice as much - 6.5 years in prison for robbery. Life went on as usual - time passed, and in 2002 Arkady Kobyakov was released. The biography of the author of the chanson is difficult and largely through his fault. In the same year, he was again given a four-year sentence for fraud. The guy ended up in the Yuzhny correctional camp, and it was there that he decided to seriously study music and compose heartbreaking songs. In the colony, he filmed seven clips and wrote about 80 compositions. In 2006, he was released, and Arkady completely immersed himself in work: he began performing at corporate parties and in restaurants. Often sang for crime bosses. In the same year, he met a wonderful girl and got married. In 2008, a young couple had a son, Arseniy. It would seem that life began to improve, the "bird of happiness" returned to him, but it was not there. Almost immediately after the birth of the child, he was given a term again for fraud, as much as 5 years. In prison, he did not give up his creative activity and actively continued to write songs, in 2011 he performed together with Yuri Kost (Tyumen chansonnier). Officially released an album with the dramatic title "Prisoner's Soul". In April 2013, he was released and already on May 24 held a solo concert in the Moscow Butyrka club.

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