Russian State Library. History of the RSL FGBU Russian State Library

The funds of the Russian State Library store 47.4 million accounting units. To find what you need, a whole system of catalogs has been created - the Unified Electronic Catalog, the Central Catalog System and the Card Catalogs of Specialized Funds.

Unified electronic catalog

Central catalog system of the RSL

What can be found in it:

  • Alphabetical catalog of books and abstracts in Russian from the 18th century to 1979.
  • Alphabetical catalog of books in Russian from 1980 to 2002 editions.
  • Alphabetical catalog of abstracts of dissertations in Russian from 1980 to 1999 editions.
  • Alphabetical catalog of books in foreign European languages ​​from the 18th century to 1979.
  • Alphabetical catalog of periodicals and continuing publications in Russian. Reflects information about the fund of the RSL from the 18th century to 2009.
  • Alphabetical catalog of periodicals and continuing publications in foreign European languages. Reflects information about the RSL fund from the 19th century to 2009.
  • Systematic catalog of books. Reflects information about books published in Russian and foreign European languages ​​from the 18th century to 2014.
  • Systematic catalog of books. Reflects information about publications in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (except Russian), Belarusian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moldavian, Ukrainian and Estonian.

Access to the central directory system

  • Alphabetical catalogs: RSL main building, 1st entrance, 2nd floor, room A-210
  • Systematic catalogs and file cabinets: main building of the RSL, 1st entrance, 4th floor, room B-406, hall of the General Systematic Catalog


  • Reflected part of the publications received by the RSL before 2002, which has not yet been transferred to the electronic catalog
  • Habitual part of readers search system in systematic catalogs


  • The impossibility of remote search and electronic ordering, however, in the room where the alphabetical and systematic catalogs are located, visitors have 6 personal computers at their disposal with the ability to search and order in the electronic catalog

Card catalogs of specialized funds

Some of the publications from the collections of the RSL, which are not in the unified electronic catalog and in the central system of catalogs, can be found in the catalogs of specialized collections.

Part of the funds of specialized departments is reflected in thematic electronic catalogs.

Alphabetical and systematic catalogs of specialized funds reflect the funds of the RSL by certain types of documents, information carriers and topics. The catalogs are administered by specialized departments and are located on the territory of the respective reading rooms.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • reflect documents from a specific fund
  • located directly in the corresponding reading room

Flaw: publications for the most part are not reflected in the unified electronic catalog and the central catalog system of the RSL

Art Publications Fund

Card alphabetical and systematic catalogs reflect information about domestic and foreign visual materials from the 18th century to the present.

Fund of Cartographic Publications

Card alphabetical and systematic catalogs reflect information about cartographic materials in Russian and foreign languages ​​from 1700 to the present.

Fund of printed music and sound recordings

Card alphabetical and systematic catalogs reflect information in Russian and foreign languages ​​about musical publications from the middle of the 16th century to the present, about sound recordings - from the beginning of the 20th century to the present.

Rare Books Fund (Book Museum)

Card alphabetical and systematic catalogs reflect information about books, periodicals and ongoing publications in Russian and foreign languages ​​from the 15th century to the present.

Manuscript Fund

Card catalogs reflect information about handwritten books of the 11th-20th centuries, as well as about archival materials, personal funds, collections and collections stored in the department of manuscripts.

Fund of literature on book science, library science and bibliography

The catalogs reflect information about books, periodicals and continuing publications on the specified topics in Russian, other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign European languages ​​from 1812 to the present.

Alphabetical and systematic card files of articles in Russian and foreign European languages ​​on the subject of the fund (library science, bibliography, book science)

Newspaper Foundation

Card alphabetical catalogs reflect information about newspapers in Russian, in the languages ​​of the peoples of the countries of the former USSR and foreign European languages ​​from the 18th century to the present, about newspapers in other languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (except Russian), in the languages ​​of the peoples of Asia and Africa from the 19th to the 20th century.

Dissertation Fund

Card alphabetical and systematic catalogs reflect information about dissertations in Russian in all branches of knowledge, except for medicine and pharmacy, from 1944 to the present.

Fund of regulatory production publications

Card numbering catalog of normative production and practical publications. Reflects information about domestic standards from 1925 edition to the present.

Card subject catalog of normative production-practical publications. Reflects information about domestic standards from 1925 to 2004.

Central Reference and Bibliographic Fund

Catalogs reflect information about encyclopedias and other reference books, bibliographic manuals published in the period from the 19th century to the present.

Card alphabetical, systematic, subject catalogs in Russian and foreign languages

Fund of Literature in the Languages ​​of the Peoples of Asia and Africa

The catalogs reflect information about documents in the languages ​​of the peoples of Asia and Africa from the 16th century to the present.

Card alphabetical catalogs of books, periodicals and continuing publications

Card systematic book catalogs

Card composite catalogs of books, periodicals and continuing publications in the languages ​​of the peoples of Asian and African countries, stored in the collections of libraries in Moscow and other cities of Russia. Reflects information about documents published from 1954 to 2004.

Fund of Literature of the Russian Diaspora

The catalogs reflect information about the publications of Russian authors published abroad from 1917 to the present.

Card alphabetical and systematic catalogs of books

Card alphabetical catalog of periodicals and continuing publications

Literature Fund "For Official Use"

Card systematic catalog in Russian

Central Subsidiary Fund of Current Periodicals

Card and electronic card indexes and indexes reflect information about current periodicals in Russian and foreign languages ​​entering the funds of the RSL: the fund of current periodicals, the central main fund and special departments.

Alphabetical registration file of journals received by the Central subsidiary fund of current periodicals:

  • domestic - for the last two years,
  • foreign for the current year.

Alphabetical registration file of domestic newspapers received by the Central subsidiary fund of current periodicals for the current year

Card file of new titles of domestic journals entering the RSL

Card systematic index of titles of domestic journals entering the RSL for the last five years

Database of domestic and foreign journals entering the RSL since 1998

July 1, 2012 marks the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Russian State Library.

The Moscow Public Library (now the Russian State Library, or RSL) was founded on July 1 (June 19, old style), 1862.

The fund of the Russian State Library originates from the collection of Count Nikolai Rumyantsev (1754-1826), which included more than 28 thousand books, 710 manuscripts, more than 1000 maps. The collection belonged to the private museum of the count, created by him in St. Petersburg. After the death of Rumyantsev, his brother turned to Emperor Nicholas I with a request to accept as a gift and transfer to the government the museum and library with manuscript and book collections. By decree of the emperor, the museum became known as the Rumyantsev Museum.

The St. Petersburg period in the history of the Rumyantsev Museum and its library ended in 1861, when, on the initiative of Muscovites who wanted to organize a public library in the city, it was decided to transfer the collection to Moscow. The library was housed in a building built by the Russian architect Vasily Bazhenov next to the Kremlin at the end of the 18th century and known as the Pashkov House.

This building belongs to the library to this day. Department of Manuscripts, where 600 thousand written and graphic monuments are stored, the oldest of which date back to the 7th century. There is also a department of musical publications and sound recordings and a cartographic department.

The official founding date of the Russian State Library is July 1, 1862, when the state and budget of the library were approved by decree of Emperor Alexander II, and the receipt by the library of one obligatory copy of all printed materials published in Russia was legalized. In addition to obligatory receipts, the library fund was replenished by gifts and donations. Thus, the collection of books of the Minister of Public Education Avraam Norov donated to the library consisted of 16,000 books. This collection includes editions of Greek and Roman writers, works by Machiavelli, a one-of-a-kind collection of Giordano Bruno's lifetime editions with an autograph on one of the books, Russian scientific monographs of the first half of the 19th century - the collection is still one of the most valuable in the fund libraries.

Hundreds of collections, individual books, manuscripts came to the library from donors, among whom were the merchant and publisher Kozma Soldatenkov, scientist Fyodor Chizhov, bibliophile and musicologist Vladimir Odoevsky, Alexander Pushkin's son Alexander, Leo Tolstoy's daughter Sophia and many others.

For almost a century, from the end of the 20s of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20s of the 20th century (in the St. Petersburg and Moscow periods), the library functioned as part of a complex that kept the name of the Rumyantsev Museum unchanged in its official names.

The library of the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museums has become a true center of culture. Artistic works and scientific works were created in its reading rooms. The readers of the library were Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Anton Chekhov, Vladimir Korolenko.

On January 29, 1992, by decree of the President of Russia, the State Library of the USSR named after V.I. Lenin was transformed into the Russian State Library (RSL).

In the second half of the 1990s, automated bibliographic search systems began to be used in the work of the library and electronic catalogs were created.

The Russian State Library is a member of the UNESCO "Memory of the World" program, designed to protect the world's documentary heritage and, to the extent possible, provide wide access to it. In 1997, on the proposal of the RSL, several library collections and individual books recognized as world documentary heritage were included in the international register "Memory of the World": the Arkhangelsk Gospel of 1092, the Gospel of Khitrovo, Slavic editions of the Cyrillic font of the 15th century, a collection of maps of the Russian Empire of the 18th century, Russian posters of the late XIX - early XX centuries.

In 2000, the main book depository of the library was closed for reconstruction, which was connected, among other things, with the need for its technical re-equipment. In 2003, the reconstruction was completed, but this did not solve the problem of lack of space to accommodate the library fund. The possibilities of its storage facilities were already exhausted by the beginning of the 80s of the twentieth century. Since then, the library has been replenished annually with 300 - 500 thousand publications.

In 2007, the construction of a new building of the RSL was included in the list of buildings and facilities for federal needs for 2008-2010 by order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The new building of the Russian State Library behind the main building, on Vozdvizhenka Street. Construction is expected to start this year, 2012.

Within the walls of the Russian State Library there is a unique collection of domestic and foreign documents in 367 languages ​​of the world. The volume of the fund exceeds 43 million items. There are specialized collections of maps, notes, sound recordings, rare books, dissertations, newspapers and other types of publications.

The RSL also has an excellent canteen. Some come here just to drink tea in a warm comfortable environment. Tea costs 13 rubles, but boiling water is free, some "readers" use this. By the way, the smell in the dining room does not allow you to stay there for too long.

The ceilings are very low, once there was a case when a worker got a concussion, she was taken to the hospital.

One day highlights:

- receipt of new documents - 1.8 thousand copies.

Title="Indicators of one day:
- registration of new users (including new users of EDL virtual reading rooms) - 330 people.
- attendance of reading rooms - 4.2 thousand people.
- number of hits to the websites of the RSL - 8.2 thousand,
- issuance of documents from the funds of the RSL - 35.3 thousand copies.
- receipt of new documents - 1.8 thousand copies.">!}

The hall of rare books - this is where you can touch the most ancient copies from the RSL fund. "To study the materials of the fund (and only a small part of it - 300 books is exhibited in the museum), to flip through the pages of unique book monuments, can only be read by the reader of the RSL, who has good reasons for this. The fund contains over 100 publications - absolute rarities, about 30 books - the only in the world of copies.Here are a few more examples of museum exhibits that you can work with in this reading room: "Don Quixote" by Cervantas (1616-1617), "Candide or Optimism" by Voltaire (1759), "Moabite Notebook" (1969), Tatar poet Musa Dzhalid, written by him in the fascist prison Maobit, "The Archangel Gospel" (1092). Here are the first copies of the works of Pushkin and Shakespeare, books by the publishers Gutenberg, Fedorov, Badoni, Maurice. From the point of view of the history of Russian books will be interesting - Novikov, Suvorin , Marx, Sytin. Cyrillic books are widely represented."

    Location Moscow Founded on July 1, 1828 Collection Items of the collection books, periodicals, sheet music, sound recordings, art publications, cartographic publications, electronic publications, scientific papers, documents, etc ... Wikipedia

    - (RSL) in Moscow, the national library of the Russian Federation, the largest in the country. Founded in 1862 as part of the Rumyantsev Museum, since 1925 the State Library of the USSR. V. I. Lenin, since 1992 the modern name. In funds (1998) c. 39 million ... ... Russian history

    - (RSL) in Moscow, the national library of the Russian Federation, the largest in the country. Founded in 1862 as part of the Rumyantsev Museum, since 1925 the State Library of the USSR named after V. I. Lenin, since 1992 the modern name. In funds (1998) about 39 million ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    RSL (Vozdvizhenka street, 3), national library, scientific research and scientific information center of the Russian Federation in the field of library science, bibliography and book science. Founded in 1862 as part of the Rumyantsev Museum, in 1919 ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Founded in 1862 as the first publ. b ka Moscow. Initial name Moscow Public Museum and Rumyantsev Museum. Located in the so-called. Pashkov house commemorated. architecture con. 18th century, built according to the project of V.I. Bazhenov. The basis of the book. fund and... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    1. ABC of Psychology, London, 1981, (Code: ID K5 33/210). 2. Ackerknecht E. Kurze Geschichte der Psychiatrie, Stuttgart, 1985, (Code: 5:86 16/195 X). 3. Alexander F... Psychological Dictionary

    Russian State Library- Russian State Library (RSL) ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Russian State Library- (RGB) ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Russian State Library (RSL)- The Moscow Public Library (now the Russian State Library, or RSL) was founded on July 1 (June 19, old style), 1862. The fund of the Russian State Library originates from the collection of Count Nikolai Rumyantsev ... ... Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Location ... Wikipedia


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Registration in the library is free. You can register from the age of 14 (with a passport).
You can take pictures with non-professional equipment. There is wi-fi

Entrance No. 1: marble staircase, rotunda, reading rooms No. 1 and No. 2, reading room of the department of official and normative documents, 3rd floor of the library administration, including a corridor and a hall, a meeting room, a reading room of the GSK (general systematic catalog), an exhibition corridor ("Pink Hall"), dining room.

Entrance No. 3: conference hall, corridor near the conference hall, exhibition hall ("Blue Hall").

Pashkov House: Reading Room of the Department of Cartographic Publications (KGR)

Lots of numbers

To store 41,315,500 copies, premises are used that are equal in area to 9 football fields.

There are 29,830 items in storage for every librarian.

You will have to spend 79 years of life without sleep and rest on a cursory, minute review of each of the storage copies.

It will take 25 trucks to transport the library's computer park.

A unique collection in 367 languages ​​of the world.

At the same time, passengers of 4 trains can work in the library's reading rooms and computerized places.

About 200 new readers sign up here every day.

Nearly 4,000 people come every day.

Russian State Library

There are specialized collections of maps, notes, sound recordings, rare books, dissertations, newspapers and other types of publications.

The library collections have been used by a variety of people for 140 years. Among them: world-famous scientists and students, practitioners and thinkers, our compatriots and foreigners.

The Russian State Library reveals its richest collections through a system of catalogs and file cabinets. An electronic catalog with free online access has been created and is constantly updated. In addition, the RSL prepares consolidated catalogs of Russian books, publishes fundamental scientific and auxiliary bibliographic manuals.

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