Biography of the wife of Arkady Kobyakov - Irina Tukhbaeva. What Arkady Kobyakov died from: the difficult life of a singer Interview with Kobyakov's wife after death

Kobyakov Arkady is a man who has experienced many life difficulties. Having passed the difficult path of the arrested, he begins to write the first poems and songs, which he performs with a guitar in the chanson genre. With his work, he talked about how difficult the life of those arrested is, how difficult it is to love, about the soul and creativity.


Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov (dates of life and death 06/02/1976-09/19/2015) is Russian by nationality. Kobyakov's autobiography is not as extensive and long as it is difficult and complex. Even as a child, a talented boy began to write poetry, not suspecting how he would glorify his last name.

Childhood and youth

Arkady Olegovich was born in Nizhny Novgorod on June 2, 1976 in a family of modest workers. Father Oleg Glebovich worked as a mechanic at a car depot, and his mother Tatyana Yurievna worked at a toy factory. The boy Arkasha grew up capable and active, spent a lot of time with his grandmother, who instilled in him a love of music. In kindergarten, Arkasha's teacher noticed his talent - the ability to sing beautifully and advised the family to send the boy to the choir.

In 1982, when Arkady was 6 years old, his parents enrolled him in the Nizhny Novgorod Choir College named after Lev Sivukhin, piano class. An active and trusting boy loved to play pranks and hooligans. Arkasha's relatives did not attach much importance to this, they thought that the reason was the departure of the mother of the child, Tatyana Yuryevna, from the family to another man.

Years passed, and the little prankster grew into a young criminal. Due to the lack of maternal love, care and attention, Arkasha got into a bad company. The height and weight of the boy was not enough to give a proper rebuff and resist the thugs. He was slowly drawn into the underworld, the first result of friendship with hooligans was the dock.

In 1990, for the perfect theft, the young man was sentenced to 3.5 years in a correctional colony. A difficult period began in the life of a teenager, the next blow was the loss of his parents.

Death of parents

In December 1993, while serving time in a colony, young Arkady learns about the death of his father: an accident occurred on the highway, as a result of which Oleg Glebovich died. But the unpleasant surprises of fate did not end there. The next shock is the news of the mother, who, as it turned out, had not been alive for quite some time.

After that, Arkady wrote the first touching song "Hello, Mom", in which he conveyed the pain of loss and the refusal of the soul to believe that it is no longer there.

Having experienced such grief, the young man decides to take the path of correction and, after serving his term in the colony, enters the Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonic named after. Rostropovich. But the good intentions and plans of the singer are not destined to come true, because he is still in a criminal environment.

Why and where was he in prison

In 1996, Kobyakov, without graduating from the Philharmonic, again falls into the dock. This time, he was sentenced to 6.5 years for robbery. In 2002, after serving his second term, Arkady goes to the long-awaited freedom. The absence of a decent, law-abiding, loving family, on the one hand, and a prison past, a criminal environment, on the other, lead the young man back to the “bunks”. Court sentence - 4 years for fraud. After another "time in jail", Kobyakov was not destined to walk free for long, and in 2008, under the same article, he went to jail for another 5 years.


Having spent a considerable period of his life in prison, Arkady wrote many songs about loss, love, mental anguish, conveying his own experiences through music and text. Kobyakov became seriously interested in creativity when he was serving time in the Yuzhny camp. Four years spent in it, the musician spent on writing dozens of songs, recorded 7 video clips. Not only cellmates, but also fans of chanson throughout Russia learned about the young talent.

After serving a prison term in 2006, Arkady spoke in cafes, restaurants, and at gatherings of criminal authorities. During the next "imprisonment" the musician continues to intensively engage in creativity, to develop it. The fruits of labor were not long in coming, in 2011 the famous chansonnier Yury Ivanovich Kost and Arkady give a joint concert for prisoners.

The musician becomes in demand, his work is loved by many connoisseurs of the genre. For the first time Kobyakov saw his fans on the stage of the Moscow Butyrka club. Since 2014, the singer has been collaborating with the well-known company Chanson Gold, at which time Arkady re-releases old songs and writes new ones: Star Twinkling, I'm Just a Passerby, Nowhere to Run, Everything Behind and others.

This period of the musician's life is significant for the release of the second album called "Veterok". Kobyakov delighted fans with performances throughout Russia. In his creatively active time, Arkady Olegovich released the albums "The Prisoner's Soul", "Convoy", "My Soul", "The Best", "Favorites". The fact that life can be filled not only with longing and torment, Kobyakov managed to find out by meeting true, sincere love.

Personal life

Arkady Olegovich was a cheerful, active and simple person, therefore he easily attracted people to him. It was not difficult for him to join a new company and, of course, he was surrounded by the attention of the ladies. There were rumors about the relationship between Marina Ibeeva and Kobyakov, fans wondered who she was and who the singer was. The woman acted as the organizer of his concerts, Arkady called her sister.

The musician met his only wife as soon as he got out of prison in 2006. The chosen one was a guest at one of Kobyakov's concerts. A feeling of attraction and trust immediately arose between them, it seemed that fate itself brought them together. Now this beautiful girl has become a regular guest at every concert of the singer.

Wife Irina Tukhbaeva

The name of the stranger who conquered the heart of the musician was Irina Tukhbaeva, she was not frightened by the prison past of Arkady, which is so clearly reflected in the numerous tattoos all over her body. After a short meeting, Kobyakov made Irina an offer to marry him, to which the girl agreed.

Love reigned in the young family, in an interview, the musician's friends talk about how Arkady adored his wife. Over the years of creative upsurge, the artist dedicated several songs to Irina. The singer did not hide his personal life, so on the network you can find many family photos of a loving and happy couple. Soon Irina and Arkady thought about children, in 2008 their first and only son was born.

Son Arseny

The wife's newborn baby was named Arseny. Family happiness was not destined to last long, in 2008 Arkady was again in the dock. Separation from his wife and son will force the singer to rethink his life, and this will be his last term.

In his diary, the artist wrote that the worst punishment is parting with his family. Kobyakov wanted to create a strong, friendly, loving union and protect his son from those experiences, sufferings that he himself had endured.

Unfortunately, the boy will not be able to fully know paternal care and love, Arkady Olegovich passed away too early, as he wrote in his last song - “I will leave at dawn”. At that time, his son was only 7 years old.

Causes of death and funeral

On September 19, 2015, at the age of 39, the famous chansonnier Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov passed away. This news came as a complete surprise to fans of his work, because nothing foreshadowed trouble. Connoisseurs of the genre hoped to hear many more songs written and performed by the musician.

The official version of the cause of death is a stomach ulcer, which caused internal bleeding. Farewell to the artist took place in Podolsk, since the last year the Arkady family lived in this city. Irina decided to arrange the funeral of her husband in his native Nizhny Novgorod. The singer's grave is located in the city cemetery, and fans still lay flowers at the place of their last resting place.

Facts and Rumors

The sudden death of the artist caused a lot of rumors and speculation: what happened, truth or fiction, his death, maybe he was alive or he was still killed, why they didn’t have time to help and he died, where he was actually buried.

How many questions did the fans have when the news of the death of the musician was published. Until now, not all of them believe that Arkady Olegovich died. There are people who believe that Kobyakov is alive, and his story is not over yet.

According to speculation, he faked his own death in order to start living anew without a prison past.

However, the musician's friends say that in the zone for impudent communication with the guards, the artist was periodically placed in a punishment cell. In some prisons, the punishment cell resembled a torture chamber, where convicts could remain without food for a day. Food for the prisoners was prepared from cheap and low-calorie products. The hardships experienced, difficulties, nervous stresses could provoke the appearance of an illness that the singer did not pay due attention to, from which he died.

Now fans of the chansonnier can only listen to the old recordings of their favorite singer, in which he put his soul and feelings experienced throughout his difficult life.

The biography of Arkady Kobyakov and the causes of death excite many fans of the activities of this famous singer. His life was filled with many different events. It is known that he died in the fall of 2015. The death of this man was a real loss for his family, relatives and fans. It is known that he made a great contribution to the music in the style of "Chanson", and his songs were valued for their beautiful performance and truthful content.

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  • Biography

    Date of birth of Arkady Kobyakov - 06/02/1976. He was born in the city of Gorky, now it is Nizhny Novgorod. His education took place at a high school in his hometown, and his abilities for music and creativity were discovered in kindergarten by educators.

    When he was six years old, he began to learn to play the piano, but the boy's character was unusual - and for the first time he ended up in a colony when he was 14. His father died early, the loss of one of his parents was taken hard by Arkady.

    After serving his term, the young man successfully entered the Philharmonic Society, but did not have time to finish it, going to prison for the second time. In total, this man went to prison four times in his life. Until his death, he wrote songs and was engaged in creative activities.

    Childhood and family

    Arkady was born into a simple family - his mother worked at a factory that manufactures goods for children, and his father worked as a senior mechanic at an automobile base. In addition to his parents, the boy communicated in childhood with his grandmother, who taught her grandson to love creativity and make music, as well as treat his fate easier using philosophy.

    The boy, when he went to kindergarten, drew the attention of educators, who were surprised at his unique abilities for creativity, and especially music. It was Arkady's teacher who advised the boy's father and mother to send him to a music school, since the child has a predisposition to this. This idea was approved by the boy's grandmother.

    As a result, the boy was sent to an educational institution, where he learned to play the piano. It is known that Kobyakov loved communication, but his character was quite hot, he had a reputation as a bully and was influenced by the street. His behavior and character led him to the first serving in a children's colony of a term of 3.5 years.

    All this time, the teenager had to spend in the Ardatovskaya colony for juvenile delinquents. Shortly before Arkady was due to serve his term, his father dies. This sad news was a real tragedy for the young man, leaving a serious imprint.

    At the time of his stay in the juvenile colony, Arkady began to write songs. After he learned about the sad news, the future chansonnier wrote the lyrics to the song "Hello, Mom." It was one of the first serious works that penetrated his fans, forcing them to feel all the pain that he experienced.

    In the future, it is for his unique work that Arkady will receive fame - almost all of his works are melodic and truthful, he wrote them based on his sad life experience.

    When the singer left the colony, he continued to study, enrolling in the Philharmonic, but he could not finish his studies. However, his past and prison term got in the way, he had no parental support, and he again became involved in illegal activities. In the mid 90s. he again went to jail for robbery.

    Musical career and recognition

    Based on the biography of Arkady Kobyakov, whose cause of death was health problems, he spent most of his life in prison. At the beginning of the 2000s, he was convicted of fraud, and at the end - for five years for the same crime.

    He took up songwriting most seriously while serving his third term, in a camp called "Southern". He spent 4 whole years in this place, and during this time he wrote many works.

    Not only those present in prison, but also fans of chanson began to learn about the singer, who had a difficult fate. After his release in the mid-2000s, the singer worked as a chansonnier in various public institutions, such as restaurants, and was also invited to various corporate parties and gatherings of authorities.

    After A. Kobyakov went to prison again, he did not give up music and continued to engage in creativity, and in 2011, with Yuri Kost, he gave a performance for prisoners. They released several collections of their songs.

    Prison and release

    The first time Arkady went to prison in 1990, when he was 14 years old. He was convicted for more than three years for theft, and he was in prison. He came out of prison in 1995, wanting to go to school and play music. He succeeds, but he did not have time to finish it.

    The second time he went to jail in the mid-90s for robbery. He was sentenced to six and a half years. He was released in 2002, however, according to media reports, he again went to prison in the same year for fraud for four years.

    After his release in the middle of the 2000s, Arkady worked as a singer in various public institutions. However, in 2008 he receives his fourth term of 5 years for fraud.

    Thus, he spent most of his life behind bars. He was released in 2013. Arkady Kobyakov devoted his biography to creativity, but the cause of death in 2015 was bleeding, and he died very early - at the time of his death he was only 39 years old, and he managed to live in freedom for a very short time.

    Work after release

    By the time the singer was released after his last term in 2013, he had already gained notoriety among chanson fans. Many of his songs were popular and in demand by fans.

    05/24/2013 Arkady K. gave a concert in a famous club in Moscow. A lot of people gathered who liked the work of the singer. Kobyakov performed in many famous cities of Russia - St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, and of course, the capital Moscow, as well as other places.

    He performed in a duet with other chansonniers who were famous and recognizable to the fans.

    Personal life

    It is known that the singer spent most of his life behind bars, and died very early. Despite this, he had his own family. In 2006, after his release, starting his career as a chansonnier, he met his future wife, Irina T.

    Tukhbaeva Irina was not afraid that the singer's past was criminal, and agreed to become his wife. As for children, Arkady had a son in 2008, who was named Arseny.

    For the chansonnier, the main thing in life was the family, this can be understood from the photos that are on the Internet. The pictures show how Kobyakov hugs his wife, how he looks at her. Most likely, it was the separation from his relatives that became a real test for the singer when he was sent to prison for the fourth time. During his career, Kobyakov dedicated works to his wife that described his love for her. According to relatives of the chansonnier, he loved his family - his wife and child, was attached to them and wanted to become a great dad for his son.

    The death of Arkady was a real grief for the wife and son of the artist. Irina did not disclose the details of the funeral and farewell to her husband for a long time.

    The music that the artist composed was truthful and became a reflection of his difficult fate. It was thanks to his talent and truthful songs that he gained the respect of his fans. He is quite famous, according to the latest news of 2018, his songs and videos are still gaining views.

    His works make the listener feel the situation and empathize with the singer, most of the works are sad, he dedicated some of them to his wife. In 2012, he released the album My Soul, in which almost all the songs are written in prison. There, in their works, they tell about the tragic fate of the prisoner.

    In the album "Convoy" the songs are written specifically for fans of creativity. There works are dedicated to the fact that people are evil and unfair. The album "The Best" contains ten of the most successful songs.

    Death and funeral

    The date of the singer's death is 09/19/2015. In the last year before the tragic event, the singer lived in the city of Podolsk. There he continued to engage in creative work and write works. He was invited to various celebrations and events, built a successful career as a chansonnier.

    The biography of Arkady Kobyakov is short - the cause of death was a stomach disease that caused bleeding. At the time of death, the man was 39 years old. They said goodbye to him in Podolsk, but the funeral took place in his hometown.

    Did the singer really spend most of his life in prison?

    The sudden death of Arkady Kobyakov aroused the interest of many of his fans not only in creativity, but also in the biography and personal life of the famous chanson singer. In September 2015, he was found dead in his apartment. Doctors declared death from internal bleeding caused by an ulcer. The passing of this talented songwriter and wonderful performer was an unexpected and painful loss.

    In contact with



    Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich was born on June 2, 1976 in Nizhny Novgorod (at the time of birth the city was called Gorky). His father, Oleg Glebovich, and his mother, Tatyana Yuryevna, were ordinary people, as “workers” would then say. My father worked at a car depot as a senior mechanic, and my mother worked at a children's toy factory. There was only one child in the family - Arkady. There was also a grandmother who instilled in the boy a love of music.

    The boy studied at the usual Nizhny Novgorod secondary school. Unusual were musical abilities, which else in kindergarten teachers paid attention to. And at the age of 6 he was given to the Nizhny Novgorod boys' choir where he learned to play the piano. But I haven't been able to finish my studies. Arkady grew up, although a sociable child, but rather hot, “hooligan” is the most common description of a teenager. In 1990 (at the age of 14), he was sentenced to 3.5 years because of his hot temper. This was his first prison term, which the guy was serving in a children's colony.

    Shortly before his release in 1993, his father died in a completely ridiculous and tragic way, having got into a terrible accident while going on a date with his son. This incident left a deep imprint in the soul, and most likely in the work, Arkady Kobyakov.

    In 1995, Arkady is serving his sentence and is released from prison. In the same year he enters the Academic State Philharmonic named after M.L. Rostropovich, but he also will not have time to finish it. In 1996, he was sent to prison for the second time. Having been released in 2002, not having time to really enjoy his freedom, he goes to prison for the third time in four years.

    In 2006, immediately after his release, Arkady chansonnier starts to work, he sings at corporate parties and in restaurants. But this does not last long, in 2008 he receives a fourth term for five years already. Arkady spent most of his already short life in prison:

    • 1993 - 3.5 years (theft),
    • 1996 - 6.5 years (robbery),
    • 2002 - 4 years (fraud)
    • 2008 - 5 years (fraud).

    In the spring of 2013, he receives the long-awaited freedom and fully immersed in creativity. Until his death, on September 19, 2015 at 5:30 am, the life of Arkady Kobyakov will end. Since Arkady lived in the city of Podolsk in recent years, there was a farewell to the artist, but he was buried next to his parents in Nizhny Novgorod.

    Personal life

    Arkady all his life was an open person, a sort of "shirt guy" who could win over anyone. So, in 2006 (after three prison terms!), Speaking at corporate parties, he met a charming girl - Irina Tukhbaeva. Not afraid "dark" past chansonnier, Irina marries him. In 2008, their son, Artemy, is born.

    Arkady never hid his personal life, and everyone can find numerous photos of his family on the net, many of which he tenderly and enthusiastically looks at his wife. Perhaps the separation from his family in 2008 (fourth prison term) was such a severe ordeal that Arkady will no longer break the law, the fourth term will be his last.


    It is written in various sources that the artist became interested in creativity while still in a juvenile colony. But it would be more accurate to say that there he did not forget his love for music and continued to engage in it. Of course, life circumstances left their mark, and the style of his songs is chanson. His brightest song of those first years of imprisonment was the song "Hello, Mom." Piercing and sad, written immediately after the death of his father, it seemed to determine the subsequent style of all his songs: sincerity, melody, personal life sad experience.

    But the formation of Arkady as a chanson artist began in his third term in the Yuzhny camp. During these years (2002 - 2006) he wrote about 80 songs, video clips were shot for the most famous ones. Arkady becomes a famous performer not only among the specific audience of the prison (prisoners and guards), but also outside it, among ordinary people, chanson lovers.

    From 2006 to 2008, the chansonnier successfully worked. He sang not only at parties with "criminal authorities", but also at ordinary corporate parties.

    Arkady does not stop writing songs even in his last fourth conclusion. And in 2011 he performed for the convicts with a concert, together with the famous chansonnier Yu.I. Bone. Around the same time (while incarcerated) he released his first official album, The Prisoner's Soul. When Arkady was released in 2013, on May 25 he gave his first solo concert at the Butyrka Club in Moscow.

    Since the summer of 2014, he has been cooperating, quite actively and successfully, with the Shanson Gold company. As part of this collaboration, not only were his old songs re-released, but new ones were also written. In 2014, music videos were shot for the songs “If You Love”, “Flickering Stars”, “I'm Just a Passerby”, “I Will Not Forget”, “Nowhere to Run”, “Everything is Behind”, “On the Chanson”, “Thousands planets" and "Veterok". In the same 2014, Kobyakov's second album "Veterok" was released.

    In 2015 (in just six months), Arkady traveled with concerts to more than 100 cities in Russia. In September, shortly before his death, another video was filmed for the song “Leave at Dawn”. So Arkady left, as he “promised” in the song at dawn, at half past five in the morning.

    Already after his death in 2016, his works were published:

    • Album Hello Mom
    • new album "I will throw the world at your feet",
    • video clips for the songs “Leave at Dawn”, “Such as Ice” and “Girl by the River”.

    In contact with

    There are really naturally talented people who write songs from the heart. Such famous singers include Arkady Kobyakov. His biography reveals the difficult fate of a man who has seen a lot in his life. All fans of his work will be interested to know the cause of death of a talented performer.


    Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich is a talented singer who composes songs and poems, as well as music. He performed his songs in the manner of chanson himself with a guitar. All his work was connected with his life, most of which was lived under arrest. However, he composed songs about love, spiritual values, and the difficult characters of people.

    The singer was born in Nizhny Novgorod on June 2, 1976. His father worked in the auto market selling cars, and his mother worked in a toy factory. Love for singing appeared in Arkady since childhood, which influenced his biography. The kindergarten teacher immediately noticed that the child had a talent for music and singing. It was my grandmother who firmly insisted on singing in the choir. A six-year-old boy was sent to learn to play the piano.


    Arkady was not as active as a mischievous boy. Apparently, the mother did not pay attention to the boy, which plunged his zeal for street life. Arkady's mother left the family for another man and did not take care of the child. Unfortunately, even his love of singing and his studies could not affect his time with suspicious friends and delinquents.

    Children's colony

    As a 14-year-old boy, Arkady embarks on a bad path and ends up in a children's colony for three and a half years for theft. However, Arkady does not quit his studies and begins to compose songs. At the age of 17, he learns about the death of his father, who dies in a terrible accident. 6 months before leaving the colony, he learns that his mother has also passed away.

    His new song "Hello Mom" ​​appears.

    And again prison

    The singer did not sit for the last time. After leaving the colony, he strives for a new, correct life. With this thought, he enters the Philharmonic, but does not finish his studies. The bad past comes back to him again.

    If he had relatives, maybe they could stop him and save him from prison life. But, Arkady had only prisoners friends, with whom he committed a robbery.

    Therefore, 1996 brought him an arrest for six and a half years on the bunk. In 2002, he is released again. But, in life, so far there has not been a bright streak. Soon he went to jail with a term of four years for cheating.

    Acquaintance with Irina

    In the year 2006, Arkady again comes out of prison. Personal life during this period of time has changed dramatically. He meets Irina Tukhbaeva. They meet at a party where Arkady performs his songs. Ira was not discouraged by the criminal past of her beloved. Courtship did not last long, they soon got married.

    Children also appeared immediately after the wedding. The wife gave birth to a son in 2008, who was named Arseny. Arkady proved to be an excellent parent, and tried to spend all the time in the family. From the words of his comrades, it is clear that he loved his wife and child very much.

    But, despite the fact that Arkady valued his family, she could not keep him from committing new incidents. And soon he is convicted of fraud for five years in the camps. Once again under arrest, he understands how important it is to be with his family.

    Creativity in the life of Kobyakov

    Since Arkady spent a lot of time behind bars, it is interesting to know when he had time to be creative. However, he had enough time for creativity both in the camps and in freedom. In his personal diary, he wrote that creativity saved him from life behind bars.

    He began to engage in creativity from the time when he was a child in the colony. Therefore, its main listeners are overseers and prisoners. Directly behind bars, Arkady wrote over 80 songs. Songs that most people know:

    • "And you are like ice."
    • "I will throw the world at your feet."
    • “And it’s night over the camp.
    • "I'll leave at dawn."
    • "Oh, if only I knew."

    Being under arrest in the camps, he even made videos. Arkady repeatedly sings in authoritative circles. Refuses sponsorship, because he does not want to realize spiritual creativity for money. In the eleventh year, together with Yuri Kost, he performs in the zone, and is also preparing for the release of the album "Prisoner's Soul". After 2 years, he performs at the Butyrka club.

    long-awaited freedom

    He leaves prison in the thirteenth year and moves with his family to Podolsk. Creative activity does not end even after the move, as he shows his creativity at parties and collective events.

    There is a fairly large amount of information that tells about creative activity, being in prison, about life. Photos with relatives are not so often seen on the world wide web. Arkady did not believe that the family should be shown to the general public. He did not like to be photographed, because he believed that his work was a purely personal occupation, in which he invested a part of himself.

    Death of Kobyakov

    The date of death of a talented singer dates back to September 19, 2015. The cause of death was determined by doctors by anatomy - a stomach ulcer with bleeding. For the family and many admirers of his work, the disease did not come as a surprise. So, out of thirty-nine years, he spent nineteen behind bars. As you know, food in prison is bad.

    Arkady's health could have deteriorated precisely because of poor nutrition. Staying in a colony, and specifically in a punishment cell, where he ended up for his pronounced impudence towards an observer, could undermine his state of health. The disease could only intensify and serve as a reason for its logical ending. The famous singer died at the young age of 39.

    Farewell to the idol took place in the funeral hall of Podolsk. The funeral took place in his native town by the decision of his beloved wife Irina. The grave of the singer at the municipal cemetery.

    There are people famous in show business, with complex biographies, like Arkady Kobyakov. At the same time, his fate, though difficult, but interesting. He would...

    Arkady Kobyakov: biography, photo, personal life, cause of death

    By Masterweb

    24.04.2018 00:01

    There are people famous in show business, with complex biographies, like Arkady Kobyakov. At the same time, his fate, though difficult, but interesting. He was destined to go through certain tests, and life provided an opportunity to make a choice and go out on his own path. But... if the choice is made incorrectly, and a person always steps on the same rake, he passes away, even if he leaves behind a bright mark in his work.


    Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich - a singer who wrote poetry and music and himself performed songs with a guitar in the chanson genre. It so happened that he wrote and sang about the difficult life of the arrested, about love, about the throwing of the soul and the spiritual values ​​of modern man.

    Arkady was born in Nizhny Novgorod in a working-class family on June 2, 1976. The father is a car depot worker, and the mother made toys at the factory. The boy's talent manifested itself from early childhood. The kindergarten teacher drew attention to the child's ability to sing. This was noticed by his grandmother, who lived with her parents. She insisted that her grandson be assigned to study at the choir, which had long existed in Nizhny Novgorod. So in 1982, at the age of six, Arkady was assigned to the piano department.


    Arkady studied, like all his peers, in a comprehensive school. In the beginning, he was not so much energetic as a hooligan child. Apparently, he lacked maternal love, and the inner emptiness formed on this basis pushed him into the cruel world of the street. The mother left the family and did not take part in raising her son. She left for another man. At that time, Arkady was a little boy, and he needed exactly his mother, who simply abandoned him. Studying at a music school did not save him from the dubious company of his peers and the thorny path of crimes.

    Children's colony

    In 1990, in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov, a fourteen-year-old guy, an event occurs, as a result of which he ends up in a children's correctional colony for 3.5 years. It was theft. In the colony, he continues to study at school and writes his first songs.

    In 1993, before his release, his father died in a terrible accident on the highway leading to Arzamas. Six months before his release, Arkady finds out that his mother is also gone - "people say that you have been gone for a long time." He writes a piercing song "Hello, Mom" ​​in a penal colony.

    And again prison

    In the biography of Arkady Kobyakov (photo below), this imprisonment was not the only one. When he was released after a penal colony, he made a decision: to start living correctly, without violating the laws.

    He enters the Philharmonic, but he did not manage to finish it. His past behind bars was making itself felt. Arkady had no one but friends with a criminal past, and they pulled him back onto this slippery path. Group robbery with these associates brought Arkady to the bunk for the second time in 1996. The term was given 6.5 years.

    And this is not the last "walker" in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. The family could somehow protect him from the harmful influence of friends connected with the criminal world, but he had no one but these friends. The term of punishment came to an end, and in 2002 he was released on the long-awaited freedom. However, he forgot how to live in freedom. After not even a year, he went to jail for another 4 years for fraud.

    Acquaintance with Irina

    In 2006 again freedom, but not for long, only for 2 years. But it was at this time that he met his future wife (pictured). In the biography of Arkady Kobyakov, a glimpse finally appeared. Irina Tukhbaeva, like a ray of light and warmth, entered the life of Arkady and, as far as she could, warmed his soul.

    They met at a party where Arkady performed his songs. It looks like they fell in love at first sight. Irina was not embarrassed by the criminal past of her lover. The courtship did not last long. His proposal to marry him was followed by her "yes". The children were not delayed, and their first-born Arseniy was born in 2008.

    There is no doubt that Arkady was a good father or husband. He tried to devote more time to his family, without prejudice to their attention. After the concerts, he had much to hurry. According to his friends, he adored his wife and son.

    However, one who is accustomed to commit crimes cannot be deterred from breaking the law by his wife and children. In the biography of Arkady Kobyakov, another black streak - at the end of 2008 he was convicted of fraud. The punishment was a five-year term in the camp - from 2008 to 2013. Only after being behind bars, he begins to realize that he has lost the opportunity to be close to his growing son. In his diary, he admits that separation from his wife and child is the greatest punishment of all the hardships of the camp.

    Creativity in the life of Kobyakov

    When was Arkady engaged in creativity? He had enough time for that. He wrote songs both in prison and in freedom. In his diary, he wrote that the only outlet for him in prison was creativity. He began composing songs while still in the children's colony. And the first listeners were guards and prisoners like him. It was there that his popular songs were written, and there are more than 80 of them. These include:

    • "And you are like ice";
    • "I'm just a passerby";
    • "I will throw the world at your feet";
    • "Everything is behind";
    • "Hello Mom";
    • "And above the camp is night";
    • "I'll leave at dawn";
    • "Oh, if only I knew."

    During his last stay in the Yuzhny camp, Arkady recorded songs written by him and shot several clips. In those two years (2006-2008), before the last trip to prison, a bright streak finally flashed in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. He has a wife and a child, work in restaurants and cafes, where he performs his songs. Kobyakov repeatedly speaks at meetings of criminal authorities and even receives an offer from one of them to gain a foothold on the stage with a proposal to sponsor his start. But Arkady is not attracted by such a generous offer. He does not want to sell his soulful songs for money and climb into the world of stage intrigue.

    During his last imprisonment, Arkady writes songs. In 2011, together with the Tyumen chansonnier (Yuri Kost), he gives his concert in the zone and is preparing the official album "Prisoner's Soul" for release. In May 2013, a solo concert by Arkady Kobyakov takes place in the Butyrka club in Moscow.

    long-awaited freedom

    After being released after imprisonment in 2013, Arkady and his family moved to live in Podolsk. He continues to write songs and earns money at parties and corporate events, where he was constantly invited by chanson lovers.

    There are quite a lot of facts about creativity, arrests and fate in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. Family and family photos are not in the public domain, so there are very few of them on the Internet. Yes, and Arkady did not really like to conduct photo shoots, he did what he loved. Kobyakov wrote songs, among which there are many dedicated to his wife Irina. He loved her until his last breath.

    Death of Kobyakov

    The morning of September 19, 2015 did not bode well. But this date was the saddest and last page in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. The cause of death was established by doctors after an autopsy - a stomach ulcer with internal bleeding. In principle, this is not surprising. Of the 39 years he lived, Arkady spent 19 years in the camps, and the food there, of course, is not homemade or restaurant. Such a lifestyle could lead to disease. If the ulcer is not treated, it turns into a perforated one, which, most likely, happened in the case of Arkady.

    According to the stories of friends, while still in a penal colony, Kobyakov ended up in a ShIZO for several months for his impudence towards the warden. The conditions of being there could really undermine the health of a young guy. Further, the disease could only progress and lead to its logical conclusion, which happened in his life.

    Arkady Kobyakov was only 39 years old at the time of his death. They said goodbye to Arkady in Podolsk in the funeral hall, but Irina Tukhbaeva decided to bury her husband in his native city, Nizhny Novgorod. The grave of the singer is located in the city cemetery. The monument depicts a smiling Arkady. Several years have passed since his death, but fans continue to come to him and bring fresh flowers to the grave, still not believing that their idol has passed away.

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