Spotlight 9 english in focus test booklet.

The collection of test assignments is an additional component of the English in Focus-9 teaching and learning method and includes test assignments in two versions, which are performed upon completion of work on each module of the textbook. In addition, the collection contains material for intermediate control and the final annual control work. The keys to control works and texts of listening assignments.

Spotlight 9. English in focus. Grade 9. Test Booklet. Control tasks. Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D. et al.

Description of the tutorial

Entrance test p. five
TEST1 (Module 1) p. nine
Test 2 (Module 2) p. 13
Test 3 (Module 3) p. 17
Test 4 (module 4) p. 22
Medium test (modules 1-4) p. 26
Test 5 (module 5) p. thirty
Test 6 (module 6) p. 34
Test 7 (module 7) p. 38
Test 8 (module 8) p. 42
Output test (modules 1-8) p. 46
You don't have to write p. fifty
Test Key / Additional Writing and Tapescripts p. 62
Exit Test
17 Don't worry, it's just a scratch. Clean it up, put …… on it and you'll be fine.
Bringing In Sling With Plaster Of Paris
18 Sam still has some difficulty ... ... portraits,
but with practice he will get better.
And to paint In painting With painting
19 If I ... ... you, I would cut the cost of all this junk food.
It would have been
20 do you think robots will ever be able to
…… more challenging tasks such as driving
or fly an airplane?
There is to overcome B C run
21 cut on the arm looks bad; you need …… to see a doctor.
And he saw B were seen with them
22 Jane forgot …… Stephen to the party, so she
sent him another invitation.
A invite B invited C to invite
23 what time ... ... Susan to her piano lesson is
Do you take C do you take
24 when Linda arrives, we ... ... for her
for more than an hour.
And we waited B we will wait C we will wait
25 we'd better book tickets for the show now …… the concert is sold out.
A so B is ok C in case
26 although the film has a (n) ... ... cast, not
received very good reviews.
All stars At the box office With a futuristic
27 Sally …… the person I've ever met; she hardly
talks to anyone.
And most are shy In this shy, With the most shy
28 abandoned puppies ... ... from their
irresponsible host.
Have been removed B have been removed From the photo
29 You can't invite …… you want to party!
We can only have twenty guests.
A depending on WHEN C who
30 this dress looks …… perfect on you; you
worth buying.
B read the text and mark statements 31-35 T (True), F (False), or Ns (unspecified).
History has proven time and time again that there are people who can rise above adversity and face big challenges in a way that inspires everyone. Many people with severe disabilities often manage not only to ignore their condition, but also to achieve greatness. Two prominent examples of this are Ludwig van Beethoven and Helen Keller.
Another brilliant deal that Alexandra Vereinov, a famous Russian artist. Vereinov was born in 1956. suffers from cerebral palsy, which seriously affects body and muscle movement. His first attempts to paint began in a special hospital for children with infantile cerebral palsy, where he spent his childhood. Since he had no control over his hands, Vereinov used his mouth to hold his wrists. The problem was that the people in the hospital were afraid that he would hurt himself, so he was not allowed to paint; that is why he did all his works of art at night, in secret.
Today Alexander Vereinov is an internationally recognized mouth painter who has produced many stunning originals as well as reproductions of famous paintings. His original works include portraits of Leo Tolstoy and Alexander Pushkin. Some say that his reproductions of famous paintings are almost indistinguishable from the original.
However, Vereinov's activity does not end. Together with Maxim Goubanov, a Russian philanthropist, he is working to raise money for Alexander Vereinov Russian Foundation for the Disabled. It is an organization dedicated to providing wheelchairs, medicine, food and other basic necessities for people with disabilities who do not have enough funds to support themselves. Indeed, Alexander Vereinov is an inspiring example of how you can use your inner strength and determination to become successful and then use that success to help others.
Beethoven and Keller were born disabled ._
Listen to how some people talk about issues and match the speakers (1-5) with the statements (A-E).
A speaker is not sure if he will try the same thing. Thirty six
The speaker does not want to risk it. Thirty seven
The speaker loves to engage in extreme sports. Thirty eight
D Friends of the speaker do not share his interest in extreme sports.
Additional Recording
Module 1
An international teen magazine is producing a series of articles on festivals around the world. Write an article about a popular festival in your country to submit to a magazine. (120-180 words)
You can use the outline and ideas below to help you write your article.
Point 1: What is the name of the festival? Item 3: what happens on this day?
when / where / why is this happening? Item 4: how people feel before / during and
Paragraph 2 * What are people preparing for after the festival?
this festival? what do you like the most?
Module 5
Below is a portion of an email received from your pen pal Sue. Read the letter and send the answer to your friend. You can use the outline below to help you write your email... (80-100 words)
... So this is all my news. What about you? It should be fun to move to the countryside after you've spent your entire life in the city! What does your new home look like? What about the city? It's good? Write and say what you like and dislike about your area.
Module 3
There is an essay writing competition in the local newspaper, and you decided to write an essay that presents the arguments for and against the use of domestic robots in the future. (120-180 words) You can use the outline and ideas below to help you write your essay.
introduce the topic and state your opinion
give an argument to support one side of the issue, for example, robots can do housework - "more free time for people
provide another argument in support of one side of the issue, for example, robots can always offer help to the elderly or disabled / watch children while parents are absent
state the opposite point of view
for example, humans may be too dependent on robots - * even simple tasks may become difficult or tedious
Point 5: repeat your opinion
Robotics experts predict that it won't be long before robots become a regular part of most households.

Spotlight 9. Test assignments. Vaulina Yu.E., Dooley D. et al.

Underline the correct item.
Our house can’t / may be haunted; we’ve lived here for years and we’ve never seen or heard anything unusual going on.
The style of that painting must / may be Cubism, because the artist has used square and rectangular shapes.
It can’t / may be a coincidence, but isn’t it strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?

Aim for the stars!

Richard Branson is one of England s most successful businessmen. He has started more than 360 businesses, built up a personal fortune of more than £ 3 billion, and is the 20th richest person in Britain today. Not bad for a man who still couldn "t read at the age of eight, and for whom school wasn" t just a challenge - it was a nightmare.

Richard Branson has dyslexia - a condition which makes it very difficult to learn to read, write and spell correctly. Doctors say that about 10% of the population has dyslexia. However, when Richard was young, no one from his school or family environment realized the sort of problems he was trying to deal with when it came to reading and writing properly. Back then, people didn "t know that dyslexia was a learning disorder. Everyone just thought people with dyslexia were not very clever.


Entry Test
TEST 1 (Module 1)
TEST 2 (Module 2)
TEST 3 (Module 3)
TEST 4 (Module 4)
Mid Test (Modules 1-4)
TEST 5 (Module 5)
TEST 6 (Module 6)
TEST 7 (Module 7)
TEST 8 (Module 8)
Exit Test (Modules 1-8)
Key to Tests / Unit Tests & Tapescripts.

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The collection of test tasks is a component of the educational and methodological kit in English of the series "English in Focus" for grade 9 students educational institutions... It includes 10 test assignments in duplicate, which are performed upon completion of work on each module. The compendium provides a process of control on a regular and objective basis.

Underline the correct item.
24 We left in the middle of the film because it was extremely / completely slow-paced.
25 Tim would sooner / would prefer see a science fiction film than a comedy.
26 The theater was totally / fairly empty, as they had canceled Monday night "s performance.
27 Sarah is slightly / totally nervous about singing in front of a live audience tomorrow night.
28 We would prefer / would rather go to a classical music concert than go to a rock concert.
29 The Sydney Opera House is a very / completely famous theater in Australia.
30 It "s fairly / completely impossible to find tickets to the ballet.
31 Jane would rather / would prefer to take pottery classes than learn how to sculpt.
32 It was absolutely / rather late, so Annabel put her paintbrushes away and decided to stop painting for the day.
33 Olga prefers / would rather going to the cinema on a weekday, when it "s not so crowded.

Entry Test
TEST 1 (Module 1)
TEST 2 (Module 2)
TEST 3 (Module 3)
TEST 4 (Module 4)
Mid Test (Modules 1-4)
TEST 5 (Module 5)
TEST 6 (Module 6)
TEST 7 (Module 7)
TEST 8 (Module 8)
Exit Test (Modules 1-8)
Optional Writing
Key to Tests / Optional Writing & Tapescripts.

  • English, Grade 11, Spotlight, Test Booklet, Test Tasks, Afanasyeva O.V., Dooley D., 2010
  • English, grade 9, Test assignments, Baranova K.M., Dooley D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P., Evans V., 2015
  • English, grade 9, Part 2, Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva I.V., Baranova K.M., 2014 English books
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