ABBYY English dictionary ABBYY. ABBYY Lingvo is an online dictionary that will help everyone! What are online dictionaries

ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries (ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries) - The most famous dictionary operating in the ABBYY studio. This company received its glory, thanks to the impressive list of electronic dictionaries, which today enjoy incredible fame worldwide. Many people safely involve this service on a computer and rejoice in the possibilities of such a widescreen package. The users of smartphones also liked this project very much, but for some time the product has switched to the discharge free, although if you say more precisely, it is conditionally free [. Ultimately, you download the ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries package, in which there are basic dictionaries, and other dictionaries are purchased for an additional fee through the program. At the same time, one of the most favorite features of the application remained above - the autonomous mode of operation.

After the first turn on, immediately click on the menu key and go to the "Download" category. There you can choose translation and download additional dictionaries. Places they occupy very little (about three dozen megabytes). On the main screen there is a line with a search (the search will work after a set of any word), at the bottom of the recent requests are shown, and a convenient translation format can be selected at the top. Starting packets of dictionaries contain about ten thousand words, which, in general, the account must be enough for those who are just beginning to study the language. Sounds for voice acting will have to upload additionally.

In options you can change the font and its dimensions, as well as adjust the display of strokes in words and obtaining all kinds of notifications from the program. A collection of dictionaries Lingvo is a truly simplest and high-quality electronic translator, which has been constructed at the moment. Dictionaries Lingvo with a class premium enable more accurately and correctly translate the necessary words, and even the combination of words. In addition to the above program, it will give the opportunity to view other options for possible translations, including all sorts of synonyms and already available options with transcriptions.

The main features of the ABBYY Lingvo application:

  • Eleven standard dictionaries for free download;
  • A huge base of paid dictionaries from the most recognizable publishers on the planet;
  • The ability to create your vocabulary on the basis of more than two hundred translational and thematic dictionaries;
  • Specify the desired word or touch your finger to the desired part of the screen to familiarize yourself with the translation (this feature does not work for some languages);
  • The article will contain in itself the Word itself, its accurate translation, grammatical data on the Word, possible examples, correct pronunciation;
  • Full story The search makes it possible to view the desired requests;
  • The ability to quickly translate textual information from photographs (except Chinese);
  • Hypertext - a quick translation of the phrase in an article on a single click on it;
  • Various tips during the search for the phrase, the possibility of finding words in the right form.

Download Russian dictionary on Android ABBYY Lingvo. Together with him you can seek the meanings of words, translate unfamiliar words and phrases with different languages peace to other or native language.

The best offline dictionary allows you to use a free program. Download English dictionary on android You can also with this application. Discover the world of linguistics. Get interpretation of words in seconds. Android app can be used both on the phone and on the tablet.

Ability ABBYY Lingvo Dictionaries:

  • Live-translation - Move the word on the word and touch the finger of any part of the screen to view the translation (except Chinese and Kazakh languages)
  • Photocondness - the ability to translate words from a photo or screenshot (except Chinese and Kazakh languages) with text recognition from the picture or photo (photos from the camera phone or tablet)
  • More than 50 basic dictionaries already exist in the application
  • Formation of a dictionary set to solve its tasks based on more than 250 translation, intelligent and thematic dictionaries for 28 languages
  • Hypertext - Translation of any word in word article by clicking on it
  • Tips when searching for the word or phrase, the possibility of finding words in any grammatical form
  • Word article contains word, translation, transcription, grammatical and stylistic information about Word, examples of use, pronunciation of words by language carriers (for many dictionaries)
  • Search history allows you to view previously entered search queries
  • For developers: Ability to call Lingvo vocabulary from other applications (Lingvo API). Read more:

50+ dictionaries are available to free download from the application, incl. 11 - for Russian language:

  • Russian<> English, German, French dictionary
  • Anglo<> Hungarian, Danish, Icelandic, Spanish, Italian, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Latvian, Lithuanian, German, Norwegian, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish, French, Czech dictionary
  • Anglo -\u003e Greek, Netherlands, Polish, Romanian, Finnish, Swedish Dictionary

Dictionaries ABBYY X6 Lingvo various versions

We can buy Lingvo by choosing the desired dictionary from a large range of licenses for home and office. Use the dictionary makes sense to the translation agency, international companies, notarial offices and other organizations, in which periodically or constantly arises the need to translate from Russian to foreign languages \u200b\u200band vice versa. The translator will be useful will be at home, especially for people learning languages.

You can choose an electronic or box license of the following versions of dictionaries:

  • Home - a complex of dictionaries, phrases and training materials. A reasonable price allows you to use a product for non-commercial purposes. The dictionary helps not only to translate texts, but also study foreign languages.
  • Professional version - Collection for home and commercial use consisting of more than a hundred dictionaries. Designed to fulfill professional high-quality translations of texts of any complexity.
  • Thematic dictionaries - Dictionaries intended for the transfer of complex narrow-gradatic texts (medicine, construction, right, telecommunications, banks, etc.).
  • Special academic version - Collection of dictionaries for educational institutions.
  • Intranet Server - A corporate product that does not require installation on workstations that includes more than 280 dictionaries and allows you to connect additional reference materials designed specifically for the needs of the organization.

Also, you can buy Lingvo for Mac OS.

If you are interested in the price of a license for corporate use and you cannot independently determine which version of the dictionary is best for you - contact the consultant, and we will definitely select the best option for you. The delivery time of the license for any version of ABBYY dictionary is 1-2 days from the date of purchase in our catalog. The favorable price for dictionaries and translators in our online store makes it possible to use the license for both home and for professional translation.

We are quite often reading books, articles or stories, watch movies or listen to music on foreign language. Why do we do it? Considering the Internet only as a source of information, the English-language resources are a storehouse of this very necessary information. It is not known what it is connected with. Maybe foreigners more literately in many factors, maybe they are simply more sociable, more like to share information. Most likely - the last one.

But without the right tools, in case you do not know English and some specific terms, we simply cannot understand them. To our happiness, the necessary tools exist. And one of them is called Lingvo.

Before you consider the Lingvo online dictionary, let's understand the terminology. Quite often, even experienced users often confuse the concepts " vocabulary"And" translator" The main task of dictionaries, without electronic difference they or paper, - translation of separate words. And this means that with it, we cannot translate whole texts. Online dictionary can only help us if our entire problem is the ignorance of some words and no more. Translate the text completely without elementary knowledge of the language and only with the help of this tool you will unlikely. Yes, you can translate all the words, but to understand the text you yourself will spend a lot of time.

Having a number of pretty sensible translators, you can be surprised: " Why do we need dictionaries if we have online translators who are quite intelligent to translate whole books?" Yes, it is quite logical. But do not forget that the dictionary and translator are tools of a completely different level and depth. And using them together, you only complement their capabilities and get more accurate translation than a machine translator gave us.

So, let's pass.



Let's start pretty unusual, namely with the minuses online lingvo dictionary. In principle, they are not so much. The biggest and rather uncomfortable minus is the long loading of web pages. This is the only minus compared to other online dictionaries.

But, if you compare it with the installation version of the Lingvo Dictionary, then another number of several small, but sometimes very unpleasant minuses are revealed. In comparison with the version on your computer, the online version has a more scum and fewer value themes. In addition, the installation version is more conveniently implemented by the search, although with recent versions The difference is no longer so significant. And finally, when the Internet is turned off or limiting its speed, you most likely lose one of the best tools for translation.


The biggest and most important plus is that Lingvo is one of the most complete dictionaries in the Russian network. Having a large database of narrow-satellite and specific dictionaries with translations into Russian, he can become an indisputable assistant not only for students' students, but also for people of various professions, which have to communicate much through email with foreign representatives and read English literature.
A rather significant advantage is the presence of adequate transcription, as well as for frequently used words of audio recordings in British, American versions.

And even if you decide to register, the dictionary will memorize the history of your requests. This is necessary so that you can refresh the new words in memory that you have met recently on the Internet.

But the most important and gentle plus of this service, the ability to view examples of the words used. The most important thing is that the examples are used both from Russians, so from English-speaking sources. And, it means that you will adequately assimilate the vocabulary, since you have already seen an example of its use.

Using online dictionary Lingvo

There, if necessary, we can register. Registration is pretty light, and the message on the mailbox comes almost instantly.

You can also use your Account on Facebook or Google+.

The search is introduced - here is here.

This is our result.

And if we click on the button " Examples"We will bring out the main plus online dictionary Lingvo, which was mentioned earlier.

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