Abby lingvo dictionary. Lingvo online translator: features of working with the service

Lingvo Life (formerly online lingvo) is a quality web service for translation. It is based on Abbyy Lingvo dictionaries, which have been known for a long time professional translators... The search for words goes through the entire collection of dictionaries (for registered users), the translation is given with examples, which is very useful. There is also a "folk" dictionary where users can add their own translation options.

Enter a word or phrases to translate and click the Translate button

This screen is displayed with translations from all dictionaries.

The word can be read out using the speaker button next to the transcription. Moreover, you can separately voice the British and American pronunciation.

You can choose short and full form representations ("without examples" and "with examples"). These are the examples given in the dictionaries as examples of the use of the word.

But there are still other examples - from real texts. To go to them, you need to scroll the page further. The texts are taken from real books and articles - the authors and titles of the articles are given - that is, you can trust the examples 100%.

The phrases are given below. Some words change their meaning in combination with others, and such phrases are summarized in a separate table (from which dictionaries this table is collected is unclear, but this is additional information that may be useful). For example

Even below are given grammatical forms words. For example, you can see the second and third form irregular verb or how is formed plural of the given noun.

To avoid flipping through a web page, you can click the link in the table of contents to the right for a quick jump.

Pros and cons of Lingvo Life

To access all 130 dictionaries, you need to register on the site


  • Completeness - you can find almost all words that are missing in other dictionaries. True, this was only checked for translation from English into Russian.
  • Convenient presentation of translation results - you can quickly scroll through the translations from all dictionaries in which the word was found - and go to the found examples from the texts, look at grammatical forms, if necessary.
  • Modern design - the site is convenient to use on a mobile device (unlike Multitran, whose design is stuck at the level of the 90s)


  • Unfortunately, you need to register to get all 130 dictionaries, but the site remembers your data, so you only need to enter once. You can login through your Facebook or VKontakte profile. Only a limited number of dictionaries are available without login. But after logging in, all 130 dictionaries are available for free.
  • It would also be useful to search through encyclopedias and dictionaries from Russian into Russian, as was done in the now defunct Yandex dictionaries. In general, something is missing from Yandex dictionaries, although the set of dictionaries is quite complete, there are enough examples of phrases and contexts.
  • There is still no completeness of the Multitran dictionary - a lot was added by users, and a large base has accumulated over the years. But on the other hand, this is a plus, since for this reason a lot of unreliable translation has accumulated in Multitran.

Additional features

  • As already mentioned, the word can be added to the folk dictionary. Here you can give your translation, comment on it and indicate an example of the use of the word. You can also specify the part of speech and topic. It turns out an analogue of Multitran, but more literate, academic translations and user translations are not mixed here. How much you can trust the folk dictionary, time will tell. The main thing is that nothing is mixed, and it is immediately clear that this is a translation from the user.

Later, when other people search for words, your translation will be displayed in the popular dictionary.

  • You can ask the community for a translation (by registering in advance).
  • Dictionaries are available on the website, but there is a separate Lingvo Live app for IoS and Android.
  • In the "Community" section of Lingvo Life, the current questions of users are displayed, you can give an answer to them.


Lingvo Life ( is the best online translator, judging by the completeness and quality of dictionaries, with a convenient presentation of the result. I hope his forum will be more lively and lively, and there will be someone to consult on the Russian Internet about difficult translation.

To make it easier to work with foreign languages, and to learn them more interesting, we recently released our new service dictionary ABBYY Lingvo x5. First, very briefly about what's new in this version:

  • Mouse over translation has become much more convenient. Now you can translate text in any format - for example, in a picture or video (our recognition technology helps here).
  • 9 new languages ​​have been added: Hungarian, Greek, Danish, Kazakh, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Tatar, Finnish. Now Lingvo has 20 languages!
  • A lot of new dictionaries have been added - 74. At the same time, the most important dictionaries have been updated: Oxford Dictionary of English, New Oxford American Dictionary and English-Russian dictionary general vocabulary.
  • For many translation options, you can now see phrases and real examples of use (for the most popular languages). This is very useful if you are studying a language or want to find the most suitable translation option.
  • Lots of language learning opportunities: an updated Lingvo Tutor with new learning vocabularies and exercises, letter templates in different languages, videos, and more.
  • Also, users get the opportunity to access Lingvo x5 dictionaries free of charge from any device through the Lingvo.Pro portal for a year. You can add your own words to the portal, and they will immediately be seen by all Lingvo.Pro users. To do this, just click on the globe icon at the bottom of the main program window ("Add your own translation ...") and register on the portal. The words you add to Lingvo.Pro will appear in your Lingvo card.
You can read more about this on the ABBYY website, and in this post we will tell you about one of the most interesting features of Lingvo - how to create your own dictionaries.

Almost everyone who comes across foreign languages ​​at work or study dreams of a miracle dictionary, in which everything that is needed at once would be at hand. And a complete list of meanings of the word, and synonyms, and specific abbreviations, and correct pronunciation, and examples of use. The creators of dictionaries are trying to get closer to this ideal (and indeed, many modern dictionaries are already very good), but you and I are always missing something. With the help of the tools that Lingvo has, you can create both educational dictionaries for memorizing new words, and professional ones - to preserve the unity of terminology. Supply them with pictures, audio and video files. And customize for yourself.

Why is it convenient?

Firstly, a personal professional dictionary for a specialist is the quality of translation plus saving time, effort and traffic, which, in an unfavorable scenario, are spent looking for the desired word in other sources. And if earlier all the most valuable things had to be entered into a notebook or trust the spreadsheet "word-translation-example-comment" with all the risks involved, then in Lingvo you can keep your own dictionary on a par with the built-in program. Unlike notebooks and Excel files, it is convenient to work with it thanks to the integration of the application with Word and the translation function on hover.

Secondly, the cards of your own dictionary, created in Lingvo, can be customized "for yourself" by adding pictures, links to web resources, audio and video files. For example, an image of a certain part (beam, support, fastener) will help you better understand a particular piece of text and visually represent the assembly / installation of a certain structure. For the same purpose, any physical, chemical or industrial process is recorded on video, broken down into stages and used as an auxiliary material. You can record the correct pronunciation of the term yourself in a regular wav file. Include in the card several audio recordings with different comments if you want to indicate dialectal or equal pronunciation of a word.

Thirdly, not every word can get into a licensed dictionary. And in your own - maybe. Words denoting modern technologies, objects and phenomena, neologisms of foreign journalists and writers, jargon, euphemisms, historicisms - in general, anything. Saw an unfamiliar abbreviation LN Biopsy or an unusual use of the phrase "Black Mamba" - entered into your dictionary. Then you do not have to wander through the vastness of the network or rummage through the reference books, vigorously remembering where exactly you encountered this.

Fifth, it is convenient to prepare for foreign seminars, conferences and exhibitions with the help of your own educational vocabulary. Especially when it is interactive - remember, at school in the classroom foreign language we were often shown pictures, calling out to associative memory... In the meantime, we start a new card, our mechanical and visual memory is actively working. By the way, you can create a study dictionary in Lingvo Tutor, and then add words to exercises to test your own knowledge. Let me remind you that pictures and multimedia do not fit into such a dictionary yet.

How it works

Lingvo х5 supports two types of local dictionaries: simple LUD (word translation) and advanced LSD with all the design of ABBYY Lingvo system dictionaries, pictures, sounds and videos. LUD dictionaries can be created, updated and edited while working with the program. To create LSD dictionaries, the DSL Compiler x5 program and DSL language commands are used. You will not be able to replenish and edit such a dictionary in parallel with working in Lingvo, but nothing prevents you from deleting it from the program, updating and connecting it again.
Let's try to create an LUD dictionary. To do this, in the main window of Lingvo x5 go to the "Service" menu, select the "Create / Edit Card" option and fill in all the required fields. Like this:

As a result, the program sees our dictionary and the word that we added to it:

If you want to do a little bit of programming, you can learn simple DSL commands and write an LSD dictionary. Full list commands with decoding and the step-by-step process of creating dictionaries of this type are quite easily described in the Help (Help → Dictionaries → Create a dictionary by yourself → How to create an LSD dictionary). The general principle looks like this:

1) In a text editor (Word or Notepad), create a dictionary file, write a DSL code and save it as a * .txt document in Unicode or ANSI encoding. Change the extension manually to * .dsl. By the way, if you put a picture in * .bmp or * .jpg with a size of 14x21 in a folder with a file, it will become an icon of our LSD dictionary.

2) Compile the result using the DSL Compiler x5 program (Start → Programs → ABBYY Lingvo x5 → ABBYY DSL Compiler x5). That is, we indicate the path to our file with the dictionary and press the "compile" button. As a result, 2 files will appear: the dictionary file * lsd and the help file * dde, which lists the errors that occurred while creating the dictionary. The file is useful because it shows the clumsiness in the code and explains what was programmed wrong.

3) Connect our LSD dictionary to Lingvo (menu Tools → Add Dictionary from File) and get the following:

If desired, the card can be "complicated" by dividing it into zones or adding nested cards (subcards) and links to other cards in your vocabulary. Using the DSL language, you can create a dictionary, according to capabilities and appearance similar to ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries. And this is the code for a simple “blogging” card from the “Done for Fun” dictionary that you have already seen:

#NAME "Done for Fun"
[s] Blogorrhea.wav
[b] 1. [p] noun
1) [p] blog. blog ["] rhea ([i] network graphomania, sometimes LJ graphomania, less often blogography mania)
[*] Blogorrhea is writing when you have nothing to say. - Blogging - writing lengthy posts about nothing. (Literary translation)
Jonathan Yang, author of The Rough Guide to Blogging
[s] guide.jpg
[b] English-English
1) pathologically incoherent, repetitious blogging
2) incessant or compulsive holding forth on-line
3) wearisome volubility aimed at an unsuspecting virtual readership

In general, creating your own dictionaries is a rather entertaining and quite creative process. Try it and you will definitely succeed.

By the way, in the blog of the ABBYY Lingvo team there is some movement and fun about the release of the new version. If you want to win a new lingua and get a lot of fun, welcome :)

Elena Agafonova,

Probably the best dictionary with many possibilities. I will tell you how to use it in this article.

Hello, friends. In this article, I would like to introduce you to an excellent dictionary called ABBYY Lingvo. I will tell you in detail how to install the program on a computer, as well as introduce you to its most important features.

Installation and first acquaintance with ABBYY Lingvo.

You can download the dictionary on the official website of the developers. After the installation is complete, run the program. The most important controls are described in the picture below.

There are 5 groups available in the list of dictionaries by default:

  • dictionary of general vocabulary;
  • natural science dictionaries;
  • computer science dictionaries;
  • dictionaries on economics and law;
  • technical dictionaries.

Each group consists of specific thematic sections. For example, choosing a dictionary of general vocabulary, we see that it consists of the following thematic niches: universal (LingvoUniversal), idioms (Idioms), informal communication (Informal), American English (American), British English (GreatBritain), winemaking (Wine).

If the button of the topic section is pressed, then during translation, the system will search for a word in this topic. For convenience, I recommend choosing "All dictionaries" in the list of dictionaries and working with them always. By the way, when you first start the program, this is exactly how it is configured. But I could be wrong. In general, you need to do it like this:

So, the setup is done. Let's see how to use this translator.

Translation with ABBYY Lingvo

For example, let's together translate the word "mother" into Russian. At the very bottom of the program, enter a word and press Enter.

A window with the translation of this word will open in front of you. On the right side of the screen, you can see in which thematic sections the translation of the word "mother" was found. The translation itself is displayed on the left side (for each type of dictionary), you can listen to the pronunciation of the word. The first is always the translation of a word from the universal dictionary (LingvoUniversal). As a rule, it is enough.

A very convenient function of the translator is the ability to view all possible forms words. This is especially useful for verbs. Let's enter the verb "make" into the translation string and click on the "Word Forms" button.

A window will open in front of us, in which you can see all possible forms of the word "make", for each part of speech to which it may belong.

The next extremely useful function of the program is the translation of words by highlighting them and pressing the key combination Ctrl + C + C. Let's say you are reading one of my articles in English. Try to select an unfamiliar word and, holding down Ctrl, press the C key twice. Here's what you get:

Quite a handy function that can come in handy when reading different material on the Internet in English. By the way, in this way the program allows you to translate words from Russian into English.

Translation of phrases in ABBYY Lingvo

Friends, in general, this dictionary is not intended to translate random phrases and sentences. The program will display a translation of a phrase only if the given expression is a stable, idiom or phrasal verb.

If you need to translate a random sentence, then you will be offered a translation of each word separately. For example, let's translate the phrase “You are a good man”. Enter the expression into the translation string and press Enter.

This is how the program translates random sentences and phrases.

Section "PhraseBook" in the Russian-English dictionary.

The program already has a very good conversational set of phrases built in, which can be great for everyday communication. To proceed to this section, first change the dictionary from English-Russian to Russian-English. After that, at the very top of the list, you will see the "Phrasebook" section. Double-click on it with the left mouse button.

You will see a list of the most common conversational topics. Each of them includes a pretty useful set of phrases that you can take on board.

How do you remember these phrases? This will be helped by a special add-on that is installed automatically together with the program and is called ABBYY Lingvo Tutor! Let's see how you need to work with it.

ABBYY Lingvo Tutor

This application is designed for easy memorization of words and phrases. To launch this application, select "Service" from the main menu of the program and click on "Open ABBYY Lingvo Tutor".

After that, the main program window will open, and the corresponding icon will appear in the lower right corner of the monitor. This application is a collection of dictionaries and cards.

Let's select the "Dictionaries" item in the "Service" tab. By default, there are five thematic word sets available: clothes, hotel, job, restaurant, sightseeing, weather, body parts. Let's select the “Clothes” dictionary and press “Select”.

Before us will open a set of cards that make up this dictionary. Cards are words with translation. It is possible to add, edit or modify cards. Let's click on the Start Lesson button.

After that, a window will open in which the speaker will pronounce a word from the dictionary, and you need to enter its translation in the appropriate window and check yourself by clicking on "Check". Also, it is possible to take a hint (the first letter of the word appears). If you know the word well, then be sure to change the status of the card to "Learned". Thus, this word will not be counted in the next lessons. To exit the lesson, click "Go to Dictionary".

I highly recommend that you create your own own dictionaries... Well, let's say you want to remember some 15 English words... After selecting the "Dictionaries" item in the "Service" tab, click on "Create ...". Enter a name for the dictionary, for example, "15 words related to family members." Click OK.

Add new cards (words) and study with them. This way you will memorize new words much faster.

Generally speaking, learning new words and phrases using flashcards and similar programs is very effective method memorization and replenishment vocabulary... Try it.

Let's go back to the “Meeting” section of our phrasebook again. ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary allows you to add words and phrases to existing dictionaries in ABBYY Lingvo Tutor. Select a phrase from the list and click on "Add to ABBYY Lingvo Dictionary".

Thus, by creating a certain dictionary in ABBYY Lingvo Tutor (for example, the dictionary "Phrases on the subject of a meeting"), you can add it directly from the translator. For quick memorization phrases, regularly study this dictionary. In general, you get the idea.

Friends, I told you about the most important features of ABBYY Lingvo. Of course, the program has a number of settings that will help you customize the interface for yourself. Understand them carefully to make the use of the dictionary as convenient as possible!

Keep learning English and take care of yourself! Bye!

Year: 2015

Platform: PC


Language: Russian, English, and others

Medicine: Cured

System requirements:

Microsoft® Windows 8 / 8.1, 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP (Service Pack 3), Server 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012/2012 R2.

The OS must definitely support the Cyrillic alphabet. Windows Installer 3.0 or higher is required.

At least 512 MB of RAM

500 MB to 4 GB free space on your hard drive, depending on the version of ABBYY Lingvo x5

Microsoft Internet Explorer ® 6.0 / 7.0 / 8.0 / 9.0


ABBYY Lingvo x6 Professional software package

They are distinguished by the richest lexical base and many functions for convenient and high-quality translation. With ABBYY Lingvo, millions of users around the world were able to make sure that professional translation of words and phrases in a matter of seconds is a reality. The new version of the ABBYY Lingvo x6 dictionary has embodied expanded, including interactive, opportunities for full and dynamic language learning, work and leisure. ABBYY Lingvo x6 is available in Home and Professional editions. The home version combines general, educational, grammar, explanatory dictionaries and phrasebooks. And the Professional includes all the dictionaries of the Home version, as well as thematic dictionaries covering the most popular areas - economics, medicine, law, electronics, banking, sports and others.

Portable version of the program. No installation required !!! Works from removable media.

Above are the off-requirements, much less resources are needed for portability.

Launch / uninstall:

Launch: open the Lingvo file. You can run without Administrator rights. (in the case of previous installations - from the Administrator)

Removal: remove the shared folder with the program.

ABBYY Lingvo X6 features:

Translation from 19 languages ​​and back.

Translate from English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Finnish, Chinese, Latin, Turkish, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Tatar, Polish, Hungarian, Danish and Norwegian into Russian and vice versa; from English, Polish, Russian to Ukrainian and vice versa.

Convenient, fast interface.

Save time when searching for a translation thanks to the new lightweight interface of ABBYY Lingvo. The dictionary card has a search string, so you don't have to go back to the main window to find out the translation of another word. The search string itself is made by analogy with popular search engines: when you enter a word, auto-completion is triggered, and if the search word is typed incorrectly, replacement options appear in the string.

Qualitative dictionaries with examples of use.

Learn the translation of a word, its synonyms and antonyms, the meanings of idioms and fixed expressions for 19 languages, and choose the most suitable translation option among examples of the use of words in detailed general vocabulary dictionaries, phraseological dictionaries, slang dictionaries and phrasebooks. Numerous examples of the use of words and search by them will also help to correctly express your thought in a foreign language, to apply a word or phrase that is appropriate in this context when writing, writing articles and other texts. Also specialized dictionaries will help with this, such as “Word in context. Russian-English dictionary for Russian-speaking authors English texts". Search by titles dictionary entries, translations, examples and comments will help you to get as much information as possible about the word you are interested in in a visual form. The program contains detailed dictionary English Oxford Dictionary of English and Collins Cobuild educational dictionary with up-to-date English vocabulary.

Improve your English with the Oxford grammar course "Test it, Fix it" (for Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels). The course is perfect for self-study and is built on the principle of “learning from our mistakes”. To start learning, you need to choose a topic, do exercises on it and check the answers. The program will show both the correct answers and those in which mistakes were made, and will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with grammatical rules on the selected topic.

Subject dictionaries.

Find the exact translation of industry terms in thematic dictionaries in law, economics, finance, marketing, banking and business vocabulary, mechanical engineering, construction and architecture, oil and gas industry, chemistry, medicine, biology, and other areas.

Application for memorizing words.

Expand your vocabulary for any of the languages ​​presented in the program with the ABBYY Tutor app, regularly taking just a few minutes to memorize new words. With the help of special exercises included in Tutor, you can memorize the meaning, spelling and pronunciation of words. To make this process more efficient, set a schedule and the program will run the exercises on schedule. The application contains ready-made dictionaries of basic vocabulary for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese... Words in these dictionaries are given according to the frequency of use in modern language and are broken down by topic (business vocabulary, weather, attractions, and others).

Other opportunities for learning foreign languages.

Hear how a native speaker pronounces the word. The voiced examples are available for English, French, German, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian. Check the spelling of the verb tense in the word form table. See the Collins Cobuild Learning Dictionary for word meanings, which also contains examples of word usage, grammar information, and more information on word frequencies and synonyms. Use an English grammar reference.

Custom dictionaries for work and study.

In addition to the existing dictionaries, ABBYY Lingvo x6 allows you to create your own dictionaries for study and work. Educational - to consolidate the passed material and expand vocabulary, and professional - to preserve the unity of terminology when translating corporate materials and specialized documentation. When creating your own dictionaries, it is possible to add illustrations to the dictionary card. This will help to achieve better translation of highly specialized and ambiguous terms in thematic texts and will add interactivity educational process making it more fun. Users of previous versions of the product will be able to transfer previously created dictionaries to the new version of the program.

Version changes:

New user-friendly interface: all results in one window. Now all work with Lingvo is concentrated in one window. All translation or search results are displayed in separate tabs in the overall results window. In ABBYY Lingvo x6, you can translate words and phrases by entering them into the search bar directly in the results window, without switching to the main application window. Autocompletion allows you not to enter the whole word you need, choosing it from the list of suggestions by the first letters of the options, and if the search word is typed with an error, it will offer the correct options.

The speed of the application has been improved. Translation or search results are displayed faster than in the previous version. The program starts up faster than the previous version.

A new level of learning English with ABBYY Tutor Grammar. ABBYY Tutor Grammar is an interactive grammar learning application based on modern course grammar for Pre-intermediate and Intermediate levels by Oxford University Press. The course is perfect for self-study and is built on the principle of “learning from our mistakes”. To start learning, you need to choose a topic, do exercises on it and check the answers. The program will show both the correct answers and those in which mistakes were made, and will provide an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the grammatical rules on the selected topic.

ABBYY Lingvo distinguishes a wide lexical base, a lot of functions that make it possible to make a convenient, at the same time high-quality translation. Having used Lingvo only once, the user can be convinced that it is easy and fast to do a professional translation of words and whole phrases. In its updated version of the dictionary, ABBYY Lingvo x6 has expanded its interactive capabilities so that it is possible to learn a foreign language as fully and quickly as possible, perform tasks related to professional activities and simply have a pleasant rest.

ABBYY Lingvo x6 is issued in two versions: "Home" and "Professional". The "Home" version includes several dictionaries and phrasebooks: common, for study, grammar, explanatory. The "professional version" includes, in addition to all the listed dictionaries "Home", but also narrowly thematic dictionaries that cover the most popular areas of our time, such as economics, medicine, legal sphere, electronics, banking, sports and so on. But, if users with the "Home" version have such a need, they have the opportunity to additionally purchase all the sets of thematic dictionaries they need, the program ABBYY Lingvo x6 Professional download full version free and without registration is not difficult.

Features of ABBYY Lingvo X6 for Windows xp, 7,8,10:

Translation from nineteen languages ​​and back. Translation from the most popular languages ​​of the world into Russian and back is possible; from several languages ​​- English, Polish, Russian into Ukrainian and back.

Convenience and speed of the interface. You can easily save your time by translating using the new, very simple interface of ABBYY Lingvo. You hammer in the search bar located in the dictionary card, necessary word or a phrase, and you get a translation. Then you do not need to return to the main window to translate the next word or phrase. The search bar is designed in the same way as in popular search engines: you enter the desired word, and the autocompletion system immediately triggers, if the desired word is typed incorrectly, the line will offer you various options for its replacement, the translator ABBYY Lingvo x6 free download with key via torrent with excellent speed and easy installation.

High quality dictionaries and common examples of the use of some words. You will not just find out the translation of the desired word, you will be offered synonyms or antonyms for it, but will reveal the meanings of idioms, as well as fixed expressions in nineteen languages. You can choose the appropriate translation option in the provided examples of the use of words by looking at detailed vocabulary dictionaries, phraseological dictionaries, slang dictionaries and phrasebooks. Thanks to a variety of examples of the use of words, you can beautifully and correctly express your thoughts in any foreign language, find the appropriate word for a given context, insert the correct phrase while conducting correspondence, creating articles and other texts. To help you and specialized dictionaries: “Word in context. Russian-English dictionary-reference book for Russian-speaking authors of English texts ”. Using a search by titles of articles in dictionaries, their translations, examples given, a number of comments, you will collect as much information as possible about the word you need, in a very visual form. This program includes the Oxford Dictionary of English, the Collins Cobuild English study dictionary, with a collection of commonly used English vocabulary.

Oxford grammar course. You can improve the quality of your knowledge in English by taking the Oxford grammar course "Test it, Fix it", which is provided for the levels: "Pre-Intermediate" and "Intermediate". The course is suitable for those users who prefer to conduct independent studies and "learn from their mistakes." To start learning, you need to designate the desired topic, do the exercises assigned to it, and then check your answers, see the correct correct answers, and those where you made any mistakes, and then you can read the grammar rules that reveal the chosen one. topic.

ABBYY Lingvo x6 Professional translator (full version with key): free download

Subject dictionaries. In these dictionaries, the user can find the exact translation of narrowly focused industry terms. These dictionaries can cover such areas as: law, economics, finance, marketing, banking and business, mechanical engineering, construction, architecture, oil and gas industry, chemistry, medicine, biology and other areas.

Access to examples of the use of words in the online system. If you have an Internet connection, then with the help of the Lingvo program, you will have a wide online base of translations into English, German, French languages... The program will show you common phrases that are used in any sentences of texts taken from works of art, books of a technical orientation, from legislative documents, from popular Internet sites. With the help of this database, users will be able to quickly and accurately select the translation of a word, correctly express their thoughts, find out whether they use this or that phrase in speech, find other translation options, see examples of the use of these options. The translation memory database today contains more than one million sentences, and their number is constantly growing. Download translator with dictionaries Lingvo free for Windows computers and laptops.

Translation after hover in any application. The user can make instant translation only by hovering the cursor over the word of interest on the site, in the picture, in the subtitles for the TV movie, in the PDF file. In addition, a word from the translation window on hover you can add to the application responsible for memorizing words, it is possible to view the transcription, listen to the pronunciation from the mouth of a native speaker of the given language.

Application of the program "memorization of words". To expand the user's vocabulary, for any foreign language presented in the program with the ABBYY Tutor application, you just need to allocate a few minutes a day to learn new words. Performing special exercises in Tutor, you will quickly memorize the meaning, spelling, pronunciation of these words. For more efficiency, it is better to set a schedule so that the program starts the exercises on the scheduled schedule. The application contains ready-made dictionaries of the basic vocabulary of English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese. Words in these dictionaries are given according to the frequency of their use, they are divided by topics, for example, business, weather, health, and so on.

Other possibilities for learning other languages. It is worth listening to the pronunciation of words by a native speaker of the target language as often as possible: English, French, German, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian. Pay attention to how the verb changes by tenses in the table of word forms. The meanings of the words can be seen in the Collins Cobuild study dictionary, there are also vivid examples of use different words, their grammatical characteristics, additional information about the frequency of words, their synonyms. Use an English grammar reference.

User dictionaries: working and educational. The existing Lingvo dictionaries can be supplemented with your own dictionaries for study or work. Learning dictionaries will help in consolidating the material learned, while expanding vocabulary, and professional dictionaries are needed to preserve the unity of terminology when translating corporate materials and other specialized documentation. By creating your own dictionaries, you can add the necessary illustrations to the dictionary card in order to achieve the most high-quality translation of complex, highly specialized, ambiguous terms in thematic texts. This helps to add interactivity and fun to your learning process. Users who have installed previous versions of this software will easily be able to transfer all their previously created dictionaries to the updated version.

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