When there is a bloody moon in the year. Bloody eclipse

On the evening of August 7, from about 20.24 to 22.19 Moscow time, almost all residents of Russia (except for the inhabitants of Chukotka and Kamchatka) will be able to observe a partial lunar eclipse. The shadow from the Earth will cover the Moon for a while. This is a fairly frequent show in the heavenly "theater of shadows" - from 2 to 5 such astronomical events happen a year. This year, a similar phenomenon (partial eclipse) could already be observed on February 11. Many myths and fables are born around lunar eclipses. Let's try to analyze the most interesting of them.


During eclipses, our celestial companion changes its usual yellow color to blood-red tones. This is because the Moon, even during a total eclipse, continues to be illuminated by the sun's rays, which pass through the Earth's atmosphere. In this case, sunlight is scattered in the atmosphere, but even in this scattered form it still partially reaches the surface of the moon. The atmosphere acts as a kind of filter: the rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum pass through it best. And it is the rays of this range that, reaching the moon, paint its surface in crimson-red tones. By the way, thanks to this effect of the light filter of our atmosphere, we can enjoy a scarlet dawn in the morning or an orange-red sunset in the evening.


The red moon really looks sinister. But this illumination has no real impact on nature. Except for the impact on fragile minds. The properties of a lunar eclipse to terrify savages ignorant of astronomical matters were used by Christopher Columbus during his fourth expedition to America. The Spaniards spent a year in Jamaica, where the local Indians supplied them with food and water. Over time, relations with the natives soured and the threat of starvation arose over the expedition.

Then Columbus came up with an ingenious way to solve the problem. Having learned from the tables of the German astronomer Johann Müller that there will be a lunar eclipse on February 29, 1504, he invited the Indian leaders for negotiations on that day. When the natives again refused to help, Christopher announced that he would ask the gods to punish the Indians. In response to the incredulous grins, the navigator assured that the leaders would now be presented with unequivocal proof of the impending heavenly punishment. As soon as the moon began to blush, Columbus retired to his cabin and listened with pleasure to the screams of frightened caciques, who on their knees begged for forgiveness. After waiting for the end of the eclipse (it lasted 45 minutes), Columbus went out to the public and canceled the "end of the world." From the next day, the Spaniards knew nothing of the denial of the local aborigines. They were convinced that the pale-faced, bearded men are able to control the will of the gods.


Various kinds of astronomical events are indeed very often mentioned in historical sources... For example, in the Novgorod Chronicles 44 descriptions of celestial phenomena are recorded (in particular, 7 lunar eclipses are mentioned) in 104 different messages. This difference in numbers is explained by the fact that the same event (for example, the appearance of Halley's comet in 1066) was recorded in all four Novgorod chronicles. I must say that the chroniclers were very interested in unusual natural phenomena. This is the second most common group of topics that chronicles describe. The priority, of course, was military and political events - 56.8 percent of all entries related to these particular subjects. But the thematic group "Signs, unusual natural phenomena, disasters" consistently ranked second in terms of mention. On the one hand, these events were chronological markers, it was convenient to count the time from them. On the other hand, people in those days attached special importance to such signs. So from the monument of ancient Russian literature "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" we know that solar eclipse May 1, 1185 was regarded by Prince Igor as a harbinger of great trouble. The bad omen came true, the Polovtsians defeated Russian army, and the prince himself was captured.

Residents of Russia will see the "Bloody Moon" on August 7 Photo: Nail VALIULIN

The lunar eclipse was also perceived as a fatal signal. A characteristic episode is described by the ancient Greek historian Thucydides, the author of the chronicles of the Peloponnesian War. The eclipse of the moon fell on a Sicilian expedition, during which the Athenians tried to capture Syracuse, the homeland of Archimedes. Athenians after unsuccessful campaign were going to be evacuated from the island. However, the lunar eclipse and the appearance of the bloody moon forced them to change their plans. The commander of the Athenians named Nikias, being a superstitious man, decided that the gods were against their retreat. The army hesitated to sail and as a result was defeated, and Nikias himself was executed. So a "two" in a diary is not the worst punishment for poor knowledge of astronomy. And historians, thanks to the special attention of chroniclers to lunar and solar eclipses, the appearance of comets and other astronomical phenomena, can accurately determine the date of certain historical events.


How and where to watch the Blood Moon in Moscow

On the next Monday evening, the moon will resemble a burgundy disc. This was reported to "KP" in the Moscow Planetarium. And this is due to a partial eclipse, which will occur at 20.24 and will last until 22.19 (maximum phase at 21.20). A quarter of the heavenly disk will be in the northern part of the earth's shadow. It will be possible to see this in a professional telescope at the Moscow Planetarium at the Barrikadnaya metro station. And at the same time ask astronomers about the nature of the phenomenon

A partial lunar eclipse will occur on this day

On the next Monday, after eight o'clock in the evening Moscow time, residents of the capital can see how the moon will partially acquire a burgundy-red hue. In addition to Moscow, the unusual phenomenon can be observed over most other Russian regions, with the exception of Chukotka and Kamchatka, where morning will already come by that time. According to the experts of the Moscow Planetarium, the "bloody" moon will become as a result of a partial eclipse.

A partial or partial lunar eclipse occurs when a natural satellite does not fully enter the cone of the "full" shadow cast by the Earth, and sunlight continues to fall on a part of the lunar disk. Full shade is a section of space on which the sun's rays do not fall at all, while a section that is obscured only from some of the sun's rays is called penumbra.

Experts explain that changes in the color of part of the lunar disk to burgundy red is a common phenomenon during partial eclipses. It is also noted that the Moon will be located quite low above the horizon, but this should not interfere with observing the eclipse through a telescope. It will be possible to see the astronomical phenomenon from 20:24 to 22:19 Moscow time - naturally, provided that there are not too many clouds in the sky that day.

As reported on the official website of the Mayor of Moscow, the next lunar eclipse will occur on January 31, 2018 and will be total, and if the weather conditions are favorable, it will be possible to observe in most of Russia, except for the western and southwestern regions.

We will remind, recently it was reported that a solar eclipse will occur on August 21, which, according to astronomers, will be the longest in the history of observations. However, only residents of some regions of the United States will be able to see it - the darkness will completely cover thirteen states. The nearest total solar eclipse, which can be observed on the territory of Russia, will occur on August 12, 2026, and the previous one took place on March 20, 2015.

The moon will hide in the shadows on August 7th. As you know, the satellite of the Earth shines not with its own, but with reflected light. When our planet blocks the sun's rays, a shadow falls on the moon's surface. This time it will cover only part of the satellite, so such eclipses are called private.

Our ancient ancestors also looked at the moon with respect and apprehension. At the same time, not only the moment of the eclipse itself was considered important, but also the three days preceding it, as well as three days after the event itself.

Video: wikipedia.org

One of the old signs calls for avoiding financial transactions at this time: not to lend or borrow. Probably, this rule also applies to loans. However, it is unclear whether, for example, it is possible to pay for purchases in stores with a credit card. Probably, it is better to postpone this too.

Modern astrologers are no less categorical. During these six days, people will become more irritable and vulnerable. The slightest dissatisfaction or reproach can lead to a severe painful quarrel. Scandals are fraught with nervous breakdowns. The bosses will be more picky, and the children will be even more capricious than usual. The moon will provoke arguments, but truth is unlikely to be born in them. After a week, you’ll hardly remember why standing up for your case against all odds seemed so important a few days ago. But by that time, the relationship with another person may already be irretrievably damaged. So restraint in the coming days will definitely not hurt.

Photo: jeffersonstateproducts.com

At risk are people prone to emotional instability and mental disabilities. Communication with them, if possible, should be avoided. But if these are relatives and friends, from whom you cannot hide, then they should not turn on news broadcasts or thrillers at night.

Video: ren.tv

A few more tips for potentially dangerous situations. For example, if possible, avoid driving a car, yacht, airplane, or manned spaceship... The fact that stress provokes traffic accidents has long been known. So, if you really had to get behind the wheel, you need to try to calm down and turn on relaxing music.

Particular care should be taken by pregnant women and people with hypertensive diseases.

Alternative medicine representatives are confident that meditation and contrast showers will help cope with negative factors. Moreover, men need to start and end with cold water, and for women - with a hot one. The exact temperature is usually not indicated.

Photo: mindfulyourownbusiness.com

And many more are sure that it is during the period of the lunar eclipse that you can forever change your life for the better. It is recommended to postpone new beginnings, but there is a good chance to part with old ones. bad habits... Alcoholics, drug addicts and gambling addicts will suddenly have additional internal resources to fight. You can also put an end to harmful psychological addictions and unhealthy attachments.

In general, doctors and scientists are not inclined to exaggerate the impact of lunar eclipses on humans. So the vast majority of people most likely will not even notice that something unusual was happening in the sky. However, vigilance will definitely not hurt.

Alexander Sablin

An unusual natural phenomenon - a satellite of the Earth painted in an ominous reddish color - has frightened humanity for several centuries.

The partial lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 was in the spotlight not only because it can be seen almost throughout Russia, but also because this astronomical phenomenon is quite unusual. To observers-earthlings, the Moon will appear in a burgundy-red color. How can you not be scared?

Great optical illusion

The appearance of the red moon in the sky itself is a spectacular phenomenon and frightening for many, but not so rare. The satellite of our Planet changes its shade due to the fact that it enters the shadow of the Earth and is illuminated only by sunlight that passes through the earth's atmosphere. Due to the fact that the short-wavelength - violet and blue - part of the spectrum is absorbed by it, it remains mainly long-wavelength - red-orange. These rays eventually make the moon "bloody".


There are years when you can observe several red moons in a row at once. So in 2003 and 2004, and then in 2014 and 2015, the red moon rose twice a year every six months. Such "fours" are called tetrads. Moreover, as scientists have found out, between 1582 and 1908 there were no notebooks at all. The next time we should expect them in 2032 and 2033.

If the moon turned red

For many centuries, the bloody moon frightened people, and astrologers and ancient astronomers often associated this event with the coming apocalypse. It was seen as a harbinger of misfortunes, wars, natural disasters. Supporters of the theory of the imminent End of the World, who have been waiting for it from year to year, appeal, among other things, to the signs mentioned in the Bible and the lines that "the sun became dark as a hair shirt, and the moon became like blood." Especially mystics are frightened by tetrads. NASA, in turn, considers the danger of red moons to be imaginary. The agency also does not see the connection between them and the increased activity of meteorites, which many "prophets" are afraid of.

Many signs and superstitions are associated with the red moon. At least, weather troubles were expected from her, in Russia there was even a saying: "The moon turned red - wait for the wind to blow." Those who saw the "bloody moon" were predicted misfortune, some chance to avoid them was the obligatory spitting over the left shoulder.

On the eve and after the "red moon" they tried not to start new business, not to conclude deals and engagements, not to play weddings, and children, conceived or born under the red moon, according to the beliefs of different peoples, were in for misfortune. Even drinking alcohol on the bloody moon was considered by our ancestors to be a serious mistake - they say, after that, alcohol dependence will pursue all our lives.


Next in line is the 2033rd

The inhabitants of the Earth could observe the most spectacular picture in recent decades on the night of September 28, 2015. Then there was a total lunar eclipse, and the so-called bloody Supermoon was visible - the full moon, which, among other things, also approached the Earth at a record close distance. Its disk size was 14% larger than usual.

At the same time, according to many researchers, it is the Supermoon that can be potentially dangerous, and its color has nothing to do with it. Being close to the Earth, it intensifies the gravitational effect on the Planet. This, in turn, can provoke volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Some researchers believe that the strong earthquake that occurred in September 2015 in Chile could be associated with just that September supermoon. We will have to wait for the next one until October 8, 2033 - and it is also expected to be "bloody".

For reference

The partial eclipse of the moon on August 7, 2017 will begin at 20.24 and will continue until 22:19. by Moscow time. Maximum immersion of the moon in the shadow Earth will happen at 21:21. Unusual phenomenon can be seen in most of Russia. The exceptions will be the regions northwest of Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk, where the moon has not yet had time to rise above the horizon, as well as Chukotka and Kamchatka, where morning will already come.

Another, last this year moon eclipse will happen in the evening Monday 7 August... In clear weather, a beautiful and fairly frequent astronomical phenomenon will be available for observation almost throughout Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

It is expected that the August eclipse will reveal to the world the so-called "Bloody moon"- due to the peculiarities of the light refraction of the sun's rays through the Earth's atmosphere, our satellite will be painted in crimson-reddish tones.

Where on the territory of Russia on August 7 it will be possible to observe the eclipse

The partial lunar eclipse, which will occur on August 7, will be available for observation throughout Russia, with the exception of Chukotka and Kamchatka, since at the time of its beginning there the Moon will already disappear behind the horizon line.

What time will the eclipse be

Features of the eclipse on August 7

As astronomers explained, on August 7, the Russians will observe a partial lunar eclipse, during which the lunar disk will be blocked for a terrestrial observer for about two hours. northern part shadows of the earth. In the maximum phase of the eclipse, the lunar disk will be overlapped by the earth's shadow by about a quarter.

When is the best time to observe an eclipse in Moscow and St. Petersburg

In both capitals, the most favorable moment for observing the Moon in the shadow of the Earth is at about 21.20, when our natural satellite will plunge deepest into the Earth's shadow.

Although at this moment the Moon will be located quite low above the horizon, the beautiful celestial phenomenon will be available for observation with the naked eye, as well as through binoculars and telescopes. Also, without additional optics, it will be possible to observe the burgundy red - "bloody" - the color of the "hidden" moon.

Why the moon will be "bloody"

The lunar disk takes on a blood red hue during an eclipse for physical reasons. The fact is that the sun's rays that pass tangentially to the earth's surface do not completely dissipate in the Earth's atmosphere. Some of these rays reach the moon through the earth's atmosphere. At the same time, the Earth's atmosphere is the most transparent for the rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum, therefore, it is these rays during a lunar eclipse that mainly reach the surface of the Moon, giving it a red-burgundy color.

Where to see the eclipse through a telescope on August 7

The Moscow and St. Petersburg Planetariums invite astronomy lovers of all ages to admire the partial lunar eclipse through telescopes.

As reported in Moscow Planetarium, there visitors are expected from 19 to 23 hours.

Tickets for the event can be purchased on August 7 from 19.00 to 22.00 at the box office of the Moscow Planetarium. Several telescopes will operate at the astronomical site to observe the amazing natural phenomenon in addition, astronomers will provide all the necessary explanations and give fascinating lectures on solar and lunar eclipses.

The entrance to the astronomical site of the Moscow Planetarium closes at 22.00, and the event ends at 23.00.

The astronomical platform for observing the lunar eclipse will be open only if the weather is clear, so it is advisable to check everything in advance on the website of the Moscow Planetarium.

Saint Petersburg Planetarium also provides an opportunity to observe the eclipse through telescopes.

Observations of a private lunar eclipse through telescopes will be available at the planetarium observatory on August 7 from 21.00 to 21.50.

It will also be possible to observe through a telescope for starry sky and after the end of the eclipse - from 22.30 to 23.20. Both adults and children from the age of seven are invited to both events.

When is the next lunar eclipse in Russia?

The next lunar eclipse available for observation on the territory of Russia will occur next year - January 31, 2018. The winter eclipse can be observed in all Russian regions, except for the western and southwestern regions. Follow the information on the website Federal agency news.

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