Why does a person bite his lips. What happens if you gnaw your lips inside

Ever since school, you gnaw on caps and every time you apologize to a colleague, "sharpening" her next pen? Or maybe you just can't cope with the urge to clean up all over the place, and you mechanically line up cosmetic jars in even rows on your friend's dressing table, and then meet her indignant gaze? Say what you like, but a habit is really second nature, and getting rid of another “I” that interferes with normal life can be very difficult. However, before you get rid of something, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance, says psychologist Oksana Alberti.

We repeat the same action every day, sometimes without realizing it. Often we come across the disapproval of others, we quarrel with loved ones, if the habits are very bad, for example, smoking or a passion for alcoholic beverages. But here's what's surprising: no matter how we try to get rid of them, habits don't go anywhere. In addition to spoiled relationships with relatives and friends, we also receive internal discomfort that prevents us from living. “Most habits are signals from our subconscious. If you know how to read them, you can understand about a person even what he does not understand about himself. You can also understand that he knows about himself, how he lived and lives, how he built himself. This requires desire, attention and a little knowledge ",- says the psychologist. That is why we took up a very interesting, but difficult task - to find out what these or those bad habits say about us.

The habit of biting your nails

Needless to say, a person with gnawed nails looks repulsive? For many men, neat female fingers are a fetish, and therefore you should not count on increased attention to your person if instead of nails you only have something vaguely reminiscent of them. “The habit of biting your nails speaks of internal tension, of unconscious anxiety. As a rule, it is associated with low self-esteem, lack of self-love. In addition, by chewing on our hands and making them ugly, we unconsciously punish ourselves for not deserving love ”,- the expert comments.

The habit of gnawing on the cap of the pen

Firstly, every time you bring the pen to your mouth, remember that it can be dirty, and then you will have problems not only on the psychological, but also on the physiological level. And secondly, this habit is likely to negatively affect your reputation at work. Oksana Alberti is sure that a person gnawing a pen is perceived by others as an unbalanced type: “This habit speaks of internal anxiety and the tension of its owner. And one more thing: as you know, any elongated oblong object in our unconscious is a phallic symbol. The habit of constantly sucking or gnawing on something like this is an unconscious way to take pleasure through the mouth (oral). This can talk about high degree subconscious concentration on erotic pleasures. "

Getting in the habit of getting your pen cap dirty is likely to negatively impact your reputation at work.

Smoking and alcohol addiction

According to the psychologist, the role of physiological dependence in this case is very exaggerated, and talking about physiology is just a way to justify one's own unwillingness to give up a harmful addiction: “Smoking and alcohol give us additional pleasures, give us a feeling of energy flow, shake our senses. They also play the role of some psychological« painkillers» ... People who are engaged in active intellectual activity often smoke - they need it in order to slow down the actively working consciousness. "

Overeating habit

Unfortunately, some people cannot stop on time not only with alcohol, but also with food. They eat until the button on their jeans flies off with a bang and until they feel sick. As a result - excess weight, dissatisfaction with oneself and an uncontrollable desire to seize the grief that she herself has created. “The root of most of our bad habits is the desire for extra pleasure. Food is an intense pleasure. In addition, in our subconscious, food and sex are very similar in sensations. When we lack love, we try to compensate for it with sex. When there is not enough love and sex, we compensate with food ",- explains Oksana Alberti.

Fanatical love of order

Such people are called sissies - they put things in order everywhere, and even where they are not asked to do so. This is sometimes really annoying to others, since this behavior takes the form of mania, and not a healthy craving for cleanliness. “This habit speaks of a person's longing for the ideal, and it can prevent you from feeling comfortable if someone violates your ideal order. The more you want to keep something perfect, the more often it will be violated, because the perfect does not exist in the world. And the stronger your desire, the more trauma it will be for you to violate this ideal. For example, you will constantly quarrel with those who rearrange things on your desk, and you will become simply unbearable for your colleagues ”,- the expert comments.

The habit of asking again

Surely you sometimes ask your interlocutor for the end of the phrase, although you heard it perfectly. Many are interested in why this is happening. Oksana Alberti answers: “Most likely, I mean echolalia - uncontrollable repetition of the last phrase heard. This phenomenon in adults may be a symptom of developing schizophrenia or other mental illnesses. In this case, it is better to consult a specialist. "

The habit of picking something

If you are haunted by a healing wound, nail polish, a pimple that has appeared and you certainly want to pick them out, then most likely you need to work on achieving inner harmony. “This habit is akin to nail biting - it speaks of anxiety, dissatisfaction. Also about subconscious idealism - I want everything to be somehow perfect, but most importantly - not the way it is now. For example, you touch non-dried nail polish - this is a subconscious desire for it to dry as quickly and quickly as possible to make you perfectly beautiful. The same with the soreit speaks of constant inner rush", - explains the psychologist.

The habit of crunching your fingers

According to Oksana Alberti's observations, men are more likely to crunch their knuckles than women. "Such a habit speaks of inner self-doubt", - adds a psychologist.

The habit of biting the cheeks and lips

Those who constantly bite their cheeks from the inside and lips are familiar with the problem of the appearance of unpleasant sores in the mouth, but this is not the only difficulty, the psychologist says. “The mouth is a place through which we receive many sensual pleasures, not only from delicious food, but also from erotic ones. Unconscious self-harm in the mouth area is a punishment for oneself for excessive inner orientation towards these pleasures. "

The habit of tearing off labels

Earlier, about those who constantly tore off labels from everywhere (from packages of shampoo, jars of cream and various pickles), it was said that they lacked sex, but Oksana Alberti has a different opinion on this matter: “And again we are talking about idealism and perfectionism. In our subconsciousness, a smooth and clean surface looks more perfect. "

Have you chewed your nails since childhood? Or do you mechanically line up the bottles on the mother-in-law's dressing table? Don't let the wound heal, scratch it all the time? But all these habits are signals from our subconscious.

Having learned to recognize their hidden causes and meanings, one can understand how a person treats himself and those around him, what he does not want to show to the world, and even what he himself does not know about himself.

That is why we decided to find out what our bad habits are really talking about.

Nail biting or school neuroses

There is a whole galaxy of so-called "school" neuroses or neuroses of obsessive-compulsive movements, usually acquired in childhood - gnawing nails, caps, pencils, pens.

According to psychologists, the habit of biting nails indicates internal anxiety, unconscious tension. Trying to resolve the internal conflict, the “rodent” transfers it to the external, physical plane - it literally gnaws at itself.

As a rule, this habit is associated with a lack of self-love, with low self-esteem. By biting his nails and making his hands disgusting, a person unknowingly punishes himself for not being worthy of love.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis, any elongated elongated object (be it a pen or a finger) is a phallic symbol for our unconscious.

The habit of sucking, biting something like that is an unconscious way to get oral pleasure. Perhaps this indicates a significant concentration on erotic pleasures.

The habit of coping with stress through smoking

Psychologists are unanimous in the opinion that talking about physiology is nothing more than an attempt to justify the unwillingness to give up addiction. Smoking is strongly associated with rest, it gives the illusion of relaxation, plays the role of some psychological "pain relievers".

By compensating for the sucking reflex, the smoker experiences the peace and tranquility of the baby sucking the mother's breast, thereby satisfying the need for love and food.

Many people claim that they smoke in order to concentrate, believing that smoking helps to concentrate. For some, smoking makes it easier to establish social bonds - it is easier to strike up a conversation in a smoking room than in an office corridor.

Whatever the reason for emotional dependence on a cigarette, in order to quit smoking, you must get rid of it by finding other ways to concentrate, relax, or communicate with others.

The habit of uncontrolled eating - overeating

Food addictions are firmly in the first place in terms of prevalence, ahead of drug addiction and alcoholism. We eat without feeling the taste and smell of food until it becomes sick and the belt cuts into our sides.

As a result - a heavy sleep, digestive problems and gained pounds, self-loathing and - as in a vicious circle - the return of an uncontrollable desire to seize this hatred.

Most bad habits are caused by the desire for pleasure. Food is the strongest and most readily available source. By overeating, we make up for the lack of positive emotions, dull reactions to stressful situations.

Many emotional eaters defend themselves against mentally stronger people. In addition, in our subconscious there is a strong connection between food and sex: both are tied to the violation of the boundaries of our body and bring pleasure.

We often try to compensate for the lack of love with sex. And when we feel a lack of love and sex, we compensate for this with food.

The habit of biting lips and cheeks

People who have a habit of biting their lips and cheeks from the inside are well aware of the problem of stomatitis - the appearance of ulcers in the mouth. However, this problem is not the only one.

The mouth is the place through which we take in a huge amount of sensual pleasures associated with taste and eroticism. Unconsciously damaging this zone, a person punishes himself for excessive inner orientation towards these pleasures.

Often, such an obsessive action also means a desire for independence and autonomy from others. For example, a grown-up person can no longer psychologically live with his parents, but he has no opportunity to separate from them.

The habit of crunching your fingers

According to the observations of doctors, men are more likely to crunch their knuckles than women. Crunch-lovers claim that this habit helps them release tension, develop stiff joints, and relax their hands.

But most often this habit speaks of inner self-doubt.

Fanatical love of order

They put things in order wherever they go, no matter how appropriate. This habit speaks of a person's compulsive craving for the perfect, which makes it difficult to feel comfortable if suddenly someone put the glass out of line with the others.

If you constantly tear off labels from everywhere (from shampoo packages, jars, bottles) - this also indicates your perfectionism. A clean and smooth surface looks more perfect.

Obsession with the topic of order in psychology is called "accentuation" and even has a Freudian explanation. People who were taught to potty in childhood, resorting to tough team methods, cannot stand the slightest disturbance of order all their lives, tinder, clean and arrange everything on a ruler.

This is a character trait, not a disease. However, it is worth considering this and not repeating the mistakes of your parents when raising your own children. And also to realize that the world is not perfect, and this is normal.

The habit of scratching wounds and pimples

If you are haunted by an emerging pimple or a healing wound, there is an acute desire to pick them up, then most likely you need to take action to restore inner harmony.

This habit is akin to nail biting, and speaks of anxiety, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. According to the research of Finnish psychologists, a person with such a habit tries to punish himself in a similar way for stupid or obscene thoughts.

This can be perceived as a symbolic reprisal against their own aggressiveness. Such actions can be considered as auto-aggression (aggression directed against oneself) in order to attract attention to one's own person.

The habit of tearing paper

The habit of tearing paper expresses a person's desire to realize his own aggression, directed outward.

In the case when it is impossible to express their own anger, irritation, displeasure directly to the “culprit”, the person chooses socially acceptable options for substitutionary actions.

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Do you have a bad lip biting habit? You are probably doing this because they are dry and cracked. Taking good care of your lips will keep them smooth and supple, so you no longer need to bite them. By exfoliating your lips, moisturizing them, and some lifestyle changes that promote healthy skin, you will make your lips look beautiful and get rid of the lip biting habit forever.


Part 1

Moisturizing lips

    Work on moisturizing your lips instead of biting them. Are you unknowingly nibbling at the dead skin that has gathered on your lips? When you feel like a small piece of skin is peeling off, it is impossible to resist and bite it off. However, biting your lips doesn't actually make them any less dry or healthier. Instead of nibbling off bits of skin, invest that energy in improving lip health. The result is soft lips without dead skin that look great, rather than rough looking lips with blood at the bite site.

    Massage your lips with a toothbrush. Moisten your lips with warm water, then massage them with a clean toothbrush in a circular motion... This will remove the accumulated dry, dead skin that causes the lips to flake off and become chapped. While lip biting often peels off too much skin, resulting in bleeding, brushing only removes the top layer of dead skin and does not touch the protective layer of the lips.

    • A clean washcloth is another good option for massaging your lips. But be sure to use a new washcloth, as bacteria can live in the old one.
    • Don't rub your lips too hard with the brush. If your lips are still a little rough after this massage, that's okay, that's okay. You may need more than one session to completely get rid of dead skin.
  1. Try a sugar scrub. This is a great option if your lips are very chapped and sore, as it is slightly softer than brushing. Make a simple mixture of one teaspoon of sugar and one teaspoon of honey. Apply a small amount to lips and massage gently with your fingers. This will remove the top layer of dead skin without damaging the bottom layer. When done, rinse off the scrub with warm water.

    Apply an emollient lip balm. An emollient balm is a substance that traps moisture in the skin and protects it from drying out. When your lips are severely dry and chapped, regular chapstick may not be enough for them to heal. Look for a product that contains one of the following emollients as a main ingredient:

    • Shea Butter
    • Coconut oil
    • Jojoba oil
    • Avocado oil
    • Rosehip oil
  2. Repeat the above steps until your lips are free of dry skin. It may take more than one moisturizing session to get the lips back into shape. Repeat the exfoliation process every few days. In between sessions, apply the emollient to your lips during the day and at night. Do not repeat the process more than once a day, as this may irritate the skin.

    Protect your lips throughout the night. Do you often wake up with dry lips? This may be due to an open mouth while sleeping. If you breathe through your mouth all night, your lips can dry out quickly. While changing your breathing habits can be difficult, you can still fix the problem by protecting your lips during the night. Remember to apply lip balm before bed every night to wake up with hydrated lips, not chapped.

    Drink plenty of water. Dry, chapped lips are often a side effect of dehydration. You may not be drinking enough water throughout the day. Drink whenever you feel thirsty and try to replace coffee and soda plain water whenever possible. After a few days, your lips will become softer and more hydrated.

    • Alcohol is a notorious promoter of dehydration. If you often wake up with chapped lips, try cutting off alcohol a few hours before bed and drinking plenty of water before going to bed.
    • Carry a bottle of water with you throughout the day so you can always have a drink when you feel thirsty.
  3. Try using a humidifier. If you have naturally dry skin, a humidifier can be a lifesaver for you, especially in winter. It moisturizes dry air so that the latter does less damage to your skin. Install a humidifier in your bedroom and see if you can feel the difference after a few days.

Part 3

Making lifestyle changes

    Eat less salt. The salt builds up on the lips and can dry out quickly. Changing your diet, reducing the amount of salt in it, can greatly affect the texture of your lips. If you do eat salty foods, rinse your lips with warm water afterward so that no salt remains on them.

    Do not smoke. Smoking is very harmful to the lips, causing dryness and irritation. If you are a smoker, there are many good reasons to kick the habit, and healthy lips is one of them. Try to keep smoking to the minimum possible to keep your lips safe from damage.

    Protect your lips from sun exposure. Like all skin, lip skin is susceptible to sun damage. Apply lip balm with SPF 15 or higher to protect your lips from sunburn.

    Cover your face in cold or dry weather. Nothing can make your lips dry and chapped like the cold, dry winter air. If you are more likely to bite your lips in winter than in summer, then he will be the reason. Try pulling up your scarf and covering your mouth when you go outside in winter to protect your lips from the cold.

Many people have the bad habit of biting their lips. For some, such an action helps to calm down, while others remove rough skin on the lips.

Reasons for the emergence of a habit

The bad habit of lip biting does not just appear. It can form at any age, but this is usually the period of childhood and adolescence. In most cases, the habit speaks of psychological problems.

The main reasons for the habit:

  1. Lack of parental attention. The child receives little love from the parents. He needs mom's hugs, kisses, praise. He has a bad relationship with his family. Instead of love and affection, he usually gets punished for bad behavior and bickering. In such cases, the child involuntarily begins to slightly bite his lips, and may also gnaw his cheeks from the inside. After some time, this unconscious movement turns into a habit.
  2. Negative emotions. Adults bite their lips or cheeks when they cannot control their emotions. Some are hysterical, and there are those who just silently bite their cheeks in the hope of getting rid of emotional discomfort. The habit can manifest itself when there is stress at work. The person reacts too emotionally to this situation... He is suppressed by frequent anxiety and, in order to calm down, he bites his lips and cheeks. In this way, he inflicts pain, wanting to quickly bring himself to his senses. Sometimes a person bites his cheek even while laughing.
  3. Desire to get rid of rough skin. In cold weather or strong winds, the lips become chapped. Their surface becomes rough, the skin cracks. This creates some discomfort. As a result, some people chew on the flaky crust.

Another reason when they bite from the inside of the cheek is that a person is in thought. This simple action helps to keep him focused on the problem and not lose focus. After he thinks it over important questions, the action is terminated.

If the child had a good, carefree childhood, then he will not have the bad habit of biting his cheek. Otherwise, you should first find out the reason due to which this disorder was formed, and later try to eliminate it.


Lip biting indicates that a person is very worried, worried, stressed, or experiencing other unpleasant sensations. He gets small wounds. The lips begin to become inflamed, and this is fraught with the fact that they begin to react to spicy and salty foods, cold and hot water. This creates an unpleasant feeling of very heavily chapped lips.

Another negative consequence is the possibility of contracting an infection. Microrans are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria that lead to skin inflammation. As a result, various diseases can form and actively develop, one of them is cheilitis: an ugly herpes appears, which also worsens appearance lips and face.

For girls, bitten lips are the inability to apply lipstick due to the excessively red border of the lips. Cosmetics will lay down in an uneven layer and further accentuate ugly cracks. This is especially important for women whose professional activities involve communication with people.


Getting rid of the lip biting habit is difficult, but real. This will take 10-40 days.

The first thing to do is to find the reason for this habit. You need to listen to yourself, focus on your behavior. You will notice under what circumstances you start biting your lips. You need to try to control yourself and not perform such manipulations.

It is important to learn to control your actions and emotions as well. In moments of strong emotional outbursts and when thoughtful, try to restrain yourself from biting your lips. Remember what the consequences of this addiction are: inflammation, cracks, burning sensation on the lips.

Method name Description
1 Calm lifestyle. Try to protect yourself as much as possible from stressful situations... It is important that positive emotions prevail. If this cannot be avoided, then learn to relieve stress in a pleasant way. You can go for a relaxing massage, go to spa treatments. It is convenient to carry out aromatherapy and color therapy at home. Sometimes a regular bathroom with warm water will help.
2 A reward for successfully overcoming a problem. You need to reward yourself for any success, especially when fighting a bad habit. Set yourself a specific time frame for which you need to take a certain step towards overcoming the problem. If you manage to hold out, reward yourself with something pleasant - going to the cinema, cafe, etc.
3 Correct care. If the reason for the bitten skin is excessively dry lips, then it is advisable to purchase a moisturizing or nourishing lip balm. It is applied at night, before going outside (especially in winter or when the weather is windy) or at any other convenient time, and also a balm is used before painting lips with lipstick so that cracks are less noticeable.
4 Taking vitamins. If the habit of biting your lips occurs due to vitamin deficiency, then you need to drink a course of vitamins. It is especially important to increase the amount of vitamins A, E and group B. If vitamin deficiency occurs in winter, you need to introduce more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. Vitamin A is found in pumpkin, carrots, sea buckthorn, bell pepper. Vitamin E is present in spinach, eggs, almonds, soybeans, peas. B vitamins are found in pork and beans.
5 Sedatives. Such drugs will help if the reason for biting the lip is psychological stress. Among the most popular means are "Uspokoin", "Valerian", "Fitosed", "Persen-Forte", "Novo-Passit", "Corvalol", etc. But buying any of the drugs without consulting a doctor is undesirable. Remember, self-medication can be dangerous!
6 Keep a success diary. This method will help not only get rid of the bad habit, but also raise self-esteem, improve mood and teach how to achieve goals. Every day, you need to set a specific task for yourself and write the results in a diary at the end of the day. In addition to notes, you can take and attach a photo of the lips.
7 Visualization of dreams. Be sure to imagine how beautiful, well-groomed lips should be. To do this, it is better to find a photo of lips and hang them near the workplace. This will be a kind of motivation.
8 Pronouncing affirmations. These are positive affirmations that are aimed at gaining motivation. They must be compiled independently or found ready-made, printed and posted in a conspicuous place. Another option is to memorize it. They should inspire, energize, and help exercise willpower.

Folk recipes

Even if a person takes a vitamin course, the lips need to be looked after externally. This will help special masks and balms that can be made at home.

The first recipe is an oil-based balm. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • Shea Butter;
  • wax;
  • cacao butter;
  • almond or coconut milk;
  • cocoa powder.

All components are taken in an amount of 1 tsp. First, wax is heated in a water bath, after which it is mixed with all the other components. The product is placed in a lipstick tube or in a small container with which it will be convenient to smear lips, placed in the refrigerator for a day. After that, the product should be applied as needed or when the lips begin to dry out. Shelf life - up to 6 months.

Another recipe is honey balm. Take 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. butter. A prerequisite is liquid honey. The components are not heated, but simply mixed. The product is applied to the lips before going out or before bed. It will help to quickly get rid of dry lips, it can be stored for up to 2 months.

Both products are harmless and can be used even during pregnancy. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

Specialist help

Sometimes you should see a psychologist. It will help to put in order the nervous system and thoughts in order to find harmony with yourself.

In the treatment of constant cheek or lip biting, several therapies are used:

  • cognitive-behavioral;
  • group;
  • individual;
  • psychoanalysis;

All of them have one goal - to eliminate the reason due to which the habit of biting lips and cheeks has formed from the inside. The only difference is in the approach to treatment.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis are very similar: the patient is initially asked to think and respond to the following:

  • why I like to rip off my lips;
  • how I feel after this process;
  • whether it becomes easier for me;
  • who said it would last forever;
  • what happens if I change this habit to another;
  • do I understand the consequences of my actions, etc.

The doctor then asks the patient to imagine a situation that is causing him stress. He closely observes the patient's reaction and the nature of his actions. This will allow you to understand how strong the habit is. After that, the psychologist asks to switch to something more pleasant.

The peculiarity of cognitive-behavioral therapy is that its main part is homework. The doctor may ask the patient to find a hobby in order to learn how to distract from problems and psychological stress. This could be:

  • reading an interesting book;
  • going in for sports;
  • meditation and yoga;
  • visiting cultural events;
  • trips;
  • communication with other patients, etc.

The goal of homework is to find yourself and enjoy life. It will have a beneficial effect on getting rid of the habit, lifestyle and personal growth client.

On group lessons In addition to general pastime, patients are taught breathing techniques. The basic rule is to inhale deeply through the nose (3-4 s), slowly exhale through the mouth (2-3 s). Usually 5 breaths are enough to come to your senses.

In addition to a psychologist, a visit to a dermatologist and cosmetologist is mandatory. Specialists will prescribe a certain course of vitamin preparations, give useful tips about what lip care should be.

A beautician will help you change the appearance of your lips, and a psychologist will help you put things in order in your head, thoughts and soul.


The habit of biting lips and cheeks is the result of psychological stress, prolonged stress. This can form both in childhood and at a conscious age. A vitamin course, affirmations, keeping a diary of success, etc. will help you get rid of this habit. The main thing is to visit a cosmetologist, dermatologist and psychologist.

Lip biting is a problem for most adults. Thinking about the problem, worrying and worrying, they bite their own lips. It looks unaesthetic. In this way, it is easy to infect and inflame the skin.

You can get rid of this habit. You need tight control over your actions and detailed psychoanalysis.

Possible reasons

We use our lips to express our own feelings. There are people who have developed the habit of biting their lips or cheeks. This expresses their feeling of self-doubt, experiences. This mimic gesture shows that a person is puzzled by something, feels fear and is nervous about something.

The habit arises in childhood. Its reasons: lack of attention, lack of parental love, frequent stress and nervous breakdowns. By biting his lip, the child tries to hold back tears or anger when being scolded. He does this, not knowing the answer in the lesson and being nervous about it. He bites his skin every time he experiences negative emotions. If the baby does this regularly, then the action becomes a habit. And being of a conscious age, he cannot get rid of it.

Biting on the skin helps to calm down. In this way, a person tries to cope with emotions. When he makes this gesture, it becomes easier for him, he calms down faster. It is believed that physical pain is sobering and helps to come to your senses.

Lip biting is a way to get rid of rough skin. In strong winds, the lips are often chapped, the skin becomes flaky and gets in the way. And instead of lubricating it with a moisturizing balm, the person once again gnaws rough skin. But it often brings discomfort. Lips can be bitten to the point of blood, which can lead to cracks.


Bitten lips look unattractive. Especially if wounds with blood are visible. Even a pretty lipstick won't hide it.

Other consequences:

  1. Inflammation. Infection can be introduced through cracks. Especially if you have another bad habit - nail biting. And herpes on women's lips looks ugly.
  2. The discomfort. For a person with bitten lips, every meal will be problematic. In places where there are wounds, there will be burning and pain. Especially if the dishes are salty and spicy.
  3. Skin condition. Due to the constant nibbling, the skin will be rough.

Lip problems and cheek biting from the inside can cause problems throughout the mouth. This negatively affects the condition of the teeth. Microbes enter the oral cavity and begin to multiply instantly. The result is plaque, caries, ulcers on the inside of the lip.


It is imperative to get rid of bad habits. This develops willpower.

Learn to control your actions. Pay attention to what you do in times of stress and anxiety. Motivate yourself. If it was not possible to stop the process in time, you can come up with a light punishment.

Ways to get rid of the habit of biting your cheek, lips:

  1. Pamper yourself after every little victory. If you manage the scheduled time not to bite the skin on your lips, give yourself a little encouragement. It can be sweetness, half an hour of rest, a walk. Relaxing treatments like going to the spa or massages are a great motivation.
  2. Taking vitamins. Deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals negatively affects the skin. It is important to start taking the appropriate medications to get your lips and mouth in order. It is necessary to drink the whole complex. For a list of medications, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  3. Sedatives. If the reason for cheek biting is nervous breakdowns or mental disorders, anti-anxiety pills will help. They improve the condition nervous system, thanks to which it is easier for a person to find harmony with himself. For an appointment, be sure to contact a neurologist.
  4. Correct care. This is especially true for girls. You must use special creams and ointments. Before going to bed and going outside, carefully lubricate your lips with a moisturizing balm or hygienic lipstick.

If the lips are bitten or cracked, it is prohibited to apply lipstick on them. This can make the situation worse. And it looks ugly. Only special care products are permitted. This will help to make the skin well-groomed, soft and beautiful.

Relatives can help to cope with the problem. Ask them to remind you not to peel your skin every time it happens. The patient will feel ashamed and want to break the habit as soon as possible.

Working with a psychologist

In psychology, the habit of cheek biting is called mental pathology. For its treatment, a technique such as psychoanalysis is used. It is necessary to determine the reasons due to which the habit of ripping off the lips or cheeks has formed. To do this, the patient is asked to consider the following:

  • why I bite the skin on my lips;
  • what happens if you replace this habit with another action;
  • how I feel when biting my cheek;
  • whether it becomes easier for me after that.

This allows us to understand whether the disease is associated with mental disorders or is it a need to remove rough skin. If the person has a second reason, self-treatment should be tried. If the problem has arisen on a psychological level, you need to seek help from a specialist.

The psychologist asks you to imagine a situation that is stressful and makes you nervous. The physician's job is to monitor the behavior and actions of the patient. Usually, habitual actions are performed automatically, on a subconscious level. And if the client starts to bite his cheek, then additional sessions are assigned. If not, he is offered to start caring for the epidermis.

The client is given homework. Among them may be the search for a favorite activity or hobby. These are physical activity, travel, new hobbies, visits to cultural institutions. The main thing is for the patient to relax and forget about their problems. Every competent psychologist says that such a technique is effective. And in addition to treatment, it helps self-development and gets better.

The psychologist asks the patient to use affirmations. These are positive statements, the purpose of which is to motivate a person. They work through self-hypnosis.

Powerful affirmations:

  • I will succeed;
  • I will definitely stop biting my cheek;
  • I have tremendous willpower;
  • I will deal with my problem very quickly;
  • I will stop biting my lips and they will look attractive, etc.

Such phrases help a person to believe in himself. It is important that close people repeat them to a person. This will be a double motivation.

Average number of sessions per course - 5. Depends on mental state the patient and his desire to cope with the problem.


The habit of cheek or lip biting is a problem for many adults. This indicates their lack of self-confidence, feelings, fears and other problems at the psychological level. The result is ugly, bitten lips.

Self-medication will help to cope with the problem. The main thing is to have desire and willpower. Initially, you need to start caring for your skin, which will help moisturizing lipsticks and balms. If this is not enough, you can contact a psychologist. He will conduct psychoanalysis and help the patient to get rid of the bad habit forever.

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