Where did the name Vadim come from? Name for a boy Vadim: meaning, character and fate

Like other names, the name Vadim has several versions of the meaning. This of course is connected with different versions about the origin of the name. We will provide you with these versions.

According to the first version, the name Vadim is a name of ancient Russian origin. It came from the word "vaditi". In Old Russian, this means to slander or sow confusion. Also, supporters of ancient Russian origin have a version that the name Vadim is the accepted abbreviation of the name Vladimir in Rus'.

The second version of the origin of the name Vadim is also Old Russian. According to her, the name Vadim is a two-root name, where Vad is an abbreviation for vadit. Supporters of this theory argue that vadit is more likely not to "slander", but to "lead" or "beckon". The second part of the name Im means "to have" or "to possess". It can be argued that according to this version the name Vadim means "calling" or "attracting".

The meaning of the name Vadim for a child

Little Vadim is growing up as a very active boy. He is so active that it can even cause some anxiety to others. Parents face the most difficult task of directing this energy in a peaceful direction. By simply pulling the child and asking to be calmer, you will not achieve anything good. A more creative approach is needed here.

In studies, Vadim has no difficulties. He easily copes with any tasks if desired. However, his perseverance is bad. For a full-fledged study, he must like studying, otherwise his performance will not be very good. If Vadim is carried away by something, then it is extremely difficult to tear him away from his hobby. He quickly achieves some success, after which he usually loses interest. His hobbies change quite often, so take it for granted.

Vadim's health is good and does not cause much concern. He needs to be careful in terms of bed rest, which is extremely difficult for him. Vadim has a high vital energy, which even helps to cheer up those around him.

Abbreviated name Vadim

Vad, Vadik, Vadimka, Dima, Vadya, Vadya.

Diminutive names

Vadimchik, Vadechka, Vadyushka, Vadyusha, Vadimushka, Vadimochka, Vadisha.

Patronymic of children

Vadimovich and Vadimovna. Folk forms Vadymych and Vadimichna.

Name Vadim in English

In English, the name Vadim is written as Vadim. This completely coincides with the transliteration of the name.

Name Vadim for passport- VADIM.

Translation of the name Vadim into other languages

in Armenian - Vuadim
in Belarusian - Vadzim
in Chinese - 瓦迪姆
in German - Wadim and Vadim
in Polish - Wadym
in Romanian - Vadim
in Ukrainian - Vadim
in Japanese - ヴァディム (read as Wa-di-mu)

Church name Vadim(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Vadim.

Characteristics of the name Vadim

Characteristics of Vadim can be called decisiveness and diligence. From childhood, they easily start events of any complexity. Vadim is not afraid of any tasks and he believes that he can handle everything. As we have already noted, if Vadim decided on something, then his hard work and diligence can only be envied. Quite often, he throws the case halfway, as he is tired of it, but such is the peculiarity of Vadim.

Work for Vadim is a hobby. He is unlikely to work at an unloved job. This forces him to change quite a few directions in his work, but in each he usually achieves some success. He is a good leader and rarely makes mistakes. Vadim is a wonderful negotiator and knows how to negotiate with the right people.

Family for Vadim is a heavy responsibility. He, as a person who easily changes preferences, is burdened by the need to stop at one single one. If Vadim decides to marry, then at first he will be a wonderful family man. However, it is difficult to say how long this will last. But if Vadim meets "that one", then it will be a truly elevated relationship. He loves his children, but is engaged in upbringing episodically. She loves spending time with her family on vacation. Knows how to arrange a home well.

The secret of the name Vadim

The secret of Vadim can be called a certain narcissism. He is so proud that he does not even notice his obvious oversights. He is ready to blame anyone for his failures, but not to take responsibility for himself. Moments like these can only be lived through. At this time, he will not listen to anyone, even those closest to him.

The second secret can be called Vadim's love for manipulation. He perfectly sees the weaknesses of a person and easily uses them to achieve his goal. Often people, thinking that Vadim is their friend, are in this delusion for a very long time. Be careful with Vadim.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Calf.

totem animal- Vol.

Name color- Yellow, but lemon yellow is better.

Tree- Nut.

Plant- Dahlia.

Stone- Turquoise.

Meaning and origin:

The name Vadim is a mystery to researchers. Some produce it from Avestan roots, comparing the ancient Aryan words "Vata" or "Vayu", meaning wind, a symbol of victory.

Indeed, the holy martyr Vadim of Persia is known in history. At the same time, this name also found its way into the Novgorod annals, which is not really surprising, given the closeness of many Avestan and Old Slavic roots. Other researchers derive it from the Slavic verb “vadit”, meaning “to argue, sow confusion”, turning a blind eye to the fact that in this case Vadim is the only canonized insult name of its kind, and not everything is going smoothly with the suffix. According to our version, this is the name of two indigenous people, while the word “vadit” does not mean “argue”, but “attract”, attract, attract. This root has been preserved in the Russian words “to get along, to take it easy” and others. The second root is "ima, imati", meaning "possession, possession, to have". Thus, the name Vadim literally means "having attractiveness, calling, beloved."

Energy and Karma:

Interestingly, the energy of this name is shrouded in the same mystery as its origin. In terms of the energy of the sound, it is filled with calmness, unhurriedness, but this is the silence of the deep sea. Indeed, the word “water” is easily associated with this name, the calmness of which is often deceptive, sometimes it frightens, but more often it fascinates. As in the ancient saying that “one can look at three things endlessly: at running water, at a burning fire and at a person who works”, so with the name of Vadim: it can bewitch with its not very clear depth.

Secrets of communication: it is interesting that in a conversation Vadim often says what he thinks, sometimes not noticing that his words can be misunderstood. Sometimes this can offend the interlocutor, nevertheless, behind Vadim's offensive words there is rarely an intention to offend, and therefore there is no reason to be offended. Be sure that by making friends with Vadim, you will get an ally who will not hide the truth from you.

  • Zodiac sign: Pisces.
  • Planet: Mercury.
  • Name colors: blue, red, brown.
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli.

For ambitious Vadimov - hematite-bloody, noble black opal.

The meaning of the name Vadim option 2

Vadim - "bully" (glor.)

Usually a healthy, sociable, cheerful child. He, like a lamb, jumps around the room or skips along the alley of the park, scaring the old grandmother or random passers-by with his screams. But it is not from disobedience.

Vadim is very sensitive to his mother's remarks, dearly loves her and dad and his sister and brother, if he has them, but he has so much unspent energy ... Therefore, in childhood, you need to make sure that Vadik does not ride a bicycle onto the roadway road, fell from a tree or a balcony. He studies well, but teachers complain about his restlessness.

From Vadimov sensible leaders are obtained. They feel people, caring, remember their promises. Extremely hardworking and dedicated. Having taken up something, he will not stop until he achieves his goal. He is not devoid of prudence and some cunning, carefully thinks through his actions and statements. It has "punching" abilities: it is a pleasure to get something rare and scarce for Vadim; he sees a certain game in this and experiences approximately the same feelings that an athlete has when he wins.

This is a passionate, addictive nature. May be addicted to cards, prone to risk. In entertainment, he adheres to the principle of "walk - walk like that" and sometimes, following it, intercepts over the edge. He loves fast driving and a good table.

It happens that he meets a girl for a long time, prepares for a wedding, but under the influence of a fleeting hobby, he marries another. But, having fallen in love, loves thoroughly: strongly and for a long time. His jealousy is just as passionate. And this is not surprising: Vadim's wife is more than a wife, she is his second "I" for him. The woman who connected her life with him is usually satisfied with her fate.

Vadim is prone to colds, he also needs to beware of accidents.

"Winter" - sociable, cheerful, frank with friends.

"Autumn" - passionate, addicted nature. Can become a builder, a mechanic, succeed in the field of electronics. This is the leader. Suitable for patronymics: Petrovich, Pavlovich, Andreevich, Mikhailovich, Borisovich, Vyacheslavovich, Evgenievich.

"Summer" - energetic, active, to some extent an altruist.

"Spring" Vadim loves comfort, loves to flaunt his abilities, boastful. Employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, writer, actor, realist artist. Here is a suitable role for him in life. Patronymics: Egorovich, Zinovievich, Illarionovich, Iosifovich, Davydovich, Lazarevich - will help him succeed.

The meaning of the name Vadim option 3

The meaning of this name is controversial. Some researchers consider it to be Persian, but the majority is inclined to believe that it comes from the old Russian word "vaditi" - to sow confusion, argue, accuse, slander; perhaps this is a shortened form of the name Vadimir.

Usually Vadim is a healthy, sociable, cheerful child. He, like a lamb, will jump around the room or run hopping along the alley of the park, scaring grandmothers sitting on benches or bystanders with cries. But it is not from disobedience. Vadim is very sensitive to his mother's remarks, dearly loves her and his father, his sisters and brothers, if he has them, but he has so much unspent energy ... Therefore, in childhood, you need to make sure that the boy does not ride a bicycle onto the roadway road, fell from a tree or a balcony. He studies well, but teachers complain about his restlessness.

The Vadimovs make good leaders. They feel people well, caring, remember their promises. Extremely hardworking and dedicated. Once they start something, they won't stop until they get it. They are not devoid of prudence and some cunning, they carefully think over their actions and statements. They have good “punching” abilities, getting something rare and scarce is a pleasure for them, they see it as a certain game, a sporting interest, experiencing something like the feelings of an athlete who defeated his opponent.

Vadim are passionate, addicted natures. They can be addicted to cards, reckless, risk-averse. In entertainment, they adhere to the principle of "walk - walk like that" and sometimes, following it, they grab it over the edge. They also like fast driving and a good table. They can date a girl for a long time, prepare for marriage, but under the influence of a fleeting passion, marry another. Having fallen in love, they love thoroughly: strongly and for a long time. And their jealousy is just as passionate. A wife for Vadim is more than a wife, she is his second "I". Vadimov's wives are usually satisfied with their fate.

"Winter" - "heavy", for a long time they cannot decide on the choice of profession, wife, friends. "Summer" - softer, lazier.

Vadim will find happiness in marriage with Alexandra, Vera, Dina, Ekaterina, Lilia, Ruslana, Svetlana. A happy marriage with Alina, Alla, Venus, Helena, Juliet, Elena, Anna, Maya, Olga, Polina, Tamara, Yana is unlikely.

The meaning of the name Vadim option 4

Secretive, emotional, hypersexual. These are the conquerors of women's hearts - with an extraordinary appearance and a cold mind. In fact, they are very gentle, easily vulnerable, talented, inquisitive, amorous. All their lives they strive to find an ideal woman, they dream of her.

Winter - "heavy", for a long time they cannot decide on the choice of profession, wife, friends. They write very beautiful poems, prose, pictures.

Summer ones are softer, lazier, but also not without talents. Think fast, read fast, act fast.

The meaning of the name Vadim option 5

Vadim - from other Russian. accuse, slander, abbreviation of the Slavic name Vadimir.

Derivatives: Vadimka, Dima, Vadya, Vadish, Vadyusha.

Folk omens.

If there is no rain, clouds and wind on Vadim in the morning, there will be a clear day and a good summer; if the weather is bad - bad weather and a bad summer.


Diligence, purposefulness and perseverance are the main features of Vadim's rich nature. It gives him pleasure to do what others cannot: get a rare medicine, a book, etc. Having promised something, he will not rest until he achieves his goal. He is not devoid of prudence and even cunning, he carefully thinks over any word, remembering that it is not a sparrow. But at the same time, Vadim is passionate, passionate, sometimes inclined to take risks. In entertainment, he acts according to the principle “to walk like this to walk”, and then he is “knee-deep sea”; with whom he spends time, who are his chosen ones - he doesn't care.

famous namesakes.

The Monk Vadim, Archimandrite, suffered for his adherence to Christ in 376.

Vadim the Brave, the grandson of Gostomysl - according to legend, the leader of the Novgorodians who rebelled against Rurik, dissatisfied with the autocracy of the newcomer and the actions of his relatives; killed by Rurik in 864

Vadim Gabrielevich Shershenevich (1893-1942) - Russian poet, literary critic.

The meaning of the name Vadim option 6

VADIM - accuser (old Russian).

Name day: April 22 - The Monk Martyr Vadim, Archimandrite, suffered for the faith of Christ in the year 376.

  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Planet - Moon.
  • Color - lemon yellow.
  • Auspicious tree - walnut.
  • Treasured plant - dahlia.
  • The patron of the name is an ox.
  • The talisman stone is turquoise.


Vadim is extremely hardworking and purposeful. Once he starts something, he won't stop until he gets his way. Not devoid of prudence and some cunning, carefully thinks through his statements. Possesses the ability of the great "getting" - for him it is a way of life game. Vadim is a passionate, addicted person; prone to risk. In entertainment, he acts on the principle of “walk like a walk”, and then, to put it mildly, he is promiscuous in his lover of women and love.

The meaning of the name Vadim option 7

There is no established opinion about the origin of the name Vadim. According to one version, it comes from the Old Russian word "vaditi", which means "to argue", "to sow confusion", "to accuse".

Very restless as a child. He is constantly on the move, loves to run and play, while giving vent to his emotions. Vadim can become a good leader. He understands people well, takes care of them, keeps his promises. Very hardworking and goal oriented. When he takes on a task, he always brings it to the end. He doesn't do stupid things and doesn't say anything superfluous. Vadim is easily carried away by nature.

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number 5.

The male name Vadim is associated with something majestic and powerful. The meaning of the name Vadim endows this person with an unusually deep soul. Understanding this person is sometimes quite difficult. It is even more difficult to predict actions and thoughts.

The interpretation of the name says that this man is strongly influenced by the number 5, which gives unpredictability in actions and love of life. It is easy for this person to go through life with a sharp mind and a certain resourcefulness. Vadya easily loses his temper and becomes irritable.

The meaning of the name Vadim for a boy says that due to the flexibility of character, this child quickly adapts even to difficult situations. All kinds of blows of fate do not leave a serious trace in the soul. Only in rare cases can a nervous breakdown occur in such a person. In this case, the severity of the traumatic act is of considerable importance.

The meaning of the name Vadim for a child allows us to talk about this boy as a big fidget. Freedom of movement is of great importance for the wadi. He likes to run, jump and express his emotions noisily. Mom and dad often even have to pull their son back so that he behaves a little quieter in crowded places.

The opinion of his parents is important to him. He tries to take into account their comments and listens to requests. Mother and father are of great importance to him. Most of all, Vadya is afraid of inadvertently upsetting them with a word or with his act.

Studying is given to the boy quite easily. Able to successfully cope with all school subjects. While raising a boy, you must always be very vigilant, as he may accidentally fall or get hurt.


Difficulties in relations with women in Wadi may arise due to his changeability. Such a man is able to seek the location of a girl for a long time and even propose to her, but just before the wedding, fall in love with another. And then the initial seriousness of intentions ceases to have any significance.

Only by seriously falling in love can Vadya “calm down”. In sex, such representatives of the stronger sex are very temperamental and tireless, which means a constant desire for bed experiments. They are very gentle with their partners. Vadik always chooses women with a good figure and a fair amount of sexual experience. Able to give a woman real pleasure in bed.


Wife for Wadi is not only a life partner, but also a devoted spiritual friend. For his family will try to arrange to be. Capable of strong feelings. This means that a truly beloved woman married to this man will be really happy.

When choosing a spouse, not only sexual attraction and spiritual compatibility are of considerable importance, but also the name of the chosen one. It is worth marrying Svetlana, Alexandra, Ekaterina and Vera. You should not bind yourself by marriage with Polina, Elena, Tamara and Alla.

Business and career

Vadik can make a pretty good leader. Such men perfectly understand people, try to take care of them and always keep their promises. In addition, such character traits as purposefulness and diligence also have a positive effect on a career. Any business will be completed.

Calculation and cunning also help such a person to climb the career ladder. Vadya thinks over and calculates all his actions and words. He prefers not to say anything superfluous, which means he rarely gets into trouble. Easily makes useful contacts and seeks assistance from influential people in solving their affairs.

origin of the name Vadim

The history of the origin of the name Vadim is quite interesting. It is assumed that this dialect originated many hundreds of years ago. Historians have several versions of the origin of the name Vadim. The first version of where the dialect came from speaks of Avestan roots. It is believed that it was formed from two ancient Aryan words: "vayu" and "vata". They are translated as "a symbol of victory" and "wind".

Another secret of the name claims that it has ancient Slavic roots and was formed from such a Slavic verb as "vaditi". Its translation is “to argue”, “to sow confusion”. Also, perhaps, it came from the old Russian male dialect Vladimir. That person, whose name was Vladimir, was called in Ancient Rus' "leading the world." It is this etymology that is most often used.

Characteristics of the name Vadim

The pros and cons of the character of these men help them to perfectly understand people. This person is distinguished by perseverance, diligence, determination. Vadya will never leave unfinished any work he started earlier.

Vadik's nature is easily carried away. Able to become addicted to gambling, especially cards. He loves risk and fun feasts. At a party or at family gatherings, it can pretty much go over with alcohol. Vadim always associates the holiday with the state of alcoholic intoxication. In this case, the amount of alcohol consumed does not matter.

The characteristic of the name Vadim allows us to speak of him as a person devoid of indifference. Vadya loves fast food, delicious food, and expensive alcoholic drinks. He does not like to philosophize, he prefers to solve everyday and material problems. Ready to help family and friends at any time.

Vadya does a lot to make dear people happy. "Winter" Vadik has great cheerfulness and openness. Very sociable. Never betray a friend. In communication with loved ones, he values ​​frankness and trust. Integrity matters a lot.

Vadya, who was born in the spring, has an innate artistry. Not devoid of boastfulness. She loves comfort and appreciates high social status. Likes to brag about accomplishments. "Summer" Vadik is endowed with energy and activity. Such men try to be on the move all the time. Altruist.

The “autumn” Vadims are endowed with special pragmatism. They are highly risk averse. They can easily acquire the most dangerous for the budget dependence on gambling.

Mystery of the name

  • Turquoise stone.
  • Name day April 22.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Taurus.

Famous people

  • Vadim Kazachenko (born in 1963) is a singer, pop artist.
  • Vadim Zeland is a writer. Wrote a bestseller called Reality Transurfing.
  • Vadim Dorofeev (1983) - film and theater actor. He starred in the films "Daughter of the Yakuza", "Bad Blood", "Marked".

Different languages

Most often, such a translation of the name Vadim is used as "leading the world." The following lists how this adverb is translated, as well as how it is written in some languages:

  • In Chinese - 瓦迪姆 (Wa di mu)
  • In Japanese - ヴァディム (Wa-di-mu)
  • In English - Vadim
  • In Latin - Vadim

Name Forms

  • Full name - Vadim.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Vadyusha, Vadik, Vadya, Vadechka, Vadimchik.
  • Declension of the name - Vadim - Vadim - Vadim.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Vadim.

Full name:

Similar names: Wadzim

Church name:

Meaning: from the old Russian "vaditi" - "to argue, sow confusion" or "tame"
from the old Russian word "volod" - "ruler"
short form of the name Vadimir - "to argue"

Middle name: Vadimovich, Vadimovna

The meaning of the name Vadim - interpretation

The male name Vadim is one of the most popular. It has a rich history and several versions of origin. According to one of them, Vadim comes from the ancient Aryan combination “sowing confusion” or “arguing”. Some linguists attribute to him an ancient Slavic origin. The name contains two roots: "vadit" and "ima". The first is translated as "to attract", "to attract", "to call", and the second - "to possess", "to have". According to this version, Vadim is “having attractiveness”, “beloved”, “calling”. The Slavic word "vadit" has another interpretation - "argue", "tame". Then Vadim is a “disputer”, “troublemaker”. There is a version that this name comes from the word "volod", interpreted as "ruler".

Name Vadim in other languages

Astrology named after Vadim

Favorable day: Friday

Years later

As a child, Vadim is a restless, emotional child. The boy tends to take everything to heart. He is not shy about showing his feelings and experiences. The kid is too active, inquisitive. This leads to all sorts of troubles.

The boy pesters his parents with a million questions. This behavior leads to an irrepressible thirst for knowledge. In order to direct Vadim's energy in the right direction, it is worth enrolling him in a sports section or a modeling circle, where they will teach patience, perseverance, and attentiveness.

At school, the guy does not study very well - restlessness interferes. A good memory and quick wits help Vadim quickly learn new topics.

Vadim at a tender age is attached to his parents. With them, he behaves more calmly, so as not to upset once again. The character of the boy is flexible. Proper upbringing will help grow a successful, purposeful, self-sufficient person. This child should not be restricted. He must make his own decisions.

In his youth, Vadim is calm, reasonable. He is confident and balanced. His imagination draws an individual picture of the world. It is impossible to change the mind of a teenager in this regard. The character of the guy is complex and multifaceted. The inner world of a young man is harmonious. This is manifested by spontaneity, friendliness, emotionality, fortitude.

Outwardly, the teenager is flexible and soft. There is a very strong personality hidden inside. A sharp mind and ingenuity allow him to easily gain authority and take root in any company. Vadim is not inclined to self-expression. The guy prefers to remain in the shadows.

Natural charm attracts representatives of the opposite sex to his person. The young man is sincere, straightforward, not afraid to offend. Criticism is positive, if it is justified and constructive. Friends appreciate Vadim for devotion and participation.

Adult Vadim surprises with cheerfulness and stability. Unfulfilled dreams turn him into a thoughtful and secretive person. The young man is impulsive. This makes it difficult to make the right decisions. Over the years, Vadim learns to control his emotions, words and actions.

A man treats life easily, perceiving it as an exciting game. He loves fun and is adventurous. Every day you live is full of bright colors and emotions.

The owner of this name is persistent, stubborn and purposeful. He brings any undertakings to their logical conclusion, which is appreciated by colleagues and employers. A man is not ready to jump above his head. He prefers to move towards his goal slowly but surely. An important skill of this person is the correct definition of primary tasks. This makes him calm and balanced. His straightforwardness can bring the interlocutor to a nervous breakdown. Vadim knows how to understand people, which eliminates disappointment in others. His social circle consists of a large number of devoted and loyal friends.

Vadim's character

Vadim is a person who loves to enjoy company. Strong friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation are in the first place for him. He is purposeful, not indifferent to others, but tries to remain calm and not violate his own postulates.

This man surprisingly combines indefatigable energy, patience and balance. A man is practical and active, kind and sympathetic, honest and straightforward, charming and not touchy. He does not lie, but knows how to dodge. Can easily concentrate on big things. Not ambitious. Easily and quickly adapts to new conditions. Always helps relatives and tries to remain optimistic.

Difficult circumstances make Vadim very thoughtful. To solve important problems, a man approaches with slowness. He quickly gets bored with routine work and daily duties. A man with this name is passionate, curious. These qualities can play a cruel joke. Sometimes it is difficult to communicate and reckless.

He is subject to the opinions of others, so he risks falling into a bad company. Prone to risk. Vadim's temper quickly subsides, but can lead to adverse consequences.

The fate of Vadim

The happiness of this man depends on the correct choice of occupation, life partner, hobbies, friends. His nature is fatalistic. His mood changes quickly. Vadim is passionate, loves risk. At a young age, a guy's life is in danger. In order not to end up in a hospital bed and not lose vital values, he needs to learn to keep himself in check.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Vadim approaches the choice of specialty seriously. Purposefulness and restraint allow him to occupy leadership positions. Suitable professions - programmer, engineer, mechanic, architect, designer. In business, a man is not lucky - slowness interferes, which is unacceptable in the fight against the competition of the modern market.

Financial well-being in youth is not of interest. The need for money arises after marriage. Vadim strives to fully provide for his family. To do this, he is ready to change jobs, get an additional position or take a step towards a higher rung of the career ladder.

Marriage and family

Vadim is not inclined to early marriage. Long chooses a life partner. But he makes an offer impulsively, following another hobby.

Vadim values ​​family ties. He is faithful to his wife, caring towards brothers, sisters, children and parents. His woman should be beautiful, with appetizing forms and a passionate temperament. Having fallen in love, a man plunges headlong into feelings, keeping them until the end of his life. Vadim's wife is a mistress and friend. Marriage with this man is very happy. The spouse participates in everyday life and in the upbringing of children.

Sex and love

Vadim is a passionate and enthusiastic nature. This man is greedy for women's charms. He repeatedly breaks the hearts of gullible girlfriends. A strong temperament makes him unpredictable in love affairs. The ideal passion is a beautiful, sophisticated, slender, active, experienced girl.

The representative of the strong half with this name perceives sex as a sports competition. Not shy about desires. Often immodest in bed. Sensual pleasure is ready to receive everywhere and always. Agrees to translate into reality not only their erotic fantasies, but also the dreams of the chosen one. Skilled in intimate relationships. He tries to bring his partner to the highest point of pleasure, using sensitivity and tenderness. He himself receives complete satisfaction only with his beloved woman.


The immune defense of a man named Vadim is at an average level. As a child, he suffers from acute respiratory infections, influenza and other viral and infectious diseases. Often, Vadim is inattentive to his health and too energetic, as a result of which, throughout his life, he often finds himself in situations that are fraught with injuries.

In adulthood, his health depends on habits. Overeating and addiction to alcohol are fraught with obesity, disorders of the nervous system, disorders of the heart and blood vessels. It is desirable for a man to adhere to the daily routine and fully relax.

Interests and hobbies

Vadim does not always find time for entertainment, but if he still finds time for rest, then he walks to the fullest. This temperamental and energetic nature needs a surge of internal energy, so a man prefers outdoor activities. Vadim's main hobby is cars. He loves fast driving. Adrenaline makes him feel alive.

The man is excited. He is attracted to casinos, especially roulette. This man's passion is delicious food.

The name of a person carries not only a set of sounds, but also an information code. It gives emotional coloring, affects the character. There are strong, hard sounding names. There are softer, calmer ones. When choosing a name for a boy, you should carefully study its compatibility with the surname, patronymic. Find out what traits it can give to a child.

What can Vadim tell you? The meaning of the name will reveal its secret, origin. It will protect its owner, make adjustments to the character.

origin of the name Vadim

There are several versions of the origin of the name. But they all have Slavic roots.

In the first version, the name comes from the Old Russian word "vaditi". Which translates as accusing, arguing.

In the second version, the name is derived from Vladimir. "Leading the world", "Owning the world" was transformed into Vadim.

In the third version, the name comes from the word "vadit". What does it mean to attract, to attract.

The origin of the name Vadim has ancient Aryan roots. It is possible that it was formed from a combination of the words "vayu" and "vata". Translation - a symbol of victory, the wind.

Diminutive, abbreviated forms of the name sound like Vadik, Vadyusha, Vadimchik, Vadya, Vadechka.

Characterization of the name by letters

Names carry with them an emotional, semantic load. The meaning of each letter can affect character traits. The secret of the name Vadim lies not only in its origin, its influence on fate. Each letter is pierced with small strokes that will give the boy, the man a complete image.

  • IN - creative start. Focus on the future, communication skills. A great desire to live and create.
  • A - symbol of initial energy. The desire for harmony in everything, physical and mental comfort.
  • D - development of extrasensory feelings, the ability to foresee. Slow thinking before implementing ideas. Slight moodiness, focus on the family.
  • AND - a symbol of kindness, peace. Fine spiritual organization, covered with realism and practicality. Vulnerability and higher spirituality.
  • M - desire to have everything at once. Caring for relatives and friends. Shyness alternates with the desire to get more benefits, material values.

Boy character

Little Vadim is restless and active. He strives to learn and experience as much as possible. Ready to spend the whole day outside, climb trees, run, play. Vadim is not afraid of his emotions. He does not hide joy or sorrow. Able to scream, cry, laugh loudly. Parents should teach the child to behave more calmly in public places, not to annoy others with their violent energy.

The boy learns easily. He quickly gains knowledge. The main thing is to develop perseverance in time. Otherwise, the ease of learning will be replaced by a reluctance to go to school. For Vadim, the opinion of his parents is important. He listens, draws conclusions, but is not always ready for dialogue. It is more convenient for him to silently consider what mom and dad are saying.

You should know that euphony gives flexibility to character. Therefore, it is better to choose names for boys (Vadim and others) that are convenient for pronunciation, melodic. This will allow future men to relate more easily to difficult situations, to respond more calmly to them, to adapt to any conditions.

The character of a man

Hardworking, determined and persistent Vadim. The meaning of the name, character and fate can tell that these men are well versed in people. Thanks to his interest in life, Vadim quickly learns to understand and analyze. He knows how to lead and can become a good boss.

Vadim is always thinking about his decisions. He does not let anything take its course, does not give in to emotions and feelings. Only balanced actions should be expected from Vadim. He is able to solve the most difficult issue or problem thanks to his diligence.

Vadim loves noisy parties, cheerful companies. Sociable, sociable, he is always full of new ideas. A huge circle of friends will support Vadim in any endeavor.

The secret of the name Vadim lies in his narcissism. He can blame everyone and everything, completely removing responsibility from himself. Vadim is an excellent manipulator. He sees the weaknesses of people and skillfully uses it.

Sexuality of the name

Vadim is a tireless, temperamental man. He loves experiments, is able to deliver real pleasure to his partner. Vadim is gentle and attentive with women. The meaning of the name will add duplicity, ambiguity to the passionate, addicting nature of this man. He can madly love a partner, and the next day meet a new passion and have an affair with her. In this case, the former relationship will be forgotten forever.

The appearance of the partner is of great importance for Vadim. He prefers slender, well-groomed women. Ingenuity, aestheticism in relationships make him a unique man.

Family relationships are not always convenient for him. The name Vadim suggests amorousness, a tendency to change. Such men are not ready to devote their whole lives to one woman. However, having met his true love, Vadim will become an exemplary family man.

In religion and numerology

In the Orthodox Church, Vadim, the meaning of the name and its mystery are associated with the date April 22. On this day, they remember the saint who lived in the 4th century in the Persian city of Bethlapat. He left his wealthy family and became the founder of a monastery. Saint Vadim died a martyr's death, betrayed by his disciple.

In numerology, the name symbol is the number 5. This gives Vadim an inexhaustible thirst for life, a desire to try everything. Unpredictability and resourcefulness will allow you to get out of any situation with ease. Vadim is prone to emotional outbursts and irritability. Quickly calms down, forgets about quarrels, conflicts.

Name for the seasons

Winter Vadim is cheerful and joyful, open to new experiences. Protective, friendly. Does not tolerate betrayal. Very decent and noble.

Spring Vadim has a creative nature. Bright temperament, increased emotionality gives artistry to his nature. Loves material possessions.

Summer Vadim- Altruist. A lot of things, acquaintances are kept in a constant tone. He has no time to relax. Activity, energy - the basis of life.

Autumn Vadim- Realist and pragmatist. Loves risk, gambling. For the sake of their whims, interests, they can sacrifice the family budget.

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