Presentation on the topic of lyrics in the work of Vysotsky. Military Lyrics V.S.Vysotsky

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"... I'm up to vomiting guys, for you cotton! Maybe someone will once put a candle for me for my naked nerve, on which shouting, and a fun manner, on which kidding ..."

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On January 25, 1938, the son of Vladimir was born in Moscow in the family of Seeds Vladimirovich and Nina Maximovna Vysotsky. Father - Military, Mother - employee, archive worker. During the Great Patriotic War, he was with her mother in evacuation. After the war and the divorce of the parents lived in the new Father's family, two years was in Germany in Eberswald, where the father was held. In childhood, began writing poetry. The poem "my oath", written in connection with the death of Stalin, was placed in the regime of the enterprise, where the mother worked.

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At the crossroads ... Vysotsky did not immediately define that he wants to be an actor. After graduation, he enters the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute, but he studied in it half a year, throws it. This decision he took on New Year's Eve from 1955 for 1956. They and Igor Kohanovsky, School friend Vysotsky, decided to meet New Year It is very peculiar: for drawing drawings, without which they would simply not be allowed to the examination session. After the battle of the Kurats, drinking on a glass of champagne, they began to work. Somewhere to two nights, the drawings were ready. But here Vysotsky got up, took a jar from the table with a car, and began to water her drawing with the remnants. "Everything. I will prepare, there is another six months, I will try to enter theatrical. And this is not mine ...", "said Vladimir Semenovich then.

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Among the numerous bards, Vladimir Vysotsky still remains a unclear star. Interest in the author's song, Vysotsky awakened after acquaintance with the work of Bulat Okudzhava, whom Vladimir Semenovich considered his teacher. Later he will write a "truth and lies" song, dedicated to Okudzhava.

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His first songs Vysotsky began to write in the early 60s. These were songs in the style of "courtyard romance" and were not perceived seriously or Vysotsky, nor those who were their first listeners. A few years later, in 1965, he will write the famous "submarine", which Igor Kohanovsky will subsequently say: "The submarine - it was already seriously. And I think that this song said that it was time for his creative youth ran out. "

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At about this time, Vladimir Vysotsky comes to the theater on Taganka, who, according to the expression of Vysotsky himself, became for him "his theater". "A young man came to me in the theater. When I asked him that he wanted to read, he replied:" I wrote a few of my songs, listen? "I agreed to listen to one song, that is, in fact, our meeting was not to last not last More than five minutes. But I listened, without breaking down, one and a half hours, "I remembers Yuriy Lyubimov. So started creative way Vysotsky in the theater on Taganka. Hamlet, Galilee, Pugachev, Svidrigaylov - a whole palette of images created with Yuri Lyubimov. Lyubimov will put the last performance with Vysotsky - Farewell to Vladimir Semenovich with the audience ...

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Vysotsky's songs are customary to divide the cycles: military, mountain, sports, Chinese ... It was necessary to live a few lives to feel all the characters outlined in the songs. Frontoviki, who listened to his songs about the war, were sure that he personally survived everything that he wrote about in songs. People who listened to his songs "with a criminal bias," were confident that he was sitting. Sailors, climbers, Dalnorasov's chaufferes - everyone considered him. Each song was the truth of life. Vysotsky himself said so the author's song: "I want to say and assure that the author's song requires a very big job. This song lives with you all the time, does not give you peace, no night."

Biography. Childhood.

Vladimir Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938, at 9 am to 40 minutes in Moscow in the hospital number 8 of the Dzerzhinsky district of Moscow at the third Meshchanskaya street. Early childhood he spent in the Moscow communal apartment on the 1st Meshchanskaya street, 126. During the Great Patriotic War in 1941 - 1943, he lived with a mother in evacuation in the village of Vorontsovka, 25 km from the district center - Cities of Buzuluk Chkalovskaya (now - Orenburg) Areas. In 1943 he returned to Moscow, on the 1st Meshchansk street, 126. In 1945, Vysotsky went to the first grade of the 273rd school of the Rostokinsky district of Moscow.

Mature years

An important stage of life is the work at the Moscow Drama Theater and Comedy on Taganka. Poetic and song creativity, along with work in the theater and cinema, has become the main thing about his life. In the theater on Taganka V. S. Vysotsky worked until the end of his life.

His contribution to the history of "Russian Hamlet" is difficult to overestimate. Premiere of "Gamletta" with VS Vysotsky in the role of the "son of the former and nephew of the current king" took place on November 29, 1971 at the Moscow Theater on Taganka.

Vysotsky - Actor

With the participation of Vysotsky, such wonderful films were created, as "served two comrades", "Vertical" and many others. I want to note the role of V.S. Vysotsky in the film "Vertical". It was then that he learned the Azam climbing the mountain peaks.

Vysotsky wrote over 100 poems, about 600 songs and a poem for children (in two parts), a total of approximately 700 poetic works belong to His Peru.

Creation. Poet and Bard V.Vysotsky.

Start of poetic activity

Unusually for the poet, Vladimir Semenovich began his creativity. His first works were parodies on the so-called blood folklore. In the early 1960s, the first songs of Vysotsky appeared. The song "Tattoo", written in 1961 in Leningrad, is considered to be the first. It was repeatedly called it and Vysotsky himself. This song laid the beginning of the "Blessed" topics.

A special place in the work is occupied by songs about the war - these are songs of real people, people of strong, tired, courageous and kind. I read the memories of the father of the poet Seeds Vladimirovich Vysotsky:

"Of course, I told a lot of Volodya about the Prague operation and about other battles in which I had a chance to participate. He generally when we had a speech about the war, forgot about everything about the lessons, about games with friends. For hours could listen to adults.

Acquaintance with Marina Vlad

In July 1967, Vladimir Vysotsky became acquainted with the French actress of the Russian origin of Marina Vladimirovaya Vladimirovna Polyakova, who became his third wife (December 1970).

Famous guitar barda

With this guitar, Vladimir Vysotsky on the filming of the Kinopanorama on January 22, 80g., On video shooting V. Vinogradova and photographs of V.Mekler, filmed on April 16, 1980 during the concert of Vladimir Vysotsky in Leningrad on a small stage of the BDT, about the same guitar Vysotsky spoke "Monologue ", At concerts, and finally, on the last home concert at the Wainers on June 30, 1980, Vladimir Vysotsky said that this guitar was the best ...

Vysotsky lived a short, but stormy life, tested the joy of victories and bitterness of defeats. And best of all his path reflects the song "Rattlerock":

He laughed at the glorious Barnish,

But I wanted to be only first.

This is trying!

Look, - here it is

Without insurance goes

Slightly left, -

Still not save

But it must be very necessary to go

Four quarters of the way.

Essay I want to finish with the words of the son of Vladimir Vysotsky - Nikita:

The prophets are not in the fatherland,

But now I also went to conscience.

He will no longer sing everything about anything

And you can live, without worrying at all.

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Military Lyrics V.S. Vysotsky. Class hour For 10 grade Teacher Umelova M.M. MOU "Pratovskaya average Comprehensive school»Treesovsky district of the Pskov region.

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Objectives and objectives: education of patriotic feelings, love for the Fatherland, respect for military personnel and veterans of war. Show how in poetry a military topics is reflected.

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Everyone, ever defended and defending their homeland, as well as those who died in battles during the Second World War, in Afghans, Serbia and Croatia, in Chechnya, to all now serving Fatherland: and ordinary and officers p about with in I ... .

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The most tragic, turning periods in history leave the brightest mark in art. Confirmation of this - songs and poems about the Great Patriotic War. They sing and read many generations of Soviet people. Songs and poems of the war years are the music and poetic chronicle of the Second World War. They were often born on the front line, soldiers were not parted with them on hard front roads, old men, women, teenagers who worked in the rear. These songs and poems helped them live, believe in victory. Modern poets Also do not remain indifferent to the theme of the Second World War. There are many of them, but I want to stay on the lyrics about the war of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky.

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There are people who meteor break into our fate, leaving behind a bright, indelible trace. In lifetime, they still become a legend, one mention of their behalf warms the soul to us, makes kind and cleaner. Such a person was Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky - singer, poet, artist and musician. His star, having taken on the creative horizon, left the earthly world forever. But the light did not go out - he is in verses and songs played in the theater and cinema heroes, in a violent Vysotsky's voice, which sounds with tape recorders and plates. The memory of him lives in the names of the tanker and the small planet - asteroid Vladvysotsky. It is not by chance that the widow of the poet Marina Vlava offered to establish a monument on the grave of Vysotsky in the form of a meteorite stone with a laconic inscription: "Vladimir Vysotsky 1938 - 1980".

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I will not stop on the biographies of this poet, since quite recently there was a film about V.S. High. But one of the leading places in his poetry is the military topics. There is a cycle of poems, which is called "fraternal graves", it is named so by the name of his poem-song. Listen to her. - Song "fraternal graves" .-

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All that is associated with the army, with people who serve in it, with the defense of the Fatherland, was for Vysotsky in high degree sacred concept. When we listen to his songs or read poems, it is difficult to imagine that they are written by a man who did not walk the hard front roads that did not grow in the tank that did not go to the intelligence, who did not fight in the air battle, did not bury combat friends and, moreover, The day did not serve in the army. The poem "He who did not shoot."

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Meanwhile, in the military songs of Vysotsky, the feelings and thoughts of warriors who beat the enemy in the most cruel and bloody war were extremely transmitted. Being the son of the Frontovik officer and living with him among the military, he knew their lives well, heard a lot from his father and his front friends about the war.

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Poem "Stars". - The topic of war for Vysotsky is, first of all, the topic of gratitude to those who did not live to victory, and those who stayed alive, passing all the roads of war. The sincerity and patriotism of his military songs are close and understandable not only to veterans, but also a new generation that did not know the war, awaken the feeling of pride for their people, for their native land.

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Every less than you, participants in the war, fragments roam, leave forces, do not hurry - you should not - to the Odoopolm in fraternal graves. The poem "long smalconies of salts ...." P.68, 1 t

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Nowadays, you know, there is also a threat to die from the hands of terrorists. This is the example of the death of Cheerful 3 September in Beslan. No one is insured from it. Therefore, I ask everyone to stand up and honor the memory of your dead peers of a minute of silence. Minute silence. -

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On April 16, 1980, the last shooting of the concert of Vysotsky in the Leningradsky BDT, where he performed the songs of Konii People, "Dome," "Hunt for Wolves" and told about his work. The fragment of this shooting entered the transfer of V. Vinogradov "I return your portrait." On the back side Double album "Sons go into battle" shows photos from this concert. On June 22, 1980, one of the last Vysotsky concerts (in Kaliningrad) was held, on which he became bad. On July 3, 1980, Vysotsky's speech was held in the Lyubertsy City Palace of Culture in the Moscow Region, where, according to eyewitnesses, he looked unhealthy, said that it feels himself, but he kept cheerfully on stage and, instead of the one and a half of the planned hours, played a two-hour concert.

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Monument at Vysotsky's grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Sculptor - A. Mupport

Goals and objectives: Get acquainted with the work of Vladimir Vysotsky. Show how in poetry a military topics is reflected.

Born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow in the family of military service. In 1947-1949. He lived with his father and his second wife in the city of Eberswalde Finn (Germany), then returned to Moscow. During study at School, Vysotsky was engaged in the drama and wanted to enter the theater institute, but at the insistence of parents passed the exams in the Moscow Construction Institute named after V. V. Kuibyshev, where he left soon. In the summer of 1956, he entered the school studio named after V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko at Mkate. At the end of the Studio (1960), he worked at the Moscow Drama Theater named after A. S. Pushkin and in the Moscow Theater Miniature. Then he began to act in the movies. In 1964 he was adopted in the Moscow Theater of Drama and Comedy on Taganka, where he worked until the end of his life. The artist played on the Taganka stage more than 20 roles, of which the most famous role of Hamlet from the same tragedy Shakespeare. In 1960-1961. The first songs of Vysotsky appeared. For his life, he created them about a thousand. Formally not recognized, bypassing radio, television, printing, thanks to the tape recorders of Vysotsky's songs became known to everyone. Many songs and ballads meant for movies. In 1966, Vysotsky starred in the picture "Vertical" and wrote five songs for her. In total, he played 30 art films. Last years Vysotsky's life was dramatic. With nationwide popularity, he could not achieve the publication of his poems, the output of the plates; Heavyly worried about betraying, unleashed in the press. In 1987, for the role of Captain Moore Gleb Zheglov in the five-sister television tape of the director S. S. Govorukhin "The meeting point cannot be changed." He was posthumously awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

The most tragic, turning periods in history leave the brightest mark in art. Confirmation of this - songs and poems about the Great Patriotic War. They sing and read many generations of Soviet people. Songs and poems of war years are musically poetic chronicle of the Second World War. They were often born on the front line, soldiers were not parted with them on hard front roads, old men, women, teenagers who worked in the rear. These songs and poems helped them live, believe in victory. Modern poets also do not remain indifferent to the theme of the Second World War. There are many of them, but I want to stay on the lyrics about the war of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky.

Ships are attending and falling on the course, but they return through bad weather. It will not go and half a year, and I will appear to leave again to leave again for half a year. It will not go and half a year and I will appear to leave again to leave again for half a year. Everyone, except for the best friends, be returned, except the most beloved and devotional women. Align all. In addition to those who need you, I do not believe fate, I do not believe fate, and myself even less. Return everything, except those who need. I do not believe in fate, I do not believe in fate, and even less. But I want to believe that it is not so that the ships will soon come out of fashion. I, of course, will return all the friends and in dreams, I certainly sleep, I certainly will not go through half a year. Of course, I will come back all in friends and in dreams, I certainly sleep, I certainly will not pass and half a year.

Why it's not like that, like everything as always the same sky again blue, the same forest, the same air and the same water only he did not return from the battle the same forest, the same air and the same water only he did not return from the battle to me Now I do not understand who was the right of us in our disputes without sleep and rest I did not have enough of him only now when he did not return from the battle, he was silent the nefple and he was touched by he always spoke about another he did not give me to sleep I got up and yesterday I did not return from the battle, what's empty no longer about the conversation suddenly I noticed that it was two for me that I wanted a bonfire when he didn't return from the battle. Now I broke like from the captivity of Spring by mistake I called him a friend left to smoke, but In response, Silence, he did not return from the battle yesterday and there was enough space in the dugout quite, we and time was flowing for both. All now one. Only seems to me, I did not return from the battle. PHOTO

Just an hour they give the art printing - just an hour of infantry respite, just an hour to the most important things: to whom to the Order, but to whom to the "tower". During this hour, I do not write any strings - pray to the gods of war artilleryrs! After all, we are not just like that - we are the finnish, we do not write: ".. Count the communist." Before attacking vodka - Here is Moore! Own sipped in a citizen. Therefore, we do not cry the "Hurray" - with death we play in the silence. Penterns have one law, one end is the colors of the fascist strollers, and if you do not catch a lead in the chest - you will catch a medal for courage. You beat the bayonet, and better be a hand - it is reliable, yes it is quieter, and if you stay alive - Gulia, Rvanina, from the ruble and above! He considers the enemy: we are morally weak - behind him and the forest, and the cities are burned. You're better Forest Rubit on Coffins - Penal battalions are coming into the breakthrough! Here are six zero-zero - and now shelling. . . Well, God of war, let's do without a breather! Just an hour to the most important things: to whom to the Order, but most - to "tower". . . PHOTO

Meanwhile, in the military songs of Vysotsky, the feelings and thoughts of warriors who beat the enemy in the most cruel and bloody war were extremely transmitted. Being the son of the Frontovik officer and living with him among the military, he knew their lives well, heard a lot from his father and his front friends about the war.

On April 16, 1980, the last shooting of the concert of Vysotsky in the Leningradsky BDT, where he performed the songs of Konii People, "Dome," "Hunt for Wolves" and told about his work. The fragment of this shooting entered the transfer of V. Vinogradov "I return your portrait." On the back of the double album, "Sons go into battle" photos are given from this concert. On June 22, 1980, one of the last Vysotsky concerts (in Kaliningrad) was held, on which he became bad. On July 3, 1980, Vysotsky's speech was held in the Lyubertsy City Palace of Culture in the Moscow Region, where, according to eyewitnesses, he looked unhealthy, said that it feels himself, but he kept cheerfully on stage and, instead of the one and a half of the planned hours, played a two-hour concert.

On July 14, 1980, during a speech in NIIEM (Moscow), Vladimir Vysotsky performed one of his last songs - "My sadness, my longing ... Variation to Gypsy themes." On July 16, he spent his last concert in Moscow Region Kaliningrad (now Korolev). July 18, 1980 Vysotsky last time It appeared in his most famous role in the theater on the Taganka, in the role of Hamlet - the eponymous stage of Shakespeare. On July 25, 1980, Vysotsky died in a dream in his Moscow apartment.

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Vysotsky Vladimir Semenovich (1938 - 1980)
The actor, poet, singer and performer of their own songs.

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Born on January 25, 1938 in Moscow. Father - military, mother - translator. The first three years of life spent in Moscow, in a communal apartment. During the war, Vorontsovka village was evacuated. In 1943 returned to Moscow. In 1947, after a divorce of parents, he moved to his father and his second wife to Germany to Eberswald at the place of service of the Father. In 1949, he returned back to Moscow and settled in a large Kareny Lane D.15. 1955 finished the middle school.

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Years of study:
In 1955, Vladimir Vysotsky graduated from school No. 186. In 1955-1956 he studied at the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute named after V. V. Kuibyshev. In 1956, Vladimir Vysotsky entered the Studio School of MCAT. V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko on the acting department.

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His first poem "My oath" Vysotsky wrote in 1953 (in grade 8). It was devoted to Stalin's memory. In the early 1960s, the first songs appeared. The very first is the song "Tattoo" written in 1961. It was this song that laid the beginning of the "Blunt" cycle.

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Vysotsky invented himself a manner of execution with fastening, but hard consonants, rolling "P", openly and clearly sounding vowels. In life, he spoke at all wrong - quietly, gently, with a shy smile, a rich set of delicious, mocking intonations. And in the theater, his voice reached the last ranks of the balcony.
Manner performance

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Since 1953, Vladimir visited a drama under the leadership of Artist Mkat. From 1956 to 1960, Vysotsky is a student of the acting branch of the MCAT Studio. 1959 was marked by the first theater role (the role of Petrophry Petrovich in the educational performance "Crime and Punishment" and the first role in the movie "Peer" (episodic role of Petit Student) in 1960 there was a first mention of Vysotsky in the central printing.

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About movies
Highlighting the naturalness of the existence in the conditional element of the film, creative generosity in working with partners

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For life, Vysotsky did a lot: he wrote over 100 poems. About 600 songs and poem for children. A total of approximately 700 poetic works wrote about 700 poetic works. She took part in 11 radio performances and in 15 performances in the theater on Taganka. He starred in almost 30 films. Released about 50 plates abroad.
Great Heritage

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Vladimir Semenovich was married three times. With the first wife - out of Konstantinovaya Baskov - they lived for 4 years, they did not have children. Second wife - Lyudmila Vladimirovna Abramova. In marriage there were 5 years old they had two sons of Arkady and Nikita. The third wife is Marina Vlad. In marriage were from December 1, 1970 to the very death of Vysotsky.

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Vysotsky died during the Olympiad in 1980 in Moscow. Posts on the death of Vladimir Vysotsky, except for two: in the "evening Moscow" (about the date of civil servants) and in the newspaper "Soviet culture" in the Soviet media practically did not printed.
Perhaps after the funeral in Soviet Russia, the article of the memory of Vysotsky was published.

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There are at least 6 Vysotsky museums. Vysotsky House on Taganka is the most famous museum. In Norilsk, the cultural - leisure center of his name is located. In the territory former USSR More than 20 monuments are installed (and as many memorable boards). In Russia, 9 monuments: 4 more monuments abroad.
Museums and monuments

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