Presentation on the topic of road safety rules. Presentation on the topic "road safety"

Road safety depends jointly on both pedestrians and drivers. And there are also risks on both sides. Because quite often pedestrians who cross the street at a red light or in the wrong place are to blame for road accidents. Road Safety Rules Some even simply forget that when crossing the road, you need to look both ways, because a car may suddenly appear around a bend. And then it will be too late to look in her direction. Therefore, both drivers and pedestrians need to follow the basic rules, which will reduce the risk of road accidents.


According to scientists, the number of accidents in the United States that occurred as a result of talking while driving on a mobile phone has exceeded three hundred thousand over the past five years. No such studies have been conducted in Russia, but one thing is clear - there are quite a lot of them. According to scientists, the number of accidents in the United States that occurred as a result of talking while driving on a mobile phone has exceeded three hundred thousand over the past five years. No such studies have been conducted in Russia, but one thing is clear - there are quite a lot of them. Here are more findings from scientists: - talking on a mobile phone increases your chances of getting into an accident four times; - the braking distance of a driver talking on a mobile phone doubles.


Riding with a passenger. One of the problems when driving with a passenger is that when turning, the passenger sits upright, this is a mistake. As a result of this behavior, the motorcycle does not tilt at the desired angle, the turning radius increases and the driver has to lean even more to correct the situation. Motorcycles Just tell your passenger to follow your movements when turning. Also, a passenger who does not know the basics of riding a motorcycle and has never ridden a bike may be misled by your behavior on the road, which can lead to an unnecessary reaction from the passenger and danger.

For pedestrians

Dark clothing reflects five percent of the light falling on it, and light clothing reflects up to eighty percent. Basic safety equipment can prevent accidents at night. In ninety cases of collisions out of a hundred, it is a collision in the dark. Research shows that wearing reflective clothing reduces the risk of hitting a pedestrian by eighty percent.

For cyclists

Let's look at special signs when riding a bicycle. To indicate a maneuver, the Rules provide the following signs: Turning or changing lanes to the right: right arm extended, or left arm extended and bent at the elbow. Turn or change lanes to the left: left arm extended, or right arm extended and bent at the elbow. Stop: raised hand (any). When riding in a group, another sign is used, intended not for motorists, but for cyclists riding behind you. Pits on the right: right hand lowered down. Pits on the left: left hand down.

Danilova Olga Valerievna, teacher-organizer of life safety at the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 18”, Elektrostal, Moscow Region.

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What kind of vehicle traffic is established in the Russian Federation?

A. Right-handed

b. Left-handed

V. In both directions

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What is a crossroads?

A. The place of intersection, junction or fork of roads at the same level, limited by imaginary lines connecting respectively the opposite, most distant from the center of the intersection, beginnings of curvatures of roadways

b. Departures from surrounding areas

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What is the main road?

A. A road on which the right of way at unregulated intersections is granted

b. A road with a hard surface (asphalt, etc.) in relation to a dirt road

V. Both of the above definitions

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What is a sidewalk?

A. A road element intended for the movement of trackless vehicles

b. An element of the road intended for pedestrian traffic and adjacent to the roadway or separated from it by a lawn

V. A road element intended for the movement of route vehicles

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What vehicle is called a route vehicle?

A. A vehicle other than a moped that is propelled by an engine

b. A device designed to transport on roads people, goods or equipment installed on it

V. A public vehicle (bus, trolleybus, tram) intended for transporting people on roads and moving along a set route with designated stopping places

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Which lane of the road should cyclists ride on?

A. Along the one with the least traffic

b. On the far right

V. On the far left

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In which picture do the cars not violate traffic rules?

A. On the left picture

b. On the right picture

V. In both pictures

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Can a pedestrian walk on a motorway?

b. Yes, only in the leftmost lane

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Who can start moving first (the light is red for cars)?

A. Green car

b. A pedestrian

V. Blue car

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Can the driver of a red car enter a pedestrian crossing if there is a traffic jam behind it?

V. Yes, if there are no pedestrians at the crossing

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Can you, as the driver of a blue car, start moving?

A. Yes, in all directions

b. Yes, just straight

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A. Yes, in all directions

b. Yes, just to the right

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A. Yes, in all directions

b. Yes, just to the right

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A. Yes, in all directions

b. Yes, just to the right

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A. Yes, in all directions

b. Yes, just straight and to the right

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Where should groups of children move?

A. Only on sidewalks and pedestrian paths, and in their absence - along the sides

b. Only on sidewalks

V. Only on footpaths

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Where is the passenger required to board and disembark from the vehicle?

A. Anywhere

b. From the sidewalk or curb and only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop

V. From the roadway

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Can children under 12 years of age ride on the back of a motorcycle?

V. They can, but only with the use of special child restraints

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Who should a driver give way to when entering the road from the adjacent territory?

A. Vehicles and pedestrians moving along it

b. Only for pedestrians moving along it

V. Has advantages over vehicles moving along it

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What is the driver involved in an accident required to do?

A. Continue driving

b. Stop the vehicle, turn on the hazard warning lights and display a warning triangle

Priority warnings Prohibiting Prescriptive In their absolute majority they have a common warning sign: an equilateral triangle with a red border, a white background, a black symbol, the apex facing upward. These signs inform the driver in advance of the nature of the danger. They do not have a common feature and have a characteristic shape inherent only to this sign (rhombus, triangle, octahedron) so that even if the image on the sign is covered with snow or mud, the driver can determine its meaning by the shape of the sign. Most of them have a common sign of prohibition: a circle with a red border, a white background and a black symbol. Signs introduce various restrictions or prohibitions or cancel them. The effect of these signs begins from the place where they are installed and extends to the nearest intersection. Prescriptive signs have the common prescriptive sign of a blue circle with a white symbol. Signs introduce or cancel certain traffic modes. Signs are installed immediately before intersections or sections of roads where the corresponding traffic regime is introduced. Road signs

Road traffic is regulated by: Road markings - these are lines, arrows, inscriptions and other designations that are applied to various elements of the road; most road marking lines are white. Dividing strip - continuous or intermittent Pedestrian crossing

YELLOW SIGNAL 1. prohibits movement YELLOW FLASHING SIGNAL 1. permits movement 2. informs about the presence of an uncontrolled intersection or pedestrian crossing 3. warns of danger; The combination of red and yellow signals 1. prohibits movement 2. informs that the permissive green traffic light will soon turn on

Signals of the traffic controller The main signals of the traffic controller are the position of his body and hands. For better visibility of these signals, especially in the dark, the traffic controller can be easily seen by his special equipment: white waist and shoulder belts, gloves with white gauntlets, special reflective stripes on clothing. To regulate traffic, the traffic controller uses a rod painted black and white or a rod with a red reflective disk. The rod is in the right hand.

Pedestrian is a person who is outside a vehicle on the road and does not perform work on it. Pedestrians are also considered to be persons moving in wheelchairs without a motor, driving a bicycle or moped, carrying a sled, cart, baby stroller or wheelchair.

Causes of accidents involving cyclists Failure to comply with traffic rules. Failure to comply with traffic rules. Inability to navigate in traffic conditions. Inability to navigate in traffic conditions. Poor skills in controlling a bicycle, Poor skills in controlling a bicycle, especially in traffic conditions. movements.

Children under 14 years of age are not allowed to ride bicycles onto the roadway. Children under 14 years of age are not allowed to ride bicycles onto the roadway. Children over 14 years of age and who know the traffic rules can ride at a distance of no more than 1 meter from the sidewalk. Children over 14 years of age and who know the traffic rules can ride at a distance of no more than 1 meter from the sidewalk. You cannot transport passengers on a frame or trunk. You cannot transport passengers on a frame or trunk. If you need to cross the road, If you need to cross the road, this is done on foot, holding the bicycle by the handlebars, according to the usual rules for pedestrians. rules for pedestrians. Rules for cyclists

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