The script of the literary composition for the Victory Day. Script of literary and musical composition for the Victory Day for schoolchildren

Introductory speech of the teacher. Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you as spectators of the literary drawing room on the theme: "Only valor lives immortally", dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Scene: a table covered with a tablecloth; a girl is writing a letter at the table. Melody of the song "Little blue, modest handkerchief". Verse 1.

Lead 1: Russian soldiers ... And how many of them were very young, they went to war from school, from student dormitories in June 1941, but not everyone was destined to return in the victorious 45th.

Lead 2: Scene of the farewell of a boy and a girl (girl and boy come out)

Young man

And now at 17 years old

I joined the soldiers' ranks.

All overcoats grey colour, All have one cut.

All fellow soldiers

Both in the company and in the regiment-

Gas mask yes machine

Yes, a flask on the side ..


Young woman

I'll be waiting.

So wait for the memory to even die out

So that the day becomes impassable

To die with a sweet name

And catch up with someone else's shadow

So as not to trust the mirror,

To hide from the pillow

So that the light of your love and fidelity

Close, hide, darken

So that your fingers do not accidentally crunch,

To sigh and hold it in your hand.

So wait so that, dead, he felt

Hot wind on my cheek.

I. Ehrenburg.

Young man

Wait for me and I will come back.

Just wait really hard.

Wait for the sadness

Yellow rains

Wait for the snow to sweep

Wait when it's hot

Wait when others are not expected

Forgetting yesterday.

Wait when from distant places

Letters will not come

Wait until you get bored

To everyone who is waiting together (K. Simonov.)

Lead 1: During the war years, the theme of intimate lyrics sounded with renewed vigor. And revival love lyrics in the poetry of the war years, the cycle of poems by Konstantin Simonov "With you and without you", written in 1941-1942, contributed a lot.

Lead 2 The most famous poem Simonov from the collection "With you and without you" and, perhaps, the most famous poem by Simonov is "Wait for me." People of different generations know and love him. And, it seems to me, I understood what the secret of his undying popularity is: in the place of the lyrical hero of this poem, each soldier could put himself and turn with the words "wait for me" to his girlfriend, beloved, mother. After all, the soldiers in the war lived in the memory of the house, dreamed of meeting their loved ones, and they so needed to be expected.

Lead 1 : The cycle "With and Without You" is dedicated to the actress Valentina Serova. She became the poet's wife on the eve of the war, in 1941. Some details of their relationship in poetry.

"To a distant friend "(Student speaking)

And this year you will meet without me

When would you fully understand

Whenever you knew how I love you

You would fly to me on wings.

Henceforth, we would be together everywhere,

And reflected in icy water

Your face would look at me.

Whenever you knew how much I love you.

You would be above me all night, until I wake up,

I stood here in the dugout where I sleep,

Letting myself go into dreams.

When by the power of love alone

I could settle our souls next to

Say to your soul: come, live,

Be invisible, be inaccessible to the eyes.

But don't leave me one step

Be a reminder only for me:

In a bonfire - with a dim tremor of fire,

In a blizzard - snow with a blue flutter.

Unseen, watch me write

The sheets of their absurd letters of the night,

As I helplessly search for words,

How unbearably I depend on them.

I don't want to share my longing here with anyone,

You rarely hear your name here.

But if I am silent, I am silent about you,

And the air is full of your faces.

They are all around me, wherever I rush,

You all look into my eyes tirelessly.

Yes, you would understand how much I love you

If only a day would have lived here with me invisibly.

But you also meet this year without me ...

Lead 1 : They say, when the guns rumble, the muses are silent. But from the first to last day war did not stop the voice of poets. And the cannon fire could not drown him. Readers have never listened to the voice of poets so much. The famous English journalist Alexander Werth, who spent the entire war in the Soviet Union, wrote in his book “Russia in the War of 1941-1945”: “Russia, perhaps the only country, where poems are read by millions of people, and literally everyone read poets like Simonov and Surkov during the war ”.

Lead 2 Poetry as an art form capable of a quick emotional response, in the very first months and even days of the war, created works that were destined to become epoch-making. Already on June 24, 1941 in the newspapers Krasnaya Zvezda and Izvestia a poem by V.I. Lebedev-Kumach "The Holy War".

Lead 1: The editor-in-chief of Krasnaya Zvezda, Dmitry Ortenberg, describes the history of the appearance of this poem as follows: “I summoned Lev Soloveichik, a literary collaborator, and told him:

Let's urgently get poems in the room! Having received the assignment, he began to call the poets.

Accidentally ran into Lebedev-Kumach:

Vasily Ivanovich, the newspaper needs poetry.

Today is Sunday. The newspaper comes out on Tuesday. Poems must certainly be tomorrow.

Lead 2: The next day, Lebedev-Kumach, as promised, brought a poem to the editorial office. It began like this:

Get up, the country is huge

Get up to fight to the death

With a dark fascist force,

With a cursed horde.

Lead 1: Soon the composer Aleksandrov wrote music to these poems. And on June 27, the Red Army ensemble sang the song for the first time at the Belorussky railway station in the capital in front of the soldiers going to the front.

The song "Sacred War" sounds, newsreels.

Lead 1: During the war years, this song sounded everywhere. Under her sounds, the first echelons went to the front, she accompanied the soldiers on the march, in the wartime and hard life of the rear. The rallying, inspiring role of this song was largely determined by the fact that the harsh truth was told about the war in it. She was imbued with a sense of the severity of the trials that befell our people.

Lead 2 Already the first weeks, months of the war showed that the war will not be easy. It will not work out the way it was sung in the pre-war bravura songs: "We will defeat the enemy on the enemy's land with little blood, with a mighty blow", "We will cope with any misfortune, we will scatter all enemies into smoke." All this was the leitmotif of poems and songs of the 30s, widely circulated in print and recited on the radio.

Lead 1: During the war years, the character of our literature changed significantly. She begins to get rid of the artificial optimism and complacency that had been ingrained in the pre-war period.

Lead 2: Third presenter: The war made a tragic beginning in Russian literature possible again. And it sounded in the works of many poets.

Lead 1: The poet-veteran David Samoilov wrote about how "war, misfortune, dream and youth" coincided in his poem "The Forties" (a student speaks).

Lead 2 Soldiers. They went through the war in soldier's greatcoats... They served in the infantry, artillery, aviation, reconnaissance ... Each had its own war, its own front-line roads. Some fought near Moscow, others at Stalingrad, some reached Berlin, others as far as Prague, and others as far as Port Arthur ... Everyone had their share, but the war was their common fate, the fate of the entire people. They had to endure and win, and they did it because they wrote letters home.

Lead 1: Letters from the front ... Documents over which time has no power. They were written in the heat and cold by the weary hands of soldiers who did not release their weapons. These documents keep the hot breath of battle. These letters are a thread connecting our generation with those distant years. And let the reading of these living lines of the war be today a tribute to the blessed memory of those who wrote them ... (a student speaks)

. Dear Tonya!

I don't know if you will ever read these lines? But I firmly know that this is my last letter. Now there is a hot, deadly battle. Our tank is hit. There are fascists all around us. We have been repelling the attack all day. Ostrovsky Street is strewn with corpses in green uniforms, they look like large immovable lizards ... When our tank first met the enemy, I hit it with a cannon, mowed it down with machine-gun fire in order to destroy the Nazis more and bring the end of the war closer to see you sooner, my dear. But my dreams did not come true ... The tank shudders from enemy attacks, but we are still alive. There are no shells, cartridges are running out ... Through the holes in the tank I see the street, green trees, the flowers in the garden are bright and bright. After the war, you, the survivors, will have a life as bright, colorful as these flowers, and happy. It's not scary to die for her ...

Lead 2 The poems of Joseph Utkin are imbued with deep lyricism. The poet was a war correspondent during the war. Joseph Utkin died in a plane crash in 1944 while returning to Moscow from the front.

poem by I. Utkin "It's midnight on the street ..." (student speaks)

It's midnight outside. The candle burns out.

Tall stars are visible.

You write a letter to me my dear

To the blazing address of the war.

How long have you been writing it darling

You graduate and start again.

But I'm sure: to the leading edge

Such love will break through!

We have been away from home for a long time. The lights of our rooms

Wars are not visible behind the smoke.

But the one who is loved

But the one who is remembered

At home - and in the smoke of war!

Warmer at the front from affectionate letters.

Reading, behind every line

You see your beloved and hear your homeland,

We'll be back soon. I know. I believe.

And this time will come:

Sadness and separation will remain outside the door.

And only joy will enter the house.

Lead 1: Before the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union there were 2,186 writers and poets, 944 people went to the front, 417 did not return from the war. 48 poets died on the fronts. The oldest of them - Samuel Rosin - was 49 years old, the youngest - Vsevolod Bagritsky, Boris Smolensky - barely turned 20.

Lead 2: “Oh, war, what have you done, mean,…” This is how Bulat Okudzhava's poem “Goodbye, boys” begins. The name itself brings a note of tragedy: how many boys and girls have not returned from this war! How many unsuccessful destinies, unfulfilled weddings, unborn children ...

The song is playing.

Lead 1:: Nothing compares to the grief of a mother who has lost her child, who has survived it. This is a violation of the natural law of life. About this is the poem by Yulia Drunina, dedicated to her fighting friend Zinaida Samsonova, who died in 1942.

« Zinka "(3 students perform)

We lay down by the broken spruce

We are waiting for when it starts to brighten.

It's warmer under the greatcoat

On chilled, damp ground.

- You know, Yulka, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

At home, in the apple wilderness,

Mom, my mom lives.

You have friends, sweetheart.

I only have one.

Spring is raging beyond the threshold.

It seems old: every bush

Restless daughter is waiting

You know, Yulka, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

We barely got warm

Suddenly the order: "Move forward!"

Again next to me in a damp overcoat

The light-haired soldier walks.

2. It got bitter every day.

We went without rallies and replacements.

Surrounded by Orsha

Our battered battalion.

Zinka led us to the attack.

We made our way through black rye

On funnels and gullies,

Through mortal lines

We didn't expect posthumous glory

We wanted to live with glory.

Why in bloody bandages

The light-haired soldier lies

Her body with her greatcoat

I covered it, clenching my teeth.

Belarusian huts sang

About Ryazan wilderness gardens.

3. You know, Zinka, I am against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

At home, in the apple wilderness

Mom, your mom lives.

I have friends, sweetheart

She had you alone.

Smells in the hut of sourdough and smoke,

Spring is raging beyond the threshold.

And an old lady in a colorful dress

I lit a candle at the icon

I don't know how to write to her,

So that she does not wait for you.

Lead 1: Orphanhood and widowhood are another tragedy of war. With piercing pain, Sergei Vikulov wrote the poem "One Forever" about this misfortune.

An excerpt from S. Vikulov's poem "Forever Alone" sounds: (the student tells)

Barely enough strength

take the envelope with a trembling hand ...

And suddenly: "Grandpa, dear!"

"Oh!" and cheek to his cheek!

And spun with him in an embrace:

"He's alive! He's alive!"

"Well, God forbid!"

The old man wiped away a tear with emotion and went out the door,

Wondering that the bag has become lighter ...

She, sitting down by the table,

At first she pressed the envelope to her lips

And only then she tore ...

"Darling! .." and the uneven sheet suddenly trembled in her hands,

And in her huge blue

Fear spread with foreboding

And the finger became whiter than paper,

Tracking the line tremblingly.

"Darling, we are retreating!

All of us are already across the river.

It's just us here, and the bridge hasn't been blown up!

And the bridge is already in the hands of the enemy!

And our battalion commander said: "Shame on us!" and

"Volunteers, two steps forward!"

And we, who survived us ...

We all go to him at once !!!

"Well, bravo ...", he said wearily,

And he summoned four of them one by one.

I became the third from the edge ...

And he, stern and straight,

said: "I am sending you to death, write letters to mothers .."

At your disposal "

And now, choosing a drier place,

I am writing .. for the last time.

I am writing to you, I'm sorry that the handwriting is not so legible,

you have to understand

It's not enough for me an hour to say everything

I need life !!!

And I am in a hurry, in a hurry, and immediately want the main thing:

Blowjob term, and of course you will get married,

I understand, I am cruel, but You ... after all, who will blame you?

You will go out keeping faithful to me.

And you will have a son, even if not like me,

Let ... but I want you to have a boy for everything!

That straw bangs on the forehead, and specks near the eyes.

To recognize among the boys, you even published it

And so that one day he hears your sad story about

Who so wanted (forgive me this confession!) To become his father!

But it didn't work out! Gone somewhere ... no matter where, he was a fighter.

And you, one day, you tell him, leaving all business,

That he did not live to see Victory, but died so that it was!

So that light again hits good people in the faces, dispelling the darkness,

So that he, snub-nosed, could be born and so that he can live easily,

So that in the morning the path leads him to the forest or to the lake,

So that the thunder roared, the boat flew forward! And the rainbow was blooming!

So that lightning goes out like matches, striking a rainbow-arc,

So that someone's girl with a pigtail was waiting for him on the shore ...

Darling ... and silence ... and again

I scream out of smoke and fire: FAVORITE !!!

But you will hear this word without me ...

Lead 2. Art and war, love and death ... What incompatible concepts! But it was just like that ... And also poetry and songs, music and painting. Artists were also at the forefront. The posters could trace the history of the entire war.

Story about the poster "Let's get to Berlin" (the student tells, pointing to the map)

The prototype of the smiling hero on the march was real hero- sniper Golosov, whose front-line portraits formed the basis of the famous sheet.

In the foreground there is a young Soviet soldier sitting on a stump near the trench, pulling on his boot with calm, unhurried movements. Nearby lies his machine gun. On the other side, a broken German helmet is lying on the side of the road. In the background is a small European town. Tanks and vehicles are driving along the front road, infantry and cavalry are walking. The scene is almost idyllic. If there were no war props here, you might think that we are facing a cheerful guy who decided to wander around the world; on the way he was slightly tired, sat down to rest, and now, having rested, he is preparing to continue his journey.

He looks at us with a smile, his whole appearance breathes with calmness and confidence. The figure of a soldier, filling almost the entire space of the picture, is depicted sitting, nevertheless, it rises above all other details of the image: above the silhouette of the town in the background and above a military unit moving along the road. The foreground as close as possible is a characteristic of a poster, thus separating the main from the secondary. The artist emphasizes the soldier's boot, places it in the foreground and painstakingly draws out the details.

But if you look at the poster not in detail, but in general, then everything immediately falls into place. "Let's get to Berlin!" - such a combination of image and text brings tension to the poster, increases its content, gives it convincing power, and we have no doubts that the promise will be fulfilled.

Lead 1: Many wonderful poems were born of the war. Some of them, having played their huge propaganda role, remained a document of wartime, while others entered modern spiritual culture as a manifestation of the beauty of the soul of the people, as a poeticization of the natural and beautiful in unnatural conditions.

Lead 2 Beautiful summer of 1941, June 21, Saturday. All schools in the country - graduation, and tomorrow, tomorrow there will be war ... This memorable and tragic date is dedicated to Vadim Shefner's poem "June 22".

(The student speaks)

Don't dance today, don't sing.

In the late evening pensive hour

Stand silently at the windows,

Remember those who died for us.

There, in the crowd, among loved ones, lovers,

Among the cheerful and strong guys,

Someone's shadows in green caps

They rush to the outskirts in silence.

They can't stay, stay -

This day takes them forever

On the tracks of marshalling yards

They are blown away by trains.

Hailing them and calling them is in vain,

They won't say a word in return

But with a sad and clear smile

Look after them intently.

Lead 1: A war thunderstorm had been raging for a long time. For a long time already on the fields, where hot battles took place, thick rye is sprouting. But the people keep in their memory the names of the heroes of the last war.

Lead 2: The Great Patriotic War ... Our story is about those who fearlessly and proudly stepped into the glow of war, into the roar of cannonade, stepped in and did not return, leaving a bright trace on the ground - their poems.

Teacher. Our conversation about the art of the war years has come to an end. Thank you for your attention. See you soon.

The script of the literary and musical composition for the Victory Day for schoolchildren "Courage sung in years!"

Deputy Director for VR, teacher of geography and history, OGKOU "Cherntsk special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities"
Short description: this material can be useful for teachers-organizers, educators, additional teachers. education, in preparation for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The material is designed for middle and older children school age.

"Courage sung in years!"

(literary - musical composition)
Motto:"Without knowing the history of the heroic struggle of your people, one cannot truly learn to love the Motherland!"

Target: improving the spiritual and patriotic development of students, maintaining and developing a sense of pride in their country.

Educational tasks:
instilling in pupils a sense of deep respect and gratitude for the feat of arms of the participants in the Great Patriotic War;
acquaintance with works praising the courage, fortitude and heroism of the Soviet soldier.

Equipment: musical accompaniment: "Katyusha", "Ballad of a Soldier", "My Beloved", " The last battle"," Solar circle ", shots from the military / f" Officers ", drawings on the theme of the Great Patriotic War, paper doves.

1st Lead: Our event is dedicated to the feat Soviet people who won the Great Patriotic War.
On May 9 we will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory. The war is gradually becoming a thing of the past, becoming a page in history. Why do we remember her again and again?
Because the greatness of this Victory cannot be diminished. The soldiers of our country fought in the name of peace, they dreamed of the future in respite between battles, in cramped dugouts, and cold trenches. They believed that the world saved from fascism would be wonderful.

2nd Lead: How much did the victory cost? Take a close look at the numbers and think about it ...

On stage, children in tunics and caps.
1st child: From Brest, where the war began, to Moscow, where the Nazis were stopped, - 1000 km.
2nd child: From Moscow to Berlin, where the war ended, - 1600 km.
3rd child: Total 2600 km ... if you count in a straight line ... so little, right?
2600 km - if by train, then less than 4 days, by plane - about 4 hours ...
With battles, dashes and a train - 4 years!
4th child: 4 years! 1418 days. 34 thousand hours. And 27 million dead compatriots.
27 million dead ... Can you imagine what it is? If a minute of silence is declared for each of the 27 million killed in the country, the country will remain silent ... 43 years!
5th child: 27 million in 1418 days - that means 13 people died every minute.
That's what 27 million is!

2nd Lead: And how many of these 27 million are your peers? Children who never became adults.
War and children ... There is nothing worse than these two words, put side by side. Because children are born for life and not for death. And the war takes this life away.

1st Lead: Now is a peaceful time, but the scars of that war remain in every city and village. Memorial complexes have been created.
The battle sites are marked with obelisks, monuments that keep the names of the dead soldiers ...
Many songs have been composed about these heroic days, poems have been written, many art canvases have been created ...
Literature, musical compositions have become a common monument to everyone who fought for the Motherland, who worked in the name of Victory! ..
Now a literary and musical composition will be presented to your attention "Courage sung in years!"

2nd Lead: Imagine a wonderful summer day, Sunday. Children have holidays, their parents have a vacation, everyone has a day off.
Stage action.
(Girl, boy and mom come out)
And suddenly - like a bolt from the blue ...
The recording "Sacred War" sounds
Girl: So what, mommy is this war?
Mother: Yes...
Boy: So, then, I'm in charge of the house?
Mother: Yes, sonny, yes!
Boy: You, Katya, start washing your clothes! And I - to chop wood!
Girl: Mom, so be it, sell my favorite doll.
Boy: Sell ​​my toy too. You can live without them! Sell ​​the sailor suit, I say! Now there is no time for rags.
Girl: You just, mom, do not grieve!
Boy: We will not leave you.

1st Lead: This is how the peaceful labor of the Soviet people was disrupted. All people, young and old, rose to defend their homeland.
In the harsh days of the war, children stood next to the adults. Schoolchildren earned money for front-line soldiers, worked in military factories, were on duty on rooftops during air raids, and gave concerts in front of wounded soldiers. Such children's performances lifted the spirits of the fighters.

The poem "Spore" is staged in costumes.
Once (in the Enskoy unit it was)
We met at the training ground
Heavy tank
And their fighting brother -
Soldier machine.
They agreed and they started a dispute:
Who is more important at the front these days?
The rocket modestly declared: - Friends!
I'm not going to praise myself,
However, the light interprets about me:
"There is no weapon stronger than a rocket!"
- Yes it is, -
Tank noticed with a bass, -
But about me
And about my armor
It was not for nothing that they composed songs during the war.
Even now, I will tell you without embellishment,
At the front, he would be more important than you.
- You are strong, brothers, I am glad of that, -
Automaton said with a smile, -
But suddenly, imagine, melee will break out -
Anyone would have appreciated me then!
Perhaps this dispute would have continued
And still,
When would not come to our heroes
Soldier - excellent student - Mikhail Cherkashin.
He listened to the heated skirmish
And shook his head -
I am sorry that often
You cannot understand a simple truth.
Here you spoke of your strength,
And then they forgot
That all of you - this must be firmly remembered -
Powerless without a skilled soldier.

2nd Lead: Courage and stamina, warriors are truly unparalleled. They fought to the death and won in hand-to-hand combat, even when the earth burned, stones crumbled, iron melted. People turned out to be harder than metal.

1st Lead:
I only once knew hand-to-hand
Once - in reality and a thousand - in a dream.
Who says that the war is not scary.
He knows nothing about the war. (Julia Drunina)
Julia Drunina. Poetess who went through the war, experienced all its hardships. In four lines, she managed to tell the whole truth about the war.
After the battle, when everything calmed down, the soldiers sang songs that raised morale.

Who said that you have to quit
Songs in the war?
After the fight, the heart asks
Music doubly.

The guys go out and stand on the stage. They perform the song "Katyusha", music. M. Blanter, lyrics. M. Isakovsky.

2nd Lead: Our defenders were ordinary people, with a variety of professions, but during the war they had one profession of "soldier". They proudly bore this title, tirelessly walked towards the cherished goal - Victory.

The song "Ballad of the Soldier" is performed, music. V. Solovyov - Sedogo, to lyrics. M. Matusovsky.

1st Lead: At the front, very young 18-year-olds fought alongside adult men. They not only fought, but also managed to love, despite the fact that death walked alongside every minute ...

The song "My Favorite" lyrics by E. Dolmatovsky, music. M. Blanter.

2nd Lead: It was as easy to end human life as a morning dream ... And the soldiers wanted to live and believe that their homes were awaited ...

One of the wounded soldiers writes a letter home, reading it aloud.
Soldier: Wait for me and I will come back… (an excerpt from K. Simonov's poem "Wait for me").

1st Lead: Simple guys walked and won, covering up a huge country. They bravely, fighting, fully fulfilled their duty as warriors - defenders.
The great hour of reckoning has come
The great day of the earth has come
When Soviet soldiers
They crossed the Soviet border.
A formidable avalanche burst
Steel infantry and vehicles.
Swiftly, uncontrollably
With one thought - to Berlin.

The song "The Last Battle" of the muses is being performed. M. Nozhkina, lyrics M. Nozhkina.

2nd Lead: Our soldiers steadfastly withstood all the trials, holy hatred for the enemy breathed courage and fortitude into the hearts of Soviet soldiers, helped sacrifice themselves in the name of the Fatherland, without naming their own names.


1st child: And there are thousands of examples of this.
From the heroes of the old days
Sometimes there are no names left.
Those who have accepted mortal combat
Became just earth and grass ...
Only their formidable valor
Settled in the hearts of the living. (S. Shishkov)

2nd child: We are not here with you because the date,
Like an evil shard, memory burns in my chest,
To the tomb of the Unknown Soldier
You come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield, fell without stepping back
And this hero has a name -
The Great Army is a simple soldier. (M. Isakovsky)

3rd child: Guys come to the broken pillbox, bring flowers to the soldier's grave.
He fulfilled his duty to our people.
But what is his name? Where is he from?
Was he killed in the attack? Killed on the defensive?
The grave will not utter a word about that.
After all, there is no inscription. The grave is unrequited.
You know, in that terrible hour, there was no time for the inscription. (S. Pogorelovsky)

Viewing frames from the military unit "Officers".

1st Lead: We must not forget the calamities, the grief that the war brought to our people. We know at what cost the Victory was given to us. People of all generations will remember those who gave their lives defending our Motherland from hordes of fascists.

2nd Lead: Let the children meet the dawn everywhere.
A clear, calm smile.
Let's all say together - no!
No no no!

1st Host: No - to predatory wars.
Little children come out and hold posters.

1st child: I will paint a bright sun!
2nd child: I'll paint a blue sky!
3rd child: I'll paint a light in the window!
4th child: I will draw ears of bread!
5-6th children: We'll paint autumn leaves
School, brook, restless friends.
And we will cross out with our common brush
Shots, explosions, fire and war.

2nd Lead: Raise the pictures higher,
So that everyone can see them,
So that everyone can hear today
The voice of the young citizens of the earth.

The phonogram of the song "Solar Circle" by lyrics is played. L. Oshanina, music. A. Ostrovsky. Children launch paper doves.

2nd Lead: Victory Day is a wonderful, bright holiday of the world. Let's try to save our amazing planet from a new disaster. Let the black clouds of war never again obscure the sun over our Motherland.
May there always be peace!

The script of the literary and musical living room was developed by the teacher
vocal by S.V. Danchenko SCENARIO
Host: Good afternoon, dear veterans!
Hello dear friends and guests!
Victory Day is a bright spring holiday, a holiday of military glory
the people of the hero, the people of the winner.
This event entered our lives, in many volumes of history, forever
frozen in stone and in bronze monuments, memorials of glory.
Victory Day excites human souls with the words of songs, poems and
memories. It is eternal in the grateful memory of descendants.
Let the calm cities sleep.
Let the sirens shriek
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let not a single shell explode
None of them scribbles a machine gun.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children voices.
And let the years pass peacefully
Let there never be a war!
1.Song "I wish there was no more war"
Veda: Victory Day, it was and remains a sacred day for all
people of our country. Eyewitnesses of those events remain with everyone
less and less year, but from generation to generation

gratitude and enthusiastic attitude of our people is transmitted
to those who, at the cost of their lives, liberated their native land.

2. Dance "Motherland is mine!"
A word to dear, respected veterans! We are proud of you,
we bow before your courage, and we will be holy
keep in your hearts the memory of your great deed in
years of war. I wish you good health. We really want
so that today you feel good in your soul, in your heart -
With all our hearts we wish you good spirits and
a decent life. Let nothing darken your everyday life and
holidays. Accept the most sincere and heartfelt
congratulations on a great and bright holiday - Day
3. Song "Victory Day"
Host: May 9th, we all celebrate this great holiday -
this is Victory Day. May 9 is celebrated almost all over the world, showing
solidarity with the Russian people, for our great feat. This
the holiday is carefully and tenderly passed on from generation to generation.
Today we want to congratulate everyone on this great holiday,
and I want to wish everyone that never again, in our world,
there were no such terrible wars that no one else ever
did not hear the explosions of bombs so that all the peoples of the world live in friendship
and consent.
Today the smallest artists came to congratulate us on
Great Victory Day!
4. Dance "You are a sailor - I am a sailor!"
Azure bays, pearl mountains,
High, distant lighthouse fire.
Eh! Black sea, wide sea
Native Sevastopol, the love of a sailor.
Wounded but dignified

You will enter the chronicle of centuries
The immortal city of our glory
Shrine of Russian sailors.
5. Song "Sevastopol - wave after wave"
6. Dance "Victory"
It seemed that the flowers were cold
And they faded slightly from the dew,
I dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,
We searched the German binoculars.

Everything breathed such silence,
The whole earth seemed to be asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
Only five minutes left!
That longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
Gave us a common misfortune
For all, for all four years.

On a sunny early morning in June
At the hour when the country was awakening,
Sounded everywhere for the young
This is the terrible word "war".
To reach you, forty-fifth,
Through deprivation, pain and trouble,
The guys left childhood
In the forty-first, war year.
Airplanes rushed up
The tank formation moved
With the song of the infantry companies
We went out for the Motherland into battle!

7.Song "Our 10th Airborne Battalion"

8. Verse with the musical composition "Do you remember
Alyosha roads of the Smolensk region "

9. The song "Ah, these clouds in blue"
How long have the last volleys died down,
It was back in the forty-fifth year,
But do you remember everything as if it was recently,
And you shed a tear again imperceptibly.
And nothing to return, but nothing is forgotten,
Memory takes us back to our youth.
The heart also keeps that blurry for years,
Front-line friends - it's a pity that YOU are not around.
Those years can never be returned, and it is not necessary.
They were too harsh and hard.
But for you the best reward in the world
There will be clear skies and peaceful days.
10.Russian folk dance
So that again on the earthly planet
That trouble did not happen again
We need,
So that our children
They remembered this,
Like us!
I'm not worried in vain

So that that war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience
We need her as strength ...
11. Song "Cuckoo"
We are infinitely proud of you,
Loyal defenders of the country
The pain of loss will endure over the years.
If only there would be no war again!
We, we will save the memory of you forever,
We will save our land for children;
May our native land in Crimea,
becomes more beautiful, richer, brighter !.
Crimea is the coast of ancient times;
Crimea is the coast of a glorious victory;
Crimea, Sevastopol in smoke and fire;
Crimea, this is the child's heart of the planet
12. Song "This is Crimea!"
How many years have passed since the Victory Day?
How many peaceful and happy years ?!
We are grateful to you, fathers and grandfathers,
What did you say to the fascists "no"!
Thank you for standing up
You are the homeland at a high price,
So that the smiles of children shine
You went to death, sacrificing yourself.
Sevastopol glorified hero city,
On the waves, the legendary handsome sea man.
Our Black Sea city dared for the Motherland,
Combat Sevastopol defeated enemies!

The sons of Russia held the defense,
Stronger than steel! We have become strong!
Our brave city is beautiful and smart,
Rus with Sevastopol, because he is strong!

13. Song "Sevastopol"
Sevastopol survived the siege twice.
He fought to the death in two wars,
For this title he deserves the City of Hero.
Was destroyed, reborn from the ashes.
Sevastopol remained Russian forever!
And no matter what happens, it will be Russian!
Russia will never leave Sevastopol,
Merits of the City will not forget the Hero.
14. Dance "Russia - forward!"
We are celebrating Victory Day,
He walks in flowers, banners.
We are all heroes today
We call it by name.
We know: it's not easy at all
He came to us - Victory Day.
This day is conquered
Our dads, our grandfathers.
We will devote many songs to them
Glory, glory on Victory Day!
Together with the Motherland Russia
Let's celebrate the Victory!
15. Songwriter "Russia - come on!"
Today, a holiday enters every home,

And joy to people comes with him.
We congratulate you on a great day,
Happy day of our glory!
Happy Victory Day!

Literary and musical composition "We are alive - while the memory is alive". Scenario for Victory Day for kindergarten

Hall decoration: mini memorial complex " Eternal flame", A soldier's cap, flowers.
Attributes for performances: bonfire, hemp, accordion, bowler hat, machine gun, pencil, piece of paper, scarves, headphones, bandages, binoculars, map.

Composition progress:
Two presenters enter the hall, one is dressed in a soldier's uniform, the other in clothes of the 40s
1st presenter
Veterans live next to us,
That passed on the roads of war.
Let their old wounds hurt
But in spirit they are, as before, strong.
2nd presenter
The war of the heart has scorched you
Separation and merciless fire
But she didn’t kill you,
What we call kindness.
There is no one in the world more human
People who have gone through the hell of war.
After all, they will remember forever
The price of that early gray hair
That as if she showered with ashes,
Still a boy's whiskey.
Although a lot of time has passed since then,
But will you get away from that melancholy
Which stood in dry eyes
Boys who have turned gray from trouble.

1st presenter
After all, until now, life has not leveled
Wars are cruel traces.
That's why someone else's pain worries you so much
And it keeps you awake at night.
He cannot put up with cruelty,
Who lives for the happiness of others!
2nd presenter
Let the history scroll back
Legendary pages.
And memory, through the years, flying,
Leads again to campaigns and battles.
"Waltz" sounds. Several couples are dancing (girls and boys are dressed and combed in the style of the 40s)
1st presenter
Summer night was filled with the smell of herbs, birdsong and cheerful music. June 22 is the shortest night of the year. Classes ended on June 22 in all schools of the country.
2nd presenter
In the morning, yesterday's boys and girls filled the streets of cities. They sang and laughed, they hoped and dreamed of the future, they went to meet the dawn. It was dawn on June 22, 1941.
The waltz music is cut off abruptly, an air raid siren and an announcement of the beginning of war are heard.
Children stop and freeze. More children rush into the hall. The song "Sacred War" sounds against its background the girls recite poetry.
1 girl
Get up to the formidable battle!
Defenders of the Russian land!
2 girl
Fires are blazing in the distance!
3 girl
Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye!
See you! Until the evening after the war!
Girls waving handkerchiefs, hugging boys. Boys and some girls form a column and march around the hall and leave. At this time the march "Farewell of the Slav" sounds in the background. Everyone leaves.

1st presenter
For many of today's children, the Great Patriotic War is almost the same distant past as the war with Napoleon. And young people with a swastika appear on Russian soil.
2nd presenter
And some historians are beginning to speculate what would have happened if Soviet soldiers had not blocked the way for the Nazis. And they did not reason, they just stood to the last: in Brest and in Stalingrad, near Kursk and in besieged Leningrad. We stood and stood!
Staging. Children enter and are accommodated throughout the hall (signalman, nurse, sailor, pilot, submachine gunner).
Communication operator (puts on headphones):
Hello, Jupiter !? I am Diamond!
I can hardly hear you at all ...
We occupied the village with a fight,
And how are you? Hello! Hello!
Nurse (bandaging the wounded):
Why are you roaring like a bear?
A trifle remains to be patient.
And your wound is so light
That will heal for sure.
Sailor (looking through binoculars):
There's a plane on the horizon
On course - full speed ahead!
Get ready for battle, crew!
Set aside! Our fighter!
Pilots over the map:
The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.
Fly to the target for seven minutes.
The battle order is clear
The enemy will not leave us.
Submachine gunner:
So I climbed into the attic.
Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here.
We clean the house behind the house,
We will find the enemy everywhere.
They leave the hall.
1 Presenter
The roads of war ... From Brest to Moscow, and then back ...
How many have passed. And everywhere the song walked with the warriors!
The song lived in the soul of a soldier. The song called for a feat, brought victory closer.
And along with the song lived its inseparable companion - the button accordion.
Staging "Rest after the battle". Soldiers are sitting around the fire, some with a bowler hat, some with a submachine gun, someone is writing a letter home, one couple is dancing to the sound of an accordion played by one of the soldiers. The song "Zemlyanka" sounds in the background.
My great-grandmother didn't fight
She brought Victory closer in the rear,
We had factories in the rear,
For the front, they made tanks, planes ...
The shells were made and the bullets were cast,
Clothes, boots were made,
For planes bombs, guns for soldiers
And guns, and of course, provisions.
2nd presenter
Who will return childhood to a child who has gone through the horror of war?
What did the children of the wartime understand, saw, remember?
- A lot. They will be able to tell about it themselves.
reads out the memories of those present in the hall
Children perform the song "Leningrad Boys"

1st presenter
I will translate the days of war into moments,
And I will divide the moments into those
Who, having lived a short century with the war,
For the Victory he gave his life without hesitation.
The war went on and took lives,
Ten people in a minute.
Someone unmarked grave,
Someone has a humble monument.
Grandpa dreams of war at night,
He says that he has never seen worse dreams:
Bird souls fly away into infinity,
With the cries of the last cranes ...
The song "Blue Scarf" is played, the girls perform a choreographic sketch with scarves.
2nd presenter
Remember! Through the centuries, through the years - remember!
About those who will never come again - remember!
Do not Cry! Hold back moans, bitter moans in your throat.
In memory of the fallen - be worthy! Eternally worthy!
With bread and song, dream and poetry, spacious life,
With every second, every breath, be worthy!
People! As long as hearts are beating - remember!
At what price happiness was won - please remember!
1st presenter
Sending your song in flight - remember!
About those who will never sing again - remember!
Tell your children about them so that they will remember!
Tell the children of children about them so that they will also remember!
At all times of the immortal Earth - remember!
Leading ships to the twinkling stars - remember the dead!
I conjure - remember!
A soldier was walking home from the war,
I walked along the straight path,
In a faded tunic
An experienced soldier was walking home.
And after going through fire and battle,
What did the soldier bring home?
Two wounds, three medals,
The names of the friends who have fallen
A flask of alcohol for conversation
And also, he brought victory ...
The song "May Waltz" sounds, children come into the hall with flowers, give flowers to veterans and invite them to a waltz. After the veterans were escorted to their places, the children stood in a semicircle around the hall.
2nd presenter
War veterans, you are Russian soldiers,
In 1945 we returned home with Pobeda.
And since then forever your names are holy,
War veterans, our earthly bow to you.

All bow low to the veterans.
Children perform the song "Great-grandfather" and give gifts to veterans.
The holiday continues on the street. Songs of Victory are played. The military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa" is being held. Veterans are invited to participate as a jury.


Stage 1 "Report"
who will deliver the package faster through the obstacle course: bench, hoops, pipe.
Stage 2 "Military Hospital"
who will carry and bandage the wounded faster;
Stage 3 "Scouts"
who will find the hidden object faster, guided by the map-scheme.
After all, they are treated to buckwheat porridge cooked in the field kitchen.

Musical room for children and parents "The song led us to Victory"

Kurkina Irina Sergeevna, musical director of MBDOU-kindergarten №106, Yekaterinburg

The material is addressed to preschool teachers educational institutions(music directors, educators), is a script (synopsis) for conducting musical leisure in kindergarten with the participation of all subjects of educational relations: teachers, children, parents, social partners. Attached is a film-report with fragments of the event.

Target: fostering respect for the memory of the defenders of our Motherland, pride in the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

- to form, preserve and revive spiritual and moral values;
- to instill in the younger generation a feeling of love for their native land, respect for the memory of its defenders, admiration for the feat of their people in the Great Patriotic War, deep respect for veterans, pride for their homeland;
- to enrich the musical impressions of children through acquaintance with the songs of the Great Patriotic War, to enrich the experience of perceiving musical works;
- involve parents and social partners in educational process DOE.

Preliminary work:
- learning songs of the war years with the employees of the preschool educational institution, the parents of the pupils;
- preparation of musical numbers based on the songs of the Great Patriotic War together with teachers and students of the Children's Music School No. 3 in Yekaterinburg;
- poster design and invitation of parents and pupils of the preschool educational institution to participate in the music room;
- preparation of a presentation, video sequence, themed design of the music hall for the event;
- development of a scenario for the living room.

Equipment, materials: screen, projector, collections with lyrics, piano, music center.

Event progress

Sound recordings of musical works (CD-disk "March of Victory. Marches and waltzes performed by brass bands"). The members of the living room take their places in the music hall. A slide with a poster is projected onto the screen: "Music room" The song led us to Victory. "

Leading: Good evening, dear children and adults! We are delighted to welcome all of you to our music lounge.
A slide is projected onto the screen with the epigraph: "If we forget the war ..."

Leading: The river of time flows. Many decades have passed since that unforgettable and terrible day when the huge doors of the war were thrown wide open.
A lot of water has since been carried away by the river. The scars of the trenches were overgrown, the ashes of burnt cities disappeared, several generations grew up that did not know war.
In the memory of many people, June 22, 1941 remained as the beginning of the countdown of the long 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War of our people.
Every spring we live on the eve of the Great Victory Day. This year our country especially celebrates its 70th anniversary.
The Victory was hard, very hard for our people. There was not a single family that was not affected by the war. The destinies of poems and songs were closely intertwined with the destinies of people.
Poems and songs of the war years ... How many beautiful and unforgettable! There is everything in them: the bitterness of retreat and the joy of the offensive, dreams of peace and home, of loved ones, admiring the beauty of native nature, pictures of a soldier's life, stories of military exploits.
Our living room opens with "Military Fantasy" performed by students of the children's music school №3.

"War Fantasy" (instrumental composition) sounds. During the performance, documentary footage with military video footage is projected onto the screen.

Leading: The events of wars remain in the memory of generations through songs. They made them hate the enemy and called them into battle, from them people drew spiritual strength and gained support.
"Evening on the Roads" was one of the favorite lyrical songs, and not only among the sailors, about whom it is sung. Everybody sang it.
The song was born in Leningrad, which became a front-line city in the first months of the war.
Slides with reproductions of paintings by artists are projected on the screen: "Military Leningrad"

Defense lines were built on the distant and near approaches to the city. The entire population took part in this work. Like all Leningraders, the authors of the future song composer Vasily Pavlovich Soloviev-Sedoy and poet Alexander Dmitrievich Churkin dug trenches, extinguished incendiary bombs, and in the evenings and on Saturdays they worked in the Leningrad port, which was called "Lesnoy". At that time, its berths were heaped with mountains of logs, and they had to be removed, stacked in piles to reduce the risk of fire from incendiary bombs.
Slides with portraits are projected onto the screen:

One summer August evening, after a hard day, the poet and composer sat down to rest on board an unloaded barge.
“Nothing reminded of the war,” Aleksandr Dmitrievich (Churkin) later recalled. - The waves splashed barely audibly on the sea pebbles. The bay was shrouded in a blue haze. Not far off in the roadstead was a ship. From him came soft music - there was someone playing on accordion ... Vasily Pavlovich (Soloviev-Sedoy) sat silent and pensive.
When we went home, he said: “Wonderful evening. There is a song ... The content is needed: sailors leave their beloved city, say goodbye ... "
“I was thinking about sailors who give their lives to protect the sea approaches to our city,” he said.
V.P.Soloviev-Sedoy, - and I was seized with a burning desire to express their moods and feelings in music.
At home I sat down at the piano and in a few hours composed a song, varying endlessly the same phrase: "Goodbye, beloved city ..." It turned out the melody of the chorus, but there were no words for the chorus. "
The composer called A.D. Churkin and asked him to come.
“I came to a familiar empty apartment,” the poet continued his recollections. - The composer sat down at the piano, and an agitated wide melody poured out ...
We must start like this: Farewell, beloved city ..., said Solovyov-Sedoy. I threw in the second line: we are going to sea soon. The composer crossed out: "No, we are going to sea tomorrow ..."
Together we have also composed a sequel "and sometimes the familiar blue shawl will flicker behind the stern ..."

The song "Evening on the Road" is played (performed by the kindergarten staff). During the performance, documentaries with thematic documentaries are projected onto the screen.

Leading: Songs are like people, each has its own biography, its own destiny. That is why they are dear to us: different and similar, close and distant. The authors of many beautiful soulful melodies have remained unknown.
A lantern with a burning candle is placed in front of the screen. The lights in the hall are turned off. The song "Ogonyok" is played (performed by the kindergarten staff). During performance, a slide is projected onto the screen:

Leading: Immediately after the outbreak of World War II, a journalist and poet Alexey Surkov became a war correspondent for the newspaper Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda. At the end of autumn 1941, he arrived at the headquarters rifle division, defending Istra, after which he went to the command post of the rifle regiment, located in the village of Kashino. Upon arrival, it turned out that the command post was cut off from the battalions by the advancing tank division of Germany, and enemy infantry was approaching the village itself. The outbreak of mortar shelling forced the officers and journalists to sit in the dugout. The Germans occupied the neighboring houses. Then the chief of staff of the regiment, Captain I.K. Velichkin, crawled to the buildings, throwing grenades at the enemy. This caused a weakening of enemy shelling and made it possible to go for a breakthrough. Having safely passed the minefield, everyone retreated to the river and, under renewed mortar shelling, crossed it for another thin ice to the village of Ulyashino, in which the battalion was stationed.
When Surkov got to his own people, his entire overcoat was cut by shrapnel. Then he said: “The regiment did not take a step further than the headquarters. Not a single one ... And to death - four steps. " After that, it only remained to add: "It's not easy for me to reach you ..."
After arriving in the village, staff officers and correspondents were placed in a dugout. Everyone was very tired - so much so that, according to Surkov's recollections, the chief of staff Velichkin, having sat down to eat soup, fell asleep after the second spoon, since he had not slept for four days. The rest settled down near the stove, someone started playing the accordion to relieve tension. Surkov began to make sketches for the reportage, but it turned out to be poetry. At night he returned to Moscow, where he finished his famous poem "In the dugout", which soon became a song. The music for these poems was written by the composer Konstantin Listov.

A slide with portraits is projected onto the screen:

Against the background of the next slide, the song "In the dugout" is played (performed by the kindergarten staff).

Leading: Surkov put the text of his poem in a letter to his wife Sofya Antonovna, writing on the back of the sheet the words "For you, my sun!" The next day, a letter in the soldier's triangle was sent to the city of Chistopol, where the Surkov family was evacuated.
A song dedicated to the "military triangles" is playing in our living room.

Against the background of a slide with photographs of military letters, the song "Front letters" is played (performed by a kindergarten graduate)

Leading: For a soldier, wherever he fought, whether he was starving or freezing, war was a war, and every day it was longer than many lives. The war scary face, but, however, in those distant years, our veterans were young, full of strength and enthusiasm. And in the short hours of calm, they dreamed of peace and happiness.

Against the background of the next slide, the song “We haven't been home for a long time” sounds (performed by the kindergarten staff and parents).

Delicate mouth and stubborn eyebrows -
Eighteen girl years.
In the partisan forests of the Moscow region
Your trace will never disappear.
A fawn with big eyes
Semi-childish oval of swarthy cheeks ...
The commander sent on a mission -
It turned out that he sent to immortality ...

The song "The Dark Woman" is played (performed by the parents).

Leading: The amazing fate of the song "Blue Scarf". Its history began before the war, in the fall of 1939. the popular Polish pop group "Blue Jazz" has arrived in Moscow. He brought a lot of songs for the metropolitan listener, among them "Blue Scarf". Moscow literally fell ill with this song, which remained popular for a very long time.
Alexei Surkov wrote: “From the very first days of the war, it became audible that next to the forged lines“ There is a war of the people, a holy war ”, quiet lyrical words of the song“ Little blue modest kerchief ”glow in the soldier's heart.
And so it was. Moreover, in the soldiers' trenches and dugouts, in short moments of rest, they sang not only the previous pre-war version of The Blue Handkerchief, but also its most varied alterations: lyrical, humorous, satirical. They began, perhaps, with a variant of an unnamed author. Literally in the first days of the enemy invasion, the words sounded to the melody of the "blue handkerchief":
June 22nd,
At exactly four o'clock
Kiev was bombed
We were told
That the war has begun.
The wheels of the carriage will tremble,
The train will run away with an arrow.
You are from the platform
I am from the train
We'll wave our hand sadly ..
At night
We said goodbye to you.
Write, my friend,
At least a few lines
Dear, good, dear ...

A slide is projected onto the screen:

Leading: The time of writing the poems of the front-line version of "Blue Handkerchief" is April 9, 1942. Their author is a literary employee of the newspaper "In the decisive battle!" 54th Army of the Volkhov Front, Lieutenant Mikhail Alexandrovich Maksimov. After one of the concerts, he approached the singer K. Shulzhenko and offered her his poems, composed by him to the melody of "Blue Scarf". I liked the poems, and the song got a kind of rebirth and a second life, became one of the most famous songs of the war years.

A slide is projected onto the screen:

Against the background of slides with pictures, the song "Blue Scarf" (performed by parents) sounds.

We dedicate this dance
To our great-grandfathers and grandfathers
To our beloved homeland
Honor and glory on Victory Day!

A slide with the inscription "I remember, I am proud!" Is projected onto the screen. Ensemble of children preparatory group performs the dance "Waltz".

Leading: The songs of the war years were very different. Lyrical songs brought joy to the soldiers in moments of rest, and to raise the mood, the people composed ditties. Comic verses also helped fight enemies:
Eh, ditty you, ditty,
Each word is a shell
Beats the fascists on the top of the head
Helps to fight!
Not to the face of a fighter
Don't give me a place to burn!
Even if there is a reason
Never be discouraged! ….
This song was very much loved in the Army: in a playful form, it expressed thoughts and feelings close to all fighters.

Viewing the video clip "Vasya-Vasilek" from the film collection "Concert-Front" (Performed by the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble Soviet army n / a A.V. Aleksandrov, 1942 Soloists Georgy Babaev and Vasily Pankov)

Leading: Let us and you and I try to perform some military ditties - for example, those that were sung in the intervals between the battles of the warrior girls.

"Military ditties" performed by the kindergarten staff are playing against the background of the slide.

Leading: Where, song, do you come from?
You were born in the heart of the people….
In war thunderstorms you sounded
You went up to the stands with us.
Soon after the end of the Great Patriotic War, in the fall of 1945, Anatoly Novikov wrote the song “Roads” on the verses of Lev Oshanin for the theatrical program “Victory Spring”.

A video sequence with photographs of military roads is projected onto the screen. The song "Roads" is played by the ensemble of parents

Leading: Many songs were played on the roads of the war. They have remained in the memory of millions of people. For us, adults, and for you, children, this is the history of our country.
The war died down, harvesting its bloody harvest,
How many years have passed, how many new worries have been experienced,
Time rushes forward, time rushes to new frontiers.
But nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten forever.
Our life,
Our bright joy in fierce battles.
By your feat, valor, your sacrifice,
In your honor, obelisks stand up to heaven on earth.
No, nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten forever!

A video sequence with monuments is projected onto the screen.
Against the background of the video clip, employees perform songs "Cranes".

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