Innovative educational technologies in the individualization of the educational process. Modern innovative educational technologies

Federal agency by education FGOU VPO

"Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical State University"

Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Educational Technologies

Course work

By discipline: "Pedagogical technologies"

Topic: "Innovative pedagogical technologies

Completed: 3rd year student of FTiD

Groups PO-33

Eremin Alexey Konstantinovich

Checked by: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of PiIOT

Galina Fyodorovna Ponkratenko



1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.1.3 Innovative educational institutions

1.2 Modern innovative technologies in pedagogy

1.2.1 Interactive technologies learning

1.2.2 Project Learning Technologies

1.2.3 Computer technology

2. Chapter: Practical approaches to the problem of innovative pedagogical technologies

2.1 Innovative trends in vocational education

2.1.1 Global experience of innovations in vocational education

2.1.2 Innovations in vocational education in Russia

2.2 Innovative pedagogical technologies at the legislative level

2.3 Innovative teaching activities in the capital


Bibliographic list


Development is an integral part of any human activity. Accumulating experience, improving methods, methods of action, expanding his mental capabilities, a person thereby constantly develops.

The same process is applicable to any human activity, including pedagogical. At different stages of its development, society presented more and more new standards and requirements for the workforce. This necessitated the development of the education system.

One of the means of such development is innovative technologies, i.e. these are fundamentally new ways, methods of interaction between teachers and students, ensuring effective achievement of the result teaching activities.

The problem innovative technologies a large number of talented scientists and teachers have been engaged and continue to do so. Among them V.I. Andreev, I.P. Podlasy, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences K.K. Kolin, doctor of pedagogical sciences V.V. Shapkin, V.D. Simonenko, V.A. Slastenin and others. All of them made an invaluable contribution to the development innovation processes in Russia.

The research object of this term paper is the process of development of education as a holistic pedagogical system, and the subject of research is innovative pedagogical technologies, as an integral part of the research object.

The purpose of the course work is to identify the types, difficulties, methods of introducing innovative technologies, as well as their specificity in Russian Federation.

1. Chapter: Theoretical approaches to the problem of innovative pedagogical technologies

1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.1.1 Essence, classification and directions pedagogical innovation

Scientific innovation, driving progress forward, encompasses all areas of human knowledge. Distinguish between socio-economic, organizational and managerial, technical and technological innovations. One of the varieties of social innovation is pedagogical innovation.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in the field of pedagogy, a purposeful progressive change that introduces educational environment stable elements (innovations) that improve the characteristics of both its individual components and the educational system itself as a whole.

Pedagogical innovations can be carried out both at the expense of the educational system's own resources (intensive development path), and by attracting additional capacities (investments) - new funds, equipment, technologies, capital investments, etc. (extensive development path).

The combination of intensive and extensive ways of development of pedagogical systems allows for the so-called "integrated innovations", which are built at the junction of diverse, multi-level pedagogical subsystems and their components. Integrated innovations, as a rule, do not look like far-fetched, purely "external" activities, but are conscious transformations arising from the deep needs and knowledge of the system. Reinforcing bottlenecks the latest technology, the overall effectiveness of the pedagogical system can be improved.

The main directions and objects of innovative transformations in pedagogy are:

Development of concepts and strategies for the development of education and educational institutions;

Updating the content of education; change and development of new technologies of teaching and upbringing;

Improving the management of educational institutions and the education system as a whole;

Improving preparation teaching staff and improving their qualifications;

Designing new models of the educational process;

Ensuring psychological, environmental safety of students, development of health-saving learning technologies;

Ensuring the success of training and education, monitoring the educational process and development of students;

Development of textbooks and teaching aids new generation, etc.

Innovation can take place at various levels. The highest level includes innovations that affect the entire pedagogical system.

Progressive innovation arises from a scientific basis and helps to move the practice forward. V educational science a fundamentally new and important direction arose - the theory of innovations and innovation processes. Reforms in education are a system of innovations aimed at radical transformation and improvement of the functioning, development and self-development of educational institutions and their management system.

1.1.2 Technologies and conditions for the implementation of innovation processes

Pedagogical innovations are carried out according to a certain algorithm. P.I. Pidkasisty identifies ten stages in the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations:

1. Development of the criterion apparatus and indicators of the state of the pedagogical system to be reformed. At this stage, you need to identify the need for innovation.

2. A comprehensive check and assessment of the quality of the pedagogical system to determine the need for its reform using special tools.

All components of the pedagogical system must be examined. As a result, it should be precisely established what needs to be reformed as outdated, ineffective, and irrational.

3. The search for samples of pedagogical solutions that are anticipatory and can be used to model innovations. Based on the analysis of the bank of advanced pedagogical technologies, it is necessary to find material from which new pedagogical constructions can be created.

4. Comprehensive analysis of scientific developments containing creative solutions to relevant pedagogical problems(information from the Internet may be helpful).

5. Designing an innovative model of the pedagogical system as a whole or its individual parts. An innovation project is created with specific desired properties that differ from traditional options.

6. Implementing integration of the reform. At this stage, it is necessary to personalize the tasks, determine the responsible persons, the means of solving the problems, and establish the forms of control.

7. Working out the practical implementation of the well-known law of change of labor. Before introducing an innovation into practice, it is necessary to accurately calculate its practical significance and effectiveness.

8. Construction of an algorithm for introducing innovations into practice. In pedagogy, similar generalized algorithms have been developed. They include such actions as analysis of practice to find areas to be updated or replaced, modeling innovation based on the analysis of experience and scientific data, developing an experiment program, monitoring its results, introducing necessary adjustments, and final control.

9. Introduction to professional vocabulary of new concepts or rethinking the old professional vocabulary... When working out the terminology for its implementation in practice, they are guided by the principles of dialectical logic, the theory of reflection, etc.

10. Protection of pedagogical innovation from pseudo innovators. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of expediency and justification of innovations. History testifies that sometimes huge efforts, material resources, social and intellectual forces are spent on unnecessary and even harmful transformations. The damage from this can be irreparable, therefore, false pedagogical innovation must not be allowed. As false innovations that only imitate innovation activity, the following examples can be cited: formal change of signs of educational institutions; presenting the refurbished old as fundamentally new; transformation into an absolute and copying of the creative method of any teacher-innovator without its creative processing, etc.

However, there are real barriers to innovation. IN AND. Andreev identifies the following of them:

The conservatism of a certain part of teachers (the conservatism of the administration of educational institutions and educational bodies is especially dangerous);

Blind adherence to tradition like: "Everything is fine with us";

Lack of the necessary teaching staff and financial resources to support and stimulate pedagogical innovation, especially for experimental teachers;

Zemskova Nadezhda Alexandrovna
Types of innovative technologies in education

Types of innovative technologies

Recently in education more and more often the question is raised about the use in working with children innovative technologies... Today the teacher is faced with new tasks and new opportunities are opening up, taking into account their application.

Innovative activity is a special type of pedagogical activity. - Innovations define new methods, forms, means, technologies, used in pedagogical practice, focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities.

Innovative technologies is a system of methods, methods, techniques of teaching, educational means aimed at achieving a positive result due to dynamic changes in personal development child in modern conditions... Use of modern educational technologies provides flexibility educational process, increases the cognitive interest of students, creative activity.

There are the following innovative educational technologies :

Health-saving technologies: their main goal is the formation of a conscious attitude of the child to the health and life of a person, the accumulation of knowledge about health and the development of the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it.

Forms of work: gymnastics (morning, eye exercises, breathing exercises, finger and dynamic gymnastics); physical education classes; sports events; physical education between classes, dynamic pauses; walks.

Project activities: the creation of problematic activities that are carried out by students together with the teacher. The knowledge that learners acquire in the course of working on a project becomes their personal property and is firmly fixed in the system of knowledge about the world around them. The main goal of the design method is to develop free creative personality, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of the research activities of children.

Projects vary: by the number of participants (individual, paired, group, frontal); by duration (short-term, medium-term, long-term); by priority method (research, creative, informational, gaming); by subject (patriotic, environmental, social).

Information and communication technologies are used most often. Children are drawn to acquiring computer skills. With the help of fascinating programs for teaching reading and mathematics, for the development of memory and logic, children can be interested in "Sciences"... The computer has a number of significant advantages over the classical occupation. Animated pictures flickering on the screen attract the child and allow them to concentrate their attention. With the help of computer programs, it becomes possible to simulate various life situations. Depending on the child's abilities, the program can be tailored specifically for him, that is, focus on his individual development. In this case, the use of computer technologies becomes especially expedient, as it provides information in an attractive form, which not only speeds up memorization, but also makes it meaningful and long-term.

Examples of forms of classes: lesson-visualization - the presentation of the content is accompanied by a presentation; a practical lesson in the form of a presentation - presentation of the results of project or research activities using specialized software.

Tasks of teachers: keep up with the times, become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies, a mentor in the choice of computer programs, to form the foundations of the information culture of his personality, to improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents.

Cognitive research activities: the main goal is to create an experimental activity in which the student is an active participant. The direct participation of students in the course of the experiment allows him to personally see the process and results of his activities. When organizing this technologies students are offered a problematic task that can be solved by researching something or conducting experiments.

Methods and techniques the organization of this activity is: conversations; observation; modeling; fixation of results.

Personality-oriented technology is technology putting the personality of the student at the center of the educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free, safe conditions for development. Provides for the preparation of individual educational programs corresponding to the needs and capabilities of each individual student. The purpose of this technologies- the creation of democratic partnership humanistic relations between the child and the teacher, as well as the provision of conditions for the development of the personality of students.

Playroom technology where play helps learning. Practice shows that a lesson using game situations, contribute to the emergence of active cognitive interest. In such classes, there are elements of creativity and free choice. The ability to work in a group develops. when the achievement of the goal depends on the personal efforts of each. At the same time, games have many cognitive and educational functions.

Application innovative pedagogical technologies promotes:

- professional development of teachers;

- application teaching experience and its systematization;

- quality improvement education;

- improving the quality of education and upbringing;

- use of computer technologies learners for teaching purposes.

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Speech at the primary school on the topic:

"Innovative technologies in education"

When attestation in the conclusion on the professional activity of a pedagogical worker educational organization in the section "Development of the educational environment and educational services" there is a subparagraph 2.3 "Use of innovative technologies, including digital educational resources, in educational process. And the information that I have prepared for you on this topic may be useful to you. We will recall a little about pedagogical technologies.

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself..

We spend the best part of our lives at work.One must learn to work in such a way that the work is easy and that it is always a vital permanent school. A.K. Gastev

Innovation - (from the Latin "innovation" - innovation¸ change, renewal) is the activity of creating, mastering, using and disseminating a new one, with a purposeful change, introducing new elements into the implementation environment that cause a change in the system from one state to another. (Modern dictionary foreign languages)

Innovative technologiesIs the production (invention) of a component new to the education system.

Innovative technologies in education- is the organization of the educational process, built on qualitatively different principles, means, methods and technologies and allows you to achieve educational effects characterized by:

Assimilation of the maximum amount of knowledge;

Maximum creative activity;

A wide range of practical skills and abilities.

The purpose of innovative technologiesis the formation of an active, creative personality of a future specialist, capable of independently building and adjusting his educational and cognitive activity

We must develop skills that are very important in modern society:

  • the ability to develop a plan of your actions yourself and follow it;
  • the ability to find the necessary resources (including information) to solve their problem;
  • the ability to receive and transmit information, to present the result of their work - efficiently, efficiently, effectively;
  • the ability to use a computer in any situation, regardless of the task at hand;
  • the ability to navigate in an unfamiliar professional field.

Innovative technologies involve:

-increasing the level of motivation for educational work.
-forming high level development of students on the basis of their inclusion in a constant increasingly complex activity.
-with the active support of the teacher.
- constant repetition, systematization of knowledge, speaking together with the teacher.
-the leading role is the formation of a benevolent atmosphere, the creation of a positive attitude towards learning through an individual attitude towards each student.
- creation of a cognitive thinking scheme.
- nurturing self-esteem
-based on a differential approach.
-good knowledge of the theoretical material successful training.
-creation of a problem situation.
-working with gifted children.

Developmental training;

Problem learning;

Multilevel training;

Collective training system;

Problem solving technology;

Research teaching methods;

Project teaching methods;

Modular learning technologies;

Lecture-seminar-credit training system;

Collaborative learning (team, group work);

Information and communication technologies;

Health-saving technologies.

Professional development of teaching staff

You can see on the slide the options for using educational technologies at all stages of the lesson and with what methods and techniques we are implementing them.

This means that we all use pedagogical technologies at every stage of the lesson, including innovative ones.

I also want to say a little about digital educational resources.

Digital educational resourcesrefers to educational materials for which electronic devices are used.

Digital educational resources- a set of software, information, technical and organizational support, electronic publications placed on machine-readable media and / or on the network.

The CRC includes:

Digital photography,

Video fragments,

Static and dynamic models,

Sound recordings,

Symbolic objects and business graphics,

Text documents,

Presentations and other educational materials required for the organization educational process.

FCIOR (Federal Center for Educational Information Resources) Internet address:

One Collection of Digital Educational Resources

Monitoring the quality of education

The quality of education is directly related to the use of innovative directions.

For students good quality of education is associated primarily with:

  • with good knowledge in all subjects, when, after graduating from school, the student can enter the university without problems;
  • with opportunities in the future to achieve success in a career, to achieve the goal set in life;
  • with additional knowledge, training, understanding of subjects;
  • with deep solid knowledge in all subjects.

For parents

  • with the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow a school graduate to find his place in life, to gain the respect of the people around him;
  • with knowledge of subjects, with good school equipment, with the professionalism of teachers;
  • with the ability of students to apply the knowledge gained in life; with the ability of a teacher to captivate children with their subject.

For teachers good quality education is associated with:

  • with the ability to prepare a student for a university, a deep disclosure of the most interesting questions science, preparing a student not only mentally, but also morally;
  • with the ability of the student to think independently, analyze and work independently;
  • with a school that takes into account the individual characteristics of the student, the abilities and needs of children;
  • with a professional attitude and self-awareness of a teacher, when he clearly presents his goals, knows how to achieve them and feels spiritual comfort.

The success of a modern teacher:
-the ability to manage oneself
-setting reasonable personal goals
-the ability to solve problems
-personal growth
-inventiveness and ability for innovative creativity.


Innovative areas or modern educational technologies in the Priority National Project "Education" include:

  • developmental training;

Developmental education is a direction in the theory and practice of education, focused on the development of physical, cognitive and moral abilities of students by using their potential. The foundations of the theory of developmental education were laid by L. S. Vygotsky in the 30s of the twentieth century.

Since the late 1950s, Vygotsky's hypothesis has been developed by two teams created by Zankov and Elkonin. Based on the fact that the traditional initial training does not provide the proper mental development children, Zankov developed a new didactic system based on interrelated principles:

1) training at a high level of difficulty;

2) the leading role of theoretical knowledge;

3) a high rate of study of the material;

4) students' awareness of the learning process;

5) systematic work on the development of all students.

  • problem learning;

Scheme problem learning, is presented as a sequence of procedures, including: the statement by the teacher of an educational problem problem, the creation of a problem situation for students; awareness, acceptance and resolution of the problem that has arisen, in the process of which they master generalized ways of acquiring new knowledge; application of these methods for solving specific systems of problems.

A problematic situation is a cognitive task, which is characterized by a contradiction between the available knowledge, skills, attitudes and requirements.

Advantages of Problem-Based Learning:

1.High independence of students;

2. Formation of cognitive interest or personal motivation of the student.

  • multilevel training;

Personality-oriented technologies involve taking into account the individual characteristics of each student, i.e. a differentiated approach to teaching for each student, taking into account his specific knowledge, abilities and skills, as well as such assessment criteria that not only establish the level of learning success, but also have an educational impact on students, stimulating their learning activities. Multilevel training is necessary in order to provide a CHANCE for each student to develop their potential abilities.

  • collective learning system;

The idea of ​​a collective way of teaching V.K. Dyachenko.

The didactic basis of CSR is cooperation. The work is organized in pairs of a shift team, allows for mutual training and mutual control of trainees.

Experience shows that the collective form of training means such an organization of training in which all participants work with each other in pairs and the composition of the pairs changes periodically. As a result, it turns out that each member of the team works in turn with each, while some of them can work individually. The technology of collective mutual learning makes it possible to fruitfully develop students' independence and communication skills.

  • problem solving technology;

A pedagogical task should be understood as a meaningful pedagogical situation with a goal brought into it in connection with the need for cognition and transformation of reality. It is the result of the subject's awareness of the goal of education and the conditions for achieving it in a pedagogical situation, as well as the need to perform professional actions and accept them for execution. Any pedagogical situation is problematic. Recognized and set by the teacher as a task, as a result of his activities, it is subsequently transformed into a system of specific tasks of the pedagogical process.

  • research teaching methods;

The learning process is an interconnected activity of a teacher and a student. The teaching method should naturally be regarded as the way by which this interconnected activity is carried out.

It is known that for the development of a student, he must be included in independent activity to solve problems. It is this task that heuristic teaching methods are designed to solve. Hence, heuristic methods are developmental teaching methods. The student's leading activity under the conditions of this method should be of a search nature. The volume and ability of a student's independent search activity can vary widely, in connection with which heuristic methods are divided into:

1) problem statement;

2) partial search methods;

3) research methods.

  • project teaching methods;

The project method is based on the development of cognitive, creative skills of students, the ability to independently design their knowledge, the ability to navigate in information space, the development of critical thinking.

The project method is not a new phenomenon in pedagogy. It was used both in domestic didactics (especially in the 1920s and 1930s) and in foreign ones. Recently, this method has received close attention in many countries of the world. Initially, it was called the method of problems and was associated with the ideas of the humanistic direction in philosophy and education, developed by the American philosopher and educator J. Dewey, as well as his student W.H. Kilpatrick. J. Dewey proposed to build learning on an active basis, through the purposeful activity of the student, in accordance with his personal interest in this particular knowledge.

The project method is always focused on the independent activity of students - individual, pair, group, which students perform for a certain period of time. This approach blends seamlessly with collaborative learning.

The project method always presupposes the solution of some problem, which envisages, on the one hand, the use of various methods, on the other hand, the integration of knowledge and skills from different areas science, technology, technology, creative fields.

  • modular learning technologies;

Modular learning is based on the following basic idea: the student must learn himself, and the teacher must manage his teaching: motivate, organize, coordinate, advise, control.

The essence of modular learning is that the student is completely independent

(or with a certain dose of assistance) achieves specific educational and cognitive goals

activities in the process of working with the module. A module is a target functional unit, which combines: educational content and the technology of mastering it into a system of a high level of integrity.

  • lecture-seminar-credit training system;

Lecture-seminar-test technology is a systemic didactic complex that includes the optimal forms, methods and means that provide the intensification of the independent work of schoolchildren in the process of their learning and development. Thus, the lecture, seminar, test in unity and interconnection realize the tasks of learning and development. The use of this technology allows you to study large blocks at a fast pace, qualitatively, at the level of comprehension. teaching material... The lecture and seminar system allows you to include a large amount of independent work with various sources.

  • use of gaming technologies in teaching

(role-playing, business and other types of educational games);

  • learning in cooperation (team, group work);
  • information and communication technologies;
  • health-saving technologies.

UDC 37.0 BBK 74 B-51

Bersirova Safiet Dovletbievna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Information Systems in Economics and Law, Maikop State Technological University, tel .: 89184268382.



The article deals with innovative technologies in the education system. The place of innovations in the educational process is specified, the author's definition of innovative technologies is given.

Key words: innovations, teaching technologies, educational process, information communication technologies, improving the educational process.

Bersirova Safiet Davletbievna, senior assistant of the department of foreign languages ​​at the faculty of information systems in economics andjurisprudence, Maikop State Technological University, Tel .: 89184268382.


In the article it is spoken about innovative technologies in the education system. The role of innovations in the educational process is specified, and the author "s definition of innovative technologies is given.

Keywords: innovations, technologies of training, educational process, information communicative technologies, improvement of the educational process.

Attribute modern society dynamism and modernization are, therefore, innovation in all areas is necessary for sustainable development. This concerns production, economics, etc. Confucius proved the fundamental role of education in the evolution of society. Innovation in education should be the basis of modernization Russian society... Modern development trends and the Bologna process focus on the leading role of information technology in the education system. The Carnegie Institution's predictions about a major technological revolution in higher education in connection with the development of electronics and information communication systems.

Understanding of social processes allows us to conclude that the modernization of society will be facilitated by the innovation of culture, science and education. Moving to the center of all scientific fields the human factor is due to the requirement to modernize the educational system, the object of which is the person. Innovation is required where existing traditions no longer meet the needs of society. With regard to the process of education, we are talking about a shift in emphasis from knowledge of focus to personal. Due to the competitiveness of knowledge at the present stage, competence in acquiring new knowledge becomes a strategic task of training. And its formation is possible with the modernization of teaching technologies.

The subordinate position of the student in relation to the teacher, characteristic of the traditional system, no longer functions in modern conditions. If in the traditional technology the teacher was endowed with the only informing function, then at present the status of the student is being raised to an equal relationship with the teacher. The reason is the emergence of many competitors: the media and

other media. The challenge is to jointly search for and produce new knowledge. Both subjects of the educational process are partners in the reflective acquisition of knowledge.

The accumulated past experience no longer represents a vital value, the competence of the characteristics, the skills of independent decision-making in unforeseen situations have a great axiological essence.

In the modern educational system, the teacher's role is more consulting than teaching. He knows the ways of searching and obtaining new knowledge, and new is the subject of joint search of the teacher and student.

The purpose of the article is to clarify the concept of innovative technologies and comprehend their place in the modern educational process, to outline tasks in this direction.

The term teaching technology appeared in our country in the 60s. Then it was abolished and only in a modern modernizing society did it regain relevance in connection with innovations.

There are many definitions of innovation and innovative technology.

Innovation (from latlp -v, pusch- new) means innovation or innovation.

“Teaching technology is an area of ​​knowledge related to the patterns of construction, implementation and evaluation of the entire educational process, taking into account the learning objectives. It is based on the results of research into the processes of teaching people using both human and material resources. The purpose of the learning technology is to ensure the growth of the effectiveness of the learning process. "

“Learning technology should be understood as component part constant and comprehensive activity, the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of the joint activities of students and teachers, in which an important place belongs to technical means, i.e. the technology is not limited to a few mechanical accessories, it embodies a rational concept of building a learning system, which is based on modern means of information transmission ... ".

"Area of ​​expertise related to the definition of a system of prescriptions that ensure the optimization of training."

“The field of scientific knowledge, the purpose of which is the practical study of the possibilities of achieving maximum efficiency on the way of correct accounting and selection of all possible factors influencing its course. achieving maximum efficiency presupposes the use of the achievements of modern technical thought, theory and information, and the humanities. "

American scientists gave the following definition of learning technologies: "The means created in the course of the revolutionary transformation of the means of communication, which can be useful for the educational process along with such traditional means of teaching as a student or a blackboard."

Based on the above definitions, it can be concluded that:

1.innovative technologies should improve educational

2.they should take into account the changed educational environment in which

a significant place is occupied by technical means. innovative technologies should use the achievements of all

scientific fields

4.innovative technologies include the technique of joint search for new knowledge by the teacher and the student

5. in innovative technologies it is necessary to clarify the ratio of the triad: teacher - student - ict.

Summarizing the above, innovative technologies can be defined as a field of scientific knowledge and teaching practice, studying and practicing new methods of improving the educational process using information communication technologies, the defining direction of which is taking into account the central position of the student on the basis of cooperation pedagogy, regulating the ratio of the triad: teacher - student - ict.

The first concept of innovative technologies involves the saturation of educational institutions with modern technical means and a network of computer systems. But practice shows that the mere presence of ICT does not ensure the improvement and effective development of the educational process. The human factor prevails here as well. We need people who know how to manage systems. Innovative technologies in education should be based on the human factor as a resource for economic growth. The development of the adaptive qualities of an individual in a multicultural society becomes a strategic task of education. Economic leverage is no longer the determining factor. A more subtle factor is that a person becomes a measure of innovation and modernization of society. The changed context of modern education is that it functions in a multicultural environment. Based on this, innovative trends are aimed at the cultural content of modern education, therefore, the socio-cultural orientation of innovation is one of the essential requirements of innovative development. Since man is a creature

dialogical (homo dialogis), then innovative technologies should regulate the dialogue in the education system.

Modern society is marked by an abundance of information, and it, in contrast to the knowledge that an individual person may possess, is a divisible unit (Robert Kiyosaki). Thanks to ICT, the density and geography of communication increases. Based on this, communicative competence in modern conditions has an axiological essence.

The course for the innovative development of the education system should stimulate the creativity and creativity of the participants in the educational process, contribute to a change in the relationship: teacher - student. Actualization of existing knowledge no longer represents a social value (application of acquired knowledge in production), it is more valuable to supplement existing complexes (Komplexergänzung). Here, one should use known methods of solution in relation to new conditions.

The task of the university, formulated by Humboldt, to bring the educational and scientific process under one roof, is feasible in modern conditions only with innovative development, when the teacher and student conduct a joint scientific search.

Difficulties in implementing innovations

According to M. Karpenko, ensuring everyone has access to information technology will allow modernizing modern education. Although the implementation of innovative technologies in practice presupposes the filling of educational institutions with technical means, it is useless without the appropriate qualifications of the teacher. It follows from this that equipping educational institutions with computers and connecting to the Internet, towards which the government has taken real steps, although they are the basis for modernization, do not fully solve the problem of updating and modernizing the education system.

Technology innovation:

1.copy foreign experience and its extrapolation to the Russian educational environment,

2. transfer of educational systems of the past to the modern environment.

3. creation of a completely new one based on the changed environment.

The difficulty in evaluating innovations lies in the excessive remoteness of the expected effect; long-term observations are needed to identify the real effect.

The question of the criteria for assessing innovative technologies in education is quite controversial. Innovative technologies are the product of scientific research. The criterion for assessing economic innovation is profit, and pedagogical innovative technologies should "improve the quality of life." Short-term observations, expert assessments and tests do not allow to reliably judge the effects of the introduction of innovations.

In the presence of appropriate criteria, the openness of the educational system to innovations, the introduction of innovative technologies into the educational environment will provide a kind of bridge between the personality and the changing conditions of the environment, in which information communication technologies are decisive.

According to the synergistic paradigm, education is an open system in which innovations complement the existing traditional system. Education, being a synthesis of the practice of cognitive acceptance of modernized technologies and the implementation of the traditional model, is not yet innovative. The reason is that in times of crisis they seek refuge in the tradition.

Education should form openness to everything new, the ability for creativity and scientific production in connection with the dynamism of modern society and the rapid changes in it. A willingness to learn throughout life will ensure the adaptation of the individual to unforeseen situations.

The imperative of innovative technologies with an emphasis on the changed status of the subject of education should ensure the modernization of society as a whole. The education system should become open to innovations, as they underlie the generation of new knowledge, which is a source of modernization and renewal of society.

Analysis state of the art education allows you to outline tasks for future development. Should

To intensively introduce the results of pedagogical research into educational practice,

Move from cognitive practice to a behavioral model of modernization

relations: teacher-student, student-student based on sociocultural


Determine the place of ICT in the system of dialogue relations.

On the basis of innovative development, education will be able to provide a “proactive response to the strategic requirements of the time”.


1. Thinkers of Education / ed. Zaglul Morsi. Perspectives. 1993.

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Innovation in the field of education is everything that is associated with the introduction of advanced pedagogical experience into practice. Educational and educational process, taking in modern science leading place, aimed at transferring knowledge, abilities, skills to students, at the formation of personality, citizenship. The changes are dictated by time, a change in attitudes towards learning, upbringing, and development.

The importance of innovation in education

Innovative technologies in education make it possible to regulate learning and direct it in the right direction. People have always been frightened by everything unknown and new, they reacted negatively to any changes. The stereotypes that exist in the mass consciousness, affecting the usual way of life, lead to painful phenomena, hinder the renewal of all types of education. The reason for the reluctance of people to embrace innovation in modern education lies in the blocking of vital needs for comfort, safety, self-affirmation. Not everyone is ready for the fact that they will have to re-study the theory, take exams, change their minds, spend personal time and money on this. After the update process starts, you can stop it only with the help of special methods.

Innovation Implementation Methods

The most common ways to check the effectiveness of the transformations launched in education are:

  • Method of specifying documents. To evaluate innovations in the education system, the possibility of volumetric introduction of innovations in the educational process is suppressed. A separate school, university, educational institution is selected, and an experiment is conducted on their basis.
  • Piecewise embedding method. It implies the introduction of a separate new innovative element.
  • An “eternal experiment” means evaluating the results obtained over a long period of time.

Parallel implementation presupposes the coexistence of the old and the new educational process, analysis of the effectiveness of such a synthesis.

Problems of introducing innovations

Innovative technologies in education are “slowed down” for various reasons.

  1. Creativity barrier. Teachers who are accustomed to working according to old programs do not want to change anything, learn, or develop. They are hostile to all innovations in the educational system.
  2. Conformity. Due to adaptability, unwillingness to develop, fear to look like a black sheep in the eyes of others, to seem ridiculous, teachers refuse to make unusual pedagogical decisions.
  3. Personal anxiety. Due to lack of self-confidence, abilities, strength, low self-esteem, fear of expressing their judgments openly, many teachers resist any changes in the educational institution to the last opportunity.
  4. Rigidity of thinking. Old school teachers consider their opinion to be the only, final, not subject to revision. They do not strive to acquire new knowledge, skills, and have a negative attitude towards new trends in modern educational institutions.

How to embrace innovation

Innovative behavior does not imply adaptation, it implies the formation of one's own individuality, self-development. The teacher must understand that innovative education is a way to bring up a harmonious personality. “Ready-made templates” are not suitable for him, it is important to constantly improve his own intellectual level. A teacher who has got rid of "complexes" and psychological barriers is ready to become a full-fledged participant in innovative transformations.

Learning technology

It is a guide for the implementation of the goals set by the educational institution. This is a systemic category that is focused on the didactic use of scientific knowledge, the organization of the educational process with the use of empirical innovations of teachers, increasing the motivation of schoolchildren and students. Depending on the type of educational institution, different approaches are used in education.

Innovation in universities

Innovation in higher education implies a system consisting of several components:

  • learning objectives;
  • content of education;
  • motivation and teaching tools;
  • participants in the process (students, teachers);
  • performance results.

The technology implies two components related to each other:

  1. Organization of the trainee's (student's) activities.
  2. Control of the educational process.

When analyzing learning technologies, it is important to highlight the use of modern electronic means (ICT). Traditional education is overwhelmed academic disciplines redundant information. In innovative education, the management of the educational process is organized in such a way that the teacher plays the role of a tutor (mentor). In addition to the classic version, the student can choose distance learning saving time and money. The position of students regarding the educational option is changing, they are increasingly choosing non-traditional forms of acquiring knowledge. Priority task innovative education becomes the development of analytical thinking, self-development, self-improvement. To assess the effectiveness of innovation at the highest level, the following blocks are taken into account: educational and methodological, organizational and technical. Experts are involved in the work - specialists who can evaluate innovative programs.

Among the factors that hinder the introduction of innovations into the educational process, the leading positions are occupied by:

  • insufficient equipment with computers and electronic means of educational institutions (in some universities there is no stable Internet, there are not enough electronic manuals, guidelines for practical and laboratory work);
  • insufficient ICT qualifications of the teaching staff;
  • inattention of the leadership of the educational institution to the use of innovative technologies in the educational process.

To solve such problems, retraining of teachers, seminars, videoconferences, webinars, the creation of multimedia rooms, educational work among students on the use of modern computer technologies should be carried out. The best option for introducing innovations into the higher education system is distance learning through the use of global and local world networks. In the Russian Federation, this method of education is in its "embryonic" state, in European countries it has been widely used for a long time. For many residents of villages and villages far from large cities, this is the only way to get a diploma of special secondary or higher education. In addition to passing entrance exams remotely, through Skype, you can communicate with teachers, listen to lectures, and participate in seminars.

Innovations in education, the examples of which we have cited, not only "bring science to the masses", but also reduce material costs for education, which is quite relevant in view of the global economic crisis.

Innovation in early childhood education

Innovations in preschool education are based on the modernization of old educational standards, the introduction of the second generation FSES. The modern teacher tries to constantly educate himself, develop, look for options for the education and development of children. The teacher must have an active civic position, foster love for the motherland in his wards. There are several reasons why innovation has become essential for early childhood education. First of all, they help to fully satisfy the needs of parents. Without innovation, it is difficult for preschool institutions to compete with other similar institutions.

To determine the leader among kindergartens, a special competition for innovations in education has been developed. Winner of the high title "Best Kindergarten»Receives a well-deserved award - a huge competition for a preschool institution, respect and love of parents and kids. In addition to the introduction of new educational programs, innovations can be in other areas: work with parents, with personnel, in management. With their correct application, the preschool institution functions without failures, ensures the development of a harmonious personality of kids. Among the technologies that represent innovation in education, examples include the following:

  • project activity;
  • student-centered learning;
  • health-saving technologies;
  • research activity;
  • information and communication training;
  • game technique.

Features of health-saving technologies

They are aimed at shaping the concept of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers, strengthening the physical condition of babies. Given the significant deterioration of the environmental situation, the introduction of this innovative technology in preschool education is relevant. The implementation of the methodology depends on the goals set by the preschool institution.

  1. The main task is to preserve the physical health of children. These are health monitoring, nutrition analysis, and the formation of a health-preserving environment in the educational institution.
  2. Improving the health of preschoolers through the introduction of breathing, orthopedic, finger gymnastics, stretching, hardening, hatha yoga.

In addition to working with ordinary children, the development of children with developmental disabilities is also provided by modern innovations in education. Examples of projects for special children: "Accessible Environment", "Inclusive Education". Increasingly, in classes with kids, educators use color, fairy tale, art therapy, ensuring the full development of children.

Project activities

According to the new educational standards, both educators and teachers are obliged, together with their pupils, to participate in project activities... For preschool institutions, such activities are carried out together with the teacher. Its purpose is to solve a specific problem, to find an answer to the questions posed at the initial stage of work. There is a division of projects into several types:

  • individual, frontal, group, pair (depending on the number of participants);
  • game, creative, informational, research (according to the method of conducting);
  • long-term, short-term (by duration);
  • with the inclusion of cultural values, society, family, nature (depending on the topic).

During design work the guys educate themselves, get teamwork skills.

Research activities

Analyzing innovation in education, examples can be found in research. With their help, the child learns to identify the urgency of the problem, determine the ways to solve it, choose methods for the experiment, conduct experiments, draw logical conclusions, and determine the prospects for further research in this area. Among the main methods and techniques required for research: experiments, conversations, modeling situations, didactic games. Currently, for novice researchers, with the support of scientists, leading higher educational establishments RF hold competitions and conferences: "First steps in science", "I am a researcher." Kids get their first experience of public defense of performed experiments, conducting scientific discussion.


In the age of scientific progress, such innovations in vocational education have become especially relevant and in demand. The computer has become commonplace in preschool institutions, schools, colleges. A variety of exciting programs help to form children's interest in mathematics and reading, develop logic and memory, introduce them to the world of "magic and transformation". Those animated pictures that flash on the monitor intrigue the baby and concentrate his attention. Modern computer programs allow the teacher, together with the children, to simulate different life situations, to look for ways to solve them. Taking into account the individual abilities of the child, you can adjust the program for a specific baby, monitor his personal growth. Among the problems associated with the use of ICT technologies, the leading position is occupied by the excessive use of a computer in classrooms.

Personality-oriented development methodology

This innovative technology involves the creation of conditions for the formation of a preschooler's individuality. For implementation this approach create corners for classes and games, sensory rooms. There are special programs that work preschool institutions: "Rainbow", "Childhood", "From childhood to adolescence."

Play techniques in DU

They are the real foundation of modern preschool education. Taking into account the federal state educational standard, the personality of the baby comes to the fore. During the game, the kids get to know different life situations. There are many functions performed by games: teaching, cognitive, developmental. Innovative play exercises are considered:

  • games that help preschoolers to highlight certain signs of objects, compare them with each other;
  • generalization of objects according to familiar signs;
  • exercises in which toddlers learn to distinguish reality from fiction

Inclusive education

Thanks to the innovations introduced for last years in the educational process, children with serious health problems received a chance for full-fledged training. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has developed and tested a national project, which indicates all the nuances of inclusive education. The state took care of equipping not only children with modern computer equipment, but also their mentors. With the help of Skype, the teacher conducts distance lessons, checks homework. This type of training is important from a psychological point of view. The kid understands that he is needed not only by parents, but also by teachers. Children with musculoskeletal problems speech apparatus who cannot attend regular educational institutions are trained with tutors according to individual programs.


Pedagogical innovations implemented in educational institutions modern Russia, help to implement a social order: to educate in schoolchildren, students a sense of patriotism, civic responsibility, love for native land, respect for folk traditions. Information and communication technologies have become commonplace in kindergartens, schools, academies, universities. Among the latest innovations affecting educational institutions: the implementation of a single state examination online, sending examination papers by pre-scanning. Of course, Russian education still has many unresolved problems that innovation will help eliminate.

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