330 Rifle division 1109 regiment. How to take part in the project

In April, only the 330th regiment of the rifle division was left on the Nevsky Pigatch.

In autumn 1941, high beautiful pines grew here, along the coast there were houses of the village of Moscow Dubrovka, but after several months of cruel, bloody battles, a picturesque corner was turned into a lunar landscape. Neither houses left nor trees left, even a fertile layer of land was destroyed by projectiles and bombs, there were half-covered trenches everywhere. About five hundred remaining soldiers of the 330th regiment under the leadership of the commander of the fleece of Blokhin successfully discouraged by German attacks. But on April 27, iceshirt began, and the defenders of the bridgehead turned out to be cut off from their rear. German soldiers, taking advantage of this, attacked our positions. Soon, the Germans broke away in many places to the Neva, and the bridgehead was dissected by the opponent on separate foci of resistance.

The last line of defense was the command post of the 330th rifle regiment, the famous "Shchurovsky" blonde: the last defenders of the bridgehead gathered here. They led the head of the Poltotel of the 86th Rifle Division Battalion Commissioner A.V. Izhar. The connection with the "Nevsky Pigatch" was interrupted, and to inform the right bank about the heavy position of the bridgehead, he ordered the wounded Major Sokolov to cross the other coast with the report and documents. At night, Sokolov, being under the enemy's machine-gun fire in ice water, was able to surrend to the other bank of the Neva, breaking through between the ice floes flooding along the river.

But the situation of the remaining defenders of the springboard has already become hopeless. Not far from the blocking, our soldiers put on the steep shore pieces of white cloth so that they were visible from the opposite shore, and wrote in red, possibly blood, "help!". In my picture, I portrayed this tragic moment.

April 29. german soldiers We threw grenades the last focus of defense - Shchurovsky blond. "Nevsky Piglet" was completely captured by the enemy.

In September 1942, our troops, having forced the Neva, knocked out the Germans with the "Piglet" and again heavy battles aroused here.

How many of our soldiers died on the "Nevsky Patch" for sure no one will never say. According to different estimates, from 200 to 280 thousand soldiers. The bridgehead on the banks of the Neva is one of the bloody fields of battles in the history of wars. But to our shame, many the dead heroesThat the price of your life tried to save Leningrad, and remained uncompressed. I had to communicate with the resident of the village of Nevskaya Dubrovka, who told about the bones, which he saw on the Nevsky Pigatch immediately after the war. The representative of the search association "Return", George Vladimirovich Steltsov, has survived the old photograph, which his father Vladimir Grigorievich made his father at the end of the 60s on the "Nevsky Piglet". Georgy, then still a teenager, standing in a rusty mortar, and in the grass they can see the bones of our soldiers. According to his memories, the remains of our warriors were lying on the surface of the Earth, while in the middle of the 70s did not completely thinned. Search detachments that work on the Nevsky Pigatch since 1990, are mostly those soldiers who were covered in the trenches, funnels and dugouts, that is, those whom during the battles hid earth.

In 1990, the search association "Return" under the leadership of George Vladimirovich made a unique discovery. After long searches, the dugout was found, in which there was a team point of the 330th regiment, the legendary Shchurovsky bludge. With its excavations, there was also a falcons, which largely helped search engines. The remains of the last defenders of the "Nevsky Pigchka" were found: Schurova's battalion commissioner, the Major of the Agrachev Medical Service and other warriors. The personal belongings of the dead were found.

Most division fighters were Tula. In September-November 1941, Division was subordinate to the commander of the Moscow Military District.

In the period from 13 to 19 October 1941, the division was based in the western part of Serpukhov. During this period, individual parts of the division were brought to the fulfillment of the combat missions of the 49th Army of Lieutenant General I.G. Zaharkina to hold the enemy in the Serpukhov direction. Here the division took his battle baptism. The 1st rifle battalion of the 1109th Rifle Regiment of the Division on October 14-15, 1941 took part in the battles on the approaches to the town of Aleksin of the Tula region and was completely destroyed by the portions of the 260th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht. The 1st and 2nd rifle shelves of the 330th Infantry Division provided a cover on the Tusk direction, did not enter the battle. The 3rd rifle battalion of 1113 regiment on October 20-22, 1941 participated in the battles for the district center of the high ventiy of the Moscow region on the R.Prutva against the troops of the 17th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht, as a result of the fighting 3rd battalion was almost completely destroyed. On October 19-22, 1941, all the surviving parts of the division were led to Zagorsk (magazine of hostilities of the 330th Rifle Division. Tsamo RF. F. 1644, OP. 1, D. 9. L. 2).

On December 2, 1941, the Division was part of the newly formed 10th Army (Lieutenant-General F. I. Golikov).

In reality, the first in Mikhailov, the divisions of the 328th Rifle Division (Colonel P. A. Yeremin) were broken (Colonel P. A. Yeremin), as part of which soldiers of the 330th division also acted. It happened so that the Riding Song of Kogtin was sent to the division headquarters with the report on the capture of the city did not find the department of the division, and the report returned. At this time, the 330th division on the radio reported to the headquarters of the army about the capture of the city, allegedly only its divisions. This further affected the accuracy of lighting events for the city of Mikhailov

With the dawn on December 11, the 1109th rifle regiment (Major E. V. Dmitriev) of the 330th rifle division of the 10th Army nominated the north of the Bobric Mountain village, and forcing Don on ice, he managed to knock the opponent from the fortifications to the morning, avoiding Frontal attack. German parts left Bobrick Mount and moved to the sociality. In the afternoon on December 12, the 108th Cavalry Regiment of the 1st Guards Cavalry Corps, freeding the Macket station, cut the Stalinogorsk-nodal highway. The German parts retreating from Ivan-Lake turned to the Bobrick Mountain, but near "Zelenstroy", in Done's hollows were surrounded and destroyed.

On December 12, 1941, Stalinogorsk 1st (Socilla), and the troops of the Lieutenant General group P. A. Belov at the same time, approaching the 10th army, were released by the 330th Arrower Division of the 10th Army. occupied Stalinogorsk 2nd (industrial area). On December 14, 1941, part of the forces of the Division together with part of the forces of the 2nd Guards Cavalry Division was released

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Leningrad Region, Vsevolozhsky district, urban type Dubrovka village

Park named after the 330th Rifle Regiment

Park named after the 330th rifle regiment. The legendary 330th regiment, which was part of the 86th rifle division, held a defense on the Nevsky "Pigatch" from October 1941 to the end of April 1942, when the regiment took his the last fight, All died, covering the waste of our parts on the ice of the Neva. His fighters differ in unparalleled courage, resistance, heroism. Large losses of the shelter from the moment of landing in the boat for crossing our, Dubrovsky, shore. The Germans, according to eyewitnesses, looked from the opposite shore, how our warriors die. The initiative to name the park, located on the spot, from where I cross the 330th regiment, belongs to the veterans of the Nevsky "Piglet". In 1966, a memorable stele was installed in the park. It is opposite this place on the left bank of the Neva heroically half a 330th regiment. In 2010, Stele was reconstructed. In the 330th rifle regiment, Father of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - Vladimir Spiridonovich fought. On November 17, 1941, upon an occurrence near Nevsky Dubrovka, he was seriously injured, lost a lot of blood. On the ice of the Neva, he dragged his fighting comrade. Miraculously survived under the fire. Father V.V. Putin was taken to the hospital, where he spent several months. Doctors no longer let Vladimir Spiridonovich on the front, the consequences of that were injured all her life - until August 2, 1999, when Father V.V. Putin.

Elena Komarova
Born in the village Dubrovka, Graduate of Dubrovskaya Central general education school, after the end of the Leningrad Pedagogical School came to work in his native school teacher primary classes And I work to the present, pedagogical work experience - 25 years.

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330-J. rifle division (Notes from combat characteristics) The 330th Infantry Division was formed in Tula from August 28 to October 1, 1941 on the basis of human resources of the city and the districts of the Tula region. The degree of readiness of the division was determined by the bid - 15.11.1941. The combat path of the compound begins with the moment the orders of the Military Council of the newly formed 10th Army of the Western Front for No. 001 dated December 4, 1941 on the inclusion of the compound into the current Red Army. On the night of 6.12. In 1941, part 330 of the Rifle Division, during the onset of the offensive, knocked out of the Pustocho combat warehouse of the Germans with a number of up to 2 mouth, capturing 3 prisoners, 17 motorcycles, tank and other military property of the Germans. At the same night, the division was possessed by the city of Mikhailov Ryazan region. The opponent fled and threw over 500 cars, armored vehicles, 18 guns, 20 motorcycles, 10 passenger cars, 2 anti-tank guns, 4 light machine gun and a lot of other military assets. (From the combat characteristics of the division, signed by the head of the Operational Department of the 10th Army headquarters by Colonel Neighbor, the military commar to the Battalion Commissioner Gorin 10.4.42. Tsamo F.208, OP. 2511 D.1047). This was the first fight for Major Voivodina Andrei Petrovich ** Native Muscovite and the commander of the 1113th Rifle Regiment of the 330th SD and his subordinates. The regiment commander was tightly connected with the Red Army Mass, for which he enjoyed an exceptional authority and loving subordinates. The 1113th rifle regiment focused on the approaches to the village of Poyarkova, which is 12 km from the city of Mikhailov to 14 o'clock on December 6th. The fighting Germans met the mortar and machine-gun fire, but was shot down by the offensive head of advanced battalions. The regiment received a further combat task - to make a transition along the route of Poyarkovo-Havortov and focus on the southeastern approaches to the city of Mikhailov. The enemy seriously strengthened the cities by creating a powerful defensive knot here. For defense, the fascists were adapted even the city church and the monastery located on the northeastern Ocaroon of the city. Seven roads converged to the city, which had an important operational and tactical value in the construction german defense In this direction. The march of the shelf battalions passed from 14 hours 6.12.41 in the conditions of the broken snowstorm and strong frost. Because of this, hiking columns were hidden from the ground and air intake of the enemy. By 20-21 hours. Parts of the division occupied the specified areas, but parts of the 328th rifle division, which also had a combat task for mastering Mikhailov were branded in the snow for march and the connection with them was lost. There was no connection and the headquarters of the 10th Army. After 2 hours of expectation of parts of the 328th SD, the commander of the 330th SD Colonel Sokolov *, realizing that keeping the staff of the regiments in a clean field with a strongest cold did not promise anything good, to his risk in violation of the order of Comandarm, decided to start Preparation for the attack of the city, sent reconnaissance and sappers to deminate approaches to the city (by the way, which were removed more than 300 minutes). Exactly at midnight, without artillery preparation of the 1111st and 1113th rifle shelves of the 330th CD with the accumulated enhanced divisions transferred to the offensive. When the battle started on the outskirts of the city, artillery began to fill the enemy in various sections in the depths of the city in the mode of one fragmentation pomegranate and 5 shrapnel shells with a fuse by 25 meters. In the enemy's feet began panic and he went to escape. The ability of the 41st and 63rd motorway and 422-artillery regiments of the enemy to defense was broken. By 8.00 on December 7, 1941, the city was captured and practically cleared of the Germans. Captured: 135 trucks and 20 passenger cars, 100 motorcycles, 25 armored vehicles, 5 tractors, 30 guns of various caliber, 23 machine guns, 4 radio stations, 3 wagon with ammunition and echelon with airbags. The losses of the opponent in Mikhailov were only killed over 500 soldiers and officers. Division losses in this battle were: killed - 72 people. And the wounded 134 fighters and commanders. When on the open field in front of the city of Mikhailov, the advancing battalions of the 1113-regiment, fell under the hurricane fire of the enemy and the attack could choke, the regiment commander personally led the Red Army in the attack. In the first rows of the coming, the commander and the Military Commissar Regiment - Major Voevodin A.P. And Senior Politruk Mikhailov V.V. *** The fighters did not stop the personal example of their commanders, and went to the assault of the city. Major Voevodin Andrei Petrovich received a heavy wound in his head and soon died (approx. Avt. "In this battle, His wife Elena Alekseevna participated together with the regiment commander, in what capacity not yet found information). A military commander of Mikhailov V.V., the death team of the 2nd battalion Senior Lieutenant Kuklin B.A. died with death by brave And other fighters and commander shelf. Head of Staff Captain Lisitsyn Vladimir Petrovich entered the command of the regiment ****. The place of the retired military commissioner, the regiment was taken by the Senior Politruk of Cryvalov. ***** The Major Kuparev, who subsequently Captain Lisitsyn V.P. was subsequently appointed by the new commander of the regiment. This fight was highly appreciated by the Military Council of the 10th Army, personal parts were given gratitude. It was one of the major lesions in the defeat of the German fascist troops near Moscow. Note: * Colonel Sokolov Gabriel Dmitrievich Commander of the 330th Infantry Division (approx. The author - the second time Major General Sokolov G.D. Entered the command of the compound from 02.11.1942 and was before 04.08.1943), 1900 Birth, Russian, Member of WCP (b) since 1929, in the Red Army since 1919, participant Civil War in 1919-1921, Patriotic War From 6. -9.1941 and from 1.11.1941. During the war, the 154th Rifle Division of the 3rd Guards Tank Army of the 1st Baltic Front was also commanded ....Nagrada: two orders of the Red Banner (21.7.42 and 5.11.42), Order of Alexander Nevsky (13.02.44 ). Data as of 2.1944. ** Major Voevodin Andrei Petrovich Commander of the 1113th Rifle Regiment of the 330th Rifle Division, 1900 Birth, Russian, Member of CPS (b), in the Red Army since 1919. Member of the Civil and Patriotic War. Fal death of brave in battle for the city of Mikhailov Ryazan region December 7, 1941. Awards: Order of the Red Banner (posthumously) and the Medal of the XX Years of the Red Army. Buried in Mikhailov. Wife Elena Alekseevna lived in Moscow, Namental ul. d.23, sq.485. *** Senior Politruk Mikhailov Vladimir Vladimirovich Military Commissar of the 1113th Rifle Regiment of the 330th Rifle Division, 1910 Birth, Russian, Member of WCP (b), in the Red Army since 1931. Member of the Patriotic War since 1941. In battle for the city of Mikhailov, Ryazan region, December 7, 1941, he received a difficult injury and was evacuated to the hospital. Awarded the medal "For the courage." After recovery and study at the Academy of the Red Army. M.V. Frunze Lieutenbian Mikhailov V.V. In 1943 he was appointed commander of the 95th GW. Rifle regiment 31st gv. Rifle Division, and from March 1944 on Leningrad Front, and from April 1945, GW. Lieutenant Colonel Mikhailov V.V. The commander of the 684th Rifle Regiment of the 189th Kingisepp Route Red Banner Division, distinguished himself in the Kurlyanda operation. Clarified data - Guard Lieutenant Colonel Mikhailov Vladimir Vladimirovich born in 1910, Russian, member of the WCP (b) since 1938 (according to other data since 1942), in the Red Army since 1932 is called by Zamoskvoretsky RVK in Moscow. Member of the Finnish company 1939-1940. (Karelian caster). Member of the Patriotic War from August 1941 on the West Front and from March 1944 on the Leningrad Front. Easy to wounded in August 1941, heavily wounded on December 7, 1941 under the city of Mikhailov. Awards: the Order of the Red Banner Order of 19.2.43, the Order of the Patriotic War 2 degrees of the order from 3.3.43 and the Order of Alexander Nevsky Order 67 A of 31.5.45 №1062 / N, the medals "for courage" Order of the CF №0128 from 7.2.42, "For military merit" 3.11.43 for a service, "For the defense of Moscow" 1.5.44 G. **** Captain Lisitsyn Vladimir Petrovich Head of Staff, from December 7, 1941 Commander 1113 -Ho rifle regiment of the 330th Tula Rifle Division, 1893 born, Russian, non-partisan, in the Red Army from 1918 to 1923. The Ukhtom RVK of the Moscow Region is called upon and since 1941, called OK MVO. The participant of the Civil War, fought against the Ural and don Cossacks In 1918, 1919 and 1919 as part of the 4th and 9th armies of the Red Army. Member of the Patriotic War from 24.8.1941 - 6-7.12.1941 under the city of Mikhailov, December 9, 1941, at the village of D. Mizhanovo, Small Belyni, Livlyovo, 10.12.1941 G. Large Well, 10.12.1941 . at the village of Ivanovo-Lake, Prudski, 12/12/1941 Malaya Well, 12/13/1941, D. Roma, 12/17/1941, coast, re guild and December 31, 1991, G. Belev. Has wounded and frostbite. Captain Lisitsyn Vladimir Petrovich Commander of the 1113th Rifle Regiment February 14, 1942 fell by the death of brave in battle for the village of Gravel Kirovsky district of the Smolensk region. Wife: Evgenia Georgievna lived at Art. Malakhova Leninskaya Zh.d., Kraskovskoe sh., 912. (Moscow region). ***** Senior Politruk Krivalov Vladimir Ivanovich Military Commissar of the 1113th Rifle Regiment of the 330th Rifle Division, 1911 years of birth, Russian, member of the CPS (b), in the Red Army since 1931. Member of the Patriotic War since 1941 - Bellev, 29-31.12.1941; D. Small Savier 17.2.1942; Zhilino 20.2.1942; Lower sandy, 5-9.2.1942; For the passage of the troops of General Belova, 19-28.6.1942, the senior battalion commissioner of Krivalov was seriously injured in December 1942. After recovery, Major Crivalov served as Deputy Commander of the 203rd Army Spare Rifle Regiment of the 5th Army, and in August 1945, Lieutenant Colonel Krivalov in the same position as part of the 5th Army of the 1st Far Eastern Front, participated in the war with Japan. Awarded: two orders of the Red Banner (1942 and 1945), two orders of the Patriotic War of 2 degrees (1944 and 1945), a medal "For the defense of Moscow". Information on the Commander of the 1113th Rifle Shelf of Major Buckarem has not yet been detected. Examined Alexander Slobodyanyuk 17.03.2012

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