Salute on Victory Day 1945. Victory Day in Russia: History History and Traditions

Toast for victory and for combat comrades on May 9, 1945 Berlin.

"It happened! She in front of us, not the word, not marble, hot, live, in a gymnaster, which was stunned from the sun and rain, gray with dust campaigns, with ribbons wounds on the chest, the most beautiful and most beloved, our victory!

Radded the last salts, and after many years, Europe found the Great Dar - silence. For the first time, the mother can calmly caress their children - the shadow of death will no longer lie on the cradle. Flowers bloom, grains germinate, raises rise, they will not make the caterpillars of tanks. And in the unusual silence of this morning, the victory of millions of agitated hearts will be salted.

From the deadly danger, the Red Army saved humanity. I will not overshadow this hour with pictures of fascist atrocities; Yes, and there is no need: there is a grief that is longer than life. We will not forget the experienced, and in this - the decision of the world. He stands on the clock, fencing the future, Soldier of Stalingrad; He saw everything, he remembers everything, and he knows that fascism is the end.

More than once we heard high words: "Eternal fame of the heroes who fell in battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!". Looking at green and ruby \u200b\u200brockets, we thought about those whose too short lit up the road of the people. The dead were immortal, and no matter where those graves, in the Caucasus or the Alps, will remove the cap of the passerby in front of them: he must be his breath. And many years later, children will talk about the years of great grief and great fame as their origins: after all, those killed, rescued grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

There are fields from Ponar, Corsuni, at MGU - where blood flowed and raged fire. It's hard to find words to say about such happiness. You win. Motherland! "

People ran out of houses. They happily congratulated each other with the long-awaited victory.

There were banners. The people became more and more, and everyone moved to the Red Square.

The spontaneous demonstration began. Joyful faces, songs, dancing under the harmonica.

Thirty volleys from a thousand guns in honor of the Great Victory. "

Allowed everything, from Mala to Great.

It was impossible not only to drive, but also to go. The military is enough, swing, kiss.

It is good that I, as soon as I arrived, took a liter of vodka at the station, and then it was impossible to buy it in the evening. We celebrated the Victory Day in the circle of your family, the owners of the apartment and the neighbors. They drank for victory, for those who did not live before that day and for never repeated this bloody slaughter. On May 10, vodka in Moscow was already it was impossible, it was drank all. "

On the Tver Offement at the Victory Station

Holiday victory in Moscow, 1945 buried the whole Moscow!
Mayakovsky Square

Speech by the Great State Symphony Orchestra on Manege Square

Demonstration on the Big Stone Bridge

Untepresenting Muscovites and guests of the capital on the Manege Square.

Unchecifying Muscovites on Mokhovaya, on the background of the Moscow Hotels

Boys at the beginning of Tverskaya (ul. Gorky)

People in the historical passion (Vdina Tverskaya is visible)

Joyful Vataga at the house Pashkov

Tradition to celebrate major victories of the Soviet Army with artillery salutes appeared in 1943. According to the testimony of Marshal of the Soviet Union Andrei Yeremenko, the author of this idea was the Supreme Commander of Joseph Stalin.

First artillery salute It took place in Moscow on August 5, 1943 in honor of the liberation by the Soviet troops of the cities of Eagle and Belgorod. According to the orders of the Supreme Commander of Joseph Stalin, 12 artillery salts from 124 guns were produced in the capital with an interval of 30 seconds. The shooting of idle charges was 100 anti-aircraft guns and 24 mountain cannons of the Kremlin division.

Later in 1943, three categories of salutes were established - depending on the scale of military achievements.

1st degree (24 volley from 324 guns)- To commemorate especially outstanding events: the liberation of the capitals of the Republics of the USSR and foreign states, the achievements of the Soviet troops of the State Government, the completion of the war with the allies of Germany. The first such salute took place on November 6, 1943 on the day of the liberation of Kiev, the last - 3 September 1945 in honor of the victory over Japan. In total in 1943-1945 Produced 26 salutes of the 1st degree.

2nd degree (20 salts from 224 guns)- in honor of the liberation of large cities, the completion of important operations, forcing large rivers. Over the years of the Great Patriotic War 206 such salutes took place. The first one was given on August 23, 1943 in honor of the liberation of Kharkov, the last - May 8, 1945 in honor of the capture of the cities of Jaromezice and Znochmo in Czechoslovakia and Hollabrunne and Stockera in Austria.

3rd degree (12 volleys of 124 guns)- Regarding "important military operational achievements": mastering significant railway, marine and highways and nodes of roads, the surroundings of large groupings of the enemy. During the war years, 122 salutes of the 3rd degree were produced: the first was given on August 30, 1943 in honor of the liberation of the Taganrog, the last - 8 May 1945 in honor of the capture of the Soviet troops of the city of Olomouc in Czechoslovakia.

Salut in honor of the removal of the blockade of Leningrad

Salutes were appointed by order of the Supreme Commander and held in Moscow. The only exception was the 1st degree salute in Leningrad on January 27, 1944 in honor of the full removal of the blockade of the city. Unlike the rest, the order was signed by the commander Leningrad Front Army General Leonid Govorov on behalf of Joseph Stalin.

Sometimes salutes in honor of victories soviet troops Granted several times in the evening. Thus, five salutes of the 2nd degree were produced on July 27, 1944 (for mastering the cities of Stanislav, Lviv, Bialystok in Poland; Shiauliai, Daugavpils in Lithuania and Rezekne in Latvia) and January 22, 1945 (for the capture of the cities of Insterburg, Hohensalz, Allenstein, Gniezen, Osterode, Dutsh Isilu in Eastern Prussia). At once, two salutes of the 1st degree and three 2nd took place on January 19, 1945. In connection with the liberation of Polish cities of Krakow, Lodz, Kutno, Tomashow, Gostyn, Lenchitsa and a number of others. In total during the Great Patriotic War, 355 salutes were produced, accompanied by fireworks of multi-colored signal missiles and illumination of anti-aircraft spotlights.

Salute Victory in Moscow

On May 9, 1945, a salute from 30 artillery salts was given to Victory over Germany in Moscow. It was accompanied by cross-beams of 160 spotlights and launch of multi-colored missiles.

IN post-war years In the USSR, annually on May 9 at 21 o'clock local time (later - at 22 o'clock) was made salute from 30 (in 1956-1964 - 20 artillery salts. In 1985, a salute was given on the 40th anniversary of Victory 40 salts. The list of cities where salute was given was published in the order of the USSR Defense Minister. Among them were constantly Moscow and Leningrad, the capital union republics, and since the 1960s - the city-heroes and centers of military districts, fleets and flotilla.

In 1967, a special platoon of salute installations was formed for the salute in Moscow in the Taman Division. Now he is called the 449th separate salute division.

In 1995, the provision that Victory Day on May 9, "annually marked by a military parade and artillery salute" was included in the law "On the perpetuation of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", signed by the President of the Russian Federation by Boris Yeltsin.

On August 5, 1943, an artillery salute was held in Moscow in honor of the liberation of the Soviet troops of the cities of Eagle and Belgorod. 12 artillery salts from 124 guns were produced with an interval of 30 seconds. In the photo: Salute in Moscow, August 5, 1943

For holding the first salute, the commander of the Moscow Military District and the Moscow region of Defense General Colonel Pavel Artemyev and commander of the Moscow Front anti-heart defense Lieutenant-General Daniel Zhuravlev. In the photo: Salute in Moscow, August 5, 1943
ITAR-TASS / b. Levoshin

In the photo: Salute in Moscow in honor of Lviv's liberation, July 27, 1944

In the photo: Salute in honor of the liberation of Kharkov, August 23, 1943
ITAR-TASS / Naum Granovsky

On May 9, 1945, a special salute was given to the victory over the fascist Germany in Moscow: 30 artillery salts from 1 thousand guns accompanied by cross-rays of 160 spotlights and launch of multi-colored missiles. On the picture:
ITAR-TASS / Nikolay Sitnikov

ITAR-TASS / Vasily Fedoseev

Salute Victory in Moscow, May 9, 1945
ITAR-TASS / Nikolay Sitnikov

Salute Victory in Moscow, May 9, 1945
ITAR-TASS / P. Vorobjev

Salute Victory in Leningrad, May 9, 1945
ITAR-TASS / a. Brodsky

After the war, the tradition of celebrating the Victory Parade salutes fixed. In the photo: The celebration of the Decade of Victory in Moscow, 1955
ITAR-TASS / Nikolai Rakhmanov

One of essential events The twentieth century was the victory of the Soviet people over fascism in World War II. In the historical memory of the peoples and in the calendar, the main holiday will remain forever - the day of victory, whose symbols were a parade on Red Square and festive salute In the sky of Moscow.

On May 9, 1945, at 2 o'clock in Moscow time, the announcer I. Levitan reported on behalf of the command of the surrender fascist Germany. Four a long year ended, 1418 days and nights of the Patriotic War, complete losses, deprivation, grief.

And on June 24, 1945, the first parade dedicated to the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War took place in Moscow on Red Square. At the Parade of Victory, a graded shelves of fronts were bred, a consolidated regiment of the defense addict, a consolidated regiment of the Navy, Military Academies, Military Schools and the Moscow Garrison Troops. On Red Square, there were more than 40 thousand military and 1850 units of technology. During the parade, it was raining, so military aircraft participation in the parade did not accept. Commanded the parade of the Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky, and took the parade of the Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov.

From the stands of Lenin's Mausoleum behind the parade, Stalin observed, as well as Molotov, Kalinin, Voroshilov, weekly and other members of the Politburo.

Victory Parade was dedicated documentary - One of the first grades of the USSR films.He was called - "Victory Parade".

On this day, at 10 am, the Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Zhukov went on a white horse from Spasskit Gates to Red Square.

After the team "Parade, Smyrno!" The area exploded the room of applause. The commander of the parade Konstantin Rokossovsky presented Georgia Zhukov report, and then they began to travel forces together.

Following this, a signal "Listen to everything!" Signal, and the Military Orchestra performed the anthem "Nice, the Russian people!" Mikhail Glinka. After the welcoming speech, Zhukov was performed by the Anthem of the Soviet Union, and the solemn march began.

Banner of Victory, hoisted over Reichstag in Berlin, 1945

The parade opened a victory banner, which on a special car was taken on Red Square, accompanied by the heroes of the Soviet Union M.A. Egorova and M.V. Cantaria, licked this banner at the defeated Reichstag in Berlin.

Then the Red Square passed the fronts of the fronts.

After that - the famous Soviet combat vehicles, Providing our army superiority over the enemy.

The parade ended with the promotion, shook the whole world, - the Orchestra lunches and under the fraction of the drums on the square entered two hundred soldiers who carried the trophy banners lowered to the ground.

Shero for the Shero Warriors turned to the Mausoleum, on which the leaders of the country and outstanding military leaders stood, and threw the banners of the destroyed Hitler's army on the structures of the Red Square. This action has become a symbol of our celebration and a warning to everyone who will encroacitate the freedom of our homeland. During the Victory Parade to the foot of Mausoleum V.I. Lenin was thrown by 200 banners and standards of broken Hitler's divisions.

70 years ago, June 24, 1945, a parade of Victory was held on the Red Square of Moscow. It was the triumph of the Soviet People-Winner, who won the Hitler's Germany, who headed the United States of Europe in the Great Patriotic War.

The decision to hold a parade in honor of the victory over Germany was accepted by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin shortly after the Victory Day - in mid-May 1945, Deputy Head of the General Staff, General of the Army, S.M. Shemenko recalled: "The Supreme Commander ordered to us to consider and report to him our considerations about the parade in commemoration of victory over Hitler's Germany, while indicated:" It is necessary to prepare and conduct a special parade. May representatives of all fronts and all kinds of troops be involved in it ... "

On May 24, 1945, the General Staff presented to Joseph to Stalin his considerations for holding a "special parade". The supreme accepted them, but postponed the period of the parade. The General Staff requested two months to prepare. Stalin gave an indication to conduct a parade in a month. On the same day, the commander of the troops of the Leningrad, 1st and 2nd Belarusian, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Ukrainian fronts received a directive of the chief of the General Staff of the General Army of Alexey Innokentievich Antonova on the parade:

The Supreme Commander ordered:

1. To participate in the parade in the city of Moscow in honor of the victory over Germany, allocate a consolidated regiment from the front.

2. A consolidated regiment to form according to the following calculation: five battalions of two-year composition of 100 people in each company (ten departments of 10 people). In addition, 19 team composition at the rate of the regiment - 1 commander - 1, the deputy commander of the regiment - 2 (according to the construction and political part), the head of the regiment headquarters - 1, battalionic commanders - 5, Mouth Commanders - 10 and 36 people banquenters with 4 Assistants-officers. In total, a consolidated shelf of 1059 people and 10 people spare.

3. In the consolidated shelf to have six inches of infantry, one service of artilleryrs, one pot of tankers, one race of pilots and one rotted consolidated (cavalryrs, sappers, telecommunications).

4. The company staff so that the commanders of the departments were medium-sized officers, and in each compartment - ordinary and sergeants.

5. Personal composition to participate in the parade to select from among the fighters and officers who most distinguished in battles and having a combat order.

6. Consolidated regiment arm: three rifle companies - rifles, three rifle hoists - machine guns, the mouth of artilleryrs - Carabins behind his back, the company of tankers and the fighters of pilots - pistols, the company of sappers, telecommunications and cavalryrs - Carabins behind the back, cavalrymen, besides Shackles.

7. At the parade arrive the commander of the front and all commanders, including aviation and tank armies.

8. A consolidated regiment arrive at Moscow on June 10, 1945, having 36 combatants with itself, most distinguished in the battles of the units and parts of the front, and all the opponent's banners captured in battles regardless of their quantity.

9. Parade uniforms for the entire composition of the regiment will be issued in Moscow.

Slotted Hitler Troops

In the festive event there should be ten counterproof front regiments and a consolidated regiment of naval. The participation in the parade also attracted students of military academies, cadets of military schools and the troops of the Moscow garrison, as well as military equipment, including aircraft. At the same time, the troops did not take part in the parade as of May 9, 1945 another seven fronts of the USSR Sun: the Transcaucasian front, the Far Eastern Front, the Trans-Baikal Front, the West Air Defense Front, the central air defense front, the South-West Air Defense Front and the Transcaucasian air defense front.

In the troops immediately begteed to create consolidated regiments. Fighters to the main parade of the country were selected parrot. First of all, they took those who showed heroism in battles, courage and military skill. I had the meaning of such qualities as growth and age. For example, in the order for the troops of the 1st Belorussian front of May 24, 1945, it was noted that the growth should be no less than 176 cm, and age is not over 30 years old.

At the end of May, the shelves were formed. By order of May 24, there should be 1059 people in the consolidated regiment and 10 people spare, but as a result, the number was brought to 1465 people and 10 people spare. Commanders of consolidated regiments were identified:

From the Karelian Front - Major General G. E. Kalinovsky;
- from Leningrad - Major General A. T. Stephenko;
- from the 1st Baltic - Lieutenant-General A. I. Lopatin;
- from the 3rd Belorussky - Lieutenant General P. K. Koshevoy;
- from the 2nd Belorussky - Lieutenant General K. M Erastov;
- from the 1st Belorussky - Lieutenant-General I. P. Roshoy;
- from the 1st Ukrainian - Major General G. V. Baklanov;
- from the 4th Ukrainian - Lieutenant-General A. L. Bondarev;
- from the 2nd Ukrainian - Guard Lieutenant General I. M. Afonin;
- from the 3rd Ukrainian - Guard Lieutenant General N. I. Biryukov;
- from the navy - Vice-Admiral V. G. Fadeev.

Victory Parade took Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. He commanded the parade of the Marshal of the Soviet Union Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky. The commander of the Moscow Military District and the head of the Garrison of Moscow, the commander of the Moscow Military District and the head of the Moscow Garrison, Armtevich Artemyev, led the parade.

Marshal G. K. Zhukov adopts Victory Parade in Moscow

During the organization, the parade had to solve a number of problems in a very short time. So, if the listeners of the military academies, the cadets of military schools of the capital and the soldiers of the Moscow garrison had a major uniform, then it was necessary to sew it thousands of front-line. This task was solved by the sewing factories of Moscow and Moscow region. And the responsible task for the preparation of ten standards, under which the summary shelves were supposed to come out, commissioned the division of military builders. However, their project was rejected. In a revolutionary manner, they turned to the specialists of the Bolshoi Theater artistic and industrial workshops. The head of the artistic-butafa shop V. The Terzibashian and the head of the mechanical and mechanical workshop N. Chistyakov coped with the entrusted business. The vertical oak tree with a silver wreath, which framed a golden five-pointed star, secured a horizontal metal pin with "golden" spiers at the ends. It was lifted by a bilateral scarlet velvet cloth of a standard, bordered by the golden patterned hand-haired and with the name of the front. Parts dropped separate heavy gold brushes. This sketch took. Hundreds of Ordinne tapes that were crowned with 360 combatants who carried the chapter regiments, were also made in the workshops of the Bolshoi Theater. Each banner represented a military unit or a compound distinguished in battles, and each of the tapes marked a collective feat marked by a combat order. Most banners were guards.

By June 10, special trains with parade participants began to arrive in the capital. In total, 24 Marshal, 249 Generals, 2536 officers, 31,116 ordinary, sergeants participated in the parade. Parade prepared hundreds of units of military equipment. Training took place at the Central Airfield named after M.V. Frunze. Soldiers and officers trained daily for 6-7 hours. And all this for the sake of three and a half minutes of the impeccable march in Red Square. Participants in the parade first in the army were awarded the medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.", Established on May 9, 1945

At the direction of the General Staff in Moscow from Berlin and Dresden delivered about 900 units of trophy banners and standards. Of these, 200 banners and standards were selected, which were placed under guard in a special room. On the day of the parade, they were taken to the Red Square in the covered trucks and handed over the soldiers of the parade company "Porteles". Enemy banners and standards Soviet warriors carried in gloves, emphasizing the fact that even in the hands of these symbols of these characters is disappearing. At the parade, they will be thrown into a special platform, so that the standards do not touch the bridge sacred Red Square. The first will give up a personal Hitler's Petander, the last - the banner of the Vlasov army. Later, this platform and gloves will be burned.

The parade was planned to start with the deposancy of the Victory Banner, which was taken to the capital on June 20 from Berlin. However, the bannamers of unsettled and his assistants of Egorov, Cantaria and Berest, were extremely bad at the rehearsal of it over Reichstag. In war it was not prior to the construction. At the same commander of the battalion 150th Idritso-Berlin rifle Division Stepan Neztashen was a few wounds, the legs were damaged. As a result, the deposancy of the Banner of Victory refused. By order of Marshal Zhukov, the banner was transferred to the Central Museum Armed Forces. For the first time, the Banner of Victory was brought to the parade in 1965.

Victory parade. Bannamers

Victory parade. Stroy sailors

Victory parade. System of tankers' officers

Kuban Cossacks

On June 22, 1945, an order of the Supreme Commander No. 370 was published in the central newspapers of the Union:

Order of the Supreme Commander

"To commemorate the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War, I designate on June 24, 1945 in Moscow on the Red Square of the Parade of the Troops of the Acting Army, the Navy and the Moscow Garrison - Victory Parade.

On the parade to withdraw summary shelves of fronts, a consolidated regiment of the defense addict, the consolidated regiment of the Navy, Military Academy, military schools and the troops of the Moscow garrison.

Victory Parade to accept my deputy marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov.

To command the Victory Parade Marshal of the Soviet Union Rokossovsky.

General Guidelines for the organization of the parade lay on the commander of the Moscow Military District and the head of the garrison of the city of Moscow General Colonel Artemieva.

Supreme Commander
Marshal of the Soviet Union I. Stalin.

Morning on June 24 issued rainy. For fifteen minutes before the start of the parade began the rain. The weather improved only in the evening. Because of this, the aviation part of the parade and the passage of Soviet workers were abolished. Exactly at 10 o'clock, with the Boat of the Kremlin Quararants, Marshal of Zhukov on the White Kone went to the Red Square. At 10 o'clock 5 minutes, the troops trail began. The Great Marshal aloesed himself with the warriors of the pivot regiments and congratulated the participants of the parade with a victory over Germany. The troops were answered by the powerful "Hurray!" Hanging the regiments, Georgy Konstantinovich rose to the podium. Marshal congratulated soviet people And his valiant armed forces with a victory. Then the anthem of the USSR performed by 1400 military musicians, 50 volleys of artillery salute swept thunder, and over the square, a three-year-old Russian "Hurray!"

The solemn march of the winning warriors opened the commander of the parade Marshal of the Soviet Union Rokossovsky. He was followed by a group of young drummers, pupils of the 2nd Moscow Military Music School. They walked half-shelves behind them in the order in which they were located during the Great Patriotic War, from the north to south. The first shelves of the Karelian Front, then the Leningrad, 1st Baltic, 3rd Belorussky, 2nd Belorussky, 1st Belorussky (there was a group of soldiers of the Polish troops), the 1st Ukrainian, 4th Ukrainian, 2- The Ukrainian and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. Closed a solemn procession of a consolidated regiment of the navy.

The movement of troops accompanied a huge orchestra with a number of 1400 people. Each consolidated regiment passes under its combat march with almost no pause. Then the orchestra of the Small, and in silence they scored 80 drums. A group of soldiers appeared, which carried 200 lowered banners and standards of defeated German troops. They abandoned banners on wooden platforms at the mausoleum. The stands exploded with applause. It was a complete sacred meaning of the act, a kind of priesthood. Symbols of Hitler's Germany, and therefore "European Union-1" were defeated. Soviet civilization has proven its advantage over the West.

After that, the orchestra began to play again. Parts of the Moscow garrison, a consolidated regiment of the Draft Defense, Listeners of Military Academies and Cadets of Military Schools passed through the Red Square. Closed procession pupils suvorov school, Future of the victorious red empire.

Heavy Tanks IP-2 are held on Red Square during the parade in honor of the victory on June 24, 1945

The parade lasted 2 hours under heavy rain. However, people did not embarrass and the holiday did not spoil. Orchestras played, the holiday lasted. Late evening, a festive salute began. At 23 o'clock out of 100 aerostats raised by Zenitchiki, 20 thousand missiles flew volley. So this great day ended. On June 25, 1945, reception in the Greater Kremlin Palace took place in honor of the participants of the parade of Victory.

It was a real triumph of the Winner People, Soviet civilization. Soviet Union Stressed and won in the most terrible war in humanity. Our people and the army won the most efficient military machine western World. Destroyed the terrible embryo "new world order" - "Eternal Reich", in which planned to destroy the whole slavic world And enslave humanity. Unfortunately, this victory, like others, was not eternal. New generations of Russian people will again have to stand in the fight against world evil and defeat it.

As Russian President Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Putin, in his written appeal, addressed visitors to the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, which opened in the State Historical Museum on the eve of the 55th anniversary of the Victory Parade: "We must not forget about this strong parade. Historical memory - Pledge of a worthy future of Russia. We must be taken away from the Heroic Generation of Frontovikov. The main thing is to win the habit. This habit is very necessary in our today's peaceful life. It will help the current generation to build a strong, stable and prosperous Russia. I am confident that the spirit of the Great Victory will keep our homeland and in the new in the new, XXI century. "

On June 24, 1945, a legendary parade was held at the Red Square in Moscow in honor of the end of the Great Patriotic War. 24 Marshal, 249 Generals, 2,536 officers and 31,116 ordinary and sergeants took part in the parade. In addition, the audience showed 1850 units of military equipment. Interesting Facts On the first in the history of our country, Victory Parade is waiting for you further.

1. Parade of Victory took Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, and not Stalin. A week before the day of the parade, Stalin called Zhukov to his dacha and asked if the marshal did not ride the top. He is more and more on staff cars have to ride. Zhukov replied that he did not hear and tries to ride in his free minute.
"This is what," said the Supreme, "you will have to take a parade of Victory." Rokossovsky will command the parade.
Zhukov was surprised, but did not give any type:
- Thank you for such an honor, but is it not better to take you a parade?
And Stalin him:
- I'm already old to take parades. Take you, you feel.

The next day, Zhukov went to the central airfield on the former Hazhank - there was a rehearsal of the parade - and met with Vasily, the son of Stalin. And here I am Vasily Marshal and Izumil. The secret said that his father himself was going to take a parade. I ordered Marshal to cook a suitable horse and went to Khamovniki, to the main army playpen of riding on a miracle, as the Komsomolsky Avenue was called. There army cavalurists have equipped their magnificent playpen - a huge, high hall, all in large mirrors. It was here on June 16, 1945, Stalin arrived to shine ancient and check whether the skills of Jigita did not have ever suffered. According to the sign of Budenny, the snow-white hill tested and helped Stalin wateed into the saddle. Collecting the reins in his left hand, which always remained bent in the elbow and only half the actual, because of what the evil languages \u200b\u200bof comrades in the party called the leader "Sukhorukhuk", Stalin spoiled a norful scakuana - and he rushed from his place ...
The rider fell out of the saddle and, despite the thick layer of sawdust, hurts sideways and his head ... They all rushed to him, helped climb. Weekly, man's man, looked at the leader with fear ... But without consequences.

2. The banner of the victory, brought to Moscow on June 20, 1945, should have been carried on Red Square. And the calculation of the banquenters specially trained. Guardian banner in the museum Soviet army A. Dementev argued: His signs of unsettles and his assistants of Egorov, Cantaria and Beresta held at the rehearsal, Cantaria and Besta, were extremely unsuccessful at the rehearsal - they were not prior to the construction preparation. In the same unsettlement by 22 years, there were five wounds, legs were damaged. Appoint other bannamers - ridiculous, and late. Zhukov decided not to endure the banner. Therefore, in spite of the common opinion, the banner at the Victory Parade was not. The first time the banner was carried out at the parade in 1965.

3. The question has repeatedly arise: why the banner does not have enough stripes with a length of 73 and 3 centimeter wide, because the panels of all assault flags hit the same size? There are two versions. The first: I broke the strip and took the reichstag ordinary Alexander Kharkov on the rooftop on May 2, 1945, the header of Katyusha from the 92nd Guards Ministerial Regiment. But how did he know what exactly this is one of several, the Cittsene Plot will become a banner of victory?
Second version: The banner was kept in the political waste of the 150th Rifle Division. Basically, women worked, which in the summer of 1945 began to demobilize. They decided to leave a souvenir for memory, cut off the strip and divided into pieces. This version is most likely: in the early 70s, a woman came to the Museum of the Soviet Army, told this story and showed her loskutok.

4. Everyone saw frames, like fascist banners throw to the foot of the mausoleum. But it is curious that 200 banners and standards crushed german pieces The fighters carried in gloves, emphasizing that even in the hands of the trets of these standards to take disgusting. And they threw on a special platform, so that the standards do not touch the bridge Red Square. The first Hitler's personal Hitler Standard, the last - the banner of the Vlasov army. And in the evening of the same day, the platform and all the gloves were burned.

5. Directive on preparing for the parade went into troops per month, even at the end of May. And the exact date of the parade was determined by the time required by the sewing factories of Moscow for sewing 10 thousand sets of the parade uniforms for the soldiers, and the timing of sewing in the atelier uniforms for officers and generals.

6. To participate in the Victory Parade, it was necessary to pass a hard selection: not only exploits and merits were taken into account, but also the view corresponding to the appearance of the Winner Warrior, and in order to increase the warrior at least 170 cm. No wonder in the newsreel, all parade participants - just handsome , especially pilots. Going to Moscow, the luckyons did not yet know that they would have been to engage in 10 hours a day to engage in the sake of three and a half minutes of the impeccable march in Red Square.

7. For fifteen minutes before the start of the parade, the rain went to the shower. Spent only in the evening. Because of this, the air side of the parade was canceled. Stalin's Mausoleum standing on the stands was dressed in raincoat and rubber bots - on the weather. But the marshals were smelled through. Promotional Mundir Rokossovsky, when drying, sat down in such a way that it was impossible to remove it - it was necessary to break.

8. The parade speech of Zhukov survived. Interestingly, at her fields someone carefully painted all intonations, with which Marshal was supposed to pronounce this text. The most interesting marks: "Cherry, harsh" - in words: "Four years ago, the German-fascist hordes of the robbery attacked our country"; "Loupe, with increasing" - on a fattyly underlined phrase: "The Red Army under the guidance of his ingenious commander passed into a decisive offensive." But: "quieter, penetrating" - starting with the proposal "We won the price of heavy victims."

9. Few people know that there were four epochial parades in 1945. The first in importance is undoubtedly the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 on Red Square in Moscow. The parade of Soviet troops in Berlin took place on May 4, 1945 at the Brandenburg Gate, he took his military commandant Berlin General N. Berzarin.
Victory parade union forces In Berlin, arranged on September 7, 1945. It was the offer of Zhukov after the Moscow parade of Victory. A consolidated regiment in a thousand people and armored regions participated from each allied nation. But the universal admiration caused 52 Tank IS-3 from our 2nd Guards Tank Army.
The Victory Parade of the Soviet troops in Harbin on September 16, 1945 reminded the first parade in Berlin: our warriors walked in a field form. Tanks and sau closed the column.

10. After the parade on June 24, 1945, Victory Day was not widely celebrated and was the usual working day. Only in 1965, Victory Day became a festive day off. After the collapse of the USSR, the Victory Parada was not held until 1995.

11. Why at the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, did one dog in his hands on the Stalinist Sineli?

During the Second World War, demining the facilities to the sapeligs actively helped the trained dogs. One of them, named Julbars, discovered when demining the plots in european countries in last year Wars 7468 min and more than 150 shells. Shortly before the Parade of Victory in Moscow on June 24, Julbars was wounded and could not pass as part of the School of Military Dogs. Then Stalin ordered the ps of the Red Square on its overcoat.

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