The German verb war. German verb SEIN, conjugation of the verb SEIN

The most common verbs in the German language are “haben - to have, to have” and “sein - to exist, to be, to be”. A feature of these verbs is that when used in German speech, they do not necessarily carry a semantic load. In addition to being used in its usual lexical meaning they are used as auxiliary verbs that are used in German to form verb tense forms and other structures. In this case, they do not have their usual dictionary meaning, and the lexical meaning is conveyed by the semantic verb, with which they form the corresponding grammatical structure.

Related Topics:

Verbs HABENand SEIN refer to irregular, in other words - irregular verbs of the German language, therefore, their form formation must be remembered: it is not subject to any template rules for the formation of verb forms. The three main forms inherent in the German verb, they also form in a very peculiar way:

1 form: infinitive (indefinite form) = Infinitiv

2 form: imperfect / preterite (past simple) = Imperfekt / Präteritum

Form 3: Part II (participle II) = Partizip II

1 - haben / 2 - hatte / 3 - gehabt

1 - sein / 2 - war / 3 - gewesen

Conjugation of German Verbs HABEN, SEIN in Präsens (present), Indikativ (indicative)

Singular, 1-3 person

Plural, 1-3 persons

Conjugation of German Verbs HABEN, SEIN in Präteritum (past simple), Indikativ (indicative)

Singular, 1-3 person

Plural, 1-3 persons

The verb SEIN is also called the linking verb. He got this name because, since the verb in German proposal plays a primary role in building syntactic construction and its presence in a sentence is obligatory, then in cases where the verb is not in the sentence by meaning, it takes its place and connects the sentence into a single whole. This is not natural for the Russian language, so this rule must be firmly learned. For example:

  • Er ist bescheuert, findest du nicht? - He (is) crazy, don't you think?
  • Dein Protege ist Elektronikbastler, und wir brauchen einen qualifizierten Funkingenieur. - Your protege (is) is a radio amateur, and we need a qualified radio engineer.

Thus, in German, sentences of this kind must necessarily contain the linking verb SEIN. At the same time, it is not translated into Russian.

Now let us consider the use of the two main verbs of the German language as auxiliary in the formation of tense verb forms - the past complex tenses Perfekt and Plusquamperfekt, and the principle of choosing an auxiliary verb applies equally to both the indicative (Indikativ) and the subjunctive mood (Konjunktiv). When used in this function, the essential is the choice of the verb HABENor SEIN to build a certain grammatical structure, which is dictated by the semantic features of the semantic verb and some of its other characteristics.

  • Perfekt Indikativ = personal form sein / haben (Präsens) + semantic verb (Partizip II)
  • Plusquamperfekt Indikativ = personal form haben / sein (Imperfekt) + semantic verb (Partizip II)

Choosing a verb as an auxiliary: HABENor SEIN

Choice HABEN

SEIN selection

1. For intransitive verbs that do not denote any movement in space or time, movement or transition from one state to another 1. For intransitive verbs that denote any movement in space, movement
2. For verbs that denote a long, stretched state 2. For intransitive verbs that denote a transition from one state to another
3. For transitive verbs, which, accordingly, require a direct object after themselves in the accusative case * 3. The verb SEIN itself in its usual lexical meaning "to be, to be, to exist"
4. For reflexive verbs that are used with the particle sich and denote direction (return) to actor(subject) 4. For a number of verbs that always form tense forms with SEIN and which need to be remembered: "to become - werden", "to succeed - gelingen", "to meet - begegnen", "to remain - bleiben", "to happen, to happen - passieren, geschehen "
5. For modal verbs: “must = be obligated to smth. to do - sollen "," must = be forced to something. to do - müssen "," to want, to like, to love - möchten "," to want, to want - wollen "," to have the right, permission to smth., to be able - dürfen "," to be able, to be able, to be able - können "
6. For impersonal verbs used in impersonal sentences and denoting various phenomena nature (precipitation, etc.).
7. The verb HABEN itself in its usual lexical meaning "to have, to have, to own"

* It is very important to always take into account the fact that the property of transitivity / intransitivity in Russian and German verbs when translating within a given language pair does not coincide in all cases, so you should always check (if you are not sure) the control of the verb in the dictionary.

Consider the choice and use of verbs HABENor SEIN as auxiliary examples. All examples are given in the indicative mood.


(1) Nach der Gesellschafterversammlung hat er sich ganz schnell von seinen Kollegen verabschiedet... - After the meeting of the founders, he very quickly said goodbye to his colleagues. (Here we have an intransitive verb in its semantics has nothing to do with movement or displacement, so the form Perfekt is formed using "haben").

(2) Gestern hatte er über drei Stunden am Nachmittag geschlafen, was ihn wieder gesund und munter machte. - Yesterday he slept for more than three hours in the afternoon, which again made him healthy and vigorous. (The long-term verb is used in Plusquamperfekt with "haben").

(3) Anlässlich unseres letzten Aufenthaltes in Holland haben wir endlich unsere Freunde in Amsterdam besucht und ihre Kinder kennengelernt... - During our last stay in Holland, we finally visited our friends in Amsterdam and got to know their children. (Both verbs are transitive and form Perfekt with "haben").

(4) Dein Sohn hatsich immer sämtlichen Forderungen der Erwachsenen und allen möglichen festgelegten Regeln widersetzt... - Your son has always resisted and did not fulfill all the requirements of adults and all kinds of rigidly established rules. (The choice of the verb "haben" for the formation of the Perfekt form is due to the reflexivity of the semantic verb).

(5) Ehrlich gesagt ist es immer mein Wunschbuch gewesen. Ich habe aber immer gewollt es zu lesen und nie gelesen. - To be honest, I've always dreamed of this book. However, I always wanted to read it and never read it. (The modal verb forms Perfekt with "haben").

(6) Erinnerst du dich an den Tag im Juni 1978, an welchem ​​es richtig geschneit hat? - Do you remember that day in June 1978 when the real snow started? ("Haben" is chosen as the auxiliary verb for forming the Perfekt form, since here we are dealing with an impersonal verb).

(7) Ich habe nie ein eigenes Zimmer gehabt. - I never had my own room. (The semantic verb "haben" forms Perfekt with the auxiliary verb "haben").


(1) In diese gemütliche Dreizimmerwohnung sind wir vor drei Jahren eingezogen... - We moved into this cozy three-room apartment three years ago. (The verb of movement forms the Perfekt form with "sein").

(2) Am Ende dieses sehr schönen und eblebnisvollen Tages ist das Kind sofort eingeschlafen... - At the end of this wonderful and very eventful day, the child immediately fell asleep. (The choice of the verb "sein" for the formation of the Perfekt form is determined by the semantics of the semantic verb, which conveys the transition from one state to another).

(3) Sie haben mich mit jemandem verwechselt. Vorgestern war ich hier nicht gewesen... (Plusquamperfekt of the verb "sein" requires it as an auxiliary verb).

(4) a) Das ist unbegreiflich, dass uns so was passiert ist... - It is incomprehensible to the mind that something like this could happen to us. (One of those verbs that always form Perfekt and Plusquamperfekt with the verb "sein").

b) Gestern ist es dir richtig gut gelungen, alle unangenehmen Fragen ausweichend zu beantworten. - Yesterday you really successfully managed to avoid direct answers to all unpleasant questions. (This verb always requires "sein" as an auxiliary).

v) Seine Schwester hatte das unangenehme Gefühl, dass ihr jemand ständig gefolgtwar... - His sister had the unpleasant feeling that someone was constantly following her = she was constantly being followed by someone. (With this verb, "sein" is always used as an auxiliary).

G) Dieser junge ist mutterseelenallein geblieben, als er noch ganz klein war. - This boy was left alone in this world when he was still very young. (With this verb, "sein" is always used as an auxiliary).

e) In der schwimmhalle war sie zufällig ihrer alten Schulfreundin begegnet... - In the pool, she happened to meet her old school friend. (With this verb, "sein" is always used as an auxiliary).

e) Was nicht geschehenist, ist nicht geschehen... - What did not happen - that did not happen. (With this verb "sein" is always used as an auxiliary).

There are a number of verbs in German that have several different meanings depending on their use in a particular context. The presence of certain qualities (for example, transitivity / intransitivity) may also depend on the meaning that a verb conveys in a particular situation, and, accordingly, various auxiliary verbs will be selected for the formation of temporary forms. For example:

  • So ein schönes und modernes Auto bin ich noch nie gefahren. - I have never driven such a magnificent modern car. (In this case, we have an intransitive verb of movement, since it is used in the meaning of "to drive", respectively, "sein" is chosen for the form Perfekt).

With additional explanations.

What can you do after this lesson:
Tell us what your name is, what you do (study, work, retirement), where you live, how old are you
Use those phrases that are often used in your Everyday life Germans

There are the following pronouns in German:

The iron rule of the German language: All verbs in German always have a stem plus the ending -en or just -n

Wohnen (to live)
denken (to think)
heißen (to call, to be called)
lernen (to teach)
studieren (to study)
verdienen (to earn)
arbeiten (to work)
kommen (come, come)
sprechen (to speak)
speichern (save, save)

In order to correctly put the verb in the desired form, for example, the verb "live" - ​​wohnen, and say "he lives" and not "he lives", you need to remove this ending -en and, depending on the pronoun, add the following endings to the stem verb:

Ich wohn + e - I live
Du wohn + st - you live
Er, sie, es wohn + t - he, she, it lives
Wir wohn + en - we live
Ihr wohn + t - you live
Sie, sie wohn + en - You live, they live

The verb "think" often used in life is denken:

Ich denk + e - I think
Du denk + st - you think
Er, sie, es denk + t - he, she, it thinks
Wir denk + en - we think
Ihr denk + t - you think
Sie, sie denk + en - You think, they think

The verb heißen - to name, to be named (the letter ß reads as "ss"). Without it, you cannot introduce yourself or ask what the name of this or that object is. It changes a little not according to the rules, but at this stage you just need to remember it.

Ich heiße - my name is
Du heißt - your name is
Er, sie, es heißt - his, her name; it is called
Wir heißen - our name is
Ihr heißt - your name is
Sie, sie heißen - Your name is; their names

The iron rule of the German language: VERB always comes second!

Exercise 1.
Ich heiß _______ Peter. (heißen - to call, to be called)
Ich lern _______ Deutsch. (lernen - to teach)
Ich wohn ________ in Moskau. (wohnen - to live; in Moskau - in Moscow)
Ich studier _________ nicht. (studieren - to teach, learn, nicht - not)
Ich verdien ________ gut. (verdienen - to earn, gut - good)
Aber ich arbeit ________ viel. (aber - but; arbeiten - to work; viel - a lot)
Mein Freund komm ________ aus Deutschland. (mein Freund - my friend; kommen - come, come; aus Deutschland - from Germany)
Er heiß ________ Richard.
Er arbeit _________ hier auch. (auch - too)
Er wohn _________ in Moskau.

Exercise 2.
Ihr lern _______ Deutsch.
Wir studier ________ viel.
Du wohn __________ in Moskau.
Ihr studier _________ zusammen. (zusammen - together)
Sie (she) lern ________ hier.
Er arbeit ________ dort. (dort - there)
Die Gruppe arbeit ________ zusammen. (die Gruppe - group)

You may have noticed that some of the words in the exercises are capitalized.

The iron rule of the German language: All nouns are capitalized.

Now let's add your age to this. We will restrict ourselves to those numbers that are most often used in life.

Let's add another very important one in German to the numerals. verb sein- "to be". Analogue to English "to be". In Russian, a dash is often replaced or simply omitted.

Foreigners say:
I am a man. He is in the park. She is at home. We are in Kiev. They are satisfied. I am sick. She is healthy.
We are speaking:
I am a man. He (is) in the park. She (is) at home. We (are) in Kiev. They are (are) satisfied. I (am) sick. She (is) healthy.

The verb does not change according to the rules, you just need to remember:

With the verb sein, you can talk about age:

Ich bin sechsundzwanzig (26) Jahre alt (literally "I am 26 years old") - I am 26 years old.
Er ist vierzig (40) Jahre alt - he is 40 years old.
Du bist zwanzig (20) Jahre alt - you are 20 years old.

Exercise 3. The verb sein (to be).
Ich _____ Student. (student)
Ich _____ faul. (lazy)
Ich ______ nicht verheiratet. (verheiratet sein - to be married, to be married; nicht - not)
Sie _____ ledig. (ledig - unmarried, unmarried)
Der Text ______ schwer. (der Text - text, schwer - difficult)
Der Platz hier _______ frei. (der Platz - place; hier - here; frei - free)
Wir _______ aus Moskau. (aus Moskau - from Moscow)
Das ______ ein Zimmer. (das Zimmer - room)
Das _______ die Leute. (die Leute - people)
Mein Name _______ Alexander. (mein Name is my name)
Du _______ mein Freund. (mein Freund is my friend)
Du ______ toll. (toll - super, class)
Ich ______ der Rentner. (der Rentner - retired)

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Let's sum up the pleasant results:

You can already say what your name is, where you live, where you work, where you come from, whether you earn good money, study or work, how old you are.

Phrases used by Germans with the verb sein:
Das ist toll! - this is great, class!
Das ist wunderbar! - this is amazing!
Das ist köstlich is delicious
Ich bin müde - I'm tired
Ich bin zufrieden - I'm satisfied
Ich bin unzufrieden - I'm not happy
Ich bin satt - I'm full, I'm full
Ich bin fertig - I'm ready

The familiar phrase Das ist phantastisch! in 3 years of living in Austria and Germany, I have never heard from a German :)
Yes, and Germans don't say arbEIten, they say Arbeiten with an emphasis on the first letter. This is how the knowledge of the German language reaches us a little distortedly.
If you don't want to be deported or completely ignored in Germany, it is better not to shout phrases like Hände hoch, nicht schießen, Hitler kaput at every corner, demonstrating your erudition :)

In German, even the shortest sentences cannot do without a verb. Even where it is not in the Russian equivalent, in German it is replaced by the verb sein:

This is a book. - Das ist ein Buch.

She is young. - Sie ist jung.

They are in love. - Sie sind verliebt.

The verb sein plays the role of a link, its form changes depending on the number and person of the noun or pronoun:

Related materials:

When learning German, there are some difficulties with this verb. The thing is that in the Russian speech we are used to, such a verb is overlooked. To learn how to use the verb sein correctly, you should remember the cases in which the presence of a linking verb is necessary:

1. When mentioning a profession or any kind of activity:

What is your profession? - Was sind Sie von Beruf?

I am a reporter by profession. - Ich bin Reporter von Beruf.

Do you work here? Yes, I am the director of this factory. - Arbeiten Sie hier. Ja, ich bin der Direktor dieser Fabrik.

2. If we are talking about the material from which the object is made:

This table is made of glass. - Dieser Tisch ist aus Glass.

This book is made of papyrus. - Dieses Buch ist aus Papirus.

Our house is made of stone. - Unser Haus ist aus Stein.

3. If you are talking about the location of any object or person:

They are in Moscow. - Sie sind in Moskau

Baby in bed. - Das Kind ist im Bett.

Phone book in the closet. - Das Telefonbuch ist im Scrank.

4. The use of the linking verb is mandatory when demonstrating or presenting someone or something:

This is my friend. - Das ist mein Freund.

This is my sister. - Das ist meine Schwester.

I am Jan. - Ich bin Jan.

5. When it comes to age:

My sister is 20 years old. - Meine Schwester ist 20 Jahre alt.

I am 18 years old. - Ich bin 18 Jahre alt.

How old are you? - Wie alt sind Sie?

6. When describing an object, person, animal, etc .:

She's a smart woman. - Sie ist eine kluge Frau.

Our neighbors are too noisy. - Unsere Nachbarn sind zu laut.

He's a bad swimmer. - Er ist ein schlechter Schwimmer.

7. When describing the weather phenomenon:

Warmly. - Es ist warm.

Coldly. - Es ist kalt.

It got chilly. - Es ist naßkalt.

In addition, the verb sein in German is used to construct some grammatical structures, as well as in the formation of verbs in the infinitive with in different parts speech:

1. The construction sein + es + Dativ with a personal pronoun. Most often, it is used to express the state of a person or animal.

We're hot. - Uns ist warm.

I'm cold. - Mir ist kalt.

I suddenly felt bad. - Mir ist plötzlich schlecht.

2. Sein + Nomen (using two nouns in a sentence). Serves to describe a person, object or animal:

Your work colleague is the biggest pessimist on Earth. - Dein Arbeitskollege ist der größte Pessimist in der ganzen Welt.

You are my prince. - Du bist mein Prinz.

Their father is the richest man in the city. - Ihr Vater ist der reichste Mann in der Stadt.

3. Formation of verbs with other parts of speech. In the case when the verb sein forms a verb with other parts of speech, it is still written separately:

Are all the students here? No, Jessica is out today. - Sind alle Schüler da? Nein, Jessica fehlt heute.

At Christmas, the whole family gets together. -Zu Weihnachten ist die ganze Familie zusammen.

What's the matter? You look sad. I lost my mobile phone today. - Was ist mit dir los? Du siehst so traurig aus. - Ich habe heute mein Handy verloren.

Conjugation of the verbs haben and sein in present

Let me remind you that the present (Präsens) is the present tense of the verb. Verbs haben"Have" and sein“To be, to be” is the most frequent in the German language, since their functions are very diverse. Beginners to learn German, as a rule, take them on the very first steps, because you cannot do without it. It is important to know that these verbs are irregular, since the formation of their forms in the present tense (and not only in the present) is different from the generally accepted one. But there is no trouble in this: frequency verbs quickly enter vocabulary newbies, since you will have to work with them very often. And further conjugation irregular verbs will become an automatic matter. Actually, let's move on to the verbs.

In Russian we say: "I am an actor", "you are a teacher", "he is a student." The Germans, however, literally say: "I am an actor," "you are a teacher," "he is a student." In this case, we use the verb sein which has various shapes. If we want to say "I have (something or someone)", then we use the verb haben... Literally the Germans say “I have (something or someone)”. To say it all in German, depending on the person, number and gender, refer to the table below.

It is quite easy to navigate the table. You connect the desired personal pronoun (§ 15) with the desired verb and then put the word you need (nouns take the right number). For example, the verb sein with a noun:

You can, for example, say "I am good", "he is bad." In this case, after the verb is the usual adjective without any changes.

With verb haben in the same way, just do not forget about the articles (§ 7), if they are needed. And yet ... since you can have anything and in any quantity, nouns can stand in any number.

There are some persistent phrases like Zeit haben"Have time" Unterricht haben"Have classes" Angst haben"To be afraid", which can be without an article.

  • Ich muss los. Ich habe keine Zeit.- I have to go. I have no time.
  • Heute habe ich Unterricht.- Today I have classes.
  • Ich habe Angst vor diesem Hund.- I'm afraid of this dog.

Verbs sein and haben also participate in the formation of various temporary structures as auxiliary verbs. More about this in other paragraphs.

Conjugation of the verb SEIN - to be in the present tense:

Interrogative sentence (general question - answer "Yes-No")

An interrogative sentence without an interrogative word (a common question that assumes a yes / no answer) begins with a verb. The subject follows him:

Arbeiten Siе am Abend? - Ja, ich arbeite am Abend.
Ist dein Vater Lehrer? - Ja, mein Vater ist Lehrer.

1. Insert the verb sein in the appropriate form.

1. Ich… in Berlin. 2. Sie - she is ... in Bremen. 3. Wir… in München. 4. Du… in Hamburg. 5. Sie - she is ... in Köln. 6. Sie - they are ... in Wien. 7. Ich… in Moskau. 8. Er… in Paris. 9. Ihr… in Rom. 10. Felix ... in Leipzig. 11. Du… in Bonn. 12. Ich… in Sankt Petersburg. 13. Wir… in Madrid. 14. Ihr ... in Prag. 15. Sie - they are ... in Minsk. 16. Du… in London. 17. Sie - she is ... in Helsinki. 18. Ich… in Russland. 19. Ihr… in Deutschland. 20. Er ... in Italien. 21. Wir… in Spanien. 22. Paul und Jan… in Finnland. 23. Julia… in Japan. 24. Ihr… in Schweden. 25. Manuel ... in Polen.

2. Answer the questions. Memorize the meaning and use of the word gern. Note the use of the polite form Sie.

Beispiel: Kochen Sie gern? - Ja, ich koche gern. / Nein, ich koche nicht gern.

1. Lernen Sie gern? 2. Singen Sie gern? 3. Tanzen Sie gern? 4. Lesen Sie gern? 5. Reisen Sie gern? 6. Essen Sie gern? 7. Arbeiten Sie gern? 8. Schlafen Sie gern? 9. Schwimmen Sie gern? 10. Essen Sie gern Fisch? 11. Essen Sie gern Fleisch? 12. Essen Sie gern Bananen? 13. Essen Sie gern Eis? 14. Trinken Sie gern Bier? 15. Lernen Sie gern Deutsch? 16. Schreiben Sie gern E-Mails? 17. Hören Sie gern Musik? 18. Spielen Sie gern Fußball? 19. Gehen Sie gern ins Kino?

3. Ask questions and answer them.

Beispiel: Kochen Sie gut? → Ja, ich koche gut. / Nein, ich koche nicht gut.

1. Arbeiten Sie viel? 2. Lesen Sie viel? 3. Schlafen Sie viel? 4. Schlafen Sie gut? 5. Reisen Sie gern? 6. Lesen Sie gern? 7. Lernen Sie viel? 8. Arbeiten Sie gern? 9. Sprechen Sie schnell? 10. Singen Sie gern? 11. Schlafen Sie gern? 12. Essen Sie gern? 13. Heißen Sie Anna? 14. Schwimmen Sie gern? 15. Singen Sie gut? 16. Essen Sie wenig? 17. Reisen Sie viel? 18. Tanzen Sie gut? 19. Lernen Sie gern? 20. Baden Sie gern? 21. Tanzen Sie gern? 22. Arbeiten Sie wenig? 23. Lernen Sie wenig? 24. Sitzen Sie viel? 25. Gehen Sie schnell? 26. Hören Sie gern Musik? 27. Trinken Sie viel Bier? 28. Lernen Sie gern Deutsch? 29. Trinken Sie gern Wein? 30. Essen Sie oft Bananen? 31. Lesen Sie gern Krimis? 32. Gehen Sie oft ins Café? 33. Essen Sie gern Eis? 34. Trinken Sie gern Tee? 35. Essen Sie oft Fisch? 36. Lesen Sie oft Romane? 37. Essen Sie gern Fleisch? 38. Gehen Sie oft ins Kino? 39. Trinken Sie gern Saft? 40. Hören Sie gern Popmusik? 41. Spielen Sie gern Fußball?


4. Translate into German.

1. Are you going to the cinema? - Yes, I'm going to the cinema. 2. Is Anna learning Spanish? - No, she is learning Russian. 3. Is he in Berlin? - No, he's in Cologne. 4. Does Gabi live in Munich? - No, she lives in Bremen. 5. Does Peter like to cook? - No, he doesn't like to cook. He loves to sing. 6. Is your (polite) name Frank? - No, my name is not Frank. 7. Do you (politely) speak German? - Yes, I speak German. 8. Is he coming today? - Yes, he will come today. 9. You are going home? - Yes, we're going home. 10. They speak English? - Yes, they speak English. 11. Do you often play football? - No, I don't play football often. 12. Do you - (politely) buy a lot? - No, I don't buy a lot. 13. You understand everything? - No, I don't understand everything. 14. Do you drink wine? - No, I drink juice. 15. Do you like listening to music? - Yes, we love listening to music.

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