Themes on the specification: "Complex proposals with different types of communication between parts. with non-union bond between parts


1. Spending 16-21 offers complicated weatherless

(16) But once Pashkin, the father at twilight came to the lever, and it was out of his head to the legs. (17) He immediately broke the Pashkina "Mechanics" and asked the inventor himself, and he ran away. (18) I have no addiction to the technique - I like to read more. (19) But all the books, which I could get, are already ready-re-read, and I tried to write my own. (20) I scored a big office book from my father, brought out on the cover

2. Significations 12-16 find sophisticatedoffer S. non-union and union writing and subordination

(12) The kingdom of toys in its own way reflected the real world, no one humusing anyone, but I was elevated. (13) The miniature of his toy emphasized that they were created for submission to me. (14) And it is unpacitably managed - I realized even then - very nice. (15) I managed routes of cars and trains, haggards and the actions of animals, which were afraid of life. (16) I mistaken, commanded - they were inadless, silent, and I secretly thought that it would be good to continue to handle others in this way.

3. Proposals 37-40 Find complicated weatherless sentence. Write the number of this offer.

(37) Katya stopped playing and turned a hot face to us: - (38) I sing this "nightingale" from five years. (39) To us, guests are here with his "nightingale"! (40) I, if it would come to me, this nightingale, it would be frozen on slow fire! ..

4. Proposals 33-35 find sophisticatedoffer S.

(33) Tolya immediately jumped up and approached the window, but it was not easy to reach the knob. (34) He raised and suddenly froze on tiptoe: outside the window he suddenly saw mom. (35) She stood, holding a folded umbrella in his hands, not paying attention to the rain, which was glasses from a raincoat, and slowly drove through the school's windows: Mom, probably, wanted to guess, in which class it sits her toly.

5. Proposals 38-42 find non-union complex sentence. Do not write the number of this offer.

(38) Jazz not music; Jazz is the state of the soul. (39) Putting the tube, I remove the picking sound guitar. (40) Boiled whale. (41) Against this background, I depicted the ticking of the clock and screams of the chap, and Kit is a steam locomotive and steamer beep. (42) He knew how to raise my weakened spirit.

6. Proposals 28-30 find sophisticated Offer S. non-union connectionsbetween pieces. Write the number of this offer.

(28) Not random, not an hour when runs to play chess or listen to Paul McCartney, but a real ... (29) I let my dove from the balcony, and the wind grabbed him and he took him behind the poplar. (30) And I thought: here will find anyone, guess, comes to me ...

7. Significations 13-17 Find a challenge with non-union and union verification Communication between parts. Write the number of this offer.

(13) Of course, the grandmother was happy for her daughter, proud of her husband, that is, my father, but she, like me, rarely followed the rules to which we were sought to teach us. (14) For example, Mom and Father tried to handle us. (15) But my grandmother and I did not want to wipe with icy water, get up on Sundays even earlier than on weekdays to go skiing or hiking. (16) We were aware that we are intensely doing gymnastics. (17) In general, my parents are that and the case accused us both in the fuzzy: we did not know who and when I called my mother or father by phone, felt the day of the day.

8. In the proposals 26-30 find complicated weatherless sentence. Write the number of this offer.

(26) Black from the grief suddenly filmed on him, he left, deciding no longer coming, but after three days it appeared again in the hope that all this horror about her departure is not true. (27) Alien aunt in a warm Vator cleaned cells and smoked for the bear. (28) Masha never screamed anyone. (29) Growing past the bear played on the stones and did not even notice Timothy, pressed against the grid. (30) There was almost no one in the zoo: cold, autumn, weekday.

9. Proposals 42-49 Find complicated weatherless sentence. Write the number of this offer.

(42) he is silent. (43) then added: - (44) Looking to look again on roses, and when you return to say goodbye to me, I will open you one secret. (45) It will be my gift to you. (46) When a small prince returned to the fox, he said: - (47) Here is my secret, it is very simple: Zorko is one heart. (48) You won't see the most important eyes. - (49) you won't see the most important eyes, "repeated the little prince to better remember.

10. In the proposals 10-17 find complicated weatherless sentence. Write the number of this offer.

(10) The dog barely moved to the tail. (11) The boy squatted and decomposed the bread and remnants of his dinner in front of her, wounded in the newspaper, - the dog did not revive himself, did not show any interest in food. (12) Costa began to stroke her and persuade: - (13) Well, you sing ... (14) Well, you sing a little ... (15) The dog looked at him with big eyes and again turned his eyes to the sea. (16) Costa took a piece of bread and drove to the dog's mouth. (17) Ta sighed deeply and loud as a person, and began to slowly chew bread.

11. Proposals 5-8 Find sophisticated nonsense

(5) She was sure that he yaws from boredom. (6) asking him was useless: he was silent. (7) Once he brought several thin twist into the class and put them in a jar with water. (8) And everyone laughed over the twigs, someone even tried to fit the floor as a broom.

12. Proposals 25-29 Find sophisticated nonsense offers. Write the numbers of these offers.

(25) I remember a lot from that time, the smallest details. (26) But over time, the thought is increasing more and more. Was it in Javi or once dreamed? (27) Of course, the house is a memory. (28) This is a childhood. (29) Now the house broke - childhood ended ...

13. Significations 29-33 Find complicated weatherless sentence. Write the number of this offer.

(29) eaten the brew, not at all noticing food. (30) Probably went back to his wonderful theater. (31) Let if she likes so there. (32) She is tired, my mom, she walked first time for the whole war. (33) Let even a little more in his remote memory, in a gilded palace, where the ballet is shown.

14. In the proposals 9-13 find sophisticated nonsense offers. Write the numbers of these offers.

(9) Together with them, you lazil on the advanced, together the grief of bread, and then you suddenly went to the boss in connected. (10) To fight, I do not know how, or am I worse than others?

(11) I got used to you, fucking used ... (12) No, this is not a habit, this is something else, more. (13) I never thought about it, it simply did not have time.

Option number 318618.

1. In-Dae 1 No. 6490. Text, on-Chi-on-Yu-Sia-Wa "The word" mother "is a common word. "

Pro-Sid-Shay Text and on-Pi-Shi-Thu squeezed. Is-going text for the sieves-go-th, ou-smi-smta 2 times.

Taking into account the ones that you are led by the head of the headache as Mick-Ro-Te-we and the total tech-hundred in general.

The volume of from-lo - at least 70 words.

Pi-Shi-Those from the Luck Ak-ku-Rat-But, once-boron-chims in Cher-com.

2. In-Dae 2 No. 5498. In which Va-Ri-An-Te-Tu-Ta-Der-Sia In-Fort-Maution, non-Ob-di-May for Oko--Via That on Quess: "So-Mu Tolya didn't want his mother to school to school?"

1) On the street, there was a fall of rain, and Tolya Bo-Yal-Xia, that Mom Pro-Stu-diet and in-les.

2) Tol is very NRA-Vi-Elk Be-to go to school in the rain, and Mom is pre-PRAH to him.

3) Tol is not good, so that Mom knows, that he is sitting at one pairs-that with de-Koi.

4) Tolya did not want his mother of Ope-Ka-La, like Ma Lena-Co..

(1) Tole autumn did not like. (2) did not like the fact that Opana-Da-Lee-Lyasy and "Less Sol-Nysh-Ko Bli-Stas-Lo", and the painfulness just for the fact that the Ose-New often went raining and mom is not Pus-ka-la on his street.

(3) But here on-stu-pi-lo is such a morning when all the windows were in from-vi-costs of Dyu-rye, and rain in-co-la-chi-shaft and In-co-la-chi-shaft Something in the roof ... (4) But my mother is not a reservoir of the city, but even somewhere-Rap Li-Va La. (5) And toly, in a sense-shaft, that those-pen is with everything painful: Dad also walked on Ra-Bow

in any weather!

(6) Mom You are nu-La from the closet zone-tick and white raincoat, which-ryol Thai-ko-com on de-shaft together Hama, when they are with a re-bia Mi Ig-Ri-Lee in the dock-docking.

- (7) where are you? - South-Vil-Xia.

- (8) You are about-to-whaw.

- (9) me ... about-to-press? (10) What are you?

(11) Mom Sigh-Nu-La and Lo-Lo-La-Lena-Tov-Lena things about Rat-but in the closet.

(12) Tol is very NRO-Vi-Elk Be-to go to school in the rain. (13) Once he is Ober-zero and suddenly on a friend of a hundred-ro-no streets of Mama. (14) There was a lot of plaster on the street and zone Ti-Cove, but I learned my mother immediately. (15) And she, in the course, that Tolera Ober-zero, it was enough for the angle of the hundred-two-floor-room at home.

(16) "Right-smiling!" - Ser-di Du-small roofy. (17) And there is still a quick-re-ray, so that mom is not going to Ma La to go to him.

(18) He was ober-zero near the school itself, but the moms were no longer.

(19) "Vel-Nasy", - with OB-Les-Che-ni-it is in do-little he.

(20) On the Tor-and-Neu-Neu-Ke, ni-ki stroke on the class. (21) Mo-Lo-giving Tel-Nasta Pro-thief - but SM-Cheri-Va-La from the face of IOC-rye hair and Cree-cha-la:

- (22) per guest "in"! (23) per guest "B"!

(24) Tolya knew that the pen "in" is he. (25) Uti-Tel-Nuclear Central Asian Guys on the fourth floor.

(26) At home was still at home, he decided that he would never sit at the desk with the Vid Chon. (27) But I learned-tel-niche, words, but joking, SPO-SI-LI: - (28) You, on-Vertoy, how do you sit down with Cher-Kho, yes?

(29) And the Tole of Ko-fed, as if he and the right-yes, all-gda sword-tal si-child near Cher-No-howl.

(30) Tea-Tel-Nuclear Ras-Kry-Luba Luba and on-Cha-La Pere-Ku. (31) After a pa-cry-ki, she is Ska-La:

- (32) Orlov, at-cut, Mo Lui-hundred, window.

(33) Tolya immediately, the Ukrainian-chill approached the window, but before, he was not-easy-to-stick to the handle. (34) He is at the bottom of the village and suddenly stopped at the TSA-so-kakh: he is not-visible outside the window, see Mama. (35) She is a hundred-ya, holding a layer-female zone-tick in the hands, not about the robberry on the rain, which is a steer with a raincoat, and medical Len-but-di-Li-U-Mi through the school windows: Mom, on-Vel, but, howling, in which Cla is sits her toly.

(36) And then he could not be-sled. (37) on-o-bo-mouth, he is in-ho-ke you-su-sculp on the street, Ma-Hat mom and thunder, so as not to-shower rain, scream -the: (38) "Don't Wol-Nui-Xia! (39) Do not Wolh-Nui, Ma-urine ... (40) All Ho-Rho! " (41) But he could not cry, something, in a lesson, the crystrine is not in La-Sia.

(According to A. Alec-Si, well) *

* Alec-Sin Anal-Lii Ge-Obi-E-HIV (born in 1924) - Pi-Sa-Tel, Drome-Turg. His pro-is-ve-de-de-one, such as "my brother IG-Roma on Clar-Neu-Those," Dei-Schools and IS-Paul-Ni-Te-Lee ", "Trey in the fifth row", etc., in West-Went the head of the world of young people.

3. Da-Dae 3 No. 5844. In which Va-Ri-An-Te-Ta-Tel-Tel-Ni-Speech is a speech-la-in-you?

1) Tole autumn did not like. (2) did not like the fact that Opana-Da-Lee-Lyasy and "Less Sol-Nysh-Ko Bli-Stas-Lo", and the painfulness just for the fact that the Ose-New often went raining and mom is not Pus-ka-la on his street.

2) And she, in the course, that Tolera Ober-zero, it was enough for the angle of the hundred-two-floor-in-house house.

3) But on-stu-pi-los such a morning, when all the windows were in from-vi-costs of the second-hand dozh, and rain in-co-la-chi-shaft and for -Ok-la-chi-shaft Something in the roof ...

4) She is a hundred-ya, holding in the hands of a layer-female zone-tick, not about the rosy-mage on the rain, who is a steer with a raincoat, and honey-flax - But in the di-la crying through the windows of the school: Mom, on-Verm, how the Ho-Te-La Uga-give, in which class it sits her toly.

4. In-Dae 4 \u200b\u200bNo. 4718. From the pre-Lo and 29-33, you - Pi-Shi-those Word, in which-rum Pra-Pi-Ca Nie-Ca Know-Che-Ni - "non-half-na-ta action".

5. In-Dae 5 No. 4700. From the pre-lo-and 16-20 you - Pi-Shi-those Word, in which-rum Pra-Pi-Ca Nie Suf-Fik-Ca Defa de la-Et-Xia -Basy: "In the bottom-la-ga-tel, Obra-Zo-Van, from the Su-Tel-Tel-Tel-in-One SUF-FIC-owl-owned , -On-, Pi-sew-Sia NN. "

6. In-Dae 6 No. 3400. In addition, the time-throat word "(not) at the time-ma-la" in the pre-Lo-Resection 17 of the Li-Che-Che-Ski-Tralya No-nh. Na-Pi-Shi-those this si-no.

7. In-Dae 7 No. 4003. In general, the layer-co-co-nie "in the second-hand-rye" (pre-Lo-Nie 3), in fact-melan OS-NO -EP-GO-CO-VIA, Si-Ni-Mich-Social Society-CO-TA-NI-EY with a connection of control. Na-Pi-Shi-those in Lu-Chiv-She-E-Sia Society.

8. In-Dae 8 No. 4004. You are a pi-sh - the gram-ma-th-che "Os-ni-vo pre-Lo-and-asta.

9. In-Dae 9 No. 4022. Among the pre-low 12-17 Nai di-te-lo-e-niya with one-but-rod-mi-na-mi. Na-Pi-Shi-Those of these pre-Lo.

10. In-Dae 10 No. 5149. In the pre-lane below the pre-low-ni-ours from the pro-Chi-Tan-But-th tek-one, everything is over-Paja. You are pic-shi-th numbers, overall-chasing in-five when entering.

But learning-niche, (1) Words, but jokingly, (2) SPO-CI-LI: "You, (3) on-faith, (4) Ho-honors to sit with Cher-but - Way, (5) Yes? ". And Tolsto in ka-focused, (6) as if he and the right-yes, all-gda sword-tal si-kh, next to Cher-No-howl.

11. In-Dae 11 № 3903. Powers of the C-Les-Chelt of the Gram Ma-Ti-Che Forests in the pre-Lo-Nii 2. Answer a Pi-Shi-Thie Digo.

12. In-Dae 12 No. 5190. In the pre-lane below the pre-low-ni-ours from the pro-Chi-Tan-But-th tek-one, everything is over-Paja. You are-pi-sh - those numbers, overseas among the chasters of the complex-but-th prochere, compared to - Ni-Tel-Noi.

There was a lot of plaster on the street, (1), but I learned my mother immediately. And she, (2) in Measp, (3) that Tolera Ober-Zul-Xia, (4) Speed-Ta-las over the angle of the hundred-two-floor-in-house house.

"Speed-Sia!" - Ser-di Du-small roofy. And there is still fast-re-ray, (5) so that mom is not going to Ma La to go to him.

Near the school itself, he is Ober-zero again, (6) But moms have no longer.

13. In-Dae 13 № 3916. Among the pre-low 1-6 NAY-DI-THOM, a pre-lio-nie with in the next-to-va-tel-nym-no-ni-e-yes -the. Na-pi-sh - the number of this pre-lo-and the same.

14. In-Dae 14 No. 4028. Among the pre-low 33-35 NAY-DI-THOM, a pre-lo-ne-SO-Yuz and Co-Yuz-ny-yu-ni-tel - There is between the cha-mi. Na-pi-sh - the number of this pre-lo-and the same.

15. In-Dae 15 № 3262. IS-Paul-Pialya Pro-Chulus Text, you are-half-ours on a del-sheet only one of Os-Dae: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3. Before Na-Pi-Ni-Schi-Ni-Ni-Pi-Shi-Thiemes Number of you-Bran-but-th per'ya: 15.1, 15.2 or 15.3.

15.1 Na-Pi-Shi-te-si-non-Ras-Sug-de-Nei, Ras-Waja's sense of you-sca-via from the West-But-Fine Lo-ha N. M. Shan Skov-th: "At the bottom of the complex-but-under-severe pre-low, you can pro-sided as the che-lo-cent - It is from-no-neck between the world and the sobful accurate view. " AR-GU-MEN-Ti-Ruya is a response, a pre-di-level 2 at the pro-Chi-Tan-But-th tech. At-in-di-me-ry, Point-zy-wai-th buty-ores of the necessary pre-Lo-and-Ti-RO-Vasy .

You are the same-te-match of the work of Ra-Tu in Nom-Mr. or Pub-Ly Qi-Ski-Style, Ras-Waja Theme on Ling Vi-Che Ma-Te-Ri-Le. There is a co-chi-non-N. M. Shang-Ku.

Ra-Bo-Ta, on-Pi-san without support for pro-Chi-Tanny text (not on Dan-No-Mu Tech Stu), not Ocea-ni-it.

15.2 Na-Pi-Shi-Th-si-non-Ras-Sug-de-Nie. Ombol-ni-how you are a na-ma-e-those meaning of F-Na-Lek-Stow: "On-o-bo-mouth, he was in-ho-cells you Nut-smiling to the street, Ma-Hat mom and thunder, so that it's not to-shower rain, scream: "Do not Wol-Nui-Xia! non-Wol-Nui, ma-ur ... All right!"".

At-ve-di in co-chi-non-Nii 2 AR-GU-MAN-TA Tek-Tan-But-th tech, under-hard-waiting for your races -Em.

At-in-di-me-ry, Point-zy-wai-th buty-ores of the necessary pre-Lo-and-Ti-RO-Vasy .

The volume of co-si-non-non-CO-Woman is at least 70 words.

If the co-chief pre-becoming is a pa-ska-in-eyed or half-no-stya text without any There was no com-men-ta-ri, then such a ra-bo-so-ny-noma zero ballov.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3 How are you by ni-ma-e-those sign of the Society of Ma-Thin-Sky Liu-Bov?

SFOR-MU-Li Rui and Pro-Commale-Ti-Rui Dana Dana-de Le-Nei. Na-Pi-Shi-te-Si-Nie-Ras-Sug-de-Nie on "What is Ma-Thin-Sky Lu-bovy", taking those Ca Dana is your defense de leu. AR-GU-MEN-Ti-Ruya his thesis, the pre-di-level 2 of the re-ar-man-men-she, under-hard-waiting for your Ras Souge de : one at the pre-Mer-AR-GU-MENT-MENT-RE-DI, from the pro-Chi-Tan-But-th tech, and the WTO - from Vashe What experience

The volume of co-si-non-non-CO-Woman is at least 70 words.

If the co-chief pre-becoming is a pa-ska-in-eyed or half-no-stya text without any There was no com-men-ta-ri, then such a ra-bo-so-ny-noma zero ballov.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

GIA in Russian

"GIA in Russian. year 2014. Option "№1 for grade 9 Start of form

Part "A"

(1) Grandfather was kind. (2) This Leka knew exactly. (3) He understood it when the cart charged to a frozen mare brought Leccus to the village council with the mother and other women with the guys and girls.

(4) The case was in the evening, and Leku strongly clone to sleep, and I wanted to eat, even in my head there was something. (5) At the house where the cart stopped, somehow appeared some aids in the same gray headscarves, and leek seemed that these were all the old women. (6) Then forward the old woman came out with a wide beard, and Leka smiled immediately - it hurts a good beard of Santa, like a Christmas tree. (7) White, only in some way gray hair breaks.

(8) - Refugees, "said someone from the old woman.

(9) Grandfather turned quickly and correctly corrected:

(10) - not refugees, but ecaigne.

(11) - What's in the face, which is in the face, - answered the same evil old voice.

(12) Aunt came to the attack, in the same way, like everyone, a gray scarf, and also similar to the old woman, and said quietly:

(13) - Well, women. (14) Now we have guests. (15) Take.

(16) came to the cart, took someone's baby to the hands and went on dirt, sharding, aside. (17) And the woman who went along with Leje and his mother on one cart and whose baby took a bowl, obediently.

(18) Leka looked around and was afraid that they would not take them or something bad. (19) The old women stood around, looking under the feet, and only one of the aunt, which took the refugee with the child, went along the street, right on the puddles, without turning back.

(20) drizzled a small, barbed rain, and the Leka all the wet in its gray finish with short sleeves, and the fur black collar glitter and straws, as if nailed. (21) The rain glass brightened the water in the puddles, and Leka, looking at the puddle, saw her legs, trained in Lapti. (22) He did not even immediately realize that it was Napty; He never saw them before, only in the pictures in the books who brought his father. (23) The lapties were in brown mud, suitable on dirty spheres and enchanted rapid. (24) Leka looked at the lapti and everything was surprised, because he thought that no one was wearing Napti, only in fairy tales.

(25) He raised his head and saw that this is the old man with a beard. (26) And the beard wet, and with her droplets, like with the washcloth.

(27) Grandfather extended to him the bumping sturdy fingers, and Leku pressed against the mother. (28) He thought that the old man wants to grab him, but he said, smiling: (29) "Well, go, go, granddaughters," and took him in his hands.

(30) So they began to live in grandfather Anton, and the head called his grandfather. (31) It was spacious in his grandfather, because he lived alone, the old woman was still in the spring, and the grandfather was happy that she was died in the spring. (32) Lek was surprised that the old man is rejoiced, and long thought about it, but could not understand what to rejoice here. (33) The son of his grandfather fought, and Leca on syllables read triangular letters, which came from the current army.

(34) Grandfather Anton without end forced Leku to reread these triangles, and silently silent himself, smoked the self-like, a launching long and thin jet to the ceiling itself.

(35) Then Leka sweat, blushed and with huge letters withdraw the grandfather response to the scrappy of the newspaper, who pulled out of his notebook. (36) Santa's letters have always been the same and short. (37) Leka, even by heart knew that grandfather will dictate: (38) "Hello, dear son Ivan Antonovich! (39) Your letter received. (40) I, thank God, is alive, well, what and you wish you. (41) My tenants too ... "

(42) Here the grandfather spoke "Faterants" and "Tog", but Leca himself corrected the grandfathers of the expression: because it was impossible to write illiterately into the current army.

(43) "... the estate is also nothing. (44) In the collective farm, such ... ".

(45) Further, the grandfather listed what matters in the collective farm, but a letter ended with such words: (46) "Better, son Ivan Antonovich, calmly, don't worry, we have something like. (47) I send you from the whole of the Red Army through you. "

(50) How many Leka persuaded him not to write these words, the grandfather insisted. (51) And about once a month he collected a self-sacker in the bag and sewed it with harsh threads. (52) In the evening, when Lekin's mother came, he asked her to write a chemical pencil on a white pouch from the flour number of the field mail of his son. (53) He did not even trust it. (54) And Leka had only to lick finger and wet the place on the bag, where the mother should have written the letter.

(By A. Likhanov)

2) (24) Leka looked at Napti and was surprised, because he thought that no one was wearing Napti, only in fairy tales.
3) (28) He thought that the old man wants to grab him, but he said, smiling: 29) "Well, go, go, granddaughters," and took him in his hands.
4) (3

A2Tell, in what value is used in the text word "output" ( proposition 35.).

1) Vё
2) diligently wrote
3) Lew
4) dismissed

2) "What's in the face, that in the face," the old woman answered the same evil voice.
3) Then the grandfather came out forward with a wide beard, and Leca smiled immediately - a good beard was hurt, like a Christmas tree.
4) Grandfather Anton without end forced Leku to reread these triangles, and he himself was silent, smoked self-dresses, a launching long and thin stream to the ceiling itself.

1) in the Word "Girls" (proposition 3. ) 3 deaf consonants.
2) in the word "white" (proposition 7. ) Sounds are more than letters.
3) in the word "take" (proposition 18. ) The softness of the consonant [s'] on the letter is indicated by the letter b (soft sign).
4) in the word "jet" (proposition 34. ) All consonant sounds are solid.

A5Tell a word with alternating vowels in the root.

1) Klonil (offer 4)
3) led (offer 19)
4) pictures (offer 22)

A6 In what word the spelling of the console is determined by its value - "Approach"?

2) Hi (offer 47)
3) approximately (offer 51)
4) brought (offer 3)

A7. IN what word the spelling of suffix is \u200b\u200ban exception to the rule?

3) Glass (Offer 21)
4) finished (offer 48)

Between, (1) Sonomy Ivan Antonovich, (2) calmly, (3) Do not worry, (4) We have something like.

B6 Specify the number of grammatical foundations in the Proposition 4. Answer Put the number.

B7 In the suggestions below, all commas are numbered from the read text. Ensure the numbers denoting the commas between the parts of the complex proposal associated with the subordination link.

He did not even immediately understand, (1) what is Napty; He had never seen them before, (2) only in the pictures in the books, (3) who brought his father.

B8 among Proposals 16-21 Find complex sentence from uniform submission Putting. Write the number of this offer.

B9 among Proposals 30-36 Find a challenge with non-union, writing and supervisory links between parts. Write the number of this offer.

Answer to task number 1

A1V What version of the answer contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: "Why did the hero believed that grandfather Anton was good?"

1) (6) Then ahead of the old woman came out with a wide beard, and Leca smiled immediately - it hurts a good beard in his grandfather as a Christmas tree.
2) (24) Leka looked at Napti and was surprised, because he thought that no one was wearing Napti, only in fairy tales.
3) (28) He thought that the old man wants to grab him, but he said, smiling: 29) "Well, go, go, granddaughters," and took him in his hands.
4) (34) Grandfather Anton without end forced Leku to reread these triangles, and he himself was silent, smoked by self-sacker, a launching long and thin stream to the ceiling itself.

A2Tell, in what value is used in the text word "output" (Proposition 35).

1) Vё
2) diligently wrote
3) Lew
4) dismissed

A3 show a proposal in which a means of expressive speech is a comparison.

1) At the house where the cart stopped, some aunts in the same gray headscarves immediately appeared, and leek seemed to be all the old women.
2) "What's in the face, that in the face," the old woman answered the same evil voice.
3) Then the grandfather came out forward with a wide beard, and Leca smiled immediately - a good beard was hurt, like a Christmas tree.
4) Grandfather Anton without end forced Leku to reread these triangles, and he himself was silent, smoked self-dresses, a launching long and thin stream to the ceiling itself.

A4Close erroneous judgment.

1) In the Word "Girls" (Proposition 3) 3 deaf consonants.
2) in the word "white" (offer 7) sounds more than letters.
3) In the word "take" (proposal 18), the softness of the consonant [s'] on the letter is indicated by the letter b (soft sign).
4) In the word "jet" (offer 34), all consonants are solid.

A5Tell a word with alternating vowels in the root.

1) Klonil (offer 4)
2) breaks (offer 7)
3) led (offer 19)
4) pictures (offer 22)

A6 In what word the spelling of the console is determined by its value - "Approach"?

1) for the attack (proposal 12)
2) Hi (offer 47)
3) approximately (offer 51)
4) brought (offer 3)

A7 In what word the spelling of the suffix is \u200b\u200ban exception to the rule?

1) acting (offer 33)
2) Long (offer 34)
3) Glass (Offer 21)
4) finished (offer 48)

Jobs B1-B9 Follow the read text. Answers to Q1-B9 tasks write with words or numbers.

Part "b"

B1Instate the colloquial word "pain" in sentence 6 stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.


B2Beate the phrase "in the grandfather" (offer 31), built on the basis of coordination, synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrase.


B3 Visit the grammatical offer of Proposition 1.


B4 Songs of Proposals 1-7 Find a proposal from separate definition. Write the number of this offer.


B5 in the following proposal from the read text numbered all commas. Write the numbers denoting commas when handling.


B6Click the number of grammatical foundations in the offer 4. Answer write down the number.


B7B The following suggestions from the read text are numbered all commas. Ensure the numbers denoting the commas between the parts of the complex proposal associated with the subordination link.


B8Sredi offers 16-21 Find a complex proposal with homogeneous subordination of the apparent. Write the number of this offer.


B9 Proposals 30-36 Find a challenge offer with non-union, writing and supervisory links between parts. Write the number of this offer. 31

End of form

"GIA in Russian. year 2014. Option "№2 for grade 9 Start of form

Part "A"

Read the text and execute A1-A7 and B1-B9 tasks.

(1) The girl was called Alice. (2) She was six years old, she had a friend - theater artist. (3) Alice could freely enter the theater courtyard, which guarded a strict watchman, and other children could not get into this interesting world. (4) But she was not just a girl, she is an artist's assistant.

(5) Once in the theater courtyard Alice saw a guy and immediately realized that he was not an artist.

- (6) Who are you? She asked the guy.

- (7) Shofor, - the guy replied.

- (8) What are you doing here?

- (11) Victoria Sergeyev.

(12) Sergeeva - theater artist, young and beautiful woman. (13) And Alice asked the guy "Adult" Question:

- (14) Do you love her?

"(15) No," the guy smiled. - (16) I once saved her. (17) In our city, the theater was then on tour. (18) It was spring, at the end of March. (19) The guys rode on sleds by the river. (20) Sergeeva also wanted to ride. (21) The guys gave her sledges. (22) She sat down and went, Sanya went randomly on the ice, which was thin and fragile, and a minute later Sergeyev was in ice water. (23) The guys shouted, and I was not far and heard.

- (24) And you jumped into ice water?

- (25) jumped, - confirmed the guy.

- (26) Not frightened?

- (27) did not have time to be frightened.

- (28) and did not get sick?

- (29) fell ill a little.

(30) Alice and an unfamiliar guy talked and did not notice how Sergeeva and familiar artist entered the courtyard. (31) The guy was the first to see her and said:

- (32) Hello, Victoria! (33) You probably do not remember me? (34) I am Nazarov.

(35) Sergeeva looked at the guy attentively: she could not remember him.

- (36) Well, remember how you rode on sledding, and I ... (37) You still invited me to Moscow.

- (38) Ah, yes, - remembered Sergeeva. - (39) Now I organize tickets to you.

- (40) Thank you, - said Nazarov, - but I did not come for this. (41) I have a father sick. (42) We arrived in Moscow, but in Moscow I only know you, and I wanted to ask if we can stop you for a week?

- (43) No, no, - Sergeeva said hastily. - (44) It's inconvenient, because I have a very small apartment.

- (45) What to do? - asked the guy.

- (46) I do not know.

(47) And here Alice took a guy by the hand. (48) "Let's go," she said. - (49) "Where?" - The guy was surprised. - (50) "To us," Alice said.

(51) She did not think they would say at home. (52) She saved the guy, saved him from shame and ungratefulness. (53) And when they save, they do not think for a long time, and once - both in cold water!

- (54) Not good, - said the artist when Alice and the driver came out with the courtyard. - (55) After all, he saved your life.

- (56) What, am I now a monument to put? - answered Sergeeva.

(57) And here the old verator suddenly shouted: (58) "Won! (59) Won from here! " (60) He did the view that shouts at the boys who quietly sneak into the theater courtyard. (61) But he shouted in Sergeyev.

(According to Yu. Yakovlev) *

* Yakovlev Yuri Yakovlevich (1923-1996) - Writer and Writer, author of books for children and junior.

A1-A7 tasks are based on the analysis of the read text. For each task A1-A7, 4 answers are given, of which only one is correct.

A1 This version of the answer contains information necessary to justify the answer to the question: "Why shouting:" Won from here! "?

1) He shouted so much, because the boys "quietly snuck into the theater courtyard."

Among the proposals 33-35, find a complex offer with the non-union and the union verification link between parts. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Tole autumn did not like. (2) did not like that the leaves fell and "less often the sun shine", and most of all the fact that the rain was often walked and the mother did not let him into the street.

(3) But there was such a morning when all the windows were in winding waterways, and the rain was smuggled and smoked something into the roof ... (4) But the mother did not hold the lot of the house, but even streak. (5) And Tole felt that now he was very big: Dad also went to work

in any weather!

(6) The mother took out an umbrella and white raincoat from the closet, which Toles tiled instead of a robe when they were playing the doctors with the guys.

- (7) where are you? - Surprised toly.

- (8) I spend you.

- (9) me ... accomplish? (10) What are you?

(11) Mom sighed and put cooked things back into the closet.

(12) Tolly really liked to run to school in the rain. (13) Once he turned around and suddenly, on the other side of the street saw Mom. (14) There was a lot of raincoats and umbrellas on the street, but I learned my mother immediately. (15) And she, noticing that Tole turned around, hid around the angle of the old two-storey house.

(16) "hiding!" - Hell thought angrily. (17) and ran even faster, so that Mom did not think of catching up.

(18) Near the school itself, he turned around again, but the moms were no longer.

(19) "Returned," he thought with relief.

(20) At the solemn lineup, students were built in classes. (21) A young teacher agrees with wet spars of hair and screamed:

- (22) First "B"! (23) First "B"!

(24) Tolya knew that the first "B" is he. (25) The teacher led the guys on the fourth floor.

(26) At home, Tole decided that he would never sit at the desk with the girl. (27) But the teacher, as if joking, asked him: - (28) You probably want to sit with Chernova, right?

(29) And the Tol seemed to be the truth always dreamed of sitting next to Chernovaya.

(30) The teacher revealed the magazine and start a rollback. (31) After the roll call, she said:

- (32) Orls, short, please window.

(33) Tolya immediately jumped up and approached the window, but it was not easy to reach the knob. (34) He raised and suddenly froze on tiptoe: outside the window he suddenly saw mom. (35) She stood, holding a folded umbrella in his hands, not paying attention to the rain, which was glasses from a raincoat, and slowly drove through the school's windows: Mom, probably, wanted to guess, in which class it sits her toly.

(36) And then he could not get angry. (37) On the contrary, he wanted to laugh into the street, wave mom and loudly, so as not to drown out, shout: (38) "Don't worry! (39) Do not worry, mommy ... (40) everything is fine! " (41) But he could not shout, because it is not necessary to scream in the lesson.

(By A. Aleksin) *

* Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich (born in 1924) is a writer, playwright. His works, such as "my brother playing on the clarinet," "actors and performers", "the third in the fifth row", etc., narrate mainly about the world of youth.

(3) But there was such a morning when all the windows were in winding waterways, and the rain was smoking and smoothed something into the roof ...


The complex offer 35 "She stood, holding a folded umbrella in her hands, not paying attention to the rain, which was glasses from the raincoat, and slowly drove through the windows of the school: Mom, probably, wanted to guess, in which class it sits her toly" consists of four parts :

1. She stood, holding a folded umbrella in her hands, not paying attention to the rain,<...> And slowly drove through the windows of the school.

2. That fastened with a raincoat.

3. Mom, probably, wanted to guess.

4. In which class it sits her toly.

Proposals 1 and 3 are connected by non-union bond.

Proposals 1 and 2 are connected by a supervisory link (with the help of the union word).

Proposals 3 and 4 are connected by a supervisory link (with the help of the Union Sword (B) as.

Answer: 35.

Ogue №14. Complex proposals S. different species Communication. Five minutes. No. 2.

Among proposals xh Find a challenge

with non-union bond between parts

(with non-union and union writing and supervisory link between parts).

Type of offer



Number of correct answers

1. Proposals 32-39 find A complex proposal with an allied writing and supervisory link between parts. Write the number of this offer.

(32) I barely disabled to the end of lessons, he, as soon as the call rang, rushed home from all his legs to go there, at home, to disrupt his annoyance and insult.

(33) When Mom opened the door to him, he shouted:

- (34) That's you, it's you to blame, it's all because of you! (35) Vitya ran into the room, grabbed the twigs of mimosa and threw them on the floor. - (36) I hate these flowers, I hate!

(37) He began to trample the branches of mimosa with his legs, and yellow gentle flowers burst and dying under the rude bullshit of his shoes.

(38) And Lena Popov carried home three gentle twigs mimosa in a wet cloth so that they did not get used. (39) She carried them in front of themselves, and it seemed to her that they were reflected in them that they were so beautiful, such special ...

2. Among the proposals of 24-28, find a non-union complex proposal. Write the number of this offer.

(24) I love Khludova for freshness, for the joy, for the completeness of life, for the beauty of the events that he saw and moved to the canvas.

(25) I love him for the sun, which is so hiking from all his paintings. (26) or clearer and easier: I love and understand it as children love and understand wonderful greeting cards, brilliant translation pictures, children's books with bright lacquered covers. (27) IN Syu in them is wonderful in Syu burns: and the sun over the sea, and bulk apples on a silver saucer, and dark forests, and the pigeons sky, and meadow gently frog, and luxurious lilies in blue, like the sky, pond.

(28) Khludov was not afraid to draw with such clear paints.

3. Among the proposals 10-14, find a complex non-union sentence. Write the number of this offer.

(10) Yes, and Lucy, confess, it was not very much. (11) Lucina Mom for many years did not rise from bed.

(12) In an effort to deliver the mother joy, the daughter exclaimed:

- (13) If you saw the figure of a sleeping lion, which Olya cut out! (14) I speak the whole evening with a whisper: suddenly he will wake up?

4. Among the proposals 37-41, find a complex offer with the nonsense and union writing and supervisory link between parts. Write the number of this offer.

(37) And every other day, the postman came again and again brought the package, and then two more packages, and three more: seven identical books. (38) almost 30 years have passed since that time. (39) Lost books in the war. (40) But the most important thing is left - the good memory of people I do not know and do not even remember the face. (41) Confidence remained: disinterested and good people are more than bad, and life moves forward not by the fact that in a man is bad, but what is in him good.

5. Among the proposals of 30-35 find a non-union sophisticated offer. Write the number of this offer.

(30) Led, rushing, and giggle under the blanket, but no one is looking for me. (31) Making a small cloth and look around the room with one eye. (32) What's the matter? (33) Mom stands beside stools with my little things. (34) She leans, takes a dress, goes through it with his hands, and herself looks somewhere aside, at one point, and her face is intense and so sad that I am not in itself. (35) I release from under the blanket - Mom seems to see me.

Type of offer


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