Margarita short name. Rita: the origin of the name, its full meaning, fate

Margarita is an active, independent, honest and fair, but impatient girl. Her haste often causes rash acts and incorrect conclusions. Flexible, cunning, practical and prudent, Rita easily adapts to a change of scenery, but at the same time she can be dreamy, romantic and sympathetic. Let us consider in detail the name Margarita, the meaning of the name and the fate of her mistress.

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The origin of the name Margarita is associated with ancient Greek culture. That was another name for Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty. Those who were going to the sea brought pearls as a gift to the Goddess. The history of the name Margaret tells about Margaret of Antioch, who lived in Asia Minor and was raised in a Christian family. During the persecution of believers, she was tortured and beheaded. After death, her body did not smolder, and the sick who touched the coffin received healing.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Margarita in Greek is “pearl”. Deciphering the name Margaret by letter:

  • M - the desire to care, responsiveness, goodwill.
  • A - the desire to move forward, the desire for emotional and physical comfort.
  • P - independence, self-confidence, courage, the ability to see the essence of things.
  • G - perfectionism, attention to detail, desire to learn new things.
  • And - sensitivity, kindness, love of life.
  • T - love of creativity, the desire for justice.


The name for the girl Margarita gives her a groovy, active character. The girl always helps those who are younger and weaker, even boys are afraid of her fighting spirit. Rita is a charming girl who becomes independent early and rebels if her parents take care of her too much. Behind her rude and defiant behavior, the girl hides her own insecurities, so it is important for parents to tell her how much they love and support her, and also to accustom her to hard work, because Margarita is lazy.

She is impatient, sharp, categorical, wants to get everything here and now, even at an early age it is difficult to convince her of something. Rita is curious, will do anything to find out some secret, but will not give it away. At school, she is good at exact sciences, but constant conflicts with teachers hinder her success.

The meaning of the name Margarita for a teenage girl makes her ambitious, she complains about the injustice of fate and often throws out a feeling of irritation and resentment on others. Her straightforwardness and sharpness of statements repel friends from her. However, Margarita tries to keep her emotions under control, realizing that her professional success and building personal relationships depend on it. Rita does not let anyone near her, for fear of being deceived or used, in everything she relies only on her own strength.

Having matured, she becomes smart, prudent, self-confident, but knows how to show tenderness, love and care. Her honesty, as before, complicates relations with people. Margarita is not at all selfish, although she will not miss her own. To build harmonious relations, she lacks diplomacy and a sense of tact.

Margarita is amorous, she treats every man as a potential spouse, which makes her disappointed. She withdraws into herself, ceases to trust and marries quite late. The situation is also complicated by the search for an ideal that the girl will not meet in any way, and with men who do not reach the ideal, she parted without regret.

However, Margarita can get married early if she is too eager to leave her parental home, such a marriage most often ends in divorce. And the second marriage - too, if there are not enough feelings in it. Rita will find happiness with a man who is ready to give her leadership in a pair, light and calm. She brings up children strictly, not forgetting to praise and talk about love.


Characteristics of the name Margarita according to the sign of the Zodiac:

  • Aries - not ready to give in or lose, will go to any lengths to achieve his goal. Such a desire often pushes other people away from her. Margarita, born under the sign of Aries, a leader who is used to command both at work and at home, does not recognize halftones, divides everything into “black” and “white”.
  • Taurus - unlike many representatives of his sign, he loves risk. She achieves goals, is prudent, loves self-sufficient and strong men, she sees defenders in them.
  • Twins - Energetic, sociable, changeable in views. She is unstable both in business and in love: the girl does not finish what she started and is not able to build long-term relationships with someone.
  • Cancer - soft, gentle, tends to please everyone. She is trusting, which other people often use, as a result, Margarita-Rak closes and prefers to be alone.
  • a lion - knows how to earn authority in the environment, is stubborn, it is impossible to argue with her, so other people just have to agree with her, even if she is not right. Margarita, born under the sign of Leo, knows how to manipulate, which is transferred to her relationships with men.
  • Virgo - calm, restrained, good-natured, chooses decisive and self-confident, but rarely starts serious relationships, preferring light, easy novels.
  • Scales - feminine, artistic, witty, positive, loves to be in the spotlight. Prefers to choose companions with a light, cheerful character, does not know how to lead a life.
  • Scorpion - the owner of a complex character, does not know how to give in, always follows the principles. Narcissistic, cold with men, she lacks softness and tenderness, so she marries late.
  • Sagittarius - loves to command and be an authority, does not know how to listen to someone else's opinion, to yield. Wayward, independent and passionate, which is very popular with men. Margarita, born under the sign of Sagittarius, is very inquisitive.
  • Capricorn - a careerist, capable of adventures, gossip and deceit for the sake of promotion. She is not interested in marriage, so she behaves aloof with men.
  • Aquarius - modest, shy, idealizes the environment. She tries to be useful to others, even to the detriment of her own interests. She will become an affectionate, understanding and loving wife.
  • Fish - an impressionable, emotional girl with a rich imagination. Margarita-Pisces - attractive, feminine, likes men, but often insecure, will opt for a patient and reliable partner.

name day

Margaret's name day:

  • February 8th.
  • July 30th.
  • September 14th.
  • December 15th.

Name color

Rita's lucky color is purple, it symbolizes irascibility and scandalousness. "Purple" do not want to find a compromise in the dispute, they like the process itself, and pride will not allow them to give in. Stubbornness and self-confidence often complicate their personal and professional relationships.

name flower

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Margarita's talisman plant is a daisy and a lily. Lily symbolizes truth, purity, innocence, chastity, greatness, sin and repentance. In Catholicism, the lily is the flower of the Blessed Virgin, and in Germany it is considered a symbol of devotion and fidelity.

Daisy symbolizes mutual love, nobility, material well-being, fidelity and sacrifice for the sake of the interests of a loved one. According to Christian legend, when Mary received the good news from the Archangel Gabriel, she was about to tell her relative about it, and daisies grew in her footsteps. The petals of the flower are the greatness of God, and the core is a symbol of the sacred fire in the heart of Mary.

church name

The name of Margarita does not change at baptism.

Name translation in different languages

Translation of the name Margarita into other languages:

  • In English, there are two variants of the name - Margaret and Maggie.
  • There are three in German - Margarete, Margarethe, Grete.
  • There are also three in French - Marguerite, Margot, Margaux.
  • In Norwegian, the name Margarita is spelled as Margrete.
  • The Ukrainian version is similar to the Russian one.

Full name, abbreviated, affectionate

Margarita is the full name. Abbreviated and affectionate variants of the name:

  • Margo.
  • Rituska.
  • Ritka.
  • Ritulenka.
  • Rita.
  • Daisy.
  • Margosh.


The female name Margarita is suitable for a girl if her father's name is:

  • Ilya.
  • Albert.


Margarita name compatibility with male names:

  • Paired with there will be constant quarrels and misunderstandings. A man is an ideal family man, and Margarita does not know how to run a house, relationships in a couple are difficult.
  • With Alexander - a passionate, emotional union with notes of adventurism. They are not bored together, there is a lot of energy in a couple, but it can also be destructive. It all depends on the desire of each of the partners to be together.
  • A couple with Eugene is very likely to break up, because it is important for a man that there is a mistress in the house, and Rita wants to build a career and realize her own ambitions.
  • With Sergey - a bright, passionate, temperamental relationship and a complete lack of stability, as a result of which the union breaks up.
  • Together with there are common goals, interests and desire to make the world a better place, to help others. These relationships will be long-lasting and strong.
  • Passion quickly flares up between and Rita, but it quickly fades away, the couple will not be able to pass the test of domestic difficulties.
  • Maxim and Margarita are the perfect couple, together they will achieve everything they want, and trials will make their love stronger.
  • and Rita will not be able to live together because of the burden of accumulated domestic problems and misunderstandings.
  • The pair of Denis and Margarita is an example of the unity of opposites. Different views lead to frequent quarrels, but this union is strong enough.

According to Mendelev

The name is good, but cold. The feeling of the power and secret power of this name comes from the distant past, and is not inspired by the novel by M. Bulgakov, and not only in Russian, but also in French, German (Gretchen) and English, although upon closer examination Margarita may not be so deep and original: she sometimes has to reach for her own name.

Margarita does not get along well with people, she is not used to adapting to anyone and is extremely reserved.

Rita is much more feminine, more active, brighter and more joyful, but not so powerful and strong. She is open and sociable. Rita also has conflicts, but these are just small and short disputes.

Margo is a stronger, majestic and powerful person. She is even colder than Marguerite; often cannot create her own family, because deep down she believes that none of the men is able to become her worthy partner. The exact opposite also happens: not finding a suitable man, Margo throws herself into all serious troubles, not really understanding who she is with and what kind of person is next to her.

Work for Margarita is just earning a livelihood: it is difficult to find a kind of activity that would capture and captivate her.

For some reason, strange meetings and incomprehensible incidents happen to Margarita more often than with owners of other names,

Name color is purple.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

She manages to succeed in both love and sex. Margarita is sentimental, sensitive, dreams of crazy love, from which she is "in the pool with her head." If she experienced this exciting feeling in her youth, she will remember her first love all her life. Margarita loves physically strong men, it gives her special pleasure to command them in bed, she is happy only if she controls her partner. She is frank in sex, she is characterized by strong emotions, violent hobbies. If she has failures, she experiences them unusually acutely, falling into depression. Margarita is freedom-loving and independent, she builds her personal life as she sees fit, regardless of generally accepted norms.

Margarita has an increased sexual temperament, is able to bring a man to a state of ecstasy. Many of the Marguerites prefer young, inexperienced men, to whom they can reveal themselves in all their splendor and whom they introduce into the world of unforgettable sexual sensations. Margarita is keenly interested in erotic literature, likes to talk with men about sex, but relies more on her experience.

"Summer" Margarita is rather a passive-submissive type of woman. Her ideal is a "strong man" whom she wants to submit to. In the caresses of a man, she prefers pressure, strength, aggressiveness. She is somewhat nervous, indecisive, she needs

an experienced partner who will "master it." The intimate life of the “autumn” Margarita is not easy, she goes through a chain of disappointments before she finds a partner with whom she achieves sexual harmony. She is contraindicated in marriage with a man born in winter.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Pearl" (lat.)

Name energy and character: Margarita is a straightforward and harsh name, maybe even intolerable. The only pity is that such qualities are not very compatible with the concept of femininity, and this, by the way, can upset Margarita herself a lot, especially at an older age. Usually, since childhood, Rita has a groovy character. She is mobile, sociable, drawn to leadership and loves to patronize the weaker. Often, not only girls, but also boys are afraid of her harshness, to the point that Rita can give the impression of a kind of hooligan kid in a skirt. In a word, it is difficult to expect that she will become a good girl.

It is possible that she will treat her studies rather coolly, however, it all depends on her life goals and aspirations. If the path of life she has chosen requires a good education, Rita is able to take this issue quite seriously, in which firmness of character will perfectly help her. In addition, the energy of the name often makes Margarita ashamed of the manifestation of her true feelings, and of all emotions, she usually recognizes only humor and anger, in her opinion, righteous. All this determines her propensity for logical analysis. She could make a wonderful public figure or a meticulous lawyer, always looking for justice, but in real life, including family life, such qualities may turn out to be, frankly, not very useful. At a minimum, Rita does not interfere with learning patience and calmness.

Most often, Rita either takes on the leading role in the family, choosing a docile and unambitious person as her husband, or it all ends very sadly, including tantrums, divorces and mutual insults. If Margarita wants to avoid such a sad ending, then the easiest way to do this is to turn her sense of humor on herself. Perhaps she takes herself too seriously, while kind self-irony can calm pride much better than any search for justice. In the end, justice does not even imply the leading role of Margarita at all, and it is not so important who is actually right, since the most important thing in communication is not being right, but mutual understanding and respect.

Secrets of communication: Very often, Margarita's logic is somewhat one-sided. This is not surprising, since usually her logic is brought to life by some kind of strong desire or even passion, due to which her mind begins to work in one direction. Most likely, Rita will carry out her mental constructions with the main goal of proving her case, and not finding the truth. At the same time, if you can ignore her harshness and try to look into her soul, you can find in her a rather fragile and tender woman who needs human warmth and participation. So, rather than arguing with Rita in vain, it's better to just talk to her like a human being and - who knows - maybe this flower will open before you?

The trace of a name in history:

Margaret Thatcher

“I am extremely patient, provided that in the end it comes out my way,” Margaret Thatcher (b. 1925), the legendary woman who managed to achieve the almost impossible, was fond of saying: ) she managed to make a dizzying political career, which many male politicians never dreamed of. Her arguments were extremely simple: "Any woman who understands the problems of running a house understands the problems of running a country."

Interestingly, the "iron lady" was born in a modest family of a grocer, and therefore it is fair to say that absolutely everything in her life, starting from the very first steps, she achieved only thanks to her perseverance and strong, "punching" character. After graduating from Oxford University and having received the specialty of a chemist, Margaret Thatcher rightly decided that this was not the pinnacle of her career, and therefore took courses in law and began to practice law. She was only thirty-four years old when she was elected to Parliament, and her subsequent career developed with the swiftness of a jet liner picking up speed on the runway.

In 1979, Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in the history of the country, after which she was re-elected two more times, thus setting the second record: never before her prime ministers in England had been re-elected for a third term.

Her policy (as well as her character) was not very feminine, and even for a man she can be called too firm and uncompromising. However, the "iron lady" does not consider herself such; arguing that simply “women are much better than men at saying the word no.” As for her personal life, she is not only a politician, which is already in the past today, but also the wife of businessman Dennis Thatcher, as well as the mother of two charming twins. Simply, in her opinion, the destiny of a woman is not only a kitchen and diapers, and if she is capable of more, then why not realize her potential? And the fact that this can be done even in England, Margaret Thatcher proved to everyone by personal example.

By Higiru

The name comes from the Latin word "Margarita" - a pearl.

A very independent girl. Everything has its own point of view. She is very straightforward and expresses her impressions regardless of faces, which often leads to terrible confusion for parents and guests. Straightforwardness and categoricalness, characteristic of childhood, will make themselves felt in adulthood, although with skillful upbringing, these unpleasant features of Margarita can be significantly mitigated. Otherwise, they will be perceived as inability to behave, rudeness and lead to conflicts with others, although the somewhat eccentric Margarita is not at all selfish.

Already in her school years, Margarita stands out for her good logical thinking, she can achieve success in a chess game. She is quite smart, quick-witted and cunning, but her inner insecurity makes her not a very reliable comrade. And although Margarita's relationship with classmates is normal and she will never refuse to help them, she still does not have close friends. He devotes a lot of time to sports, loves biology.

Refers to practical people, such women make good leaders.

Margarita does not like to wait long. She is impatient, she needs to get everything at once. Maybe that's why she, without much hesitation, marries the first person she likes and is almost always unlucky in her first love. He is very worried about the collapse of his hopes, after a divorce, as a rule, he quickly remarries, and he does this not out of great love, but mainly guided by considerations of a different nature (to prove something to someone, get rid of the feeling of uselessness). Margarita loves male society, adores admirers, her behavior often gives her husband reason for jealousy. A garden, a vegetable garden, a dacha where you need to work, and not rest, are not for Margarita and lead her to despondency. The kitchen is also not Margarita's element, but by the time guests arrive, she can prepare such a wonderful dinner that will shock people who know her well.

Carefully treat children. Rarely are they happy with their marriage. Capricious.

Margarita's family life with Albert, Efim, Semyon, Gennady, Ruslan, Eduard, Savely, Roman should develop happily. Failures await her with Ivan, Cyril, Vitaly, Vladimir.

If you went through all the girls' names and settled on Margarita, then be prepared for the fact that this is a straightforward person. She will boldly express everything that she thinks about the interlocutor, right in his eyes.

The name makes the hostess honest, fearless, independent. This is not the kind of girl who will hide behind her mother's skirt and blush. Rather, her parents will have to blush when Margo decides to speak out.

The meaning of the name Margarita

Margaret means "pearl". The name has a symbol denoting the patronage of sailors who laid pearls and mother-of-pearl shells on it.

Derivative names have a similar meaning - Rita, Margo, Mara, Margaret, Margret.

origin of the name Margaret

The name has a mythological and Christian origin.

The history of Ancient Greece interprets this name as one of the epithets of Aphrodite, denoting the patroness of sailors and fishermen.

The Christian origin dates back to 304 and coincides with the life of Margaret of Antioch, known as St. Marina.

The nature of the name Rita

A girl with this name has an easy character. She is sociable, cheerful and easy-going. At the same time, it is not so simple - it has some cunning.

Margarita speaks out with ease, but as she grows older, she tries to control her emotions and directness. She understands that this will not always have a positive effect on her life.

Rita easily converges with people due to her honesty, humanity and disinterestedness. She is open with her peers, plays honestly with them, but at the same time she can cheat.

Along with positive character traits, the girl is very selfish, capricious and distrustful. Often external openness and lightness has a completely different meaning.

Margarita, as a rule, puts her interests above all else, which makes it difficult for her to adapt to the environment and find a reasonable compromise.

Signifying uncertainty, Margo's character is often controversial. It is difficult for her to make decisions because of raging passions.

The name gives a woman the ability to observe others and shape her behavior to her advantage.


Margarita has been grasping for knowledge since childhood. She is distinguished by a developed logic that explains her abilities for the exact sciences. Therefore, professions suitable for her - an engineer, a teacher of mathematics and other exact sciences, will allow her to become successful.

Rita is also able to play chess thanks to the talent of a strategist, the ability to calculate the steps and risks in the game.

Margarita's ambition could help her build a successful and stable career. But the uncertainty that she is endowed with prevents her from doing this.

The secret of the name Rita is eccentricity, which in business life has a positive manifestation, but in personal life it can cause discord in relationships.

Choosing friends, Rita prefers men.

Margaret's health

Margo's health is quite strong. Despite her activity, the woman's psyche is stable, and therefore she is slightly subject to stress.

Denoting uncertainty, her eccentricity can sometimes turn into a nervous breakdown. But this, as a rule, is compensated by observation.

Compatibility and marriage for Rita

The mystery of the name explains Margarita's popularity among men. She is beautiful and knows how to present herself, so such a girl is always surrounded by fans. The extent to which she loves the attention of men to her person explains her early marriage.

Margo can easily marry the first man that suits her. But, not getting what she wants, she quickly leaves him.

The name gives its owner the ability to give pleasure - to herself and her partner.

Her love of freedom often makes her husband jealous.

A successful marriage for Margot will be with Mikhail, Gennady, Sergey. And with men named Vitaly, Cyril is better not to bind his fate.

Talismans, colors, signs of the zodiac named after Rita

Mother-of-pearl and pearls are of great importance for Margarita, denoting her keepers.

Color - red, purple.

Everyone knows that the meaning of a name is directly related to its history. So the name Margarita was no exception here. And so, a little history.

The name Margarita came into the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy in Rus'. The Orthodox faith came to us from Greece and the names of the saints are also from there. The name comes from the word μαργαρίτης, which translates as "pearl", "pearl". It can be argued that the meaning of the name Margarita is "pearl" or "pearl".

It is believed that Margarita is also one of the epithets of Aphrodite, the patroness of sailors. Given the intensity of navigation in the Mediterranean in ancient times, the name became widespread.

The meaning of the name Margarita for a girl

Margarita is growing up as an active girl and even a little too much. She has been endowed with a leadership character since childhood and is always in the spotlight. It is difficult to call her obedient, she is even a little stubborn. This character requires a special approach. You will have to teach her to love useful and necessary things. Forcing her to do something most likely will not work.

In studies, as in principle in life, Margarita has her own vision of what to do. If she believes that she needs to study and wants it, then she will become a wonderful student. If not, then learning will be weak. Usually she is good at exact sciences, which once again emphasizes the "male" mindset. She excels at tasks that require analytical work.

Margarita's health is quite strong, but there are problems with her posture. She often suffers from scoliosis and osteochondrosis already in adolescence. Correct posture and control of excessive tension in the back and neck will solve this problem.

Abbreviated name Margaret

Diminutive names

Ritochka, Ritushka, Ritush, Ritusya, Daisy, Margosha, Margusha, Marusya.

Name Margarita in English

In English, the name Margarita is spelled as Margaret and Maggie, which reads as Margaret and Maggie.

Name Margarita for passport- MARGARITA.

Translation of the name Margarita into other languages

in Arabic - مارجريت
in Belarusian - Margaryta
in Hungarian - Margit
in Greek - Μαργαρίτα (Margarita)
in Danish - Margrethe
in Italian - Margherita
in Chinese - 瑪格麗特
in Latin - Margherita
in German - Margarete, Margarethe, Grete
in Norwegian - Margrete
in Polish - Małgorzata
in Romanian - Margareta (Margareta)
in Slovak - Marjeta
in Slovenian - Margareta
in Ukrainian - Margarita
in French - Marguerite, Margot, Margaux
in Finnish - Marketta, Maarit, Reetta
in Czech - Marketa, Margita
in Swedish - Margareta
in Japanese - マーガレット

Church name Margaret(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Church name, although recently allowed as a baptismal name.

Characteristics of the name Margarita

Margarita can be characterized as strict, independent and straightforward. She has shown independence since childhood, but we have already written about this. Her straightforwardness sometimes leads to a stupor of others. Often she says quite offensive things, although not devoid of truth. With age, she begins to be a little more restrained, although this is given to her with difficulty.

In her work, Margarita is inclined towards "male" specialties. She is a good engineer and a great leader. Occupying leadership positions, Margarita is prone to an authoritarian style of management. She is guaranteed to have a strict order at work. Do not count on a homely atmosphere.

Margarita's family relationships are difficult to build. Her directness often offends men and even repels them. She hardly makes the compromises that are so necessary in a life together. At the same time, Margarita is a wonderful hostess, although she does not like housework at all. She loves children and even spoils them. She needs to be careful not to spoil her kids.

The secret of the name Margaret

The secret of Margarita can be called a tendency to flirt. Especially it manifests itself after marriage, which makes the situation especially unpleasant. She finally relaxed that there was no need to look for a husband, she could stay in a male society without a goal. This often becomes a discovery for herself. On a subconscious level, she always evaluated men as an option for marriage, which, incidentally, is typical not only for her.

Another secret of Margarita can be called love for ostentatious luxury. If he celebrates a wedding, then for 200 people. Everything in the interior will hint at prosperity and financial opportunities. Very often she does it beyond her means and then pays for a long time.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

totem animal- Margaritifera (a shell in which pearls are formed).

Name color- Lilac.

Tree- Pine.

Plant- Daisy.

Stone- Pearl.

In childhood, the meaning of the name Margarita reveals its owner as an independent and self-sufficient young lady. The child has her own definite view of things, as well as her own opinion, which she is not afraid to express, somewhat shocking those around her.

A little harsh and rude, but such character traits can be smoothed out in the process of education. Needs emotional support from parents, attaches great importance to the opportunity to communicate with relatives. Likes to be surrounded by care and warmth. He does not like to wait, he wants everything at once.

At school, he studies with obvious reluctance, and only in high school begins to become more active in his studies. Shows interest in mathematics, biology, physical education, geography and physical education. The girl will be extremely interested in playing chess.

In adolescence, the meaning of the name Margarita for a child acquires new concepts. Despite the fact that the girl is harsh and rude in her statements, the young lady does this not out of malice. The young lady is accustomed to saying everything as it is, without veiled words and censorship. There are no bosom girlfriends, and all because of her sharp tongue. He likes to be in a male company, in which he feels like a fish in water.


In love, the meaning of the name Margarita for a girl is revealed very unpredictably. The young lady has many admirers, which means love for coquetry and flirting. She marries early, but the first marriage does not last long. Often the second time she marries not for love and not even for money, but in order to prove something to someone.

To achieve happiness in family relationships, a girl needs to select a calm, balanced and optimistic young man who agrees to give the initiative and the reins of the family into the hands of a young lady.

A woman is rarely satisfied with marriage. She is very restless and capricious, which can lead her chosen one to alcoholism. Often he tries to control the actions of his man, controls not only his movement, but also tries to put things in order in his thoughts.

Has a high sexual temperament and can bring her man to bliss. In bed, she does not wait for initiative from a guy, she can easily start a love game herself, paying attention not only to her own pleasure, but also to the satisfaction of a man.


The interpretation of the female name Margarita in the family is rather unusual. A woman cannot devote all her time to housekeeping, she does not like to cook, clean and do laundry. It is also contraindicated for a young lady to sit at home, because she quickly loses interest in everything and can roam aimlessly around the house.

However, in the mood, a girl can surprise her household with a cooked dish or a general cleaning of the home, but this is very rare.

Children are calm. This means that it does not "lisp" and does not indulge them. He educates by the method of carrot and stick, giving importance to the ongoing dialogue.

Business and career

A woman is practical and smart, which means she can be an excellent leader who will take care of her staff, paying attention to their needs. He won't let you sit on his head. It is great to cope with such professions that involve a frequent change of scenery - a stewardess, a diplomat, a regional representative, a sales representative, a teacher.

origin of the name Margaret

The origin of the name Margarita has two hypotheses. According to the first hypothesis, the historical place where the name came from is not known for certain. That Margarita, whose name comes from the Latin word "margaritum", the etymological translation of which is "pearl".

According to the second story, the naming was formed as a result of the epithet "Margarites", which was called the Roman pagan goddess Aphrodite. It was this hypothesis that influenced the formation of the mystery of the name and its meaning.

Characteristics of the name Margarita

The characteristic of the name Margarita allows potential parents to find out the meaning and secret of the name, as well as the pros and cons of the character of their future child.

The girl is quick-witted, straightforward, knows how to correctly and easily express her opinions, sometimes in a very rude way, which can shock the interlocutor. He tries to adhere to his own life positions, to keep his word. Without further ado, he comes to the rescue, does not like to gossip and gossip.

In childhood, attention should be paid to the rudeness and straightforwardness of the young person, which should be softened, because in her youth unpleasant situations will arise with others and the girl’s words will be interpreted as open rudeness and rudeness.

Also, parents should devote more time to the labor education of their child, since the habit of shirking their household duties at a young age will continue until old age.

Despite her defiant behavior, the girl is very insecure, and all the clashes with others make her even more flawed. Relatives should pay attention to the dialogue with the girl in order not only to understand their child, but also to instill in her the confidence that she is very loved and appreciated.

Mystery of the name

  • Talisman stone - pearls, lapis lazuli, jade.
  • Name day - February 7.8, July 30, December 15.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Aries.
  • Favorable plants - daisy, gooseberry, pine.
  • Color - ash, pale pink, lilac.
  • The ruling planet is Venus.

Famous people

  • Margarita Levieva (1980) - American actress, professional gymnast (in the past). Known for her roles in the films Invisible (2007), Womanizer (2009), Park of Culture and Leisure (2009) and The Lincoln Lawyer (2011).
  • Margarita Koroleva is a Russian nutritionist. According to her recommendations, half of the stars of Russian show business, as well as politicians, businessmen and ordinary people, are losing weight. The nutritionist carefully hides her age, it is only known that she is already a grandmother.
  • Margarita Simonyan (1980) is a Russian journalist, editor-in-chief of the RT TV channel and the international news agency Russia Today.

Different languages

The translation of the name Margarita into different languages ​​\u200b\u200bhas its own characteristics and many options. In English, the naming is translated as Margaret (Margaret), Margery (Margery), Marjorie, Marjory (Marjorie), in French - Marguerite (Marguerite), Margerie (Margerie), Margaine (Margen), Marganne (Marganne).

There are many naming options in German - Margarete, Margarethe (Margaret, Margareta), Margareta (Margareta), Margret (Margret), Margit (Margit), Margrit (Margrit), options such as Grete, Greta, Meta, Metta, Gesche, Gesine, Gesina and Margot can be used as independent names. In Spanish, the name is translated as Margarita, Rita (Rita), Margari (Margari), in Italian it sounds Margherita (Margherita). In Chinese it is written as - 马格利塔 (Magelita), in Japanese it sounds like 真珠花 (Shinjuka), which means Pearl.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Margarita.
  • Variants of the name - Greta, Marina, Margaret.
  • Derivatives (diminutive and abbreviated form) - Daisy, Ritka, Rita, Ritulya, Ritulik, Ritochka, Ritusik, Tusya, Ritush, Margo, Marga, Margosha, Margusha, Morgulik, Mara, Poppy, Magician.
  • Declension of the name - Margarita-Margarita-Margarita.
  • Church (Orthodox) name - Margarita.
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