"Second Tashkent." Toytep will be the first "smart" city of Uzbekistan

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H.G.IO.L. Nationality

Geography [ | ]

Nurafshan is located 4 km from the Toytep railway station, on the Tashkent - Kokand highway, 25 km south of Tashkent.

The city has a concentrating factory of aluminum ores, a sewing factory, motor transport enterprises, manufacturing enterprises.

Map - Tashkent region scheme

The location of the city relative to other settlements of the Tashkent region can be viewed on the Tashkent region in the article.

sights[ | ]

On the western outskirts of the city, on the way of Toytep - Tuyabuguz, the city of Ulkuttepe is located.

The settlement was examined: in 1875 by D. M. Gremeptic, in 1884 N. Primkulov and N. I. Veselovsky, in 1890 I. I. Krause, in 1896 by members of the TKL, in 1923 M. E. Mason, in 1929 A. A. Potapov, in 1958 Yu. F. Buryakov and S.X. I.Shankhanov.

Small excavations and archaeological studies were carried out. Over only Shakhristan preserved rectangular shape, with an area of \u200b\u200b20 hectares, with citadel in the northern part. And the citadel, and Shahristan are observed by defensive walls, in the latter - traces of 4 gates. The power of the cultural layer places exceeds 10 meters. The existing material allows you to attribute the area to the time from the first centuries. e., and the flourishing of life to the IX-X V.V. and especially by the XI-XII V.V.

Identified by s medieval city Nukeet. Described by Eastern Geographers in the X-XII V.V. n. e., in the era of the Karakanids, a certain time, was the capital of the ownership of Ilyak, in which there was his mint. The settlement is strongly destroyed as a result of posting on it, in Soviet time, military unit. During archaeological studies, two were discovered

Toytepa's city, which became the administrative center of the metropolitan area, will be built anew. The project involves architects of South Korea.

The administrative center of the Tashkent region of Toytep will be the first "smart" city in Uzbekistan. The project restructuring is being developed together with South Korean specialists.

On Friday, President Shavkat Mirziyev, who made a trip along the metropolitan area, got acquainted with the general plan of Toytep. "The second Tashkent ... in some places the city will even look like the second Venice," the Akhborota program "Uzbekistan" was handed over, the head of state described the city's erected.

Earlier, the Tashkent region had no administrative center. At the beginning of the year, Khokimiyat metropolitan region was translated into Tashkent.

"The project provides for new technologies, a system of eco-city and the tradition of Uzbekistan is taken into account. At the same time, innovations were made to exist in each new built city. This city will be the first "smart city" in Uzbekistan, "said Alex Kim Taychun, adviser to the chairman of the State Committee on Architecture and Construction of Uzbekistan.

Administrative buildings, modern and comfortable accommodation, business center, hotels, sports complex, Youth Creativity Center, Libraries, Schools, Multidisciplinary Hospital will be erected in the city.

There is provided for the creation of parks, gardens, squares, alleys for hiking and cycling. The introduction of an effective public transport system is planned.

A artificial channel will flow through the Toytep Center, the embankment will be built along it, cafes, shops and other objects will be built.

Tashkent and Toytepa will connect a high-speed road. Along it will be erected different objects.

"Gazeta.uz" 72 782


  1. Oleg Nebat

    BUT railway path not planned? You can pave a railway line through Toytepe, which will reduce the distance to Angren.

  2. Sabir Butunov

    I do not cease to be an optimist! Question: Where in the nete can you read this and other projects in online in order to feel your relationship? This kind of questions, unfortunately, remain unreasoning, and sorry?!

  3. Firuz Kaykov

    I suggest thinking again before the start of this construction. The inhabitants of this town have good houses with plots. I think it will not like this construction.

  4. Igor Shaldybin

    Right, very correct decision

  5. Alex kent

    And how the light was turned off for a whole day in summer and in winter for 2-3 hours, so be?

  6. Bob ********

    judging by the plan of this project, only people who will go there will be there. And the town with such a wide streets, again is designed for cars, so that then the road builders shouted cameras and shouted how CO2 emissions on 0, xx percentage. They thought about the appearance of the box, and the heads were closed on the heat loss. The planning was made for sure again without taking into account the current location of buildings and other things, i.e. All under the root will cut to demolish, and then you need to wait 20 years 20 until the trees are sprouting, although if there is good green islands in fact, they could simply reflect beautifully making recreational zones where even during the day it would be possible to be in the shade of trees.

  7. Dima Kim.

    Oleg Nebat, once heard a long time ago, they planned to spend the tram to Toytep. But now the illegal remuneration is too developed, something meaningless


 /  / 41.04028; 69.35833Coordinates:


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First mention

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Official language

\u003e 29,000 people

National composition
Confessional composition
Names of residents

Buyuk Tuy-Tepa, Mingtepa [[To: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (Country: Lua: CallParserFunction: Function "#Property" WAS NOT Found. )]] [[To: Wikipedia: Articles without sources (Country: Lua: CallParserFunction: Function "#Property" WAS NOT Found. )]]

Telephone code
Automotive code
Official site

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Error expressions: an unexpected operator<

Population (estimated) over 29,000 people.


Toytepa is located 4 km from Toytepa railway station, Tashkent - Kokand, 25 km south of Tashkent.

The city has a sewing factory, road transport enterprises, manufacturing enterprises.

The location of the city relative to other settlements of the Tashkent region can be viewed on the Tashkent region in the article.

Historic attractions

On the western outskirts of the city, on the way of Toytep - Tuyabuguz, the city of Ulkuttepe is located.

The settlement is surveyed: in 1875 by D.M. Grevenitsky, in 1884 N. Primkulov and N.I. Veslovsky, in 1890 I.I. Krause, in 1896 by members of TKL, in 1923 M.E. Masle, in 1929 A.A. Potapov, in 1958, Yu.F. Buryakov and S.X. I.Shankhanov.

Small excavations and archaeological studies were carried out. Only Shakhristan rectangular shape remained, with an area of \u200b\u200b20 hectares, with citadel in the northern part. And the citadel, and Shahristan are observed by defensive walls, in the latter - traces of 4 gates. The power of the cultural layer places exceeds 10 meters. The material existing allows you to attribute the area to the time from the first centuries of AD, and the flourishing of life to the IX-X V.V. and especially by the XI-XII V.V.

Identified with a medieval city of Nuket. Described by Eastern Geographers in the X-XII V.V. N.E., in the era of the Karakanids, a certain time, was the capital of the ownership of Ilyak, in which there was his mint. The settlement is very destroyed as a result of posting on it, in Soviet times, military unit. During archaeological studies, two omensairias dated to the VI century and related to the era of zoroastrianism were discovered. At the moment they are in the museum of the history of the peoples of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.


  • In the city lived and buried the full cavalier of the Order of Glory - what do you call "evil", Svetlana's man? - asked the sage.
    - Lies, murder, betrayal ... Do not you have such words? ..
    - It was a long time ... no one remembers. Only me. But we know what it was. It is laid in our "ancient memory" to never forget. Did you come from there, where does evil live?
    I nodded sadly. I was very angry for my native land, and for the fact that life on her was so wildly imperfect, which forced to ask such questions ... But, at the same time, I really wanted evil left our house forever, because That I loved this house to all my heart, and very often dreamed that someday would still come such a wonderful day when:
    A person will gladly smile, knowing that people can bring him only good ...
    When a lonely girl is not scary to pass the very dark street in the evening, not afraid that someone offends her ...
    When you can gladly open your heart, not afraid that I betray the best friend ...
    When you can leave something very expensive right on the street, not afraid that you should turn away - and it will immediately steal ...
    And I sincerely believed with all my heart that somewhere there is such a wonderful world, where there is no evil and fear, and there is a simple joy of life and beauty ... that is why, following his naive dream, I used the slightest opportunity to At least, to learn something about how it is possible to destroy the same thing, such a lively and so indestructible, our earthly evil ... And yet - so that it has never been ashamed to say someone somewhere that I am a person. ..
    Of course, it was naive childhood dreams ... But after all, I was just just a child.
    - My name is Atis, Svetlana man. I live here from the very beginning, I saw evil ... a lot of evil ...
    - And how did you get rid of it, wise Atis?! Someone helped you? .. I asked hopefully. - Can you help us? .. give at least a board?
    - We found the reason ... and killed her. But your evil is limited to us. It is another ... just like others and you. And not always someone else's good can be good for you. You must find your own reason. And destroy her, - He gently put his hand on my head and fused the wonderful rest in me ... - Goodbye, Svetlana's man ... You will find an answer to your question. Getting a rest ...
    I stood deeply thinking, and did not pay attention that the reality of me surrounded, has changed for a long time, and instead of a strange, transparent city, we are now "sailed" in dense purple "water" on some unusual, flat and transparent adaptation, which There was no handles nor checked - nothing at all, as if we were on a large, thin, moving transparent glass. Although no movement or pitch was completely felt. It slid over the surface as surprisingly smoothly and calmly, forcing you to forget what moved at all ...
    - What is it? .. Where are we sailing? - I asked surprise.
    "To take your little girlfriend," Wai answered calmly.
    - But how?!. She can't? ..
    - Will be able. She has the same crystal as yours, was the answer. "We will meet her at the" Bridge "," and no longer explaining anything, she soon stopped our strange "boat."

Population (estimated) over 29,000 people.


Toytepa is located 4 km from Toytepa railway station, Tashkent - Kokand, 25 km south of Tashkent.

The city has a sewing factory, road transport enterprises, manufacturing enterprises.

The location of the city relative to other settlements of the Tashkent region can be viewed on the Tashkent region in the article.

Historic attractions

On the western outskirts of the city, on the way of Toytep - Tuyabuguz, the city of Ulkuttepe is located.

The settlement is surveyed: in 1875 by D.M. Grevenitsky, in 1884 N. Primkulov and N.I. Veslovsky, in 1890 I.I. Krause, in 1896 by members of TKL, in 1923 M.E. Masle, in 1929 A.A. Potapov, in 1958, Yu.F. Buryakov and S.X. I.Shankhanov.

Small excavations and archaeological studies were carried out. Only Shakhristan rectangular shape remained, with an area of \u200b\u200b20 hectares, with citadel in the northern part. And the citadel, and Shahristan are observed by defensive walls, in the latter - traces of 4 gates. The power of the cultural layer places exceeds 10 meters. The material existing allows you to attribute the area to the time from the first centuries of AD, and the flourishing of life to the IX-X V.V. and especially by the XI-XII V.V.

Identified with a medieval city of Nuket. Described by Eastern Geographers in the X-XII V.V. N.E., in the era of the Karakanids, a certain time, was the capital of the ownership of Ilyak, in which there was his mint. The settlement is very destroyed as a result of posting on it, in Soviet times, military unit. During archaeological studies, two omensairias dated to the VI century and related to the era of zoroastrianism were discovered. At the moment they are in the museum of the history of the peoples of Uzbekistan in Tashkent.


  • In the city I lived and buried the full cavalier of the Order of Glory Gluffy, Nikolai Ivanovich.

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Toytep excerpt

There was a hot spring period. The forest was already all dressed, there was dust and it was so hot that driving past the water, I wanted to swim.
Prince Andrei, weighty and concerned about the considerations that and what he needs to ask the leader's business about the business, approached the Alley of the Garden to the Otradena House of Rostova. Right because of the trees he heard female, a cheerful cry, and saw the crowd of girls running on the concession. Ahead of others closer, ran to the stroller with a black-haired, very thin, strangely thin, black-eyed girl in a yellow scented dress tied by a white nose handkerchief, from which the strands of combing hair were knocked out. The girl screamed something, but learning someone else, without looking at him, running back with a laugh.
Prince Andrei suddenly became from something hurt. The day was so good, the sun is so bright, everything is so fun; And this thin and pretty girl did not know and did not want to know about his existence and was pleased, and the happy one is some of its separate, - rightly stupid - but fun and happy life. "What is she so glad? What she thinks about! Not about the statute of military, not about the device of Ryazan workers. What does she think about? And how is it happy? " Involuntarily asked himself Prince Andrei.
Count Ilya Andreich in 1809 m. He lived in Otradnaya, everything is the same as before, that is, taking almost all of the province, with hunting, theaters, dinners and musicians. He, as every new guest, was glad to Prince Andrei, and almost forcibly left to spend the night.
In continuation of a boring day, during which Prince Andrew was occupied by the older hosts and the honorable of the guests who, on the occasion of the name of the name, were full of the house of the old graph, Bolkonsky is several times looking at Natasha what they dare and having fun between another young half of society, everything asked himself: "What does she think about? What she is so glad! "
In the evening, remaining alone in a new place, he could not fall asleep for a long time. He read, then put out the candle and he lit her again. In the room with closed from the inside, shutters were hot. He jerked on this stupid old man (so he called Rostov), \u200b\u200bwho delayed him, assuring that the necessary papers in the city were not taken yet, jerked for themselves for being left.
Prince Andrei got up and went to the window to turn him down. As soon as he opened the shutters, the lunar light, as if he was on the window for a long time waiting for this, burst into the room. He opened the window. The night was fresh and motionless light. Before the window, there was a series of trimmed trees, black with one and silvery illuminated on the other side. Under the trees there was some kind of juicy, wet, curly vegetation with silver somewhere where leaves and stems. Next, the black wood was some kind of shiny roof dew, the right is a large curly tree, with a bright white barrel and blesses, and above his almost full moon on a light, almost a relatrene, spring sky. Prince Andrei leaned on the window and his eyes stopped in this sky.
Room Prince Andrew was on the middle floor; In the rooms above it, too, lived and did not sleep. He heard from above female talk.
"Only one more time," said the female voice from above, which Prince Andrei now learned.
- Yes, when will you go to sleep? - answered another voice.
- I will not, I can't sleep, what should I do! Well, the last time ...
Two women's voices Put some kind of musical phrase, which made the end of something.
- Oh, what is the charm! Well, now sleep, and the end.
"You sleep, and I can't," the first voice answered, approaching the window. She apparently narrowed at the window, because there was a burchanier of her dresses and even the breath. Everything slept and petrified, like the moon and her light and shadow. Prince Andrei was also afraid to move, so as not to issue his involuntary presence.
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