How to clean the way from snow. Cleaning railway tracks from snow

Cleaning the railway canvas from snow, including tram paths - this is a mandatory security requirement.

After all, a layer of snow with a thickness of 10 cm represents serious threat Passengers standing on:

  • perrons;
  • stops.

If the snow thickness exceeds 20 cm, it can lead to a complete cessation of movement.

In this article we will talk about various means that are used to combat snow on railway and tramways.

At railway and tramways use three types of technology:

  • wheel and tracked Snow removal technique;
  • snow blowers on the basis of locomotives, wagons or self-propelled platforms;
  • hinged equipment For standard cars or locomotives.

Wheel and tracked technique

The wheel and tracked technique is not much different from the one you can read about the article about CDM.

This technique made on chassis:

  • trucks;
  • tractors.

The main difference lies in the configuration.

After all, for cleaning the railway and tramways, cars are not required with high-speed dumps.

Therefore, instead of high-speed dumps, equipment is installed, which is more suitable for one or another situation.

Also very in demand:

  • loading equipment (we wrote about it here (loading equipment));
  • dump trucks for snow export.

More information about them can be found in the article (Snow Export Technique).

Snowflower options

Snow blowers for railway and tramways there are:

  • self-propelled;
  • noncommet.

They do on the base:

  • maneuver locomotives;
  • small wheeled platforms.

Even when the snowplow is made on the basis of a car or an empty wheel platform, engine installation turns it into a self-propelled snow removal machine, which is not inferior to the efficiency of combating snow in a different diesel locomotive.

The spectrum of solved such machine tasks depends on package Hinged equipment.

Advantage Such a snow blower is that it can deliver to problem areas of road workers who perform work, inaccessible techniques.

For example, can:

  • clean way arrows after removing snow using a dump;
  • put the way in tunnels.

Nevertheless, railway snow blowers do not enjoy great demand.

After all, they can only perform a small number of tasks associated with cleaning pathways from snow.

Exceptions are machines that can be used and at another time of year for repair or maintenance ways.

because of high Price They are bought only by some enterprises engaged in the service / content of railways and stations.

Much more in demand Mounted devices, converting a regular locomotive or wagon in a powerful snowplow train.

Hinged equipment

Hinged snow removal railway equipment - these are devices of the following classes:

  • plug;
  • cunning;
  • brush;
  • pneumatic additive.


Plumber devices are dumps Different:

  • forms;
  • sizes.

They are similar to those that are installed on the road tip. Read more about Plouge technique here (Plugged hinged equipment).

They are designed to clean the rail from snow with a depth of 2 meters.

Straight and oblique dumps are used for:

  • patrol cleaning;
  • gaskets of King

on railways with two or more ways.

You can use these devices and on single roads. However, in this case more efficient Two-sided dumps.

Straight and oblique dumps fold snow in one direction. Therefore, they turn so that the snow threads right. Snow garbage to the left is possible only on single railways, provided that the snow will fall into a break.


The cunning devices work on the same principle as attached equipment for the road equipment, about which we told in this article (the cunning devices and their modifications).

These devices are grinding the snow mass and discard it from paths in the most comfortable side.

Motion speed When cleaning the railway, using a tuber unit is significantly lower than when working with a plug-in device.

However, rotary aggregate able to cope with snow cover 4 meters deepthat no urgent dump. Therefore, it makes sense to apply a snowy lokomotor in particularly severe situations.

In most cases, a cunning snow removal unit works from a powerful electric motorconnected to the on-board network:

  • locomotive;
  • self-propelled platform.


Brush devices used to clean the railway canvases are similar to those we spoke in this article (brush hinged equipment) in their own way:

  • principle of operation;
  • designs.

They are not intended for:

  • piercing tracks;
  • fighting deep snow.

Them main appointment:

  • fight with fresh snow;
  • cleaning shooting transfers.

After all, the snow clogged between the shooter puts at risk safety of MovementBecause the servo energy may not be enough to transfer the arrow to the correct position.

Cleaning translation from fresh and, more importantly, the snowing snow allows servo:

  • switch the arrow normally;
  • direct trains on the desired paths.

Pneumatic additive

Pneumatic devices are used to clean from snow transfers.

Depending on the design, they create a stream cold or hot air.

Hot air more effectiveAfter all, he not only blows up the snow, but also provides melting of ice, thanks to which cleaning the translation is more efficient.

Hot air must be used if there was heavy rain in front of the snow and a lot of snow was formed.

In such conditions, pneumatic equipment in efficiency surpasses Even brush devices that cannot cope with fat by Founding.

Virtually any listed attachment turns ordinary diesel locomotive into a powerful and efficient railway track.

Modern equipment

Many businesses Until now, we use the technique made in the second half of the twentieth century. After all, the purchase of new snow-cleaning equipment for railways requires considerable costs.

New equipment:

  • superior to the old reliability;
  • more productive and universal.

Here is a table in which you will find various samples of modern technologyintended for cleaning railway and tram tracks from snow.

Model A type Purpose Short description Manufacturer or dealer website
Pom-1Travel cleaning machineCleansing the railway track from snow, dirt and sandPom-1 is designed to combat snow with a depth of 30 cm. Equipped with a diesel engine and an electric generator. Thanks to the swivel platform, it cleans the snow from either side. Can move in the
UPM-1MUniversal traveling machinePerforms a wide range of worksUniversal machine based on T-158 tractor (HTTA 200) is designed for different workwhich depend on the installed kit of attachments. After connecting the cunning snow blower can clean the railway and tramways from snow, as well as clean the adjacent
SDP-M2.Four-axle Wagon SnowpotUsed in the clutch with locomotive, cleans the railway from the snow with a depth of up to 1 mSDP-M2 is equipped with plows both in front and rear. Therefore, it can be put in front or behind a locomotive, which has sufficient power. Working speed up to 70 km / h, transport up to 90 km /
SM-7NSnow removal trainCleans the railway track from the snow to 0.8 mWhen moving forward, the SM-7N collects the snow lying in front of it and with the help of the conveyor transmits it to the end halfway. When the half-haul is filled, the snow is thrown to the left or right on 5-10 m. In winter, the snow-reader train is used to clean the stations, shooting transfers and gorlovin. In summer, it is used to clean the paths of
UPM1-8Hinged equipmentSneakers Snow Powder for Travel Machine UPM-1MHinged unit for cleaning tram and railway paths from snow.sPEZKRAN.COM.
SS-1MStrongDesigned to clean railways from snow and excavation worksIn winter, the sequer is used to clean the railway paths and stations from snow with a depth of 2 m. The crew of the structure of 2 people. Locomotive is needed for work. In the summer, the stroke is used to carry out land.rOCTOK.RU.
PV-3.Hinged snow blowing equipmentMultifunctional dumpThe dump is designed for installation on any chassis (car, locomotive, locomotive) suitable for carrying capacity. It is used to clean the railway tracks from snow to 1.1 m. In summer, it can be used to clear the paths from the dirt after sealer deposits and

Price This equipment depends on:

  • configuration;
  • additional customer wishes.

Therefore, the final cost must be recognized by:

  • manufacturer;
  • official Dealer.

Features of the use of special equipment and safety

During the cleaning of railway and tramways, it is necessary not only to remove the snow that hinders the promotion of trains or trams, but also move it so that it did not hit the path passing nearby.

Therefore, the procedure for using special equipment, as well as a sequence of actions when cleaning railways, details are described in various documents..

Here is some of them:

  1. Instructions for the organization of snow-mounted Russian Railways OJSC (Russian Railways) of October 22, 2013 -
  2. CP-751 Instruction on snow-mounted railways Russian Federation Developed by VNIIIFT MPS -
  3. Instructions on snow-mounted railways Of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2000 -
  4. Order of JSC RZG On November 18, 2014, on the approval of the temporary methodology for estimating labor costs for the cleaning of elements of the upper structure of the railway track from snow -
  5. POT RO-32-CP-652-99 - Rules for labor protection under the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures (App. MPS RF 24.02.1999) -

Cleaning the tram tracks from snow adjust the same regulations, in which the procedure for cleaning urban streets from snow is prescribed. Links to these documents can be found in this article (GC).


Proper use Special equipment is the key to the fact that the railway and tram message will function without breaks.

After reading this article carefully you found out:

  • what equipment is used to clean railway and tram tracks;
  • in which regulatory documents are prescribed the procedure for using these devices;
  • what safety regulations must be observed.

In this video you can see how the Railway Snow Practice works:

In contact with

We offer a full range of services in the field of construction, repair and maintenance of common and not general use, ranging from the development of the feasibility study of the facility and to putting the railway track and further maintenance (turnkey). Extensive experience in structural units of the IPU and Russian Railways, professionals and high qualifications of production personnel, the availability of equipment, tools and materials for the top structure of the path, compliance with the warranty obligations to the customer - here are the advantages to carry out work on time and in full compliance with contracts, regulations and technical documentation, given all the wishes of the customer. We offer services in northwestern Federal District (St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Arkhangelsk and Arkhangelsk region, Veliky Novgorod and Novgorod region, Petrozavodsk and the Republic of Karelia, Syktyvkar and the Republic of Komi, Pskov and Pskov region, Vologda and Vologda region).

Cleaning snow path

Organization and technology for cleaning the path manually

Cleaning the way from snowwhere the composition is located in the formation of deep drifts should be made in parts. As cleaning J.D path from snow Wagons should be alternately to display a place cleaned from snow. The composition freed from the part in parts or is completely derived for a separate item for the formation and further follow-up.

After cleaning the composition from the recorded section j.Da Path It is necessary to immediately finish the cutting of the walls of the snowy trench with such a calculation to ensure that the enabarity of the path is provided for the unimpeded following the train and the work of the snowpressure.

With manual cleaning of the railwaysnow inside the gauge should be cleaned at least 50 mm below the level of the top of the rail head, and outside the rut is in the level with the riding rail head.

In the subgrade paths in the areas of braking cars, shoes are made on both sides of the rail below the level of the top of the rail head of 50 mm.

Snow Cleaning and Ice Arrow Translations

The most vulnerable elements of the path with snowfall and snowstorms are log Translations And, first of all, the arrows in the zone of the adjoining of steps and frame rails, as well as pipples with translated traction.

When cleaning the shooting transfers from snow First of all, there is a space between the frame rails and the shooters of the arrows, the traction of electric drives, movable cores crossing, counter-terminal and cross-shredded gutters, i.e., directly the arrow itself, if the deadly snow or ice does not blow a jet of air (with a pneumatic compartment), clean the scraper should be performed .

In the precondition period for the effective functioning of stationary devices cleaning shooter from snow Ballast should be cut in pixel boxes so that the lumen between the sole of the frame rail and the ballast was at least 10 cm. Cleaning the arrow transfers from snow and ice during the snowfall and blizzards should be carried out by stationary devices of the hose pneumatic cleaning and manually using tools. On the shooting transfers for ice creal A shock pneumatic or electric tool can be applied.

For enterprises equipped by arrow transfersMust be in the prescribed manner approved local instructions for the organization of work and safety when cleaning the shooting transfers from snow and ice.

Purified short transfers and railway tracksthis is the key to the safe and uninterrupted movement of locomotive, which means the stable work of the enterprise.

Cleaning the path from snow on the distillations should be carried out, as a rule, snow plows, as well as snow removal trains in the location of passenger platforms.

Manual cleaning is made in those places where it is impossible to skip the snowplow or snow removal train in working condition (nasties of relocations and approaches to them, adjoining arrows, sections of the path at the approaches to bridges, tunnels, between platforms and other obstacles), as well as in all cases When the skipping of snow-cleaning and snow removal cars is delayed.

Collection of workers attracted on snow-mounted, passing them to the place of cleaning paths from snow and back to be made in accordance with the requirements shown in paragraphs 2.8.8 and 2.8.9 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.

In conditions of strong drifts, when the passage from the path and on the side is impossible, a passage is allowed along the path with compliance with the requirements given in paragraph 2.1.3 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.

Transportation of workers to the place of work and back should be made in accordance with the requirements given in paragraphs 2.1.5 - 2.1.13 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.

In areas where workers are transported to the place of snow removal work and reverse on roads, the requirements given in paragraphs 1.11-1.17 of labor protection rules during the transportation of workers, the placement of residential, household and official cars on the paths in the moving formations of railway transport.

Snowplows and snow removal machines are sent to the place of work by the head of the path distance or its deputy.

The duty officer in the direction of the dispatching center of the transportation management center (in the absence of a traffic control system in the direction of the dispatching center - a dispatcher for the management of transportation (management area), having received an application for the route of the distance, takes measures to immediately send a snow plow or snow removal train to the site.

Organization and technology of work of plow snowpots

The work on cleaning the path on the distillery of the Plume Snapper or a snowplow train is headed by a representative of the path of the path not lower than the Master of the Road, which has been trained and certified for working with snow removal techniques.

Plumeful all-metal SDP and SDP-M Types and SDP-M, can work according to the Snowplow Scheme - Elektrovoz or Snow Powder - diesel locomotive without cover.

Cleaning pathways from snow at intermediate stations is also made by snow puzzles and stops.

The working speed of the snowplow when working at the station must be up to 40 km / h, the stamp is from 10 to 15 km / h, a snow removal train - depending on the number of snow - from 5 to 10 km / h (stated in the technical description and instruction manual Snow Practice Two-Punny Plum SDP, SDP-M).

It is allowed to clean the path on the one-section portion from snow with two snow plows with a locomotive between them (shine). With this method of work, the loss of time is eliminated for the permutation of the locomotive at intermediate stations and the connectors.

Purification of paths on three-step areas with normal interposses (the first 4.1 m and subsequent 5.0 m) is advisable to produce two two-way snow plows. When passing one way, both snowplows should go in working condition: one ahead over the middle way, dropping the snow towards the extreme way, and the other after him, after a distance of at least 1.0 km along the extreme way, dropping the snow under the slope. IN reverse side Snowplows return the same way: one average, the other in the extreme way, cleaning all the ways from snow.

Cleaning pathways from snow on four-circuit areas with normal interposses is advisable to perform two two-way snow plows. When you first pass, the snowpots go in working condition after one after another and clean the way the way of transshipment of snow from one path to another. When returned, snow plows purify two ways on the other side (sets out in the technical description and instructions for the operation of the SPP-Plum Plume SDP, SDP-M).

In the formation of snow drifts on the distillation in a half-welfare located on Kozochor, in a direct or curve section of the path, their clearing should be carried out in the following order:

on a single section - a two-way snowplow, directing it from the other side of the run, with which the snow can be thrown into the slope of the oscolat (in the direction of the extraction to the slope of the mound);

on a two-step plot - two two-way snowpots moving around both ways in series one by one, the distance between them should be at least 1.0 km.

Snowplows are sent from the side of the air from which the snow can be moved over one race from one to another path, and then under the slopes of Kosoyra.

When plugging snow plows on electrified areas, the voltage from the contact wire is not removed.

Plots of the path where there are oversized supports of the contact network, traffic lights, floor hardware drives, CTSM, STSPS and diagnostic complexes and other obstacles (pedestrian and translated flooring, counter-terminals or security devices and tunnels) must be listed in the list of dangerous sites of the site fixed Behind the snowpressure, and fenced. In the absence of reliable information from the leader, reliable information on the prevalence of oversized device alarm, centralization and blocking and supports of the contact network and not fenced by the established procedure, cleaning the way from snow to implement only with the participation of responsible workers of the alarm, centralization and blocking, power supply.

If the distance from the path axis to the inner edge of the contact network support is less than 3.1 m, then it is necessary to observe special caution. In the presence of such supports work with open wings forbiddenSince at the time of opening or closing the wings they can hurt for supports. In these cases, the wings should be closed and fixed by transport constipation.

In addition, working with the open corner wing is allowed only in those areas, where the distance from the inner edge of the supports to the axis of the path side of the angular wing is at least 3.3m.

If there are supports located at a distance of less than 3.3 m from the path in the path of the path that are serviced by the snowpressure, then for the possibility of operation of the Angular Wing of SDP and SDP-M SPP-M, it is necessary to print lifting lifts and visors according to the drawings attached to Technical description and manual for the operation of a snowplow of a two-way Plume SDP and SDP-M.

When operating a plug-in track of the car type or a structure at a two-or multiplicate area with closed wings on the side of the interface, it is necessary to provide the prevention of the following content "on the distance ..... by ...... the path works the traveling stroke (snow plow). When followed by distillation, it is special vigilance; Before places with poor visibility to feed the label signals. " These warnings are issued on duty at stations at the request of the head of the road. If it is necessary to work a snowplow or a stamp with an open wing from the interface side, the adjacent path for the movement of trains is closed.

When installing ovens on snowplows and snow removal trains, the requirements given in paragraph 3.5 of labor protection rules in the transportation of workers, the placement of residential, household and official cars on the paths and in the moving formations of railway transport.

The furnace doors should close and have a device that eliminates the fuel from the furnace firebox to the floor, and the furnace should be equipped with a poker and a scroll and should have an additional, not in contact with the oven, a metal fencing from three sides. Before the furnace on the floor, a metal sheet with asbestos gasket should be laid, a sparkling agent should be installed on the chimney pipe.

When operating heating stoves, firewood must be in a specially designated place, and coal is in a special box, while forbidden:

apply firewood, the length of which exceeds the size of the furnace;

turn the oven with an open door;

transport gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids in the cabin, as well as to pull the furnace with these liquids;

leave the stove with burning fuel unattended;

throwing away on the move of the car ash and slag;

produce drying clothes, shoes for fences;

leave fire in the furnace when leaving the members of the brigade from the car.

The room where the furnace is located, should be equipped with fire extinguishers, a box with sand and other fire-fighting equipment.

In case of fire, burning wires, electrical appliances, fuel and lubricants should be extinguished only by carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers. Apply for these purposes foam fire extinguishers and water forbidden.


Technology cleaning the railway track from snow on distillation and stations

Technology cleaning the railway track from snow on distillation

Cleaning the path from snow on the distillations should be carried out, as a rule, snow plows, as well as snow removal trains in the location of passenger platforms.
Manual cleaning is made in those places where it is impossible to skip the snowplow or snow removal train in working condition (nasties of relocations and approaches to them, adjoining arrows, sections of the path at the approaches to bridges, tunnels, between platforms and other obstacles), as well as in all cases When the skipping of snow-cleaning and snow removal cars is delayed.
Collection of workers attracted on snow-mounted, passing them to the place of cleaning paths from snow and back to be made in accordance with the requirements shown in paragraphs 2.8.8 and 2.8.9 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.
In conditions of strong drifts, when the passage from the path and on the side is impossible, a passage is allowed along the path with compliance with the requirements given in paragraph 2.1.3 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.
Transportation of workers to the place of work and back should be made in accordance with the requirements given in paragraphs 2.1.5 - 2.1.13 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.
In areas where workers are transported to the place of snow removal work and reverse on roads, the requirements given in paragraphs 1.11-1.17 of labor protection rules during the transportation of workers, the placement of residential, household and official cars on the paths in the moving formations of railway transport.

Snowplows and snow removal machines are sent to the place of work by the head of the path distance or its deputy.
The duty officer in the direction of the dispatching center of the transportation management center (in the absence of a traffic control system in the direction of the dispatching center - a dispatcher for the management of transportation (management area), having received an application for the route of the distance, takes measures to immediately send a snow plow or snow removal train to the site.

Organization and technology of work of plow snowpots

The work on cleaning the path on the distillery of the Plume Snapper or a snowplow train is headed by a representative of the path of the path not lower than the Master of the Road, which has been trained and certified for working with snow removal techniques.
Plumeful all-metal SDP and SDP-M Types and SDP-M, can work according to the Snowplow Scheme - Elektrovoz or Snow Powder - diesel locomotive without cover.
Cleaning pathways from snow at intermediate stations is also made by snow puzzles and stops.
The working speed of the snowplow when working at the station must be up to 40 km / h, the stamp is from 10 to 15 km / h, a snow removal train - depending on the number of snow - from 5 to 10 km / h (stated in the technical description and instruction manual Snow Practice Two-Punny Plum SDP, SDP-M).
It is allowed to clean the path on the one-section portion from snow with two snow plows with a locomotive between them (shine). With this method of work, the loss of time is eliminated for the permutation of the locomotive at intermediate stations and the connectors.
Purification of paths on three-step areas with normal interposses (the first 4.1 m and subsequent 5.0 m) is advisable to produce two two-way snow plows. When passing one way, both snowplows should go in working condition: one ahead over the middle way, dropping the snow towards the extreme way, and the other after him, after a distance of at least 1.0 km along the extreme way, dropping the snow under the slope. In the opposite direction, snow plows return the same: one in the middle, the other in the extreme way, cleaning completely all the ways from snow.
Cleaning pathways from snow on four-circuit areas with normal interposses is advisable to perform two two-way snow plows. When you first pass, the snowpots go in working condition after one after another and clean the way the way of transshipment of snow from one path to another. When returned, snow plows purify two ways on the other side (sets out in the technical description and instructions for the operation of the SPP-Plum Plume SDP, SDP-M).
In the formation of snow drifts on the distillation in a half-welfare located on Kozochor, in a direct or curve section of the path, their clearing should be carried out in the following order:
on a single section - a two-way snowplow, directing it from the other side of the run, with which the snow can be thrown into the slope of the oscolat (in the direction of the extraction to the slope of the mound);
On a two-step plot - two two-way snowpots moving around both ways in series one by one, the distance between them should be at least 1.0 km.
Snowplows are sent from the side of the air from which the snow can be moved over one race from one to another path, and then under the slopes of Kosoyra.
When plugging snow plows on electrified areas, the voltage from the contact wire is not removed.
Plots of the path where there are oversized supports of the contact network, traffic lights, floor hardware drives, CTSM, STSPS and diagnostic complexes and other obstacles (pedestrian and translated flooring, counter-terminals or security devices and tunnels) must be listed in the list of dangerous sites of the site fixed Behind the snowpressure, and fenced. In the absence of reliable information from the leader, reliable information on the prevalence of oversized device alarm, centralization and blocking and supports of the contact network and not fenced by the established procedure, cleaning the way from snow to implement only with the participation of responsible workers of the alarm, centralization and blocking, power supply.
If the distance from the path axis to the inner edge of the contact network support is less than 3.1 m, then it is necessary to observe special caution. If there are such supports, it is prohibited to work with open wings, since at the time of opening or closing the wings they can hurt for support. In these cases, the wings should be closed and fixed by transport constipation.
In addition, working with the open corner wing is allowed only in those areas, where the distance from the inner edge of the supports to the axis of the path side of the angular wing is at least 3.3m.
If there are supports located at a distance of less than 3.3 m from the path in the path of the path that are serviced by the snowpressure, then for the possibility of operation of the Angular Wing of SDP and SDP-M SPP-M, it is necessary to print lifting lifts and visors according to the drawings attached to Technical description and manual for the operation of a snowplow of a two-way Plume SDP and SDP-M.
When operating a plug-in track of the car type or a structure at a two-or multiplicate area with closed wings on the side of the interface, it is necessary to provide the prevention of the following content "on the distance ..... by ...... the path works the traveling stroke (snow plow). When followed by distillation, it is special vigilance; Before places with poor visibility to feed the label signals. " These warnings are issued on duty at stations at the request of the head of the road. If it is necessary to work a snowplow or a stamp with an open wing from the interface side, the adjacent path for the movement of trains is closed.
When installing ovens on snowplows and snow removal trains, the requirements given in paragraph 3.5 of labor protection rules in the transportation of workers, the placement of residential, household and official cars on the paths and in the moving formations of railway transport.
The furnace doors should close and have a device that eliminates the fuel from the furnace firebox to the floor, and the furnace should be equipped with a poker and a scroll and should have an additional, not in contact with the oven, a metal fencing from three sides. Before the furnace on the floor, a metal sheet with asbestos gasket should be laid, a sparkling agent should be installed on the chimney pipe.
When operating heating stoves, firewood should be in a specially designated place, and coal is in a special box, it is prohibited:
Apply firewood, the length of which exceeds the size of the furnace;
Turn the oven with an open door;
transport gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids in the cabin, as well as to pull the furnace with these liquids;
leave the stove with burning fuel unattended;
throwing away on the move of the car ash and slag;
produce drying clothes, shoes for fences;
Leave fire in the furnace when leaving the members of the brigade from the car.
The room where the furnace is located, should be equipped with fire extinguishers, a box with sand and other fire-fighting equipment.
In case of fire, burning wires, electrical appliances, fuel and lubricants should be extinguished only by carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers. Apply for these purposes foam fire extinguishers and water is prohibited.

Organization and technology of work of rotary snowpots

The work on cleaning the path with a rotary electric surveyor is managing the Senior Master Road or Master Road.
The direction to work a rotary snowplow is made by the deputy head of the railway (according to territorial management) on the application of the head of the path distance.
When cleaning the way with a rotary snowplow on a two-way area, when the second path is cleared, the trains following this cleared path are skipped at the speed set by the head of the work, in the necessary cases with the conductor. This should be specified in the warning issued by the train driver. The place of work of the rotary snowplow is protected along the next way to stop signals. To the passage of the train, the work of the snowpressure stops and the wings are closed.
When working on an electrified area, the voltage from the contact wire must be removed.
Depending on the depth and density of the snow, the operation of a snow-drift cleaner can occur in one or two passages. At the depth of snow to 1 m and a minor density, the snow clearance is produced in one pass, that is, with open wings. With a snow depth, more than 1 m clearing are carried out in two passages: the first passage with opened vertical shoes and closed wings, the second passage - by cutting the trench - with open wings.
When operating a rotary electric master in a coupling with a diesel locomotive, the head of the work should:
Submit the command to the machine driver to launch the equipment, previously making sure the sign of the snowpressure and the absence of people near him;
Before sending the power supply, to pre-serve a beep;
control over the correctness of the work on cleaning and cleaning paths from snow and the movement of the scene;
prevent the presence of unauthorized persons in the control cabin office during operation;
Use the emergency switch only with extreme need.

Organization and technology for cleaning the path on the distillations manually

On the most accomplished and difficult to profile areas of the path, where in the period of the blizzard there is a round-the-clock duty of workers for clearing snow-drifts, a temporary telephone connection must be installed with the Master Road or Brigadier of the Way. For duty work brigades, work schedule must be installed and a room for heating and meals is provided.
In the case of stopping the train on the distance due to snow drifts and the impossibility of going to the snow-free path, the driver must request and act in accordance with the requirements of the rules for the technical operation of the Railways of the Russian Federation.
Purification of the path on which the composition is located in the formation of deep drifts should be made in parts. As the way to clean the way from the snow, the wagons should be alternately to display the place cleared of snow. The composition freed from the part in parts or is completely derived for a separate item for the formation and further follow-up.
After cleaning the composition from the part of the path, it is necessary to immediately finish the cutting of the walls of the snowy trench with such a calculation to ensure that the envelope of the path is provided for the unimpeded following the trains and the work of the snowpressure.

Cleaning paths from snow and cleaning snow at stations
Organization and technology for cleaning tracks of snowplows and snow cleaning at snow removal stations

The beginning of the work of snowplows and machines on the fixed stations is established by the telegram (telegram) of the head, the deputy head or responsible duty distance of the path, which is addressed to the duty officer towards the dispatching center for the transportation of the carriage in the direction - the dispatcher on the dispatch Transportation management (control area).
The duty officer in the direction of the dispatching traffic control center (in the absence of the dispatching traffic management center in the direction of the traffic controller (control area), having received a telegram (telephone line) on the start of snow removal trains, monitors their work through train dispatchers.
Working speed of a snowplow train - depending on the number of snow - from 5 to 10 km / h. Snow cleaning work with snow removal trains is headed by an employee of office not lower than a brigadier path. With particularly heavy snowfalls, the integrated use of snow removal trains, snowplows and stops is possible.
At the end of work on the cleaning of snow at large stations, snow removal trains, in accordance with the operational plan, are sent to the removal of snow to intermediate stations.
Snowmobile trains must be equipped with radio communication with duty station or dispatcher of the maneuver railway station, as well as with a locomotive driver. Between the machine trains and locomotive radio communication must be permanent.
A radio or telephone equipment must be installed between the head machine driver and the assistant driver of the terminal semi-abnormance and maintain constant communication.
In areas not equipped with training radio communications, snow removal trains must be provided with other means of communication.
The head of the work should be provided with a radio station with a spare power supply unit for communication with the station duty.
To guide the work of snowproofers, stoves and snow removal trains, managers from distance from distance of the road, dispatching staff from the station and employees of automation and telemechanics:
Officers from the distance of the Way carry out technical management of snow removal;
Dispatching staff and duty station Station provide snow removal equipment at the station;
Employees of the alarm distance, centralization and blocking provide a timely warning of the head of work on the presence of outdoor alarm, centralization and blocking devices.
The head when working with snowplows, stubs and snow removal trains is required:
make sure that the park or station tract that serves it was released from foreign objects and rolling stock;
lead work on cleaning paths and cleaning snow;
Familiarize the driver of the locomotive in advance, as well as the head of the snowplow brigade, the jet machine and the snowplow train driver with the technological plan and the cleaning schedule;
At the end of the work personally, make sure that snow removal equipment in the transport position.
Officers from the distance and alarm, centralization and blocking during the work of snow removal techniques at the station must be on the "field", on the route of the machine at a distance of at least 10 m from the working mechanisms that the Snowmobile Machine Machine in advance is in advance and The closure or discovery of wings in the presence of places that prevent the work of these bodies on the front. Opening (closing) of lateral wings to produce with a complete stop of snow removal. During the period of work on cleaning the way from snow, the head of work is obliged to maintain a permanent connection with the locomotive driver. In order to exclude cases of distraction of snow removal machineters, it is prohibited to find the head and responsible persons in the cabin of the driver while working on cleaning the way from snow.
When cleaning the station pathways with a SDPM (method of transshipment) and finding a support station of the contact network in between batterpartier, the work is allowed only in the presence of a responsible representative of the power supply distance.
At major stations by order of the station's head, one of his deputies or a dispatcher-free dispatcher is distinguished for managing snow cleaning work and ensuring unhindered movement of snow plows, snow removal and snow trains, timely release of ways in accordance with the operational plan on snow-mounted.
During the period of snowfall and blizzards, when difficulties are created in the work of large stations, work with snow removal trains directly leads: from the station - Head of the station or his deputy, from distance of the path - the head of the path distance, his deputy or senior Master Road (Head of the Park).
In the sorting park, first of all, they clean and remove the snow from the flooded neck and the sorting paths at a distance of 150 - 200 m from the shrouders (third braking position) of the park.
At the same time, a snow removal train must be sent head towards the sorting park, and its locomotive - in the direction of the reception park.
After resolving the duty house on the hill, on the team of the head of work, a snow removal train is served from a slide to the purified path with the purification of the neck (except for the segregation of shooting transfers) on the route. When approaching the shooters of arrows and other obstacles, the feeder rises.
After the successors of the shooting transfers include side brushes for snowing of snow from Mebena and sank the ruts.
When approaching the feeder on the way, the feeder turns off, the management movement of a snow removal train is transmitted to a responsible station worker, whose teamwork locomotive with a snow removal train cazing after the car trail until the head of the snow removal train will be held 150-200m per woven.
The responsible employee of the station is subject to the consolidation and capture of the precipitated cars. Manual movement of a snow removal train is transferred to the work manager.
Snow removal train locomotive forward with the included working mechanisms moves towards the slide to the limit column. By resolving duty on a hill, a snow removal train continues to move over the separation arrow, removing the snow shafts formed in the places of feeding the feeder when the train is passing forward.
By readiness of the route to the next path cycle repeats.
Upon completion of snow harvesting from a flooded neck, a snow blower train from the side of the formation of a locomotive in the side of the slide is made.
If there are separate cars on the way, as directed by the manager of the maneuver railway station or duty at a hill, they are trained in a responsible employee of the station to the locomotive and be asked towards the slide until the header comes to the beginning of the path cleaning. Then snow removal train in working condition moves towards the neck of the formation park and clean the way from snow. The head of work and the responsible worker of the station all its actions are consistent with each other. Managing a responsible station worker.
The wagons are tightened to the limit column of this neck, fixed and uncovered with a responsible employee of the station.

After checking cars, management is transferred to the head of work. After resolving the duty station at the snow removal station, continues to move towards the neck of the formation park, with the treatment of the neck (except for the zone of shooting transfers) on the route. By the readiness of the route to the next way, a snow removal train moves towards the cleaned path with the included feeder, removing the snow shafts formed in the feeding places when the train is passing forward. When approaching the feeder on the way, the feeder turns off, the management movement of the snow removal train is transmitted to a responsible station worker. The cycle is repeated.

When working with a snowplow train, a locomotive forward, the head of the work should go after the machine or interboured, while sitting in such a way that it can see the obstacles to the feeder's work in advance and was visible to the snow removal train.
When working in a sorting park of two snow removal trains, simultaneous work on one path is prohibited, and when working with side wings - in the neighboring.
It is forbidden to work with a snow-timing train from the neck of the formation of the formation on the paths to which the dissolution of the wagons is carried out.
This work can be performed by two snow removal trains.
The first snowplow train must be sent head towards the slide, and its locomotive - in the direction of the reception park.
After resolving the duty room along the hill, on the team of the head of the work of the work, a snow removal train is served from a slide to the cleaned path.
On the machines of the old design, side brushes for the fence of snow with interparthen ruts are included.
Locomotive with a snowplow train at a signal of a responsible worker of a station, coordinated with the head of the work, hesitates after the trailers on the way, while the head of the snow removal train will not be held 150-200m per woven.
The responsible employee of the station is carried out with an accepting and consolidation of precipitated cars.
Snow removal machine in working condition with operating mechanisms is moving toward the slide to the limit column.
By resolving duty on a hill, a snow removal train continues to move behind the separation arrow and moves to the next path, the cycle is repeated.
The second snowplow train, after the end of the cleaning of snow from the blocks of braking positions, proceeds to work outside the braking positions.
The race of the second snow removal train is made from the side of the Formation of the Locomotive Park in the direction of the slide.
If there are separate wagons on the way, as directed by the manager of the maneuver railway station or duty at a hill, they are hosted by a responsible employee of the station to the locomotive and are placed on the slide until the header comes to the beginning of cleaning the path towards the park. Then snow removal train in working condition moves towards the neck of the formation park and clean the way from snow.
Wagons are tightened to the limit column of this neck, uncovered and secured by a responsible employee of the station.
With a large group of wagons on the sorting path to help, a hurry locomotive is highlighted with a snow blowed train locomotive.
After cleaning one or more pathways of the park until the snow load is completely loaded, the train goes under the unloading, and then returns to the snow cleaning front. The cycle is repeated until the snow cleaning from the park paths.
For snow removal of snow removal of a snow-picking train fleet, formed according to the scheme: Locomotive, terminal gunvagon, intermediate collures, head machine, and after him, a hurry locomotive on the duty officer on the park moves along a free path in the opposite scene.
A hurry locomotive, returning, carries the composition to be packed, and removes it on the path of the mouth, and snow removal train, produces snow cleaning from the liberated path. At the end of cleaning the path, the snow removal train on the same path returns back and drives to the next way, from which the hurry locomotive in the same order removes the composition
In the park of departure, the cleaning of the snow path is performed by a snowplow train after going to the formed part. After the departure of this composition, the station duty officer (park) allows the race of a snow blowing train to the freed path for cleaning it from snow.
When working with snow removal trains of all types, it is necessary to comply with the requirements given in paragraph 2.4.11 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.
The clutch and snone equipment should be carried out by a locomotive brigade only after a complete stopping of the composition and controlled by a driver or an assistant of a snowmobile machine driver.
Before connecting to snow removal equipment, the driver is obliged to stop the locomotive at a distance of at least 10 m. After inspection by the driver's helper, the service life of the car trap devices, the entrance to the technique is carried out after the driver's permission or the machine's assistant car.
After the clutch with the locomotive of a snowmave brigade must check:
The correct connection of the brake line of snow removal equipment with the brake line of the locomotive and the working line of snow-cleaning equipment with the nutritional mainstream of the locomotive;
the operation of electrical disjectors and spotlights, as well as light and sound alarms installed on snow removal equipment and in the cabin cabin cabinet, the operation of radio communication with the locomotive driver and the operation of the telephone between the cabins of the head machine control cabins and the terminal donor;
work (frightened) of the entire pneumatic drive of a snowplow train;
Control of autospar locks and transport constipation.
All transport missions of working mechanisms of snow-cleaning and snow removal should be painted in a distinctive color.
All enclosing devices (chains on the rails of the cabinage cabinets, stairs fencing for lifting per half, etc.) must be in good condition.
When preparing an engine of a snow removal train to start and when it is maintained during operation, external door constipation, located on both sides of the engine, must be removed. Doors must be freely and unhindered to open from the inside of the room.
Diesel maintenance personnel during the service of a diesel engine is prohibited:
Leave a working diesel unattended;
produce lubricant, adjustment and wipping of a working diesel engine and diesel generator;
use open fire and smoke near diesel;
Open the radiator cork with a diesel engine. Refueling the cooling system should be performed only when the diesel is stopped;
leave a working heater unattended;
allow simultaneous operation of a diesel engine and a heater;
Include a heater to work with not fully refilled cooling and lubrication systems;
apply a soldering lamp or a torch in order to heal the diesel oil for launch at low temperatures;
store and carry fuel and lubricants in the cabin cabin and in the control cabins of the head machine and the terminal donor;
Implement work on the repair of electrical appliances under voltage.
To perform such works, diesel should be stopped, feeder choppers are turned off. On the chopper or the circuit breaker, which turns off the generator from the network, the name "Do not include, people work" should be posted.
Stropper personnel for removing accumulated in the exhaust motor (exhaust pipes and silencers) of fuel residues, oils that may turn around and serve as a cause of fire, it is necessary:
Regularly, at least by 200 hours of operation of a diesel engine, remove the exhaust pipes, silencers and burn deposits accumulated in them;
Cleaning the mechanical paths of bellows compensators installed on exhaust pipes (the execution of this work should be recorded in the logbook).
Snow removal train must be equipped with good and checked fire extinguishing. Service staff Before starting the snow removal train, which has a remote control of the diesel generator, must verify the operation of the fire alarm system, as well as check manually triggering the stop devices on the intake manifold of the diesel engine.
The working bodies of a snow-timing train in the working and transport position are given as directed by the head of the work.
When passing the train along the neighboring path, the wings, brushes and ice-levies of a snow removal train are given in the transport position on the team of the head of work.

Cleaning the way from snow at the snow transshipment stroke
In the direction of the extreme way and further under the slope.

Snow transshipment by a row for surplus is made in both directions from the middle of the park.
If there is no possibility to drop the snow under the slope, it should be collected in the shafts on the isolated paths and interpretation with immediate cleaning with a snow removal train in order for the resulting snowstorms formed shafts contributed to the detention of snow.
At the same time, the formed snow shapers on the interposses of the inspection paths and repair of cars in trains are subject to cleaning primarily.
For snow transshipment, the troop is required to sequentially release for 20-30 minutes, with closing for the movement of trains, two neighboring paths (the first way is engaged in a row, and the second is overlapped with its wing).
After each working pass, the wing and the pitch knife is given to the transport position for moving to the next path.
When cleaning the path with a row, with the help of a omitted nose and one opened wing, one way and breakdown with the transshipment of snow on the second interfrost are cleaned. After that, the stroke goes into the second way and the same way cleanses the snow from the second path and the interface, turning it through the third path on the third interface and so on.
In the parks of the reception and departure of trains during the production of snow removal work, the paths should be trained and the compositions in accordance with the technological process of mechanized cleaning and cleaning snow from the route of the station with such a calculation so that it is possible to organize the operation of snow plows and snow removal trains without additional maneuvers on the permutation of compositions.

Organization and technology cleaning paths at stations
Snow removal train PSS-1

The work of a snowplow train can be made around the clock (with the exception of interruptions provided for maintenance PSS-1).
Purification of the parks of the extracurricular station produces one snow removal train PSS-1.
The PSS-1 train is composed of a head semi-abnormal, two intermediate gondolas, the intermediate of the intermediate with the conveyor of the rotary and the section of the traction-energy TPP with an emull (discharge) rotor (sets out in the technical operation of the PSS-1 self-propelled snow processing train).
Technical characteristics of the operating operations of the PSS-1 train:
Transport velocity at the station - 25 km / h;
Working speed - 4 km / h (with iceclocking - 1.5 km / h).
The schedule of the Snow Press Train PSS-1 must be linked to the train schedule, manowver work and provide for:
the time of movement of a snow removal train along the routes of the station, both in the working position and in the transport position, while following the discharge site;
The sequence of work on the station parks and the duration of being located on each of them, the place and order of changing the brigades, the place and the duration of the equipment of the snowplow trad PSS-1.
The number of machinists in the crew of the machine PSS-1 - 3 people.
Snow removal PSS-1 train works:
Head machine forward:
a) cleaning the three extreme ways of station parks with brush feeder and side wings with simultaneous release of snow mass by the rotor under the slope;
b) cleaning the cross-belt with a brushed feeder and side wings, blowing the frame rails of the arrow transfers with a fan installation;
c) cleaning the paths of parking parks with brush feeder and side wings;
d) Ice climbing with an active ice fuel in places of carriages in the station tract sites.
Forward section of the traction energy TPP:
a) cleaning the three extreme paths of the station parks by side brushes and brush feeder with simultaneous release of snow mass under the slope;
b) cleaning paths of parking parks with brush feeder and side brushes;
d) Cleaning of a shred ice side brushes and brush feeder.

Organization and technology cleaning paths on distillation and stations
P P P Pneumatic machine

Cleaning pathways from snow with the help of the POM machine it is advisable to spend around the clock.
Performing work on the cleaning of the path and interpreters at stations and distillations should be made both in the intervals between the movement of trains without violating the schedules of their train and maneuver work and in the technological "windows".
The operation of the POM machine on the stations fixed behind it should begin after the start of snowfall.
POM machine is serviced by 1 driver.
The work on the cleaning of snow in the district stations or the residue is headed by an employee not lower than the Master of the Road.
Operating characteristics of the POM machine (set out in the technical operating manual Pom-1 pneumatic machine):
Transport speed - 70 km / h
Working speed with a snow height of 20 cm on the drill - 40 km / h
Working speed with a height of snow 30 cm on the distance - 30 km / h
Working speed at the height of snow 20 cm at the station - 10 km / h
Working speed at a height of snow 30 cm at the station - 5 km / h
Working speed when cleaning from dense snow
up to 20 cm on the necks of the station -2.5 km / h
"Shoulder" serving machine POM - 100 km
The work of the preparatory nature is performed at the site of the POM machine parking and include testing of fans, the operating voltage supply, the connection of the supply pneumatic system with the locomotive, the opening and closing of the POM mechanisms.
With the help of a car from snow can be cleaned:
The strokes of the stations (the arrogant transfers, paths and measurements on the necks, including the zones of obstacles arranged on them - maneuver traffic lights, electropneumatic valves for cleaning from the snow arrows, drives of drives, etc.). Cleaning is carried out by the method of serial transshipment of snow from one path to another in the field side for its side;
Station parks (parks and interfaces), including obstacle zones. Cleaning is carried out by the method of serial transshipment of snow from one path to the other from the axis of the station in the field side of the path behind its side, provided freeness of the rolling stock path, in the direction of which snow is blown away;
On the distillations of the path, interchange and roadbracks (entered seats 1-3 categories).
Cleaning the path and interpreters on the distance and the intermediate station is carried out by a raft of two POM machines with electric locomotive in the head, in the necks of the plot station, the cleaning is made by a raft from two POM machines and installed between them with two locomotives, while working should work under the locomotive in the course of the movement .
When working at the necks of the arrow stations, participating in the route of his movement should be additionally cleaned with manual pneumatic shutters, for which two groups of cleaners should be involved (2 months of the path).
The path, interface and the shooting transfers should be cleaned to the ballast, subject to the operation of the POM with the beginning of snowstation.
The location of the POM machine is deadlock at the local station.
Work on the cleaning of snow by the POM machine starts from the plot station. The work is made by a row of two POM machines and installed between them with two locomotives without disrupting the train and maneuver work of the station, while the work carried out by Pom, which is behind the locomotive in the course of the movement.
After coordinating the plan of work with duty officer at the station and production by the head of the records in the journal Du-46, the funeral from 2 Machines Pom proceeds to clean the odd neckline of the station. Cleaning starts from the middle of the neck from which they are consistently moved to the extreme paths. Cleaning is carried out by the method of serial transshipment of snow from one path to another in the field side.
Upon completion of the work on cleaning from the snow, the odd cooler of the cooler of two POM machines moves to an even throat and produces work in the same way.
Work on cleaning the path on the distance and the intermediate station is performed in the intervals between the movement of trains or in the technological "windows" in coordination with the train dispatcher.
Works on the distillation and intermediate station carries out a cooler of two POM machines with electric locomotive in the head of the composition. When cleaning 1 of the main path on the distance, Pom projects to clean 1 of the main path of the intermediate station and further 3 and 4 station tract.
Upon completion of the cleaning of the station tract and maneuvering work on the permutation of the electric locomotive, the cooling time of 2 POM machines moves to 2 the main path and clean it within the station followed by departure to the distille.
At the station paths, interposses and necks are forbidden to make a POMB without permission to duty at the station and without approval in the journal Du-46.
When cleaning, Gorlowin, the head must follow the quality of cleaning the POM path and adjust the speed of its movement.
When the machine approaches the Pom to the opponents, passenger platforms, residential buildings, rolling stock and vehicles, which are in close proximity to the way, the head of the work is obliged to give a timely team to suspend the work of Pom.
When working at the stations and in the necks, travel boxes and covers of electropneumatic valves must be closed on the lock or are strengthened in another way.
When POM operation near the moves, motor vehicles should be removed from them.
During the production of work on the cleaning of driving from the snow, the head of work should timely terminate the operation of the Pom when approaching the counter train in order to eliminate the deterioration of its visibility.
Getting Started with the machine, the work manager conducts an instruction of the serving brigade on the order of work. The head of the work is responsible for all the movement of the complex consisting of a car and locomotive since the adoption of the leadership of the brigade and before the end of the work.
During the movement of the car, the head of work and engineers of the locomotive should be particularly vigilant. If necessary, sound signals must be applied, as well as activate the brakes.
Not allowed:
include working bodies without a team leader;
carry out the inspection of the working bodies, without disconnecting the power supply;
Before turning on the power supply and starting the electric motors, be sure to warn the service personnel;
While working fans to climb the platform and is on it.
In the case of energy use from stationary power supplies or from mobile power plants, the machine case must have a metal communication with a grounding device of a stationary source or a mobile power plant.
Connection cable to an external power source must have an additional core for connecting the housing of the snow blower with a grounding device of the power supply.
During operation, the snow blowing out the path is discarded by an air flow at a distance of up to 40 m.
When driving on bridges and near platforms, fans should be turned off.

Organization and technology for cleaning tracks and cleaning snow and ice at stations using manual labor
Snow trains for snow removal outside the station are formed out of ten - fifteen platforms with a car for heating workers.
The formation of snow trains is made at the request of the head of the distance by the head of the station by order of the Deputy Head of the Railway (according to territorial administration).
Loading snow on snow trains and unloading snow is headed by the Master Road or Brigadier path.
In places where the transportation of snow is impossible (for example, in short paths, it is not possible to place ten-fifteen snowdield platforms) and there are areas between the tracks, the station can be used in the station with autotractor technique at a pneumatic move.
When manually cleaning the way, the snow inside the rut should be cleaned at least 50mm below the level of the top of the rail head, and outside the gauge - to the level with a riding rail head.
On the subgrade paths in the areas of braking cars by shoes, cleaning the way from snow is made on both sides of the rail below the top of the rail head of 50 mm.
It is forbidden to departure to the place of production of snow trains without a car for heating workers who produce snow cleaning from the way.
When working with snowplows, it is necessary to comply with the requirements given in paragraph 2.8.16 of labor protection rules in the maintenance and repair of the railway track and structures.
Loading snow to the snowplow platform and its unloading should be made only at a complete stop of the composition. Snow cleaning, its loading and unloading on the move of a snow removal train is prohibited.

Snow Cleaning and Ice Arrow Translations

In the precinct period, for the effective functioning of stationary devices for cleaning the shooter from snow, you should cut ballast in the padl boxes so that the lumen between the frame rail and ballast sole is at least 10 cm.
Cleaning the arrow transfers from snow and ice is made by stationary devices of electrical heating and pneumatic cleaning, hose pneumatic cleaning and manually using tools with the use of means of scinting and communication with duty at the station.
Stationary automatic air purifier arrows must be supplemented with hose for a more thorough cleaning of the entire arrow translation. The hose must be equipped with a metal tip with a faded pneumochoplah with a passage cross section of no more than 8 mm.
When cleaning the timing transfers from snow, first of all purify the space between the frame rails and the shooters of the arrows, the electric drives, movable cores, counter-terminal and crossed gutters.
When performing snow cleaning work and ice cream on short translations, it is necessary to observe precautions that exclude the possibility of overlapping signals.

Cleaning the arrow transfers from the snow in stationary devices of pneumatic cleaning
Cleaning from the snow of centralized shooting transfers, equipped with stationary automatic devices of the air purity, produced from the beginning of the snowfall.
The station duty must give an order to compressor to turn on the compressors and click the "Start" button of the cyclic or block control system of the air cleaning of the arrows.
The cyclic control system for the air purity devices of the arrows at the station carries out a sequential supply of compressed air from the compressor pipelines through the electropneumatic valves (EPC) and the airmatcher mounted on the arrow.
Block control system of devices of the air cleaning arrows at the station provides three cleaning modes:
cyclic - for all the arrows, as under step control;
group- for the most active shooters allocated in separate technological groups;
individual - For any arrows before its transfer or in other cases.
The airmatture, mounted on the arrow, sends compressed air into the space between the sharp and frame rail with the help of the taps, in the end of which should be formed or welded the pneumoshopa of the boat, with a diameter of the nozzle hole 6 mm. The nearest nozzle to the edge of the pen must have the hole diameter of the nozzle of 8 mm.
For the effective action of the air purity system, the pressure in front of the electropneumatic valve (hereinafter referred to as the EPC) on the arrow should be at least 0.35 - 0.4 MPa.
The work on the hand blowing of the shooter is performed by two ways of the path, one of which (senior group) has a qualification not lower than the fourth discharge. Responsibilities between monterators of the path are distributed as follows:
The senior group is following the passage of trains, it closes and opens the dismissal crane of the air-sized column, spreads and transfers the hose;
The second monter path connects the head of the hose with the air-sized column and with the tip in the hands it produces a pneumatic compartment of the arrow translation.
At the same time, at the beginning, the space is blocked between the pressed straw and frame rail with a thorough cleaning of pillows, stubborn bolts, the side faces of the pebble and the frame rail in the places of their adjustment, then the space between the pressed straw and frame rail. The jet of air during cleaning should be directed from a wide base of the spruce to thin. The arrow cleaning is completed with the purge of the intercupal box, in which translated traction pass;
After cleaning the arrows, crosses and counter-rubrels can be cleaned. If the deadly snow or ice does not blow a jet of air, it is necessary to clean the tip scraper.
In order to avoid snow from entering the SCB devices, the air stream should be directed from electric drives, waybasters and other OSTO devices.
Special caution should be observed when cleaning insulating joints, places of installation of jumpers and connectors, not allowing them of separation, damage or shorting with tip.

Electric heating arrows

Electric heating arrows should be involved during the entire period of snowfall or blizzard. The inclusion of electrical heating, as a rule, makes a duty station on the station with the beginning of the snowfall, and turning off one hour after its completion than the evaporation of moisture from the heated surfaces of the arrow is ensured.
The surface of the arrow pillows should be constantly lubricated with kerosene with the addition of 20-30% of the spent oil.
In the manufacture of work on the treatment of arrows, including with snow removal equipment, it is necessary to observe special caution, not allowing damage to the tubular electric heaters located on the sole of the frame rail, supplying the cable and other electrical heating devices. The staff employed in these works should be specifically instructed by the head of work.

Organization of Passenger Snow Passenger Platforms

Passenger platforms (hereinafter referred to as platforms) and the area of \u200b\u200bthe station are removed by a mechanized manual with snow removal machines and a manual way with snow removal inventory (shovel, scrapers). The desired territory should be well covered and exempt from foreign objects. Employees employed on the cleaning of platforms and the area of \u200b\u200bthe station must be notified in a timely manner of the deterioration of weather conditions (abundant snowfall, wind, ice). And should also be provided with certified personal protective equipment (overalls, footwear), signaling accessories and vests with retroreflective inserts with an indication of the affiliation.
Before starting work on snow cleaning, the lead manager (head of the station, deputy head of the station, on duty assistant or responsible worker railway Station) It is necessary to coordinate with duty at the station start and ending and place of work with a mark in the DU-46 form magazine.
Platforms should be removed only in the breaks between the movement of trains. The movement of vehicles on platforms should be carried out no closer than 1 m from the edge of the platform when the machine is reversed on the platform, and when cleaning the platform, it is allowed to bring the machine to the edge of the platform is not closer than 0.5 m.
Moving through the ways should be carried out on railway movies if there are flooring at the level of the rail head in compliance with the following security requirements:
on adjustable movements to move on the first gear with stable engine speeds by resolving the transcendent traffic light, in the absence of a threat from the railway rolling stock;
At the entrance to the unregulated crossing, the car should stop at a distance not closer to 5 m from the nearest rail and make sure that the path for movement is free and there is no threat from the railway rolling stock, and then travel through the way;
It is not allowed to stop the machine on the paths, as well as closer than 5 m from the nearest rail;
In the event of an unexpected stopping of the machine on the railway crossing, immediately take steps to evacuation;
If it is impossible to evacuate the car from the railway crossing, take measures to notify the trainings of trains about the created hazardous situation in both directions, being from the railway crossing at a distance of at least 1000 m (with the involvement of other people) - the day the signal is served in a circular rotation of the hand with some good Visible subject (flap of bright matter, scarf, hat), and at night with a torch or a lantern of any color.
Cancel hazard alert signals only after evacuating the machine beyond the railway moving to a safe distance.
The driver must, when moving, abide by the distance between vehicles in order to avoid the departure with a sudden stop in front of the riding vehicle. The distance to the riding ahead of the vehicle must be at least 10 m, and on the slopes - at least 20 m.
When performing snow removal work, the driver must make sure that there are no people in the area of \u200b\u200bwork, and workers engaged in snow cleaning, it is forbidden to be on a snow-loader transporter, as well as at a distance less than 5 m from its paws.
The height of the shaft of the snow should not exceed 0.5 m in order to avoid the busting of the snow loader and the danger of its slipping to the side.
Cleaning platforms using manual snow removal inventory should be carried out by a brigade consisting of at least two people, and one of the workers must perform the functions of the alarm. Cleaning is carried out by a good inventory, in the counter direction, the movement of the expected rolling stock.
Platforms, passages, passages must be sprinkled with an anti-rolling mixture or sand, while using a bucket and scoop, the hands must be protected by gloves (mittens). In the event of an anti-rolling mixture or sand into the eyes, it is necessary to interrupt the work and take measures to assist.
When cleaning platforms, it is forbidden to drop snow and ice to the railway track.

Organization of cleaning roofs from snow

In accordance with the rules for labor protection in the repair of buildings and structures in Russian Railways and intersectoral rules for labor protection when working at height:
To work on cleaning the roofs of snow, persons who have reached 18-year-old age, allowed to work at the height, which received the target instruction on safe receptions and methods of work;
The tolerance of workers on the roof is made after inspection and verification by the manufacturer of the work (MASTER, PROJECT) of the reliability of the supporting structures, parapet and determining their serviceability, and if necessary, places and methods of reliable fastening of safety ropes;
It is not allowed to fix the safety rope to the headings of flue and ventilation pipes;
At the time of the work of work, it is necessary to allocate areas of work, around which the boundaries of the danger zone are installed, signal fencing, safety signs and inscriptions in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 12.4.026- 2001;
When performing work on cleaning snow with roofs, workers are issued an outfit - tolerance for the production of work;
Snow cleaning from the roof in the dark time during the ice, fog, eliminating visibility within the front of the work, wind at a speed of 15 m / s and is no longer allowed;
When performing work on the roof, employees must be provided with certified personal protective equipment (overalls, footwear), tested and proven safety belts, safety ropes and non-slip shoes;
The safety rope or cable should be attached to the belt only from behind. The length of the safety rope or cable should be no longer length from the place of its mounting (skate) to the roof cornice;
Working on the roofs with a slope of more than 20 degrees or on wet roofs (regardless of the slope) must be equipped with portable lathes widths of at least 30 cm with sour straps. Draps during operation should be securely fixed for the roof of the roof with hooks;
Fastening the safety ropes and steel cables for the headings of the flue tubes is prohibited, their fixing should be carried out for the strong structural elements of buildings;
The tools are allowed on the roof only subject to the adoption of measures against their fall on the skate or blowing the wind;
During breaks in the work of the device and the tool on the roof must be fixed or cleaned;
When dropping snow from the roofs, the following precautions should be taken:
the sidewalk, and in the necessary cases and the driving part on the width of the possible fall in the snow is protected from three sides by inventory lattices or shields and a rope with red flags suspended on special racks, the width of the feen part at the height of the building up to 20 m should be at least 6 m, with a height of 40 m - at least 10 m. If necessary, dropping snow from the roofs of buildings with a height of more than 40 m The width of the enclosed part should be proportionally increased;
On the sidewalk there is a duty officer in orange vest, it must have a whistle for preventing pedestrians and alarm-running roof;
All doorways emerging in the direction of the roof-cleaned snow, lock or inside the staircases, the arches, the gate are attendant to warn people about danger. If it is impossible to close the door (exit in the direction of the roof of the roof cleaned) should be made canopy.
It is forbidden to reset the snow to electrical, telephone and other wires, antenna entries, trapping of trolley wires, as well as trees, shrubs, cars, etc.
Workplaces located outside the industrial premises, including approaches to them, in winter should be cleaned from snow, ice and sprinkled with sand, ash or other similar materials.

Order of the fence places of production of work on cleaning
Snow at the station

Before starting work, the head of the work is obliged to record in the Du-46 magazine or inform the duty officer at the station telephone about the nature of the work, starting work, indicate specific places Work.
With a manual hose bundle of shooting transfers, which should be made at least in two persons, one of the monterers of the path is alarm and should be in the immediate vicinity of the terminal handout of the air-circuit system for emergency air supply overlap.
The brigade of the workshop for the harvesting of shooting transfers should also have a portable hand-made wooden liner with a red shield, which when cleaning the arrow translation is mounted between a sharp and frame rail, as an additional safety measure.
Monter The Way, which is alarm, should have a radio station with him to communicate with the station duty and ensure that the approach of trains and maneuvering work on the routes of flight transfers is notified.
Appendix No. 3.
to the instructions for preparing for work in the winter and organization of snow-mounted on railways, in other branches and structural units of Russian Railways, as well as its subsidiaries and affiliates

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