Promotional statutes of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Presentation. Promotional Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Laws of Military Life Presentation

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Promotional statutes are regulatory acts that regulate the life and life of military personnel, their relationship between themselves and daily activities. The charters of the internal service, disciplinary, garrison and guard services in accordance with the Federal Law "On Defense" were approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on December 14, 1993 and have the force of laws. The Terminal Charter of the Armed Forces was enacted by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on December 15, 1993 No. 600.

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The charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces determines the general rights and obligations of military personnel and relationships between them, the duties of the main officials of the regiment and its divisions, as well as the rules of internal order.

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All servicemen of military units, ships, headquarters, offices, institutions, enterprises, organizations and military educational institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are guided by the charter of the internal service. The provisions of the Charter, including the obligations of officials of the regiment and its divisions, are equally refer to the military personnel of all military units, ships and units. The action of the Charter applies to the servicemen of the border troops, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Railway Forces of Civil Defense, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation and other troops.

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On the ships, the internal service and duties of officials are additionally determined by the ship's shipment of the navy. In wartime in the field conditions and in peacetime, on the teachings and classes in teaching military personnel in the battle of the relationship between servicemen are determined by combat charters, guidelines for ensuring combat operations.

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The disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces determines the essence of military discipline, the responsibilities of military personnel on its observance, types of rewards and disciplinary penalties, the rights of commander (chiefs) for their application, as well as the procedure for submitting and consideration of proposals, applications and complaints.

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All servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, regardless of military rank, official position and merit, should be strictly guided by the requirements of the disciplinary statute. In addition, the provisions of the disciplinary statute applies to citizens dismissed from military service with the right to carry the military uniform of clothing (when wearing).

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The charter of garrison and guard services determines the purpose, procedure for organizing and carrying garrison and guard services, the rights and obligations of garrison officials and military personnel who carry these services, and also regulates the conduct of garrison measures involving troops.

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The charter of garrison and guard services are guided by all military personnel and officials of military units, ships, headquarters, offices, institutions and military educational institutions of vocational education of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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The Principal Charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the law of military life compiler - teacher of the Obzh MBOU SOSH No. 30. A. I. Koldunov Elektrougli Mo Sichieva V.A.

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In the XVI century In connection with the massive equipment of the troops with firearms, there was a need for tough regulation of combat training, and by 1571. Mikhail Bratsynsky was the "boyars sentence about the Static and Watchdog." This is the first Russian charter that has come down to our time. In 1621, Onyim Mikhailov developed the "Charter of Ratti, Cannon and other cases concerning military science ...". The development of the statutory creativity of this period was one of the most important prerequisites for the development of the charters of the new national regular army created at the beginning of the XVIII century. Peter I.

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Peter I systematized the basic legal norms in special legislation: Military articles of 1715 and the military charter of 1716. Petrovsky acts have legally consolidated the recruitment service that made the Russian army nationally homogeneous and one of the most efficient in Europe.

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After Peter's death, followers of his school P. A. Rumyantsev and A. V. Suvorov, "without holding the charter of the blind wall", raised the level of national martial art at a higher level. There was an urgent need to consolidate tactical innovations in the new charter.

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However, another "reformer" intervened in the military case - Paul I, hated all Catherine and Russian in general. Pavlovsky "Charter on the Field Infantry Service" of 1796 became a severe blow to national military art, representing Prussian postulates Friedrich II.

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In the Patriotic War of 1812 and in the passage of foreign campaigns of the Russian army, when it was headed by the generals who passed Suvorov and Kutuzov school, combat practice provided troops a high level of combat training. It seemed that the experience of war with France would affect the nature of the charters, and all the outdated positions of linear tactics will be discarded. However, this did not happen. In the final part of the Charter, the final and tedious rebuildings of the troops were provided in 1820 that the charter immediately showed the gap between him and combat practice.

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In the second half of the XIX century. The provisions of the Combat Charters of the Russian Army continued to lag behind combat practice. Military thoughts did not sleep behind the rapid progress of military equipment. The consequence of this was too high the price, which Russia paid for the victory in the war with Turkey (1871 -1878), and then heavy losses in the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905.

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The troops acutely needed a new combat charter, but its development due to continuous discussions was dragged for many years. Finally, in 1912, the Russian army received the "Charter of the field service", in which the former military experience was taken into account. It covered in detail offensive and defensive battles, as well as a fight in special conditions. The emphasis was placed on maneuver and the interaction of all kinds of troops, determination, initiative and independence of officers and soldiers.

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The first charters of the Red Army were published immediately after the October Revolution. Charters of the internal and garrison service - in 1918, and field, construction and disciplinary - in 1919 in 1924-1925. Under the guidance of a prominent Soviet commander, M. V. Frunze, temporary disciplinary charters, charters of internal, garrison and ship services, combat charters of infantry, cavalry, artillery and bronzeil were developed and implemented in the troops.

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In the future, as changes in the organizational and staff structure, the receipt of new types of weapons and techniques, the accumulation of the experience of combat operations, training and education of military personnel were created by new charters and the old were revised. After 1945, the Charters were developed taking into account the experience of the Great Patriotic War.

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Currently, the armed forces of the Russian Federation are charters, prepared in accordance with modern requirements based on the experience of armed conflicts of the last decades and taking into account the best traditions of our army. These are official regulatory documents that regulate the daily activities of military personnel, life, life and service in the armed forces and determine the foundations of hostilities. Charters are divided into combat and communal.

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The combat charters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are developed on the basis of the provisions of our military doctrine, the experience of wars, the level of technical equipment and the development of military thought. They contain theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for the use of troops in battle.

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The People's Commissars of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by the President of the Russian Federation on November 10, 2007, regulate the life, life and activities of our army's military personnel. They include: the charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

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The charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation determines the rights and obligations of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the relationship between them, the responsibilities of the main officials of the regiment and its divisions, as well as the internal regulations.

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The charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation determines the purpose, procedure for organizing and carrying garrison and guard services, the rights and obligations of garrison officials and servicemen carrying these services, and also regulates the conduct of garrison measures involving troops.

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Topic: "The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" the general responsibilities of military personnel are uniqueness. Commanders (chiefs) and subordinates. Senior and younger order (ordered), the procedure for its return and execution. The initiative of military personnel on military courtesy and behavior of military personnel literature The Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 14, 1993 Moscow, Military Publishing House 1994

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The Charter defines the general rights and obligations of military personnel of the Armed Forces and the relationship between them, the obligations of the main officials of the regiment and its divisions, as well as the rules of internal order. 1. Common Responsibilities of Servicemen

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The statute of the internal service is guided by all servicemen of military units, ships, headquarters, departments, institutions, enterprises, organizations and military educational institutions of vocational education * of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The provisions of the Charter, including the obligations of officials of the regiment and its divisions, are equally refer to the military personnel of all military units, ships and units. 1. Common Responsibilities of Servicemen

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The action of the charter applies to the military servicemen of the border troops, the internal troops of the Ministry of the Interior. railway search, civil defense troops, military personnel of the system of federal state security bodies, the main management of the protection of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. On the ships, the internal service and duties of officials are additionally determined by the ship's shipment of the navy. In wartime, in the field of field conditions and in peacetime, the internal service is determined by military charters on the teachings and classes for training military personnel in battle, in order to ensure combat operations, as well as the internal service charter. 1. Common Responsibilities of Servicemen

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The soldier is obliged to: be a faithful military oath, reforming to your people, courageously, skillfully, without sparing his blood and life itself, to protect the Russian Federation, to fulfill military duty, stealing the difficulties of military service; Strictly observe the Constitution and the laws of the Russian Federation, to fulfill the requirements of military charters; Constantly mastering military professional knowledge, improve their learning and military skills; Know and maintain in constant readiness to apply weapons and military equipment entrusted to him, take care of military property; be honest, disciplined, brave, when performing military debt, show a reasonable initiative; Unquestioned to obey the commanders (chiefs) and protect them in battle, protect the combat banner of the military unit; To rummage by the military partnership, without sparing his life, to rescue comrades from the danger, to help them with a word and affair, respect the honor and dignity of everyone, not to allow themselves to keep themselves and other servicemen of rudeness and bullying, keep them from unworthy actions; Comply with the rules of military courtesy, behavior and fulfillment of military greetings, always be in form, purely and neatly dressed; To be vigilant, strictly store military and state secrets 1. General responsibilities of military personnel

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Each serviceman has job responsibilities that determine the volume and limits of the practical implementation of the functions and tasks entrusted by it. Official duties are used only in the interests of the service. These responsibilities are determined by military charters, as well as relevant guidelines, instructions, regulations, instructions or written orders of direct supervisors in relation to the requirements of this Charter. 1. Common Responsibilities of Servicemen

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The uniqueness is one of the principles of the construction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the leadership of them and the relationship between military personnel. It lies in the endowment of the commander (chief) of all the completeness of the administrative authority in relation to the subordinate and imposing personal responsibility to the state for all aspects of the life and activities of the military unit, the division and each serviceman. The uniqueness is expressed in the right commander (chief), based on the comprehensive assessment of the situation, solely make decisions, give the relevant orders in strict accordance with the requirements of laws and military statutes and ensure their implementation. The discussion of the order is unacceptable, and disobedience or other non-performance of the order is a military crime. 2. Unitimate. Commanders (chiefs) and subordinates. Senior and younger

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The boss has the right to give subordinate orders and require their execution. The boss must be for the subordinate example of tacty and decorated and should not be allowed both familiarities and bias. For actions degrading the human dignity of the subordinate, the boss is responsible. The subordinate must be unquestioned to fulfill the orders of the head. After completing the order, he may file a complaint if he believes that in relation to it was incorrect. The persons of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are heads for subordinates in accordance with the staffable position. 2. Unitimate. Commanders (chiefs) and subordinates. Senior and younger

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Heads who are subordinate to the service, at least temporarily, are direct supervisors. The closest chief closest to the subordinate direct chief is called the immediate boss. 2. Unitimate. Commanders (chiefs) and subordinates. Senior and younger

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By military rank are the heads of military service: Marshals of the Russian Federation, Army Generals, Fleet Admirals - For Senior and Junior Officers, Earriers, Michmanov, Sergeants, Starishin, Soldiers and Sailors; Generals, admirals, colonels and captains of 1 rank - for junior officers, ensigns, Michmanov, Sergeants, Starishin, soldiers and sailors; Senior officers in military ranks lieutenant colonel, captain 2 rank, major, captain 3 rank - for ensign, Michmanov, Sergeants, Starishin, soldiers and sailors; Junior officers - for sergeants, foreman, soldiers and sailors; Invorangers and Michmans - for sergeants, foreman, soldiers and sailors with them of the military unit; Sergeants and elders - for soldiers and sailors with one of the military unit. 2. Unitimate. Commanders (chiefs) and subordinates. Senior and younger

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The order is the order of the commander (chief) facing the subordinate and requiring mandatory implementation of certain actions, compliance with certain rules or establishing any order, the situation. The order can be given in writing, orally or on technical means of communication to one or group of servicemen. A written order is the main ownership document (legal act) of military administration, published on the rights of uniqueness by commander of military units (heads of institutions). Oral orders are given by all commanders (chiefs). 3. Order (order), the procedure for its return and execution. Initiative of military personnel

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The order is the formation of the commander (chief) of tasks to subordinate to private issues. The order is given in writing or orally. The written order is a leading official document published by the head of the headquarters on behalf of the commander of the military unit or the Military Commandant of the garrison on behalf of the head of the garrison. The order (orders) must comply with the requirements of laws and military charters. 3. Order (order), the procedure for its return and execution. Initiative of military personnel

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The commander (boss) before the return of the order is obliged to comprehensively assess the situation and provide measures to ensure its implementation. It is responsible for the given order and its consequences, for the compliance of the order to legislation, as well as for the abuse of power and the excess of power or official powers in a given order and for the failure of measures to fulfill. The order must be formulated clearly, not allow a double interpretation and not to cause doubts about the subordinate. 3. Order (order), the procedure for its return and execution. Initiative of military personnel

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Orders are given in order of subordination. Upite the most needed, the senior boss can give the order to the subordinate, bypassing his immediate chief. In this case, he reports this to the direct supervisor of the subordinate or orders the subordinate himself to report to his immediate boss. 3. Order (order), the procedure for its return and execution. Initiative of military personnel

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The order of the commander (chief) must be fully implemented, accurately and on time. The serviceman, having received the order, responds: "Have" - \u200b\u200band then performs it. If necessary, make sure that the commander (boss) may request a brief repetition given to them, and the soldier who received an order is to contact the commander (boss) with a request to repeat it. The serviceman must report on the execution of the order received, who made the order, and his immediate boss. Orders can not be given orders and orders, put the tasks that are not related to military service or aimed at violating the law. 3. Order (order), the procedure for its return and execution. Initiative of military personnel

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The military personnel in order to successfully fulfill the task it is obliged to show a reasonable initiative. It is especially necessary when the order received does not match the changed setting, and the conditions are such that it is not possible to receive a new order in a timely manner. 3. Order (order), the procedure for its return and execution. Initiative of military personnel

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The relationship between military personnel is based on mutual respect. For service issues, they must contact each other on "you". With a personal circulation, military rank is called without specifying the kind of troops or service. Chiefs and senior, addressing the service to subordinates and junks, call them on the military rank and surname or only by calling, adding the word "comrade" in the latter case before the title. For example: "Private Petrov (Petrov)", "Comrade Private", "Sergeant Koltsov (Koltsova)", "Comrade Sergeant", "Michman Ivanov (Ivanova)", etc. 4. On military courtesy and behavior of military personnel

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Subordinates and younger, contacting the heads and seniors, call them on the military rank, adding the word "comrade" before the title. For example: "Comrade Senior Lieutenant," Comrade Council Admiral ". When contacting another serviceman in the presence of the commander (chief) or the elder, he needs to ask for this permission. For example: "Comrade Colonel. Allow me to contact Captain Ivanov. " 4. On military courtesy and behavior of military personnel

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In public places, as well as in the tram, trolleybus, bus, metro car and suburban trains in the absence of free places, the serviceman is obliged to offer its place to the head (senior). If at the meeting it is impossible to break freely with the boss (senior), then the subordinate (younger) is obliged to give way to the road and, welcoming, to miss it, if necessary, overtake the head (senior) subordinate (younger) should ask for a permit. Servicemen must comply with politeness in relation to the civilian population, to address special attention to elderly people, women and children, to promote the protection of honor and dignity of citizens, as well as provide them with assistance in accidents, fires and natural disasters. 4. On military courtesy and behavior of military personnel

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For military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the necessary types of clothing form are established. The military form of clothing and the signs of differences are approved by the President of the Russian Federation. The right to wearing military uniforms of clothing have all servicemen, as well as citizens who are in reserve or retired, dismissed from military service with the right wearing military form of clothing. The military form of clothing is strictly in accordance with the rules approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Outside the arrangement of the military unit on vacation, in dismissal or on vacation, the servicemen are allowed not to wear a military form of clothing. 4. On military courtesy and behavior of military personnel

QUESTIONS: 1.On the statutes - United Nations Regulatory and Legal Documents, Regulatory Services in the Armed Forces. 1. Invinant charters - United Nations Regulatory and Legal Documents Regulatting Services in the Armed Forces. 2. The process of creating statutes in the Russian army. 2. The process of creating statutes in the Russian army. 3. Internal service. 3. Internal service. 4. Disciplinary charter. 4. Disciplinary charter.

Control questions: 1. What is meant under military duty? 1. What is meant under military duty? 2. What cases does a citizen of the Russian Federation have the right to replace military service by an alternative civil service? 2. What cases does a citizen of the Russian Federation have the right to replace military service by an alternative civil service? 3. What legislative and regulatory legal acts are regulated in the Russian Federation questions of defense and military construction? 3. What legislative and regulatory legal acts are regulated in the Russian Federation questions of defense and military construction? 4. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security" refers to the main security objects? 4. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security" refers to the main security objects? 5. What the law determines the content of military duty of citizens and regulated issues of military registration, citizens' training to military service, the procedure for calling for military service and the timing of its passage 5. What the law determines the content of military duty of citizens and regulated military registration issues, the preparation of citizens to military service , order of calling for military service and the timing of its passage

7. What is the law identified the rights and freedoms of military personnel? 7. What is the law identified the rights and freedoms of military personnel? 8. What benefits are installed for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman, passing military service? 8. What benefits are installed for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foreman, passing military service?

Promotional statutes are official regulatory documents regulating the service of service in the Armed Forces, which determine the preparation of personnel, the basis of their hostilities, as well as the rights and obligations of military personnel, their lives and life. Promotional statutes are official regulatory documents regulating the service of service in the Armed Forces, which determine the preparation of personnel, the basis of their hostilities, as well as the rights and obligations of military personnel, their lives and life. Military charters are combat and communal. Combat Charters determine the basis of hostilities. Military charters are combat and communal. Combat Charters determine the basis of hostilities.

The roots of the creation of the statutes go to the distant past. The roots of the creation of the statutes go to the distant past. In 1571, the Boyar Votinsky was the charter of the border and watchdog. In 1571, the Boyar Votinsky was the charter of the border and watchdog. In 1621, the "Charter of Rattaya, Cannon and other cases concerning military science appears. In 1621, the "Charter of Rattaya, Cannon and other cases concerning military science appears. In 1647, the charter was published "The Doctrine and the trick of the routine structure of infantry people - about the organization of troops of hiking, combat traditions, acceptance of actions with weapons." In 1647, the charter was published "The Doctrine and the trick of the routine structure of infantry people - about the organization of troops of hiking, combat traditions, acceptance of actions with weapons."

Further development, these documents were obtained under Peter Great in the process of creating a regular army and fleet. Further development, these documents were obtained under Peter Great in the process of creating a regular army and fleet. In 1698, "Charter Wade" is created. In 1698, "Charter Wade" is created. In 1699, "Military Articles" in 1699 "Military Articles" A.M. Golovin. A.M. Golovin. At the beginning of the 18th century, standards appeared on the basis of the experience of Russian troops in the Northern War G.G. At the beginning of the 18th century, standards appeared on the basis of the experience of Russian troops in the Northern War G.G.

In 1702, "Cheremetyeva's exhibition. In 1702, "Cheremetyeva's exhibition. In 1706, the "Charter of previous years." In 1706, the "Charter of previous years." In 1720, "Maritime Charter". In 1720, "Maritime Charter". In1770, "Detachment Service" created Marshal Rumyantsev. In1770, "Detachment Service" created Marshal Rumyantsev. In 1796, under Pavel 1, the "Military Charter of the Field Infantry Service" was adopted. In 1796, under Pavel 1, the "Military Charter of the Field Infantry Service" was adopted.

In the 19th century: 1884 "Military Charter of the garrison service" Infantry Charter "1908" Building Infantry Charter "1912 New" Field Service Charter "1912 New" Field Service Charter "

After 1917, an indication of the People's Commissar of Military Affairs on the use of only those authorized articles, which did not contradict the spirit of the worker-peasant Red Army were given. An indication of the People's Commissar of Military Affairs on the use of only those authorized articles that did not contradict the spirit of the worker-peasant Red Army were given. The first set of rights and obligations and norms of behavior in the "Book of the Red Army" The first set of rights and obligations and the norms of behavior in the "Book of the Red Army"

The period between 1920 and 1941 of the Year of Charters was published twice the charters were published twice-presenting processing G.G. -The recycling G.G. -The Recycling G.G. -The Recycling G.G. In the period from the "Charter of the internal service", "Disciplinary Charter", "Built Charter", "Charter of the garrison and guard service". In the period from the "Charter of the internal service", "Disciplinary Charter", "Built Charter", "Charter of the garrison and guard service".

In the period of the Great Patriotic War: 1942, the "Battle Charter of Infantry" 1942, the "Combat Charter of Infantry" 1943. "Field Charter of the Red Army" 1943 "Field Charter of the Red Army" 1943 "Field Charter of the Armed Forces" 1943 G. "Field Charter of the Armed Forces"

Further changes in the statutes: the 50s with the creation of nuclear weapons began to change the charters. The 50s with the creation of nuclear weapons began to change the charters. In the Soviet Army, combat and international statutes were refined in the 60s and 70s. In the Soviet Army, combat and international statutes were refined in the 60s and 70s. At the turn of the 70s, new charters were created, which were used until 1991. At the turn of the 70s, new charters were created, which were used until 1991.

Currently, the Principles of the Armed Forces approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 14, 1993 are operating. Currently, the Principles of the Armed Forces approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on December 14, 1993 are operating.

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