What to say to strive school. How to strive school? Methods and excuses

Not everyone likes the school, sometimes it is so pulling with lessons, cleanup or duty. If you do it competent, then you can do without consequences. The first rule - do not tell anyone a true reason why you melt from lessons, on the legend you fell ill or took advantage of another of our numerous excuses.

"What do two people know, then a pig knows" - if you told classmates about my plans, then be ready for what classmates will be surrepaid with the grooves, in an attempt to conquer the location of the teacher or just out of revenge.

The second rule is to walk school with money, better than without them.

Where to walk school with money

Also such options will be very well fit in winter. If you have money, then you order music, you can fall in KFC, MacDonalds, cinema, a trading center, a computer club and nothing to deny until the grandmother will not end.

You can walk the lessons even if there is no money. If you have not accumulated from dinners or did not earn money, then the way to you in the free museum, the park (if warm), worsen without a business or look at the showcases in mall. You can ask to pay for you classmates (if you are a seagull, it is not difficult).

The consequences of very freaks

Perhaps you know without us, but still remind.

  1. A lot of bobs - by the way, if you block the electronic diary, parents will not see them, at least immediately;
  2. Stretching the subtletyels after parental Assembly, deprivation of computer, phone, pocket money;

In every student's life, the situation happens when it is very necessary to go to school. Immediately want to warn: the child strives lessons, there is nothing good. If the skips are repeated with a regular frequency, it is fraught with spaces in knowledge, and the bad habit is formed, which can, as a person matches a lot of problems. But if the case is united, then our advice will tell you how to strive school without unpleasant consequences.

Agreed with parents

The easiest way is to agree with the parents. If the child has time for all subjects, and his behavior does not cause special complaints, they are most likely to miss the request for fatigue, most likely, will most likely respond positively and write a note to the class teacher with a request to release the student for the day for family reasons.

Flame note

If the schoolboy is confident that parents will not agree to write a note with a request for release, you can ask for a senior girlfriend, older brother, etc. Make a plaid note on behalf of mom. This method will fit in the event that the student passed the school and does not know what to do. But it must be remembered that the teacher can clarify by calling the parents who the note is written, or to preserve the leaflets to the parent meeting in order to determine the authorship.

Size Simulation

If the schoolboy does not shine success in school or his parents are very fundamental, then the disease can be simulated. If the mother and father do not believe in the word, you can lightly heat the thermometer on the battery (the main thing, not to rearrange 37.5 - what is needed!) In the case when the temperature has to be measured in the presence of parents or a medical sister working in school, you can pre- Lubricate with wet arms with ground pepper. Experts also advise eating a stylograph from a simple pencil. The body temperature will rise to the required mark.

Visiting the military registration and enlistment office

Students of senior male classes are periodically called to the draft board. I solve how you can walk school, it is possible to choose this weighty cause (in case the high school student is confident that in the next few weeks it will not really cause institution in this).

Painful monthly

Naturally, this option is available for girls of a certain age. Many women feel discomfort and on such days. If you are a born actress, you can exaggerate suffering (the main thing is not to replay!)

Visit Polyclinic

From time to time, everyone has the need to visit the dentist, an oculist or other specialist doctor. This method is especially effective in the case of a chronic disease in the student, which is known to teachers.

How else to walk the lessons?

The following three methods can be used if you need to walk one or more lessons.

Passage of the survey

The link to the fact that it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, for example, to make fluorography, pass the blood for analysis, etc. It is well known that these procedures are produced in the morning hours, so the reason will be weighty.

Call with lessons using SMS or notes

An SMS message taken on the cell phone or a note transmitted through the Wachiver with a request to let go home due to the emergency situation, for example, it became a bad grandmother or should be seated a plumber, etc., usually finds understanding among teachers.

Section Visit, Mug

If the student visits the sports section, the circle of interests or Gets additional education at school foreign language, You can save up with lessons due to the need to prepare for competitions or competition, visiting an unscheduled lesson or training.

Use these tips as much as possible! Remember that often in painting around, you will call a clear suspicion, and coming out of trust, get under total control, and then you are unlikely to miss school without a good reason. In addition, each walk is a gap in knowledge, which may have to fill out a much larger time, makes much more effort.

20:28 — 26.09.2011

1) disease simulation
The undisputed leader in popularity! Right now, at the moment, it uses more than a million people all over the world. Pretend to patients. Mol the head hurts or there tooth or belly, hand, leg, finger or hair in extreme case. Because This method you will use quite often, then you need to learn to simulate professionally and artistically, so sit at home and train to chrome, snap, coughing, and so on, depending on the chosen disease.
Without a certificate from a doctor, you will then get.
Efficiency depends on the acting skills.
Big, can easily paint your concert.

2) you let go
Do not go to the medical board, but just approach the teacher and tell me that you were already there and let you go. You have to say it very confident that I myself believed in this. If the teacher is naive and kind, then it will believe in ease.
Possible side effects:
You may need a certificate that you do not have.
The effectiveness is average, for the method does not require preparations and very fast for the draw.
Large, can easily calculate.

3) №9. Go to the reception to the eyepiece
To check your eyes, you have special drops, which are expanding pupils and, after that, not what you can not write, you will be hard to get into the doorway. Do not forget to take a certificate, then presented to teachers.
Possible side effects:
Especially do not enjoy the bunch with eyes. Also minus is that modern drops Act only a few hours, so this method is suitable only if you live somewhere in Alaska, where I have not reached new technology.
The ideal and method acts quite a long time, so you can safely leave somewhere in the resort.
It will not be able to complain about anything, so relax.
4) №7. Urgently need home
Show SMS with a message type "Release my daughter home, broke the sewer, urgently need to wait for the plumber" or "grandmother has become bad" options to be fully, you can simulate mom's call (calls, naturally, girlfriend), which will talk to the teacher ) And ask to come, the connection is bad, I did not understand anything ...
Possible side effects:
The teacher can know your parents, mom, dad, grandmother, cat and so on person personally, in the face, including voice, so they can easily decide.
Good, if it goes.
If you are lying, you will receive the rest of the remaining year from the teacher.
5) №6. Critical days
It is naturally suitable for girls only. The main thing is played by your role.
Possible side effects:
In the medplex can make evidence. For this case, go to the female restroom and choose one of the instances from the bucket. Disgusting, but there is no other way out.
The most likelihood that they can get caught, but for this you will not be anyway. Hardly a nurse will go to complain to the teacher.
6) №5. Eat soap
Some people eat soap to mow from the army, even though it is a strongly radical method, in which it becomes really bad, but in the extreme case it is necessary to know, you can apply it for school a couple of times a year.
Possible side effects:
You will be bad so that it does not want to walk.
7) №4. Important trip
If you are a guy, then say that the military enlistment office drives if you are a girl - I went to the hospital.
Possible side effects:
Rolling such a row one, maximum twice. For, without documents, teachers do not have a single reason to believe you.
Average, it is hard to prove to you that you dwined on things and they are not dulling on business. 8) frank recognition
This method will only suit you if you are an excellent job.
Tell your parents honestly, that you did not make lessons, preferably Mother, because She is more sensual and understand and allow you not to go to school, and then she already thinks about you for excuses to the teachers, she will definitely believe it.
Possible side effects:
This method can rolling only a few times.
Weak. Need very much a good relationship with parents
No extreme, as well as problems, should not arise. (I myself helps himself very much, I have a very good relationship with my mother and she regrets me)

9) In the morning, with parents, they hit anything about something, say that the hand hurts. Of course, you will give any ointment, and closer in the late afternoon (try all day you don't sing your hand all day and keep it in one position) The hand will turn red, it will be cold and swells a little (do not worry, it's not dangerous). Parent Seeing this will be sent to Rengen or to an orotdation (surgeon). There you will touch your hand (tell me, the cholesterh hurts where 3, 4 fingers) you will register ointment and in return for a minimum of 3 days you can not write! Only your hand is still passing and everything! Come home, tell me well, or keep you at home or send to school (you are stupidly sitting in the lesson and look in the book) Preliminary about taking a certificate from the doctor that you are forbidden to write.

10) If you have a loose throat
This method can help: take the toothpick and pushing the almonds,
Of them there is blood, you come to my mother and say that your throat hurts!
showed and there everything is in blood, mother in shock calls a doctor, he comes, too
In shock from such a disease, 2 weeks are also provided for another month of university of fizra!

Let's admit yourself to yourself: at least once in life, but each of us has a desire not to go to school. Just an incredible desire!

Today we will delight young cunning and tell some reliable ways, how to strive school without consequences.

Methods and excuses, how to strive school on "excellent"

Since you have already decided exactly what you want to walk school - let it be on your conscience. Just try our methods - many have already said Thank you!

Fashion first

We will make a reservation, it is suitable only to those guys who get good marks. How can I walk the school excellent? Easy - using your reputation. It is only a few artistism and games on the feelings of parents. And since the most sensual parent is a mother, then we boldly go to her and declare, they might did not have time to do lessons, and there is no point in time - it will only be worse. If you try, then mom itself will come up with an excuse to stroll to school.

The method of the second, how to strive school

Navori parents that the school tomorrow is evil. You urgently need to prepare for some conference there and you can not lose a minute! Yes, there is a risk to stay locked in a room for preparing for a non-existent conference. But since we have already gone along the path of lies - it's time to supplement the picture! Tell me, what is preparing with Ivan Ivanovich, the new head of your mug of XXX. Why new? Yes, because the number of "old" can be your ancestors! The risk justifies funds, try.

Third School Stroller

Do not want to connect parents? It is necessary to act locally, in the school itself! Narve teachers that lingered in the library. Or you accidentally locked in some room. The advantages of this method of school absenteeism can be considered what is almost impossible to check, you lie or not. Cons - the time of absenteeism. You are unlikely to believe if you walk so few days in a row \u003d)

Fourth way to otmazy

Method for older classes. We'll have to press on sexism - namely:

  • Guys often cause the military registration and enlistment office
  • Girls have non-planned medical examinations.

The hint is understandable? But often such an excuse will not go from the hands: a very unrealistic situation when the guy is caused three times a week with a military registration and enlistment office. Yes, and girls are no more often than once a month they can complain about "some complications".

Fifth way. Bubbles will save from education!

Pretty unpleasant way to walk school. Unpunished - yes, but unpleasant - extremely. Just taking soap. Yes - a whole dry soap bar! Honestly, you will be so bad that you will most likely prefer to study such "easy" excuses. We added this only for especially extreme thugs, which no one else believes in standard excuses from school.

Sixth way to walk school

Method smart and effective. Before using it, make sure that your classroom teacher It is not closely communicating with your parents. Otherwise there will be bo-bo!

Ask a friend to send your mobile phone SMS message with text about help. The meaning of this: as if your mother asks you to urgently appear at home in view of the force majeure. Well, the pipe broke or the grandmother dies. Then rename your friend's contact in your phone book on a banal "Mom" - and show the teacher. Effect 100%! Warning: often not to use!

Seventh way to strive school unpunished

The absenteeism is interesting, smacks extreme. You will have to eat a piece of the griffos of an ordinary pencil. It causes a sharp and short-term raising temperature - running into the medical center, and from there - home! True, there is a risk: "experienced" say that you can discard the skates. Well, to believe them or not - draw conclusions yourself, for all profi-scores are still alive and healthy.

The best and eighth way

Of course, you already guessed. Simulation of the disease! Yes, this way to strive to school has long saved whole generations of human row from hated knowledge. And why not take advantage of us? The main thing here is to remember - no deviations. If you decide to strive school in this way - you have no friends. Simply no friends! No one should guess that you are simulating. Otherwise, it can end the confusion and the surrounding of you as a bad artist and a liar.

Remember, knowledge is power! And if I have already decided to walk school, so vria! And I started to lie - VRI to the victorious end!

1) disease simulation
The undisputed leader in popularity! Right now, at the moment, it uses more than a million people all over the world. Pretend to patients. Mol the head hurts or there tooth or belly, hand, leg, finger or hair in extreme case. Because
Show completely .. This method you will use quite often, then you need to learn to simulate professionally and artistically, so sit at home and train to chrome, snap, coughing, and so on, depending on the chosen disease.
Possible side effects:
Without a certificate from a doctor, you will then get.
Efficiency depends on the acting skills.
Big, can easily paint your concert.
2) you let go
Do not go to the medical board, but just approach the teacher and tell me that you were already there and let you go. You have to say it very confident that I myself believed in this. If the teacher is naive and kind, then it will believe in ease.
Possible side effects:
You may need a certificate that you do not have.
The effectiveness is average, for the method does not require preparations and very fast for the draw.
Large, can easily calculate.
3) №9. Go to the reception to the eyepiece
To check your eyes, you have special drops, which are expanding pupils and, after that, not what you can not write, you will be hard to get into the doorway. Do not forget to take a certificate, then presented to teachers.
Possible side effects:
Especially do not enjoy the bunch with eyes. Also, the minus is that modern drops act only a few hours, so this method is suitable only if you live somewhere in Alaska, where there is no new technology.
The ideal and method acts quite a long time, so you can safely leave somewhere in the resort.
It will not be able to complain about anything, so relax.
4) №7. Urgently need home
Show SMS with a message type "Release my daughter home, broke the sewer, urgently need to wait for the plumber" or "grandmother has become bad" options to be fully, you can simulate mom's call (calls, naturally, girlfriend), which will talk to the teacher ) And ask to come, the connection is bad, I did not understand anything ...
Possible side effects:
The teacher can know your parents, mom, dad, grandmother, cat and so on person personally, in the face, including voice, so they can easily decide.
Good, if it goes.
If you are lying, you will receive the rest of the remaining year from the teacher.
5) №6. Critical days
It is naturally suitable for girls only. The main thing is played by your role.
Possible side effects:
In the medplex can make evidence. For this case, go to the female restroom and choose one of the instances from the bucket. Disgusting, but there is no other way out.
The most likelihood that they can get caught, but for this you will not be anyway. Hardly a nurse will go to complain to the teacher.
6) №5. Eat soap
Some people eat soap to mow from the army, even though it is a strongly radical method, in which it becomes really bad, but in the extreme case it is necessary to know, you can apply it for school a couple of times a year.
Possible side effects:
You will be bad so that it does not want to walk.
7) №4. Important trip
If you are a guy, then say that the military enlistment office drives if you are a girl - I went to the hospital.
Possible side effects:
Rolling such a row one, maximum twice. For, without documents, teachers do not have a single reason to believe you.
Average, it is hard to prove to you that you dwined on things and they are not dulling on business. 8) frank recognition
This method will only suit you if you are an excellent job.
Tell your parents honestly, that you did not make lessons, preferably Mother, because She is more sensual and understand and allow you not to go to school, and then she already thinks about you for excuses to the teachers, she will definitely believe it.
Possible side effects:
This method can rolling only a few times.
Weak. We need very good relationships with parents
No extreme, as well as problems, should not arise. (I myself helps himself very much, I have a very good relationship with my mother and she regrets me)
9) In the morning, with parents, they hit anything about something, say that the hand hurts. Of course, you will give any ointment, and closer in the late afternoon (try all day you don't sing your hand all day and keep it in one position) The hand will turn red, it will be cold and swells a little (do not worry, it's not dangerous). Parent Seeing this will be sent to Rengen or to an orotdation (surgeon). There you will touch your hand (tell me, the cholesterh hurts where 3, 4 fingers) you will register ointment and in return for a minimum of 3 days you can not write! Only your hand is still passing and everything! Come home, tell me well, or keep you at home or send to school (you are stupidly sitting in the lesson and look in the book) Preliminary about taking a certificate from the doctor that you are forbidden to write.
10) If you have a loose throat
this method can help: take the toothpick and pushing the almonds,
of them there is blood, you come to my mother and say that your throat hurts!
showed and there everything is in blood, mother in shock calls a doctor, he comes, too
in shock from such a disease, 2 weeks are also provided for another month of university of fizra!

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