Themes of parental meetings at the Dow Development of Speech. Parent meeting "Development of children's speech in a family and kindergarten

Parent-teacher meeting. Topic: "The influence of the speech of an adult to the development of the child's speech"

(Practical material for the development of the child's coherent speech)

Communication - One of the most important factors of the general mental development of the child. Only in contact with adults it is possible to master the children of socio-historical experience of mankind.
The first three years of life, when children in most cases are brought up at home, are decisive in the development of speech. Already from the thoracic age, the kids listen to the sounds, watch the movements of the loves of the mother and father, rejoice, recognizing familiar voices. From the very first day, they absorb speech sounds, collect and accumulate words. So gradually the child develops his passive in the words that later begins to actively use.
Nowadays the development of funds mass media He strongly reduced communication with each other in many families. However, even the best baby gears or cassettes cannot replace the communication of parents with their children. It was and remains the most important condition for the development of a child normal speech.
The child's speech is not congenital ability, but is formed under the influence of speech adults and to a great extent depends on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment, from education and training, which begin with the first days of the child's life.
The role of communication in the development of the child is great. Communication arises earlier than other processes and is present in all activities. It affects mental development The child, forms a person in general and, most importantly, can accelerate the course of the development of the child, that is, communication is significant for the comprehensive development of the child.
Speech is an essential social function: it is formed under the influence of speech adults and to a great extent depends on sufficient speech practice, a normal speech environment, from education and training, which begin with the first days of the child's life.
Social environment stimulates speech development and gives a sample speech. To exchange information between the child and the surrounding people, signals or signs are used: first non-verbal, and then the main value is gradually acquired by speech (verbal) communication. This contributes to the development of communication skills with peers, develops the possibility of a joint game, which has great importance For the formation of adequate behavior, the emotional-volitional sphere and the identity of the child.
A prerequisite for the development of children's speech is a sample to imitate. If the child grows among deaf-and-dumb, he, having a hearing, will remain dumb, as it will be deprived of the opportunity to perceive a sample of speech to follow. Children learn to speak as they say the surrounding adults whose speeches they imitate. But since the task kindergarten It is that the children capture the right speech, it is important that the correct literary language will be used to imitate to follow them. First of all, the educator should give to children such a sample. This is important because the child spends a lot of time in kindergarten in communicating with the educator; In terms of his position, the educator uses the authority in children, in addition, an example of the educator itself is one of the techniques of pedagogical impact.
A child in kindergarten is also talking with a nanny, a medical sister and other kindergarten employees. The speech should also be competent, friendly, polite.
Human speech culture has always paid a lot of attention. This is not by chance. Since it testifies to his erudition, intelligence, ethics, upbringing.

At the end parental Assembly parents are distributed to development vocabulary In children before school age With exemplary games for the development of connected speech.

Tatyana Verkeeva
Parent meeting on the topic "Cognitive-speech development of children in a family and kindergarten"

purpose: Intensify interaction parents and educators for the purpose of development of children's speech.


Reveal the significance of speech development in the child's life;

- Introduce a concept"Speech Wednesday";

Attract parents to the exchange of speech experience development of children in the family;

Form of: "Round table".

Plan for:

1. Opening part.

1. Greeting parentsacquaintance with the topic « Round Table.» .

2. Pedagogical Community "".

2. The main part.

1. Interactive game with parents"Play adjectives".

2. Game - Discussion.

3. Workout "Our hands do not know boredom".

4. Dialogue S. parents"Question answer".

3. Final part.


1. Opening part.

(Parents are sitting at the tablesset in a circle)

Educator: Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to meet you, because family belongs to the leading role in development of the child, family is a sourcethat feeds a person from birth, introduces him to the outside world, gives the child the first knowledge and skills. Just joint efforts parents and kindergarten We can solve any problems in the upbringing and development child and offer to participate in work "Round Table" Dedicated to issues development of the child's speech in family. Today we will not just hear the performance of educators, but to take active participation In discussing issues, express your opinion, share experiences.

Any meeting begins with dating. We offer you become acquainted closer and play in an unpaired game that is called "Acquaintance". I suggest you by passing each other a magical heart, greet a neighbor on the right, calling your name and trying to call as much character character of the person who begin with the letter of your behalf, eg: "Hello! I am glad to see me, my name is Svetlana, I am serious, fair, independent, capable, concentrated, self-sufficient, etc.. A participant who called more than 3 words, gets a token.

Dear parents! This game allowed us not only get to know each otherbut also provided an opportunity to emphasize your attention on such an important aspect as the replenishment of our vocabulary stock children. Similar games can be used daily, at home or while walking. Offer children's different tasks of such a type, for example, today we compete, who will call the words more "R" etc. Offer children to play Balt, Burim, etc. Games, stimulating children To enriching his lexicon.

Pedagogical universality

« Development of children's speech in family and kindergarten.

Today we have a conversation about development One of the most important cognitive human processes - speech.

In our opinion, the most difficult and big problem in development of children Preschool and younger school age - to teach himself to talk and speak. It is very important to help the child seize this beautiful gift.

What is the ability to talk? Child B. everyday life, communicating with peers and adults, says a lot. However, when he offer: "Tell me what's interesting did you see in the zoo, a circus? Remaining a fairy tale, story? ", Difficulties immediately arise. The child does not know how to see and understand the main plot, to determine the main characters, the main action, the place of action, the time and place of the event that happens, cannot clearly formulate the question and answer it. His speech becomes episodic, incomplete.

By 5 - 6 years modern child must master the entire system of native language: To be able to fully and consistently state your thoughts, easy building complex deployed sentences, logically justifying your statements, freely retell the stories and fairy tales, describe the events that occurred, correctly pronounce all the sounds and multi-line words.

It is known that children are even without special learning From early age, there is great interest in speech: Create new words, focusing on both the semantic and the grammatical side of the tongue. But with a spontaneous speech development Only not many children reaches a certain level. Therefore, it is necessary for focused training to create children Interest in the native language and contribute to creative attitude to speech.

In the formation of the speech of the child, his environment plays a major role, namely, parents and teachers. And on how we say, how much attention is paid to speech communication with the child, its success in mastering the language depends in many ways.

Speech is a form of communication. Each person is born only with speech ability, and this ability is necessary develop. BUT develop It can be special means:

The child's speech is improved in the process of communicating with adults and peers;

Speech Wednesday - Defined conditionscreated around the child contributing to the speech development;

Speech of adults surrounding the child;

Games with fingers;


It is these speech tools that development of the child at home We will analyze in detail.

2. The main part.

Parents They are divided into two teams.

Interactive game "Play adjectives".

You need to show creativity and pick up at least 5 words - signs to the following words:

Snow (white, fluffy, bulk, cold, wet, creaky, etc.);

Human (polite, wonderful, open, heartfelt, etc.);

Wind (strong, cold, gentle, penetrating, etc.);

Rain (Cold, summer, drizzling, strong, etc.);

Moon (bright, growing, etc.).

Game - Assignment.

Each team has a sheet of paper and handle

Educator: Go to the next question. When we voiced the funds development of the child's speech, such a thing sounded as "Speech Wednesday". Following question: "What is a speech environment in the home conditions - We ask the team to think and write out the answer to this question on the sheet.

As a result, the teacher summarizes the answers.

Today I want to talk about how to organize at home developing speech environment.

Here you can select multiple key moments.

1. Child room - developing speech center. What could be in the room so that it could be said that this is an organized speech environment?

First, it is necessary to place various posters on a child-friendly level. It can be purchased posters or drawn, or you are printed at the printer. The room should have photos of the child's relatives whom he knows and can recognize on these images.

Secondly, the room should have a variety of toys on development small Motoriki that contribute to and development of Speech. And the child should have the opportunity to interact with these toys, use them in those moments when he has a desire to this, that is, they should always be in direct access. This is what concerns the formation of the environment for independent classes and children's games.

2. Creating reasons for speech interaction with the child.

The reason for speech interaction with the child is what should be cling to your glance when you are playing or just at home with a child. It can be some things, items that will cause interest in a child, and you have a desire to talk to the child about this subject, tell something interesting, somehow beat this item in your conversation. It can be:






Any items that may be interested in the child and will be safe for him because besides the fact that you talk about these subjects, you have to(and you need to do it) To give this item to a child to feel and study, that the words you pronounce, remember better.

3. Poems, fun, riddles for everyday affairs.

Extremely useful sweepers and other poetic texts associated with the activities you are doing now with the child. If you are going for a walk, you tell the poem, sweat, a riddle - anything - in a poetic format associated with this action.

If you wash - tell about Washing, if you eat - tell about food. Such poems are better to learn by heart, because in this case you can tell these poems, sweatings with greater expressiveness, greater intonation color, pay more attention to the articulation, rather than reading text.

You can print these functions or write them from hand and cheer in convenient places for you, where they will get on your eyes and where you can read them just in topic actionwhich are now taking place with the child. Washing - in the bathroom on the mirror, about dressing - to the locker, where the child's things lie for a walk, etc. You can also find some short poems of famous children's The authors about home objects and toys of the child and also stick somewhere these poems so that you constantly read their child out loud and remembered with him. Over time, you will be able to use the guidance.

Workout "Our hands do not know boredom". Many experts believe that development the child's speech special attention is hand development, especially fingers. Famous Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov said: "Hands teach your head, then a wonderful head teaches hands, and skillful hands contribute again brain Development» (offer parents play finger games).

Dialogue S. parents"Question answer".

Educator: Another important questionwhich I would like to stop your attention is acquaintance children With works fiction in home conditions. Please answer a few questions.

1. Does your child love to listen to the work of Hood. literature?

2. Are your favorite works from your child?

3. How often do you read your child?

4. Discuss read, consider illustrations with it?

5. What works do you prefer to acquaint your child (fairy tales, stories, poems, etc.).

6. What do you think do you need to meet a child with fiction?

Educator: children's The book is considered as an important means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Reading children's books for children is a favorite activity.

It promotes development of Speech. From books, the child recognizes many new words and figurative expressions. Therefore, works children's Artistic literature should be an integral part of the child's life.

We offer you, dear parents, get acquainted with a memo"How to read children"

1. Before listening to Hood. The works must be removed from the field of view of the child all that can interfere with the child to listen to a story or a fairy tale.

2. Artistic text Must be selected in accordance with age and individual abilities of the child.

3. Acquaintance S. literary work It happens on a rumor, so adult should pay special attention to the ability to expressly read, make a logical stress in the right places, observe pauses.

4. Show the child colorful illustrations that will help better perceive text.

5. During reading, not distracted by foreign affairs. Remember that children are capable of actively and productively engage in one type of activity for about 15 minutes.

6. Be sure to ask a question on the read.

7. Make a child love for the book, careful attitude towards it.

3. Final part.


Feedback profile

Dear parents! To improve the quality of work on the formation of speech competence of preschoolers, please answer the questions of the questionnaire.

1. How useful for yourself, you consider this event ___ (1-10 b.)

2. Is your idea changed about the concept of "speech child development(yes, no, I do not know).

3. Do you think that parents must take an active part in the formation of speech competence of preschoolers (yes, no, I do not know).

4. If your answer to question number 4 - "Yes", please select, please, those types parental activitythat you consider necessary for development of the child's speech:

Daily reading books;

Using games for development of shallow motility;

Daily conversations with a child for his topics and topics that are important for him. development;

Other (specify).

Dear parents, on this work "Round Table" on questions of speech development of children in family conditions comes to an end. We thank you for active participation in our event and ask you to appreciate its usefulness. If you like it and you have taken something useful from the information received on collection Put the Green Circle in the basket, if not liked and nothing useful you did not hear on collection Put the red circle to another basket. (parents laid mug).

Goodbye to the emergency!

Parent meeting on the topic:
"The role of the family in the speech development of the child"

Kindergarten - the first link in the system of folk education. To become highly educated, a person must master all the wealth native language. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of kindergarten - the formation of the correct oral speech of children based on masters literary language His people.

The development of speech must be closely associated with the development of the child's thinking. The development of the language, its grammatical system makes it possible for children to argue freely, to ask, draw conclusions, reflect the diverse ties between objects and phenomena.

The most important prerequisite for solving speech tasks in kindergarten is the correct organization of the situation in which children would have a desire to speak, call the surrounding, to enter into speech communication.

Claims on the development of speech necessarily include memorizing small risks and retelling the text read by the educator.

The main task of the educator is to explain to the child, which means this or that word, its meaning.

As a result of these schools, the child will learn to correctly express themselves, will have an impressive vocabulary stock and correctly pronounce all the sounds of the language. The correct speech of the adult is very important for the development of the child's speech. That is why speech rules for kindergarten educators useful to spread to parents and the nearest environment of the child. After all, if, in spite of everything, the baby hears the houses of "Che" and "Low", then all the development work done in kindergarten is gradually coming down. This is especially noticeable if the child is absent in kindergarten for a long time, for example, in the summer.

Speech teacher pre-school educational institution It has a learning and educational orientation. The main quality of its linguistic content, ensuring high results of labor.

Teacher's speech - reflection inner world, features of intellectual and spiritual development His personality, an important part of a professional culture, which is the culture of universal.

A child preschooler spends most of the time in kindergarten: communicates with the educator, he learns a lot from him, including the culture of speech. Therefore, the teacher should pay special attention to his speech. Since the child perceives the speech of an adult as a sample, the teacher must speak correctly, not distorting sounds, clearly articulate each word, not in a hurry, not "eating" endings. Especially clearly need to pronounce unfamiliar and long words. The liveliness and wealth of intonation also play an important role - contribute to the best absorption of speech.

IN cognitive development The task of the teacher consists in a consistent increase in children in children of knowledge, their ordering, systematization.

The child should get clear ideas:

About the surrounding subjects and their appointment;

About qualities (color, quantity, form) of objects;

About properties (beating, drove, rushing, pours, etc.) of objects;

About the material from which subjects are made

In the old days, the patters were invented - the family of folding speech with the repetition and permutation of the same letters or syllables, difficult for pronunciation.

Carnate with the child patter, die the hurry of his speech. He will probably like these funny and short poems.

Attachment 1

Species for speech development

Drove ship caramel,
Snatched the ship stranded
And sailors two weeks
Caramel on Meli ate.

Says a parrot parrot:
- I am you, parrot, parrot!
- Parrot you are me, parrot, -
Says a parrot parrot.

Lena Les on the Ledder,
Broke the lynya peaches.
With songs, with peaches
Racing Lenya with a ladder!

A small car is mouse.
And the tires are rustling like mice.

I met in more often Hedgehog Hedgehog:
- How is the weather, hedgehog?
- Fresh.
And went home, trembling,
Hurting, hugging, two hedgehogs.

Tea tack of fabrics on a tan skirt.

Potapka on the paws on the sneaker.
Bought in the shop on the sneaker Potchapka.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on cucusulok hood.
How in the hood it is ridiculous!

Bought Caracatiet
Lace dress.
Karakatitsa walks
Boasts a dress.

Bagel, Branca,
Baton and loaf
Baker from dough
Baked splashing.

Ivashka shirt,
At the shirt of pockets.
Good karmushki
On the shirt of Ivashka.

I bought my moth coat
To eat was.

Kondrat has a short jacket.

Brass beavers in random cheese.
Beavers brave. For bobryat good.

Malania Baltushka
Milk swollen - chatted,
Yes, I did not bother.

There was a pocket on the pocket.
Broke a hook on a stick Natalka.
Chinili-revenge Natalka,
But it remained the wheelchair without a stick.

Appendix 2.

Gymnastics for tongue

1. The tongue is going to walk (open the mouth and show the language):
He washed (spend quickly tongue on the lips),
It was combed (spending the tongue several times between the upper lower teeth, supervising it),
On passersby looked around ( circular motions tongue on lips)
Right, to the left turned (tongue tongue to the right and left),
Down fell (tongue tongue down),
up we climbed (stick up),
AM, and in the mouth disappeared (hide the tongue in the mouth).

2. Bear in the house lives (wide open mouth),
Loves a bear honey (lick lips),
Full cheeks (inflate cheeks),
And chews, chews, chews (depict chewing).
And how honey will go Mishutka,
It cleans the brush it is a teeth (tongue to spend on top, and then lower teeth - up-down, right-left).

3. The cow grazed in the meadow: "Mu-U-U, Mu-U-y"
Striped bumblebee flew: "z-zr, z, zs",
Summer breeze underwear: "F-F-F-F-F-F-F-F",
The bell rang: "Din-Ding Ding",
Dracted in the grass Grasshopper: "TR-Rr-R, TC-S-C",
Hedgehog broken down: "ПХ, ПХ, ПХ",
Little bird sang: "Til-F, Til-F
And the angry beetle buzzed: "Zhr., Zhr."

Intonation- This is the expressiveness of our vote: the power of the voice, tone. Intonation is different. For example, a scared man screams loudly or screams, a sad man speaks quietly, with sadness, in an angry, evil man We can hear a threat of a vote. It is an emotional speech of adults that serves as a sample of intonational expressiveness. Therefore, work on the development of this important quality is carried out mainly by imitating. The child should be able to properly use intonation means of expressiveness to transmit various feelings and experiences in his speech.

Appendix 3.

Card number 1.

Read the poem like a "robot".

There is a goby, swinging
Sighs on the go:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I fall!

Card number 2.

Read the poem like "cool, thicker".

Our Tanya cries loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river.
- quieter, tanya, not crying:
Does not drown in the river ball.

Card number 3.

Read the poem as a "schoolboy who has not learned a lesson":

I love my horse,
Has her wool smoothly,
Comb Thoughtful
And riding will go to visit.

Card number 4.

Read the poem like "Sentimental Virgo":

Wait steam locomotive, do not knock the wheels.
Conductor Click on the brakes ...
I am native to Mama with my last greetings,
I have a hurry to appear on the eyes.

Card number 5.

Read the poem, as if you were presented with a million, i.e. with delight, with joy

I have a goat,
I myself my pass.
I'm a goat in the garden green
Early in the morning will take place.
He will get lost in the garden -
I will find him in the grass.

To expand the vocabulary of children, you can play games.

Appendix 3.

Game "Steps. (Who will faster up to ...)"

Purpose: Training parents to expand the vocabulary of children.

With this simple game of the game with elements of competition, you can deal with the child's expansion of its vocabulary, and the development of speech in general.

Move:Players become close by, agree on where the finish will be (at a distance of 8-10 steps). And negotiate the topic of steps. For example, "all circular". Each player can take a step by calling some kind of round shape (ball, apple, watermelon, bun, wheel, steering wheel, yula, hedgehog). Let a minute on thinking and "Start!"

Other topics:

* "All hot" (plate, fire, kettle, sun, battery, hot water, saucepan, tea),

* "All wet" (umbrella, hands, legs, cloak, hair, lingerie, floor, road, grass

* "? Affectionate words" (pussy, fish, doll, machine, berry, pen, winter, tree, flower ...).

* ?"Polite words"(Please thank you, thank you, sorry, sorry, tell me, be kind, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night), etc.

The game "Magic Pouch"

Purpose:Practical training of parents to the activation of the dictionary.

Move: Get out of the bag the subject, and describe it as much as possible.

For example:lemon is a fruit. Yellow, oval shape, juicy and sour taste.

Objects in the bag:

Machine (large, green, steering wheel, glass, doors, trunk, hood, headlamps, wheels, seats, wipers, signals, rides, stands, start, stops, stalls, it takes, works, wash, wipe, repair, put ...).

Onions (vegetable, useful, green, yellow, feathery, on, bitter, useful, grows on a garden, pull out, dried, clean, cut, boil, fry, eat ...).

Boots (castle, nose, heel, sole, fur, leather, brown, warm, winter, beautiful, soft, clean, dried, wash, walk, shove, take off, put ...).

Pan (big, green, iron, lid, handles, bottom, walls, boiled, boiled, warm, prepare, put, heated, wash, clean, dried ...).

3. Pedagogical situations in the exercises: "Invent a story"

Purpose: Acquaintance with ways to activate the dictionary, disseminate proposals with the help of issues, drawing up the story.

Move: Players are offered a story "Girl draws with paints." With the help of teacher issues, players distribute offers and make up a story.

At the table sits (who?) - Girl. The girl sits (on what?) - on a stool. The girl holds (what?) - Tassel. Girl (what does?) - draws. Girl draws (what?) - paints. The girl draws (what?) - clouds, nature, summer ...

"The boy rolls a snowball." (What?) The time of year in the yard is winter. (Who?) Walking on the street? - Boy. (How?) The boy is dressed? - Heat, in winter. (What?) Boy does? - Rats a snowball. (Why?) Does the boy rolling a snowball? - The boy will sculpt a snowman.


Parents are invited to take into account the demonstrated games, actively apply them at home with children. Take an active part in any games with children. To arrange excursions for the interests of children, which will also help the expansion and enrichment of the dictionary and the horizons of children. Remember !!!: only game form The presentation will always make serious learning joyful, desirable and most importantly - successful.

State budgetary general Education

Samara region

Basic comprehensive school № 21

Cities of Novokuibyshevsk urban district Novokuibyshevsk

Samara region

Structural division "Kindergarten" Nail "

Parent meeting in the middle group:

"The role of the family

in the speech development of the child 4-5 years old

Educator: Zhigareva E.I.


Purpose: creating conditions for the speech development of preschoolers; Formation pedagogical culture Parents.

Tasks: introduce parents with the content of the development of the speech of children of middle preschool age.

Form of : Meeting with workshop elements (master class).

Participants: Educator, speech therapist, Head of Dow, Parents.


Opening part - Ad Topics Announcement, goals.

Speech head. DOU №41 "Navitka" Golina E.G. " Speech development in family".

Speech by Logopeda Bolonina V.V. "Methods and techniques for the development of articulation motility and speech breathing of preschool children"

Speech by the teacher of Zhigigareva E.I., Master class "Methods and techniques for the development of articulation motility and speech breathing of preschoolers"

Homework For parents: to hold with children "Non-traditional drawing for the development of an air jet".

Event flow

Good day Dear parents, today we gathered with you once again to talk together about the development of children's speech.

"Successful speech development of a child"

Dear parents, what do you think the successful speech development of the child depends on what? (Select the correct answer on the card), prove, give a personal example.

Factors of successful development of the child's speech - ( cards for parents prepare in advance).

From emotional communication of parents with a child with infant age

From communicating a child with peers

From the structure of the articulation apparatus

From speech adults (as a sample for children)

From the development of shallow motility

From reading children of fiction

From games baby with adults and peers

Speech by the head of Golina E.G.

"Speech development in the family"

All these factors affect the development of the speech of the child.

We are not inherited by inheritance, the child adopts the experience of speech communication among its surrounding adults (and above all from parents), i.e. Passing the speech is directly dependent on the surrounding child of the speech environment. Therefore, it is so important that at home he heard the right, competent speech.

You need to know that the important side of speech development is correct pronunciation Sounds. An error in pronunciation is the basis of many school difficulties (on the letter).

In addition, children with a fuzzy speech are not confident in themselves, reluctantly come into communicating with peers and adults.

- Note: The child of 4-5 years should correctly pronounce all the sounds. If this is not so not losing time !!! Do not hope that speech disadvantages will disappear by themselves. The best is the help of a speech therapist (consultation).

Do not forget that it is crucial for the development of the conversational speech of the preschooler has his communication with you. Try while walking with children pay attention to the most important objects for humans: shops, schools, clinics, libraries. Tell the child for which these institutions need, who works in them. During walks - attract the attention of children to the beauty of the surrounding nature, plants, animals, insects. Do not go from answers to the questions of a child.

I know new objects, things, objects, call them correctly, tell us about their appointment. Offer to consider it in detail, allocate characteristics, Properties (you will replenish the dictionary of children), teaches e observe, compare items and phenomena.

I advise you to create a children's library at home, where you can consider illustrations in books, encyclopedias for children together with the child.

If your child distorts the words - do not be afraid to stop it and correct, say the word as it must be said.

It is necessary to acquaint children with folklore, tell and read fairy tales, riddles, songs, fun. They not only attach children to national culture, but also form mathematical qualities: kindness, honesty, care about another person, entertain and amuse, cause a desire to speak out, talk about the heroes of the fairy tale.

Support this aspiration, let your child tell a familiar fairy tale sister, grandmother, with his beloved toy. These are the first steps in mastering monologic speech.

Much attention is paid to memorizing and reading poems, I will teach the poems expressive, loudly, clearly pronouncing all the words, leisurely.

The development of the speech of children occurs in the garden not only in the study on the development of speech and reading fiction, but also throughout the day.

What we do in speech development activities:

We deal with, develop your speech through conversations, speech, viewing of pictures, descriptions of images, descriptions of toys, descriptions of clothing and shoes, memorizing poems, mysteries, retractable fairy tales, observations of the life of birds animals on the street in the garden, read fairy tales and poems, sound games and exercises.

Speech by Logopeda Bolonina V.V.

"Methods and techniques for the development of articulation motility and speech breathing of preschool children"

Characteristics of the speech of children of the fifth year of life

The main direction in the development of the speech of children in the fifth year of life is the development of a connected monologue speech. At this time, noticeable changes occur in the formation of the grammatical system of speech, in the development of methods of word formation, there is an explosion of verbal creativity.

Children at this age are mastering different types SETTINGS - description and narration. Children are becoming more connected and consistent;

The following violations are found in the speech of children of the 5th year of life:

Not all children correctly utter hissing and sonar sounds;

Some are not well developed intonation expressiveness; (Volume, speed, timbre).

There are deficiencies in the development grammatical rules Speech (coordination of nouns and adjectives in kind and number, the use of words in the parental case of a plural).

Speech children middle group It is distinguished by mobility and instability. Children can focus on the semantic side of the word, but the explanation of the meaning of the word for many causes difficulty. Most children do not have a sufficient ability to build a description and narration. They disrupt the structure and sequence of presentation, cannot communicate with each other proposals and parts of the statement.

By the end of the year, the children of the middle group can:

Significantly increase its dictionary, in particular, by words denoting objects andphenomena that did not have places in their own child's experience.

Actively use words denoting emotional condition (angry, sad), ethical qualities (cunning, kind), aesthetic characteristics, a variety of properties and quality of items. Understand and use antonym words; form new wordsby analogy with familiar words (Sugaritsa - Sukhanitsa).

In constructive work on your own pronunciation, allocate the first sound in the word.

Comprehend causal relationships; consume complex and complexnaked suggestions.

In detail, with detail and repetitions to talk about the content of the storyline,with an adult, repeat samples of a toy description, dramatize (stage)excerpts from familiar works.

Narrate incredible storiesWhat is a consequence of the rapid development of fantasy.

.Actively accompany the speech of its activities (game, household and other actions).

Speech by the teacher Zhigigareva E.I.

Master class "Methods and techniques for the development of articulation motility and speech breathing of preschoolers"

"Unconventional drawing" Klyaxography "as a means of developing an air jet."

Non-traditional drawing equipment "Cleaxography" (blowing tube) is another magic of drawing lessons.

At first glance, it is incomprehensible and seem to do not want to take it, but it is only worth it to create, as this first feeling disappears, as if smoke. The drawing is like born himself!

Such an occupation for children is not only interesting, fascinating, but also very useful. So, blowing through the straw strengthens health: the power of the lungs and the respiratory system of the child as a whole.

To work in this technique, we will need: paper, mascara or liquid divorced in a bowl (or in small bottles) gouache or watercolor paints, plastic spoon or pipette, a coating tube, colored pencils, brush, paint for drawing an image.

Technology image.

1. To burn with a plastic spoon (pipette) paint, pour (drop) it on a sheet of paper, making a small stain (droplet).

2. We blow the cumulative tube to the bottom up in different directions so that it would be the end, it does not touch the spots or paper.

3. When the blots are divided into several shoots (twigs) - we blow them separately in the right direction.

4. To get smaller twigs, every big branch blows up fast movies to the right-left, up-down

5. If necessary, the procedure is repeated (i.e. it is to drop a drop of paint to the right place and blown).

6. The missing details are described by pencils or paints.

In such a technique, you can draw a conceived plot, or see what happens along the drawing.

I suggest, you yourself, try something to draw and see what it will work.

Parents work.

purpose : To attract parents to the question and the problem of the speech development of children in modern conditions.

Tasks : acquaintance of parents with the content of work on the development of the speech of children of senior preschool age; Attracting parents to the exchange of experience of speech development of children in the family, facilitating the cohesion of the parent team, the involvement of parents in the vital activity of the group and DOU, the development of uniform requirements for the development of speech in the family and in DOU.


Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to see all of you today at our parent meeting. It is devoted to the topic "Development of the Speech of Our Children"

Why did we decide to draw your attention and attract you to the problem of the development of the child's speech? A little time left to school. All you know, entering grade 1, the child passes the interview, testing with a school psychologist, teachers. What is primarily paying attention to this: to a child's speech, as arguing, explains, proves how the proposals builds, coordinates the words in a sentence, how rich, the child's speech is diverse.

A figurative, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions of speech in children - the phenomenon is very rare. Children assimilate their native language, imitating speech surrounding. Unfortunately, many parents in our time often forget about it and allow the process of developing speech on Samotek.

1 part : "Very bit of science"

Speech is a form of communication. The main tasks of River development of children:

Mastering the norms and rules of the native language defined for each age;

-development In children of communicative abilities (ability to communicate).

Okay developedthe speech of the child promotes successful learning at school.

Violations speech They affect the formation of a childhood, since not fixed in time the speech defect makes a child insecure in itself, closed, irritable.

For preschool agethere is a formation:

  • - Formation sound culture speech.
  • Enriccy of the vocabulary stock.

- formation of grammatical system speech.

- learning to tell svyaznoy Speech.

-Development of expressiveness of speech.

Work by development of the child's speech in deTK Garden is carried out in different types activities; in special occupations development of Speech, as well as in other classes; outside of classes - in gaming and artistic activities; in everyday life. BUT connected Speech is an indicator of speech development of a child. After all, 5-6 summer baby It is able to independently give descriptions of various items, make a story on the picture, on a series of pictures, independently placing the paintings in a logical sequence. But do not forget that to build connected story, meaningful question children require new speech tools and forms, and they can only assimilate them from speech surrounding.

And now I suggest you to plunge into childhood and turn into children for a moment.

2 part : Game - travel through the islands « Speech Development»

Great value for development of the speech of the preschooler It has enrichment of a dictionary based on knowledge and ideas about the surrounding life and in the process of observing nature. Nature has unique opportunities for development of children's speech. (Teacher suggests parents answer questions, choose epithets to words)

1 island. "Pick up the epithets to the words"

Snow (white, fluffy, bulk, cold, wet, creaky, etc.)

Human (polite, wonderful, open, heartfelt, etc.)

Wind (strong, cold, gentle, penetrating, etc.)

Rain (Cold, summer, drizzling, strong, etc.)

Moon (bright, growing, etc.)

2 island. "Name the subject"

Digging the ball different waysThe teacher sets the question for which an adult who caught the ball should answer and return the ball to the tutor. Teacher, in turn, throw the ball to the following parent, waiting for a response from him.

  1. 1. What happens round? (ball, ball, cheese)
  2. What is long? (scarf, coat, lace)
  3. What happens smooth? (Glass, mirror), etc. 4. What is square?
  4. "What happens oval?"

3 island. "Art Word"

IN preschoolaged children actively master the world, as a result of which perception is formed, speech culture develops. Okay developed speech helpspreschool children It is better to transmit your thoughts, emotions, experiences, explain your own position. Speech development is not a separate process, on the contrary, development of fantasy, imagination, formation of arbitrary memory, the ability to carefully listen to the works of fiction, concentrate and answer questions about the text - all this contributes to the formation and development of Speech.

Artistic texts are a good helper parents teachers in the development of the child's speech. Tell, read the children fairy tales, poems, stories.

"Riddles about fairy tales "(parents Share for two teams, alternately make riddles).

1) I decided to travel through the light and did not know that the journey could turn into trouble. I thought everything was the same kind as Baba and grandfather. But it turned out that in the world they still live and evil, cruel, cunning. And everyone wants to eat me (Kolobok)

2) I was afraid of cats all my life. And this came and purr, scraper tsy: Like, help me! What am I, Little, Serious, can I help a cat? Just feeling - she does not deceive me. Ran into the garden, I see - and the truth is needed! (repka)

3) I knew that the trouble would end. Hurt the dilapidation and old. How many years in the field standing! I dreamed, I, of course, that someone settled in me yes, lived. But there are also many people! They climbed, climbed, climbed inside. I could not stand and collapsed! (Teremok)

4) Well, the tail has this mouse! Neither with a palm of women, nor with a fist of grandfathers not compare! And it was necessary to run this mouse at the most inopportune moment! I waved the tail, and the egg broke! (Roast chicken)

5) In childhood, all over him laughed, push it tried: After all, no one knew that he was born white swan. (ugly duck)

6) Flipping Kalachi, drove a guy on the furnace. Raced around the village and married the princess. (at a pickest courage)

7) The spout is round, Pyatadk, it is convenient to rummage in the ground, the tail is a small crochet, instead of the tufelk - hoofs. Three them - and how many friendly brothers are similar. Guess without tips, who is the heroes of this fairy tale? (three pigs)

8) Mosts would approach the evening, and the hour long-awaited came to me in a gilded carriage to go to the fairy ball! No one in the palace knows where I, as I call, but only at midnight will come, I will return to my attitude. (Cinderella)

9) I went to visit my grandmother, she suffered pies. Grey Wolf She watched her, deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)

10) Krasno Girl is sad: She does not like Spring, she is hard in the sun! Tears pour a poor thing! (Snow Maiden)

4 Island. "Our hands and language do not know boredom"

The famous Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov said: "Hands teach your head, then the wise head teaches hands, and skillful hands promote again brain Development».

Motor centers speechin the cerebral cortex, a person is near the motor centers of fingers, so developing We are talking and stimulating the motility of your fingers, we transfer pulses to speech centers, the number that activates speech. (Teacher suggests parents make a massage of fingers » )

Stage 1. - Massage . Arraying fingers to activate the work of the internal organs.

Big - responsible for his head;

Index - stomach;

Medium - liver;

Unnamed kidney;

Myysinetty - heart.

1) rub the pillow with a finger, then slowly go to the wrist.

2) Lost palms, pat.

Stage 2. "Cheerful tongue" (presentation)

From how the device itself works depends on the quality of speech. It should be noted that by 5 years the child should correctly pronounce all the sounds, because Worslukovoy and speech analyzers are more clearly and differentiated. At this time, attention should be paid to the movements of the language. Thanks to more accurate movements of this body, many sounds are available to children. If it is not, then do not lose time, please contact the speech therapist.

5 island. Games for the formation of sound sensing.

The greatest concern of U. parentscauses sound testing of children, as this is the most noticeable defect. Others may not notice the limit of the dictionary or the features of the grammatical system speech, but not the right pronunciation - as on palm. The game will come to the rescue.

Speech game: "Cleaners"

  • UE, UE, UP - Mom cooks soup (ZV. P.)
  • Would, if - go smoke from the pipe (star b)
  • Bagel, Barank, Baton and Buanka

- Zhazhsya -ja, there are needles at hedgehog

- Zhu-zhu-zhu milk we give a hedgehog

The verbal game "Toward"

Determine which words consist the words: dump truck, vacuum cleaner, aircraft, meat grinder, wax-glass, sandals, juicer, leaf fall, snowfall, motocross.

Game "Where do products live?"

(Each product has its own house guess the name of the house)

Sugar- (Nitsa), bread- (Nitsa), Oil- (Nitsa), Sol- (Onc) Tea - (Nick), Coffee (Yinik), Salad- (Nick), Candy- (Nitsa).

6 Island "Recommendations for you"

What are we interesting to do in kindergarten to develop our children in normal?

First of all, much attention is paid to telling:

  • Composing creative stories
  • Compiling stories in the picture, on a series of pictures
  • Retasazam

And help us in this such schemes of telling (shows)

  1. It is very important to learn poems with children - it contributes to the development of expressiveness, the memory trains. Speaking in front of each other ("Tittsov Competition")children at school will no longer comprehensive in the lessons. (Demonstrate mnemoshem to memorize verse)
  2. What contributes to the improvement of sound-proof - these are patters, cleanrs.
  3. Many loves to guess and make riddles This occupation teaches children to draw conclusions, analyze, develops thinking. Be sure to ask the child "How guessed?", "Why?"
  4. And scientists have also been proven that through the game the child absorbs knowledge faster.

"What should be done at home to enrich the child's speech" ( memo)

  1. First of all, talking to a child constantly pay attention to your own speech: it must be a clear and intelligible. Talk always a calm tone. Do not forget that the child first goes to talk to you, so watch your speech, for its correctness
  2. Secondly, as often as possible, communicate with the child. And if you notice that the child has problems with a speech Do not be afraid to contact the specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist)
  3. And I am very pleased to treat it calmly, do not be afraid if the child will guide the psychiatrist. This is a good doctor and it will help.
  4. Read more child. Reading for the night plays an important role in the development of the child's speech, he assumes new words, turnover, develops hearing. And remember that your pronunciation should be clear and clear, expressive and necessarily discussed the read.
  5. Think about how often you say to the child these phrases:
    • You're the most loved one!
    • You can a lot!
    • What would we do without you?!
    • Come to me!
    • I will help you.
    • I am happy with your successes
    • Tell me what's wrong with you
  1. The duration of classes is from 20 to 30 minutes a day.
  2. Not tryaccelerate the progress of natural child Development. In communicating with the child, watch your speech. Speak with him without hurry, do not forget about expressiveness. Explain the child incomprehensible wordswhich are found in the text. 8. Encourage the baby, praise more often, rejoice to his successes, encourage it if something does not work. 9.Cretten attention and eliminate flaws speech baby. If the child is in a hurry to express his thoughts or says quietly, remind him: it is necessary to speak clearly, clearly and slowly. 10. Never leave an unanswered child's questions.

And finally, we want to tell you: Love your children, help them. This is the most expensive that you have!

Literature: Herbova V. V. Development of speech in kindergarten: Senior group (5-6 years).

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