World Trade Center. How the World Trade Center Office Works World Trade Center 7


  • 1 History and construction
    • 1.1 Fire 13 February 1975
    • 1.2 Terrorist attack on February 26, 1993
  • 2 September 11, 2001 destruction
    • 2.1 Consequences
  • 3 Buildings of the new complex
  • Notes (edit)


Coordinates: 40 ° 42′42 ″ s. NS. 74 ° 00'49 ″ W etc. /  40.711667 ° N NS. 74.013611 ° W etc.(G) (O)40.711667 , -74.013611

World trade center(eng. World Trade Center), abbr. WTC, more correct translation - World Trade Center- this was the name of a complex of seven buildings designed by Minoru Yamasaki, an American architect of Japanese origin, and officially opened on April 4, 1973 in New York (USA). The architectural dominant of the complex was two towers (in fact, they do not correspond to the traditional definition of a tower), each with 110 floors - North (417 m high, and taking into account the antenna installed on the roof - 526.3 m) and South (415 m high). On September 11, 2001, the WTC complex was destroyed in a terrorist attack. For some time after the completion of construction, the towers were the tallest skyscrapers in the world (before that the tallest building was the Empire State Building, which, after the destruction of the WTC, again became the tallest building in New York). Sometimes these towers are called "the symbol of US world domination."

1. History and construction

In the 1960s, the prestige of American democracy was shaken. To awaken in the minds of the people pride in their country and return the people of the United States to optimism and faith in the future, an All-American project was needed - something grandiose that would have a stunning effect on the minds and feelings of millions of people.

Many projects have been put forward to capture the imagination of the American people. One of the architects actively involved in the project was the Japanese-born American architect Minoru Yamasaki (1912-1986), already well known for his works, including the airport building in St. Louis, the complex of the Institute of Arts and Crafts in Detroit, the American Institute of Concrete.

Minoru Yamasaki conceived the project of the World Trade Center in 1962, in January 1964 the architect, commissioned by the Port Authority, created the blueprints for the buildings, a little later in the same year he presented a 1: 130 life-size model for discussion, and two years later (5 August 1966) powerful excavators began to dig the foundation pit.

Construction of the WTC in 1971.

Before the twins, skyscrapers in New York were built on natural stone foundations. Manhattan is really stone, it has stone, granite under the layer of the earth, you can see it when you watch the construction of new houses: the pits are not dug out here, but are cut down, gnawed out by the steel teeth of the cutter hammers.

The first problem the engineers faced was that there was no grazing stone in the place where the twins were supposed to stand. Instead, they found artificial, alluvial soil that used to "belong" to the Hudson River. This soil was a large number of artificial land, mixed with layers of cobblestone, sand, gravel, pebbles, even old ships came across in artificial soil. The builders were in despair: additional difficulties, additional costs, additional concrete.

This was not the only problem that lay in wait for the architect and engineers. The next problem that befell them was 164 large and small, narrow and wide buildings, most often stone, which stood on the site of the future World Trade Center and had to be demolished. It was not difficult to take them down, but the problem still remained after that. At the same time, it was much more difficult to leave intact, and then move the saturated and complex system of underground communications, a fire alarm system, multi-core telephone and electric cables, gas, heat, pneumatic and water pipes, not to touch the highway passing nearby and to save numerous pedestrian roads and transitions.

Another problem was the underground station railroad, from here starting an underwater journey in New Jersey, which carries hundreds of thousands of people to and from work. If the road was closed, New York and the entire United States would face imminent economic problems. The subway carried people until a new underground station was built in the lower tier of the complex.

This is not to say that the work of the builders was easy. That only cost 1.2 million cubic meters. yards of earth that had to be dug up and taken out. Instead, under the twins, the so-called Plaza was created - an underground space where numerous restaurants and banks, tourist bureaus, airline ticket offices, shops, a new station on New Jersey Road, much better than the old one, storage facilities, technical workshops for servicing the twins and an underground garage were located. for two thousand cars.

Faced with the difficulty of constructing a building of unprecedented height, the engineers applied a progressive structural model: a rigid “hollow tube” of closely spaced steel columns, with floor trusses extending towards the center. Along the outer surface of each of the four sides of the building, 61 steel beams were running along the entire height, between which, also along the entire height, cables were stretched. The columns, finished in silver aluminum alloy, were 476.25 mm wide and installed only 558.8 mm apart, which made the towers appear to have no windows at all from a distance. The load-bearing walls were assembled from pre-fabricated steel blocks, each weighing 22 tons, 36 feet high (4 stories high), 10 feet wide. The steel laid in Gemini weighed two hundred thousand tons in total.

As the twins grew, the installers laid floor slabs of special, prefabricated corrugated steel and durable concrete slabs. The ceilings were attached to the external load-bearing walls from the outside and to the internal, the only steel columns in the twins with a purely useful function - they were erected to fasten the internal elevators.

The elevator system used in the buildings was also unique. The Twin Towers were the first ultra-tall buildings designed without masonry. Worried that the intense air pressure generated by the high-speed elevators might bend standard shafts, the engineers devised a solution using a “drywall” system anchored in a reinforced steel base. Elevators with a standard configuration for serving 110 floors may have needed half of the floor space for the shafts. Otis Elevators developed a fast and compact system in which passengers had to take turns in “heavenly lobbies” on the 44th and 78th floors, which halved the number of mines. In total, the World Trade Center complex had 239 elevators and 71 escalators, which were operated by a computer center from the Port Authority. Each elevator with a lifting capacity of 4536 kilograms could lift 55 people at a lifting speed of about 8.5 meters per second.

Construction proceeded quickly, despite recurring funding difficulties. New York City Budget 1965-1970 was $ 6 billion. In order to raise money for investment in the construction of the Shopping Center, the city issued bonds with a guarantee of their redemption. But in 1970 New York suffered a financial crisis. The maturity date for the bonds also approached. The construction site was almost frozen. To save the situation, it was necessary to introduce new, increased taxes in the field of entrepreneurship. Another source of money was found: they began to lease the future premises of Gemini for offices. And they were expected to be huge - 100 thousand square meters. m. Of all the difficulties it was finally possible to "get out". The construction of the north tower was completed in 1971, the south tower in 1973. The inauguration of the World Trade Center took place on April 4, 1973.

The twins soared to a record height of 450 m. In cross-section, the towers were square, with a side of 65 m. Each tower was 110 stories high. The foundations of the structures went 23 meters underground. 200 thousand tons of rolled steel were spent on the frames of the buildings, and the cables of electrical networks, with a total capacity of 80,000 kilowatts, stretched for 3 thousand miles - half the distance from New York to London, across the Atlantic. Listing quantitative data can hardly get boring, because each new figure or number speaks of the unprecedented scope of the creation. The structure of the buildings was simple and sensible. The facades are made in the form of steel frames and modular aluminum sections with dimensions of 3.5x10 m mounted on them, manufactured by stamping at the factory. This design is earthquake resistant and able to withstand wind pressure, very strong on high altitude... According to the architects, each tower of the World Trade Center could withstand collisions with several planes, but on September 11, 2001, both towers of the World Trade Center collapsed to the ground.

1.1. Fire 13 February 1975

On February 13, 1975, three fire alarms sounded on the 11th floor of the North Tower. The fire spread through the central empty pipes up to the 9th and 14th floors due to the ignition of telephone wires in a shaft located vertically between floors. Those areas where the fire penetrated through the wires was extinguished almost immediately, the fire was dealt with after a few hours. Most of the damage caused occurred on the 11th floor, where a fire started in an office filled with paper, printing fluid and other office equipment. The fire treatment of the steel against melting saved the skeleton itself and no structural damage was caused to the tower. In second place in terms of damage was the lower floors, which suffered not so much from fire as from fire foam. At that time, the World Trade Center did not have a fire extinguishing system.

1.2. Terrorist attack on February 26, 1993

Destruction in the basement

On February 26, 1993 at 12:17 pm, a truck with 680 kg of explosives driven by Ramzi Jozef drove into the territory of the World Trade Center. It exploded in the North Tower underground garage. As a result, a blast wave made a hole with a diameter of 30 m through 5 underground floors, causing the maximum damage to the B1 and B2 levels in their entire history and significant damage to the B3 level. Six people were killed (when people ran out, they were simply "trampled") and another 50,000 workers and visitors could not breathe due to lack of oxygen on the 110 floors of the towers. Many people inside the North Tower had to climb down dark staircases, some taking more than two hours.

Yusef fled to Pakistan shortly after the bombing, but was arrested in Islamabad in February 1995 and extradited to the United States for trial. Sheikh Omar Abdel Raman was charged in 1996 with involvement in the bombing and other conspiracies. Yousef and Ayd Ismoil were sentenced to life in prison in 1997 for involvement in the bombing. Four more were also sentenced for participation in the explosion in May 1994. According to the court, the purpose of the conspirators was to completely destabilize the North Tower, followed by the South Tower - that is, the complete destruction of both towers.

After the explosion, restoration of the damaged floors was required, especially because they carried the structural load and were pivotal. The wall of liquid cement after the explosion was in danger, and metal plates were also lost, preventing the pressure of the Hudson water from the other side. The cooling unit on the B5 sub-level, which supplied air to the entire World Trade Center complex, was disabled.

After the attack, the port authorities installed photoluminescent markers on the walls. The fire detection system had to be completely replaced due to the original system's wiring and alarm system failing. In memory of the victims, a reflective reservoir was created with the names of those killed in the explosion. Unfortunately, the memorial was also destroyed in the September 11 terrorist attack. A new memorial common to the victims of the explosion and terrorist attack will appear in a new complex being built on the site of the former World Trade Center.

2. Destruction on September 11, 2001

View of the World Trade Center on fire

On September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 and deliberately collided it with the North Tower at 08:46 (from the north facade, between floors 93 and 99). Seventeen minutes later, a second group of terrorists crashed a similar hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 into the South Tower (floors 77-85). Due to the destruction caused by the aircraft body to the North Tower, all exits from the building above the collision site were completely blocked, as a result of which 1,344 people were trapped. The impact of the second plane, unlike the first, came closer to the corner of the skyscraper, and one stairwell remained intact. However, few people managed to descend without hindrance until the moment the structure collapsed. But still, despite the fact that the plane's impact on the South Tower fell below, here they were blocked between floors or less than 700 people died at once - much less than in the North. At 9:59 am, the South Tower collapsed due to a fire that damaged steel structural elements already weakened by a collision with an aircraft. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 am after a fire that lasted 102 minutes.

At 17:20 on September 11, 2001, the eastern penthouse of the seventh building of the World Trade Center (WTC-7) collapsed, and at 17:21 the entire building collapsed due to the fact that spontaneous fires irreversibly destroyed its structure. The third building of the World Trade Center, the Marriott Hotel (WTC-3), was hit by the falling Twin Towers. The three remaining buildings of the complex were severely damaged by falling debris and were eventually demolished as they were beyond repair.
The Deutsche Bank building on the other side of Liberty Street, opposite the World Trade Center complex, was later declared unsuitable for people to be in it due to the high content of toxic compounds in the premises; now this structure is being dismantled. The Feiterman Hall of Manhattan Community College at 30 West Broadway is also slated for demolition due to extensive damage sustained in the attack.

After the terrorist attack, the media reported that tens of thousands of people could be injured, since over 50,000 people could be in the complex during normal working hours. As a result of the 9/11 attack, 2,752 death certificates were issued, including in the name of Felicia Dunn-Jones, whose death was recorded only in May 2007; Dunn-Jones died five months after the attack due to a terrible lung condition caused by clouds of flying dust during the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings. Two more victims were later added to the official death toll: physician Sneha Anne Philip, who was last seen the day before the attack, and Leon Hayward, who died in 2008 from lymphoma caused by inhaling dust-laden air. that rose from the collapse of the Twin Towers. Investment bank Cantor Fitzgerald L.P., located on floors 101-105 of the World Trade Center, lost 658 employees - more than any other institution, even the Marsh and McLennan Companies located directly below the bank premises on floors 93-101 (where the plane crashed terrorists) and lost 295 people. In third place in terms of human losses (175 people) - Aon Corporation (Aon Corporation). Another 343 New York City firefighters, 84 Port Authority of New York and New Jersey officers, including 37 Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) officers and 23 New York City Police Department officers, were killed. Of all those people who were in the towers at the time of their collapse, only 20 people were retrieved alive, including the PAPD police - Will Gimeno and John McLaughlin (eighteenth and nineteenth survivors).

2.1. Effects

As a result, all seven buildings of the complex were destroyed: the three most tall buildings(North Tower, South Tower and WTC-7) collapsed (the WTC-7 building was not attacked, and according to the official version, the reason for its destruction was internal fires due to debris hitting it during the attacks on the Twin Towers), the Marriott Hotel was almost completely destroyed by the wreckage of WTC-1 and WTC-2, the remaining three buildings suffered such damage that they were deemed unsuitable for restoration and were later demolished. Also, as a result of the collapse of WTC-2, irreparable damage was caused to the 40-storey building of Deutsche Bank, which is currently being dismantled.

A memorial complex was erected on the site of the collapsed twin towers. The complex is currently undergoing reconstruction, which is planned to be completed by 2012.

3. Buildings of the new complex

  • Freedom Tower 1 )
  • 200 Greenwich Street (Tower 2 )
  • 175 Greenwich Street (Tower 3 )
  • 150 Greenwich Street (Tower 4 )
  • 130 Liberty Street (Tower 5 )
  • 7 World Trade Center
  • World Trade Center Memorial
  • World Trade Center Transport Hub

It is also planned to build a mosque and an Islamic center at the site of the collapse of the WTC buildings.

Notes (edit)

  1. The World Trade Center is now in Moscow ... -
  2. 9/11 Commission Report - The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.
  3. Dwyer, Jim, Lipton, Eric et al .. 102 Minutes: Last Words at the Trade Center; Fighting to Live as the Towers Die -, The New York Times(May 26, 2002).
  4. NIST NCSTAR 1-1 (2005), p. 34; pp. 45–46
  5. FEMA 403 -World Trade Center Building Performance Study, Chapter. 5, section 5.5.4 - (PDF).
  6. Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 - Draft for Public Comment - xxxii. NIST (August 2008).
  7. World Trade Center Building Performance Study - FEMA (May 2002).
  8. World Trade Center Building Performance Study - Bankers Trust Building - FEMA (May 2002).
  9. The Deutsche Bank Building at 130 Liberty Street - Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center.
  10. Fiterman Hall - Project Updates - Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center.
  11. DePalma, Anthony. For the First Time, New York Links a Death to 9/11 Dust -, The New York Times(May 24, 2007).
  12. Official 9/11 Death Toll Climbs By One -, CBS News(July 10, 2008).
  13. Foderaro, Lisa W .. 9/11 "s Litany of Loss, Joined by Another Name - (September 11, 2009).
  14. Siegel, Aaron. Industry honors fallen on 9/11 anniversary -, InvestmentNews(September 11, 2007).
  15. Lung Ailments May Force 500 Firefighters Off Job -, The New York Times(September 10, 2002).
  16. Post-9/11 report recommends police, fire response changes - (August 19, 2002).
  17. Police back on day-to-day beat after 9/11 nightmare -, CNN(July 21, 2002).
  18. The premiere of Oliver Stone's film took place in New York -, Radio Liberty(August 07, 2006).
  19. A mosque will be built on the site of the twin towers in New York -
  20. A mosque will be built on the site of the twin towers -
  21. A mosque about which one cannot remain silent -, Radio Liberty(August 18, 2010).

As a result, almost 3,000 people died from 92 countries. On the site of the collapsed World Trade Center, new skyscrapers, a museum and a memorial are being erected in memory of the terrorist attack.

We will tell you about what the new World Trade Center in New York will look like in today's report.

Shortly before the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, the United States announced that there was a threat to the security of American citizens in New York and Washington. Security measures have been strengthened. This photograph was taken on August 24, 2011 at Pennsylvania Railroad Station in New York. (Lucas Jackson | Reuters):

New York, June 16, 2011. A fire engine that was involved in fighting fires at the crash site of the World Trade Center Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Such exhibits will be sold to fire departments, cities and museums around the world to create memorials to the terrorist attacks 10 years ago. (Photo by Mike Segar | Reuters):

A bit of history. The World Trade Center (WTC) in New York is a complex of 7 buildings designed by Japanese-American architect Minoru Yamasaki and officially opened on April 4, 1973. The architectural dominant feature of the complex was two 110-storey twin towers - North (417 meters high, and taking into account the antenna installed on the roof - 526 meters) and South (415 meters high). For some time after the completion of construction, the towers were the tallest skyscrapers in the world. The WTC complex was destroyed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. After the collapse of the World Trade Center, the tallest building in New York was the Empire State Building.

New World Trade Center construction site in New York, August 31, 2011. (Photo by Mark Lennihan | AP):

As a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 all 7 buildings of the complex were destroyed: The three tallest buildings collapsed WTC-1 (North Tower, 110 floors), WTC-2 (South Tower, 110 floors) and WTC-7 (47 floors), which was not attacked, it was demolished industrially. WTC-3 (Marriott Hotel, 22 floors) was almost completely destroyed by the wreckage of WTC-1 and WTC-2. The remaining three buildings of the complex suffered such damage that they were deemed unsuitable for restoration and were later demolished. A memorial complex was erected on the site of the collapsed twin towers.

Aerial view of the construction site of the new WTC, New York on August 24, 2011. (Photo by Lucas Jackson | Reuters):

Freedom Tower or World Trade Center Tower 1 (WTC-1) is the central building in the new World Trade Center complex under construction in lower Manhattan, New York. The completion of the construction of the Freedom Tower is scheduled for 2013. A man is trying to photograph him on his phone, July 20, 2011. (Photo by Mike Segar | Reuters):

Here it is, the Freedom Tower of the new World Trade Center under construction, August 28, 2011. In 2007, the cost of its construction was estimated at $ 3 billion. The skyscraper will have 108 floors and its height is 417 meters (roof). (Photo by Chip Somodevilla | Getty Images):

Cemetery in Vilnius, Lithuania. This man lost his daughter Lena on September 11, 2001, who worked in the World Trade Center building. (Photo by Mindaugas Kulbis | AP):

August 21, 2011. Memorial outside the Pentagon, which crashed the 3rd plane, Flight 77 American Airlines. (Photo by Paul J. Richards | AFP | Getty Images):

Memorial 9/11 outside the Pentagon, September 3, 2011. (Photo by Jim Watson | AFP | Getty Images):

The National 9/11 Memorial at the crash site of the World Trade Center in New York will be unveiled on September 11, 2011, 10 years after the attack. It consists of 2 square pools, located exactly on the site of the former "twin towers". The museum will be located under the memorial at a depth of about 21 meters underground, but it will not open until 2012. One of the walls of the underground museum will be unusual: in its place will be installed a fragment of the wall that was preserved during the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. An estimated 5 million people will visit the monument annually, a record for any historic site in the United States.

Some exhibits of the future museum on the site of the collapsed twin towers. This is the helmet of a dead firefighter. (Photo by Lucas Jackson | Reuters):

Another exhibit is blood-stained shoes. This woman was working on the 97th floor of the South Tower when the 1st plane crashed into the North Tower. The warning systems said to stay put but she decided to run out of the building down the stairs. And that was the most correct solution in her life. The moment it reached the 61st floor, a second plane crashed into the South Tower just a few floors above. The woman managed to run out of the skyscraper before it collapsed. (Photo by Lucas Jackson | Reuters):

Cell phones and pagers of the victims. For 10 years they were called by relatives and friends, but their owners did not answer ... (Photo by Saul Loeb | AFP | Getty Images):

Looking for the best shot, September 7, 2011. Light memorial "Tribute in light", temporarily installed on the site of the former World Trade Center.Two pillars of light, one and a half kilometers high, striking the sky from where the WTC Twin Towers stood, can be seen at nightfall in New York from March 11 to April 11, 2012. They turn on with the onset of dusk, and turn off at 23 o'clock. Each of these 7000-watt beams is generated by 44 floodlights located at 15 x 15 meters, roughly a quarter of the area occupied by one tower. NS then the tribute to the lost, expressed in light.(Photo by Andreas Gebhard | Getty Images):

Empire State Building (center) and Freedom Tower under construction (WTC-1), August 30, 2011. (Photo by Mark Lennihan | AP):

At the construction site of the new World Trade Center. Welder. New York, July 28, 2011. (Photo by Mike Segar | Reuters):

Construction of the Freedom Tower (WTC-1). Already built 80 of 108 floors, August 30, 2011. Completion of construction is scheduled for 2013. (Photo by Mark Lennihan | AP):

Memorial at the crash site of the World Trade Center in New York. As we said, these are 2 square pools located on the site of collapsed skyscrapers, September 6, 2011. (Photo by Susan Walsh | AP):

Two pools with the largest human-made waterfalls in the United States. US President Barack Obama himself will help us to feel the size of the pools and the height of the waterfalls:

The pools descend down to the foot of the former Twin Towers. They symbolize the loss of life and the physical emptiness caused by terrorist attacks. The sound of falling water will have to mimic the sounds of a city. About 400 white oak trees will fill the remaining 2.4 square meters of Memorial Square. km.

The names of those killed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack are written on the bronze sides of the Memorial Pools.

“I was very interested to know how the New York office buildings looked from the inside. What are the interiors and what are the views from the windows. But getting inside is not so easy. You can only go through the invitation of someone who works there. Recently, thanks to Dmitry aka newyorkrealty (LJ works wonders!), I was able to visit the first building of the new World Trade Center. It will be about a building called "World Trade Center 7". It was built in 2006 and has long been fully leased. There are offices of different companies, and one of the floors is given over to startups. We will go there.

The developer and owner is Silverstein Properties, the same company that builds the other World Trade Center buildings. It is owned by billionaire Larry Silverstein. The building was built on the site of the previous WTC7, about the collapse of which on September 11, 2001, there are many different opinions and questions. I don't want to touch on this topic now, because the post is about something else, ”says blogger samsebeskazal

(57 photos total)

1. This is how financial tycoons should sit in my mind 🙂

2. View from the ground. Buildings 1 World Trade Center (left) and 7 World Trade Center (right).

4. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the PATH station entrance, so there is always a lot of people and a lot of policemen.

5. Lobby. Entrance through the turnstiles. If you are met, you do not need to show any documents.

7. This office differs from the others in that it is not leased to one company, but to many. You rent one, two or three rooms, but enjoy the benefits of a full-fledged office.

8. If you do not know this, then you will not say so. There are no signs, and the rooms differ little from each other.

9. In addition to the offices, there is a reception with a secretary (he was in photo 6), several conference rooms, a skype room (I will show below), two meeting rooms, a cafeteria and copy rooms with shared printers and copiers. If you don't have your own, then you can use them.

10. Rooms are mostly small. This one is for two people. But what kinds!

11. There are offices for one person, for two, four, five (he is in the photo). There are also corner rooms with two rooms and large three-room ones. In the photo, someone is sleeping very beautifully 🙂 I was shooting through a glass wall.

12. I was especially interested in the price. How much does it cost to sit in a room with these views? I am reporting. Prices start at $ 1900 per month (this is for a small room without windows) and go up to 20,000 (this is for a large office of three rooms). In total, there are 60 office premises on the startup floor.

13. A double room with a view costs $ 4,500 a month (plus additional charges such as telephony, internet and electricity). They are taken not so much because of the species (they become boring rather quickly), but because of the prestige of the address.

14. Cafeteria. There are refrigerators with drinks, coffee machines, etc. Everything is free. There are tables and chairs (they are behind me).

15. If you need a meeting room for a business meeting, then it must be rented for a fee. The one in the first photo is the most expensive and costs $ 200 an hour. There are smaller ones - for 100 and for 50. In the photo below, the skype room. The size of the premises does not allow for privacy for an important call, and this room comes to the rescue here. There are two such rooms. There is a tablet and a phone. You don't have to pay anything for using the room and equipment.

16. Inner corridor, where photos from the object are hanging. There is a classic drinking water fountain and bathrooms. In order to get to the toilet, you need to know the code.

18. The idea of ​​a shared office (one of the ideas) is that the owners of the building are raising serious future tenants for themselves. Startups can become large companies who need a good office and already know where to go. I am sure that this also brings profit in economic terms. It is also the only opportunity for a start-up company to rent an office in a prestigious location. Large premises (as in the photo) are leased under contracts for up to 10 years, and they won't even talk to newcomers there. As with everything else related to expensive real estate in New York, just having money does not solve anything. There must also be an appropriate reputation, financial history, etc. It is interesting that renting an office in the photo clearly costs a lot of money, but at the same time it is not finished in any way. One large space with concrete floors, lined with office furniture.

19. Now to the views. They are mesmerizing here and inaccessible to most New Yorkers (let alone tourists). Only when the construction of the 1WTC tower is completed and the observation deck opens up there, will people finally have the opportunity to look at New York from this angle. In the meantime, nothing, unless there are friends / acquaintances working in such offices.

20. The windowless building in the center is the AT&T Long Lines Building, a 29-story telecommunications center built in 1974.

21. The building under construction is a very interesting project of a 60-storey residential building called 56 Leonard Street. It is enough to look at the render of the future house to understand how unusual the project is. The authors are the Swiss architectural firm Herzog & de Meuron.

22. The brown building in the center is the 24-story 60 Hudson Street, formerly Western Union Building, built in 1930. It was the headquarters of the company until 1973. Today it is a huge telecommunications center and, as they say, "one of the most important Internet nodes in the world." To the right of it (and slightly darker) is the 27-storey building 32 Avenue of the Americas, the former AT&T Long Distance Building, built in 1932. Previously, there was a communications center responsible for servicing international calls. It now houses the offices and work premises of numerous telecommunications companies.

23. Skyline of Mindtown Manhattan. In the center is the 103-storey Empire State Building built in 1931.

24. On the left, an 89-storey residential skyscraper under construction 432 Park Avenue. It will be taller than the 1WTC tower and will be the tallest building in New York. Completion of construction is scheduled for next year. I have already accumulated a bunch of materials on it, incl. I'll write a separate post sometime. To the right is the box of the 59-story MetLife Building, built in 1963 as the Pan Am Building. Below the white building with a golden roof is the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower, built in 1909 and the tallest in the world. In 1913, the Woolworth Building took the palm from him (it will be below). Now the building is being converted into a hotel. The wide, light-colored building directly behind it is the Metropolitan Life North Building, built in 1933. It was planned to be 100-storey and was supposed to be the tallest in the world, but the Great Depression prevented it from rising above the 29th floor. The building was finished only in 1950. Well, on the right, you yourself know. If you suddenly forgot, let me remind you that this is the 77-storey Chrysler Building, built in 1930. It was the tallest building in the world from 1930 to 1931 until the Empire State Building was built. It is also the most beautiful skyscraper in New York.

25. Let's look in the opposite direction. This is a view of the southern tip of Manhattan Island.

26. If you look down, you can see the fountains at the site of the twins and the building museum complex 9/11. The photo was taken on September 11, at a time when the memorial was open only to the relatives of the victims, so there are almost no people near the fountains. On the left sticks out the skeleton of the World Trade Center transit hub under construction by Santiago Calatrava.

27. Above it are the rudiments of the 80-storey skyscraper 3 World Trade Center, which will not be built until 2017. Above is the 74-story glass building 4 World Trade Center, which was commissioned at the end of last year.

28. The view to the right is obscured by the already built 104-storey tower 1 of the World Trade Center. So far, it is the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. The first tenants will start moving in there late this - early next year. While finishing work is in full swing there.

29. View between World Trade Center 4 and the 57-story W New York Downtown Hotel and Residences. Governor's Island and Castle Williams (1812) are in the foreground, while Brooklyn is visible behind it and the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge (1964), which connects the area to Staten Island.

30. Ferry from Staten Island.

31. View to the east. In the foreground is the under construction 30 Park Place, which with its 82 floors will soon become the tallest residential building in lower Manhattan. Completion of construction is scheduled for 2016. The ugly light building with dark windows on the right is the 56-storey Barclay Tower, built in 2007. Behind it protrudes the 76-story New York by Gehry residential building, built in 2010. To the right of it is a low (against the background of the others) building with green turrets on the roof - the 30-story office building Park Row Building, built in 1899. Before the construction of the Singer Building in 1908, it was the tallest office building in the world. The Brooklyn Bridge is visible behind it.

32. The Green Roof Building is the 57-story Gothic Woolworth Building, built in 1913. Before the construction of the 40 Wall Street skyscraper in 1930, this building was the tallest in the world.

33. The spire building is the 40-story Manhattan Municipal Building, built in 1914. Various city services have been sitting there since its opening.

34. The pyramidal roof building to the left of it is the 37-story Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse, built in 1936. It houses the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Federal Appeals Circuit and the United States District Court for southern district New York.

35. If you look down, you will see the following picture. To the right is the construction site of the future 79-story Two World Trade Center skyscraper. Its construction has not really begun yet. The green spot above the square refers to the chapel of St. Paul, built in 1766. The spire of the church is now in the scaffolding. There is an old cemetery in the shade of the trees. The two large buildings in the foreground are 90 Church Street (right), which is owned by the United States Postal Service. The building was built in 1935. And the office building 100 Church Street (left), built in 1958.

36. Campus of the College of Manhattan.

37. View of the Hudson River and New Jersey. This is the west side. A turret standing in the water is a ventilation shaft car tunnel Holland.

38. Residential buildings in Battery Park City. It is located on a fill-up area. Previously, there were numerous piers, but during the construction of the World Trade Center towers, they began to throw off the land taken when digging pits for the foundations of buildings.

39. College students leaving class.

40. Cars, taxis and a school bus.

42. Many are equipped. Somewhere installed equipment for air conditioning systems.

Building 7 of the World Trade Center (WTC 7) is a building built in the Lower Manhattan area of ​​New York City, New York, USA. This is the second building with this name and address. The first structure was built in 1987 and was destroyed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The present building was opened in 2006 on the site of the previous one. Both projects were developed by Larry Silverstein, who is the tenant of the New York and New Jersey Port Authority site.


First building

The original building had 47 floors and a stone façade. An elevated pedestrian walkway connected the building to the World Trade Center Square. The building was constructed above the power substation, which created unique constraints in the planning and construction process. As a consequence, structurally, the building consisted of four levels: The first four floors included two two-storey lobbies, each in the center of the south side of the 1st and 3rd floors. The north side of the 1st and 2nd floors was occupied by an electrical substation. The rest of the first four floors of the north, east and west sides of the building included a conference room, offices, a cafeteria and other premises. The 5th and 6th floors were a mechanical space. Bundles and crossbeams were placed on these floors, redistributing the weight of the upper floors between the structural foundations of the electrical substation and the four lower floors of the building. Floors 7 through 45 were structurally almost identical to each other and were occupied by different offices. The exceptions were the 22nd and 23rd floors, on which there was a reinforcing breaker. The 46th and 47th floors, including most of the office space, were reinforced to support the cooling tower and water tanks for the fire suppression system. On September 11, 2001, the building was damaged by falling debris from the North Tower of the mall. Fires started inside the building, on the lower floors. Damage to the water supply system as a result of the fall of the towers impaired performance internal system fire extinguishing, and did not allow firefighters to effectively fight the fire. At about 15:30, firefighters were ordered to leave the building due to the danger of collapse. The area around the building was cordoned off in anticipation of the collapse, which occurred at 17:20 local time.

Second building

Construction of the new building began in 2002 and completed in 2006. The current structure has 47 floors and 1 underground, and is one of the 40 tallest buildings in New York. This building occupies a slightly smaller area compared to the past, which allowed the restoration of a section of Greenwich Street, which was previously interrupted in the World Trade Center area. On the vacated square between Greenwich Street and West Broadway, a park with a fountain was laid out, called the Silverstein Family Park and dedicated to the survivors of the events of September 11, 2001. During the construction of the new building, security was emphasized: the building has a strong reinforced concrete core, wide staircases, and more ...

Throughout its history, the World Trade Center has evoked a variety of emotions. At the dawn of the grand opening, the complex became the most recognizable structure in the city thanks to the legendary twin towers, but today its name is increasingly associated with a tragedy that has become a landmark event for the whole world.


For the first time, they started talking about the construction of the World Trade Center complex back in 1943, but by 1949, work on the design of the building was suspended. This was due to the fact that the main development of Manhattan in the late 40s shifted to the center. To draw attention to the promising Lower Manhattan area, David Rockefeller approached the Port Authority with a proposal to build the world's largest shopping center.

For 5 years, from 1961 to 1966, the New York authorities were actively negotiating about the location of the shopping center. At the beginning, it was planned to start construction on the coast, but thanks to the decision to build a huge transport hub across the Hudson River, Lower Manhattan became the place for the construction of the complex, which turned out to be the most geographically advantageous for the passengers of the future railroad.

The architecture of the World Trade Center was developed by Minoru Yamasaki, who by that time owned several projects of national importance, as well as architects from Emery Roth & Sons as assistants. According to the initial plan, the complex contained a project of two towers 80 stories high, but the heads of the Ports Authority, sponsoring the construction, insisted on an area equal to at least 10 million square meters. pounds, so Yamasaki increased the number of storeys to 110.

Features of the structure and structure of the buildings of the complex

The main problem associated with the construction of such tall skyscrapers, was in the laying of elevators. In order to serve the 110 floors of the towers, rather large elevator shafts were needed. The problem was solved in an original way, using a system that was called "heavenly lobbies".

The bottom line was that it was possible to use not only the main high-speed elevators, but also local ones, which went down the necessary floors of individual sections. This method has reduced the area of ​​work on the elevators to one shaft and thus does not lose a significant part of the free space each building. Yamakashi was inspired to design the "heavenly lobby" by the layout of the New York subway. The total number of elevators in the shopping center was 95.

The finished design of the World Trade Center was presented to Yamakashi in January 1966 - it was a complex of seven towers, including two "twins" with a height of 417 and 415 meters. Interestingly, the architect decided to help everyone who, like Yamakashi himself, had a fear of heights, to feel as comfortable as possible even on the top floors of the complex. For this, he developed narrow windows, no more than 46 cm wide, which created the effect of complete safety and protection for everyone who was under the roof of the towers.

The structural arrangement of the buildings was truly revolutionary at the time of their creation. Previously, for the construction of skyscrapers, a system with load-bearing beams and columns was used that divided the space. However, the engineers offered a radically new look at the structure of the building - it was called the "pipe-frame" principle. Thanks to this innovation, they were reliable and resistant not only to lateral and wind loads, but also to gravity, which was partly removed by the main columns.

Terrorist attacks

The shopping center buildings first faced serious problems in February 1975, when a fire broke out on the 11th floor of the north tower. The fire spread through the central pipes up to the 9th and 14th floors. As a result of the investigation, it turned out that the fire happened in the office on the 11th floor, and the cause was negligence.

In 1993, the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center took place, killing 6 people and injuring more than 1,000. On February 26, a truck drove into the underground parking lot, in the back of which there were 680 kg of explosives. The explosion took place in the underground garage of the North Tower.

The organizers of the bombing were al-Qaeda terrorists, who were later convicted and sentenced to imprisonment.

The next attack on the World Trade Center occurred on September 11, 2001, when two passenger planes hijacked by Islamist terrorists crashed into the Towers. The terrible destruction that followed the collision of the planes with the buildings of the shopping center led to thousands of deaths and a huge amount of destruction. On the site of the permitted Twin Towers, the 9/11 Memorial is now erected, which consists of two fountain-pools with the names of those killed in the terrorist attacks of 1993 and 2001.

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