The idea for the work of Grimm little people. little people

One shoemaker became so poor that he had nothing left except a piece of leather for just one pair of boots. Well, he cut these boots in the evening and decided to start sewing the next morning. And since his conscience was clear, he calmly went to bed and fell into a sweet sleep.

In the morning, when the shoemaker wanted to get to work, he saw that both boots were standing completely ready on his table.

The shoemaker was very surprised and did not know what to think about it. He began to carefully examine the boots. They were so cleanly made that the shoemaker did not find a single uneven stitch. It was a real miracle of shoemaking!

Soon the buyer appeared. He really liked the boots and paid more for them than usual. Now a shoemaker could buy leather for two pairs of boots.

He cut them in the evening and wanted to get to work the next morning with fresh strength.

But he didn’t have to do this: when he got up, the boots were already ready. The buyers again were not long in coming and gave him so much money that he bought enough leather for four pairs of boots.

In the morning he found these four pairs ready.

That’s how it has been since then: whatever he sews in the evening is ready by morning. And soon the shoemaker became a wealthy man again.

One evening, shortly before the New Year, when the shoemaker had cut his boot again, he said to his wife:

What if we don’t go to bed that night and see who is helping us so well?

The wife was delighted. She dimmed the light, they both hid in the corner behind a dress hanging there and began to wait to see what would happen.

Midnight came, and suddenly two small naked men appeared. They sat down at the shoemaker's table, took the tailored boots and began to stab, sew, and pin so deftly and quickly with their small hands that the surprised shoemaker could not take his eyes off them. The little men worked tirelessly until they had sewn all the boots. Then they jumped up and ran away.

The next morning the shoemaker's wife said:

These little people have made us rich and we should thank them. They don't have any clothes, and they're probably cold. You know? I want to sew them shirts, caftans, pants and knit a pair of stockings for each of them. Make them a pair of shoes too.

“With pleasure,” the husband replied.

In the evening, when everything was ready, they put their gifts on the table instead of tailored boots. And they themselves hid to see what the little men would do.

At midnight the little men appeared and wanted to get to work. But instead of leather for boots, they saw gifts prepared for them. The little people were surprised at first, and then very happy.

They immediately got dressed, straightened out their beautiful caftans and sang:

What beauties we are!

Love to take a look.

Nice job -

You can rest.

Then they began to jump, dance, jump over chairs and benches. And finally, dancing, they ran out the door.

Since then they have not appeared again. But the shoemaker lived well until his death.

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Once upon a time there lived a shoemaker. He had no money at all. And so he finally became poor that he only had one piece of leather left for a pair of boots. In the evening he cut out blanks for boots from this leather and thought: “I’ll go to bed, and in the morning I’ll get up early and sew boots.”

So he did: he lay down and fell asleep. And in the morning I woke up, washed my face and wanted to get to work.

He just looks, and the boots are already sewn.

The shoemaker was very surprised. He took the boots and began to examine them carefully.

How well they were done! Not a single stitch was wrong. It was immediately obvious that a skilled craftsman sewed those boots. And soon a buyer for the boots was found. And he liked them so much that he paid a lot of money for them. The shoemaker was now able to buy leather for two pairs of boots. He cut two pairs in the evening and thought: “I’ll go to bed now, and in the morning I’ll get up early and start sewing.”

He got up in the morning, washed his face, and looked to see that both pairs of boots were ready.

Buyers were soon found again. They really liked the boots. They paid the shoemaker a lot of money, and he was able to buy himself enough leather for four pairs of boots.

The next morning these four couples were ready.

And so it went every day from then on. What a shoemaker cuts in the evening is already sewn together by morning.

The shoemaker's poor and hungry life ended.

One evening he cut boots, as always, but before going to bed he suddenly said to his wife:

Listen, wife, what if you don’t go to bed tonight and see who’s sewing our boots?

The wife was delighted and said:

Of course, let's not go to bed, let's take a look.

The wife lit a candle on the table, then they hid in the corner under their dresses and began to wait.

And then, exactly at midnight, little people came into the room. They sat down at the shoemaker's table, took the cut leather with their small fingers and began to sew.
They poked, sharpened and tapped with hammers so quickly and nimbly that the shoemaker could not take his eyes off them in amazement. They worked until all the boots were sewn. And when the last pair was ready, the little men jumped off the table and immediately disappeared.

In the morning the wife said to her husband:

Little people made us rich. We also need to do something good for them. Little men come to us at night, they have no clothes, and they are probably very cold. You know what I came up with: I’ll sew a jacket, shirt and pants for each of them. And you make them boots.

Her husband listened and said:

Good idea. They will surely be delighted!

And then one evening they put their gifts on the table instead of the cut leather, and they themselves again hid in the corner and began to wait for the little men.

At exactly midnight, as always, little people came into the room. They jumped on the table and wanted to get to work right away. They just look - on the table, instead of tailored leather, there are red shirts, suits and small boots.

At first the little people were surprised, and then they were very happy. They quickly put on their beautiful suits and boots, danced and sang:

Our outfits are nice
So, there is nothing to worry about!
We are happy with our outfits
And we won’t sew boots!

Little people sang, danced and jumped over chairs and benches for a long time. Then they disappeared and never came back to sew boots. But happiness and luck from then on did not leave the shoemaker throughout his long life.

One shoemaker became so poor that he had nothing left except a piece of leather for just one pair of boots.

Well, he cut these boots in the evening and decided to start sewing the next morning. And since his conscience was clear, he calmly went to bed and fell into a sweet sleep.

In the morning, when the shoemaker wanted to get to work, he saw that both boots were standing completely ready on his table.

The shoemaker was very surprised and did not know what to think about it.

He began to carefully examine the boots. They were so cleanly made that the shoemaker did not find a single uneven stitch. It was a real miracle of shoemaking!

Soon the buyer appeared. He really liked the boots and paid more for them than usual. Now a shoemaker could buy leather for two pairs of boots.

He cut them in the evening and wanted to get to work the next morning with fresh strength. But he didn’t have to do this: when he got up, the boots were already ready. The buyers again were not long in coming and gave him so much money that he bought enough leather for four pairs of boots.

In the morning he found these four pairs ready. That’s how it has been since then: whatever he sews in the evening is ready by morning. And soon the shoemaker became a wealthy man again.

One evening, shortly before the New Year, when the shoemaker had cut his boot again, he said to his wife:

- What if we don’t go to bed that night and see who helps us so well?

The wife was delighted. She dimmed the light, they both hid in the corner behind a dress hanging there and began to wait to see what would happen.

Midnight came, and suddenly two small naked men appeared. They sat down at the shoemaker's table, took the tailored boots and began to stab, sew, and pin so deftly and quickly with their small hands that the surprised shoemaker could not take his eyes off them.

The little men worked tirelessly until they had sewn all the boots. Then they jumped up and ran away.

The next morning the shoemaker's wife said:

“These little people made us rich, and we should thank them.” They don't have any clothes, and they're probably cold. You know? I want to sew them shirts, caftans, pants and knit a pair of stockings for each of them. Make them a pair of shoes too.

“With pleasure,” the husband answered. In the evening, when everything was ready, they put their gifts on the table instead of tailored boots. And they themselves hid to see what the little men would do.

At midnight the little men appeared and wanted to get to work. But instead of leather for boots, they saw gifts prepared for them.

The little people were surprised at first, and then very happy.

They immediately got dressed, straightened out their beautiful caftans and sang:

- What handsome men we are! Love to take a look. Good job - you can rest.

Then they began to jump, dance, jump over chairs and benches. And finally, dancing, they ran out the door.

Since then they have not appeared again. But the shoemaker lived well until his death.

Once upon a time there lived a shoemaker. He had no money at all. And so he finally became poor that he only had one piece of leather left for a pair of boots. In the evening he cut out blanks for boots from this leather and thought: “I’ll go to bed, and in the morning I’ll get up early and sew boots.” So he did: he lay down and fell asleep. And in the morning I woke up, washed my face and wanted to get to work - sewing boots. He just looks, and his work is already ready - his boots are sewn. The shoemaker was very surprised. He didn't even know how such a case could be explained.

He took the boots and began to examine them carefully. How well they were done! Not a single stitch was wrong. It was immediately obvious that a skilled craftsman sewed those boots. And soon a buyer for the boots was found. And he liked them so much that he paid a lot of money for them. The shoemaker was now able to buy leather for two pairs of boots. He cut two pairs in the evening and thought: “I’ll go to bed now, and in the morning I’ll get up early and start sewing.”

He got up in the morning, washed his face, and looked to see that both pairs of boots were ready. Buyers were soon found again. They really liked the boots. They paid the shoemaker a lot of money, and he was able to buy himself enough leather for four pairs of boots. The next morning these four couples were ready. And so it went every day from then on. What a shoemaker cuts in the evening is already sewn together by morning.

The shoemaker's poor and hungry life is over. One evening he cut boots, as always, but before going to bed he suddenly said to his wife:

Listen, wife, what if you don’t go to bed tonight and see who’s sewing our boots?

The wife was delighted and said:

Of course, let's not go to bed, let's take a look.

The wife lit a candle on the table, then they hid in the corner under their dresses and began to wait.

And then, exactly at midnight, little people came into the room. They sat down at the shoemaker's table, took the cut leather with their small fingers and began to sew. They poked, sharpened and tapped with hammers so quickly and nimbly that the shoemaker could not take his eyes off them in amazement. They worked until all the boots were sewn. And when the last pair was ready, the little men jumped off the table and immediately disappeared. In the morning the wife said to her husband:

Little people made us rich. We also need to do something good for them. Little men come to us at night, they have no clothes, and they are probably very cold. You know what I came up with: I’ll sew a jacket, shirt and pants for each of them. And you make them boots.

Her husband listened and said:

Good idea. They will surely be delighted!

And then one evening they put their gifts on the table instead of the cut leather, and they themselves again hid in the corner and began to wait for the little men. At exactly midnight, as always, little people came into the room. They jumped on the table and wanted to get to work right away. They just look - on the table, instead of tailored leather, there are red shirts, suits and small boots. At first the little people were surprised, and then they were very happy.

They quickly put on their beautiful suits and boots, danced and sang:

Our outfits are nice

So, there is nothing to worry about!

We are happy with our outfits

And we won’t sew boots!

Little people sang, danced and jumped over chairs and benches for a long time. Then they disappeared and never came back to sew boots. But happiness and luck from then on did not leave the shoemaker throughout his long life.

Brothers Grimm fairy tale "Little Men"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Little Men" and their characteristics

  1. Shoemaker. Poor, hard-working, with a clear conscience
  2. The shoemaker's wife. Kind and fair.
  3. Little people. Hard-working, cheerful.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Little Men"
  1. The last piece of leather
  2. New boots
  3. Two pieces of leather
  4. Two pairs of boots
  5. Prosperity in the shoemaker's house
  6. Who came at midnight
  7. Gifts for people
  8. Dance of men
  9. A happy ending
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Little Men" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The poor shoemaker cut the last piece of leather and went to bed
  2. In the morning he found ready-made boots and sold them at a profit
  3. The shoemaker cut out two pairs of boots and found them ready in the morning
  4. A shoemaker and his wife spied who was making their boots
  5. They prepared gifts for the little men - clothes and shoes
  6. The little people were happy and ran away.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Little Men"
If someone helps you, then you should be ready to help him.

What does the fairy tale "Little Men" teach?
The fairy tale teaches you to be kind and hardworking. Teaches you to earn your living through your labor. Teaches you to be grateful and fair. Teaches that any work will definitely be rewarded.

Review of the fairy tale "Little Men"
I really liked this little fairy tale. Of course, I would like to know what kind of people they were and why they helped the shoemaker, but in any case, the act of the shoemaker and his wife is very good and inspires respect.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Little Men"
Those who work well have something to be proud of.
Without labor there is no good.
He who works honestly is not afraid of anything.
They pay for good with good.
If you are looking for help, help yourself.

Read a summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "Little Men"
The poor shoemaker only had a piece of leather left for a pair of boots. He cut boots from leather and decided to sew them in the morning. And with a clear conscience he went to bed.
But in the morning the shoemaker saw the finished boots. Moreover, they were made so skillfully that he did not find a single uneven tie.
A buyer immediately appeared and paid more than usual for the boots. The shoemaker bought leather for two pairs of boots, cut them and went back to bed.
And in the morning he sees two pairs of finished boots standing on the table. And these pairs were quickly bought. And so it went on. The shoemaker will cut the leather in the evening, and in the morning the boots will be ready.
The shoemaker became a wealthy man. And one day, on New Year’s Eve, he and his wife agreed not to sleep, but to see who was helping him. At midnight, two small naked men appeared and briskly set to work. They deftly sewed boots and ran away.
In the morning, the wife tells the shoemaker that he should thank his assistants. She decided to sew them beautiful clothes, and the shoemaker decided to make them a pair of shoes.
In the evening they put their gifts on the table, instead of the cut leather, and began to wait.
At midnight the little men appeared again. They saw the gifts, were very happy, dressed up and began to dance with joy. Then they ran away. But the shoemaker lived in abundance until his death.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Little Men"

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