Kuprin duel what the work is about. Literary and historical notes of a young technician

Chapter 1

The author describes the events of the story to us - early XIX century, a military regiment on the border of Russia and Prussia. The protagonist is 21-year-old Yuri Romashov, who is in the rank of officer, commands a half-company (15 people) of soldiers.

In the middle of spring, the regiment will have an important review: the entire staff is busy preparing for it. Colonel Shulgovich arrives for the dress rehearsal. Inspecting the troops, he notices a Tatar in the ranks, who does not understand his duties very well. The colonel scolds him, but Romashov stands up for the soldier. Not expecting this from the officer, Shulgovich announces the punishment for Yuri Alekseevich - four days of house arrest.

Chapter 2

After a successful review, Romashov, being among his colleagues, begins to notice that they are shunning him. The protagonist, tearing himself away from the team, begins to walk around the neighborhood with thoughts about future admission to the academy. And there - the war, it will be possible to reach the front line, to become a hero.

Chapter 3

Coming home, Yuri Romashov sees the situation that oppresses him and falls into melancholy. His thoughts lead to Shurochka - the wife of officer Nikolaev, his direct comrade in the service, with whom he is selflessly in love. But she only sees him as a family friend.

At the same time, Romashov also has another female object on the horizon - Raisa Peterson, also the wife of a colleague. She is more open to the main character - she writes letters to him, invites him on dates, but she is very bored with Romashov. He does not want to see her, does not read letters, and in the evening goes to the Nikolaevs for dinner.

Chapter 4

Dinner at the Nikolaevs does not add up. All evening Romashov hears Shurochka's dreams that her husband will soon pass the exams at the academy, and after that they will leave this wilderness for some interesting place. Sad Yuri Alekseevich does not notice how time passes in this chatter, and then, when Shurochka herself hints at leaving, she is embarrassed and leaves their house.

Chapter 5

The evening does not end for Romashov, he remembers a friend, officer Nazansky, to whom he comes. He drinks and in a fit of passion tells that he is in love with a woman. Refusing to give her name, he nevertheless shows Romashov a letter in which he recognizes the familiar handwriting. This is written by Shurochka.

Unable to restrain himself, Romashov hints that they are in love with the same woman. The awkward silence of the evening turns into the parting of friends. Arriving home, Yuri Alekseevich discovers an angry note from Raisa, where she, outraged by the behavior of the officer, threatens him if he decides to leave her.

Chapter 6

The house arrest ordered by the colonel begins to flow the next morning. Romashov, sitting at home, thinks about himself, about the future. In the middle of the day, Shurochka comes to his windows, which puts him in an awkward position. He accepts pies, accompanied by an invitation to a friendly dinner.

Chapter 7

After the events of the previous chapter, Romashov is summoned to Colonel Shulgovich. He not only does not mitigate the punishment, but again scolds Yuri Alekseevich for the loss of discipline in his semi-company.

After that, Shulgovich releases the officer, who returns to his home. There, in the late afternoon, he sits down to paper - the third story of officer Romashov is still in progress. The writer's talent of the officer is not noticed by anyone, he carefully hides it.

Chapter 8

House arrest does not prohibit Romashov from visiting the gathering places of officers. One of these places is the ball, where the officers of the unit come in search of a couple for dancing. Romashov is appointed head of the dance - he is in full view, he commands the ball. Suddenly he notices Raisa.

Chapter 9

Watching Raisa's dance, Romashov feels disgust rising to his throat. Raisa, on the contrary, not seeing this, adds fuel to the fire, scolding Romashov for his lack of sympathy for her. Tired of this, the officer admits that he does not love her and leaves. All night until morning, he sits in the building where the ball is held, thinks about his life and yearns.

Chapter 10

The regiment in which Romashov serves, the next morning, goes back to work. Yuri Alekseevich sees how one of the officers intends to apply to one of the soldiers physical strength, and stops it. In hysterical statements, he admits that, going into the military, he did not expect to see what he faced.

Chapter 11

The useless lessons of “literature”, “charters” continue - Romashov again and again sees this unchanging situation. Seeing no other way out, Yuri Alekseevich takes his friend Vetkin with him and goes with him to a tavern. There he gets so drunk that his comrades have to carry the drunken officer home.

Chapter 12

End of April. Romashov, yearning for Shurochka, receives a note from her asking him to come to the picnic. The officer does not have money, and he goes to Colonel Rafalsky to borrow it. Having received 10 rubles, Romashov leaves to buy a gift.

Chapter 13

Purchased perfume Yuri Alekseevich gives Shurochka. The Nikolaevs are in a fuss - all the guests help with the preparations. Romashov sees genuine antipathy in officer Nikolaev. Together they go to nature.

Chapter 14

The picnic allows Romashov and Shurochka to get closer - chance brings them together in a grove. The girl admits that her husband is not at all interesting to her, that Romashov himself attracts her. But she cannot be with him, because he is weak and miserable in life.

Now Yuri Alekseevich should not appear at their house, letters began to come to her husband, where they write about the connection between Romashov and Shurochka. It becomes clear that this is the work of the offended Raisa.

Chapter 15

The new review, for which the regiment is preparing, exhausts the entire personnel even more. The soldiers are beaten even more, the officers are getting angrier and angrier. Romashov, unable to see it, appears less and less in training. This does not play into his hands.

In mid-May, when the review takes place, Romashov loses his rhythm, poorly understands the structure of the system. His soldiers stand out from the crowd. Punishment follows immediately, a severe reprimand and a week in the guardhouse. Thoughts of suicide come to the officer more and more often.

Chapter 16

Upon returning home, Nikolaev waits for him to clarify the situation with the letters. Romashov explains that these are rumors. He suggests that in the future there would be no reason for them not to come to the Nikolaevs at all. On that they diverge.

Chapter 17

Romashov does not sleep at night. He promises himself to stop drinking and leave the troops. He was disgusted with the company of officers. But after graduating from college, he must serve for three years.

Chapter 18

The end of May brings bad news for the whole part. One of the soldiers commits suicide. All the officers are so shocked that even Romashov cannot stand it and starts drinking with them.

For the first time in his life, he drinks all night, and in the morning he goes to a brothel with everyone. There, after drinking a lot more, the company arranges a pogrom and leaves.

Chapter 19

Arriving at a place where officer balls are held, the company begins to look for an excuse to drink again. Romashov notices a drunken Nikolaev in the crowd. The conversation between them turns into a fight.

Chapter 20

In the morning, Romashov is summoned to give explanations on the fact of a night fight. News of their quarrel spreads throughout the city. Everyone expects a duel, which at that time was allowed at the state level. The court obliges the offenders to duel. They can refuse it, but after that they are obliged to resign.

Chapter 21

In search of help, Romashov comes to Nazansky, his friend, tells him everything. He tries to dissuade him from the duel, to which Romashov agrees. His determination to resign is unwavering. He doesn't want blood to be shed.

Chapter 22

Returning home, Romashov finds Shurochka in his room. She not only does not convince him to refuse the duel, but, on the contrary, calls for the duel to take place. She says that if Romashov refuses, then a stain of shame will fall on Nikolaev, her husband, which will prevent him from entering the academy in the future.

She convinces Romashov that the duel will be symbolic - no blood will be shed. They just follow the formalities. Yuri Alekseevich agrees.

Chapter 23

On the first day of summer, June 1, the whole city gathers for a duel. It all starts like it's a normal duel. But Nikolaev violates the agreement, he shoots Romashov. Yuri Alekseevich later dies from his wound.

In 1905 he created Kuprin "Duel". Today we will consider a summary of this story. The first edition of the work was published with a dedication to M. Gorky. The influence of this writer determined everything "violent" and "bold" in the story, as Kuprin himself admitted. "Duel", summary which we will consider begins as follows.

Romashov's bad luck

The young officer Romashov, after the evening classes, which are required by the charter of the garrison service, wandered around the streets of the city idle. This man was only in his second year in the service and had a funny habit of thinking of himself in the 3rd person, like in formulaic novels. The hero was a little unlucky that evening. Shulgovich, the commander of the regiment, arrived, who turned out to be out of sorts and therefore reprimanded the soldier Romashov, a Tatar who did not understand Russian well. Both were punished: both the soldier and the second lieutenant. Romashov was supposed to spend four days under house arrest. During his walks, he liked to dream that he would soon enter the academy, having successfully passed the exams, and then make a brilliant career and prove to everyone in the regiment what he really was.

Relationships with Shurochka and Raisa Peterson

What further tells Kuprin ("Duel")? The summary continues with the story that main character often visited Nikolaev, his friend. Each time he promised not to go there again, because you can't annoy people every time. In addition, the hero was hopelessly in love with Shurochka (Alexandra Petrovna, the lieutenant's wife). Orderly Guynan interrupted his thoughts. He brought a letter from Raisa Alexandrovna Peterson. Romashov had been deceiving her husband with her for a long time and boringly, and he was already rather tired of this. From the smell of sugary-sweet perfume of this woman, Romashov turned back, as well as from the vulgar tone of her letters. The main character nevertheless decided to go to the Nikolaevs. In the fourth chapter, the author describes his visit.

Preparation of Nikolaev for exams

Vladimir Efimovich (that was the name of Nikolaev) was busy. He was preparing to enter the academy, but every time he failed the exams. His wife Shurochka did her best to help him. She already learned the program better than him.

Nikolaev was studying, and meanwhile Shurochka and Romochka (as Alexandra called him) were discussing an article in a newspaper about fights in the army. They have recently been legalized. According to Shurochka, this was harsh, but for Russian officers it is necessary at least for personalities like Nazansky and Archakovsky to know their place. Unlike Alexandra, Romashov does not consider Nazansky to be bad. Soon it was necessary to go to bed, and the second lieutenant leaves the Nikolaevs. The fifth chapter begins with the fact that on the street the protagonist hears a batman discussing his frequent visits. He decides to visit Nazansky, who has been on a drinking binge for some time.

Romashov goes to Nazansky

Nazansky tells Romashov in a drunken delirium that he was once in love with a certain woman. There was nothing between them, and he believes that the lady fell out of love with him because of drunkenness. Then he takes out one of her letters and shows it to Romashov, who recognizes Shurochka's handwriting. It becomes clear to the main character why she speaks so badly of Nazansky. Another letter is waiting for him at home. It is from Raisa Alexandrovna, Romashov's lover, who has grown tired of it. Now it contains only threats and hints that she knows about the "relationship" with Nikolaeva Romashova. This letter ends the fifth chapter.

At the next ball, arranged in the regiment, the main character announced the breakup of Peterson, and she promised to take revenge on him for this. Soon, anonymous messages began to come to the Nikolaevs.

Romashov faints in front of Shulgovich

Continues to describe the troubles that befell the protagonist, Kuprin ("Duel"). The summary of Romashov's service failures was that the authorities were dissatisfied with him, and therefore one day Shulgovich, the colonel, called him to him and gave a dressing down (this is described in the 7th chapter). Shulgovich did not like that he was arguing with seniors in rank, and also participating in officers' drunkenness. Romashov's head was spinning from these reprimands. He felt that a little more, and he would hit the colonel. However, instead, the protagonist lost consciousness. Shulgovich was seriously frightened. He said that he got excited, that he equally loves all his officers and did not want to offend him. Shulgovich offered to make peace with Romashov and even invited him to dinner. The officers' meeting takes place on Saturday evening, and Romashov was appointed manager of the ball.


It is impossible not to say a few words about the ball separately, describing the work that Kuprin created ("Duel"). A summary of the chapters will not suit all readers. Some want to get acquainted with certain scenes in the original. For those who are interested in the details of the ball, we note that its description is given by the author in the 8th and 9th chapters. All the officers with their daughters and wives are present. Raisa Peterson is also among the guests. This woman, whose pride is wounded by a break with Romashov, arranges a scene during a quadrille, inflicts insults on Nikolaeva.

Name day, explanation with Shurochka

At the end of April, Alexandra Petrovna invites the main character to their common name day. He is now tight with money, the barman no longer releases cigarettes on credit. However, for the sake of this case, Romashov borrowed some money from Rafalsky (in the 12th chapter) in order to buy perfume for Shurochka, as Alexander Kuprin (Duel) notes. A brief summary of the festivity scene is as follows. It got pretty noisy. Romashov sat next to Shurochka and tried not to listen to the flat jokes and stupid conversations of the officers. Sometimes he touched the hand of his beloved, which Nikolaev did not like very much. Then, after the feast, he decided to take a walk with Shurochka in the grove (Chapter 14). She admitted that Romashov was nice to her, that they had common desires and thoughts, but the relationship should be abandoned. Shurochka hurried him back as soon as possible before their departure was discovered. Nikolaev was already very dissatisfied with the incoming anonymous letters.

Corps review, Romashov's arrest

Isn't it interesting, what events continue the story of Kuprin's "Duel"? The summary proceeds to the description of the corps review, which took place in May. The author talks about it in the 15th chapter. All the captains, except for Stelkovsky, raise their companies at dawn. He decided to let his soldiers sleep, and at the review they looked "young", "dexterous", "with fresh faces." As a result, when the general checked how the soldiers were rebuilding and marching, he was satisfied only with the 5th company, which was commanded by Stelkovskiy. The worst, however, was yet to come. Inspired by the solemn moment, during the ceremonial march, Romashov was so daydreaming that he did not notice how he broke the order of the entire company. In addition, one exhausted soldier fell to the ground in front of the general. Lieutenant Romashov is severely sentenced for this. He should be in the divisional guardhouse under arrest.

Conversation with Khlebnikov, the suicide of a soldier from Osadchy's company

However, the troubles of Romashov, the hero created by Kuprin ("Duel"), by no means end with public disgrace. Reading a summary chapter by chapter, of course, is not as exciting as the original work. Describing the main events, we note that an explanation took place with Nikolaev, who asked him not to come to them anymore and stop the senseless flow of anonymous letters. Romashov on the way home met a soldier who had fainted. His last name is Khlebnikov. This soldier cried and complained to Romashov about serving in the company (Chapter 16). Everyone mocked him, beat him, but from childhood he suffers from a hernia and is unsuitable for teaching. To Romashov, his own problems against the background of this unfortunate soldier seemed like nothing. The worst happened at the end of May. At this time, a soldier in Osadchy's company hanged himself (chapter 18). Then followed the unrestrained drunkenness. Everyone got drunk at officers' meetings.

Insulting Nikolaev, appointment of the duel

Already nearing the end of Kuprin's story "Duel". A brief summary of his further events prepares the inevitable finale. At a meeting once, Bek-Agamalov, in a drunken state, almost hit a young lady who called him a fool. The main character barely managed to stop him. Nikolaev and Osadchim were also on it. The latter staged a funeral for a suicide soldier. The protagonist demanded that this farce be stopped, but Nikolaev intervened and said that the likes of Romashov would dishonor the regiment. A conflict broke out between them, during which the protagonist threw unfinished beer into Nikolaev's face (Chapter 19). The officers' court decided that this quarrel could only end in a duel. Those who refuse it should leave the service. Nazansky urgently advises Romashov to give up the duel, since life is an amazing and exciting phenomenon (Chapter 20).

Final piece

In the evening Shurochka comes to Romashov. She asks not to refuse the duel, as it will look very doubtful (Chapter 22). Shurochka also tells him how she spent years of her life for the sake of her husband's career, and because of this incident, Nikolaev may not be allowed to take the exam. She assures that she warned her husband not to shoot at Romashov. Thus, the duel must take place, but no one should be injured. At the end of the meeting, Shurochka hugged Roma and kissed him. They won't see each other again, so there's nothing to be afraid of. The fight took place the next morning.

Composing brief retelling Kuprin's story "Duel", we have come to the final, 23rd chapter. It is very short and is a report compiled by the regimental commander, in which it was said that Nikolaev mortally wounded Romashov. After 7 minutes, the latter died from an internal hemorrhage.

So ends Kuprin A. I. "Duel". A summary of the chapters will help you remember or learn its plot, as well as orient you to which place in the story you should refer to for a detailed acquaintance with the main episodes.

Romashov, being a lieutenant from the parade ground, was returning home. He decided not to go anywhere today, because he decided not to bother. He liked to stay away quite late, but today he went home. Guynan said that the lady had sent him a letter. They had been cheating on her husband for a long time and met secretly.

He became disgusted by the letter he received and nevertheless decided to go to the Nikolaevs. Mr. Nikolaev was busy with his own affairs. He had long wanted to enter the academy, but lacked the knowledge to pass the exams. Shurochka, his wife, helped him in everything.

Alexandra sat with Romashov and talked with him about the new law that gave permission for duels in the armies. It seems to Shurochka that they are necessary, because it is impossible to solve the problem with cheaters otherwise, one of these people was Archkovsky or another Nazansky, who was a serious drunkard.

It seemed to Romashov that she undeservedly accused Nazansky, because this citizen understands what love is and that it is not given to everyone. But the husband hated Nazansky, because once he made an offer to Alexandra, which she rejected.

Romashov talked with Alexandra for quite some time, until everyone went to their bedrooms. Soon Romashov broke off relations with his mistress, but she did not like it and she began to threaten revenge. He did not worry only because, besides her, there were enough people who wanted to win back on him. Romashov believed that the fights of non-commissioned officers were inappropriate, and objected to such actions and even promised to file a report with Silva.

But over time, everything became even worse, not only did the authorities dislike him, but even the barman did not lend him cigarettes. He began to become depressed due to loneliness, insane boredom and attitude to the service.

One day he received a letter in which Alexandra invited him to their mutual name day. He borrowed a small amount of money from Rafalsky. Without thinking twice, he went in and bought good perfume and came to them for a picnic. The picnic was fun, but it did not add to his joy.

Periodically, Romashov and Alexandra touched each other, but did not show it. After the holiday, Romashov decided to retire, but Shura followed him. They sat down on the grass. She said that she missed him quite a lot, and he started kissing her in return.

A declaration of love on her part was a habit, but after that she did not hesitate to say that he was very pathetic and she needed to refuse him. Alexandra asked not to come to their estate again.

In the spring there was a review of the army. The commander visited the companies, but was very dissatisfied. And only the fifth, under the command of Stelkovsky, he liked.

But for Romashov, the worst was yet to come. For some reason, during the review, he felt like he was part of a giant force. And inspired by his reverence, he did not notice how he moved from the central part. He was disgraced.

But it didn't end there, because later he had a conversation with Nikolaev, who demanded that he no longer appear on his doorstep. Heartbroken, he met Khlebnikov, whom no one had taken seriously for a long time.

Khlebnikov told how he was treated and that he would like to kill himself, since he no longer has the strength to live like this.

Romashov took pity on him and tried to inspire the unfortunate man. A strange thought came to Romashov that they are all like that, that everyone has their own grief.

His resignation gave him the opportunity to immerse himself in his thoughts and he was able to understand that he really liked it. He admitted to himself that only a few callings could exist for him. Among them was science with art and the opportunity to be absorbed in manual labor.

In late spring, a soldier in the company of Osadchy committed suicide, who turned out to be hanged. And the commander began to drink soundly. In Schleifersh, where drunkenness continued, a scandal erupted. One of those present here, Bek-Agamalov, attacked the people with a saber.

Romashov saw Nikolaev sitting with Osadchev, one of whom pretended not to notice him. Osadchy decided to talk about the deceased, and expressed himself extremely obscenely, in which Romashev intervened. Nikolaev became angry with him, but Romashov managed to cool his ardor.

An officer court of Nikolaev and Romashov took place, during which it was asked not to mention the name of Nikolaev's wife. The court held that reconciliation was impossible.

Romashov almost all the time before the fight was with Nazansky. The latter dissuaded him from shooting.

At the end of the day, he saw Alexandra, who begged him not to give up the duel, and that in any case her husband would not get into the academy. But she really asked that no one be injured and her husband agrees with this.

In the officially compiled report, the details of the duel between Nikolaev and Romashov were reported to the regimental commander from Staff Captain Dietz. On command, the opponents met in a duel in which lieutenant Nikolaev fired at Lieutenant Romashov and hit the latter in the stomach, mortally wounded him, and Romashov, after seven minutes, died from intra-abdominal blood loss. A certificate of examination by a junior doctor from Znoyko was also attached.

A brief retelling of "Duel" in abbreviation was prepared by Oleg Nikov for the reader's diary.


After evening classes according to the charter of the garrison service, a young officer named Romashov wandered the streets of the city. He was only in his second year of service and had a funny habit of "thinking of himself in the third person," just like in formulaic novels. This evening he was a little unlucky. The commander of the regiment, Shulgovich, who was out of sorts, arrived and reprimanded one of Romashov's soldiers, a Tatar who did not understand Russian well. Both the soldier and the lieutenant were punished. So, Romashov received four days of house arrest. At such moments, he liked to dream about how he would soon pass the exam and enter the academy, where he would make a brilliant career and prove to everyone in the regiment what he really was.

Romashov often visited his friend Nikolaev, but kept promising not to go there again, since it was impossible to annoy people every time, especially since he was hopelessly in love with the lieutenant's wife Alexandra Petrovna, that is, Shurochka. His thoughts were interrupted by orderly Gainan, who brought a letter from Raisa Alexandrovna Peterson. Romashov had long and tediously deceived her husband with her, which he was rather tired of. He was sick of the smell of her sugary-sweet perfume and the vulgar tone of her letters. Soon he still went to the Nikolaevs. The owner was busy. Vladimir Efimych kept preparing for the exams at the academy, but each time he failed them. Shurochka, his wife, did her best to help him. She herself already knew the program better than him.

While Nikolaev was studying, Shurochka and Romochka, as she called him, were discussing a newspaper article about duels in the army, which had recently been legalized. In her opinion, this was harsh, but necessary for Russian officers, if only so that such personalities as Archakovsky and Nazansky knew their place. Romashov, unlike Shurochka, does not consider Nazansky to be bad. Soon they started talking about the fact that it was time to sleep and Romashov left. On the street, he hears the orderly discussing his frequent visits to the Nikolaevs and decides to visit Nazansky, who has been on a drinking binge for some time.

In a drunken delirium, he tells Romashov that he was once in love with a beautiful woman. There was never anything between them and he believes that she fell out of love with him because of drunkenness. When he shows one of her letters, Romashchov recognizes Shurochka's handwriting. Now he understands why she speaks unflatteringly about Nazansky. At home, he is waiting for another letter from the hateful mistress Raisa Alexandrovna. It now contains only threats and hints that she knows about Romashov's "relationship" with Nikolaeva. At the next regimental ball, he announced to Peterson about the break, for which she promised to take revenge on him. Soon the Nikolaevs began to receive anonymous letters.

There were troubles in the service too. The authorities were dissatisfied with Romashov. Once he was summoned to his office by Colonel Shulgovich and gave a dressing down. He did not like the fact that Romashov allowed himself to argue with a senior in rank, participate in officer drinking. Romashov's head was spinning from all these reprimands. He felt that he was about to hit the colonel, but instead he lost consciousness. Shulgovich was seriously frightened, said that he got excited, that he loved all his officers equally and did not want to offend. He invites Romashov to make peace and even invites him to dinner. On Saturday evening, an officers' meeting was held, and Romashov was appointed manager of the ball. All the officers are present here with their wives and daughters. There was also Raisa Peterson, his former mistress with wounded pride. During the quadrille, she arranges a scene with abuse against Nikolaeva.

At the end of April, Romashov was invited by Alexandra Petrovna to their common name day. With money he was tight, even the barman did not lend cigarettes anymore. But for the sake of such an occasion, he nevertheless borrowed some money from Lieutenant Colonel Rafalsky in order to buy perfume for Shurochka. The party was quite noisy. He sat next to Shurochka and tried not to listen to the stupid conversations and flat jokes of the officers. He sometimes touched Shurochka's hand, which Nikolaev did not like at all. After the feast, he and Shurochka walked in the grove. She confessed that today she was in love with him and that she dreamed of him. He rushed to kiss her hands and repeated how much he loved her. Shurochka admitted that he is sweet to her, they have common thoughts and desires, but this must be abandoned. She hurried him back before they were missed. After all, Nikolaev was already dissatisfied with anonymous letters.

In May, a corps review takes place. All the captains raise their companies at dawn, except for Stelkovsky. He let his soldiers sleep, and they all looked "dexterous, valiant, with fresh faces." As a result, when the general checked the gunnery, how they marched and reorganized to repel attacks, he was dissatisfied with all but the fifth company of Captain Stelkovsky.However, the worst was yet to come. During the ceremonial march, inspired by the solemn moment, Romashov was so daydreaming that he did not notice how he violated the order of the company. To top it off, one exhausted soldier falls right in front of the general. For this Lieutenant Romashov is severely reprimanded and put under arrest in the divisional guardhouse.

In addition to this public shame, an explanation was added with Nikolaev, who asked not to come to them anymore and finally stop this senseless flow of anonymous letters. On the way home, he met the same soldier who had fainted. His last name was Khlebnikov. He cried and complained about the service in the company. Everyone beat him, mocked him, and from childhood he suffers from a hernia and is unfit for teaching. Against the background of this poor soldier, Romashov's own problems seemed just a trifle. The worst began at the end of May, when a soldier hanged himself in Osadchy's company. After that there was unrestrained drunkenness. Everyone got drunk at the officers' meetings.

Once, a drunken Bek-Agamalov almost hit one of the young ladies, who called him a fool. Romashov barely stopped him. Osadchy and Nikolayev were also at the meeting. Osadchy staged an ugly scene of the funeral of a suicide soldier. Romashov demanded that this farce be stopped, but Nikolaev intervened and said that it was people like Romashov who dishonored the regiment, he and Nazansky. A conflict broke out between them, and Romashov threw his unfinished beer into Nikolaev's face. The officers' court ruled that this quarrel could only end in a duel. Anyone who refuses to fight will have to leave the service. Nazansky strongly recommends that this be abandoned, since life is an exciting and amazing phenomenon.

In the evening, Shurochka came to Romashov. She asked Romochka not to refuse this duel, because it would look doubtful. She also told how she spent years for the sake of her husband's career, and because of this incident, Nikolaev may not be allowed to take the exam. She assured that she had warned her husband not to shoot Romashov. The duel must take place, but no one must be injured. At parting, she gently hugged Romochka and kissed her. After all, they will not see each other again, what is there to be afraid of. The fight took place the next morning. The report of the regimental commander reported that Lieutenant Nikolaev mortally wounded Lieutenant Romashov. He died seven minutes later from an internal hemorrhage.

The sixth company is finishing its classes and the officers, junior in rank, are trying to compete who is the most dexterous in cutting down a stuffed animal from clay. Lieutenant Grigory Romashov starts. He does not know the business well, so he does not succeed. Romashov spends long evenings in the Nikolaevs' house, this time he promises not to come, but he does not hold back and breaks his promise.

At home, a letter from Raisa Peterson awaits him, together they rudely and brazenly deceive her husband. All this bothers Gregory. After some time, Romashov still goes to the Nikolaevs. There he talks with Shurochka about a newspaper article.

The next day, he breaks off all relations with Peterson, the girl is unhappy and threatens to take revenge. After that, Romashov receives anonymous notes containing dirty rumors. Yes, and with money, Grigory is bad, they no longer lend money in the buffet. And also a common name day at Alexandra Petrovna. He buys perfume, again borrowing money for it, at the celebration he sits next to Shurochka and strokes her leg. Then he goes with her to the grove and talks about love. Everything again does not go as we would like - on the march Romashov knocks down the line, he is no longer welcome in the Nikolaevs' house. While thinking about his troubles, he accidentally stumbles upon a soldier who is being bullied. He asks him about thoughts of killing himself, but he only talks about his troubles.

After this incident, Gregory changes and finds solitude in science and art.

One case - the suicide of a soldier, prompts Nikolaev to get drunk, he sees Romashov and a fight is started between them. Everything goes to court. Next comes the duel. Shurochka incites Romashov to a duel in which no one will be injured, otherwise her husband will not pass the exam.

In a duel, Nikolaev kills Romashov, and Shurochka leaves forever after the incident.

The story teaches readers not to retreat from military duty and not to succumb to vulgarity, because this can end badly - even a duel. The hero paid for his mistakes.

Read a detailed summary of Kuprin's duel

He is very insecure with a saber and for this reason he does not succeed.

Kuprin says that Romashov likes to visit the Nikolaevs' house. He is drawn there like a magnet. When Romashov appears at home, he sees a letter from his mistress Peterson. After reading the letter, he becomes disgusted and disgusting.

Thirty minutes pass. Romashov again at the Nikolaevs. Vladimir Nikolaev himself is busy - he is preparing to enter the academy. It is worth noting that the academy gives three attempts for applicants, but Vladimir failed two of them. The wife, Shura Nikolaeva, is trying to do everything for her husband to enter. She dreams of breaking out of this wilderness.

Shura and Romashov are discussing an article in a newspaper about fights that have recently been legalized in the army. Shura believes that this method is effective in eradicating drunkenness and card games among officers. Their conversation concerns the person of officer Nazansky. Shura believes that he is a drunkard, and Romashov, on the contrary, justifies him. It is getting late and Romashov leaves the hospitable house of the Nikolaevs.

In the dwelling, Romashov sees another letter from Peterson. The letter speaks of revenge, of jealousy.

Some time later, a ball takes place, during which Romashov tells Peterson about the break in their relationship. Her whole nature breathes revenge. She scribbles anonymous letters with threats and ambiguous allusions to his relationship with Shura Nikolaeva. Romashov has many ill-wishers, so he is not completely sure who the author of anonymous letters really is.

They say trouble never comes alone. So it is with Romashov. They are unhappy with the leadership. The money has run out, and no one lends money. The officer's soul becomes gray and sad.

April is almost over. At this moment, Romashov receives a note from Shura Nikolaeva with a reminder of their common name day. Romashov borrows money, buys perfume as a gift, and goes to the Nikolaevs. There, in a noisy company, he sits next to the hero of the occasion and feels sympathy for her.

Name days are over. After Romashov goes to the grove, and Alexandra follows him and even tells him about her love. But they can't be together...

March. Romashov, daydreaming, knocks down the whole company and a great shame falls to his lot. In addition, Vladimir Nikolaev speaks harshly with him about anonymous letters and refuses him from home.

After the conversation, Romashov wanders around the garrison for a long time until he stumbles upon a soldier who is the object of universal ridicule and wants to kill himself. The soldier tells Romashov about his misadventures and then the officer realizes that his troubles are nothing.

After this memorable meeting, Romashov changed, began to avoid the company of officers. May ended with a terrible event - in one of the companies, a soldier takes his own life. And the officers, including Nikolaev, drink. Romashov is simply infuriating.

The officers' court appoints a duel between the officers. Nazansky tries to dissuade Romashov from dueling. In the evening, Shura comes and asks Romashov not to refuse the duel, because it will cast a shadow on the future. military career her husband.

The duel took place. As a result, Romashov died from a wound in the stomach.

Kuprin's work teaches that the interaction of an individual and the social mass is always relevant. the main idea"Duel" - the writer's collision with the reality of life.

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