Presentation systematization arithmetic progression and geometric. Presentation - Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions

Slide 1

Arithmetic and Geometric Progressions
Project of a student of 9b grade Dmitry Tesli

Slide 2

- a numerical sequence, each member of which, starting from the second, is equal to the previous one, added to the constant number d for this sequence. The number d is called the difference of the progression. - a numerical sequence, each member of which, starting from the second, is equal to the previous one, multiplied by the number q, constant for this sequence. The number q is called the denominator of the progression.

Slide 3

Arithmetic Geometric
Any member of the arithmetic progression is calculated by the formula: an = a1 + d (n – 1) The sum of the first n terms of the arithmetic progression is calculated as follows: Sn = 0.5 (a1 + an) n Any member of the geometric progression is calculated by the formula: bn = b1qn- 1 The sum of the first n terms of the geometric progression is calculated as follows: Sn = b1 (qn-1) / q-1

Slide 4

Arithmetic progression
Known interesting story about the famous German mathematician K. Gauss (1777 - 1855), who in his childhood showed outstanding ability to mathematics. The teacher asked the students to add everything integers from 1 to 100. Little Gauss solved this problem in one minute, realizing that the sums are 1 + 100, 2 + 99, etc. are equal, he multiplied 101 by 50, i.e. by the number of such amounts. In other words, he noticed a pattern inherent in arithmetic progressions.

Slide 5

Infinitely decreasing geometric progression
is a geometric progression with | q |

Slide 6

Arithmetic and geometric progression as an excuse for wars
The English economist Bishop Malthus used geometric and arithmetic progressions to justify wars: means of consumption (food, clothing) grow according to the laws of arithmetic progression, and people reproduce according to the laws of geometric progression. To get rid of the surplus population, wars are needed.

Slide 7

Practical application of geometric progression
Probably the first situation in which people had to face an exponential progression was the counting of the number of herds, carried out several times, at regular intervals. If no emergencies, the number of newborns and dead animals is proportional to the number of all animals. This means that if over some period of time the number of sheep in a shepherd increased from 10 heads to 20, then over the next same period it will double again and become equal to 40.

Slide 8

Ecology and industry
The growth of wood in the forest area occurs according to the laws of geometric progression. Moreover, each tree species has its own coefficient of annual growth in volume. Taking these changes into account allows planning the deforestation of a part of the forest and the simultaneous work on reforestation.

Slide 9

The bacterium divides by three in one second. How many bacteria will there be in a test tube in five seconds? The first member of the progression is one bacterium. According to the formula, we will find that in the second second we will have 3 bacteria, in the third - 9, in the fourth - 27, in the fifth - 32. Thus, you can calculate the number of bacteria in a test tube at any time.

Slide 10

In life practice, a geometric progression appears primarily in the problem of calculating compound interest. The term deposit placed in the savings bank is annually increased by 5%. What will the deposit be in 5 years, if at the beginning it was equal to 1000 rubles? The next year after the deposit we will have 1050 rubles, in the third year - 1102.5, in the fourth - 1157.625, in the fifth - 1215.50625 rubles.

Open lesson in algebra grade 9

  • Arithmetic and geometric progressions
  • prepared by the math teacher
  • the highest category Isabekova Kulzhagan Nurkhamitovna
  • evening shift secondary school
  • Atbasar
Teacher: Isabekova K.N. Lesson objectives:
  • Educational: checking the level of assimilation of theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply them in solving problems
  • Developing: the development of speech, the ability to correctly express your thoughts, analyze and draw conclusions
  • Educational: fostering interest in the subject, the need for knowledge
Talking tribune - formulas for finding the n-th term of an arithmetic and geometric progression
  • -the formula for the sum of the n-first terms
Mathematical dictation
  • What's the sequence?
  • 1) 2; 5; 8; 11;14; 17;…
  • 2) 3; 9; 27; 81; 243;…
  • 3) 1; 6; 11; 20; 25;…
  • 4) –4; –8; –16; –32; …
  • 5) 5; 25; 35; 45; 55;…
  • 6) –2; –4; – 6; – 8; …
True or false
  • 1) In arithmetic progression 2.4; 2.6; :: difference is 2.
  • 2) exponentially 0.3; 0.9; :: third term is 2.7.
  • 3) the 11th member of the arithmetic progression, in which a1 = -4.2; d = 0.4 is equal to 0.2.
  • 4) The sum of the first 5 members of the geometric progression, in which b1 = 1 q = - 2, is 11.
  • 5) A sequence of multiples of 5 is a geometric progression.
  • 6) A sequence of powers of 3 is an arithmetic progression
Cluster theory
  • 1 group - arithmetic
  • progression
  • 2 group-geometric
  • progression
  • 3 group-sequences
Cluster protection
  • "The road will be mastered by the one walking,
  • mathematics
  • thinking"
Problem from Magnitsky arithmetic
  • Someone sold a horse for 156 rubles. But the buyer, having acquired the horse, changed his mind and returned it to the seller, saying: "There is no expectation for me to buy a horse for this price, which is not worth this kind of money." Then the seller offered other conditions:
  • "If you think the price of a horse is high, then buy its horseshoe nails, and then you will get a horse in addition for free. Nails in each horseshoe 6. For the first nail give me 1/4 kopecks, for the second-1 / 2kop., For the third -1 copy, etc. "
  • The buyer, seduced by the low price, and wishing to get the horse for free, accepted the seller's terms, hoping that no more than 10 rubles would have to be paid for the nails.
Solving a problem from Magnitsky arithmetic
  • 1. Let's compose a sequence of numbers
  • 2. This sequence is geometric
  • progression with denominator q = 2, n = 24.
  • 3. Let's try to calculate the amount
  • 5. We have
  • 4. Knowing the formula
Legend and Inventions of Chess Challenge
  • Disciple 4. The inventor of chess asked as a reward for his invention as many wheat grains as would be obtained if one grain was put on the first square of the chessboard, two times more on the second (4 grains), on the third 2 times more (4 grains) and so on up to the 64th cell. How many grains should a chess inventor get?
Work on cards BACK TO HISTORY!
  • The great ARCHIMEDES was the first to draw attention to the connection between progressions (c. 287-212 BC)
  • The term "progression" was introduced by the Roman author Boethius (in the 6th century) and was understood in a broader sense as an infinite number sequence. The names "arithmetic" and "geometric" were carried over from the theory of continuous proportions, which was occupied by the ancient Greeks.
  • The formula for the sum of the members of an arithmetic progression was proved by the ancient Greek scientist Diophantus (in the 3rd century). The formula for the sum of the members of a geometric progression is given in the book of Euclid "Beginnings" (3rd century BC).
  • The rule for finding the sum of the members of an arbitrary arithmetic progression was first encountered in the composition of the "Book of the Abacus" in 1202. (Leonardo of Pisa)
  • The concept of a number sequence arose and developed long before the creation of the doctrine of functions.
Interesting Facts
  • 1) Chemistry. When the temperature rises in an arithmetic progression, the speed chemical reactions growing exponentially.
  • 2) Geometry. Regular triangles inscribed into each other form a geometric progression.
  • 3) Physics. And in physical processes this pattern is encountered. The neutron, striking the uranium nucleus, splits it in two. Two neutrons are obtained. Then two neutrons, striking two nuclei, splits them into 4 more parts, etc. Is a geometric progression.
  • 4) Biology. Microorganisms multiply by dividing in half, therefore, under favorable conditions, after the same period of time, their number doubles.
  • 5) Economy. Deposits in banks are increasing according to compound and simple interest schemes. Simple interest - an increase in the initial contribution in an arithmetic progression, compound interest - an increase in geometric progression.
Thanks everyone!
  • The lesson is over today
  • But everyone should know:
  • Knowledge, perseverance, work
  • To progress in life
  • will lead.
  • "Progression - moving forward."
Used Books
  • 1.Algebra. Textbook for grade 9 Yu.N. Makarychev
  • 2.Algebra Open lessons S.N. Zelenskaya
  • 3. A collection of tasks for the written examination for the 9-year-old course comprehensive school S. N. Danilyuk
  • 4. Internet resource WWW. kopilka

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Slide 1

Mathematics teacher Semyaninova E.N. MBOU "Voronezh cadet school named after A.V. Suvorov "

Slide 2

Playing the piano; only D. Poya can learn this.

Slide 3

The French word for "dessert" means sweet food served at the end of a meal. Some desserts, cakes and ice creams are also named after French origin. For example, ice cream "sundae" gets its name from the French city of Plombier. Where it was first made according to a special recipe.

Slide 4

Find out how the French word for meringue (light cake made from whipped egg whites and sugar) is translated?

Slide 5

Slide 6

lightning - translation French word"Eclair" (custard pastry with cream inside).

Slide 7

Progression in life and everyday life

In nature, everything is thought out and perfect.

Slide 8

The vertical rods of the truss have the following length: the smallest one is 5 inches, and each next one - by 2 inches. longer. Find the length of seven such rods. Answer: 77 dm.

Slide 9

Under favorable conditions, the bacterium multiplies so that it divides by three in 1 second. How many bacteria will there be in a test tube in 5 seconds? Answer: 121

Slide 10

The truck transports a batch of crushed stone weighing 210 tons, daily increasing the transportation rate by the same number of tons. It is known that during the first day 2 tons of crushed stone were transported. Determine how many tons of rubble were transported on the ninth day if all the work was completed in 14 days. 18 tons

Slide 11

The body falls from the tower, 26 m high. In the first second, it travels 2 m, and for each next second - 3 m more than the previous one. How many seconds will it take for the body to hit the ground? Answer: 4 seconds

Slide 12

For the first and last days the snail crawled a total of 10 meters. Determine how many days the snail spent on the entire journey if the distance between the trees is 150 meters. Answer: 30 days

Slide 13

A truck left point A at a speed of 40 km / h. At the same time, a second car set off from point B towards him, which covered 20 km in the first hour, and each next one traveled 5 km more than the previous one. In how many hours will they meet if the distance from A to B is 125 km? Answer: 2 hours

Slide 14

The amphitheater consists of 10 rows, and in each next row there are 20 more seats than in the previous one, and in the last row there are 280 seats. How many people can the amphitheater hold? Answer: 1900

Slide 15

A bit of history

Problems on geometric and arithmetic progressions are found among the Babylonians, in Egyptian papyri, in the ancient Chinese treatise "Mathematics in 9 Books".

Slide 16

Archimedes was the first to draw attention to the connection between progressions.

Slide 17

In 1544 the book of the German mathematician M. Stiefel was published “ General arithmetic". Stiefel made the following table:

Slide 18

128 -3 7 -3+7=4 4 16 -4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 5 6 64 6-(-1)=7 32 1 2 4 8

Slide 19


a b e f c d g

Slide 20

5 1 1 2 1 1 2 6 5 0 0 5 0 0 8 1 3 a b c d e f g

Slide 21

Solving problems

  • Slide 22

    1. Solution: b2 = 3q, b3 = 3q2, q = -5; -4; -3; -2; -13; -15; 75 3; -12; 48; ... 3; -nine; 27; ... 3; -6; 12; ... 3; -3; 3; ... Answer:

    Slide 23

    2. Three numbers form an arithmetic progression. If you add 8 to the first number, you get a geometric progression with the sum of 26 members. Find these numbers. Solution: Answer: -6; 6; 18 or 10; 6; 2

    Slide 24

    3. The equation has roots, and the equation has roots. Determine k and m if the numbers are consecutive members of an increasing geometric progression. hint Solution: - geometric progression Answer: k = 2, m = 32

    Slide 25

    Vieta's theorem: the sum of the roots of the reduced quadratic equation is equal to the second coefficient, taken with the opposite sign, and the product of the roots is equal to the free term.

    Slide 26


    View all slides


    MBOU "Voronezh Cadet

    school them. A.V. Suvorov "

    Semyaninova E.N.

    The ability to solve problems is a practical art,

    like swimming or skiing, or

    imitating selected models and constantly exercising.

    Find the sum of eleven members of an arithmetic progression, the first term of which is - 5, and the sixth is - 3.5.

    Answer: 77dm

    Answer: 18 tons

    Answer: 4 seconds


    meters. (Slide 12)

    Answer: 30 days

    Answer: 1900

    Another example.

    64 6 -1 6 – (-1) = 7

    It's not hard to figure out:

    2-3∙ 27 = 24, 26: 2-1 = 27

    V. Crossnumber. (Slide 19-20)

    Group work.



    127; -119; …;


    You are given a geometric progression 3; b2; b3;…, the denominator of which is an integer. Find this progression if

    12q2 + 72q +35 = 0

    Hence, q = -5; -4; -3; -2; -1

    Arithmetic progression

    Geometric progression

    Answer: -6; 6; 18 or 10; 6; 2

    k and m

    By Vieta's theorem

    Searched numbers: 1; 2; 4; eight.

    Answer: k = 2, m = 32

    Vii. Homework.

    Solve the problems.


    Algebra Grade 9. Tasks for training and development of students / comp. Belenkova E.Yu. "Intellect - Center". 2005.

    Library of the journal "Mathematics at school". Issue 23. Mathematics in puzzles, crosswords, teawords, cryptograms. Khudadatova S.S. Moscow. 2003.

    Maths. Supplement to the newspaper "First September". 2000. No. 46.

    Multilevel didactic materials in algebra for grade 9 / comp. THOSE. Bondarenko. Voronezh. 2001.

    MBOU "Voronezh Cadet

    school them. A.V. Suvorov "

    Semyaninova E.N.

    Topic "Arithmetic and Geometric Progression".

    1) summarize information on progressions; improve the skills of finding the nth term and the sum of the first n terms of these progressions using formulas; solving problems in which both sequences are used;

    2) continue the formation of practical skills;

    3) develop the cognitive interest of students, teach them to see the connection between mathematics and the surrounding life.

    The ability to solve problems is a practical art,

    like swimming or skiing, or

    playing the piano; you can only learn this,

    imitating selected models and constantly exercising.

    I. Organizing time... Explanation of the objectives of the lesson. (Slide 2)

    II. Warm up. In a world of interesting things. (Slide 3-6)

    The French word for "dessert" means sweet food served at the end of a meal. Some desserts, cakes and ice cream are also named after French. For example, ice cream "plombir" got its name from the French city of Plombier. Where it was first made according to a special recipe.

    Using the answer you found and the data in the table, find out how the French word meringue (light cake made from whipped egg whites and sugar) is translated?

    Find the sum of eleven members of an arithmetic progression, the first term of which is - 5, and the sixth is - 3.5.

    The French word "meringue" in translation means a kiss. The second of the suggested words - "lightning", is a translation of the French word "eclair" (custard cake with cream inside).

    III. Progressions in life and everyday life. (Slide 7)

    Progression problems are not abstract formulas. They are taken from our very life, are connected with it and help to solve some practical issues.

    The vertical truss rods have the following length: the smallest one is 5 dm, and each next one is 2 dm longer. Find the length of seven such rods. (Slide 8)

    Answer: 77dm

    Under favorable conditions, the bacterium multiplies so that it divides by three in 1 second. How many bacteria will there be in a test tube in 5 seconds? (Slide 9)

    The truck transports a batch of crushed stone weighing 210 tons, daily increasing the transportation rate by the same number of tons. It is known that during the first day 2 tons of crushed stone were transported. Determine how many tons of rubble were transported on the ninth day if all the work was completed in 14 days. (Slide 10)

    Answer: 18 tons

    The body falls from the tower, 6 m high. In the first second, it travels 2 m, for each next second - 3 m more than the previous one. How many seconds will the body take to the ground? (Slide 11)

    Answer: 4 seconds

    The snail crawls from one tree to another. Each day she crawls the same distance more than the previous day. It is known that during the first and last days the snail crawled a total of 10 meters. Determine how many days the snail spent all the way if the distance between the trees is 150

    meters. (Slide 12)

    Answer: 30 days

    A truck left point A at a speed of 40 km / h. At the same time, a second car set off from point B towards him, which covered 20 km in the first hour, and each next one traveled 5 km more than the previous one. In how many hours will they meet if the distance from A to B is 125 km? (Slide 13) Answer: 2 hours

    The amphitheater consists of 10 rows, with 20 more seats in each next row than in the previous one, and 280 seats in the last row. How many people can the amphitheater hold? (Slide 14)

    Answer: 1900

    IV. A little history. (Slide 15-16)

    Problems on geometric and arithmetic progressions are found among the Babylonians, in Egyptian papyri, in the ancient Chinese treatise "Mathematics in 9 Books". Archimedes, apparently, was the first to draw attention to the connection between progressions. In 1544 the book of the German mathematician M. Stiefel "General arithmetic" was published. Stiefel made the following table (Slide 17):

    In the upper line - an arithmetic progression with a difference of 1. In the lower - a geometric progression with a denominator of 2. They are arranged so that the zero of the arithmetic progression corresponds to a unit of the geometric progression. This is a very important fact.

    Now imagine that we cannot multiply and divide. It is necessary to multiply, for example, by 128. In the table above it is written -3, and above 128 it is written 7. Let's add these numbers. It turned out 4. Under 4 we read 16. This is the desired work.

    Another example.

    Divide 64 by. We do the same:

    64 6 -1 6 – (-1) = 7

    The bottom line of the Stiefel table can be rewritten as follows:

    2-4; 2-3; 2-2; 2-1; 20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27.

    It's not hard to figure out:

    2-3∙ 27 = 24, 26: 2-1 = 27

    We can say that if the indicators make up an arithmetic progression, then the degrees themselves make up a geometric progression. (Slide 18)

    V. Crossnumber. (Slide 19-20)

    Group work.

    Crossnumber is one of the types of number puzzles. Translated from english word"Crossnumber" means "cross numbers". When drawing up crossnumbers, the same principle is applied as when drawing up crosswords: one sign is inscribed in each cell, "working" on the horizontal and vertical.

    One number (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) is inscribed in each square of the cross number. And to avoid confusion, task numbers are indicated by letters. The numbers to be guessed are only positive integers; such numbers cannot start from zero (i.e. 42 cannot be written as 042).

    Some crossnumber assignments may seem vague and have multiple (and sometimes very many) answers. But this is the style of crossnumber. If they always gave only unambiguous answers, then this would not be a game.


    a) the number of odd numbers of natural numbers, starting from 13, the sum of which is 3213;

    c) the sum of the first five terms of a geometric progression, the fourth term of which is 3, and the seventh is ;

    e) the sum of the first six positive members of the arithmetic progression

    127; -119; …;

    f) the third term of the geometric progression (bn), in which the first term is 5, and the denominator g is 10;

    g) the sum -13 + (-9) + (-5) +… + 63, if its terms are consecutive members of an arithmetic progression.


    A) the sum of all two-digit numbers divisible by nine;

    B) doubled the twenty-first term of the arithmetic progression, in which the first term is -5, and the difference is 3;

    C) the sixth term of the sequence, which is given by the formula of the nth term

    D) the difference of the arithmetic progression, if.

    Vi. Solving non-standard tasks. (Slide 21)

    You are given a geometric progression 3; b2; b3;…, the denominator of which is an integer. Find this progression if

    b2 = 3q, b3 = 3q2, then. Let's solve the inequality.

    12q2 + 72q +35 = 0

    Hence, q = -5; -4; -3; -2; -1

    Sequences to be searched: 3; -15; 75; ...

    Three numbers form an arithmetic progression. If you add 8 to the first number, you get a geometric progression with the sum of 26 members. Find these numbers. (Slide 23).

    В, с - the required numbers. Let's make a table.

    Arithmetic progression

    Geometric progression

    By condition, the sum of three numbers forming a geometric progression is 26, i.e. , in = 6

    We use the property of members of a geometric progression. We get the equation:

    Answer: -6; 6; 18 or 10; 6; 2

    An equation has roots and an equation has roots. Define k and m if the numbers are consecutive members of an increasing geometric progression. (Slide 24-25)

    Since the numbers form a geometric progression, we have:

    By Vieta's theorem

    We get it since the sequence is ascending.

    Searched numbers: 1; 2; 4; eight.

    Answer: k = 2, m = 32

    Vii. Homework.

    Solve the problems.

    Find a geometric progression if the sum of its first three terms is 7, and their product is 8.

    Divide 2912 into 6 parts so that the ratio of each part to the next is equal to

    In arithmetic progression is and. How many members of this progression should be taken to make their total 104?


    Algebra Grade 9. Tasks for training and development of students / comp. Belenkova E.Yu. "Intellect - Center". 2005.

    Library of the journal "Mathematics at school". Issue 23. Mathematics in puzzles, crosswords, teawords, cryptograms. Khudadatova S.S. Moscow. 2003.

    Maths. Supplement to the newspaper "First September". 2000. No. 46.

    Multilevel didactic materials on algebra for grade 9 / comp. THOSE. Bondarenko. Voronezh. 2001.

    Download abstract

    Definition of arithmetic and geometric progression. Formula of the n-th term of arithmetic and geometric progression.

    "Everything is relative"

    Find patterns

    Oral work

    Arithmetic progression

    1) 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, …

    2) 5, 8, 11, 14, …

    3) -1, -2, -3, -4, …

    4) -2, -4, -6, -8, …

    Geometric progression

    1) 1, 2, 4, 8, …

    2) 5, 15, 45, 135, …

    3) 1; 0,1; 0,001;0,0001;

    4) 1, 2/3, 4/9, 8/27, …

    d- difference



    Arithmetic Geometric


    is called an n sequence,

    nonzero numbers

    each member of which, starting from the second,

    equal to the previous term,

    folded with one

    and the same number.

    multiplied by one

    and the same number.


    • Number sequence

    а 1, а 2, а 3, ... а n, .. b 1, b 2, b 3, ... b n, ...


    arithmetic geometric

    if for all natural n

    equality holds

    a n + 1 = a n + d b n + 1 = b n * q

    0 increasing arithmetic progression d decreasing arithmetic progression q 1 increasing geometric progression 0 decreasing geometric progression "width =" 640 "

    arithmetic progression ascending

    decreasing arithmetic progression

    increasing geometric progression

    descending geometric progression

    Formula of the n-th member of the progression

    • Let a 1 and d

    a 3 = a 2 + d = a 1 + d + d = a 1 + 2d

    a 4 = a 3 + d = a 1 + 3d

    …………………………… ..

    a n = a 1 + (n-1) d

    • Let b 1 and q

    b 3 = b 2 * q = b 1 * q * q = b 1 * q 2

    …………………………………………… .. b n = b 1 * q n-1

    To ask

    arithmetic geometric

    progression, it is enough to indicate it

    first term and first term and

    difference denominator

    Make a geometric progression:

    • Every day everyone with the flu

    can infect four others.

    1; 4; 16; 64;…

    • Dima ate a bun at recess. While eating in
    • intestines got 30 dysentery sticks. Across
    • bacteria divide every 20 minutes (they
    • are doubled).

    30; 60; 120; 240;…

    • Every smoker smokes on average

    8 cigarettes per day. After smoking one

    cigarettes in the lungs are deposited 0.0002 grams

    nicotine and tobacco tar. With each

    the next cigarette is the amount


    0,0002; 0,0004; 0,0008;…

    Work in notebooks Exercise 1.

    Given: ( b n) - geometric progression

    b 1 = 5 q = 3

    Find: b 3 ; b 5 .

    Solution: using the formula b n = b 1 q n-1

    b 3 = b 1 q 2 = 5 . 3 2 =5 . 9=45

    b 5 = b 1 q 4 = 5 . 3 4 =5 . 81=405

    Answer: 45; 405.



    nineteenth member


    progression if

    a 1 = 30 and d = - 2.


    eighteenth member


    progression if

    a 1 = 7 and d = 4 .


    • We will use

    by the formula of the nth term:

    a n = a 1 +( n -1) d .

    We get:

    a 18 =7 +(18 -1)∙ 4=


    Answer: a 18 =75.

    • We will use

    by the formula of the nth term:

    a n = a 1 +( n -1) d .

    We get:

    a 19 =30+(19-1)∙(- 2)=

    = 30+18∙(-2)=30-36=-6

    Answer: a 19 = – 6.

    Work in notebooks Task 2.

    Given: ( b n) - geometric progression

    b 4 = 40 q = 2

    Find: b 1 .

    Solution: using the formula b n = b 1 q n-1

    b 4 = b 1 q 3 ; b 1 = b 4 : q 3 =40:2 3 =40 : 8=5

    Answer: 5.


    Work in notebooks Task 3.

    Given: ( b n) - geometric progression

    b 1 = -2, b 4 =-54.

    Find: q .

    Solution: using the formula b n = b 1 q n-1

    b 4 = b 1 q 3 ; -54 = (- 2) q 3 ; q 3 = -54:(-2)=27;

    Answer: 3.


    Math should be taught at school

    also with the aim of knowledge,

    here purchased were

    sufficient for ordinary

    the needs of life.

    I.L. Lobachevsky


    Each simplest unicellular animal, the ciliate, the slipper reproduces by dividing into 2 parts. How many ciliates were there initially, if after six-fold division there were 320 of them.

    5 ciliates

    Light industry

    Yeast cell growth occurs by dividing each

    cells into two parts. How many cells became after their tenfold division, if initially there were

    6144 cells


    There is a radioactive substance with a mass of 256 g, the mass of which is halved per day. What will be the mass of the substance on the second day? On the third? Fifth?

    128; 64; 16


    Hydra reproduces by budding, and with each division, 5 new individuals are obtained. How many divisions are required to obtain 625 individuals?

    4 divisions

    Preparing for GIA

    is neither geometric nor arithmetic progression.

    Indicate it.

    IN 1; 4; 16;…

    Preparing for GIA

    The first three terms are given number sequences... It is known that

    one of these sequences

    is not geometric

    progression. Indicate it.

    B. -3; -nine; -27; ...

    AT 3; 5; -7; ...

    G. -3; ; -1;…

    Preparing for GIA

    • Sequences (a n), (b n), (c n)

    are given by the formulas of the nth term.

    Match each

    sequence is the correct statement.


    • Subsequence -

    arithmetic progression

    2) Sequence -

    geometric progression

    3) The sequence is not

    is neither arithmetic,

    not exponentially

    • Create or find tasks that allow you to use a geometric progression; fill out their solution in a notebook.


    Mongoose is a fluffy animal native to India.

    Body length ~ 50-60cm. Gives offspring 3 times a year, in the litter an average of 4 cubs.

    1 pair = 2 mongoose

    in a year

    4 cubs

    4 cubs

    4 cubs

    • 1st year - 2 mongoose
    • 2nd year - 12 cubs
    • 3rd year - 72 cubs !!!

    How many mongoose cubs will appear in the 10th year?

    v 10 = 20 155 392 cubs

    Arithmetic and geometric progression What topic unites the concepts:

    1) Difference 2) Sum n first terms 3) Denominator 4) First term

    5) Arithmetic mean

    6) Geometric mean?





    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    Progression Arithmetic Geometric

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    The word progression comes from the Latin progression.

    So, progressio translates as “moving forward”.

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    The word progress is used in other fields of science, for example, in history to characterize the process of development of society as a whole and of an individual. Under certain conditions, any process can proceed both in the forward and in the opposite direction. The opposite direction is called regression, literally - “backward movement”.

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school


    The first time on the control button, the second time on the sage

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    Problem from the exam The young man gave the girl 3 flowers on the first day, and on each subsequent day he gave 2 more flowers than on the previous day. How much money did he spend on flowers in two weeks, if one flower costs 10 rubles?

    224 flowers

    224 * 10 = 2240 rubles.

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    Complete tasks A6 and A1

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    Eye Charger

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    21-24 points - mark "5"

    17-20 points -evaluation "4"

    12-16 points - grade "3"

    0-11 points - score "2"

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school


    Good people get more from exercise than from nature ”

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    100,000 RUB for 1 kopeck

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    100,000 for 1 kopeck

    • The rich millionaire returned from his absence unusually joyful: he had a happy meeting on the way, which promised great benefits.
    • “There are such successes,” he told his family. “I met a stranger on the way, who was not visible. And at the end of the conversation he offered such a profitable business that it took my breath away.
    • Let's do, - he says, - with you such an agreement. I will bring you a hundred thousand rubles every day for a month. No wonder, of course, but the fee is trifling. On the first day I have to pay by agreement - it's ridiculous to say - only one penny.
    • One penny? - I ask again.
    • One kopeck, - he says. - For the second hundred thousand you will pay 2 kopecks.
    • Well, - I can't wait. - And then?
    • And then: for the third hundred thousand 4 kopecks, for the fourth 8, for the fifth - 16. And so a whole month, every day twice as much against the previous one.

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    Got for


    Got for


    21st hundred

    22nd hundred

    10 485 rubles 76 kopecks

    20,971 rubles 52 kopecks

    23rd hundred

    20,971 rubles 52 kopecks

    24th hundred

    41,943 p. 04 kopecks

    25th hundred

    167,772 p. 16 kopecks

    26th hundred

    335,544 p. 32 kopecks

    27th hundred

    128 kopecks = 1 rubles 28 kopecks

    671,088 p. 64 kopecks

    10th hundred

    28th hundred

    1,342,177 RUB 28 kopecks

    29th hundred

    30th hundred

    2 684 354 RUB 56 kopecks

    5,368,709 RUB 12 kopecks.

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

    The rich man gave: S 30

    Given: b 1 = 1; q = 2; n = 30.

    S 30 =?


    S n =

    b 30 =1∙2 29 = 2 29

    S 30 =2∙2 29 – 1= 2 ∙ 5 368 709 RUB 12 kopecks – 1 kopeck =

    = 10,737,418 RUB 23 kopecks.

    10,737,418 RUB 23 kopecks. - 3,000,000 RUB = 7 737 418 RUB 23 kopecks. - got a stranger

    Answer : 10,737,418 RUB 23 kopecks.

    Ustimkina L.I. Bolshebereznikovskaya secondary school

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