Tasks Russian language 6 7 years. A selection of didactic material "Interesting tasks in the Russian language"

From the small years we were convinced that physical education is very important for a developing children's body. First, it is the key to strong immunity and the lack of frequent diseases. And secondly, it allows you to form a beautiful and correct posture. What is even useful for children's gymnastics and what exercise complexes are recommended for children of different ages, we will tell us in our article.

About gymnastics Children

Physical activity and culture are very important for a young growing body.

Gymnastic exercises affect:

  • operation of the respiratory system;
  • improving heart and blood circulation activities;
  • motoric quality;
  • personal development;
  • posture;
  • normal muscle development.

Taking just a few minutes a day by gymnastics, the child becomes more clever, hardy, and hence more confident. It improves digestion, metabolism, resistance to adverse environmental factors.

Also, the gymnastics allows you to teach a child to discipline, make it more collected, organized.

Today, quite often, children are born with a weak immune system, developmental deviations. Regular physical education classes make it possible to correct these problems.

Gymnastic exercises can begin to engage in infancy.

Did you know? The basics of gymnastics as one of the methods of physical education and harmonious human development were laid by the ancient Greeks. FROM greek "Gymnazo" is translated as "teaching, train." Although some lingules argue that this concept There was another Greek word - "Hymnos", which means "Nagya", due to the fact that the ancient Greeks were engaged in sports with bare. Homer, Aristotle and Plato were talking about the positive influence of the gymnastics on the formation of a person.

Training rules

Training for children should be individualized and clearly separated in accordance with the age categories and physical training of training. The program must be built very scrupulously because childhood You can apply irreparable harm, the consequences of which can remain for life.

Training should be directed, first of all, to strengthen immunity, recovery and creating a foundation for a beautiful, healthy, properly developed body.

In their complex, it is impossible to include elements that can lead to a violation of the development of the body at a certain age. The main focus must be done on stretching.

It is also important to take into account the factor of increasing the pulse in children. Among the exercises should not be such that make the heart beat more often than 120 beats per second.

There are several rules for children's training:

  1. Morning classes should be made daily, at the same time.
  2. Exercises are made in a good worn room.
  3. For training, a child should wear spacious clothes from natural fabrics.
  4. Starting gymnastics immediately after eating. If we talk about short-term morning charging, then it can be made on an empty stomach. Classes in the gym spend 1-1.5 hours after meals.
  5. In children's charging should not be power exercises. The emphasis should be done on flexibility, coordination of movements, toning the body.
  6. During the workout, the child should teach correctly breathing - inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
  7. Do not allow the baby to be exhausted during classes. He should not get tired.
  8. Before moving towards more serious exercises, it is necessary to carry out a warm-up.
  9. Children must need to praise for the correct exercise and at the end of the workout.

Music during class

The role of music during physical exertion is very important. Its influence is even learning scientists: they concluded that musical accompaniment increases the degree of satisfaction from sports and helps improve their effectiveness.

They bind it with the rhythm of music and motivation. Music accompaniment increases the desire to play twice.

Because any music has the temper, it must be properly selected for a variety of workout. It is capable of regulating the intensity of exercises and develop musical hearing in children.

For children's workouts, children's songs are usually selected, for example, from cartoons. For morning gymnastics, rhythmic, invigorating and clockwork melodies are suitable.

Important! Incorrectly chosen music may complicate the task of organizing children during training and make an occupation less effective.

Complex exercise for children

We picked up for each age category Children, from 1 year to 9 years, complex of 10 recommended exercises.

1 year

The earlier to start teaching the child to the daily procedure of morning charging, the greater the likelihood that it will soon become a natural, familiar and easy-to-person.

Therefore, 1 year - this is the time to start doing morning exercises with the baby.. It is better if the whole family will be included in the process. For the baby of this age, there will be only 5-6 minutes of training.

Charging must be carried out in the form of an exciting game. For the child more interesting, you can use various items, and not necessarily sports.

Exercise complex for this age group It is necessary to pick up taking into account that it is aimed at maintaining the tone of the body, the general development and strengthening of the muscles.

Charging should be done immediately after awakening, before breakfast. Before doing exercises, the room needs to be good.

Here is an exemplary set of exercises for one year old children:

  1. Walking. The child is worth holding a support. His movement forward should be stimulated by the "bait" in the form of a toy. The toy will need to be discharged into different directions in order for the kid also walked in different directions.
  2. Walking on the "path". You should draw either to separate the path of 30 cm wide on the floor and ask for a baby to go through it. Over time, the track will need to do a little, to 20-10 cm. This exercise allows you to develop sustainability and ability to keep the balance in a year old.
  3. Studying through obstacles. Spread the toys or other items around the room and help the baby to walk, crossing them, high raising legs.
  4. Separation on the subject. Another equilibrium exercise. It is necessary to put a toy away to the sofa or a chair and ask for a child to get it. Thus, it will be closed on the elevated surface and descend from it.
  5. "Take the window". For this exercise, the hoop will be required or a tunnel through which the baby will fly.
  6. Imitate animals crawling. Ask the kid to like like a dog, on all fours, then as a kitty, goat and other animals. At the same time, you can ask him to say those sounds that pronounce these animals.
  7. "Butterfly". Sliding exercise. The child is with lowered hands, and then waving them like a butterfly with wings.
  8. "ASCIES". Developing a torso. The child must become a slightly laying his legs. Hands should be kept along the body, lowered down. Then make your hands back and forth, you can talk "Tik-so." Mahi hands need to produce 5-6 times.
  9. Squats. Lay on a room 2-3 toys and ask the child to collect them in the basket. The child needs to sit down to take a toy, and climb to attribute it to the basket. This exercise strengthens foot muscles.
  10. Riding the ball. You and your child sit on the floor with spread wide legs and rolling the ball to each other 6-8 times.

For children of this age, it is good to introduce workouts at the Swedish wall and phytball.

Important! For young children who are starting to teach to the morning charge, you can come up with any ritual preceding the lesson. For example, the inclusion of the usual song, which exercises are made, or reading any quatrain. Thus, a child has a kind of reflex, and soon he will begin to remind his parents about the need for morning charging.

Do not force the kid to do the charge, if he is not in the mood or does not want. Wait when he has a good attitude, or come up with more exciting exercises.

2-3 years

For kids 2-3 years, the gymnastics is also carried out in the form of a mobile game. It should last 6-7 minutes. So that the child does not bother, the exercise complexes can be replaced 2 times a month, when it is already fully established.

At this time, kids are not very good, but they love to imitate. Therefore, the focus on the complex of exercises can be paid to the imitation - animals, fish, birds, plants, etc.

For example, the morning gymnastics may look like this:

  1. "Bunny". The kid walks, then runs (slowly, for 10 seconds). Running ends with 6-8-centuries, imitating the jumps of the bunny.
  2. "Hugs". We develop the muscles of the shoulder belt, raising your hands up, on the sides, and then, calling them behind your back, hug yourself by the shoulders. Each movement must be made 4-5 times.
  3. "Word Muhu." The child is worth. Then raises his hands alternately above his head and in front of the breast, making cotton.
  4. "College". We develop a torso, leaning forward. We repeat 4-5 times. At the same time, you can ask for a child to imitate picking mushrooms, berries, etc.
  5. Pulling up "I Rasta". The kid exactly stands, legs are arranged at the shoulder level or already, the hands are lowered down and pressed to the body. Then the crumb raises hands up and stretches well. After that, lowers hands. Pulling is repeated 4-5 times. They are necessary for the development of spine and muscles of the back.
  6. "Birds flew." We perform squats that are needed for the development of the legs. Crochy squats, rests on his knees and knocks himself 4-5 times. Then rises. This exercise can be made 2-3 times.
  7. "Bird drinks." Legs are wider than shoulders, the hands hang along the body. When tilting forward, the hands are discharged back. The child pretends that he drinks. Then returns to the initial position.
  8. "Bicycle". Develops legs and muscles of the abdominal press. The child falls on his back, raises his legs. Makes moving legs, as if riding a bike.
  9. "Nature". Crocha lies on the stomach. Rims up the top of the body, resting his hands into the floor. Defsters must be completed 4-5 times.
  10. "Heron". Ask the kid to walk 4 times around the room, raising his knees.

4-5-6 years old

From 4 to 6 years, exercises are introduced on the main muscle groups: hands, legs, shoulder belts, backs, abdominal press, chest, buttocks.

We start with the muscles of the abdominal press:

  1. The child sits on the floor with the heads of his hands, which relies on the floor. He takes off the legs bent in her knees and produces movements that resemble riding a bike. The number of times - 8-10. You can make 1-2 approaches - this will depend on the physical fitness of the preschooler.
  2. Initial position is the same as in the previous exercise. The preschooler takes off straight feet from the floor and makes cross movements. It is done 8-10 times. You can produce 1-2 approaches.

Go to the muscles training shoulders and hands:

  1. The child rests on his hands in a highchair. Fees the hands in the elbows and produces pushups. When flexing the hands - the exhalation of mouth, when extension - inhale the nose. The number of times - 8-10.
  2. The child falls on the phytball. Hands focusing in the floor. Knees lie on the phytball. Makes pushups, bending hands on the breath of mouth and flexing them on a breath in the nose. The number of repetitions is 8-10. The number of approaches is 1-2.

Training of berium and foot muscles:

  1. The preschooler performs squats with his hands, dropped behind the head. Initial position - legs stand at the level of shoulders, the back straight, the hands are thrown over the head. Squats are performed 8-10 times. It is necessary to ensure that the heels do not break off from the floor. The pelvis is lowered to a straight corner. Satisfaction is made on the exhalation, the rise is on the breath.
  2. Initial position - in the critic. The child jumps on the spot, exposing to the end of the leg. The number of jumps - 8-10.

Chest muscle training:

  1. The child is lying on his back. In the hands holds dumbbells. Dumbbells raises up in front of them. Hands need to bend and straighten to the end. When flexing, a breath is made, when exhausted - exhalation. The lifting of dumbbells is produced 8-10 times. The number of approaches is 1-2.
  2. Initial position is similar to that described in the previous exercise. The breeding of hands on the parties are carried out. Hands climb up and fall down. When moving the elbows, you need to keep straight. Inhale is done at the moment when the hands are bred, exhale - when they are driving. The number of repetitions is 8-10. The number of approaches is 1-2.

Training back muscles:

  1. The child falls the belly on the ball. Adult holds him for waist. The child makes hands behind the back either for his head and carries out the rise of the body up. Inhale is perfected when lifting the body, exhale - when lowering. The number of repetitions is 8-10. The number of approaches is 1-2.
  2. Initial position - legs at the shoulder level, in two hands - one dumbbell. The child leans forward, dropping down the dumbbell with straight legs and back. Then rises in the original position. The slope is done on the exhalation, return to the original position on the breath. The number of slopes is 8-10. The number of approaches is 1-2.

7-8-9 years old

For children of this age category, continue to be relevant exercises on the main muscle groups.

  1. The child walks around the table, rolling his legs from the heels on the socks, then goes to the easy run on the spot. End the exercise by switching to walking. The number of repetitions is 8-10. In this exercise, foot muscles work.
  2. The child stands, putting his legs together. Then makes 3 crawls one foot back and at the same time removes the hands up and back. Returns to the previous position. Then repeats the exercise, cycling another leg. The number of crashes each foot is 8-10.
  3. A schoolboy takes a gymnastic stick. Rises hands, stretches. Lowers hands. The amount of sipping is 8-10.
  4. The involuntary takes the position of sitting, legs and hands puts on the sides. Turns to the left and right. The number of turns is 8-10.
  5. Sleeping on his knees. Hands places on the belt. Wars one leg aside and puts it on the sock. Hands breed to the sides. Making 2 tilt to retreative leg, raises hands up. Sticks to the leg in the original position. Makes the same with another foot. The number of repetitions is 8-10.
  6. It becomes straight with your legs at the shoulder level. Hands puts on the belt. Deep away, without taking heels and holding a straight back. Rises. Performs a rejection of the squats 8-10 times.
  7. Schoolboy becomes straight, holding hands on a belt. Exercises jumps on two legs, alternating 3 jumps on the spot with a 1st jump with a turn of 180 degrees. Produces 2-4 jump in one direction and as much to another.
  8. To strengthen the foot muscles, the child produces alternate squats on one leg, keeping behind the support.
  9. Its standing. His legs are located at the shoulder level, the hands bent in the elbows, the brushes lie on the belt. Tilting the torso ahead, back, right, left. On each side makes 8 slopes.
  10. It becomes shifting the legs together, and the hands of the hands put on the shoulders. Exercises alternate attacks ahead with each foot. The number of repetitions is 8-10.

What to do if the child hurts the muscles after gymnastics

Usually pain after physical exertion arising, so to speak, with unusual, appears 4-6 hours after training or every other day. It happens due to the fact that the lactic acid, which is produced during exercise, does not have time to remove from the body with blood and begins to irritate the nervous endings.

As a result, there are unpleasant sensations and pain when moving. After a day, the pain appears due to muscle microphone.

To avoid pain in the muscles, it should be done regularly. The body gets used to daily loads and does not respond to them. It is necessary to resort to before training, as well as start with small loads, increasing them gradually.

In the event of pain, in no case cannot stop training - it is necessary to simply reduce their effectiveness. Relief from pain will help a massage that has a relaxing effect on the muscles, a warm shower.

It is important in such states to use as much liquid as possible, which will help to clean the body, and from lactic acid, including.

Did you know? In the era of feudalism, the importance of gymnastics and physical training as a whole was leveled, and its revival occurred during the Renaissance. It was since then in many countries a variety of physical education systems originated - Swedish, French, German.

Thus, the morning gymnastics is very important for a growing children's body, because it allows you to strengthen it, raise the mood and teach to organize.

However, you need to properly select exercises in accordance with the age of children and their physical training. - they must mainly be aimed at coordinating movements and flexibility. An important condition for morning gymnastics is correctly selected musical accompaniment.

The result is not taken from nowhere, the indicator of even the most insignificant progress of the gymnasts is a long and painstaking work in the hall and outside of its walls. As a teacher's school gives a home task, and our coach gives exercises to repetition at home. For execution homework There should not be a lot of time. 40-45 minutes is a maximum. It is very important to start training with a warm-up. It is better to spend more time to warm up ligaments and joints than to immediately sit on the twine. From such classes, unfortunately will not be. So, how to properly engage in artistic gymnastics home novice athletes? We'll figure out.

Workout for children at home

Children who go to school Balance should know what exercise and how is being done, because the coach not only shows, but also in the theory tells about the correct exercise. Start training follows with simple exercises that contribute to the training of the body to loads. Such exercises are the exits to the semi-winges, squats, a variety of slopes (right, left, back). You should also sit on the socks before starting the execution of gymnastic exercises, so that the girl remembered that there are fingers on the feet that cannot be relaxed for a second during the class. After mini workout you can start training.

The main part of the gymnastics of children at home

Preparing children's exercises

The first exercise must continue the heating of the muscles, and best if it is a fold. The fold is done with straight knees and straight back. Ideally, the stomach should lie on the hips. When performing this exercise, popliteal bundles are stretched, which will further affect the stretching of the longitudinal twine (front leg). After the fold, the exercise "Butterfly". During the "butterfly" stretch both inguinal ligaments and a portion of the back of the thigh. Heels are maximally pressed to the pope, the stomach lies in the footsteps, and the knees on the floor. The exercise also prepares the gymnast to stretch on the twine. Stretches the front surface of the hip exercise "Chicken". When performing this exercise, keep your knees together, and the back is tightly pressed to the floor.

The next exercise for heating and stretching ligaments may be a "frog", during which Pahi stretches and prepare legs to stretch in transverse twine. It is important that the knees and the ass were on the same line. When a "frog" is less mastered, you can add alternate straightening of the legs (semi-pass twine). There is one line between the legs.

When the legs are brews, you need to stretch your back. The kneading should be s simple exercise. For example, "kitty". After the cat should be lying on the stomach to fake back and in. With a high-quality exercise, the socks should get to the eye, or even the chin. But we should not forget about physiology. Unfortunately, not everyone can do so deeply "ring", so it is important to do everything carefully, in moderation of your capabilities without damaging your back, because the spine is our all. After the "ring" you can make a "basket". Exercise not only develops back flexibility, but also develops shoulder joints.

Basic exercises for household sessions

After stretching, you need to start exercises requiring muscle tension. These are pods on the press and back. For the most young beginner gymnasts, the exercise on the press will be a corner. Sitting on the pope, lift the legs with socks into the ceiling and fix this position at least 10 bills. For the back muscles, you should make a boat: simultaneous raising hands and fees from the floor. The higher the better. Fixation is also at least 10 bills.

After these simple exercises on the press and back need to make a bridge. It should be traced here that the fingers of the hands are directed to the heels, and the elbows did not look at different directions. The main task in the bridge: tear off the head from the floor as high as possible. The main task of the gymnastic bridge: the maximum (before the touch) approach the fingers of the hands to the heels.

The next exercise will be birch. This at first glance, an imperious exercise, often causes difficulties. Children often can't find a balance. This exercise allows you to feel your body in space and strengthen the muscular corset.

We finish training with twine. Spepagat by pulling on one line and sit down on the floor with two legs, and not booty (the rise of the front leg and the heel of the back look into the ceiling). It is very important to pull the twine at the very end of the load. After twine can be standing in the herle (on one leg) or jump, not forgetting to pull the legs.

Lowing exercises for children from 4 to 7 years old show a specialist physical culture and sports (Ural University of Physical Education and Sports), instructor for karate regional dance dance center Andrei Malkov and his pupil Misha (6 years).

1. Squats

Effect: Strengthens the muscles of the legs.

Execution technique:

  • legs on the width of the shoulders, hands stretched forward
  • back straight
  • heels pressed to the floor
  • perform from 20 to 50 times depending on the physical preparation of the child

2. Push up

Effect: The muscles of the hands, chest are strengthened. It is important to do push-ups after squats to unload the muscles of the legs and load the upper shoulder department - it will evenly distribute the load on different muscles.

Execution technique:

  • depending on the width of the position of the hands, you can choose the load: if your hands are close to each other, then there is a study of biceps, if the hands are placed wide - the chest is worked out
  • the case must be in live position, only arms bend
  • perform a maximum of 10 times
  • another embodiment - smoothly fall on the floor in such a sequence - knees, pelvis, housing, just smoothly need to go upstairs to its original position.

3. Berp

Effect: Development of shared endurance. Legs, press, housing, hands are included in the work. Performed in six steps.

Execution technique:

  • source position - standing
  • potted focus
  • jumping over two legs to stop lying
  • fully lie on the floor, perform push
  • pull the legs to the chest, being again in the stop position
  • jump up by making cotton hands over his head
  • perform 10 times

At the initial stage, it is necessary to achieve proper execution, then gradually increase the pace during the exercise.

4. Press

Execution technique:

  • source position - lying on the back, legs straight, hands for head or arms along the body straight
  • the first child pulls his hands, creating inertia, then the head rises, shoulders, twisting is made gradually, reach the socks to the socks - so that at this moment of stretching to relax
  • smoothly drop back
  • you can not dramatically fall a direct body back and rising ahead
  • for the convenience of execution you can hold your feet to a child or hook socks for the base of the sofa so that the legs do not break off from the floor
  • perform 10-15 times

5. Boat

Effect: .

Execution technique:

  • source position - lying on the stomach, hands straight along the floor, feet together
  • at the same time, the child raises both hands and both legs, creating a stress in the lower back
  • do not get silent in this position
  • perform 20 times

6. Pumping the legs behind the head

Effect: , stretch the lumbar department.

Execution technique:

  • source position - lying on the back
  • gradually raise your feet and throw off the head of the head
  • emphasis on the shoulders, not on the neck and head
  • perform 10-15 times

IMPORTANT: during at home, it is necessary to observe the drinking regime - no more than one or two sips of water with periodicity through two exercises, just a day the child should drink one and a half liters of water. There is a better one and a half or two hours before classes and saturate food with complex carbohydrates. After classes, the child needs to eat, but not earlier than in 30-40 minutes.

Does your child engaged in sports?

Morning charging for children is cheerfulness, health and good mood. If you teach your child to start the morning from a set of gymnastic exercises, then your baby will hurt less, will always be awesome, active and happy.
Wrongs the purpose of teaching both daughters to the morning gymnastics, I compiled in this article a list of exercises for morning charging. I think that morning gymnastics will be useful to schoolchildren and young children.

Regardless of the presence of "charging" in educational institutions: School, Garden; This set of exercises will be more useful to perform at home immediately after sleep. Morning gymnastics sets up children to activity, it is cheerful, produces a useful habit and strengthens health.

Set of exercises for morning charging children

Each exercise is executed 5 times. Later you can complicate the complex and increase the number of approaches and exercises.

  1. Take the starting position and take the main rack. Raise hands through the sides up and do inhale. Lower hands with a half-clone forward and make an exhale.
  2. Walking on site (later you can add movements with your hands).
  3. Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt, the slopes of the head left, right - at the expense of 1 - head we til down to the left; On account 2 - we return to its original position; At the expense of 3-closed to the right; At the expense of 4 - returned to its original position.
  4. Legs on the width of the shoulders, at the expense of 1 - left hand up, right down; At the expense of 2.3 - jerks, inhale; At the expense of 4 - return to its original position, exhale.
  5. Legs on the width of the shoulders, at the expense of 1 - hands in front of them; At the expense of 2, 3 - jerks with hands in front of them, inhale; At the expense of 4 - returned to its original position, exhale.
  6. Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt, the slopes of the body to the left and right, at the expense of 1, 2 - the slope to the left; At the expense of 3.4 - the slope to the right.
  7. Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands you need to try to get to the socks, the slopes of the body forward back, at the expense of 1, 2 - the tilt forward, stretch your hands down, exhale; At the expense of 3.4 - we return to the starting position and perform a tilt back, inhale.
  8. Legs on the width of the shoulders, hands in front of the breast, fingers are intertwined. At the expense of 1 - the rotation of the body to the left, inhale; On account 2 - the initial position, exhalation; At the expense of 3 - the tilt back, the hands behind the head, inhale; At the expense of 4 - initial position, exhalation. The same is right.
  9. Squats. Heels touch the floor, back straight.
  10. Take the starting position - hands forward, to the sides. Make Mas left foot to your right hand. To put down. The same exercise is performed by another foot.
  11. Take the starting position - lying on the back, put the leg socks under the support. Climb sitting, then return to its original position.
  12. Take the starting position - stop lying. Perform flexion and extension of hands.
  13. Jumping on the left and right leg - 3 - 4 times.
  14. Calm walking in place.
  15. Take the starting position and take the main rack. Next raise your hands through the sides up and take a breath. Lower hands with a half-clone forward and make an exhale.

The basis of the program laid the basic principles developed by N.A. Fedosova. The content of the program is aimed at the overall development of the child, thereby creating a solid foundation for the successful study of the Russian language.



The purpose of the program is the comprehensive development of the identity of the child, the formation of his mental abilities and creative activity, the development of its horizons, intellect, personal qualities.

The fulfillment of the goal contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

  1. development of the skill of speaking and hearings;
  2. development of interest and attention to the Word, to his own speech and speech around;
  3. enrichment of an active, passive, potential dictionary; Development of the grammatical system of speech, the skiing skysterpeople with a support for the child's speech experience;
  4. development of the ability to operate in units of language: sound, syllable, word, phrase, proposal;
  5. development of a clear-shaped and formation of verbal and logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, justify their judgments;
  6. development of memory, attention, creative abilities, imagination, thinking variations;
  7. development of common education skills: the ability to work in the team, interact, bring started to the end; work carefully, focusing;
  8. expanding ideas about the world, phenomena of reality with support life experience Child.

When preparing for learning native language Children get acquainted with stories, fairy tales, scene and subject illustrations. Learn to answer questions and ask questions on the content of read texts, retell read, expressively read learned by heart of the poem. Make up the illustrations of fairy tales, stories.

In the process of acquaintance with artwork And work with them is intellectual and moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers, their emotional responsiveness is developing on the phenomena of the surrounding life.

Children seize dialogic and monologic speech. Learn to speak expressively, without tension, not in a hurry, distinctly uttering every word.

Training is based on gaming activities and is practical. Of particular importance in the preparation of children to learn the native language acquire speech gamesAnti-estimated actions.

Speech games are developing thinking, speech, attention, imagination. These games can be attributed to: "Tell the word", "Guess the Word", "continue the fairy tale", "continue the story", "tell about the toy" and others.

Anti-estimated actions help to form a thin motorcy, develop coordination of movements, prepare children to perceive the forms of letters. Anti-estimated actions - the congestion of the subject, common elements in subjects, hatching objects, drawing the missing items, finger gymnastics, etc.

The development and improvement of speech is associated with the tightening and enrichment of the dictionary of children; formation of the grammatical system of speech; Retelling on the illustrations and preparation of the story in the picture.

In preparation for learning, readiness is formed to be able to communicate to certain topics, to be aware of the elementary level, which is what its appointment and features are.

Development and improvement of oral speech.

Expanding the stock of words, calling objects, actions, signs.

Improving the ability to form single-handed words, use in speech complex sentences Different species.

The formation of the ability to properly use words in meaning in the appropriate context.

Formation proper understanding Portable meaning of words.

Learning the ability to notice and correct your speech errors.

Comparison of objects, allocation and proper climbing of their essential features; Enrichment of the dictionary with accurate names of the qualities (material, shape, color, size).

The correctness of the understanding and consumption of teaching words, and their active use in speech.

Development of dialogic and monologic speech.

Training content, logical and consistent text-based text-based.

Development in children attention and interest in the word, his emotional color In the process of reading fairy tales, poems.

Learning mysteries, patter; Retelling fairy tales with support in illustration.

The development of the ability to connect to talk about episodes from his own life on a given topic; orally describe the world (Flowers, beasts, birds, vegetables, fruits, sky, sun, etc.) according to plan.

Development of emotional perception of speech of adults and children.

The ability to answer questions, ask questions, build brief messages.

Story Pattern: Description of the picture shown in the picture.

Development of children's interest in independent verbal creativity, encouraging in creating stories, fairy tales, poems.

Preparation for learning to read.

Training properly literary pronunciation, Orphoepic standards of the literary language.

Perfection sound culture Speech: the ability to distinguish between the rumor and in pronunciation all the sounds of the native language.

Improvement of phonetic hearing: the ability to name words with this sound in the sentence; Determine the place of sound in the word.

Strengthening and developing a child's articulation apparatus: teaching a clear pronunciation of words and phrases.

Highlighting sounds at the beginning, late and middle of the word.

Preparation for learning writing.

Preparation of a writing hand to the letter in the process of circuit in contour of patterns and hatching of objects, gymnastics for fingers; familiarity with the rules of the letter - with the right landing when writing, with the position of the sheet, a pencil when working in a notebook; learning to work in a limited space (on the working line), move the writing hand from below along the line, from left to right; Acquaintance with the contour of the subject and its features.

Planned results.

Children should be able to:

correctly pronounce all sounds;

clearly and clearly utter words;

find words with a certain sound;

determine the place of sound in the word;

follow orphoepic norms pronunciation;

Make proposals by support words, according to a given topic;

make up stories, fairy tales in the picture, in a series of pictures;

retell the support illustrations are small on the content of fairy tales, stories;

comply with elementary hygienic rules;

Focus on the page in the notebook.

Thematic classes plan.

Lesson 1.

Acquaintance with school and friend with each other. Detection and systematization of knowledge, skills and skills that children possess. Riddles on the topic "School". Fingering gymnastics.

Lesson 2.

Travel to the world of toys. Guessing mysteries. Drawing up the story on the topic "My favorite toy." Exhaust by heart of poems A. Barto. Finger gymnastics.

Lesson 3.

IN children's garden. Guessing mysteries. Drawing up a story on the picture "In kindergarten". Finger gymnastics. Acquaintance with a distinguished notebook. Meet the landing rules.

Lesson 4.

Traveling to fairy tales. Quiz in fairy tales. Guessing mysteries. Meeting with heroes of favorite fairy tales. Factory drafting "Rust". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (illustral. Pink).

Lesson 5.

My favorite fairy tale. Guessing mysteries. Retelling your favorite fairy tale. Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (illustral. Bunny).

Lesson 6.

Travel to cartoon. Cartoon quiz (guessing riddles). Drawing up a story about the favorite cartoon. Game "Help Winnie - Puhu." Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (illustration. Winnie - Pooh).

Lesson 7.

Travel to the forest. Acquaintance with forest plants. Guessing mysteries. The game "What is too much." Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw a Christmas tree).

Lesson 8.

In the forest for mushrooms and berries. Guessing mysteries. Measuring the poem "Mushroom". The compilation of the story in the picture "got lost." Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw mushroom).

Lesson 9.

Forest animals. Guessing mysteries. The game "Who is superfluous?" Drawing up the story - descriptions in the picture (about the protein). Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw protein).

Lesson 10.

Forest animals. Guessing mysteries. Drawing up the story - descriptions (about Dyatle). Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw a bird).

Lesson 11.

Travel to the village. Pets guessing riddles. The game "Who is superfluous." Game "big and small." Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw chicken).

Lesson 12.

Pets. Drawing up a story - descriptions on the picture of one of the animals. Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw a dog).

Lesson 13.

Wild and domestic animals. Their similarity and difference. Retelling the story "Cat Vaska". Exhausting the poem "Vassenka". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw a cat).

Lesson 14.

In the garden and garden. Guessing mysteries. The game "What is superfluous?" Drawing up a story on the picture "Crop Crop". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw vegetables and fruits).

Lesson 15.

Traveling to the meadow. Guessing mysteries. Exercises for sound automation u ,  h  . Exploring the poem "Butterfly". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw a butterfly).

Lesson 16.

Travel to the forest swamp. Guessing mysteries. The game "Who is superfluous?" Earification of the poem E.A. Alyabyeva "Frog - laughter." Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw a frog).

Lesson 17.

On the river. Guessing mysteries. The game "Who is superfluous?" Drawing up a story on the picture "On Fishing". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw fish).

Lesson 18.

Journey through the air. Guessing mysteries. Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw a rocket).

Lesson 19.

We walk along the zoo. Guessing mysteries. The game "Who is superfluous?" The game "Who lives?" Drawing up the story - descriptions of the animal in the picture. Finger gymnastics. Working in the notebook (draw a bear).

Lesson 20.

Who works by. Professions of people. Guessing mysteries. Drawing up a story about professions of parents. Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw steamer).

Lesson 21.

My family. Drawing up a story about your family. The game "Speak on the contrary". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw balls).

Lesson 22.

In the shop. Guessing mysteries. Drawing up the story of "shopping". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw toys).

Lesson 23.

Instruments. Guessing mysteries. The game "Name in one word." Drawing up a story on the picture "Build a feeder". Finger gymnastics. Draw in the notebook shovel.

Lesson 24.

What kind of miracle - cars? Transport. The game "Finish Proposal". Compilation of the story O. different types transport. Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw the car).

Lesson 25.

Do not play on the pavement! Meet the rules road. The game "happens - does not happen." Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw a traffic light).

Lesson 26.

Travel to Circus. Guessing mysteries. Drawing up a story on the picture "in the circus". The game "Who was?" Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw clown).

Lesson 27.

Seasons. The difference of the seasons. Guessing mysteries. Logo poem " Autumn leaves"," Wind ". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (draw a sun).

Lesson 28.

What is this speech. Oral I. written speech. Drawing up a story on the picture "Cook". The game "Speak on the contrary". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (draw dish).

Lesson 29.

It consists of proposals. The offer consists of words. The beginning of the sentence (designation in the form of a scheme). The game "Finish Proposal". Fingering gymnastics (circuit in the contour, hatching; writing a short and long inclined stick).

Lesson 30.

Decision words on syllables. The game "Postman". Drawing up a story on the picture "Little Teacher". Fingering gymnastics (hatching; Writing a short chopstick with rounding at the bottom).

Lesson 31.

Drawing up words from syllables. The game "Complete Slog to the Word." Drawing up a fairy tale in the scene pictures "Hare - Busthan". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (items hatching; writing a short chopstick at the top).

Lesson 32.

Acquaintance with the sound side of the word. Game "To whom to go to visit." Drawing up a story on the picture "Little Photographer". Finger gymnastics. Work in a notebook (hatching of objects; writing a long stick with rounding at the bottom).

Lesson 33.

Learning to hear and distinguish sounds. The game "Tom and Tim". We compose a fairy tale (at first). Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (items hatching; Writing a long stick with rounding at the top).

Lesson 34.

Learning to hear and distinguish sounds. The game "Tom and Tim". Quiz "Who more". Drawing up a story on the story "Soon to school". Finger gymnastics. Work in the notebook (hatching objects).

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