Bromine water will discolor a pair of substances. Bromine water bleach both substances in a row

3) CH3 about CH3


3. Connect a compound containing a carboxyl group:

1) aromatic alcohol

2) Aldehyde

3) Essential Ether

4. Connect a compound containing carbonyl group:

1) aromatic alcohol

2) Aldehyde

3) Essential Ether

4) unsaturated multi-axis acid

5. Title the connection: O

CH3 - CH - CH - with

1) 2-Metyl-3-Brombutanol-1

2) 2-bromo-3-methylbutanal

3) 2-methyl-3-bromobutanal

4) 2-Brom-3-methylpoopanal

6. Reaction CH3Cno + AG2O CH3Cone + 2 AG:

1) polycondensation

2) esterification

3) " silver mirror»

4) Kucherov

7. Functional carboxylic acid group is called:

1) Carbonyl

2) hydroxyl

3) Carboxyl

4) complex ester

8. Acetic acid does not react With the following metal:

9. What is the name of the aldehyde:

1) 2-methyl-3-propylbutanal;
2) 2,3-dimethylhexanal;
3) 4,5-dimethylhexanal;
4) 2-methyl-2-propylbutanal

10. Indicate the general formula of carbohydrates:

11. Specify the carbohydrate, which is the main part of the wood:

1) Stachmal

2) Cellulose

4) Maltoza

12. Specify the Fruilose Formula:

13.Pentosis, which is part of DNA is:

1) Glucose

2) fructose

4) Deoxyrbosis

14. Milk sugar is a Disaccharide:

1) Sakharoza

2) Maltoza

3) Lactose

4) Galactoza

15. Beet or reed sugar is a Disaccharide:

1) Maltoza

2) Sakhares

3) Galactoza

4) Lactose

16. Malt sugar:

1) Galactoza

2) Sakhares

3) Lactose

4) Maltoza

17. In plant cells, starch performs a function:

1) Transfer hereditary information

2) nutrient stock

3) construction and structural

4) catalyst biological processes

18. In cellulose plants cells performs a function:

1) nutrient stock

2) catalyst biological processes

3) construction and structural

4) transfer of hereditary information

19. Give the name of the connection:

CH3 - CH - CH - CH3

1) 3-methylbutolol-2 3) 3-methylpropanone-2

2) 2-methylbutanol-3 4) 2 -methylpropanal-2

20. Extract equation chemical reaction And give her name:

R1 - C + HO - R2 ↔

1) hydration 3) attachment

2) response esterification 4) substitution

Among the following characteristics, select those that, as a rule, relate to liquid oils - oils:

1) have vegetable origin

2) have an animal origin

3) well soluble in water

4) well soluble in organic solvents

7) discolor bromine water

8) are glycerol ethers

Answer, in the form of a sequence of numbers in order of their increase.

B-2 Install the correspondence between the fat characteristic and an example of fat corresponding to this characteristic. Give the answer in the form of a sequence of numbers corresponding to the alphabetic letters:


A) solid fat vegetable origin

B) felt fat animal origin

C) liquid animal fat

D) liquid fat vegetable origin

1) linseed oil

2) butter

3) fish oil

4) palm oil

Hello. Help me please. 1) Specify the number of isomeric carboxylic acids of the composition C5H10O2: a) 3 b) 2 V) 4 g)

2) when dissolved in water 1 mol acetic anhydride is formed:

a) 2 mole ethannel

b) 2 mole ethanol

c) 2 mole acetic acid

d) 1 mole methyl acetate

3) Sodium acetate reacts with what substances:

a) solaric acid

b) sodium hydroxide when heated

c) coal acid

4) when the interaction of ethanol and carbon oxide (II) appropriate conditions is obtained?

a) ethanal

b) Propanel

c) propane acid

d) methyl acetate

5) in the reaction of which type of unforeseen carboxylic acids: a) oxidation

b) polymerization

c) joining

d) esterification

6) What substances react formic acid:

a) Copper II chloride

b) sodium sulfate

c) potassium bicarbonate

d) ammonia solution of silver oxide I

7) In contrast to stearic acid oleic acid:

a) liquid at room temperature

b) soluble in water

c) bleaches bromine water

d) reacts with alkalis

8) What substances react with water:

a) linoleic acid

b) Ethanol

c) Propanel

d) propane

9) With which one reagent, the solutions of glycerin, propanel, and ethanoic acid can be distinguished:

a) bromine water

b) potassium carbonate

c) copper II hydroxide

d) nitric acid

10) In reactions with such substances involving acetic acid from its molecule, a hydroslip group is cleaved up:

a) metals

b) alkalis

c) alcohols

d) metal carbonates

Help pliz, solve two challenges! :( I put 11 points 1) with some of the listed substances: sodium hydroxide, bromine water, dimethyl ether -


2. The length of the connection of the CS and the valence angle in alkine molecules is respectively equal
180˚ and 0.154 nm
120˚ and 0.134 nm
180˚ and 0.120 nm
109˚28 'and 0.154 nm

3. KMNO4 solution discolor both substances in a row
Propin and propane
Acetylene and ethylene
Butadiene-1.3 and Bhutan
Boutylene and Isobutan

4. As a result of the reaction of Kucherov forms

5. Acetylene in industry is obtained using
Hydrolysis of calcium carbide
distillation of oil
Pyrolysis Metha
Hydrogenation Ethena

6. Ethin can be distinguished from ethane with
Copper hydroxide (II)
aquatic solution alkalis
Bromine water

7. Which of the presented statements about Propin and its properties are correct?
A. The propine molecule contains a tetrahedral fragment of atoms.
B. Propin can be distinguished from propane with aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.
True only A.
Right only B.
Both statements are true
Both statements are incorrect

8. In the transformation scheme
CAC2 x1 x2.
substances x1 and x2 are respectively
C2H4 and C2H5SL
C2H2 and CH2CL-CH2CL
C2H2 and CH2 \u003d CHCl
CH4 and CH3CL

9. Propaine is able to react with each of the substances specified in the row
CH, C6H6, BR2
H2, O2, NA
Cu, H2, H2O
H2O, CL, CL2

Part A. Test tasks with a choice of response 1. Boutine-2 formula: A. CH \u003d C - CH2 - CH3. B. CH3 -C \u003d C - CH3.

B. CH3 - C \u003d CH.

CH3 - C \u003d C - CH2 - CH3.

2. The first member of the homologous series of Alkins:

B. Propin.

3. Isomomer Pentina-1 is:

A. Penten-1.

B. 2-Methylbutan.

B. 3-methylbutin-1.

G. 3-methylpente-1.

4. Communication between carbon atoms in acetylene molecule:

A. Single.

V. Tripoe.

B. double.

The city is one and a half.

5. The formula of the substance for which the hydrogenation reaction is characteristic:

6. Method for producing boudo-1.

A. Dehydrogenation Bouthen-1.

B. Chlorination of methane.

B. Dehydrogenation of propane.

G. Bootena-1 hydration.

7. Raw materials for industrial production of polyvinyl chloride:

A. Acetylene. V. Chlorhetan.

B. Ethylene. G. Butadiene-1.3.

8. Bromine water is discolored by transmittance through it, the formula of which is:

C4N10. 9. Catalyst in Kucherov's reaction:

BUT. Sulfuric acid.

V. Chloride Aluminum.

B. Sulfate mercury (II).

G. Platinum.

10. The hydrocarbon formula, with full combustion of 1 mol of which 4 mol of carbon oxide (IV) and 3 mol of water are formed: A. C4N8. B. C4N10. V. S2N6. C4N6. Part B.. Tasks with free answer

11. What color and labeling have steel cylinders used to store methane and acetylene?

12. Output the formula of the hydrocarbon, 2.24l of which (N.U.) have a lot of 4g.

13. Make the equation of reactions according to the following scheme: calcium carbonate \u003d\u003e calcium carbide \u003d\u003e acetylene. Specify the conditions for their implementation.

1. Know the general formula of alkanov, formulas and names of substances of the homologous series of alkanans (to octane);

2. Know the definitions: Homologists, Homologic series, isomers, isomeria. To be able to write formulas of isomers, identify the kind of isomerism.
Create formulas of isomers for C4H10 and for C4H8.
3. Know chemical properties Alkanov, be able to write the equations of reactions.
4. Know the general formula of alkenes, formulas and names of the substances of the homologous series of alkenes (to octoen)
5. Know the chemical properties of alkenes, be able to write the reaction equations
6. The use of alkanes and alkenes
7. Know the general formula of alkinov and alkadienov (up to C7)
8. Know the chemical properties of alkins, be able to write the equations of reactions.
9. Know the general formula of benzene, its chemical properties, application

It is customary to record through such a formula - BR2, although it is in the solution in the form of a mixture of two acids - Hbro (bromotous acid) and HBr This compound has a yellow-orange color and a rather low freezing temperature. It is a strong oxidizing agent, which is capable of alkaline medium oxidizing the cations of such metals - SG +3, MP +3, Fe +2, CO + 2, Ni +3. Adding BR 2 reduces the hydrogen indicator (pH), because Bromine water contains free acids.

This is chemically active substancewhich can enter into interaction with both inorganic and with organic substances. Consider some chemical processes With this compound.

The discoloration of the bromine water serves to all for this experiment, a small amount of any alkin or alkine is mixed in a test tube with Br 2. During this reaction, the bromine atoms are attached at the place of breaking of a double or triple bond. The disappearance of yellow-orange painting with this interaction is proof of the disabilities of the hydrocarbon taken.

Chemical reaction "Phenol - bromine water" is used to precipitate from solutions of bromine compounds. If this interaction of the substances is carried out in an anhydrous medium, then the formation of tribromophenol will take a couple of days. Therefore, a small amount of H 2 O is added as a catalyst.

Bromine water in the laboratory is prepared as follows: 250 ml of distilled water is added to 1 ml of bromine, while intensively stirred. The prepared solution is stored in a tightly closed tank made of dark glass. If the BR 2 is cooked on the light or in a light flask, the oxygen is released due to the content of bromatic acid. Work on the preparation of reagent is carried out in the exhaust cabinet. Since the bromine itself is poisonous, and its bromine water contains, then caution must be taken when working with it.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that when Br 2 hit the skin, a strong itch appears on the skin, and ulcers may occur during prolonged exposure. If the substance fell on the skin, it should be rinsed with plenty of water, and then with a large wound surface or deep lesions of the epidermis, the skin is additionally lubricated by the ointment, which includes NaHCO 3.

Bromine water is widely used in chemical analysis and synthesis of organic drugs. So, it is used in the production of bromine-containing drugs. And here it is necessary to be careful, because Long-term consumption can lead to a disease - bromisism. The main symptoms are apathy, lethargy, the appearance of skin rash. For a faster removal of bromine ions from the body, the diet with a high salt content and abundant drinking are observed. More bromine water is used at intermediate stages of the production of anti-epires - substances that protect against ignitions. They impregnate fabrics, wood, building material.

Alkins (otherwise acetylene hydrocarbons) - hydrocarbons containing a triple relationship between carbon atoms, with general formula CNH2N-2. Carbon atoms with triple bond are in a state of hybridization.

Acetylene S. bromine water

Acetylene molecule contains a triple relationship, bromine destroys it and joins acetylene. Terabromethane is formed. Bromis is spent on the formation of tetrabromethane. Bromine water (yellow) - discolored.

This reaction flows at a lesser rate than in a number of ethylene hydrocarbons. The reaction also passes stepwise:

HC ≡ CH + BR 2 → CHBR \u003d CHBR + BR 2 → CHBR 2 - CHBR 2

acetylene → 1,2-Diberomethane → 1,1,2,2-Tetrabromethane

The discoloration of the bromine water proves the disappearance of acetylene.

Acetylene reaction with potassium permanganate solution

In the solution of potassium permanganate, acetylene oxidation occurs, while the molecule is rupture at the site of the triple bond, the solution is quickly discolored.

3NC ≡ CH + 10KMNO 4 + 2H 2 O → 6CO 2 + 10Cone + 10mno 2

This reaction is qualitative reaction Double and triple connection.

Acetylene reaction with ammonia solution of silver oxide

If acetylene skip through an ammonary solution of silver oxide, hydrogen atoms in acetylene molecule will easily be fed by metals, as they have great mobility. In this experiment, hydrogen atoms are replaced by silver atoms. Silver acetylene is formed - the sediment of yellow color (explosive).

CH ≡ CH + OH → AGC≡CAG ↓ + NH 3 + H 2 O

This reaction is a high-quality response to a triple relationship.

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