The most terrible places in Kaluga. Urban legends of Kaluga: Underground Kaluga exists

It should be noted right away that, according to geophysicists, a powerful tectonic fault runs along the river in this place, and the anomalous territory itself is stably located on the edge of an underground ring, either formed as a result of the activity of an ancient volcano, or as a result of a long-standing meteorite crater.

In this zone, unidentified flying objects of various shapes and sizes are often recorded, which can not only be seen, but even photographed ... In addition, cases of teleportation are sometimes noted here (instantaneous transfer of people from one place to another over a distance of several kilometers).

However, this zone manifests itself by no means constantly, but only during periods of its activity. Usually its boundaries are determined by special devices, with the help of which they measure energy fields. But at the same time, they also take into account the unusual behavior of animals, the presence of more stunted vegetation compared to the surrounding area.

In addition to the forest itself, anomalous researchers discovered three more "unclean zones" in the east of the same region - in the vicinity of the small villages of Shchigry, Ogarkovo and Nikitskoye. People living here from time to time observe UFOs of various configurations: disc-shaped, triangular, spherical, and even in the form of cigars and pyramids.

There is also a place near Ogarkovo, once in which people (including local residents) immediately begin to stray, although there is a very good landmark here - a road near which there are tall oaks.

In addition, a few kilometers from Nikitsky there is a forest, which the villagers definitely consider "enchanted" and therefore never go into it. Indeed, the tree trunks here are bent and twisted in the most unnatural way. Grass doesn't grow here. The chirping of birds is not heard. In a word, a dead and terrifying forest. There were cases when vaguely distinguishable entities (but not at all similar to people) who inadvertently wandered here, blocked the way into the depths of the forest. He, of course, did not resist and hastily returned to where he had just come from. When it became known about this eerie-mysterious forest, many not only thrill-seekers, but also researchers visited it.

The latter, using instruments, have always noted that when entering the forest, especially sensitive people will certainly feel unexplained anxiety and a sense of fear. In addition, they immediately begin to experience noticeable weakness, they have a severe headache, and some have severe shortness of breath. It turns out that the zone itself does not want to accept physically weakened people on its territory.

And in 2002, one of the expeditions of specialists in anomalous phenomena managed to clarify something about this.

As soon as the researchers arrived in Nikitskoye, a certain very inquisitive and very thin 18-year-old city boy from among summer residents named Victor immediately nailed to them. He tearfully persuaded the leader of the group to take him with him to the "enchanted" forest. With the advent of the young man as part of the expedition, miracles immediately began. On the very first day of their work, all the "paranormalists" walked freely through the dead forest and made the necessary measurements with the help of instruments, and Victor began to constantly stumble upon some invisible walls that he could not overcome in any way, and each time he called for help . Of course, he was constantly rescued. At the same time, each time Victor told his "saviors" that before their arrival, he had always hit his forehead against some hard wall, and his ears were buzzing strongly. In the end, by order of the expedition leader, the "anomalous" measured the young man's biofield with the help of a frame and were truly horrified, because he had it "perforated" in many places. It turns out that the "enchanted" forest itself warned Victor that it was extremely dangerous for him to enter it. The young man was immediately taken out of the forest and sent to the village to his grandmother, to whom he came to rest. Outside the zone of the "cursed" forest, a few moments later he felt like a completely normal and healthy person.

The researchers who remained in the forest for 10 days suffered a lot of fear, but they saw something that is given to see, perhaps only once in a lifetime, and even then not for everyone, but only for those who seek and brave.

Every day, strange whitish creatures suddenly appeared near the fire - something like ghosts. But as soon as you try to look closely at them, they instantly disappear. Therefore, photographing this mysterious phenomenon was out of the question. In the middle of the night, many of the "paranormalists", being in tents, saw black shadows of some strange creatures with large heads and frail bodies on their ceilings, heard heavy steps, which at first seemed to be approaching, and then they certainly moved away. But most of all, the "tenters" were frightened by the shadow that hung over the tents all the time of their stay, and from somewhere in the dead forest a chilling noise arose from time to time.

The Kaluga anomalous zones, you see, are somehow special, besides, they are not far from Moscow, but, unfortunately, today's Russia does not have the means to unravel this mystery of nature.

Mysterious places in Russia Shnurovozova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Nikitskoe (Kaluga region)


(Kaluga region)

On the northern outskirts of the Kaluga region in the Medynsky district there is a small village of Nikitskoye, in the vicinity of which there is an anomalous zone that has a strange, depressing effect on a person. The village itself is reputed to be magical in the area, and residents of neighboring villages say that in Nikitsky, in almost every house, if not a sorceress, then a witch, not a witch - so sorcerer lives.

Approximately 5 km from the village, beyond the swamp, there is a dark forest with grass covered with thick moss, in which anomalous phenomena. Everyone who comes to this mysterious forest for the first time notices twisted, strongly curved tree trunks, but people are even more amazed by the almost complete absence of animals and birds in the forest: no paw prints are visible, no hubbub and whistle is heard. However, someone's invisible presence in the forest is constantly felt, especially since the oddities do not end there.

One of the Moscow residents, having come to visit the village, decided to go to the mysterious forest to pick mushrooms. She was struck by a strange atmosphere that seemed to lure her into the thicket. Walking deep into the forest, the woman suddenly saw a fluffy ball or ball rolling along the path - either an animal unknown to science, or a goblin, or some other unknown creature. However, it frightened the Muscovite so much that she ran as fast as she could from the forest. Then terrible visions tormented her at night for several more years.

Later, researchers who arrived from the capital tried to study the forest, but the group was driven away by a monstrous roar, more like the roar of an airplane than the cry of an animal. At the same time, the entire sky was covered with a dense curtain of black thunderclouds, and large hailstones rained down on the ground. When the researchers returned to Nikitskoye, the locals unanimously confirmed that they had not seen any dark clouds, much less thunderstorms, either over the village or in the vicinity.

There were other attempts to explore that forest, but usually people were seized by the desire to leave that place as quickly as possible due to the danger spread in the air. The researchers noted that this feeling is quite difficult to put into words, but the feeling of anxiety is comparable to standing under a large block of ice that could just about collapse down.

The leader in the number of anomalous zones in Russia remains the northwestern region of the country: Karelia, Vologda, Kaluga. One of the Vologda zones is located in the very north of the region near the village of Verkhovye. According to Vologda researcher Viktor Brunov, the compass stops working in this place and the clock stops or goes wrong.

Moreover, in the evenings, people heard steps, some dark shadows approached the tent, which then turned pale and dissolved in the air, strange lights were also observed in the air, and sometimes when trying to go deep into the forest, an invisible wall seemed to grow in front of the researchers, which was impossible to cross. After a long stay in the forest healthy people began to complain of headaches, bouts of torpor, weakness, and the body-wide indifference that occurs before freezing. Thus, it is dangerous to be in this forest alone for a long time - the anomalous zone seems to draw in the person trying to enter it and does not let go. Nevertheless, the study of the Kaluga forest continues, and who knows what other mysteries and surprises this fabulous enchanted forest has prepared for new generations of scientists.

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18.3. Field of research 1. Kabbalah does not touch upon such concepts as the essence and abstract form in the ten Sefirot, but deals only with matter in them and its forms, since the form is the carrier of matter. The essence of man, as such, without a material incarnation, is not perceived ,

Educational building at the former airfield. It has several hangars, a two-story educational building and household buildings. In the educational building there are many classrooms, departments, laboratory. As of September 2017, there are a lot of devices, layouts, posters lying around. One of the hangars is worth conservation AN-2. Almost all hangars are empty. Guarded by a man with a dog, he is located at the checkpoint. There is at least one observation tower...

Military →

Kaluga Aviation Flight Technical School. It produced state aviation pilots. Abandoned in the second half of the zero. The territory is vast. There are several dormitories converted into various children's clubs. Not a small shelter under the parade ground, but alas, flooded above the knee and littered. Aviation sports parachute club and several buildings with models of engines, aircraft cockpits and classrooms. Everything is good enough...

The rest →

A dead end with compounds that did not pass the test in Shcherbinka. Some are just obsolete. There are electric trains of increased comfort, such as EM2I. Also simple ER2T. All compounds are sawn into metal, but new ones are occasionally brought in. Fenced with barbed wire. The gate is closed on an iron hook from the inside, it is completely freely removed from the outside. There is no security, but employees of the Russian Railways may come to the noise or silently call the police.

Underground →

The shelter of the Kaluga electrode plant is a separate building, two sloping entrances from the street. One of them is attached to the building. All airlocks are locked. Climbing only through a fairly deep vsh and approach at a distance of 20-30 meters. VS is flooded quite seriously. Inside is empty, diesel could not be found. Security is located somewhere on the territory of the plant.

Military →

On the territory of the fleet there are car boxes and several warehouses. On the basis of this unit, the 53rd Special Purpose Brigade (OSNAZ) was formed, which was later relocated to another location. The car park is located on the territory of the active military unit. There are no personnel other than those on duty at the KTP. Warehouses have a variety of spare parts for equipment. The car pits are empty except for the various...

Military →

Abandoned part of the military camp. The abandoned part consists of 4 buildings. One of them looks like something educational: on the ground floor all the rooms are classrooms, the rest of the floors are standard rooms of unknown purpose. The second building has on each floor a large hall, having a size of about 70% of the entire floor. The third building is similar to the second, but on the roof you can find an incomprehensible device on wheels. From the roof you have a beautiful view of Kaluga....

Not so long ago, journalists from one of the Kaluga news sites called me: “You are studying anomalous zones. Our readers are interested in the anomalous zones of the Kaluga region, we are preparing a publication about them. There are a lot of materials on the Internet about the anomalous zone in the village of Nikitskoye - could you tell us about it?

In that anomalous zone in the late 1990s, members of our informal research group "Labyrinth" spent many nights. And we saw something interesting.

Even more interesting things were heard from local residents, and not only about anomalous phenomena, but also about Moscow adventurers, in no small number who came here in search of ghosts. And, as a rule, leaving very disappointed.

I told my interlocutors about this: anomalous phenomena in some places do occur more often than usual, but still not every day. And the real anomalous zones, to put it mildly, are far from the "zone" from the "Roadside Picnic" by the Strugatskys (or the film "Stalker", based on the story).

What happened in the end? From my stories, as well as from reports found on the Internet, journalists chose the most impressive "horror stories", "in health", so to speak. Everything that was said “for peace” - that miracles in anomalous zones are not found at every turn and do not happen every hour, that most of the stories roaming the World Wide Web are simply invented - “forgotten”.

However, such an approach in modern Russian journalism, alas, is common (“Vest”, by the way, is one of the few media outlets that does not allow such “exaggerations”), and I was not even very upset. To some extent, I was even delighted, especially after reading the comments: after a long break, interest in the topic of anomalous zones increased again. What is especially pleasant is that there were many young readers who were not burdened with mysticism and excessive skepticism, who sincerely wanted to objectively understand the issue and personally hunt for miracles.

This is understandable - a new generation has grown up that did not catch the “anomalous cymbal boom” of the late 1980s - early 1990s. But, unfortunately, from my personal point of view, even qualitatively satisfying this interest is now more difficult than twenty years ago: there have been many publications and television programs, but almost all of them are created according to the methodology given above. Therefore, I will try to tell a little about one of the types of anomalous zones (and at the same time their "stalkers") with maximum objectivity.

Let's agree on terminology. An “anomalous zone” can be called any area in which some things constantly exist or more often than average occur that go beyond the usual limits, and are difficult to explain.

For example, this can be called incomprehensibly as a desert in the taiga or a grove of birches in the tundra. The general reader, of course, is interested in cooler anomalous zones, with flying saucers or ghosts. There are those - but there are several types. For example, it is enough to talk with the old-timers of any five to ten villages, and in one they will tell, for example, about the place “where it scares”, “where it turns you on”, “where the cries of French soldiers are heard at night”. Stories about places like this have been passed down for generations, and we've seen time and time again that strange things do happen in these places.

But we are interested in anomalous zones of a different type, "with flying saucers." There are some. Back in the 1950s, when UFO sightings first attracted wide attention, it was noticed that in some places the probability of seeing them is much higher. In the USSR in the 1980s, the “M-sky triangle” in the Perm Territory attracted everyone’s attention: even books were published about meetings with “aliens” there. At first, such anomalous zones were explained simply: "aliens built, they say, research bases with underground garages on Earth."

However, it soon turned out that, according to the most conservative estimates, only in former USSR there are several hundred such "bases", and they usually do not see alien ships, and all kinds of balls and flashes of light, similar to fireballs. So most likely. aliens have nothing to do with it, the phenomena are of natural origin. There were similar "UFO bases" in the Kaluga region.

In the newspaper Znamya, for example, in 1989 an article appeared (one of many in those years) about the observation of a “red ball” that descended into the forest, seen by residents of the Starki village of the Dzerzhinsky district.

It has been mentioned that the observation is not the only one. Five years later, when our amateur group for the study of anomalous phenomena was organized in Kaluga, we visited the village and talked with the residents.

It turned out that in fact there were much more observations of luminous balls there, at least a dozen. In some cases, a hum was heard from the mysterious objects, that is, they were really close to the observers. Since the mid-1980s, UFOs have appeared there at least three times a year, and mostly of the same type (fireballs), but after ten years the sightings stopped ...

A little later, "Vest" and regional television told about the observation of a UFO in the form of a luminous different colors ellipse by residents of the village of Oktyabrsky, Ferzikovsky district. Site visits and interviews with villagers showed that the observation here is far from isolated: various anomalous phenomena in the atmosphere (“glowing balls”, “foggy cigars”, flashes of light) were seen by about 90 percent of permanent residents. They even observed not ghosts, not humanoids. Moreover, in the location of villages with a large number of eyewitnesses, a clear system was guessed - they were located in a strip from north to south twenty kilometers long, crossing the Oka. Here we were also told about the many "small" anomalous zones such as "prodigal places where it scares."

The inhabitants of the villages, located even two kilometers to the west or east, practically did not see UFOs (although, I note to those who consider all the “abnormalities” to be the consequences of immoderate alcohol consumption, the men there drink no less). We ourselves traveled to that area many times and observed anomalous phenomena ourselves, although not particularly impressive (once - light pillars in the field, several more times - lights moving in complex loops). From the very beginning, I was interested in the question - how long have such phenomena been observed here? It turned out that legends about "unclean places" have existed "from time immemorial", but UFOs in the classical sense began to be noticed relatively recently. “In 1975, somewhere we were walking, well, I saw how a ball descended from the sky, sat on the ground and was enveloped in fog” - this was the oldest of the observations that we had a chance to hear here.

After 2000, observations almost ceased here as well. When I visit those places, I always ask fellow travelers and just oncoming villagers: “How is it with UFOs?” “About ten years ago, they saw and talked a lot, but then they somehow stopped appearing.”

Yes, apparently, anomalous zones are limited not only in space, but also in time. Or, at least, they can fall asleep for a long time.

This is another reason for the failure of romantic stalkers, who make lists of anomalous zones from books like the Encyclopedia of Miracles and drive around them in search of adrenaline.

But if the "zones" disappear, then perhaps they appear? As with any "anomalous" question, there is no sure answer, but there are hints of a positive answer.

Last spring, an elderly Muscovite called me: “I found your articles on the Internet, so I bought a house for a summer cottage in the Zhukovsky district and I myself have already seen a UFO twice, and the neighbors say. Maybe there is an anomalous zone and you need to leave? I already turned to a psychic, he said that there is negative energy there.

I don’t know about “negative energy” (and what it is), but the message interested me, and I decided to visit the place. Alas, it was not possible to get to the indicated village (transport communication, even not in the very outback, often leaves much to be desired), but I learned something interesting already on distant approaches.

“It’s been a couple of years since I bought a dacha here, but I don’t seem to remember anything like that ... Although once, in November, I was already driving in the dark by a country road - I look, there is light from the side road. I stopped, I think: "I'll miss it." But no one entered the road. I even turned around, shone the light there - no one. And he couldn’t get away - there is a field there, everything is perfectly visible, ”said an elderly man digging in the courtyard of a rural house.

The next interlocutor turned out to be a native inhabitant of a small village that almost turned into a dacha: “Maybe four years ago I spent the night in the collective farm garage in the summer. At four o'clock in the morning I suddenly woke up, I look: because of the river, as it were ... I don’t know how to say, a UFO is not a UFO, a ray of light, or something. He moved across the sky, touched the transformer box, the transformer buzzed, and - burned out! And we saw balloons in the sky in winter in the village. Even one of the Muscovites, they said, filmed them.”

Is it possible to say that a new anomalous zone of the “UFO base” type has appeared in the Zhukovsky region? At least there are hints of it. Will it be studied at least by amateur methods? To this question, my answer will be very skeptical.

The study of anomalous zones usually comes down to sitting in them enthusiasts who came for the weekend with cameras, at best, to interviewing local residents. In a similar way, our group studied the Kaluga "zones" in the mid-90s. Soon, however, the enthusiasm disappears - the repetition of the same "program" begins to bother amateur researchers. And if at first it is difficult to convince the “enthusiast” that the bright object in the sky is just Venus, then often by the morning of the first night it becomes difficult to wake him up when a “real” UFO appears ... Nowadays, under the influence of popular “research” programs and generally come down to "telepathic meditations", and disappointment from inflated expectations comes even faster.

And yet (hope dies last) it would be nice to find among serious and literate young readers who want to pick up the baton at least a little scientific study anomalous areas. The author can be contacted by phone 8-953-315-09-25.

Andrey Perepelitsyn

The famous scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, as you know, comes from Kaluga. One can see a certain mystical sign in this, since the place where the father of astronautics lived and did his research now attracts the closest attention of ufologists and other “anomalous people”. .

According to the latter, as well as local residents, not only UFOs of various forms regularly appear on the territory of the modern Kaluga region, but there are also cases of teleportation, when an unknown force instantly transfers people over a distance of several kilometers!

There are anomalous zones with stunted vegetation in the Kaluga region, where unusual behavior of animals is noted. Researchers' instruments from time to time record an increased electromagnetic background there. And in the east of the region there are as many as three unfavorable zones - in the vicinity of the villages of Shchigry, Ogarkovo and Nikitskoye. For some reason, people often stray in the Ogarkovo region (not excluding local residents). And near Nikitsky there is an “enchanted” forest where the locals are afraid to go. The trunks of forest trees there are curved in a bizarre way. Grass does not grow in the forest, bird singing is not heard. But, according to the mushroom pickers who inadvertently crossed the border of the protected area, the path to the thicket was sometimes blocked by vague silhouettes, little resembling human ones ...

Of course, having learned about the terrible features of the Nikitsky forest, researchers and just curious people began to run into it. Some of them, entering the forest, felt inexplicable anxiety and irrational fear, sometimes headache and shortness of breath.

In 2002, another expedition of “anomalists” arrived in Nikitskoye. Together with a group of researchers, one of the local summer residents, an 18-year-old boy named Viktor, went to the forest. It was with him that miracles began to happen. Every now and then he stumbled across some invisible obstacles in the forest that he could not overcome. The guy claimed that he literally hit his forehead against a hard wall and at the same time there was a lot of buzzing in his ears ... Having measured Victor's biofield, the researchers found that it was “torn” in many places. The young man turned out to be, apparently, especially sensitive to the energy of the “enchanted” forest. He had to leave the expedition.

The rest of the researchers spent 10 days in the forest. They have seen a lot of amazing things. So, every evening, some kind of ghostly whitish silhouettes appeared near the fire. As soon as I started looking at them more closely, they disappeared without a trace, so I never managed to photograph them. And at night, strange shadows appeared on the ceilings of the tents - they resembled creatures with large heads and skinny bodies. Outside, near the tents, someone's heavy steps were heard, at first seemingly approaching, and then receding away. A mysterious shadow hung over the tent camp all the time, and an incomprehensible noise was heard from the forest every now and then ...

According to geophysical data, the area near Kaluga, where anomalous phenomena are observed, is located along the edge of an underground ring-shaped fault, which is either tectonic, or volcanic, or meteorite in origin.

Let's go back to the beginning of the last century. And here comes one amazing fact. It turns out that K.E. Tsiolkovsky was once engaged in the study of a phenomenon that today would be called the UFO! Late in the evening of May 14, 1934, the 17-year-old grandson of Tsiolkovsky, Vsevolod Kostin, sitting on the veranda of his grandfather's house in Kaluga, noticed a fireball in the distance over the city of Borovskoye. About the size of half a moon, it flew swiftly across the sky in a westerly direction at an inclination to the horizon, brightly illuminating the area around. The young man noticed that a bluish-green core was pulsing inside the object, which then expanded, then contracted again. A yellowish-red trail stretched behind the ball, sparks rained down. In front of the eyewitness, the spherical body suddenly seemed to crumble right in the air, and the glow went out.

Seva wanted to immediately tell his grandfather about everything, but did not dare to disturb him at such a late hour. He told about his observation only the next day.

Konstantin Eduardovich expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that his grandson did not call him as soon as he saw the phenomenon. He passionately began to inquire into the smallest details of the incident, trying to find out exactly the trajectory along which the fireball flew - in this way it was possible to determine the place of a possible fall of the body, most likely, according to the scientist, who had a meteorite or bolide nature.

Not having received all the necessary information from his grandson, Tsiolkovsky gave an announcement to the Izvestia newspaper entitled “Who saw the car?”. In it, the researcher asked everyone who could observe the night flight of the ball to contact him. He received over 200 letters. It turned out that heavenly body seen by people thousands of kilometers from Kaluga - in Moscow, Ryazan, Tula, even in Ukraine. In Bessarabia (Moldova) observed the glow of the sky. Some mistook the car for a shooting star. Many witnesses reported that the ball shimmered in different colors and made rumbling sounds as it flew. And the associate professor of the Leningrad Astronomical Institute I.I. Putilin, who observed the phenomenon while in Moscow, reported to Tsiolkovsky that he clearly saw the balloon explode and heard the sound of the explosion.

Based on the collected evidence, Konstantin Eduardovich wrote a voluminous article “About the car of 1934”. In the article, he noted that the old-timers of these places had never seen anything like this before.

Shortly after the incident, an expedition of the Academy of Sciences headed by L.A. arrived in the Borovsk area. Kulik, who in 1908 took part in the investigation of the Tunguska explosion. Scientists began interviewing eyewitnesses. Hearing that Tsiolkovsky was also interested in the phenomenon, Leonid Alekseevich sent him a letter with a proposal for cooperation and information exchange. He agreed and sent a number of materials with evidence of observation to the meteorite department of the Mineralogical Museum, headed by L.A. Kulik.

Kulik's expedition tried to find traces of the fall of the fireball. To no avail. The researchers even checked the rumor that one of the inhabitants of the surrounding villages saw a huge ball bursting with fire in the swamp. But the information has not been confirmed.

In September 1935 K.E. Tsiolkovsky died without having time to fully investigate the phenomenon. Stopped searching and Kulik.

And let's go back to our days. On May 30, 2004, a mysterious hole appeared in the middle of a field near the village of Voloe, Kirovsky District, Kaluga Region. The shape of the hole was perfectly round, the diameter and depth were about 6 meters. Investigators were on the scene. Traces of mechanical soil sampling were found along the edges of the pit. According to experts, 180 tons of earth were extracted from here. However, it was clearly not taken out of the field - even the grass around the depression was not crushed!

Local shepherd Semyon Volchkov told ufologists that cows, being near the pit, begin to behave aggressively and refuse to eat grass.

The inhabitants of the village have more than once seen luminous balls floating in the air, which changed their color from red to orange. This phenomenon is associated with the legend of the "Angry Well". Allegedly, fifty years ago there was a church in the village, which went underground before everyone’s eyes, and a spring filled in its place ... Later, the villagers built a well there, the water in which is considered holy. They go there to pray and baptize their children. And all sorts of miracles happen there. Andrey Perepelitsyn, chairman of the public group for studying the secrets and mysteries of the Earth “Labyrinth”, believes that the mysterious six-meter deepening could have been formed either as a result of a failure of the soil (after all, the church then went underground!), Or as a result of some anomaly. But in case of failure, the water had to go into the formed cavity, and meanwhile it continues to accumulate in the recess. True, no physical anomalies were recorded in this zone.

Are these events connected with an unknown cosmic body, fragments of which, perhaps, are still buried somewhere in the forests near Kaluga? Alas, we do not know. How not to find out the answer to the question: what kind of balloon flew over Borovsk in 1934? And was it really a car?

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