Can ball lightning pass through glass. Why ball lightning is dangerous and how to protect yourself from it

Ball lightning is a rare and rather poorly studied phenomenon, but this makes it no less dangerous. The first mentions of her date back to the II century BC, when the annals told about the mysterious phenomena that took place in Rome. Similar precedents also happened in the Middle Ages. V modern world the study of the nature of the occurrence of ball lightning began in the 19th century, when D. Arago described this phenomenon. Since then, there has been a lot of research, but humanity still cannot solve its secret, and therefore it is so afraid. We will try to figure out why ball lightning is dangerous, as well as how to protect yourself from it.

Specificity of the impact of ball lightning

This phenomenon is usually striking in its brightness. In this case, the color of the lightning can be very different:

  • dazzling white;
  • blue-blue;
  • black;

But most often there are shades:

  • orange;
  • red;
  • yellow.

Ball lightning can appear both in good weather, for example, on a sunny July morning, and during a thunderstorm. Science is not fully aware of the nature of its occurrence, because it can manifest itself as in open space: inside clouds, in the air, above the ground; and in closed rooms, including residential buildings, through an outlet or window glass. The real temperature of ball lightning is also unknown to scientists. According to their forecasts, it can fluctuate greatly: some experts believe that it is equal to 1000 ° C, while others think that it is slightly more than 100 ° C. Lightning can change its direction abruptly during movement. There are cases of the appearance of ball lightning simultaneously with an ordinary linear lightning. Such a relationship has not yet been precisely described, but this fact exists. This variability explains the difficulties in studying ball lightning. Many experts believed that such a phenomenon did not exist at all, but this was just some kind of optical illusion.

People who have encountered this effect say (and scientists echo them) that the phenomenon can be divided into 2 types:

  1. A red object descends from the sky. It explodes on impact.
  2. Moves in parallel earth surface, power plants, transmission lines and even household appliances serve as a source of attraction for it.

The common people, albeit an unreliable, but the most informed source, so scientists often turn to them when studying this issue. Many people point out that it "hisses", and the duration of its glow ranges from a fraction of a second to half a minute. For scientists, it is still a big mystery how ball lightning is formed, because we can observe it only at the final stage of its existence. Its shape is also of particular interest. That is why a number of hypotheses have been put forward regarding this phenomenon.

Where does ball lightning come from?

It is extremely difficult for scientists to describe the nature of its occurrence, since it is very difficult to capture it. It is not easy to make a photo of ball lightning, because this phenomenon sometimes lasts for a split second. Some witnesses claim to have seen a long glow. Sometimes it just quietly disappears, but there are times when it explodes and you can get a real ball lightning strike.

Many important points need to be explained:

  1. Conditions of creation. After all, there is evidence indicating that she appeared not only in a thunderstorm, but also on an ordinary sunny day.
  2. The structure of the substance. Ball lightning can pass through glass, walls, openings and at the same time restore its original shape.
  3. The nature of radiation. Whether the energy is taken only from the surface or from the entire volume of the ball.

D. Arago, who was one of the first to become seriously interested in this issue, believed that this phenomenon arises due to the interaction of nitrogen and oxygen with the release of energy. This hypothesis was developed by another scientist - J. Frenkel. He argued that the ball contains active gases formed as a result of this reaction. Based on this, we can say that the energy is located inside the object.

Physicist P. Kapitsa did not agree with this assumption. He believed that the reason for everything is additional energy in the form of radio waves, resulting from electromagnetic oscillations between clouds and the ground during a thunderstorm. It accumulates and at some point begins to interact with a natural phenomenon. But even this theory is imperfect, because does not explain the appearance of ball lightning on sunny days.

Thanks to observations from the ground and air, the dimensions of existing spark charges are now well known. Their size ranges from 1 cm to 1 m or more. Most often, people have to deal with lightning with a diameter of 10-20 cm.

M. Yuman tried to repeat this process in laboratory conditions, but his experiment failed. In order to find out the speed of ball lightning, its structure and features, it is necessary to conduct regular experiments. However, since they are all very complex and costly, their implementation in practice is constantly being postponed.

How to escape from ball lightning

Ball lightning is a great danger to humans. As a result of contact with it, at best, you will get off with a serious burn, and most often fatal incidents occur. Most importantly, you should not jerk and panic. If you do not know what to do, if there is a ball lightning nearby, then the simplest advice is not to run. She is very susceptible to various vibrations of the air, so she will immediately follow you, and her speed is much higher.

It is necessary to try to get away from the path along which the object is moving, while it is strictly forbidden to turn your back to it. Stay away from all your gadgets as much as possible, and avoid contact with synthetic materials as they are very electrifying. If you are wearing such clothes, then it is better to just freeze and stay in place. Then there is a chance that the threat will simply pass by. If this could not be avoided, and the victim has burns, then you need to send him to a ventilated room, and then wrap him up warmly. Try to help the victim by giving artificial respiration, if necessary. This will help stabilize his condition a little. However, the first step is to immediately contact an ambulance. Now you know what to do when you encounter ball lightning.

It doesn't matter if you are faced with a phenomenon on the street or in an apartment, do not try to disturb its structure in any way (for example, by throwing something inside). By doing this, you can only harm yourself, since the likelihood of an explosion significantly increases. How to escape from ball lightning in the house?

Immediately warn your loved ones or colleagues (if you are at work) of the existing threat. Also try to prevent panic. It is necessary to approach the window as carefully as possible and open the window. Chances are good that the ball will just come out. In this case, you need to be as collected as possible, do not hesitate, but also do not allow sudden movements.

Ball lightning not only easily passes through walls, but can completely destroy even a strong building. In order to prevent this, it is better to take care in advance that your home is safe. We recommend that you read the article “Protecting your home from a direct lightning strike. Lightning protection: lightning rod, lightning rod, grounding device. " It presents all the current security methods.

Places where ball lightning occurs

Predict any specific place appearance is simply impossible, so no one is protected from such a threat. There have been cases when the repeated occurrence of this effect in one area was recorded. Ball lightning in the city near Pskov was noticed several times a year. But at the same time, the nature of its occurrence remained unknown. Scientists even tried to calculate it, but the destructive force was so great that all the devices became unusable. There is a chronicle from other places confirming the entire danger of this phenomenon, for example, INCREDIBLE footage with ball lightning (5 videos):

The consequences can be dire. You already know what ball lightning looks like, so you can imagine the degree of its devastating effect. At best, long-term treatment is required. It all depends on the degree of burns received and on the strength of the discharge. Hearing and vision are severely impaired. As mentioned earlier, flash can be blindingly bright.

Naturally, this also negatively affects the heart and muscular systems. The main rule in such cases is the provision of quick and qualified assistance. This is what will help save the victim not only life, but also a full physical condition. The photos of eyewitnesses of ball lightning are striking.

At the same time, history knows interesting cases when, after contact with such an object, people discovered unusual abilities in themselves, their diseases disappeared. But these are exceptions and miracles, but in reality, if ball lightning hit a person, then he is in great trouble. The likelihood of getting a dangerous electrical discharge persists not only while the thunder is thundering, but also after. There is a video clip "Ball lightning - unique videos of eyewitnesses", in which people are amazed by the phenomenon, not being afraid to film what is happening. In this case, the usual radius is on average 10 km.

Ball lightning, the voltage of which is much higher than ordinary lightning, can permanently cripple life. Therefore, you should think about your safety right now. This will help you with products and services from the company "Alef-Em", where real professionals work who will take care of you. You need to think about ways to improve the protection of your apartment and not be afraid to face danger.

How to Protect Against Ball Lightning Using the Services We Provide

Lightning rods from Alef-Em are reliable protection in emergency situations. It is enough to go to our website and select the necessary products in order to protect yourself. Our sales consultants who have extensive experience will help you with this. You can talk with them on various topics related to the safety of your home both during a thunderstorm and when ball lightning appears.

You already know how to behave if ball lightning has flown into the house. But using our services, you will be able to minimize or even avoid this probability. The charges will be directed into the ground, such lightning rods have already been tested many times. The main evidence of their quality is not certificates at all, but grateful customer reviews.

Ball lightning can easily fly into the window, but this is excluded thanks to our systems. They consist of the following parts:

  • metal base;
  • a device that is located on the roof of a building;
  • a cable that acts as a connector.

It is not enough to know how to behave in case of ball lightning, you must always be prepared for the worst case scenario. Reliable lightning protection from "Aleph-Em" will help to avoid troubles from this natural phenomenon.

Having been working for about ten years, they managed to become real leaders in this market segment. We guarantee a result that will serve you for many years. The methods of our work can be found in the article "Traditional lightning protection of buildings: a lightning rod (lightning rod)".

The prices in Alef-Em are much lower than those of competitors, there is a flexible system of discounts and an individual approach to each client, which will allow you to save significantly.

We only work with reliable materials, because the safety of our customers comes first.

There are many useful materials, there you can read articles about ball lightning. Everyone is at risk of meeting her, but it is important to be prepared and remain just an eyewitness. By watching the video about ball lightning, you can see how dangerous it is. Contact our company, where we are always glad to see you. Qualified staff will assist and quickly make the apartment much safer. They will show a video about ball lightning in the house, point out the main mistakes and tell you how to behave in an emergency.

The company strives to become with its clients not only partners, but also true friends. Come to us, and we will perform high-quality work in the shortest possible time.

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Where does ball lightning come from and how to anticipate its appearance? How long does she live and what secret dangers can it pose to a person? Is it true that she has a mind of her own? To make sense of this complex natural phenomenon, little knowledge of physics. Perhaps there is something more lurking here?

What is Ball Lightning?

It is believed that ball lightning is an extremely rare natural phenomenon, which is an electric body in the shape of a ball, capable of moving through the air along a completely unpredictable trajectory and covering huge distances.

The size of this ball can be different - from a few centimeters in diameter to the size of a soccer ball. She does not “live” for long, at most - two minutes, but even during this time she manages to accomplish many incomprehensible and inexplicable things that do not lend themselves to logical analysis.

Most often, ball lightning is generated during a thunderstorm when the air is filled with electrical particles. Connecting with each other, positively and negatively charged elements create a luminous electric ball. It can be not only white, but also red, yellow, and in rare cases even black.

Eyewitnesses say that lightning can occur in absolutely clear weather, and the time and place of its appearance is impossible to predict. She can easily fly into an apartment through an open window, fireplace, outlet, fan and even a landline telephone.

Lightning strike

An encounter with such an electric ball does not bode well. And if a lightning strike from the sky can be prevented with the help of a lightning rod, then there is no salvation from ball lightning. She can go through solids- walls, stones, and during flight makes strange sounds - buzzing, hissing. Her actions cannot be foreseen, it is impossible to escape from her, and sometimes she behaves so strangely that some scientists consider her a rational being.

Observing this phenomenon from the outside is safe enough, but there have been cases when lightning has chased specific people throughout their lives. The most famous case is the story of the British Major Summerford, who was struck by lightning three times in his entire life. This caused serious damage to his health. But even after his death, the evil fate did not leave him alone - a lightning strike in the cemetery completely destroyed the tombstone of the unfortunate major.

Hence the thought arises - is not lightning a punishment from above for some bad deeds? History knows cases when lightning struck notorious sinners who could not be punished by ordinary, earthly justice. No wonder in Russia the phrase: "So that you are struck with thunder!" - sounded like the worst curse.

In many ancient cultures, lightning and thunder were considered heavenly signs and an expression of divine anger, sent on the guilty to intimidate or as punishment. Ball lightning was called nothing other than "the coming of the devil" or "hellfire". But do they always do harm?

There are many cases in history when a meeting with ball lightning brought good luck and even healing from diseases. A person who survived a lightning strike is considered righteous, “marked by God,” who is promised heaven after death. Often, people who experienced such an event discovered new abilities and talents in themselves that were not there before.

Consequences of a lightning strike

A lightning strike is dangerous primarily for aircraft, since it can disrupt radio communications, the operation of equipment and lead to an accident. Lightning striking a tree or building will cause fires and severe damage. If a person is on her way, the consequences are most often tragic - severe burns or death.

A person who survived a lightning strike is considered lucky. But this is a very dubious happiness - the consequences of a fireball burn for the body will be sad. It happened that after such "luck" people lost their memory, speech, hearing and sight. The nervous system is particularly affected by electric current.

Ball lightning behaves quite differently. Even a lightning rod will not save from its appearance. She acts selectively: from several people standing nearby, one can cause severe harm and even kill, while the other cannot. She is able to melt coins in a wallet without damaging paper money.

Going through human body, ball lightning may not leave marks on the skin, but burn all the insides. From contact with it, intricate patterns remain on the human body - from digital symbols to landscapes of the area where the fatal "meeting" took place.

It is this strange behavior of a glowing electric ball that causes suspicions and assumptions among some scientists - but what if this is intelligent life? It acts too unpredictably, besides, often after its appearance in open areas, famous crop circles appeared. But there is no direct evidence for such hypotheses yet.

How to behave when meeting with ball lightning

If you follow safety precautions, then most likely such a meeting will not threaten you. However, there is general recommendations, which we advise you to listen to, even if you consider yourself a lucky person.

1.During thunderstorms, close windows, doors, oven openings, and other exits where electrical discharge can penetrate. The ideal option would be to turn off the electricity.

2.If you see a flying ball lightning, do not wave your hands or try to film it - there is a high probability that the lightning will be attracted to a metal object in your hands.

3.If lightning appears near you, never try to run away from it! Since ball lightning is lighter than air, movement from it will cause an air vortex that will cause the lightning to follow you. It is best to freeze in place and wait for what will happen.

4. Do not try to throw something at the ball lightning! From this, it can explode, and the consequences are difficult even to predict.

5.During thunderstorms, do not hide under trees or stay inside the vehicle.

6. It is estimated that 86% of people struck by lightning are men. Therefore, if there is an excess of testosterone in your body, be doubly careful during a thunderstorm.

7. If you are wearing wet clothes, the chances of collisions with lightning increase. Electrical discharges are always attracted to water and moisture.

A person who has been struck by lightning should be moved to a warm room, wrapped in a blanket, if necessary, given artificial respiration and taken to a hospital as soon as possible.

The facts collected here are given rather for general view about the nature of ball lightning than for practical application, and is unlikely to ever be useful to you in real life... After all, the chance to see such a phenomenon is extremely small. According to statistics, the probability of a person meeting with ball lightning is 1 in 600,000.

A rare person can be left indifferent by peals of thunder and flashes of lightning. The real danger posed by the formidable element has always excited the imagination. Our distant ancestor with horror awaited the denouement of what was happening in the rumbling and flaming sky, guessing in the elements the nature of the divine. But even today, at the time of the triumph of science and technology, not everything is clear in the nature of the formation and manifestation of lightning.

Attracting lightning

In the old days, a person struck by lightning was buried in the ground. And thus they often saved his life. Even today, sometimes the victim is treated in the same way, realizing that in this way an electrical discharge can be removed from the unfortunate.

But lightning may well cause many people to feel confused, powerless, a sense of the mystery of what is happening. They talk about such a case. It was in Japan. A group of schoolchildren, being in the mountains, got into a thunderstorm. In order not to get lost in bad weather, the teacher forced the children to connect with a rope the way climbers do. And what? The chain of children was struck by lightning, and every third in the row was killed. Of course, wet rope is an excellent conductor of atmospheric electricity. But why exactly every third person died? Scientists are still at a loss for speculation.

It is known that objects protruding upward attract lightning, so in the countryside it strikes the crosses and domes of temples and churches, in cities - into skyscrapers and TV towers, in open spaces - into separately standing tall trees, under which in no case can you hide in a thunderstorm. It has been noticed that in open places, lightning most often hits where there are accumulations of water or pipelines pass, ores are deposited.

Experiments with dummies that are hung with metal objects have shown that lightning travels through metal objects without touching the dummy. But would it be the same if the mannequin was replaced by a human? Unlike a doll, a person has the properties of an electric magnet, which means that, by definition, he is not indifferent to lightning.

It is known that the sorcerers of America have the art of calling lightning. This is how it is done. In bad weather, the men of the tribe, at the sign of the sorcerer, gather in a strictly defined place in a large circle and begin an intricate dance with spears. The ritual dance continues until lightning strikes the center of the circle. But in the power of the sorcerer, demonstrated to the public, there is a cunning hidden. The tribe chooses a place rich in underground waters to cause lightning. A place where lightning must strike.

Lightning “love” not only certain places, but also certain people. Faith magazine told the story of Major Summerford, who in 1918 suffered from a disaster in Flanders. A lightning strike threw him off his horse, paralyzing his lower body. After retiring from the army on disability, the major left for Vancouver and in 1924 was subjected to another lightning attack, which paralyzed the right side of the body. Two years later, the major recovered from the second lightning strike and even began to walk in the park. But in the summer of 1930 he was again found by the "fiery arrow". This time, it paralyzed the whole body. He was gone two years later. But two years after the death of the major, namely in June 1934, lightning struck in the Vancouver cemetery, and its blow fell exactly on the headstone of the unfortunate man, smashing it to smithereens.

In 1950, Faith magazine told this story. In 1899, a man was killed by lightning in the courtyard of a house in Toronto (Italy). Exactly 30 years later, his son died from a lightning strike. And on October 8, 1949, "mysterious and terrible" strikes, the grandson of the first and the son of the second unfortunate. And what is remarkable - the lightning killed them in the same place.

Myths and facts

Although statistics tell us that death from lightning strikes is extremely rare, this danger should not be underestimated. Judging by forecasts of weather forecasters, abnormal heat can be replaced by showers with thunderstorms. Perhaps this is the scenario that our region is waiting for. We propose to replenish the piggy bank of knowledge with useful and interesting facts about lightning. Let's consider how some myths about lightning are true.

Myth 1: tornadoes and hurricanes are more dangerous than lightning.

Fact: lightning kills more people every year than tornadoes or hurricanes. Many more people die from floods alone than from lightning.

Myth 2: Lightning can hit you even at home.

Fact: Perhaps the safest place during a thunderstorm is in your home, but that doesn't mean you don't need to take precautions.

If lightning strikes the building, then electricity will likely pass through plumbing or wiring before burrowing into the ground. Therefore, during lightning, do not talk on a wired phone, stay away from running water (do not take a shower, do not wash dishes and hands). Do not use a stove, computer, or other appliances that are connected to an electrical network.

Myth 3: Airplanes are always shot down by lightning.

Fact: In reality, lightning strikes planes regularly, but rarely crashes. On average, lightning strikes every plane at least once a year. Most aircraft are made of aluminum, which is a good conductor of electricity, so there are strict safety regulations for aircraft.

Myth 4: Turn off electronic devices during a thunderstorm.

Fact: A surge in current can damage electronics even if lightning hasn't struck your home. If you are not sure about the reliability of the device for protection against voltage surges, then turn off the computer, TV and other electronics. If you start turning off appliances during a thunderstorm, there is a chance of being exposed to an electric shock, so this should be done before a thunderstorm starts.

Myth 5: It is dangerous to be in a car during a thunderstorm.

Fact: In fact, cars are one of the safest places during a thunderstorm if you cannot enter a building. Just make sure your car has a secure and sturdy roof.

Myth 6: Lightning doesn't hit the same place twice.

Fact: During a thunderstorm, lightning can hit the same place several times.

Myth 7: It's not safe to be outside during a thunderstorm.

Fact: If you find yourself outside during a thunderstorm, try to hide in a grounded building or car. If this is not possible, the following tips will help minimize the risk: Avoid open spaces and lonely tall objects (such as trees). Stay away from water - it is a good conductor. Do not lie on the ground - this will increase the contact area, because if lightning strikes the ground near you, the smaller the contact area, the less current will flow into you.

Myth 8: you need to stay at home for another half hour after the end of the thunderstorm.

Fact: In most cases, people are not struck by lightning in the midst of a thunderstorm. According to the US National Meteorological Service (NMS), lightning can strike from a distance of 15 km from the place where it is raining, so if you hear thunder, then you are in a zone of lightning strike. The NMS advises to adhere to the following advice: “If you hear thunder, then wait at home. It will be safe to leave the house half an hour after the last time thunder roared. "

Myth 9: You can determine the distance to a thunderstorm by counting how many seconds elapsed from a flash of light to thunder.

Fact: Surprisingly, this kid's trick really works. Light travels faster than sound, so first we see a flash of light, and then a thunderclap. To determine the distance to a thunderstorm, you need to know the speed of sound: it moves at a speed of 1 km in three seconds.


A typical lightning bolt lasts about a quarter of a second and consists of 3-4 flashes.

6,000 lightning strikes in the world every minute.

Lightning temperatures can reach over 27 thousand degrees Celsius. This is somewhat hotter than the surface of the Sun!

The probability of seeing ball lightning at least once in a lifetime is 1 in 10,000.

By striking sandy soil, lightning promotes the formation of glass. After a thunderstorm, strips of glass can be found in the sand.

Lightning is also observed on Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.

The probability of being killed by lightning is 1 in 2,000,000. The same chances are for each of us to die from falling out of bed.

The Greeks believed that pearls were formed when lightning strikes the sea.

Up - Reader Reviews (7) - Write a Review - Print version

Initially, a discharge is heard - a crackle - like that of a shocker, only aaam louder - but this is only a fraction of a second, and that is heard by those who are near the place of the lightning strike: from a flash to a thunder in less than a second. I heard this crackling 3 times, in different years and in the same place, the place is open - the Volga bank - I will tell you the sensations ... which, according to the laws of physics, it would seem that lightning should not hit, are quite often associated with the increased electrification of air flows, which, as you know, have the lowest electrical resistance. Moreover, the thickness of these flows can be as little as half a meter (!!!)

And we have earthquakes in Yaposhka. They're no better than thunderstorms

I have a lightning bomb I don’t know where! (

can ball lightning "pass" through window glass? and got the best answer

Answer from V and xr b [guru]
It is known from physics that lightning is an electrical discharge through ionized air between a cloud that has accumulated discharges due to the crystallization of water droplets in a thundercloud and the Earth; there are also discharges between parts of the clouds. The "body" of lightning is a gas "heated" by a flow of electrons to a plasma (4th state, except for: solid-liquid-gas). Lightnings are "linear", "branched", etc., they are obtained artificially and described theoretically.
"Ball lightning" (BL) stands apart - a brightly glowing (yellow, sometimes blue) clot of plasma, often separated from the main lightning! In the clouds, CMMs are tens of meters in size, near the Earth - from a soccer ball to a walnut. CMM is an interesting plasma object, it has not yet been theoretically described (there is a hypothesis of a rotating "electron top") and has not been obtained in laboratories. Estimates have shown that a CMM the size of a walnut can release the power of a 1-ton bomb when it explodes! The lifetime of the CMM ranges from seconds to several minutes. Often, large CMM "does not realize" the energy release completely and disappears with a "pop" in wires and pipes, leaving a smoke with a sulfurous smell. Sometimes the CMM passes through the glass, leaving a 3-5 cm hole. But there have been cases when, when approaching the glass, the joint lightning "went" back, so it turns out that it is better to keep the window closed.
CMM photos are sometimes even mistaken for UFOs and try to explain it by "extraterrestrial" reasons.
I saw CMM myself in 2000, stuffy summer night a severe thunderstorm began, I closed the balcony door - rain was pouring into the room. At this moment, a "linear" lightning flashed opposite (I live on the 9th floor), 300-400 m opposite, "ordinary" lightning struck the roof of a low house, a thunderclap. But from the "bend" of the lightning line above the roof, a bright yellow-red ball with sparks that looked about a meter "jumped out", bounced to the right and quickly rushed, gaining speed, to the right and gaining altitude with a buzzing sound like an airplane (or a rocket) piercing the air. Having flown about 2 km, the ball "exploded", with the sound of a cannon shot, and a "salute" of sparks turned out! Everything happened in 5-6 seconds. It's a pity that I saw this alone and did not have time to grab the camera!
All the best and let CMM not give you any trouble!
In the photo - CMM, taken at the window during a thunderstorm. CLOSE THE VANES IN A THUNDERSTORM!

Answer from Andrey Anenkov[active]
I don’t remember the facts when ball lightning crawled through the gap. If we group the eyewitness accounts, then ball lightning floats through the air, bending around obstacles, melting individual objects, there is a fact when they peel off the wallpaper, explode.

Answer from Aurita ...[guru]
if there is even a microscapic gap, believe it, it will crawl into it.

Answer from Adm Lx[guru]
I personally have never seen this, but they say that it hits if a person stands under a tree.
But at the expense of glass, I don’t change anything like that, the more it does not have a height like a person, and the more lightning strikes a current on a high place, and not on some transparent glass.
Well, if you think about it, if lightning is crazy, then it is quite possible that it will strike.

Answer from Kristina[master]
she can go through the smallest hole

Answer from Alexey Deryabin[active]
nope, do you think why it was installed so that it does not blow chtoli so that you do not get bored during a thunderstorm

Answer from Jai[expert]
Can not. But it can melt.

Answer from Glitchy Badass[expert]
no, glass deilektric (like will not pass) will melt faster

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