Words with the onn suffix are adjectives. N and nn in adjective suffixes

Teacher comments on the material being studied

Possible difficulties

Good advice

It's hard to remember the exceptions to the rule.

Please refer to Appendix 1.2 and fill in word gaps where necessary.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand from which noun a given adjective was formed:

morality ... ny;

mystery ... ny;


own ... ny;

natural ... ny;


indirect ...

original ... ny;

huma ... ny;

immun ... ny, etc.

Most likely, in front of you are adjectives formed from obsolete nouns. You can apply the rule to them in full (even if their previous suffixes from the modern point of view are no longer highlighted):








Pay special attention to the words gumAN-N-th and immunN-N-th, which are formed not from nouns, but from international stems –human- and –immun- with the help of the suffix –н-.

How to deal with words like

old ... old, were ... ny, purposeful ... ny, deep ... ny, true ... ny, remarkable ... ny, etc.? They have the -in- suffix. Should I write them with one H?

In such words, the suffix -in- is already included in the basis of the nouns from which these adjectives were formed. It becomes part of the stem of the noun, and it is to it that the adjective suffix -н- is added. Therefore, in such words, NN is written.

Starin (a) - old-n-th.

Epic (a) - epic-n-th.

Tselin (a) - virgin-n-th.

Depth (a) - depth-n-th.

Truth (a) - true-n-th.

A dozen (a) - not a dozen.

Sometimes it is not clear which suffix is ​​used in this adjective: -an- (-yan-) or -enn-.

Straw ... ny.

Clay ... ny.

Silver ... ny.


Wind ... ny.

In this case, the suffix should be remembered. Pay attention to the spelling of the following words.




Windy day, man (remember also: windy engine).

oil paints).

Please also use the following considerations when addressing this issue.

Words with the suffix -AN- (-ЯН-) mean, from which ( silver) or for what ( wood-fired) the item is made.
The exception is the words:





Are there cases when exceptions forged, chewed and wounded are written through NN?

Exceptions forged, chewed and wounded can be written with two H, when they have dependent words or prefixes.

A sword forged by a gunsmith (a gunsmith is a dependent word).

A fighter wounded in the shoulder (in the shoulder is a dependent word).

Shackled hands (prefix C-).

Injured finger (prefix PO-).

In some cases, it is difficult to understand from what kind of verb a word is formed.

Decided (educated from deciding? Deciding?).

Broche ... ny (educated from toss? Toss?).

This leads to misspellings.

If you are faced with a choice between perfect and imperfective verbs, choose the perfect verb.

Resolved - formed from decide (Sov.v), it is written NN.

Abandoned - educated from quitting (Sov.v), it is written NN.

How many H are written in words with several roots:

uncooked smoked ...

quick-frozen ... and under.?

By itself, the presence of two roots is not a condition for double H.


Uncooked smoked.

In order for two Hs to appear in the suffix of such words, one of the conditions noted in the rule must work.

Freshly cut (prefix C- before the root -KOSH-).

QUICK FROZEN (prefix ZA- in front of the root -FROZEN-).

Distinguish between words like lightly wounded and lightly wounded. In the first case, we have compound word (medical term), in which there are no conditions for NN, in the second case there is a dependent word that requires writing NN.

How many H are written in short participles?

The meeting is over ... but.

Mine is neutralized ... on.

In short participles, one letter H is written, regardless of whether they have prefixes, dependent words, etc.

The meeting is over.

The mine has been defused.

Н and НН in adjectives derived from nouns

The choice of N or NN in adjectives formed from nouns is determined by which word and with the help of which suffix this adjective was formed.

Rat poison; living room; not uncommon .. my nature.

Find out from which noun the word is derived.

Write to NN

If one H is in the stem of a noun, and the second H is an adjective suffix:


If you have the suffix -IN-:

If you have suffixes in front of you -ENN- / -ONN-:

foliage (a) - -

station (s) - -



but without windy

under windy

If you have suffixes in front of you -AN- / -YAN-:

silver) - -

leather) - -







The rule is also suitable for short adjectives(road ).

Rat poison - rats (a) +.

Living room - guest +.

Remarkable nature - .

H and HH in full verbal adjectives and participles

Dried .. linen; mad ... speed; sold ... goods.

In full verbal adjectives and participles, NN is written in the presence of any of the conditions noted below.

Terms of writing NN:

3) the word has -OVA- / -EVA-:


4) the word is formed from a perfective verb (question what to do?):

resolved case ( decide- owls. v.).


Н and НН in short verbal adjectives and short participles

She is modest and well-mannered ... and; she was brought up ... in a boarding house; she's always collected..and organized..a.

She is humble and well-mannered - this is a short verbal adjective.

She was brought up in a boarding school - this is a short communion.

She is always collected and organized - these are short verbal adjectives.

In adjective names, one letter H is written in suffixes -IN-, -AN-, -YAN-.

For example: swan(in the suffix -IN - one letter H is written), leather(in the suffix

-AN- one letter H is written), woolen(in the suffix -YAN- one letter H is written).

It is very easy to remember three suffixes in which one letter H is written. Need to know n the first letter of the alphabet and the last - A and Z... Add one letter H to them and get suffixes - AN, IN, YAN .

You can learn a rhyme that will help you remember the suffixes of adjectives that are written with one letter H.

For adjectives long ago

Written down in scholarly books,

When AN, IN, YAN, then H is one

And no more surplus.

Suffix -IN- called "animal". With the help suffix IN adjectives are formed from animate nouns denoting animals, insects, birds.



Nightingale IN NY = Nightingale + IN

In adjectives MOUSE IN OH,MOSQUITO IN NYY, SOLOV IN OUCH the "animal" suffix is ​​written - IN - with one letter N.

Suffixes - AN-, -YAN - are written in the names of adjectives denoting the material from which the object is made:






Adjectives SKIN AN SAND, SAND AN OH, SILVER YAN OUCH , WOOL YAN OH, CLAY YANОЙ are written with one letter H, since the suffix in them begins with letters AND I .

You should remember three adjectives, the suffix of which begins with the letter I, but the letters H are written in it not one, but two. These are the exception words: TREE YANN OY, OLOV YANN NY, GLASS YANN OUCH.

The following riddle about WINDOW:

glass surface, wooden frame, pewter handle.

2. Two letters НН in adjective suffixes

Two letters H are written in the names of adjectives whose suffixes begin with the letter O or E. For example, EDITORIAL HE N OUCH, TRADITION HE N OUCH, STRAW ENN OY, CRANBERRY ENN OUCH.

Remember suffix - HE N- with NN helps UN - United Nations.

It is known that suffix - HE N- - UN fan.

He strives to be as similar as possible to the UN in everything. True, the difference between them is immediately noticeable: the suffix - HE N- two letters H, and his UN idol has two letters O.

With the suffix - HE N -, in which two letters H are written, adjectives are formed most often foreign language origin... For example, COMMISSIONS HE N OY, EDITORIAL HE N OUCH, TRADITION HE N OUCH, REVOLUTION HE N OUCH

Two letters H are written in a suffix -ENN-.

Adjectives with the suffix - ENN- are most often formed from nouns whose stem ends in several consonants: ARTS ENN OY, CRANBERRY ENN OH, LIFE ENN OH, OGN ENN OUCH, ILL ENN OUCH.

In the Russian language there is an exception word, the suffix of which begins with the letter E, but the letters H are written in it not two, but one. This is the word WIND.



One letter H is written in the word WIND!

However, if the prefix WITHOUT appears in the word WIND, then the letters H, according to the rule, are written two.

WINDLESS NIGHT (there is a prefix in the word)

Remember spelling of words WIND andWINDLESS the following poem helps.

Windy youth, windy day!

You can easily remember:

I always write only H!

Windless morning, day or night!

Without applying the rules of knowledge,

Write two Hs without hesitation!

3. Two letters H at the junction of morphemes

Two letters H are written in adjectives formed with the suffix H from nouns with a stem on the letter N.






The following poetic rule helps to write the doubled letter N. in the name of the adjective.

Mist one has H,

But if the city became fog + Ny,

At the heart of H and the suffix H,

And it turns out NN,

Remember this strange incident.

4. Should be remembered

In the Russian language there are several words that do not have the H suffix and suffer greatly from this. These words are often confused and mistakenly write double NN in them.

Remember: in words SINGLE, GREEN, SPICY, ROYED, JUNIOR, PORK one letter H is written, which is part of the root.

5. Analyzing examples

Let's determine how many letters H are written in the following adjectives and why.

Goose(this word has a "animal" suffix -IN -, in which one letter H is written),

TELEPHONE(this adjective is derived from the noun TELEPHONE, the base of which ends in the letter N. The suffix H is added. Therefore, we write the word TELEPHONE with two letters H),

STRAW(the suffix of this adjective starts with the letter E, so we write НН),

LINEN(the suffix of this adjective begins with the letter I and denotes the material from which the object is made, therefore we write one letter H),

WINDY(this is an exception word in which one letter H is written),

INFECTIOUS(the suffix of this adjective starts with the letter O, so we write НН),

GLASS(this is an exception word, which is included in the riddle about the window; therefore, we write NN).

6. Algorithm of writing Н, НН in adjective suffixes

Choosing H, HH for writing in the suffix, you can use the algorithm.

Table 1. Algorithm of writing Н, НН in adjective suffixes ()

7. Н, НН in short names of adjectives

It should be remembered that in short names adjectives are written as many H as in full ones: traditional - traditional, smart - smart.


  1. Russian language. Grade 6 / Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cl. - M .: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6 cl. / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lecant. - M .: Bustard, 2010.
  1. Reference table ().
  2. Presentation ().
  3. Additional exercise ().


Task number 1

Insert the missing letters H or HH where necessary. Justify your answer.

Yu..y, u..at, silver..y, aviation..y, long..y, tin..y, straight..y, hurray..y, debate..y, swans..y, wind..y, wind .. oh, calm..y, ose..y, morning ..y, morning..yk, glass..y, truzhe..ik, silver..y, silver..ka, unrepentant..ik, seme ... oh, ice ... oh, cranberry..y, hemp..y, hemp..ick, sparrows ..y, nightingales ..y, streme .. oh, seme .. oh, red banner ..th, celebration ..th, life..y, old ..y, guests .. her, guests .. person, oil ..y, oil .. person, wind .. person, vah, ply..y, tse..y, drunk..y, rya..y, rud..y, rud..a, fire..y, sandy..y, craft..y, secondary..y, pension ..y, clay ..y, animals ..th, posterity ..th, dragon..y, bullo..y, flat ... Sheep..th, infectious..y, sympathy..th, seven ... mice..y, svi..oi, pigs..a, wood..ik, oil..ik, mali..ik, axes..ik, ripples..ik, friend..ik, moshe..ik, wind..ik, side..ik, smart..y, ko..itsa, leeward..y, sand..ik, traveling. .ik, hairy..itsa, vishe..ik, eroded..y, kure..oy (chieftain).

Task number 2

Make the "silent" table speak: write down necessary words... Write out the adjectives with the studied spelling from the poems.

1. He slept, all radiant, in an oak manger,

Like a month a ray in the hollow hollow.

He was replaced by sheepskins ...

Donkey ... stuck lips and nostrils of an ox.

B. Pasternak

2. And there is a birch in the ... oh silence,

And snowflakes are burning in golden fire.

S. Yesenin

3. You love ice ... oh January,

Calmness, brutal cold.

And I am a fierce February

Blizzard, daring drizzle.

The spelling rules for suffixes -enn-, -onn-, -nn- and suffixes -en-, -in-, -an-, -yan- are clear to any student and are easy to learn.

Below in this article we will look at the spelling rules. different parts speech with suffixes - enn-, -onn-, -nn- -en-, -in-, -an-, -yan-.

The difficulty lies in the fact that parts of speech with these suffixes you need to write thoughtfully and be able to distinguish between:

In contact with

  1. What part of speech is a given word, its semantic properties;
  2. Know from which parts of speech it is formed and its morphological composition;
  3. What member of the sentence in this case is the word with the studied suffix;
  4. Full or short form;
  5. Remember the exceptions to the rule.

Spelling rules

They can be formed from nouns (straw, timeless), from verbs (recessed logs), from adjectives (healthy - hefty) using the suffixes -нн- and -enn-, -onn- (station, commission).

Adjectives from nouns

In short adjectives as many "n" are written as in full ones. Long speech - speech is long. Contemporary music - clothing is contemporary. Well-bred youth - youth well-bred.

The suffix -enn- is written in words with emotional coloring signs: healthy - hefty, broad - broad, courage - courageous.

In the word windy one letter is written "n", windless - "nn". Windy girl is a calm day.

Writing participles

Mostly participles are used in written speech therefore it is very important to use and write them correctly.

The participle suffixes -enn- and ённ are written if:

  1. There is a prefix (divorced, folded).
  2. There is a dependent word. Campfire made by tourists. The city located by the sea. The task completed by the students.
  3. It is formed from the verbs in -chi, -sti, -it: bake - baked, grow - grown, build - built, burn - burned.

The unexpected, the unexpected, the unheard of, the unseen, the given are the exceptions.

Short and complete parts of speech

The rule is very simple:

  1. Brief participles are written with -en-: the lesson is learned, the oak has been cut down, the norm has been worked out;
  2. Short adjectives are written with -enn-: art is perfect, children are well-bred.

The participles can have or can be substituted by dependent words: the girl was raised (by whom) by her grandmother. This is a short participle.

Children are well-bred. There are no dependent words. This is a verbal adjective.

Complex adjectives are written according to the same principle as simple ones:


  1. Fresh frozen - no prefix, but fresh frozen, because the second part of the word has a prefix.
  2. Plain dyed (no prefix), plain dyed (there is a prefix).

There are not many rules for spelling suffixes. They are easy to remember if desired. It is necessary to learn the words-exceptions and learn to distinguish between participles and adjectives. This is especially important when using short forms of these parts of speech, because their spelling is different.

Examples: long hair - long hair, conquered peaks - conquered peaks, smart speech - speech is smart, painted doors - doors are painted.

The participle is used in writing... In colloquial speech, our contemporaries do without him. To learn how to write correctly and use them in your speech, you need to read the works of Russian classics, then your speech will become competent and logical. And you will undoubtedly be able to profitably show off your knowledge in the circle of intelligent and well-mannered people.

The theme of the Russian language "Spelling" n "and" nn "in adjectives" is familiar to every student. However, after graduating from a general education institution, many people begin to forget the simplest rules and commit big number errors during the creation of any text. In this regard, we decided to remind you of the cases in which the suffixes "n" and "nn" are written in adjectives. Also, some exceptions to the established rules will be presented to your attention. They should be remembered.

Part of speech definition

They call a significant one that denotes a non-procedural feature of an object, and also acts in a sentence as a definition or a nominal part of a predicate and answers the following questions: "what?", "What?", "What?", And also "whose?" and what?".

general information

"Spelling" n "and" nn "in adjectives" is a very important topic in the Russian language. Indeed, without knowledge of such simple rules, it is quite difficult to compose a competent text or even a letter.

It should be especially noted that adjectives can be formed from both nouns and verbs. Knowing these basics will allow you to better understand how many "n" letters you need to write in a given case.

Spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives derived from nouns

So, let's figure it out together, in which cases you should put -нn-:

In what adjectives that are derived from nouns is "n" written?

Now you know in what cases the suffixes -нн- are written in adjectives (-onn-, -enn-, etc.), if they are derived from nouns. However, this is not enough for competent writing of the text. In this regard, it is necessary to consider the spelling rules for the suffixes -in-, -yan- and -an-:

  1. In adjectives that are derived from nouns using the above suffixes, only 1 letter "n" is always written. Let's give an example: leather (leather), passerine (sparrow), clay (clay), pigeon (dove), wax (wax), crane (crane), wood (firewood), nightingale (nightingale), etc. However, all the rules have their exceptions. In this case, these are the words "glass", "wooden" and "pewter". 2 letters "НН" are written in them, and they must be memorized.
  2. In the names of adjectives that are formed without using any suffixes. Let's give an example: green (green). You also need to remember the following words: spicy, ruddy, porky, youthful and united.

How many letters "n" are written in the names of adjectives that are derived from adjectives?

2 letters "n" are written if adjectives are formed from adjectives by adding the suffix -enn-, which indicates a large measure of any sign. Let's take an example: hefty, tall or wide.

Important notes regarding the described rules

Spelling "n" and "nn" in adjectives has the following features:

Spelling "нн" in adjectives and participles derived from verbs

So, 2 letters "n" should be written if:

  1. Adjectives are derived from prefixed verbs. Moreover, the prefix "n" almost never affects the spelling of "n" or "nn". Thus, in an adjective with one should not write as many letters "n" as in an adjective without this prefix. Here's an example: (tied, beveled, built).
  2. If there are suffixes such as -eva- or -ova-. Let's give an example: organized excursion, uprooted forest, etc.). Exceptions are the following words: chewed and forged... In this case, ov- and eu- are included in the root, and are not suffixes.
  3. If there is any dependent word in the sentence (for example, braided from twigs).
  4. If the adjective is formed from a verb that has a perfect form (for example, solved). An exception is the word "wounded".

Spelling "n" in adjectives derived from verbs

One letter "n" is written in adjectives that are derived from verbs without the use of prefixes. Let's give an example: uncut, knitted. Exceptions are the following words: sacred, slow, unseen, unexpected, desired, unheard of, unexpected and unexpected.

Letters "n", "nn" in short adjectives

In addition to the full names of adjectives, there are also short forms in the Russian language. To understand how "n" and "nn" are spelled in short adjectives, you should remember the rules about full ones. After all, they are the same for both forms.

Let's give an example:

Important notes on the material covered

To finally understand how to write adjectives (with "n" or "nn"), you need to consider the following features:

1. Usually the suffixes -yan- and -an- give the meaning "intended for something" or "made of a certain material." For example: wood, wardrobe; sandy, clay.

2. To correctly compose the text, one should distinguish between adjectives, whose spelling is associated with their meaning.

Windy, that is, "with the wind" (windy weather). Wind-driven, that is, "driven by the force of the wind" (wind-driven pump). In the phrase "chickenpox" the name of the adjective is written 1 letter "n". This is due to the fact that the word comes from "chickenpox".

Buttered, that is, "soaked in oil" (oily porridge). Buttered, that is, "flattering" (oily voice). Butter, that is, "diluted in butter" (butter cookies).

Silver-plated, that is, "subjected to silver plating" (silver-plated device). Silver, that is, "made of silver" (silver bottle).

Salty, that is, "containing salt" (salted fish). Salty, that is, "consisting of salt" (salt pillar).

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