Exercises for training ordinal numerals in English. Theme "Figures, Numbers" in English for children: Required words accounts, exercises, dialogue, phrases, songs, cards, games, tasks, riddles, cartoons for children in English with trans

Example: 5 - 3 \u003d 2 - Five Minus Three Makes Two

1. 2 + 5 =
2. 7 x 3 \u003d
3. 6 – 1 =
4. 4 x 8 \u003d
5. 9: 3 =

Task 2. Put fractional numeral letters.

Example: 1/2 - A Half (One Half)

1. 2/3
2. 6.51
3. 1 3/4
4. 0.02
5. 2 1/5

Task 3. Translate proposals by registering numeral letters.

Example: I do it for the first time. - I "M Doing this for the first time.

1. Your older brother has two cars.
2. I ranked first in chess competition.
3. In my room five chairs and two tables.
4. This tweed jacket costs 300 dollars.
5. The fifth season of this program promises to be interesting.

Task 4. Open brackets and determine the meaning of a numeral (ordinal or quantitative).

Example: Tim Is a Polyglot. HE KNOWS ... (Ten) Languages. - Tim Is a Polyglot. HE KNOWS TEN LANGUAGES.

1. Jake HASN "T Eaten His Fill (Eat One "S Fill - Run). HE Would Like ... (Two) Bowlful of Soup.
2. (Seventeen) ... is My Lucky Number.
3. Mike and Diana Have ... (Six) Cats and ... (Two) Dogs.
4. You have ... (Three) Attempts to Answer This Question.
5. I Think ... (Three) Issue Will Be Better Than ... (TWO).

Task 5. Select the correct answer option.

one . The 23rd of April 1987.

a) The Twenty-Three of April One Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-Seven
B) The Twenty-Threed Of April Nineteen Eight Seven
C) The Twenty-Third of April Nineteen Eighty-Seven

2. There Are ... People in the Restaurant.

a) Sixteen.
b) Sixteenth
c) Sixteenths.

3. Your Second book Is Worse Than ....

a) First.
b) The First
c) one

four . Olivia Found This Quotation On ... Page.

a) The Forty-Fifth
b) Forty-Fifeth
c) Forty-Five

five . I Need ... Peaches for a Pie.

a) Three.
b) The Third
c) Threety.


Exercise 1.

1. Two Plus Five Makes (Equals) Seven
2. Seven Times Three Makes (Equals) Twenty-One
3. Six Minus One Makes (Equals) Five
4. Four Times Eight Makes (Equals) Thirty-Two
5. Nine Divided by Three Makes (Equals) Three

Task 2.

1. Two Thirds.
3. One and Three Fourths
4. Nough Point Nough TWO (Point Nough TWO)

Task 3.

1. Your Elder Brother Has Got Two Cars.
5. The Fifth Season of this show is Going to Be Interesting.

Show answers with translation

  1. I Have Only one. Cookie Left. - I had only one cookie.
  2. Gagarin Was. the First. Man in space. - Gagarin was the first person in space.
  3. It Was Their. Twenty-First. Day in the Mountains. - It was their twenty-first day in the mountains.
  4. I WAS GOING TO READ tEN. Books by The End of the Year. Now I'm ON. the Eights. Book. - I was going to read ten books until the end of the year. Now I am on the eighth book.
  5. Harry Lost His Phone. IT WAS HIS. sECOND. Phone This Year. - Harry lost his phone. It was his second phone this year.
  6. SHE WAS BORN ON the First. Of October. - She was born on October 1st.
  7. CAN You Lend Me two Hundred. Dollars? - Can you take me two hundred dollars?

Exercise 4. Difficult cases of consumption of numerical

In this task, difficult cases of consumption of numerals are used: dates, amounts, phone numbers, football account.

Notes to the correct answers

Before you set exercises with tasks for numerals in english languageYou can distribute the cards:

Task 1. Write a sequence numerical one.

5 TH. 4 TH.
7 TH. 16 TH.
9 TH. 27 TH.
1 St. 38 TH.
3 rd. 82 Nd.
19 Rd. 31 nd.
85 Rd. 15 nd.
14 rd. 41 ND.
53 Rd. 63 ND.
80 rd. 74 Nd.
20 rd. 59 ND.
45 rd. 35 ND.
24 Rd. 12 ND.
96 Rd. 11 nd.
10 rd. 13 Nd.

Task 2. Find Couples: words from the first column and the corresponding numbers from the second.

For example: 1 \u003d D

  1. seventy-Two a) 31
  2. thirteen B) 11
  3. fifty-Six C) 660
  4. eIGHTY D) 72
  5. eIGHTEEN E) 315
  6. twenty-Three F) 100
  7. eleven G) 13
  8. ninety H) 49
  9. tWELVE i) 925
  10. twenty j) 18
  11. nineteen K) 80
  12. forty-Nine L) 504
  13. one HundRed M) 217
  14. thirty-One N) 410
  17. five HundRed and Four Q) 23
  18. nine HundRed and Twenty-Five R) 20
  19. two HundRed and Seventeen S) 19
  20. three HundRed and Fifteen T) 12

Task 3. Write the dates specified in the brackets.
For example: I WAS Born on ...... (05/13/1976). (I was born ......) - I Was Born on the Thirteenth of May, Nineteen Seventy-Six.

My Son Was Born ON ...... (02.12.2000).
Our Dog Was Born on ...... (08/21/2008).
My Granddad Was Born ON ...... (06/23/1900).
My Granny Was Born on ...... (02/18/1910).

Task 4. Decide the example and write the answer words.

For example: Twenty + Fifty-Eight \u003d Seventy-Eight (20 + 58 \u003d 78)

sixty-Two + Fourteen \u003d ...
Fifteen + Two HundRed and Forty-Six \u003d ...
Ninety + Ten \u003d ...
Thirty-One + Nineteen \u003d ...
Seventy-Three + EIGHTY-TWO \u003d ...
Three Thousand One HundRed and Twelve + Ninety-Nine \u003d ...

Task 5. Write a fraction with the words.

For example: 5/6 - Five Sixths, 2/3 - Two Thirds

½ 5. 9/10
5/8 6. 11/12
1/3 7. 2/5
4/7 8. 3/4

Task 6. Convert quantitative numerals to ordinal.

For example: One (one) - The First (first), Thirty (thirty) - The Thirtieth (thirtieth), Sixty-Four (sixty-four) - The Sixty-Fourth (sixty-fourth)

Two Thousand and Nine

Task 2.

2 - g, 3 - p, 4 - k, 5 - j, 6 - q, 7 - b, 8 - o, 9 - t, 10 - r, 11 - s, 12 - h, 13 - f, 14 - A, 15 - N, 16 - C, 17 - L, 18 - I, 19 - M, 20 - E

Task 3.

the Second Of December, Two Thousand.
The Two Thousand of August, Two Thousand and Eight.
The Twenty-Third of June, Nineteen Hundred.
The EIGHTEENTH OF FEBRARY, Nineteen Hundred and Ten.

Task 4.

1. Seventy-Six 2. Two HundRed and Sixty-One 3. One HundRed 4. Fifty 5. One HundRed and Fifty-Five 6. Three Thousand Two Hundred and Eleven

Task 5.

one Half 5. Nine Tenths
Five Eighths 6. Eleven Twelfths
One Thirds 7. Two Fifths

Task 6.

1. The Second 2. The Eighty-Third 3. The Seven Hundred and Sixtenth 4. The Twithth 5. The Eleventh 6. The Twenty-Fifth 7. The Ninety-Sixth 8. The Thirty-Eighth 9. The Tenth 10. The Two Thousand and Ninth

Exercises on numerical (ordinal and quantitative)

1. Open to the specified sequence numerical suitable pair.

Nr: The 56th - The Fifty-Sixth (Fifty-Sixth)

The 30th The Forty-Ninth the 5th The Section The 23rd The Seventy-Fourth The 116th The Seventy-Third The 74th The Sevententh The 68th The One HundRed and Sixtenth.

2. Write sequence numbers.

Nr: The 34th - The Thirty-Fourth (thirty-fourth)

The 12th 6. The 37th The 15th 8. The 46th the 22nd 9. The 58th The 73rd 10. The 89th

3. Look at the list of tenants at home. Write using ordinal numerals who live on the floor.

Nr: Kelly Lives on the Seventh Floor. (Kelly lives on the seventh floor.)

Floor 7 - Kelly

Floor 6 - John

Floor 5 - Diana

Floor 4 - Peter

Floor 3 - Sofia

Floor 2 - Oliver

Floor 1 - Amanda

4. Write the following dates using ordinal numbers.

Nr: The New Year IS ON (31.12). - The New Year Is On The Thirty-First of December. ( New Year - thirty first December.)

The Women's Day Is ON (08.03). Victory Day Is ON (09.05). Christmas in Russia Is ON (06.01). Christmas in America is ON (25.12). St. Valentine's Day is ON (14.02). Halloween Is ON (31.10).


The Seventeenth The Eighty-First The Fifth The Twenty-Third The Forty-Ninth The One Hundred and Sixtenth The Seventy-Fourth The Sixty-Eighth

The Twelfth 6. The Sixtieth The Ninety-Fifteenth 8. The Forty-Sixth The Twenty-Second 9. The Fifty-Eighth The Seventy-Third 10. The Eighty-Ninth

John Lives on the Sixth Floor. Diana Lives on the Fifth Floor. Peter Lives on the Fourth Floor. Sofia Lives on the Third Floor. Oliver Lives on the Second Floor. Amanda Lives on The First Floor.

The Women's Day Is On The Eighth Of March. (Women's Day - the eighth of March.) Victory Day Is On the Ninth of May. (Victory Day - Nine-May.) Christmas In Russia Is On The Sixth of January. (Christmas in Russia - the sixth of January.) Christmas in America is on the Twenty-Fifth of December. (Christmas in America - twenty-fifth of December.) St. Valentine's Day Is On The Fourteenth of February. (St. Valentine's Day - Fourteenth February.) Halloween Is On The Thirty-First of October. (Halloween - thirty first of October.)

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Related TOPICS:

  1. 1. Find pairs: words from the first column and the corresponding numbers from the second. H-P: 1 - D Seventy-Two a) 31 Thirteen B) 11 Fifty-Six C) 660 EIGHTY D) 72 EIGHTEEN E) ... ...
  2. The formation of sequence numeral in English ordinal numbers are formed by adding gradation -TH to quantitatively numerical: Four - Fourth Eleven - Eleventh Exceptions: One - First Two - Second Three ... ...
  3. In the previous topic, quantitative numerals were considered in detail, and in this topic, ordinal numbers will be studied in more detail. Recall that ordinal numerals are numerals that serve to designate order ... ...
  4. The ordinal number is usually set to a certain article The. More precisely, the noun, determined by ordinal numerical, is used with a specific article. And the article is preserved before the numerical and when the noun is not mentioned: one -... ...
  5. In this lesson: - Numbers in English are numerical today we will talk about numeral. There are more than ten of them, so they will also perform as new words. Simple numerals ... ...
  6. The use of numerics to designate in English in most fractions in English is used both quantitative and ordinal numerals. Quantitative numerals are used in the fraction numener, and ordinal -... ...
  7. The Numeral ['njhm (q) r (q) l] num is called a word that denotes the number or order of object items. Numbered in English, as well as in Russian, are divided into quantitative and ordinal. Quantitative ... ...
  8. Quantum Chemistry On The First Day of Christmas, My Professor Gave to Me: An Exam In Quantum Chemistry. On the Second Day of Christmas, My Professor Gave to Me: A ... ...
  9. This topic will describe in detail one of the numeral name groups - quantitative numerals. View the following table. From 1 to 12 from 13 to 19 from 20 to 90 100 ... ...
  10. Thirty - Thirty, Thirtieth Translation of the Word He Is Thirty - He's thirty years old Chapter Thirty - Thirtieth Chapter About Thirty Guests - About Thirty Guests She Is On The Sunny ... ...

The article offers you material and ideas for organizing a lesson in English in the topic "Numbers and numbers".

The necessary English words on the topic "Figures, Numbers" for beginners, children: List with transcription and translation

This topic is very important for study, since not knowing the numbers and numbers, you will not be able to make and explain no matter. Imagine only the situation on the street (for example, look for a house) or in the store (buy something). In any case, you just need to know the numbers.

Thematic vocabulary (words) is desirable not only to write to dictionary, but also to memorize by repeating several times. It is useful to record English and Russian equivalent words, as well as transcription (system of signs that helps read sounds correctly).

Vocabular themes:

Exercises and tasks in English for children on the topic "Figures, Numbers"

Correctly selected written and oral exercises It will help not only to get new knowledge, but also to secure the already received. Most exercises are designed to ensure that the child can remember the names of numeral and recognize them in tasks.


  • Task number 1.: Sold up the crossword, entering the words with numerals (below you suggest that the numbers are vertically, and what horizontal).
  • Task number 2: First, enter the necessary letters in the name of numeral, and then decide examples, writing the answer (numeral) word in English.
  • Task number 3: This is a task for attentiveness. You need to find words that do not match the images of numbers.
  • Task number 4: In the first part of the task, you should select the numerals that are hidden in the table (just to circle), and in the second to enter the required word (numeral), which is suitable.

Dialogue in English for children on the topic "Figures, Numbers" with translation

To learn to introduce new words to speech (numeral), you need to learn how to make dialogues with thematic vocabulary. Dialogues will help students develop not only thinking, but also exercise in grammar.

Phrases in English for children on the topic "Figures, Numbers" with translation

Phrases and phrases in English on the topic "Numerical" will help you easily draw up offers, dialogues and write writings. Read the proposed phrases and say them several times, trying to remember and understand the meaning of pronounced.

English. Transfer
A Lot of Numbers Many digits (numbers)
Numerals. NUMBER
To country Consider
Counting. Score
AT The Fifth Floor On the fifth floor
My Telephone Number Is ... My telephone number …
Three Classes Of ... Three classes ... (three levels)
The First Class. First class (highest level)
Five Times a day. Five times a day
Nineteen HundRed and Seventeen 1917-J.
I am 20. I am 20 years old
How Much? How many?

Songs for children in English on "Figures, Numbers" with translation

If the numbers fail to remember quickly and efficiently, you can ask your child to sing along with you songs about numeric.


Cards in English on the topic "Figures, Numbers" with translation

Bright and colorful cards with written words (numbers designations) will be useful in the lesson. Try to prepare exactly the clarity, and not write numbers on the board, as they have a completely different impression for children and always attract their attention.


Games in English on the topic "Figures, Numbers"

The game is one of the most effective forms of work that will help with ease and very quickly remember all the necessary material.

What can you play:

  • Puzzles.To do this, print a few pictures with numbers in advance and cut them into pieces. Then let the fold them and then call the number.
  • Solution of examples.To do this, write in advance on the board. Simple examples, the task of students is to solve examples and voice them (all numbers and signs).
  • Count.To do this, pay attention to the items that surround you. The task is to list them, starting your phrase from the words "I CAN SEE ... (Four Chairs, Two Tables)."

Riddles and poems in English on the topic "Figures, Numbers" with translation

Such tasks are capable not only to diversify the occupation, but also help children easier to remember the names of numbers. Poems and riddles can be learned in advance or read them immediately in the lesson.

Cartoons for children on the topic "Figures, Numbers"

Cartoons and video lessons will help you in English language, when important information is presented in an interesting and unusual form form. Such cartoons will definitely become interested in the child and will "postpone his memory" important information.

  • If the topic is boring a child, translate it into a game or a song, try to saturate interesting tasks and creative exercises.
  • It is important to teach the child to the main phrases and answer questions, for example, "I am 9 years old", "I live on the 2nd floor", "My House number 7", "I have 3 sisters."
  • Pay a little time to read the phone number (all numbers separately).
  • More Senior Children will not explain the rules for reading complex numbers (years), which are divided into a couple of double-digit.
  • Remember that, first of all, you should ensure that the child will remember the words and will correctly call the numbers and only then grammatically correctly write.
  • Video: "English: numbers"

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