The tin soldier lived, he sang. Practical Material: Tongue Twisters and Verses for Sound Automation

Tongue twisters with sound [l]

- One Klim beat a wedge, beat it and knocked it out.

Our Polkan fell into a trap.

Slava ate lard, but lard was not enough.

Klim threw a bow into Luka.

Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.

The tree has pins for splitting.

The cap is under the cap, under the cap is the cap.

Mom washed Mila with soap, Mila did not like soap.

Ivan, the idiot, chatted milk, but he didn’t.

The little chatterbox chattered milk but did not blur it out.

Goat-miller to whom did he grind flour, and to whom did he not?

From the one to whom he ground, he received pies; From those to whom he did not grind, he received cuffs.

There are bells near the stake, and bells on the stake.

In the boat - Volodka, in the tent - a paddle.

The ox was white.

The ox got into the lair of the wolf.

The sorcerer was doing magic for a long time in the boat.

Lala ate halva under the covers.

Mila is mila,

The mule was small.

Neal scrubbed the floor and whined.

Plato sailed on a raft.

Volodya drank milk from a bowl.

Slava got up from his chair.

Is there a tangle in the flowerbed? Not a ball - a bun.

Poems for sound automation [l]

A wolf went out hunting, He knows a lot about hunting.
And a goat, and a goose, and a heifer
Frightened by the evil wolf.

The shovel dug, dug, dug,
Then she lay down, apparently very tired.

The crowbar breaks the thick ice
Scrap does not get tired of breaking.

Sawing a thick saw trunk,
Glowing white

Cleaver pricked, pricked, pricked,
Cleaver split the log

The broom danced, danced around the house,
The floors were swept from corner to corner.

Duck - a rocking chair laid eggs,
The duck is a rocking chair of children
Duck - rocking fish
The duck is a rocking chair of children
And the drake - well done on business, swam,
I sailed on business - children

What did you take, put it in place -
Olenka knows this.
What you took, put it back!
Only the girl is small:
Forgets where she got it.
Z. Alexandrova

Summer day

The sky was blue
There was a golden sun
The cat was lying on the porch,
The boy was planting a tree.
Time passed slowly
It was quiet and warm.
V. Danko

Scary tale

Eating a bun with butter,
The brothers walked down the lane
Suddenly on them from the back street
The big dog barked loudly ...
D. Harms

Klava put the treasure in the deck.
The treasure sailed away from Klava into the water.
Klava did not swim for the treasure,
And the deck floated away.

Striped carpets
Vlas's daughter rinsed.
Rinsed, rinsed -
The river has become a striped one.

The woodpecker lived in an empty double,
The oak chipped in like a chisel.
I hammered the day, I hammered two,
He hit the sky with his beak.

The tin soldier lived.
He sang, joked and did not grieve.
He fought, did not get tired,
And he fell and got up himself.
And he always remembered in battle
Your soldier family
Where was for everyone, and for him
Every one of them stood.

The haze could swallow us,
But the lamp helped us ...

When I ate the icicle -
It was delicious,
And then I got sick -
It became very sad.
M. Druzhinina

Let him cry if he wants
And I don’t cry - I’m reluctant.
And I'm sorry for crying:
Through tears the sun
can not see.
R. Sef

White hare, white hare,
Where did you go for the bast?
The white hare answered:
- I did not run, I rode.

The day came, and suddenly it got dark.
We turned on the light, we look out the window.
The snow falls white-white.
Why is it so dark?
V. Berestov

Everything is white, oh, everything is white
It blossomed in white.
White hare is a light trail,
Berets on a birch,
And in the alder grove
White - a white downy shawl.
A. Prokofiev

Pavka on the bench
Weaves sandals to Klavke.
Bast shoes are not suitable
Clavicle on legs,
And sandals are good
On the paws of the cat.
N. Konchalovskaya

White color
White snow, white chalk
The white hare is also white,
But the squirrel is not white,
She wasn't even white.

"L "in phrasal speech.

Three squirrels for a squirrel mom

They waited near the hollow.

They have a squirrel mom for breakfast

She brought nine cones.

Divided into three.

How many are each of them?

Doll Mila.

Mom bought Lusha a doll. Lusha liked the doll. Blue eyes, blonde hair, white dress. White shoes. Lusha named the doll Mila. The doll is very cute. For days Lusha was with Mila. She dressed her, put on her shoes. I washed her hair and combed her hair. She put the doll to bed and lulls it. Lusha took care of the doll. Once Lusha put the doll to sleep. Mom called Lusha to dinner, and the dog took the doll away and spoiled it. Lusha cried, but did not leave the doll. Then my mother bought the same doll. Secretly exchanged, and Lusha did not guess.

Our cat.

Our cat loves to sleep. So he entered and went under the bench. He stretched out, covered himself with his paw and fell asleep. I slept well. The cat got up, yawned, stretched, and then began to wash.

For berries.

Mikhail took the box and went to get the berries. For a long time Mikhail was in the forest. I picked up berries and was tired. Mikhail sat down under the tree. Somewhere a woodpecker was hammering in bark. He was looking for beetles. Then Mikhail saw a squirrel on the tree. I got up, took the box and went. On the way I saw a squirrel on the tree. He took a bump and threw it into a squirrel. The squirrel ran away.


The tin soldier lived.

He sang, joked and did not grieve.

He fought, never tired.

And he fell, and he got up.

And he always remembered in battle

his soldier family,

Where I was for everyone and for him

Every one of them stood.

He sat down and ate.

Misha came from school. I walked, walked - I wanted someone to pay attention. But everyone is busy. Misha came up to his sister and said:- Sat down and ate! - Ah, you, apparently, took the candy from me ?! - No, - Misha was offended and walked away.

He went to his father and also said:- Sat down and ate! My father had eaten recently, and now he was resting. He thought that Michael had said about him, and replied:- So, son, so. - And you didn’t understand anything, ”Misha sighed.

Mikhail went to the kitchen and said to his mother:- Sat down and ate And the mother understood in her own way: -Who did you dine with? - I have not dined with anyone. - Misha answered. - I'm talking about something else. He sat down and ate ...- I don’t understand in any way ... -

Why not understand here? - intervened grandfather. - Everything is clear: "sat down" without a solid sign, and "ate" with a solid one. Misha was delighted that his grandfather understood him.

Squirrel and wolf.

The squirrel jumped from branch to branch and fell on the sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat her. The squirrel began to ask:- Let me in. The wolf said: - I'll let you in, just tell me why you squirrels are so funny. I'm always bored, but you look at you, you keep jumping on the trees. The squirrel said: - Let me go to the tree, I'll tell you from there, otherwise I'm afraid of you. The wolf let it go, and the squirrel went to the tree and from there said: - You are bored because you are angry. Anger burns you. And we are cheerful because we are good and do no harm to anyone.

What the squirrel lacked.

The hunter caught a squirrel and put it in a cage. Whole year she lived in captivity and no longer hoped to return to her native forest. But it happened that the hunter once forgot the cage. The squirrel jumped onto the sofa, from the sofa to the windowsill, from the windowsill to the garden, and there from branch to branch it ended up in the forest. Belchatka asked her how she lived with the hunter. - The owner loved me, cared for me. And I slept in a cage on a satin pillow. - Why did you run away then? But then the wind blew, the foliage rustled, and no one heard what the squirrel said.

What do you think: what did she say?

Volodya wanted to catch fish. He knew the places where the roach was caught. Volodya took the boat and swam. It was sunny and warm. Volodya did not swim for long. Stopped near a whirlpool. He took out a fishing rod and began to fish. There were all kinds of fish: both small and large. Having caught a lot of roach, Volodya reeled off his fishing rod. Pushed the boat and swam home.

White swans live in the sky
Swans float smoothly across the sky.
White feathers curl slightly.
Hello swans-clouds!

White snow, white chalk
The white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white,
She wasn't even white.

White, white! White, white!
The whole earth was covered with snow!
The whole village has become smart -
White, white!

The letter D at the bottom of the pond
Found crayfish.
Since then, they have had trouble:
Every now and then there are fights.

In the store Valenka
We bought felt boots.
Small felt boots
How sweet!
But I put on boots
Little Valenka -
Turned out to be boots
Small for her.

Valya on thaw
Soaked her boots.
Valenki at Valenka
Dries on the heap.

Vary's mittens
Lost on the boulevard
Varya returned
In the evening from the boulevard
And I found it in my pocket
Barbarian's mittens.

The broom was sweeping the floor,
The broom is very tired.
He sneezed, he yawned
And quietly lay down under the chair.

There is a mountain in the yard.
We ride in the morning.
The poor snowman is angry
That can't ride

Day and night long
A mole digs an underground passage.
What does a mole want there?
Darker darkness.

Once upon a time I forgot.
- Where did you live? - Forgot.
- Where have you been? - Forgot.
- What did you eat? - Forgot.
- What did you drink? - Forgot.

All winter snowstorms were shaking -
Maples, lindens turned gray ...
And in the spring they cheered up,
Bloomed, turned green:
Birds flew from the south -
The branches were warmed with their paws.

In vain is weasel weasel is called:
She is completely unkind.
The weasel has evil eyes.
Do not expect affection from caress!

We broke the ice, we broke it.
Shreds flew from winter.

Mom Milu with soap and soap.
Mila got soap in her eye.
Mom Mile used to say:
- Don't be angry, daughter Mila!
“I'm not angry,” Mila said.
- I'm crying out the soap.

Mom did not regret the soap.
Mommy Milu soaped soap.
Mila did not like soap,
Mila dropped the soap.

Saw, prick,
Prick, saw
Filya and Kolya,
Kolya with Filia.
Filled up half of the yard,
There will be firewood for the winter!

Look at Irinka:
Irinka is eating a tangerine.
Irinka will eat a tangerine -
Throw the crusts in the basket.

Prepared by Larissa
For Boris, rice soup.
And Boris Larissa
He treated me to iris.

Yashka stretched out in a puddle
And he almost drowned.
Good thing he's shirtless
The puddle got wet immediately.

Rah-fuck tararah!
Thunder rolled in the mountains
Thundered over a black cloud,
Thundered over a black steep.
Let thunder rumble in the mountains
All the same, let's go for a walk.

On the patio by the door.
I poured over the threshold
Buckwheat, seeds, cottage cheese.
And when I went out into the garden,
Then I heard from them:
- You are kinder than all the guys,
Well done, Grisha!

Collected by Margarita
Daisies on the mountain.
Lost Margarita
Daisies in the yard.

The tin soldier lived,
He sang, joked and did not grieve,
He fought, did not get tired,
And he fell, and he got up.
And he always remembered in battle
Your soldier family
Where was for everyone, and for him
Were all to one!

Taras shook and shook his briefcase,
To find notebooks.
But notebooks every time
They played hide and seek with him.

My sister Marina
Cheeks like tangerines.
And sister Marina herself
A little more tangerine.

Beavers live in our river,
Beavers are cheerful, beavers are kind.
The builders of dams are wise,
Beavers are river dwellers.

Run away, run away
Milk escaped.
I barely caught him.
Being a hostess is not easy.


Sokolova N.V. Speech therapy notebook. Sounds [R], [L], [Y]. - M .: School Press, 2006.

Svetlana Schegolkova
Abstract of individual work with children speech therapy group"Sound automation [l]"

Synopsis of individual work with children of a speech therapy group

On the topic: « Sound automation L»

1. Say a word by adding to its part sound - l at the end:

Po - l shaka - l musk - l

Hundred - l foam - l metal - l

Mel - l chekho - l railway station - l

Za - l boca - l uko - l

Stu - l ugo - l basement - l

2. Add a syllable to the beginning of the word - la, say the word fully:

Cook - la pche - la ska - la

Shko - la meth - la beet - la

Aku - la si - la pi - la

Ig - la zo - la stek - la

Mi - la Al - la S tel - la

3. Form a diminutive - petting form nouns:

Needle - needle float - float

Saw - nail file hammer - hammer

Knot - knot soldier - soldier

Elephant - elephant skipping rope - skipping rope

Balcony - balcony bathrobe - bathrobe

Salad - salad shelf - shelf

Glass - glass sun - sun

Handkerchief - handkerchief eyes - eyes

Apple - apple ball - ball

Heel - Heel Towel - Towel

Bottle - bottle piggy bank - piggy bank

4. Name the words opposite in meaning to the data (antonyms):

Black - white cowardly - bold

Old - young deep - shallow

Good - evil well-fed - hungry

A lot - a little kind - evil

Truth - lie warm - cold

Light - heavy strong - weak

Bitter - sweet empty - full

Dark - light forgot - remembered

Lost - found thin - fat

5. Name an extra word:

Forehead, elk, elbow, folder;

Antenna, rocks, corners, covers;

Puddle, onion, onion, onion;

Shelf, squirrel, stick, suitcase;

Doll, elephant, dolls, chrysalis;

Bee, bees, wasp, bee.

6. Name the missing word - action:

Mila ... dress.

(dried, smeared, bought, saw, sold, gave away, painted, hemmed, cut, cut, presented, cherished, washed, ironed, cut, tore, loved)

7. Say a poem "Soldier".

The tin soldier lived. He sang, joked and did not grieve.

He fought - he did not get tired and fell down himself, and got up himself.

And he always remembered his soldier family in battle,

Where he was for all and for him were all to one!

What to do if the child does not pronounce L, how to teach the kid to pronounce the L sound at home: speech therapy exercises, the L sound in verses, sentences and difficult words, consolidation of the "L" sound in the child's speech.

If the baby is not yet given the "L" sound, you may well be able to help him by studying with him at home. Pay enough attention articulatory gymnastics described below and the use of the L sound in the child's speech.

How to pronounce the L sound: exercises with a speech therapist (video)

The correct position of the organs of articulation for pronouncing the sound L

  • The lips are slightly stretched in a smile.
  • The tip of the tongue is on the gum, behind the upper teeth.
  • The lateral edges of the tongue are raised up, but do not touch the teeth.
  • A jet of air passes between the teeth and the lateral edges of the tongue. Vocal cords tremble, resulting in the formation ringing sound- l.

Setting the sound L. How to teach a child to pronounce the sound L. (video)

How to pronounce the sound L correctly in a child's speech

  1. Perform the needle tongue exercise. A narrow tongue extends out of the mouth.
  2. Bite the narrow tip of the tongue.
  3. Raise the narrow tip of the tongue by the upper teeth, touch the gum and lower the tongue.
  4. To pronounce a sound for a long time - ah-ah and at this time touch the narrow tip of the tongue to the gum behind the upper teeth. The syllable is heard - al.
  5. Pronounce the sound for a long time - ah-ah and bite the narrow tip of the tongue several times. The syllable is heard - a-la-la-la.
  6. Pronounce the sound for a long time - s-s-s and at this time push the narrow tip of the tongue between the teeth. The syllable is heard - yl.

Make sure that the lips do not close, but are stretched out in a smile. If the sound is in the interdental position of the tongue, then you can begin to fix it in words. Gradually, it will be necessary to translate the tongue behind the upper teeth.

Consolidation of the sound L in the child's speech

  • Consolidation of the sound Л in closed syllables:
Small was stick washed
Ball soap beam fought
Gave howl jackdaw file
Hall lived it's a pity
Slept drank rolling pin
Fell beat violet
Copal nice skipping rope

Uncle Michael gave the horse a drink.
Pavel caught a daw.
Dad bought a tree.
The chair fell to the floor.
The woodpecker was looking for beetles.
My father drove to the station.

  • Consolidation of the sound L in verse

Al-al-al - I bought a pencil case.
Ol-ol-ol - I played football.
Il-il-il - scored five goals.
Eat-el-ate - he sang a song.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have very sharp needles.

I slept asleep, tired to sleep. He took it and got up, stood and stood, tired again and slept again.

The tin soldier lived, he sang, joked and did not grieve.
He fought, never tired. And he fell, and he got up.

Consolidation of the sound Л in open syllables

Varnish forehead onion licks
Paw Moose Ray bold
Lamp lotto puddle bast
Noodles a spoon moon skier
Lily of the valley a spoon bulb slice
Martin elbow lawn climb
Palm horse basket break
Mala swamp sheepskin coat baby
Saw galoshes mischievous tables
Gave well pigeon smile
Fist Volodya acorn brave
Kalach cold deck ripe
Robe hungry get holiday
Salad breaking
  • Fixing the sound Л in sentences

Mila was eating salad.
Mom prepares milk noodles.
Mila washed her hands.
There is cold water in the well.
The cold winter is over.

  • Consolidation of the sound L in verse

Everything is white, white, white.
It covered a lot of snow.
Here are the fun days!
Everyone is on skis and skates!

Mom washed Milu with soap,
Mila did not like soap.

The mouse lived merrily
I slept on the fluff in the corner.
The mouse ate bread and bacon,
but everything was not enough for the mouse.

Consolidation of the sound Л in conjunction with consonants

  • Fixing the sound Л in sentences

Mila saw an elephant.
Glory goes to the pantry.
Sweet apples hang on the apple tree.
Volodya is a brave swimmer.
Klava put on a white kerchief.
Glory is sailing on a boat.

  • Consolidation of the sound L in verse

The elephant nods its head,
he sends a bow to the elephant.

Glory ate bacon,
but the bacon was not enough.

- stupid head:
sat on sunflowers,
I thought it was the sun.

A white blanket covered the earth.
The sun baked, the blanket flowed.

Consolidation of the sound Л in difficult words:

  • Anchoring the sound in L sentences

A dog barked in the yard.
A raft floated along the river.
The kitten was lapping milk.
The cat was catching the mouse.
Volodya put the pencil case on the table.
Mikhail stroked the handkerchiefs.

  • Consolidation of the sound L in verse

The Christmas tree cried at first from the warmth of the house.
In the morning she stopped crying, began to breathe, and came to life.

White snow, white chalk
the white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white,
I wasn't even white.

A ray of sunlight fell on the wave
the sunbeam hit the depths,
He swam, swam in a deep wave
and he remembered a sunny day.

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