History of ancient Rome. Repetition of the section "Ancient Rome" GDZ on the history of ancient Rome

Task 5.1. Fill in pass in the text

The city of Rome was founded in 753 BC. He was located on seven hills on the banks of the Tiber River. This area was called "The terrain of seven hills" or "eternal"And here lived the tribes of the Etruscans. Rome's neighbors were tribes latins, Sabina, Samnits. Many owls of the achievements of Rome residents borrowed from those who lived over the sea and created their colonies in the Greeks in Italy. The first king of Rome was Romulus

Task 5.2. Specify the correct option to continue the phrase

1. Patricia and Plebei possessed

c) unequal rights - patricians had an advantage

2. The basis of the Roman army was

3. The fetas of victories of the Roman army used

a) mainly patricia

4. Plebei began the struggle for their rights

c) Leaving the city of Rome, leaving him defenseless

5. The result of the struggle of patrician and plebeans was

a) establishing the position of folk defenders - Tribunov

Task 5.3. Establish events in chronological order

1. War with Etreski

2. Taking Gallam Rome

3. War with South

4. War with the king pyrte

5. Creation of the Roman-Italian Union

1 2 3 4 5

Task 5.6. Specify the correct option to continue the phrase

1. The Romans expelled the king and established the Republic

b in 510 gto AD.

2. Folk drank elected

a) two consuls

3. Consuls were elected

a) for one year

4. In peacetime consuls

a) managed the city

5. In wartime consuls

a) commanded the army

6. In the middle of the V century BC. In ancient Rome

b) the laws of XII tables were adopted

Task 5.7. Connect the arrows the names of the gods of ancient Greece and ancient Rome corresponding to each other

Task 5.8. Specify the numbers in the "Roman army of the early republic period":

1 - Legion

2 - Connection

3 - passenger soldiers

4 - manipula

5 - Centuria

Task 5.9. Punish wars

1. Mark red dots and sign on the name map of the capitals of states. participating in Punic Wars

2. Circuit green border of the Roman Republic to the beginning of the first Punic War

3. Green hatching show the territory captured by Rome as a result of the first Punic War

4. Circle in the blue border of the Carthage by the time the second PuNic War began.

5. Mark the Battails of the Second Punic War of the Battails of the Battails of the Second Punish War: under the Trasimensky Lake, under Cannes; With replacement. Nearby write their dates

6. Draw with red arrows directions of Hannibal hikes, black arrows - Roman commander campaigns

Task 5.10. Establish the names of the Roman emperors in the Board

Task 5.11. Indicate why wars between the ancient Rome and Carthage are called "Punic"

1. In honor of one of the Roman commander

2. In honor of the historian who wrote a book about these wars

3. By how the Romans were called Carthaginian

Task 5.12. Read the excerpt from the work of the historian Plutarch. Mixing the event about which

1. Battle of Gavgamela

2. Battle of Cannes

3. Battle of Trazimen Lake

4. Battle at replacement

5. Battle of Pidne

Task 5.13. Sign up events and dates

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Task 5.14. Specify the correct option to continue the phrase

1. People's Tribune was right

b) cancel the decisions of the Senate and Consuls

2. The basis of the Roman troops in the II century BC. amounted to

a) peasants

3. The massive ruin of the peasants led to

b) weaken the troops

4. Land Law Tiberius Grakhha was adopted

b) folk assembly

5. Tiberius Grakh and his stronticists were

6. The Allied War is over

b) recognition for the allies of Roman citizenship

Task 5.15. Given the arms of the Roman Legioneer:

4 - Armor

Task 5.16. Sold down crossword

1. Gladiator

2. Hannibal

5. Szilion

6. Amphitheater.

7. Vesuviy


10. Triumph

Task 5.17. Specify the correct option to continue the phrase

1. Civil wars in Rome ended victory

2. In the 30s BC. in Rome was installed

b) sole power

3. The title "August", obtained by Octavian meant

c) "exalted by the gods"

Task 5.18. Title the winged expressions and men of the historical figures they are connected with

1 2 3 4 5

Task 5.19. Sold down crossword

6. Cleopatra

7. Rubiron

8. Anthony


Task 5.20. Roman Empire in the first century BC

Task 5.21. Name the name of the Roman emperor, which is in question in the text

3. Konstantin I.

4. Mark Arellium

5. Guy Kaligula

Task 5.22. Fill in pass in the text

The emergence of Christianity

Christianity arose in the eastern part of the Roman Empire. The founder of the new religion was Jesus Christ. He was born during the reign of the emperor of Augustus. About his birth and life narrate the clear books of the new star ("good news").

During the reign of Emperor Tiberia in Palestine, John Reserve lived. He baptized people in Jordan's waters, cleaning them from sins. Jesus, who then was 30 years old, was also washed in these waters, and the Spirit of the Holy Spirit in the form of a pigeon took him. Since then, Jesus began to work wonders and teach people how to live to save his soul and get to the kingdom of heaven. He had numerous followers and students.

But the Jewish priests, afraid to lose influence on believers, hated Jesus. They accused him of the distortion of faith and demanded to execute him. For 30 silver, bribed one of the students - Judas, and he helped grab Christ. Jesus was taken to the local governor of Pontius Pilate, who approved the death sentence.

Jesus was taken to the mountain of Califer at the walls of the main city of Palestine and Jerusalem, where the scary execution was to be accomplished.

The body of the causing Jesus Rimylan put in the tomb near the place of execution and put the guard to her. But when, a day later, his disciples came to the tomb to make relying rites, they saw that there was no one there. Inside, on a stone bed, the angel was sitting, who said that Jesus was resurrected. In Krystoza, Christ appeared to the pupils and announced that they had an hour to go to different ends of the earth to convey his words to people. The twelve closest students of Jesus, called the apostles (messengers), carried the doctrine of Christ and the story about his life. In many places of the Roman Empire, the communities of believers were formed. So there was a Christian religion

Task 5.23. Connect the arrows the name "Ancient Rome" with images of achievements of the culture of this state

Task 5.24. Name the name of the historical figure, which ancient Roman historian wrote about

2. Genselich

3. Attila

Task 5.25. Establish events in chronological order

Task 5.26. Mixing the figures related to:

1 - Western Roman Empire

2 - Eastern Roman Empire

Task 5.27. Complete tasks on the contour map

1. Mark red the border of the Roman Empire. Blue - the border between the Western and Eastern Roman Empire

2. Draw a black arrows to the direction of invasion of the Huns

3. Draw the blue arrows the forefront of the invasion of the German tribes within the Roman Empire

4. Mark the numbers in the circles of the land of the Roman Empire, captured by tribes: 1 - Gottov, 2 - Vandals

5. Denote the battlefield with the Catalaun fields, beside her date

6. In a rectangle, write the date of the fall of the Western Roman Empire

Task number 84. Decide crossword "Recall the history of ancient Rome"

Horizontal: 2. Poet, author of the poem "Eniida" (Vergilius). 4. Scientist who argued that people should show resistance in all disasters; I committed suicide by order of Nero (Seneca). 6. The largest amphitheater, which accommodate about 50 thousand spectators (Colosseum). 7. Temple in Rome, crowned with a dome, like half of the ball (Pantheon). 8. The Communion, famous for the conquest of Gaul; Installed the sole power in Rome (Caesar). 9. The poet, who called his poems by a monument, beyond the time (Horace). 12. The title, the carrier of which possessed unlimited power and was not obliged to give a report to anyone in his actions (dictator). 14. The last Queen of Egypt (Cleopatra). 18. Farmers who have anti-land for processing (columns). 20. German tribe who captured Rome in 410 (Goths). 21. Roman commander, defeated by Germans, fully destroyed three legions (VAR). 23. River, moving, Caesar said: "Lotting broken!" (Rubicon). 24. Rome ruler, which has achieved the end of civil wars (Octavian). 25. Invalid friend Caesar, one of his murderers (Brut). 26. According to Romans, "The Best of Emperors", which ceased execution on false denunciations (Traian). 29. The last emperor of the Western Roman Empire (Romulus). 30. Country on the Balkan Peninsula, Motherland Spartacus (Frace). 31. Roman historian, condemned in his books of the cruelty of Nero and other emperors (Tacit). 32. Brothers originating a noble plebeian kind; Protected by the landowners of Italy (Grakhkhi).
Vertically: 1. Having a great influence on the Romans Council, at the meeting of which Caesar (Senate) was killed. 2. Mountain, at the top of which was the first camp of Spartaksev (Vesuvius). 3. The Word, which is called the rulers of Rome, solely rule the state after the fall of the republic (the emperor). 4. The leader of the rebel slaves, a native of Frakia (Spartak). 5. The main character of the poem Virgil (Eney). 8. Construction for horse contests (Circus). 9. Roman province conquered by Caesar (Gallium). 10. Mix of pebbles and sand with lime mortar, used during construction (concrete). 11. Roman commander who died in war with the Parthian kingdom (Crassus). 13. Roman Baths (Terms). 14. The emperor, which resolved Christians to build temples and openly pray (Konstantin). 15. Roman commander, victims defeated in the battle of shares (Anthony). 16. Commander, the main opponent of Caesar in the struggle for power (Pompey). 17. German tribe who captured Rome in the middle of 5th century and exposed to his terrible devastation (vandals). 18. The city where Spartak's uprising began (Kapui). 19. Form of the front gate, erected in honor of the Military Victory Romans (Arch). 21. The Word, which the Greeks and Romans called people, whose language they did not understand (barbarians). 22. Honorary Nickname Octavian, given to him by the Senate after the end of civil wars (August). 25. Strait, on the European coast of which Constantinople (Bosphorus) was built. 27. The leader is ready to capture Rome in 410 (Alarich). 28. Cape near the Western shores of the Balkan Peninsula, near which the sea battle occurred between Anthony and Octavian (shares)

Task number 85. Answer questions

Who uttered these words? For what reason?

1. Another such victory, and we will perish!

King Epiri Pierre after the victory over the Romans in the battle, where his troops suffered great losses

2. Even wild animals have holes and Logov, and those who fought and died for Rome, there is nothing but air and light!

Tiberius of the ram about Roman legionnaires, gradually thired of their land and replenished rows of poor Rome

3. Carthage must be destroyed!

Senator Caton ended every speech in the Senate - he was concerned about the highly developed trading and economy of Cartagen

4. Lotted!

Julius Caesar, when his troops switched Rubikon and headed for Rome

5. Var, Turn Legions to me!

Emperor August, after the death of three Roman legions under the command of Vara, who went to the ambush Germans in the Teutoburg Forest

6. What a great artist dies!

Emperor Nero. Abandoned by everyone, he ordered his servant to stick him and, dying, said these words

7. I want to be such an emperor as he would have wished himself if it was subject

Emperor Traian. Romans called him "the best emperor"

Task number 86. Remember the ancient Roman legend, which is devoted to the drawing of our time

1. What is the name of the babies? What fate is waiting for each of them?

Romulus and Rem. In the future, they decided to establish a city in a place where the wolf fed them, but Romulus will kill his brother. The murder does not prevent him from establishing the city and call it with his name.

2. Suppose why the predator did not block the babies, and warms them with its warmth. You will give the right answer if you remember who was their father.

Their father was Mars and children were under his defense (approx. - In nature, there are such cases, even the dog feeds kittens)

Task number 87. Remember the ancient Roman legend, which is dedicated to the drawing of our time

1. In the night silence climb on the warriol fortress wall. Who are they? Why are counting on success? What prevented them to capture the fortress? On what hill did she have?

In 390 BC Rome was besieged by galls. At night, they decided to climb the walls, because the Romans exhausted by the siege slept and could not see dangers. But geese who lived at the Temple of Juno, they burned and woke up the defenders of the fortress located on the Capitol Hill, after which the assault was removed

2. Suppose why the defenders of the fortress, starving during a long siege, did not decide to eat geese

Geese lived at the temple of the goddess Junons and worshiped as sacred animals

3. What kind of winged expression entered our speech? What is it not corresponding to the historical truth? You will give the correct answer if you remember how successful enemies to the siege of the fortress

"Geese Rome saved." But this little helped the Romans, since the exhausted siege they were forced to surrender and pay a huge redemption so that the galls left the plundered and burned Rome

Task number 88. Guess what (or some com) is speaking, and answer questions

1. According to legends, the Greeks were deposited by a rich and well fortified city in Asia. In which approximate year, this siege began? How did she end up? What two name had the city deposited by the Greeks?

About 1200 BC. The siege of Troy began and lasted about 10 years. The second name of Troy - Ilion (from here "Iliad")

2. The famous competitions of the strongest athletes were held in Elda once every four years. When was the first competitions? Where exactly did they spend? What were the name?

In 776 BC. The first competitions in Olympia were held - Olympic Games

3. According to ancient Roman legend, the twin brothers, the sons of the God of war, quarreled together. Remember because of what. At what bank of the tiber there was a quarrel? What did she lead to? What year, according to legend, was it?

In 753 BC Romulus and Rem decided to establish the city, but the dispute arose on which of the hills to build it. As a result, Romulus killed his brother. Rome was founded on the Palatine Hill on the left bank of the Tiber

4. Name the name of the famous Demos Chief in Athens. Fifteen times he was elected to the main position in the Athens State. What was the name of this position? What year he was elected for the first time?

Pericles In 443 BC. He was first chosen for the post of the first strategist

5. This People's Tribune was not unadless to the suffering of poor citizens who had nothing but air and light. What year did he speak in their defense? What did you want to help them? What was the name of the tribune?

Tiberius Grakh in 133 BC He made a proposal of land law, limiting the size of large land tenure and providing for the free distribution of surplus land to poor citizens

6. He came to the border river and with the words "Lot Broken!" Crossing through her. Who are we talking about? What year was it? What is the name of the river? What in the history of Rome it led?

Guy Julius Caesar. In 49 BC. His legions switched through Rubicon and moved to Rome. This led to the fall of the republic, the concentration of power in one hands and the emergence of prerequisites for the creation of the imperial power in Rome

7. His name knows the most remote corners of the globe. About two thousand years ago, along with their students, he walked around the cities and villages, healed the patients, urged to create good and be merciful. You remember His words: "And so in all, as you want, so that you come with you, so do you and you with them." What's his name? What country did he live in? What did death accepted?

Jesus Christ, who lived in Judea. He was crucified on the cross

8. Everyone in the Roman Empire was shocked what happened. "My voice is prevented," wrote one of the contemporaries, - when I heard that the city was conquered, which the whole earth was conquered! " What is it about? What year did this terrible event happened? For what conditions did they agree to leave the shores of the tiber?

We are talking about the capture of Rome in 410 by Gotami led by Alarich

1. In which age, Rome was built? In the VIII century BC.

2. Who are the patricians in ancient Rome? Indigenous residents of Rome and their descendants.

3. What is the Senate in Rome? The Council of the "oldest" patrician of Rome.

4. What was the name of the head of the Roman Republic formed in the VI century BC? Consul.

5. For what in ancient Rome struggled Plebei? Plebei fought for civil rights.

6. What country did Rome fought in Punic Wars? With Carthage.

7. How did the third Punic war ended? Full defeat of Carthage Rome.

8. What were the countries conquered by Rome called? Provinces.

9. When did the slave rebellion occurred under the leadership of Spartacus? In 74-71 years BC.

10. Among who was the civil war in ancient Rome? Between patricians and plebeans.

11. In which age was the "golden age" of Roman poetry? At the end of the 1st century BC. - early century AD

12. Why did the term "golden age" appeared in Roman poetry? Because in the same age lived outstanding poets Rome lived.

13. With what imperitor was the temporary strengthening of Rome in the III century? With diocletian.

14. In which year, the Roman Empire was divided into Eastern and Western? In 395.

15. In connection with which event, 476 left a trace in world history? The history of the ancient world has ended.

16. With what Roman emperor Christianity spread widely to the whole empire? Under Constantine.

17. On the bank of the river the city of Rome? Tiber.

18. How did the descendants of the founders of Rome called themselves? Patricians.

19. In which age in Rome, the republic was installed? Vi in. BC.

20. What was the main square of Rome? Forum.

21. Who was the main opponent of Rome in the III century. BC.? Carthage.

22. Who was the commander of Carthage in wars with Rome? Hannibal.

23. Who led the largest rise in slaves in Italy in 74 - 71. BC.? Spartacus.

24. There was a struggle between the murder of Caesar? Anthony and Octavian.

25. The most ominous figure among the Roman emperors I c. BC. Was: Nero.

26. Who are columns? Agriculties whoighing land for processing for several years.

27. With what Roman emperor adopted a decree allowing Christianity? Konstantin.

28. The emergence of Christianity: I in. AD

29. For the adoption of laws, the Romans were collected on the main square of Rome: forum.

30. In Rome, Plebei became full-fledged citizens as a result of the fight against patricians within: 200 years.

31. The consequence of the ruin of Italian peasants to ancient times was: weakening the Roman army.

32. The Macedonian Kingdom ceased to exist in 168 BC, and the Roman Consul received the right: to triumph.

33. Ancient Rome was located: on the banks of the Tiber River.

34. In the Roman Republic, during the struggle of Patriches and Plebeev, he received all the power by ordering the treasury, conducting negotiations with other states: Senate.

35. Since 330, the capital of the Roman Empire became the city: Constantinople.

36. In Rome, the session of the Senate was headed from 509 BC: Consuls.

37. In the middle of the 5th century, Gunnov was headed by a militant leader, called the contemporaries "Beach God": Atilla.

38. From the number of patricians in ancient Rome chose two rulers for a period of one year: consuls.

39. What could cancel the order of the consuls in ancient Rome? Veto".

40. What measures did Steychon leader take to prevent invasion is ready to led Alarich? Convinced the emperor to collect money for redemption.

41. In the fire of Rome in 64 BC. The people accused: Emperor Nero.

42. Senate in ancient Rome as a result of the struggle of the plebeian and patrician: was not accountable to anyone.

43. Cause of civil wars in ancient Rome: War between patricians and plebeans.

44. Greek Apollodor built one of the squares in Rome, called: Forum Trajan.

45. The ancient Roman state was located: at the Apnepsian Peninsula.

46. \u200b\u200bAncient Roman historian Tacitis in his book wrote, which begins by referring from 821 "from the foundation of our city." It was a year 753 BC.

47. The Senate gave Caesary Lifetime: Dictator.

48. A few years after the division of the Roman Empire over Italy, the danger was hijling: the invasion is ready.

49. The first Christians became in the Roman Empire: slaves and poor people.

50. Ancient Romans visited daily: Terms.

51. In which year, the Roman Empire was divided into two states of the Eastern Empire and the Western Empire? In 395.

52. According to the Julian calendar, the difference between the natural and calendar year was: 10 days.

53. The reason for the transition to the Gregorian calendar is explained by the desire: bring closer to the natural and calendar year.

54. In the struggle for the Mediterranean, Rome fought in the III century BC.: With Carthage.

55. The Triumphal Arch of Constantine was different from all the former arches by the fact that it is erected in honor of the victory of some Romans over others.

56. To create a new Julian calendar, Rome invited: Egyptian scientist cooked.

57. Gladiator's battles for the Emperor of Honoria were prohibited: at the request of Christians.

58. Senate in ancient Rome is: the highest authority.

59. Starting from the time of Octavian Augustus, the Roman state is called: the Empire.

60. The modern calendar for most countries and peoples is considered: Gregoryan.

61. In the very south of the Appenin Peninsula, the rebeling slaves under the leadership of Spartak were trapped, arranged: Roman commander of the wheel.

62. Agriculties of ancient Rome, who brave for processing for several years, was called: Colonami.

63. Senate presented Octavian: Honorary Nickname August.

64. Slaves that the owner of the estates gave land plots, working cattle and tools, in ancient Rome called: slaves with huts.

65. After the Land Law of the Brothers Grakhov: the ruin of the peasants continued

66. Romans invented: concrete.

67. Slaves opened the gates of Rome in the August night: 410 years.

68. In the 30th year BC. Octavian announced: the end of the civil war.

69. Crawled the last king, the ancient Romans established: the Republic.

70. The basis of civil law of many modern countries: Roman law recorded in Byzantium.

71. About two thousand years ago, at the proposal of the Roman emperor, a new calendar was compiled, called: Julian.

72. Emperor Nero accused of conspiracy and ordered him to commit suicide: the Sequeca.

73. Tiberius Grakh was: People's Tribune.

74. Without waiting for the attacks of Romans, Hannibal decided to strike first: Crossing the army through the Alps.

75. Who was the "Pretorians" called in ancient Rome? Warriors from the protection of the emperor.

76. The private security of Octavian Augustus consisted of nine detachments: Pretorians.

77. The beginning of our era is separated from the founding of Rome: 753

1. Determine the following location of ancient Rome, show it on the map.

The city of Rome is located in Central Italy (approximately in the middle of the height of the "boot" of the Apennine Peninsula, in the width closer to the west coast).

2. What areas were Rome in the times of the Roman Empire? When did the Roman state reached the greatest size?

For his history, Rome won huge territories. He belonged to all the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the territories of modern France, England, part of Germany, Crimea, etc.

His largest territories belonged to the Emperor Traian, which was able to conquer extensive lands in the East, for example, on the territory of modern Iraq. Shortly after the conquest, with the next emperor, they had to be left.

3. Compare the nature of Italy and Greece. Take the conclusion that it favored people in antiquity.

On the Balkan Peninsula, most lands are not very fertile, because it is impossible to grow a lot of grain on it, but the grapes and olives are well fron. At the same time the coastline is very long, there are many comfortable letters. Thanks to all this, Ellina from the early centuries began to engage in trade initially with olive oil and wine, and then artisan products.

In Italy, the land is more fertile, agriculture may well feed people. But there is also a long and convenient coastline for ships. Therefore, the inhabitants of Italy did not themselves started trade in the sea, but when they joined these cases thanks to the Hellen and the Phoenicians, they understood what profits she brings.

4. With the names of what unlawful people do you associate the history of ancient Rome? Tell us about one of them, use additional material for this. Explain what character qualities attracted you in this person.

In the history of Romans, many outstanding commander. Unlike them, Mark Tully Cicero remembers, first of all, as a speaker. At the same time, he accepted and actively participate in politics. And also commanded the troops (which is less known), because in the letters proudly signed the "emperor" (because once he possessed such power in the troops).

Bobrovnikova, T. A. Cicero: Intelligent in the days of revolution (the life of wonderful people). - M., 2006;

Zvirevich, V. T. Cicero. - SPb., 2016.

The Roman kingdom existed in 753-509. BC, that is, 244 years old, the Roman Empire - in 509-27. BC, that is, 482 years old, it remained to 395, that is, it was 422 years old (although in fact it was divided several times during this time, but then it was united again). At the time of the fall of the Western Roman Empire since the formation of the Roman Empire passed 503 years, and from the moment of the founding of the Eternal City - 1229 years.

6. Education of love for Rome (as well as love to their homeland in the ancient Greeks) was considered an important task of all citizens. Praise, in what matters, actions, actions, a citizen (plebey, patricians, the emperor) could show his dedication to Fatherland. Is it modern for us?

First of all, all of them were called to defend the Fatherland. In addition, they had to participate in political affairs and thus take care of their homeland. They also should have taken care of their homeland from the point of view of a cult, that is, not to do that, because of what Rome could lose the favor of the gods. That is why the Romans were chased by Christians - they believed that because of their refusal of sacrifices, gods would be offended by the state.

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