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The underlined abdominal press without fat deposits makes the figure of a person beautiful and graceful. How to achieve perfection? This will help the famous and undeservedly forgotten for a while exercise vacuum.

The main goal of the exercise is to strengthen and work out the inner transverse muscles in the abdomen; achieve a plane.

With the help of a vacuum exercise you can achieve a flat abdomen

Exercise Vacuum Belly or Uddiyana Bandha has long been practiced in yoga, and then came to bodybuilding.
The best time to exercise a belly vacuum is an early morning, before breakfast and before going to sleep, a few hours after the eating. It is allowed to make several sips of water. The exercise is preceded by Surya Namaskar.

What is the belly vacuum useful?

With the help of Udka Bandh, the internal organ massages are carried out, the best blood supply is occurring, the body is updated.

With regular workouts, the press acquires a beautiful relief, a person stop disturbing constipation, sleep is settled.

Vacuum stomach retracting can be done as an independent exercise, in addition to the main workout on various muscle groups.
An abdomen vacuum will be an excellent addition to the main training

You may also be interested to know about the exercise. Properly performed Stand Planck helps to strengthen the muscles, improving and stabilizing posture, and as a result - to eliminate problems with the back.

How to do the exercise Vacuum?

  • We accept the initial position: legs put on the width of the shoulders, hands on the hips;
  • Fill light air as much as possible. Inhale doing through the nose. Exhausted, strive to bring the front abdominal wall to the back;
  • We perform about 20 seconds., Then, do inhale and give the stomach in the initial position.

To enhance the effect of the exercise, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Beginners are better to perform training standing or lying;
  • In the course of the exercise, you can apply Bodiflex breathing: a powerful exhalation a rapid breath through the nose again exhale, through the mouth;
  • When exhaling through the mouth, we release the lungs from oxygen;
  • We help yourself, making a series of breaths through the nose;
  • We visualize your navel and spine, strive to connect them;
  • Making the drawing during the exhalation;
  • When inhaling, we do not lower the belly sharply down, we make an action at a slow pace and not until the stop;
  • Muscular cuts should last at least 15 seconds;
  • You can perform Uddka Bandhu as in the morning, before the first reception of food, and before bedtime;
  • During classes, perform 2-3 approaches, repeat up to 15 p., Isometric reduction time from 15 seconds.

All the details of the technique of doing this exercise you will learn from the video:

Perhaps you will also be interested in an article about the benefits. The benefits of pressing from the floor for men are manifested both in the elaboration of the muscles of the hands, shoulders and back and in general improvement The physical condition of the body.

Udkaina can be practiced in the following positions:

  • standing;
  • sitting or seeded on a chair;
  • standing at four points;
  • lying on the back.

How to make a vacuum belly at the initial stage of training?

Start practicing easier from a vertical position or horizontal (on the back), the remaining options are better to perform after successful assimilation These basic positions. In the situation lying the natural force of gravity contributes to the correct actions of the practitioner.

How often do you need to make an abdominal vacuum?

A good stimulus for further classes are the first positive changes, both external and internal. In order to improve the abdominal zone and improve the state of physical health, the vacuum should be practicing 2 r. / D. For several months.

The result is achieved only by systematic and painstaking work on itself and the right technique. Its mastering provides a complete vacuum in the stomach.

Vacuum Breathing with belly gradually develops weakly developed transverse muscles.
Vacuum stomach pulling will help develop a muscular frame

Contraindications for a stomach vacuum

The practice of a vacuum of the abdomen affects the work of the internal organs of the body, which in addition to the benefit for healthy peoplemay have a negative impact on health if a person has problems with the kidneys and digestive organs, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, if there is an ulcers.

From the exercise, the Vacuum will have to refuse to women during pregnancy until the targets.

Is it possible to make a vacuum during menstruation?Before starting critical days, the practice of this exercise, as well as other physical exertion should be suspended.

What does the belly vacuum give us?

Practicing the exercise of a vacuum for a flat belly systematically, you can:

  • develop the transverse abdominal muscle, thereby tightening the belly;
  • minimize fat deposits around the abdominal bodies;
  • quickly reduce the amount of waist;
  • You can also find the olive waist using. Mostimulation is essentially a massage that is carried out with the help of special devices. They directly affect the muscles through current pulses, thereby forcing them to contractions.

  • the chest area will look more comprehensive;
  • increase the endurance of the transverse muscles of the abdomen;
  • increase the power of the forced exhalation;
  • improve the abdominal zone;
  • eliminate the manifestations of the abdominal cavity, with the muscles will be pumped into moderate;
  • the spine will be in the right position, discomfort at the bottom of the back weakens;
  • it will increase the tone of the internal organs, they will "stand" in their place.

For exercise, additional equipment is not required.
To perform a vacuum of belly Additional devices will not need

If you look at the dynamics, how the athletes looked and ordinary people Prior to the start of the practice of a vacuum of the abdomen and after the training complex, you can see a significant difference.

The belly looks touched, without excess fat, the whole body is noticeably transformed.

Before starting training, it is necessary to remember that in addition to the obvious benefit, the abdomen vacuum, this exercise may cause harm in the presence of the states mentioned above and ailments.

Bracking a thin, pronounced waist, a flat tummy may not have every girl. If you have a non-ideal figure, there is an excess fat on the sides, do not despair! Get rid of the hated interlayer, make the waist slim, reduce the tummy will help the exercise of the vacuum. Check out the technique of its implementation.

What is a vacuum for belly

Unusual charging is recommended by many fitness instructors for those who are just starting to engage in the improvement of their figures, and those who do it. for a long time. It is mistaken to believe that to reduce the waist you only need to pump up the press - in this case, the fat layer will remain in place, and the stomach will be visually more. To make the body slim, you must first remove the fat. For this purpose, the technique of the Vacuum in the stomach is invented. Charging can be used by thin people who can also be observed muscle flaniness.

Exercise Vacuum for belly is a set of techniques that are performed in a certain way. Training in the press is practiced in yoga, bodyflex, fitness, and is also excellent for self-fulfillment at home. The essence of the exercise is to draw the abdomen to the maximum, hold in a hard state about 30 seconds with the correct breathing technique.

The result from the exercise vacuum belly is huge. It helps strengthen the transverse muscles, which are responsible for ensuring that the belly does not protrude, it was flat. Regular training contributes to the combustion of visceral fat, are an excellent prevention of the omission of internal organs, improve digestion. In addition, they help the intestines to work correctly, form a waist, a flat press, significantly improve posture. If you correctly do the charging, all organs are enriched with oxygen, which makes a person in beyrea and more confident.

How to do the exercise Vacuum in the stomach lying

Note that it is not necessary to carry out the correct charging. To get used to the technique, you can start with the most simple variety - the position is lying. It is advisable to do next to the mirror to keep track of the correctness of actions. When the body gets used to this posture, you can go to the knees. Step-by-step instruction:

  • in the lying position, bend the legs in the knees, place your hands along the body or spread to the sides;
  • hold your back straight;
  • relax, slowly start exhaling air;
  • when the lungs remain empty, draw the abdominal muscles as deeply, do not breathe;
  • imagine that it is necessary to touch the spinal soup;
  • stay in a position for about 20 seconds, after the expiration of the specified time, do a little inhale and hold out the same as much;
  • exhale, relax, restore your breath.

How to exercise vacuum sitting

In a sitting position, it is more difficult to make, because muscle-stabilizers are included in the work. First you need to sit on a solid surface or phytball. Next steps:

  • help palms in the knees;
  • put the legs at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • let them be on the floor;
  • exhale, tighten the navel to the spine;
  • try to keep the voltage of at least 30 seconds;
  • exhale, repeat 3 times;
  • when dizziness appears, the breathing can not be delayed or to make it shorter.

How to do the exercise vacuum for belly standing

Excellent results are achieved when performing exercise standing. There are 2 variations: when a person gets straight, lowers his hands, legs arrange to the width of the shoulders and when it rests on anything, tilting the body a little further. Bodybuilders often use the last posture. Vacuum for belly technique:

  • take a posture;
  • exhale through the mouth, having released all air;
  • relax lips, do not hold the shoe;
  • make sure that the lungs remained empty, after that he strongly draw the stomach;
  • hold no less than 30 seconds, and better - approximately a minute.

How often do the abdominal pulling

For rapid weight loss, training should be carried out regularly, it is better every day several times. Optimal time - in the morning on an empty stomach, in the evenings. A month later, the results will be noticeable. At the very beginning, training in the selected posture is recommended to repeat at least 5 times to 10-15 seconds. After addiction, the number of steps and time should be increased, for example, to detain the breath to 30 seconds.

Charging can be performed throughout the day, for example, when you stand in the queue or sit in the workplace. Over time, the muscles will be accustomed to intense state, they will get a tone. If it is initially difficult to make the specified number of approaches, you can start with fewer. The main thing is to work, breathe correctly, constantly working on yourself and strengthening the press.

Crossfit exercise

Completeness of execution

15K. 0

Belly Vacuum - Types, Implementation Technique and Training Program

    Vacuum for belly is an exercise recommended for men and women seeking to reduce their waist volumes. It is the maximum stomach pulling inside and the delay in this position for a minute, the other, while we delay your breathing, but continue to breathe in the usual mode. In our current article, we will look at how to exercise an abdomen vacuum.

    The use of a stomach vacuum is that due to the static retention of the abdomen in the attraction, we can gradually reduce the volume of the abdomen and waist. Of course, when compliance with regular training.

    Vacuum Press, like an exercise, is convenient because it can be done absolutely everywhere, it does not require absolutely no additional equipment. Perform this exercise at work, on study, in the car, in public transport... standing or sitting, more advanced options - lying and standing on all fours.

    In the student years I spent a small experiment with vacuum: the road to the metro station to the university occupied a little more than thirty minutes, during which time I managed to do about 10-15 approaches of this exercise. The result was noticeable in a few weeks: the waist has already become almost 5 cm, the volume of the abdomen also decreased. At my example, I was convinced of the effectiveness of this exercise and its benefits when weighing, therefore I believe that it definitely deserves attention - it will be an excellent addition to the correct diet with a moderate amount of fats and carbohydrates, power and cardio training.

    In today's article, we will consider the following aspects and features of the proper execution of the abdomen vacuum:

  1. Exercise technique - how to make a belly vacuum;
  2. What errors occur when performing a vacuum for the abdomen;
  3. Training program;
  4. What are there contraindications to exercise.

How to do the exercise vacuum of the abdomen?

As in any exercise, implied static muscle tension and a complete concentration over biomechanic movement, the result is 100% depends on the compliance with the right technique. If the technique of performing a stomach vacuum is not honed before filigree, it is unlikely that you will be able to extract the maximum benefit from this exercise.

Let's figure out how to perform a vacuum exercise. You can start doing it right now without being distracted by reading this article.

  1. Take the right source position: Stand up or sit on a stable surface (you can stand on all fours for more control, this option is a bit more difficult for beginner athletes, but extremely effective), look forward, keep your back throughout the approach.
  2. Take a deep breath, so deep as possible, at the same time, draw your stomach. To make it easier for you to visualize this process, imagine that you want to get to the spine, holding the internal organs somewhere in the middle, and the belly of "shove" under the Röbra.
  3. Once you have drawn the stomach, as far as possible, make a smooth exhale and continue to breathe in the usual mode, but do not forget to keep your belly drawn. It sounds elementary, however, try and make sure that in practice everything is much more difficult - the correct execution of the vacuum also requires not enough time and effort.

The load on the abdominal press muscles is simply colossal, do not be scared, if at first the muscles reduces the cramps - this is normal.

The main load on itself takes the transverse muscle of the abdomen, which is practically not involved in ordinary exercises on the press and even in sufficiently experienced athletes is often in a weak tone. When the transverse abdominal muscle comes into the tone, the volume of the waist will certainly decrease, the visual effect of the discompressing abdomen will become less with each workout.

Try to fix in this position as long as possible. Start from several approaches for 15-20 seconds and gradually increase the load. All that is more than a minute is an excellent result and excellent motivation for others.

Variety of exercise

There is another option to perform a vacuum for the press, but I believe that it is less effective, and the practical benefits of it is minimal. It is done without a latency of the abdomen in the "drawn" position, we do not make any additional fixation and immediately relax. Thus, this movement is simply deep breathing with simultaneous abdomen. Do you achieve from this serious progress in burning visceral fat and reduce the volume of the waist? Doubtful.

However, this embodiment quite occurs to be, it is well suited for novice athletes, which is still hard to breathe with a drawn belly, so the transverse muscle of the abdomen will receive at least some kind of load. This version of the vacuum and similar movements have gained wide popularity in qigun and yoga, but in the exercise fitness and crossfit it is preferable to stay in the first version.

What errors occur when exercising?

Below are the main mistakes that arise from athletes who are mastering the abdomen vacuum. These technical errors do not carry serious trauma, but can significantly postpone your progress:

Press Vacuum Training Program

Any exercise loses its effectiveness, if not try to make the most mentally focused on the work of the necessary muscular groups and not adhere to the principle of the progression of loads, and the vacuum for the press is no exception.

When you just start to master this exercise, I recommend starting with three approaches, within each of which you will perform at 7-8 delays for 15-20 seconds. Rest between approaches is about one minute.

Perform a vacuum in this mode every other day, a week later it will be enough for you enough, then increase the time "retracts" to 30-35 seconds. Then up to 50 seconds, up to minute and so on.

The duration of the training vacuum for the belly should not exceed 25-30 minutesThen the unfavorable load will begin on the nerve endings of the gastrointestinal tract, which is fraught with unpleasant sensations (bloating, heartburn, etc.), and the exercise efficiency will fall. Try to spend this time with maximum intensity: with a complete mental concentration over the work of the transverse abdominal muscle, static retention of the right position, even breathing and minimal recreation between approaches.

It is easiest to perform a vacuum on an empty stomach, so I recommend it to do it in the morning or before bedtime, the productivity of the workout will only grow, you quickly launch the process of splitting visceral fat and empty glycogen depot. You can combine vacuum with your standard training on the abdominal muscles, in which you perform dynamic exercises, or with cardio-load.

Crossfit complex

For lovers, truly heavy training we recommend the following combination of exercises:

  • planck (at least one minute);
  • twisting lying (at least 15 repetitions);
  • vacuum standing on all fours (5-6 repetitions with the highest possible delay);
  • lifting legs in WIS (at least 10 repetitions).

Exercises are performed one after another, with minimal rest. Three or four approaches will be more than enough for a full workout.

The complexity of such a complex is due to the fact that in the framework of it we alternate static and dynamic exercises, thereby working as the maximum amount of muscle fibers of the abdominal press in a short time interval.

It is believed that any dynamic exercises on the press increase the volume of the straight muscles of the abdomen and visually increase the volume of the abdomen itself. Of course, this is not entirely right. Now we will not go into these features, but, training the press in a similar style, we save ourselves from such an undesirable effect, as we perform a vacuum at the moment when the muscles of the press are as much as possible blood. Of course, making a vacuum after such exercises is much more difficult, but you must remember that a beautiful relief press is always hard, so few people boast really worked and beautiful abdominal muscles. And this effort is on itself not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen.

What are there contraindications to exercise?

Contraindications, that is, when the abdominal vacuum should not be performed:

  • ulcer of the stomach or 12-rosewood, gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of lungs, asthma, pneumonia and other diseases of the respiratory system;
  • hernias and protrusions in the lumbar and thoracic spine;
  • arterial hypertension, tachycardia and increased intracranial pressure.

A narrow waist and a flat stomach are one of the main components of a beautiful figure. And this, first of all, the lack of fats on it. The most important condition for its burning is proper nutritionBased on the cost of calories more than getting with food.

Another major factor is correct Selection of exercises.

The reason for the sagging of belly, as a rule, is a reduced tone. Many are recorded in fitness clubs, someone is trying to study at home. However, it is very difficult to ensure that the belly becomes flat is very difficult, in particular, for women after childbirth.

It is believed to achieve this goal, you need to download the press. But in practice there is something strange the larger the press, the greater the muscles from pumping, especially the side.

What is happening?

In fact, under the layer of fat under the influence of exercises, a muscular corset is formed. As a result, the stomach ceases hanging, but nevertheless boils and discourages.

Solving this problem - the exercise Vacuum, which is the most faithful and effective method to achieve a flat abdomen.

It is borrowed from yogis that applied them in their practices of Nauli and Udandyna. In the 60-70 years began to apply it in bodybuilding. Vacuum allowed practitioners to achieve a narrow waist, against which wide shoulders began to emphasize in a very favorable light. Famous American Bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger with his V-shaped figure is a visual sample.

To date, this exercise is used in fitness based on aerobic breathing, called Bodyflex.

Cause of efficiency

Vacuum technique is not silov The exercise for the abdomen, but the effect obtained from it is much more than from other classes. For a better understanding of the reasons for effectiveness, consider the anatomical structure of the body and the process of accumulation of fat.

Our belly consists of 3 muscle groups:

When performing conventional exercises for the abdomen, as a rule, the load falls into oblique and straight muscles that are responsible for the cubes on it. As a result, the muscles cease to blame, but the volume of the abdominal cavity is not less reduced, but on the contrary, increases.

The reason is that the fat layer above the muscles continues to be left.

There are two varieties of fat stomach on the stomach:

1. Visually noticeable fat folds that are eliminated by fat burning exercises. Sometimes the large content of subcutaneous fat does not allow to notice a strong press;

2. visceral Fat that envelops internal organs. With its significant presence, pressure on the transverse muscle holding the abdominal cavity occurs. As a result, it weakens and begins to pay a belly.

In vacuo, it is the transverse muscle that holds all our internal organs in place. It is when her training session decreases the volume of the abdomen. Vacuum technique does not give relief and invisible on the body, but the benefit and the result from this press exercise is huge:

It is necessary to add another very important advantage to these listed: the vacuum allows the body to be saturated with oxygen. And this is the key to the health of the body as a whole.

Principle of implementation

The essence of the exercise is the maximum retractation Abdomen and holding it in such a state for 30 seconds. Actions are simultaneously combined with a definite breathing technique.

Initially, you need to learn to perform a vacuum right In the easiest form. For beginners, the most appropriate is the position of the lying. After its development, you can move to execution in other options. The change of provisions is needed for better development of abdominal organs, which under the influence of gravity strive down.

However, before proceeding, keep in mind that there are some contraindications to perform these exercises.


it is impossible Apply in the following cases:

Features for women

During menstruation and during pregnancy, there is contraindicated with vacuum, as the uterus and so active during this period. Enhanced blood supply to the abdominal cavity resulting from this gymnastics may entail enhanced bleeding.

Two months after childbirth, the vacuum will be very useful, allowing the muscles to acquire the former tone and strengthening the muscles of the internal organs. It is necessary to be just attentive to your body, if there are no pain, unpleasant sensations, you can safely continue to do the exercise and the stomach will tighten in a short time.

Exercise Vacuum for abdomen, technology execution technique

Return to the event of the exercise.

Performing a vacuum for the press standing

1. Get up straight, legs on the width of the shoulders.

2. I exhale all the air so that the lungs remain empty.

3. Tighten your stomach inside.

4. Delay in this position 15-30 seconds.

Sitty by solid surface.

  1. Sit on your knees, putting hands on them.
  2. Holding the back straight, slightly tilting the body forward.
  3. We begin to slowly exhale air, pulling up the spine to the stomach.

Another version of this exercise is to do it on all fours. This is a more complex option.

It is very important that when performing the exercise there was no dizziness or discomfort.

The correct implementation of the Vacuum technique is a feeling. raising internal organs to the Rubram.

The difficulty for newbies is to misunderstand the work of the belly. Many do not exhale all the air, which is why it is impossible to create a vacuum in the abdominal cavity, and also do not breathe with the necessary intensity. To begin with, we can recommend stretching all the air, and then proceed to the exercise.

Belly vacuum - how to do to do to achieve Positive result?

First of all, regularity is needed. Need discipline to achieve results. Any achievements always require a certain amount of effort spent.

Exercise must be performed on hungry Stomach, in the morning or evening. The fulfillment of them next to the mirror will allow control over the correctness of your actions.

Do not immediately do the exercise in large quantities. Let the organism gradually get used to it.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to repeat it at least five times with a breath delay from 10 to 15 seconds, and then gradually increase the respiratory delay time. As charging is addictive, you can do for a whole day when you sit or stand.

And of course, what really wants to know how the belly will quickly pull up?

Do not wait for quick results, waiting for it for several days. Take patience, and the result will not slow down to affect. A month, and even less, the result will not make himself wait. About efficiency Exercises show feedback on the forums of people practicing this exercise.

Vacuum for belly. Video in position standing and lying.

Exercise vacuum for flat abdomen. Video in position sitting.

Straight, all-all top athletes and fitness bikinachi attached to them advise this exercise. And then, they can, it is possible to have cubes, and burned in zero fat, but the stomach will still be written out, so if you crave to have a tumaled belly, then be kind to perform this most vacuum.

Let's deal with how it is useful, as we are told.

All these slogans: "Vacuum" is a quick way to a flat stomach, a vacuum will make your waist fine, and the stomach is flat and others, of course, we instill. For without control of nutrition and power training, alas and ah, a beautiful tummy and other parts of the body, we do not see how much vacuum does not do.

It is especially important that vacuum efficiency is not scientifically confirmed. But we will not deny that there is a certain benefit from vacuum.

Where it comes from

This exercise came to us from yoga. Yes, yes, in a century, before Vacuum popularized Arnold Schwarzenegger, this exercises practiced yoga, but not because they dreamed of a flat belly. Yoga, you know, with your own, and even more so strangers, stomachs were wondering because, maybe, therefore, Nirvana reached.

Vacuum exercise is Uddiyana Bandha. By the way, Bandhi in the classic yoga (now can already be considered Ayengar-yoga) began to give students no earlier than 5-10 years from the start of yoga classes at all.

Here is a description of the "classic textbook" B.K.S. Iyengar, "Yoga Dipica. Clarification of yoga ":

We hope you have noticed that yoga do not promise to remove the belly for 7 days or there to strengthen the press! Moreover, pay attention, when fulfilling Udandyn Bandhi belly must be completely relaxed:

"Visually, Uddka Bandha looks like a stomach pulling when he goes deep under the ribs. However, it is not necessary to fall in a mistake, trying to perform this exercise with tension and drawing abdominal muscles. "

This exercise is performed due to the so-called. "False breath" - breast expansion with squeezed throat, i.e. without air access. At the same time, the pressure drops sharply in the chest cavity, and under the action of this respiratory diaphragm rises upwards, and the stomach is drawn deep inside. " Try, by the way, "false sigh", a very interesting feeling.

Let's compare with you, what is the differences in Indian Udandyna Bandhi and its Western Vacuum version.

Effect from Uddiyana Bandhi

    On the circulatory system. Due to the sharp pressure of blood pressure from the abdominal and pelvic cavities, it rushes back to the heart.

    In the case of blood stagnation in the legs and the pelvis (which is present in most modern city inhabitants, regardless of the floor), this exercise of yoga has a significant healing effect like inverted poses. It improves the venous outflow and blood supply to all internal organs by stimulating their work and the regeneration of tissues during the disease.

    On the abdominal organs. When performing this exercise, the diaphragm is stretched, occupying the highest possible position.

    In this case, the digestive tract is intensively stretched, which stimulates its peristaltics and improves digestion. Due to the improvement of blood circulation and mechanical stimulation, the release of digestive juices increases.

    On the nervous system. In the walls of the esophagus, the stomach and intestines there are numerous fibers of the wandering nerve, and when performing this exercise, they are actively stimulated. This causes a strong and fast parasympathetic (braking nervous system soothing) effect.

    On the endocrine system. Udka Bandha improves the blood circulation of the pancreas and to a lesser extent - ovaries and adrenal glands.

    On the urinary system.Uddiyana Bandha stimulates the activities of the kidney and removing fluid from the body.

    It also enhances blood outflow from the small pelvis organs and improves their blood supply. Uddiyana Bandha lifts the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and the pelvis, which is useful when omitting them.

Note, among this list there is no training straight, no transverse abdominal muscles!

What gives us a vacuum exercise (taken from a typical article on the Internet):

"Normal power exercise, helping to work out the muscles of the abdomen, do not always give desirable results, because almost all of them are trained only by external muscles. If they are hampered, you can quite achieve the effect of cubes, of course, if there is no big fat layer.

However, this is not at all a guarantee of a flat abdomen, because even with insignificant relaxation, it can again acquire a rounded, discovering appearance. In addition, constant power exercises for the press, especially concerns all sorts of oblique twists, "expand" the waist, which all the ladies are afraid of like fire.

"Vacuum" allows you to strengthen the deep cross muscle of the abdomen, which "pulls" the tummy and keeps the organs at the necessary places without giving them to descend. In addition, it provides a better supply of abdominal oxygen, which ultimately will affect the splitting of subcutaneous fat. "

Why do it

Tax, in order to deliver to the essence and the benefit (immediately say, meager), which vacuum can give us, it is worth dispelled a couple of myths that hover the essence of the exercise of the Vacuum. These errors are fundamental and found in a huge number of fitness experts, public and sites.

Remember, if you see similar statements, close the VK / Insta / Google immediately - this means that a person is absolutely "not in the subject" and will now have every nonsense.

But the number of people who do not understand the meaning of a vacuum and who advises him as a means to make the waist, and the stomach is flat, just scares and is very frustrating, to be honest. We found 9996 video about the benefits of this exercise and only 1 adequate!


"Belly sticks out due to weak transverse muscle"

The stereotype of the loss of the abdomen due to the weak transverse department is paradoxal with regard to modern level Anatomy and physiology. Any physiotherapist or truly knowledgeable fitness coach will see a violation of causal relationship. We do not understand why the transverse muscle was attributed to a similar function.

Just look at your beautiful eyes more closely and immediately understand everything:

The transverse muscle of the abdomen reduces the volume of the abdominal cavity as if on the sides. Loss of belly forward is atrophy and hypotone of straight abdominal muscles. Transverse cannot affect such an extension! The weakness of the transverse muscle of the belly leads to side convexity Waist, not frontal.

That is, if your transverse muscle is miserable, then it will "increase" the waist (read: make you like a funeral or a carament of Melive), but does not contribute to the loss of belly forward.

It even simply in logic should be clear: the transverse muscle is a thin muscular-tendon plate, the muscular bundles of which are directed crosswise. The front abdominal muscle is flat and wide in their form. She holds back your pray as Nevsky Livonian Order.

Check the tone of your transverse abdominal muscle you can right now! To do this, just try to pull the belly as much as possible, continuing to breathe. If the shoulders shaved up and in a different way to draw the stomach does not work, then the vacuum is even shown.

If you have turned out to draw the stomach without amplitude in the shoulder belt, then read the list of contraindications, since the tone of your abdominal muscles is normal, and the reason for the palace belly lies in the other.

"Trains muscles"

No no no. When initially, technically correcting vacuum, as written above, the muscles of the abdomen are not reduced at all! They are stretched, and the stomach rises and "sticks" without the muscular effort, and due to the difference in the pressure between the chest and the abdominal cavity and the expansion of the chest with an effort of external intercostal muscles.

The contents of the belly are assessed up after the diaphragm like a liquid that is drawn by a syringe when we raise the piston. The abdominal press muscles remain relaxed, accordingly, to strengthen them with this exercise is essentially impossible.

Helps reduce belly after childbirth

This is perhaps the most common statement that pokes out the mouth and from the comment in the comment. "Make a vacuum after childbirth NN times and after a couple of months, the belly will go away," "Look - the stomach is flat, I made a vacuum" and so on.

Dear girls, a big secret lies in the fact that the belly in a couple of months after childbirth will be much less or even someone will "leave" without a vacuum, simply because organs and fabrics are subject to gradual involution, it is physiology. That is, the vacuum has nothing to do with it!

The uterus decreases until former sizes and weights 20 times for the same 2 months after delivery. Muscles themselves partly tone restore. Bundles inside the pelvis are reduced and for 3-4 weeks help the authorities return to their places.

This is the perfect picture, of course, but in general nature is provided. Know. Our body can do itself. And the vacuum has nothing to do with it.

In general, it is largely useful exerciseBut it will not lead to a thin waist and flat stomach. And if the aesthetics of the Bodybuilders of the era of Schwarzenegger attracts you, then you should pay attention to the volume of food consumed. And strengthen the muscles of the bark

Execution technique: how to do

If you still want to make a vacuum, then please. Beginners are best done lying on the back.

    To do this, lie on a solid surface and bend the legs in the knees. Slowly exhausted, let out absolutely all the air and mostly pull the lower part of the abdomen below the ribs.

    Denate ten or fifteen seconds, but remember that breathing delay in static exercises can be very dangerous, especially for those who are important to monitor their pressure.

    Take a breath and tighten the stomach even stronger.

    Redend ten or fifteen seconds again, make a little breath and not relaxing the belly. Keep the position for about ten seconds.

    Exhale and relax, make some arbitrary breathing cycles.

    Again, slowly exhale, tighten the stomach under ribs and to the spine, then not exhausted with the power push it up.

In the sitting position, the stabilizing muscles of the back are included. The technique of execution is similar to the exercise in the Lying position, only now we do not lie down, but sit down on a solid surface. Perform it at home sitting on the sofa, at work or in the bus.

The most important thing

Since this exercise was borrowed from yoga, it is based on proper breathing. Vacuum in the stomach is always created with full exhalation, but this can use different techniques.

But almost anywhere on the Internet does not write that the correct vacuum is created not due to the stress of the abdominal muscles, but as it was already a hundred times written on top of the "false breathing" and the difference in pressures.

Sense from the fact that you will just strain your muscles, there is almost no no, you can try to pump yourself in this way, let's see which result will be

So, how to breathe:

  1. Slowly, using only your mouth, release all air out of the chest.
  2. Squeeze your lips and make a sharp strong breath to the nose so that the lungs completely filled with air.
  3. Abruptly, making maximum effort, release all air through the mouth.
  4. Digging your breath, draw your stomach to the spine and under the ribs. After eight or ten seconds, relax and breathe.


With all the benefits of exercise, the list of contraindications scares up to visceropotosis. The main enemy in this exercise - increased intra-abdominal pressure. The pressure inside the abdomen is created by internal organs, and with naturally increasing them in volume, for example, after eating, the pressure remains within the limits of the norm due to the elasticity of the muscles.

In thick people or with a single overeating intraperous pressure already high and its subsequent increase leads to mechanical destruction in the distal departments of the esophagus and in the junction of the stomach and esophagus, which is the main reason The appearance of the hernia of the esophageal hole.

Also possible gastroesophageal reflux disease or belching(The ingress of the contents of the stomach in the esophagus), which may appear for the same reasons.

  • at the time of exacerbation of the ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • during critical days in women;
  • it is impossible to make pregnant women;
  • it is impossible to do immediately after childbirth and operations, must pass for several months;
  • with arterial hypertension, tachycardia and elevated intracranial pressure.
  • in the presence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • in the presence of pathology of lungs;
  • in the presence of hernia in the abdominal cavity;
  • with a weak abdominal press and large sizes of the abdomen;
  • for the disease of anyone internal organadjacent to the diaphragmal partition.

An important point, when performing this exercise, you should not experience any discomfort and in no means of abdominal pain.


Is the vacuum exercise useful? Well, in principle, yes, when you learn to strain the transverse muscles, then it becomes easier to go to the toilet.

And all - fat will definitely not burn, the muscle is 100% not "punched", so do not wait for a flat belly with cubes. Read the article, perform the exercises and you will be joy.

If you have no waist - you never do it with vacuum. If you have a layer of fat - a flat belly you do not see - for weight loss, the vacuum is categorically useless.

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