Less than the worst. We have become worse at being able to count

It is always beneficial to have strangers to yourself, so it is easier to deceive them or just achieve your goal. Therefore, I am always interested in materials from the series "How to win over a stranger from the first seconds of communication." Usually this is almost always all sorts of glamorous-glossy nonsense for dumb blondes. By the way, why "almost always"? It is "always" and it terribly pisses me off.

Where is calculating cynicism and pragmatism? No, all advice is built on abstract universal human ideals of humanism and kindness! Therefore, such advice is suitable only for tolerant and delicate Europeans and can mislead the inhabitants of a harsh society, where man is a friend to man, comrade and a wolf.

For example, I will analyze these tips.

Smile wide

A great way to create distrust. The first thought is clearly some kind of swindler who is now trying to sell something unnecessary and cheap for a very expensive price. The second thought - "Cho is he smiling like a fool?" The third option - "Choyta, is he some kind of impudent, laughing at me in the tunnels?"

A wide smile and any scoffing in nature is subconsciously perceived as a threat. It's in modern civilization so everything is perverted. By the way, some people may well perceive a smile as fear, ingratiating themselves and willingness to make concessions.

Call the interlocutor by name

This will probably surprise some, but many people simply hate their name, which their parents imposed on them.

Since parents are sometimes creative, which is often an analogue of pretentious dullness and inadequacy, they break the fate of children, giving them all sorts of strange and inconvenient names.

Calling a person by name is easy to make a mistake, for example, if a person prefers to be addressed by first and patronymic, then he may not appreciate the familiar address by one name.

Many do not know how to memorize information and may accidentally call a person the wrong way, which certainly will not arouse sympathy. Remember Evdoksia Ardalionovna from the feature film "Carnival".

Don't talk about yourself; instead, take an interest in the other person.

There are already too many people in the world who are ready to take your time and attention with all the nonsense that happens to them. Few people are interested in someone else's life, and there are too many useless and worthless people in society.

What's the point in liking people you don't need? I wonder that just helpful people not very prone to idle chatter.

If you want to achieve some result through communication, then you just need to talk about exactly what interests you. In general, it is useful to use the motto in life: "Come in boldly, speak business, leave quickly."

Remember: listening to the chatter of the interlocutor does nothing for you, unless of course you are a spy of a potential enemy or you do not need a story for gossip.

Use compliments

Many people do not know how to compliment, they just are not given it. It is better not to say pleasant words than to do it in such a way that it turns out to be false and unnatural. In my opinion, a person's personal charm plays a very important role.

If, for example, you are initially pleasant to the prospective interlocutor, then compliments are not needed, just the attention shown during communication is enough. And if you are somehow unpleasant to a person, then compliments from you will be perceived as something annoying.

An example would be receiving a bouquet of flowers from an unnecessary admirer, from whom you want to get rid of as soon as possible, but at the same time you need to do so so as not to offend the person, and this is very annoying and annoying.

So far, that's all I want to say about this. Maybe this post seemed too spiteful and cynical to you? Do not even doubt it, it really is! And read my light blog regularly!

    The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo Genre ... Wikipedia

    - ("Cool cop, filthy cop"), fr. Bon Cop, Bad Cop is a 2006 Canadian action film. The plot of the film is the forced cooperation of police officers who hate each other from two neighboring provinces: expressive and ... ... Wikipedia

    The same soup and thinner, worse, does not fit in soles, unfavorably differs from, flatter, does not stand in a sole where he cannot stand comparison with, does not compare with, where he can, cannot resist, he is far from , not worth the little finger Dictionary ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Adj., Number of synonyms: 3 worse (18) slightly worse (2) slightly worse ... Synonym dictionary

    Masterforex-V- (Masterforex 5) Masterforex V is a training Internet project in the field of the Forex currency market Exposing the training project Masterforex V, the organizer and teachers of the fraudulent academy Masterforex 5, methods of deceiving clients of the project ... ... Investor encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Apollo (disambiguation). Apollo 15 Emblem ... Wikipedia

    The cruiser class that existed in the second half XIX early XX centuries. They were the second most powerful class of warships of the leading fleets after battleships. Most characteristic feature armored cruisers had an armor belt along the waterline. How ... ... Wikipedia

    Appendix to article Apollo 15 "Apollo 15" Flight data of the spacecraft Launch vehicle Saturn 5 SA 510 Launch pad Space center Ken ... Wikipedia

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

knowledgeable ACCOUNTANTS

many apples


more WORSE


Explanation (see also Rule below).

False: Worse. Correctly: worse. No other forms are allowed, in particular, the word is worse. It is also ALREADY a comparative degree.

Answer: bad.

Answer: bad

Rule: Task 7. Morphological norms of word formation and inflection

General concept of morphological norms.

Morphological norms are the norms of correct education grammatical forms words different parts speeches(forms of gender, number, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives, and many others).

The morphological norm regulates word formation and inflection. These norms are necessarily studied in the school course of the Russian language and are checked in task 6 of the exam. There are strong and weak norms in morphology (as well as in syntax and in the area of ​​pronunciation). The strong ones are respected by everyone who speaks Russian as a mother tongue. The weak are easily influenced by the outside, poorly absorbed and often distorted. Their presence is determined by many reasons, in particular, the peculiarities of the development of the phonetic and grammatical systems of the Russian language. So, the norms of education and changes in participles, participles, adjectives and other parts of speech that existed back in the days of Leo Tolstoy have changed significantly today. It should be noted that for a fairly large list of words there are, on the one hand - colloquial forms, and on the other hand - literary, written... But along with this, there are such forms that are unacceptable even in colloquial speech and are a gross violation of morphological norms. Anyone who consults dictionaries knows that explanatory dictionaries there are certainly marks “colloquial”, which means colloquial, and others indicating the normality of the use of the form of the word in a particular style of speech.

In the tasks selected in the exam, students are required to find a word with a mistake and change it so that it meets the literary, written norm.

The normativeness of the use of this or that word is checked against the current modern dictionaries, and not on the "Internet" or "Wikipedia". Words that allow two literary norms (and this happens!), As a rule, are not presented in the tasks.

Russia lost 56th International Mathematical Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Chiang Mai (Thailand).
Straight at all.

6 silver medals and no gold medals - for the first time in 56 years. 8th place among 104 countries.

Should Russia be so killed?
Has anything out of the ordinary happened? - Not at all.

Guess what happened to them then? (Drumroll...)

Since 2003 Stanislav Smirnov has been working at the University of Geneva.
Grigory Perelman has been living in Sweden since 2014.

Russia's inability to retain its brilliant brains is a much more serious problem than one-time defeats of our teams in individual competitions. In general, the desire to collect all the gold in the world at all competitions, which became here in last years almost a state doctrine, gives off to some kind of traumatized ego.

So about the latest results of the Olympiad, you can not be hysterical. It is enough just to analyze the results and calmly work on the errors. Look how the Americans famously describe their training. You can start to adopt external experience.

The main thing to remember: such competitions not only help countries to grow a real intellectual elite, but also bring them closer together through their best representatives.
You can, for sure, be sure that children who have gone through such Olympiads acquire immunity from the hatred and greedy aggression of ignorant adults.
Let us pray that they will share this knowledge with as many of their peers as possible.

PS. To improve your mood, I advise you to listen

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "WORSE" in dictionaries.

  • WORST - adj. the worst, worse, inferior
  • MORE - adv. more; most of all, most of all; all the more, all the more; moreover, moreover, and what is more; more ...
    Russian-English Dictionary of the Mathematical Sciences
  • WORST - Worse
  • WORST - Inferior
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • MORE - More
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • MORE - more (ob. Tk. With two- and polysyllabic adj. And adverb.) More useful - more useful (all) more and ...
    English- Russian-English dictionary general vocabulary- Collection of the best dictionaries
  • WORST - 1. (excel. Art. Adj. Thin 1 and bad) the worst; in this case, at the worst; 2. in meaning. ...
  • MORE - adv. more; ~ or less more or less; all ~ and ~ more and more, increasingly; not ~ (and) not ...
    Russian-English dictionary of general topics
  • MORE - More
    Russian Learner "s Dictionary
  • WORST - worse
    Russian Learner "s Dictionary
  • WORST - 1. (compare and superior. Art. From bad and thin II) worse; the worst - still worse in ...
    Russian-English dictionary
  • MORE
    Russian-English dictionary
  • WORST - 1. (compare and superior. Art. From bad and thin II) worse; the worst - still worse in ...
  • MORE - adv. (also for education comparative degree) more (ob. tk. with two- and polysyllabic adj. and adverb.) more ...
    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary
  • WORST - adj. ; excel. Art. from bad worse; (the) worst
  • MORE - adv. more (than) more or less - more or less, especially since - especially as most of all - most ...
    Russian-English short dictionary in general vocabulary
  • MORE - Well
  • MORE - Plus
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • MORE - No more
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • MORE - Much
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • MORE - More
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • MORE - Cream
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • MORE - Additionally
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • WORST - inferior, worse
    Russian-English Dictionary of Economics
  • WORST - 1. (excel. Art. Adj. Thin ii 1 and bad) the worst; in this case, at the worst; 2. in meaning. noun ...
  • MORE - adv. more; ~ or less more or less; all ~ and ~ more and more, increasingly; not ~ (and) not less than ... neither ...
    Russian-English Dictionary - QD
  • MORE - see also. everything ~; and ~; over. He obtained boron of better than 98% purity. ... In ...
    Russian-English scientific and technical translator dictionary
  • WORST - inferior
    Modern Russian-English Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Automation
  • MORE - see and even more so; … times lighter; make the trajectory more flat; and more; orbits ...
    Russian-English Dictionary of Idioms on Cosmonautics
  • WORST - adj. excel. from bad worse (the) worst worst case worst - 1. (exceeding Art.add. lean II 1 ...
  • MORE - adv. more (than) more or less - more or less, especially since - especially as higher - higher ...
    Large Russian-English Dictionary
  • WORST - worst worst
  • MORE - more a more
    Russian-English Dictionary Socrates
  • THE WORST - Worst
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • WORSE - 1.add .; cf. from bad 1.worst 2.adverb; cf. badly worse; stronger I like him none the worse ...
    Large English-Russian dictionary
  • SECOND II - 1. n 1) next-ranked assistant; 2) the recipient of the second prize; 3) a second; 4) pl second class goods; 5) muses. ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • MORE - 1.add. 1) ref. from much 1., many 1. 2) more numerous; present in greater numbers, in to a greater extent, …
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • LAST BUT NOT LEAST - 1) although the last, but no less important 2) not the worst, although the last, but no less important
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • LAST - I 1.add. 1) superior. from late 1. 2) a) the last to come in last ≈ to come last (at the races) ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • INFERIOR - 1. noun 1) subordinate; junior in rank; lower (in development, intelligence, etc.) (in; to) inferior in rank ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • BUT - I ( full form); (reduced form) 1. adverb. only, only, only; just He is but a child. ≈ He's just ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • WORSE - worse.ogg 1. wɜ: s n worst to go from bad to worse - get worse and worse to have the ...
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • MORE - more.ogg 1. mɔ: a 1. compar from much II, III and many II 2. 1> larger, more numerous, significant, intense ...
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • LAST - last.ogg _I 1. lɑ: st n 1. 1> the last, the last of the Stuart Kings - the last king from the dynasty ...
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • WORSE - 1) worst 2) worst 3) worse
  • INFERIOR - inferior coalition - inferior envelope - inferior index - inferior limit - inferior mirage - inferior planet - inferior strategy - limit inferior
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • WORSE is the worst; worse; stronger
    Tiger English-Russian dictionary
  • ONE-DOWN - 1) lagging behind the opponent by one point 2) the lowest, the worst in some. And he has given an amusing list ...
    Tiger English-Russian dictionary
  • LAST BUT NOT LEAST - 1) although the last, but no less important 2) not the worst
    Tiger English-Russian dictionary
  • ROCKET - ROCKET WEAPONS Ballistic missiles. Ballistic missiles are designed to transport thermonuclear charges to a target. They can be classified as follows: 1) intercontinental ...
    Colier Russian dictionary
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