The difference between truth and lies. How to recognize a lie: by gestures, facial expressions, in communication

Distinguishing truth from lies in life, relationships and even on the Internet is quite real. The article describes the main salient features liars, their behavior and actions.

Functions of lies in human life

Lies are an integral part of interpersonal communication. It helps to hide the unpleasant, construct the desired picture of the world and performs a huge number of other functions. With its help, we protect children from things that are incomprehensible and terrible for them, hide our “exploits” from our parents and protect ourselves from the condemnation of others.

In many cases the truth is harmful. Truth and lies in life sometimes change their status of positive and negative principles. Falsehood is a cure for a seriously ill person. It hides the true state of his health and thus saves nerves, gives strength for recovery. Lies are often used when talking to children so as not to frighten or load them with incomprehensible and untimely information.

In personal relationships and business, lying, on the contrary, plays a sharply negative role. It brings financial and moral losses. For the formation wrong belief three types of transmission of false information are used: direct (fiction from A to Z), exaggeration and sophisticated lies (distortion of reality, suppression of important details).

How to distinguish truth from lies

Few people know that a liar is given out by certain body movements. His speech can change, his arms, legs, eyes move randomly, and even emotions become different. By looking at this correctly, you can easily determine who is lying.

How to recognize lies by body movements

95% of the information is told to us by the body of the interlocutor and the timbre of his speech, because it cannot lie. Certain movements will always betray a liar:
  • shifty eyes. Scientists say that lies live on the left side. Pay attention to the eyes: telling the truth the person will look to the right and down, remembering the information. Inventing, imagining a new non-existent reality, the same person will look to the left and up. If you train to follow the direction of the interlocutor's gaze, then only by this sign it is easy to find out whether he is telling the truth or lying.
  • closed ears. Lying makes the speaker uncomfortable. Subconsciously, he will fence himself off from his own words. This is noticeable by the movements of the hand in the head area. The hand unconsciously tries to close its own ear, as if helping the liar to isolate himself from his own lies.
  • Movement around the nose. The liar endlessly scratches the tip or just touches it from time to time. At the same time, it is noticeable that his nose does not itch, since the muscles of the forehead and eyebrows remain at rest.
  • Arm and leg movements. They are either overly fussy or slightly retarded. The left side of the body moves more: the hand pats, the foot taps, stomps, the body shifts to the left side. Trying to convince the listener of the veracity of his words, a person unreasonably shortens the distance, may even take his hand or shoulder. Sometimes, on the contrary, with a little experience of lying, he will somehow try to turn away, hide, get away from a direct look. Possible chaotic activity to create barriers between themselves and the interlocutor. Various objects are placed in this gap: a newspaper, a book, a vase with jam, cookies or a cup of tea.
  • Gestures. Arms folded across the chest are more characteristic of a liar than a pose of trust, when the palm is touched on the chest or abdomen. The closeness of the posture signals, if not about a lie, then about alertness, distrust of the other side. Crossed arms and legs, combined with statements of truthfulness and sympathy, indicate the insincerity of the interlocutor.

Recognition of lies by speech

In order to verify the veracity of the speaker, you need to analyze his speech.

How to recognize lies by speech:

  1. slow pace. A person who lies is forced to choose words all the time. Therefore, he speaks much more slowly than someone who does not want to mislead. The speech of a liar is not replete with vivid details. The story is straightforward, but overly expressive.
  2. Sounds like a repeat of certain moments. Skillful liars know that for the truthfulness of the presentation of information, it is necessary to dilute the lie with the truth. To do this, one or two reliable facts are woven into the invented version of events. Their deceiver will repeat several times. For a liar, it is important that the interlocutor remembers what it was and automatically extends his belief about the reliability to the rest of the story.
  3. The liar's speech is broken. From time to time, he stops to see if the interlocutor takes everything at face value. If you ask him a leading question, the answer will also be preceded by a pause. Writing is always harder than remembering.
  4. The speech of lying people is replete with assurances of truthfulness. They use verbal expressions: “I’m telling the honest truth”, “honestly”, “don’t you believe me?” and etc.
In addition to the obvious distortions of facts that the speech gives out, there is another important point- it's all in the details. If asked to repeat the story in small detail again, the liar will not do it. Experienced investigators often use this technique. And this is another answer to the question of how to find out where is the truth and where is the lie. Criminologists force suspects to retell their version of events several times. The main idea is not difficult to remember, but it is possible to display the details identically as many times in a row as long as you tell the truth, and nothing but the truth. Therefore, if there are doubts in the words of the speaker, you need to clarify and ask again several times.

How to identify lies by emotions

A careful observer can recognize a lie by the emotional accompaniment of the story. It is especially easy to understand the untruthfulness of a person by observing the alternation of emotions in speech and facial expressions. Played feelings first appear in the voice, and only then on the face.

How to distinguish truth from lies, the speaker's face will tell. When deceiving, a person does not use all the facial muscles, but only part of them. For example, demonstrating joy, he will stretch his lips, but his eyes will remain motionless. Or first he will report his feeling, and only then will he demonstrate it. With real emotion, everything happens the other way around. Pleasure will first appear in the eyes, blossom on the lips, and then break out in the flow of speech.

If the lie is caused by a sudden need to justify, an abrupt change of topic captures the emotion of relief. Tension is relieved from the shoulders, face, and when the interlocutor turns away, you can catch a sigh of relief. The liar easily agrees to change the subject, but the truthful story will not remain unsaid. The person will try to come back and finish it.

How to tell lies from truth

The view of a liar is characterized by different sources from opposite points of view. Some argue that liars do not like direct eye contact, others believe that, on the contrary, they look intently at the interlocutor. Both the first and the second are right.

An inexperienced liar or a person who is forced to make up a story on the go hides his eyes. He is uncomfortable, uncomfortable and wants to fall through the ground. Therefore, the gaze rushes about, avoiding looking directly at the interlocutor.

With a conscious lie in order to deceive, the eyes are not hidden. Firstly, in this way a person hopes to convince of the veracity of his words, and secondly, he needs to check the reaction. It is important for a person who tells a lie to know whether his words are believed or not, so he watches closely and does not look away.

How people lie in relationships

Lies in relationships can be big and small. Some lie in details, others deceive a loved one or a loved one for years, hiding their little sins. Still others lie fundamentally, even about their own feelings. The fourth ones weave the partner into intrigues, depriving him of the support and help of people close to him. Blind faith in a relationship can be very costly, so it is important to recognize lies in time.

Why and how men lie

Men's lies are a unique phenomenon. The fact is that men consider it shameful to tell a lie to representatives of their sex. It's dishonorable, unsafe, spoils the reputation. Deception of women, on the contrary, is one of the necessary life skills.

Men's lies happen:

  • Protective. Used when they want to protect a woman from something that can frighten or alarm her.
  • Hiding the ugly truth. A man does not want to confess his sins.
  • Lies for good. Usually this is done with patients when they hide the real state of affairs.
The first case is harmless enough. It really removes some of the problems in relationships and the life of a couple. Women's emotionality does not withstand tension where calm confidence and endurance are needed. Therefore, men prefer to remain silent about something. Otherwise, to the solution of any problem, it will be necessary to add the need to calm the woman's fears, and this is an extra waste of time and energy.

In the second case, the strong half lies about two things: money and mistresses. Almost everyone has a stash, but the third partner, as gynecologists call their mistress, is not such a frequent phenomenon. Most couples still prefer honesty in relationships.

The third option is used by almost everyone, except for some especially callous persons, so it’s not worth discussing.

But how to understand that a man is lying, he has someone on the side, or there are sins of a different plan? You can use all of the above methods: analysis of speech, movements, gaze. The situation is facilitated by the fact that you can come as close as possible and look into the eyes.

Specific markers of male lies in a relationship:

  1. Changing the frequency of sex in one direction or the other. Usually, men who decide to have an affair either have no strength left for their wife at all, or, on the contrary, they show excessive activity in order to make amends for infidelity.
  2. The appearance of time pits when entire periods of time disappear. Men cannot really explain where they were at three o'clock on the weekend or in the middle of the working day, if it suddenly occurred to the wife to check them. Usually these are those who are only at the beginning of the novel and have not yet learned the art of lying.
  3. Incomprehensible nit-picking, scandals from scratch. Having visited his mistress, who is specially preparing, waiting for him, the man comes home and sees the usual picture - a tired wife in a dressing gown, screaming children, a mess. This makes him terribly angry, because the new passion seems both better and more well-groomed. If he is also in love, then the once-beloved woman goes into the category of irritants, he simply does not want to be around, but he is not ready to leave yet.
  4. Hiding on the phone. Typical behavior of a liar who has a lady of the heart on the side. In addition, the wife may suddenly find strange SMS from Fedya's friend, who sends him kisses before going to bed. Of course, in the event that the cheating husband has not yet set a password on the phone.
  5. The number of complex and burning projects at work has increased. Delays, excuses that it was a real emergency, which were not there before and were not foreseen at all, very eloquently indicate that a man is somewhere. And usually only a mistress provokes such actions, because meetings with friends hardly have to be hidden.
Truth and lies in a relationship on the part of a man are easily recognized in couples when partners live with each other for a long time. Women's intuition captures the slightest nuances in changes in communication. Some wives claim that they even feel those moments when a spouse thinks about another.

But how to find out about lies at the first stage of a relationship? First, a quick and sudden rapprochement should alert. Assurances "I love you" in the first month of acquaintance with a high degree of probability do not speak of feelings, but of the desire to use. The second important marker is actions. When they say one thing and do another, you need to trust actions, not words.

How women lie in relationships

Women cheat in relationships to make life easier for themselves and avoid punishment. It so happened in our society that the representatives of the weaker sex are dependent beings. First they are controlled by their parents, then they fall under the control of the husband and his family.

Girls who are self-sufficient, well-paid, or have strong parental support do not need lies as a way to protect themselves. They are more difficult to control, and they do not allow anyone to do this. An independent woman uses deceit less as a means of maintaining a relationship, since a man does not enter into the meaning of her life for the sake of survival.

The rest of the ladies are forced to widely use lies every day. They lie about expenses, hide unfavorable circumstances and deeds. They prefer to remain silent about personal income, hobbies, entertainment, not wanting to give rise to contention.

Children can be called a special part of women's lies. Mothers protect men's nerves and do not tell even half of the problems they have to face when raising their offspring. Dedicate only to those cases where necessary financial aid And you can't do without a dad.

Women's infidelities and the lies associated with them also have their own specifics. The survival strategy leads to the fact that many ladies are looking for a more worthy one for the rest of their lives. Therefore, they constantly make lovers for themselves, as if comparing them with their spouse and weighing whether this new one is better, whether it is worth changing one for another. In this case, women's lies are very difficult to recognize. Exceptions are cases when the lady herself wants her husband to know about the opponent.

It is interesting! Women's fear of losing a breadwinner makes them keep silent even about their own needs. If a girl does not have enough sex, affection, emotional conversations in a relationship, she will simply get a lover who will close this need, but will not risk what she already has.

How to recognize lies on dating sites

Not so long ago, the Chinese conducted a study of dating that ended in a wedding. The results showed that 25% of the newlyweds met on the Internet. We have this figure, perhaps even higher, because after all, in the Celestial Empire, most marriages are arranged by parents.

But online dating is dangerous enough. The interlocutor can lie with impunity and be called at least a prince. There is no way to check, since it is impossible to see who is on the other side of the screen. For analysis, we have only lines, eyes are not visible, movements and speech are inaccessible. Therefore, nothing that the interlocutor tells us can be taken on faith. You can easily fall for the bait of a maniac or a psychopath.

To avoid becoming a victim of lies on the Internet, you should follow these rules:

  • Personal data analysis. Carefully study the pages on social networks. They must be accounts. real people, not bots. Real accounts are duplicated in various social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook. Bots post the same type of photos. They have little personal information. It is impossible to determine where he was born, studied, married, there are no photos of relatives.
  • Desire to meet online. If you feel that the first stage of acquaintance has passed, and the interlocutor is in no hurry to meet in real life, this is a bad signal. Assurances that he is a spy or a military man seem ridiculous at first glance, but many women are fed with them. When personal relationships are established, they begin to believe any, even the most incredible nonsense.
  • Refusal of visible rapprochement - telephone communication, photo exchange and other. Internet relationships can be considered a lie if a person does not want to meet in person or at least transfer the relationship into the plane of telephone conversations or Skype communication. All assurances of love and seriousness of intentions are nullified when offline dates fail. One, two agreed, and then canceled meetings - a signal that there is a scammer on the other side of the screen.
  • Requests for help. Here, in 100% of cases, either a person who wants to profit by playing on feelings, or a banal swindler will be behind the monitor. Never normal people, especially men, will not ask for help financially or materially from a person with whom a relationship is just being established.
Internet interlocutors can only be trusted if you have a live account with a large number of friends, and there is a motley audience - classmates, work colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances, relatives, friends from interest groups. There is information about yourself, but the page itself was not created yesterday.

It's important to know! Psychologists warn: serious relationships are never secret. They hide only in cases where the intentions do not go beyond short-lived flirting or simple entertainment.

How to distinguish truth from lies - look at the video:

Thus, it is difficult to distinguish a lie from the truth, but it is possible. You need to carefully monitor the speech, facial expressions and movements of the interlocutor. And most importantly, always focus on actions, not words.

Often, during a conversation with another person, you cannot understand whether he is telling the truth or lying. And you do not want to be deceived by your interlocutor. So is it possible to determine whether a person is telling the truth or frankly lying to you? Are there any methods?

Of course, there are methods for distinguishing lies from truth. Moreover, one does not need to be a professional psychologist in order to quickly see a liar and almost accurately determine the falsity of his messages and arguments.

You just need to carefully observe the behavior of a person, analyze what he says, fix a clear dissonance between his words and gestures. In this case, you need to trust your eyes more than your ears.

How to determine by the external signs of a person that he is lying?

Identifying a lie is easy and simple by observing facial expressions, listening to the voice and spoken words, and also paying special attention to the gestures and postures used by the person lying to you. Here are some examples.

One person tries to appear before you extremely honest, the opponent of any lie. Therefore, he constantly repeats: “honest word”, “trust me”, “I swear to you”, “this is one hundred percent true.” He does not believe himself and tries to convince himself.

Another, in order not to lie, will try in every possible way to evade the topic under discussion, from the direct questions being asked. To this end, he will convince you that he is not aware of what is at stake. Or he just doesn't want to talk about it.

Sometimes a liar switches to outright rudeness, may begin to be rude, rude, so as not to talk about what he will have to lie about. In such cases, it can come to screams, scandal and even assault.

Remember that an honest person, on the contrary, will try to tell you everything in detail, defend his position, and explain the circumstances of the case in detail. In some cases, he may simply be deliberately mistaken, but not lie at all.

Often you have to deceive in the name of your own salvation or shielding loved one. This is the so-called "lie for good". This must have happened to each of us at home in the family and at work with colleagues.

Some try to close their body, others start scratching their noses, others look around. As you know, a lot about a person can say his eyes. The liar will try not to look you straight in the eyes, will take his to the side, run around with his eyes.

If you ask him some specific question, he will suddenly start to get lost, stutter, stutter, blush, because a false legend, as a rule, is not thought through to the end and has to be thought out on the go.

A lying person feels emotionally uncomfortable, his behavior is unnatural, he may be too active or too passive. If you know the interlocutor well, then you can easily determine that he is lying.

How to recognize a lie by the eyes?

1) Psychologists have long noticed that a lying person, as a rule, looks away from the interlocutor to the left, and then lowers them down. So he tries to find the right words or invent images in order to lie.

If you notice such behavior behind your interlocutor, there is reason to believe that he is insincere with you. But it is not yet an established fact that he frankly lies to you. We need to continue monitoring his behavior.

2) If during a conversation a person raises his eyes up, then he is trying to isolate and describe images from a visual or visual memory. If he turns his head to the right or left side, then he is working with auditory or auditory memory.

If your interlocutor lowers his head down, it means that he wants to concentrate and carefully controls everything that is said. Watch him carefully, it is at this moment that he can begin to invent and voice lies.

3) It is important to fix the first reaction of the interlocutor to the question asked to him. If at the same time he begins to roll his eyes up and to the right, or lowers them down and to the left, then he is trying in a panic to come up with some acceptable false legend.

It should be remembered that a professional liar, i.e. a person who lies constantly, has become adept at this business, and even has good acting skills, it is very difficult to catch a lie in his eyes.

4) If you have repeatedly encountered the fact that a particular interlocutor is lying to you, then try to remember how he behaves in this case. This will help you in the future to convict him of a lie.

You should remember the whole strategy of his behavior: how he “runs” with his eyes, what phrases he utters, in which direction he looks, how he behaves in general. This information will help you in the future not to become a victim of a liar.

Every person knows how to cheat. It starts with a childish tendency to fantasize, and adults just get used to lying to each other over the course of life, even on trifles. Some do it without thinking.

However, the deceived party suffers from false information, receives psychological trauma: parents deceive children, and children of parents, spouses lie to each other, and friends ruthlessly misinform best friends.

A story made up on the go is just as easily forgotten. If you ask a liar a second time on the same topic, he will come up with a completely or partially different version. And you will realize that you have been blatantly deceived.

Sometimes a constant lie turns into a real pathology. In psychology, there is the concept of a pathological liar. This disease destroys the consciousness of the patient, he himself ceases to understand where is the truth and where is the lie.

Let's figure out what a lie is, and when can it become a problem not only for others, but also for the person lying, and turn into a difficult-to-treat pathology? A lie is false information that is expressed by one person to another.

V modern psychology there are three types of people who are prone to lying.

1) A person who wants to always look smarter than everyone else in society. He loves to take Active participation in a variety of discussions, proving to the interlocutors that they have a good classical education and a great life experience.

To reveal his lies, it is enough to ask a couple of simple clarifying questions on the topic under discussion. The lying person will immediately try to answer specific questions. common phrases, and it becomes clear that he is deceiving.

2) A person who lies out of selfish motives tends to make a lot of different, sometimes simply inappropriate compliments. In this way, he wants to lull the vigilance of his interlocutor and achieve his own selfish benefits from him.

This is how scammers of all stripes work, deceiving gullible and suggestible citizens. These are deceivers in the style of Sergei Mavrodi. Only your own life experience and intellect can help here.

3) There are people who have the ability to deceive from birth. They lie "for the soul", perceiving lies as art. As a rule, they have good acting skills and are able to fool anyone.

Often there is no protection from them. Such a liar will play a whole performance in front of you, rob you to the skin, and you will like it. Playing, for a moment he himself believes in what he says. These are liars in the style of Ostap Bender.

4) Pathological liars deceive both people and themselves. They invent their own life (test pilot, confidant of the President, son of the Prosecutor General) and believe in their own fiction. In real life, such liars, as a rule, have a low social status.

If you demand proof of his words from a pathological liar, he will immediately tell a beautiful story about how he was forgotten or confused in the maternity hospital, intentionally deprived of his status, or simply burned documents at the behest of the Kremlin.

How to recognize a lie?

Psychologists have developed a number of methods that should be used to understand whether a person is telling you the truth or simply lying. These methods do not give a 100% guarantee, but they undoubtedly provide serious assistance.

The first method: to detect lies by the answer

If a person, after a question has been raised, completely or partially repeats it or is silent for several minutes, it means that he is considering how to answer correctly so as not to harm himself or other people.

This behavior indicates that he is insincere with you and most often, as a result, answers falsely. A truthful person, without hesitation, lays out all the information he has on your question.

The second method: detect lies by the absence of an answer

If, in response to a question, your interlocutor tells a joke or otherwise diverts the conversation, it means that he does not want to share with you, he has something to hide. According to the rules of etiquette, you should appreciate his wit and laugh.

If you continue to insist on getting an answer, you may be considered a bore. This is such a well-known tactic of not lying, but also not telling the truth, often used by liars in society.

The third method: identify lies by behavior

Instead of an answer, you get a nervous reaction from your interlocutor. He starts coughing, scratching, can dramatically change the pace of his speech, etc. This suggests that he is psychologically preparing to lie to you.

You should be careful with such a person, because. you can really become a victim of deception. Although such behavior is not characteristic of a professional liar, after all, he has long been accustomed to lying and has his own benefit from this.

Fourth method: detect lies by gestures

Sometimes the interlocutor during the conversation automatically begins to make specific gestures: (scratching the back of the head, touching his face, etc.). This suggests that he is trying to subconsciously fence himself off from you.

Sometimes he backs away from the interlocutor, shifts from foot to foot, tries to move away. This means that at the subconscious level, he understands that now he will have to tell a lie. And this makes him uncomfortable.

Carefully study the behavior of your relatives and friends at a time when, according to your assumptions, they are lying. This will help you not to spoil your relationship with them in vain, but simply to know when they told a lie and protect yourself from it in a timely manner.

To determine what is true and what is false, pay attention to how people form their stories about the events that happened in their lives. As it turns out, there is a big difference between how we talk about events that actually happened and those that were made up.

Any story can be divided into a prologue, main part and epilogue. Today I will tell you about the experience of Avinoam Sapir, who dealt with the psychology of liars. He is a former Israeli police officer, and is an expert in this field, and he also developed the System Scientific Analysis Contents (SCAN). His system is designed to detect deception in written statements.

Sapir notes that real stories taken from real memories are usually not transferred to chronological order, but all three parts will definitely be in the story.

The more drama in the story, the less chronology in the structure of the story. Why? Because our emotions drive our memories. The more strongly we experience the event, the more likely we are to forget what surrounds us and will only talk about the object of our memory and the emotions that we experienced.

This does not mean that any story that does not start with the main part is a lie. But true stories often break the correct chronology. This is the very first and obvious fact.

The prologue is nothing more than a description of the events that took place before the main part. This part of the story, usually for the police, is the source of all the data. It rarely occupies even a third of the narrative of a true story, but in the case of a lie, the picture is completely different.

In a lie, however, the prologue can be quite detailed, one might even say overly detailed. Often the story of a liar has a lot of information about places and times. The liar outwardly feels absolutely comfortable at this moment. In this zone, he does not touch upon the problem and for him the narrative is not connected with any experiences. For him, this is a fairy tale that he composed for you and for himself. It is in the prologue that the liar will linger for the longest time.

main part

The main part is an event, a crime, and to be more precise, it is everything that happened and what is the basis for a narrative, statement or story. As you probably logically guessed, this part of the liar is the shortest. He tries to kill the memories in himself, he can ask you questions about what happened, but in the end he will not tell you anything worthwhile. He kind of subconsciously pushes that part away

If we are considering a crime, then in a truthful epilogue there will be descriptions of one's own suffering. Often, when we experience scary or amazing events, we are so wrapped up in what is happening to our emotions that we cannot keep up with what is happening around us. And only after we calm down can we focus, but we can describe the events in the epilogue with difficulty and in fragments. So these emotions are just a transition from the main events.

The liar has practically no epilogue, and it will be included in the main part, or rather, the liar will try to smoothly move from the prologue to the epilogue. He will not describe experiences, there will be only actions, places, faces. At the same time, everything will be described in great detail and in detail.

Liars will do their best to avoid a direct conversation about events, they will be calm and accurate in the situation before and after, and if you ask a question directly, then the liar is likely to take a break or avoid a direct answer.

True stories are often jumbled up and don't have any logic. And also most likely you will not receive any sensory information. Those. time, places, faces with exact and detailed description.

So be careful. If you have the skill, then people are easy to read ...

According to statistics, each person manages to lie at least 4 times a day, since the truth often contradicts generally accepted standards of decency, ethics and even morality. How to recognize a lie, if not a single modern detector is able to give a 100% guarantee that what a person said is not a deception? Let's determine the external signs of untruth, which will betray the interlocutor.

What is the untruth

Often deception is harmless when a person tells a lie out of politeness or out of a desire to please ("You look great!", "Very nice to meet you!"). Sometimes people have to withhold the whole truth or remain silent in response to uncomfortable questions out of unwillingness to escalate the situation, and this is also considered insincerity.

However, psychologists say that even seemingly harmless lies can seriously harm relationships, especially when it comes to understatement between family members: husband and wife, parents and children. Achieving mutual trust and maintaining strong family ties in such circumstances is difficult, so it is important to know how to recognize the lies of a man, woman or child.

The observations of specialists in the field of psychology have shown certain results that relate to deception in the family:

  1. despite their external openness to the interlocutor, extroverts are more prone to lies than introverts;
  2. children quickly learn to lie in authoritarian families, while doing it often and masterfully;
  3. parents who behave gently towards the child notice the lie immediately, because he rarely deceives and lies uncertainly;
  4. the female gender is prone to deceit when it comes to household items - they hide the price of purchased goods, do not talk about a broken cup or a burnt dish, etc.;
  5. men tend to be understated in matters of relationships, they hide their dissatisfaction with a partner, have mistresses and confidently lie about their fidelity.

How to learn to recognize a lie?

To prevent the development of complex family relationships built on deceit, infidelity and understatement, it is important to learn to understand sincerity. Often the ability to bring a deceiver to clean water is a natural talent of a person who intuitively knows how to recognize a lie by facial expressions, gestures or intonation of the interlocutor. In this he is helped by the life experience of communicating with liars, or by natural observation.

This is not to say that anyone can't spot cheating without the right experience or talent. Currently, psychology has established some verbal and non-verbal signs of information distortion, which are typical for most people. Thanks to a well-established methodology based on the understanding of such signals, each person will be able to develop the ability to recognize insincerity. Let's find out what can betray a liar.

Liar, liar, liar. We all sometimes hide the truth from others, embellishing or directly distorting the facts. Often we deceive ourselves, convincing and justifying own actions and deeds. What is a lie? What is this phenomenon? And who is prone to deception (self-deception) and how to distinguish truth from lies?

Lies and truth, truth and lies. Two edges. Everything is relative in this world, gentlemen. Understatement or outright distortion of facts - each liar pursues his own goals, guided by certain desires. Let's try to disassemble the system.

In general, a pathological liar, of course, is a person with an oral vector. That's really who is much to poison the tales of the most diverse sense, so it's him. The most interesting thing is that his lies are almost impossible to distinguish from the truth. Oralnik induces with his word, you believe him.

Particularly bright and case in point how an oral liar conducts his defense in court, accurately pronouncing the doubts of others and confusing them even more. How can this be caught? Pretty easy. Try to put his thoughts on paper, and if you see that the facts do not agree, draw conclusions.

People with the skin vector are also capable of lying if they see it as a benefit. After all, the benefits / benefits are the categories that such a person is guided by when making his decisions. You need to flatter someone and praise the virtues that are not there in order to get a contract - yes, easy! To come up with the most ridiculous excuse for being late for an important meeting, to compose a bike, to embellish, to speak an outright lie is not a problem if it brings the necessary benefit.

Such people look like cunning opportunists in the eyes of people with an anal vector. The latter are unable to lie at all in their nature. The psyche is direct and rigid. Already in childhood they fall into awkward situations. When a skin mom gets a call from work, and she says: “son, tell me that I’m not at home,” the anal child mutters into the phone with tears in his eyes: “Mom just told me that she’s not there.” Well, they do not know how to cheat, because the truth is the highest value for people with such a straightforward psyche.

As for people with a muscular vector, they have no desire to deceive at their roots. Here a lot depends on the environment - he does what he is taught. After all, the muscle vector just takes the form of people who are nearby. There will be a pathological liar in the environment and that's it - lies will become the norm.

Man with urethral vector with his unpredictability and out of the box thinking does not think in this direction at all. Bragging - yes, of course. But an outright lie? - only when he slides to the very bottom of society, when he becomes a drunkard, and tells everyone that he is a king.

A sound engineer in a sick state is also able to carry a lie in the form of an unhealthy idea, in which he fanatically believes. They are inductors capable of brainwashing so convincingly that a person is hung with explosives and goes to undermine cities with him. It is important to learn to distinguish the essence of a person in order not to fall under the bad influence.

Well, and the final vector - olfactory. A politician and intriguer who does not have such cultural concepts as truth and lies, good and evil. "There are only the interests of England" and nothing personal. Behind the scenes they rule the world and finance. Are they cheating? Of course. On a global scale, on a national scale. For what? Developed - for the flock to survive, undeveloped for their own benefit.

So what is a lie? We were taught from childhood that telling a lie is bad. Scolded for lies, for tricks. Telling the truth is an instilled norm from the category of "what is good and what is bad."

What about white lies? When does not speak up save a life, friendship, or marriage from falling apart? Or business from collapse? Is it bad? As we understand it, for certain people, yes. This is how they are arranged - even having committed a crime, driven by pangs of conscience, they confess to the police (anal vector). And honestly confess everything. Lies are intolerable to them, unbearable and alien. Therefore, when dealing with such people, you need to be extremely careful in what you say (because they also have an excellent memory).

You should be especially careful with children. Do not deceive them and go to various tricks to achieve your goal. Because exposure will be painful for everyone and will leave a bunch of unnecessary insults and "injuries" that will only exacerbate distrust over the years.

For other vectors lie is a relative concept. Non-contract, half-truth... Categories that do not cause such obvious contradictions. They live with it every day, finding a compromise. In general, any phenomenon can be described in terms of

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