Information about the historical characters of the work death of Yermak. Analysis of Ryleev's poem "Death of Yermak

P. A. Mukhanov (1)

The word Siberia now means the immeasurable Space from the Ural Range to the shores of the Eastern Ocean. Once the Siberian kingdom was called a small Tatar possession, whose capital, Isker, was located on the Irtysh River, which flows into the Ob. In the middle of the 16th century, this kingdom depended on Russia. In 1569, Tsar Kuchum was taken under the arm of Ivan the Terrible and pledged to pay tribute. Meanwhile, the Siberian Tatars and the Ostyaks and Vogulichi subject to them sometimes invaded the Permian regions. This forced the Russian government to pay attention to providing these Ukraine with fortified places and increasing the population in them. The merchants Stroganovs, wealthy at that time, received vast deserts on the borders of Perm into their possession: they were given the right to settle and process them. Calling the freemen, these active landowners turned to the Cossacks, who, not recognizing any supreme authority over themselves, robbed industrialists and merchant caravans on the Volga. In the summer of 1579, 540 of these brave men came to the banks of the Kama; they had five leaders, the main one was called Ermak Timofeev. The Stroganovs attached 300 people of various settlers to them, supplied them with gunpowder, lead and other supplies, and sent them beyond the Ural Mountains (in 1581). Over the next year, the Cossacks defeated the Tatars in many battles, took Isker, captured Kuchumov's nephew,
Prince Mametkul, and for about three years they dominated Siberia. Meanwhile, their number gradually decreased: many died from an oversight. The overthrown Kuchum fled to the Kyrgyz steppes and plotted ways to exterminate the Cossacks. One dark night (August 5, 1584), in heavy rain, he launched an unexpected attack: the Cossacks defended themselves courageously, but could not stand for long; they had to yield to the force and suddenness of the blow. Having no means of salvation, except for flight, Yermak rushed into the Irtysh, intending to swim across to the other side, and died in the waves. The chroniclers represent this Cossack hero as strong-bodied, dignified and broad-shouldered, he was of medium height, had a flat face, quick eyes, a black beard, dark and curly hair. A few years after this, Siberia was abandoned by the Russians; then the royal troops came and again took possession of it. During the 17th century, the continuous conquests of various daring leaders carried the limits of the Russian state to the shores of the Eastern Ocean.

The storm roared, the rain roared,
Lightning flew in the darkness
Thunder rumbled incessantly
And the winds raged in the wilds ...
To the glory of passion breathing,
In a country harsh and gloomy,
On the wild bank of the Irtysh
Yermak sat, engulfed in thought.

Companions of his labors,
10 Victories and loud-sounding glory,
Among the spread tents
They slept carelessly near the oak forest.
“Oh, sleep, sleep,” the hero thought,
Friends, under a roaring storm;
With the dawn, my voice will be heard,
Calling for fame or death

You need rest; sweet Dreams
And calm the brave in a storm;
In dreams he will remind glory
20 And the strength of the warriors will double.
Who did not spare his life
In robberies, mining gold,
He will think about her.
Dying for holy Rus'?

Wash away with your own and enemy's blood
All the crimes of a wild life
And deserved for the victory
Blessings of the motherland, -
We cannot be afraid of death;
30 We have done our work:
Siberia conquered the king
And we did not live idly in the world!”

But his fatal destiny
Already sat next to the hero
And looked with regret
At the victim with a curious look.
The storm roared, the rain roared,
Lightning flew in the darkness
Thunder rumbled incessantly
40 And the winds raged in the wilds.

The Irtysh boiled in steep banks,
Gray waves were rising
And scattered with a roar in arah,
Biya on the shore, Cossack boats.
With the leader, peace in the arms of sleep
The brave squad ate;
There is only one storm with Kuchum
I didn’t doze off at their death!

Fearing to fight with the hero,
50 Kuchum to the tents, like a despicable thief,
Sneaked through the secret path
Tatars surrounded by crowds.
Swords flashed in their hands -
And the valley bled
And fell formidable in battles,
Without drawing swords, squad ...

Yermak woke up from sleep
And, death in vain, tends to the waves,
Heart full of courage
60 But the boats are far from the shore!
Irtysh is more worried -
Yermak strains all his strength
And with his mighty hand
Shafts gray cuts ...

Floats ... the shuttle is already close -
But the strength of fate yielded,
And, boiling more terrible, the river
The hero was swallowed up with a bang.
Depriving the strength of the hero
70 Fight with a fierce wave,
Heavy Carapace - Gift of the King (2)
Became his death to blame.
< br />The storm roared... suddenly the moon
The boiling Irtysh became ribbed,
And the corpse, vomited by the wave,
In the copper armor lit up.
The clouds rolled in, the rain roared,
And the lightning still flashed
And the thunder still rumbled in the distance,
80 And the winds raged in the wilds.

RI, 1822, No. 14. January 17, without dedication, with note. publisher: “The work of a young poet, still little known, but who will soon become next to the old and glorious. IN<оейков>". Reprint. in S, 1822, Ќ 4 and in Sev. Flowers for 1825" (in the article by P. A. Pletnev). Presented in the VO on November 28, 1821, this thought, as worthy of “special respect”, was the basis for renaming Ryleev from collaborators to full members of the Society (see M., p. 195). The historical basis of the thought is the materials about the death of Yermak as presented by Karamzin (I, vol. 9, ch. 6). Duma was widely adopted and became a folk song.
1 Mukhanov Pavel Alexandrovich (1798-1871) - Decembrist, historian, friend
Ryleev, at whose request until January 1825 he participated in the preparation for the publication of "Dum".
A heavy shell - a gift from the tsar - the shell mentioned by Ryleev was presented by Ivan IV to Yermak after his victory over Kuchum on the banks of the Irtysh, at Cape Podchuvash (1582).

Literature test Death of Ermak (K.F. Ryleev) with answers for students in grade 8. The test consists of 2 options, in option 1 there are 7 tasks, in option 2 there are 8 tasks.

The storm roared, the rain roared;
Lightning flew in the darkness
And the thunder roared incessantly,
And the winds raged in the wilds ...
To the glory of passion breathing,
In a country harsh and gloomy
On the wild bank of the Irtysh
Yermak sat, engulfed in thought.

Companions of his labors,
Victories and loud-sounding glory,
Among the spread tents
They slept carelessly near the oak forest.
“Oh, sleep, sleep,” the hero thought,
Friends, under a roaring storm;
With the dawn, my voice will be heard,
Calling for glory or death!

You need rest; sweet Dreams
And calm the brave in a storm;
In dreams he will remind glory
And the strength of the warriors will double.
Who did not spare his life
In robberies, mining gold,
Will he think about her
Dying for holy Rus'?

Wash away with your own and enemy's blood
All the crimes of a wild life
And deserved for the victory
Blessings of the motherland, -
We cannot be afraid of death;
We have done our work:
Siberia conquered the king
And we did not live idly in the world!”

But his fatal destiny
Already sat next to the hero
And looked with regret
At the victim with a curious look.
The storm roared, the rain roared,
Lightning flew in the darkness;
And the thunder roared incessantly,
And the winds raged in the wilds.

The Irtysh boiled in steep banks,
Gray waves were rising
And crumbled with a roar to dust,
Biya o breg Cossack boats.
With the leader, peace in the arms of sleep
The brave squad ate;
There is only one storm with Kuchum
I didn’t doze off at their death!

Fearing to fight with the hero,
Kuchum to the tents, like a despicable thief,
Sneaked through the secret path
Tatars surrounded by crowds.
Swords flashed in their hands -
And the valley bled
And fell formidable in battles,
Without drawing swords, squad ...

Yermak woke up from sleep
And, death in vain, tends to the waves,
Heart full of courage
But the boats are far from the shore!
Irtysh is more worried -
Yermak strains all his strength
And with his mighty hand
Shafts gray cuts ...

Floats ... the shuttle is already close -
But the strength of fate yielded,
And, boiling more terrible, the river
The hero was swallowed up with a bang.
Depriving the strength of the hero
Fight the raging wave
Heavy shell - the gift of the king -
Became his death to blame.

The storm roared... suddenly the moon
The boiling Irtysh turned silver,
And the corpse, vomited by the wave,
In the copper armor lit up.
The clouds rolled in, the rain roared,
And the lightning still flashed
And the thunder still rumbled in the distance,
And the winds raged in the wilds.

1 option

1. Name the genre of the work.

2. What is the name of the repetition of the same consonant sounds in poetic speech in order to enhance its expressiveness: A storm roared, the rain rustled, lightning flew in the darkness, and thunder rumbled incessantly?

3. Write the name of the term denoting a hidden comparison: "Washing away all the crimes of a violent life with your own and the enemy's blood."

4. Indicate the name of the figurative and expressive means: "Kuchum to the tents, like a despicable thief, Sneaked along a secret path."

5. Name the hero of the works of oral folk art, to whom Yermak is likened.

6. What is the role of the description of nature in this work?

7. In what literary works do you know the hero dreams of exploits and glory?

Option 2

1. What events are depicted in the work?

2. What are the artistic definitions in the work called: “a harsh and gloomy country”, “wild coast”, “loud-sounding glory”?

3. Indicate the name of the artistic technique: the phrase "The storm roared ..." is used three times in the text.

4. What is the name of the means of allegorical expressiveness: "The storm did not sleep with Kuchum"?

5. Determine the size of the poem.

6. Who is to blame for the death of Yermak and his associates?

7. What brings this work closer to the works of oral folk art?

8. Can Ermak in the image of Ryleev be called a true hero? Justify your point of view.

Answers to the literature test Death of Yermak (K.F. Ryleev)
1 option
1. thought
2. alliteration
3. metaphor
4. comparison
5. hero
Option 2
1. 16
2. epithets
3. repeat
4. impersonation
5. iambic

Analysis of the poem "Death of Yermak". Analysis of the poem "Death of Yermak"

  1. The storm roared, the rain roared,
    Lightning flew in the darkness
    Thunder rumbled incessantly
    And the winds raged in the wilds ...
    To the glory of passion breathing,
    In a country harsh and gloomy,
    On the wild bank of the Irtysh
    Yermak sat, engulfed in thought.

    Companions of his labors,
    Victories and loud-sounding glory,
    Among the spread tents
    They slept carelessly near the oak forest.
    Oh, sleep, sleep, the hero thought,
    Friends, under a roaring storm;
    With the dawn, my voice will be heard,
    Calling for glory or death!

    You need rest; sweet Dreams
    And calm the brave in a storm;
    In dreams he will remind glory
    And the strength of the warriors will double.
    Who did not spare his life
    In robberies, mining gold,
    Will he think about her
    Dying for holy Rus'?

    Wash away with your own and enemy's blood
    All the crimes of a wild life
    And deserved for the victory
    Blessings of the motherland,
    We cannot be afraid of death;
    We have done our work:
    Siberia conquered the king
    And we did not live idly in the world!

    But his fatal destiny
    Already sat next to the hero
    And looked with regret
    At the victim with a curious look.
    The storm roared, the rain roared,
    Lightning flew in the darkness
    Thunder rumbled incessantly
    And the winds raged in the wilds.

    The Irtysh boiled in steep banks,
    Gray waves were rising
    And crumbled with a roar to dust,
    Biya on the shore, Cossack boats.
    With the leader, peace in the arms of sleep
    The brave squad ate;
    There is only one storm with Kuchum
    I didn’t doze off at their death!

    Fearing to fight with the hero,
    Kuchum to the tents, like a despicable thief,
    Sneaked through the secret path
    Tatars surrounded by crowds.
    Swords flashed in their hands
    And the valley bled
    And fell formidable in battles,
    Without drawing swords, squad ...

    Yermak woke up from sleep
    And, death in vain, tends to the waves,
    Heart full of courage
    But the boats are far from the shore!
    Irtysh is more worried
    Yermak strains all his strength
    And with his mighty hand
    Shafts gray cuts ...

    Floats ... the shuttle is close
    But the strength of fate yielded,
    And, boiling more terrible, the river
    The hero was swallowed up with a bang.

    Depriving the strength of the hero
    Fight the raging wave
    Heavy shell gift of the king
    Became his death to blame.

    The storm roared... suddenly the moon
    The boiling Irtysh turned silver,
    And the corpse, vomited by the wave,
    In the copper armor lit up.
    The clouds rolled in, the rain roared,
    And the lightning still flashed
    And the thunder still rumbled in the distance,
    And the winds raged in the wilds.

  2. Thought of KF Ryleev Yermak's death is based on real historical events. Cossack Ermak Timofeevich played an important role in the annexation of Siberia to Russia in the era of Ivan the Terrible. He defeated the army of Khan Kuchum, but Kuchum himself fled to the steppes. At night, he unexpectedly attacked Yermak's camp, the Cossacks fought courageously, but they had to give in to the force and surprise of the blow. They were forced to flee, but there was only one way to escape: by swimming across the Irtysh. According to legend, there was a thunderstorm and a storm, and Yermak died in the waves of a stormy river. K. F. Ryleev draws in his mind just such a situation, a terrible, stormy night: A storm roared, the rain roared, In the darkness lightning flew, Continuously thunder rumbled, And the winds raged in the wilds
    The author shows how Ermak sat on the wild bank of the Irtysh, engulfed in thought, while his soldiers slept. Ermak thinks about his life and his comrades, whether it was right. Many of his Cossacks are desperate people, in the past criminals who switched to the service of the tsar. But Yermak, and with him the author, does not condemn them, but, on the contrary, admires them. He believes that all the crimes of a violent life are washed away by the blood of enemies, and now these people do not spare their lives for a higher goal for Holy Rus'.
    Yermak does not yet know that a terrible death awaits the heroes ahead: Kuchum's attack. The brave and courageous Cossack Kuchum is opposed as a low and vile person, he attacks stealthily. Fearing to enter into battle with the hero, Kuchum to the tents, like a despicable thief, Sneaked along a secret path In a terrible battle, Yermak's squad fell, without drawing their swords. Ermak swims along the raging river, straining his strength, but his strength gave way to fate. The author believes that the reason for the death of Yermak was the heavy shell gift of the king. The hero died, exchanging his freedom for faithful service to the autocracy. For the Decembrist Ryleyev, the problem of personal freedom is especially important; serving the tsar and serving Russia are not the same thing for him. Admiring the heroism of Yermak, his service for the good of Russia, he does not agree that the hero accepted an expensive gift from the tsar and sees this as one of the reasons for his death.

The thoughts that were created on real life events are the most interesting for readers. From such creative works, we learn about real historical events that filled the old days. One of these thoughts is the great work "The Death of Yermak". Its creator is K.F. Ryleev. It was the main character, the Cossack Yermak Timofeevich, who played a very important role in the difficult process of unification of the Siberian Territory and Russia.

These historical actions took place during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Cossack Yermak was able to destroy the army of Khan Kuchum, although the Khan himself fled. And at night, the khan staged a sudden raid on the Cossack settlement, and the latter had to retreat.

Crossing the river, the Cossack Yermak died in a stormy and deadly river. It is the night of the retreat of the Cossacks that the author depicts with all the formidable elements of nature - lightning flashed, rain was constantly noisy, a storm hovered over the earth.

Many Cossacks in their former life were criminals, but now they are faithful to the service of the king. Ermak reflects on the fact that all these Cossacks have long washed away their faults with the blood of enemies. After all, now they stand to die and give their lives for holy Rus'.

At this time, he does not yet know that a difficult battle awaits them ahead. After all, at night, Khan Kuchum secretly attacks the camp of the Cossacks and they fall in battle without even fighting.

Such a vile and low character as Khan Kuchum is opposed to the strong and powerful Cossack Yermak. During the retreat, the glorious hero could not cross the river and overcome the violent wrath of the water element. He is drowning. And the fault is the heavy shell, which was a gift from the king.

The Cossack dies defending his native land and serving Russia. For her, not for the king. This is a very important detail that the author emphasizes in his thought.

Let's get straight to our topic and begin the analysis. Ryleev's "Death of Yermak" was largely determined by the life of the writer himself. Therefore, we will plunge a little into the events that preceded the writing, and briefly get acquainted with the biography of the author - Kondraty Ryleev. This is necessary, first of all, in order to better understand what thoughts the author had in those minutes and what prompted him to write this thought.

The poem “The Death of Yermak” by Ryleev is included in a kind of cycle of philosophical and patriotic poems, which also include: “Dimitri Donskoy”, “Bogdan Khmelnitsky”, “Volynsky”, “Prophetic Oleg”, “Derzhavin”, etc. As for the assessment of Ryleev’s work by Pushkin, he wrote that in his thoughts there is nothing Russian and national, except for names.

short biography

Kondraty Ryleev was a Russian poet and public figure who was born on September 18, 1795 in the village of Batovo, St. Petersburg province, into the family of a small estate nobleman. From 1801 to 1814 Kondraty studied at the first St. Petersburg Cadet Corps. He participated in the period from 1813 to 1814.

But, unfortunately, Ryleev's life was tragically cut short on July 13, 1826. He was only 30 years old, he was one of the leaders of the Decembrist uprising and was among the five officers executed on the scaffold.


And now we come close to his work, in 1820 he created his famous satirical ode "To the temporary worker." In 1821, he became a member of the Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature and was in the service of an assessor of the St. Petersburg Criminal Chamber, and in 1824 he headed the management department of the Russian-American Enterprise. From 1823 to 1825, together with Alexander Bestuzhev, Kondraty Ryleev worked on the release of the almanac "Polar Star" and was a member of the Masonic lodge "To the Flaming Star".

Ryleev, "Death of Yermak": an idea

In 1822, Ryleev also wrote a duma dedicated to Ataman Ermak, which was partially set to music, and it became a song.

The thought "Death of Yermak", the content of which will be presented later, is based on real historical events. The protagonist is a well-known historical figure - a Cossack ataman named Ermak Timofeevich, who played a major role in the annexation of Siberia to the Russian state in the second half of the 16th century under the reign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. Yermak with his army constantly fought with Khan Kuchum, who did not want to obey the Russian Tsar and pay tribute to Moscow. Kuchum wanted to rule himself and did not obey anyone, and then he completely made a coup and killed his Muslim counterparts, who agreed to accept Russian citizenship and pay bribes to the winners.

Khan Kuchum

The Duma "Death of Yermak" further describes how in the next battle between Kuchum and Yermak many people were killed. Kuchum fled to the steppes, and Yermak, with the remaining soldiers, who numbered only 50 people, passing the way along the Irtysh, stopped to spend the night at the mouth of the Vagai River. At night, Kuchum suddenly attacked the sleeping Cossacks and killed almost all of them. Only a few people survived. Ataman Yermak, burdened with two coats of mail, one of which was a gift from the tsar, and the weapons he carried, rushed into the river to get to the plows, but drowned in the Irtysh. However, according to Tatar legends, he was wounded in the throat by the spear of the hero Kutugai.

The body of Ermak was pulled onto land by a fisherman-Tatar, many murzas and even Kuchum himself came to see the body of the ataman from all over the area. For several days, the Tatars shot the body of a brave Russian warrior with a bow and feasted merrily, but then his remains were thrown, and, according to eyewitnesses, they lay in the air for a whole month and did not deteriorate. Then the Tatars, having removed all the equipment and clothes from him, dividing them among themselves, buried him in a place of honor in the village of Baishevo (Vagaisky district of the Tyumen region).

Analysis: "Death of Yermak", Ryleev

Ryleev, inspired by the exploits of Russian soldiers, decided to devote his thoughts to them. This is how the thought "Death of Yermak" appeared. The poet studied the ancient legends about Yermak well and knew that on the day of the death of the hero there was a strong thunderstorm with a storm, and Yermak died in the waves of a raging river. Ryleev begins the thought with a description of that terrible stormy night, when nature itself is ominously agitated, a storm roars, rain roars, lightning flies in the darkness of the night, thunder constantly rumbles, and the winds rage.

The thought “Death of Yermak” describes how a deeply thoughtful Yermak sits on the banks of the Irtysh, who, as if anticipating his imminent death, reflects on life, friends and whether they lived their lives correctly. After all, many Cossacks in the past were desperate criminals and thugs who switched to the service of the king. Yermak in no way condemns them, but on the contrary, he admires their courage and courage. He believes that they washed away all their "crimes of a violent life" with the blood of enemies and now they do not spare their lives for holy Rus' and the tsar.

The brave and courageous ataman Yermak is opposed in the Duma by the leader of the enemy camp, Khan Kuchum, a treacherous and vile man who, fearing to directly engage in battle with Yermak's squad, secretly crept up to them with his people and destroyed them all, the soldiers fell, "without drawing their swords."


Yermak rushes into the river, straining with all his might under the biting waves of the raging river, dressed in the "heavy armor-gift of the king", he drowns. Ryleev believes that it was the heavy equipment of the hero that caused his death. The river almost immediately swallowed up the brave warrior. The hero died, he exchanged his freedom and began to faithfully serve the autocracy. In any case, thought analysis speaks of this. "Death of Yermak" Ryleev again ends with a description of the raging winds and thunders.

For Ryleev, the problem of personal freedom is very important, serving Russia and serving the tsar are not the same thing for him. He admires Yermak's courageous heroism and his service for the good of Russia, but does not agree that he accepted an expensive gift from the tsar, which caused his death. On this we can finish the consideration of the well-known thought. The analysis told us a lot. Ryleev's "Death of Yermak" shows that the author had his own negative attitude towards autocracy, for which he paid with his own head.

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